Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives": Spring of Devastation
Billy:  You're intent on blaming yourself for Javier's death...
Crystal:  and you're intent on relishing in it. (~)
Jacquez:  Maybe I'm wrong to expect more from someone whose life I saved. (~)
Sandy:  Romain and Sherri are's our job to make them unmiserable. (~)
Robin: (Nurse prepares to flick the switch) Stop, I can't do this!
***Samantha: (straddling into the Nurse's Lounge, she finds Robin silent and motionless) Robin?
Robin: (she turns, startled by her presence) Samantha.
Samantha: (concerned expression) Is everything alright?
Robin:  Everything is fine.  Why?
Samantha:  (hastily) Because... Well, no offense, but you look as if you're at death's door.
Robin:  Thanks, that's quite encouraging.
Samanta:  It wasn't meant to be.  I'm concerned, you don't seem yourself.
Robin:  Perhaps you should save some of that concern for your own marriage.
(<- Monte Carlos ->)
Sandy: (whispering to usher as he points her inside) Thank you.
Darron: (causing her to turn sharply) Ms. Reynolds.
Sandy: (smiling gracefully) Mr. Wolek, what are you doing here?
Darron:  Well, I did help you set up my best friend and your sister.  Besides, I couldn't miss these fireworks.
Sandy:  You'll see, this is going to go off beautifully.
Darron: (smirks) You're right, we will see.
Sherri: (becoming anxious waiting at the table) Excuse me, what time is it?
Waiter:  A quarter past seven.  Can I get you anything, Ma'am?
Sherri:  No, no thank you.
Sandy: (entering the dining room with Darron as she notices Sherri alone) Where's...
Darron:  Looks like my buddy Romain is a no show. (Sandy turns to him with a discontent look and then back towards her sister with worry she might have been stood up)
(<- Garden Ridges Park ->)
Jacquez:  You didn't have to drag me out of the building, I had no intention on rehashing the past.
Kendall:  Then you shouldn't have brought it up and you definitely shouldn't have come to see me.
Jacquez:  I came to say hi to an old friend, is that a crime?
Kendall:  It is when it is unannounced and when I don't really want to see you.
Jacquez:  Why are you being so cold to me, Kendall?
Kendall:  Because my boss is already starting to ask questions and it doesn't help that you are here.
(<- Crystal's Fantasy ->)
Mindy: (coming from off the elevator) Okay, I have locked up upstairs and I really thank you both for the time off.  (her words are cut off by the tension in the room) Is everything alright?
Billy:  Fine and no need to thank us, you deserve a break.  So you enjoy it.
Mindy:  Alright, I'll do that.  See you both later.
Billy:  Much later.  (Mindy turns back and grins) Bye.
Mindy: (proceeding to exit) Bye.  Bye Crystal.
Crystal: (drained) Bye.
Billy:  We can't keep this up, you know?
Crystal:  Well, I don't think talking about Javier's suicide is going to change much.  I'm in mourning and you're commemorating.
*Theme Song*
Billy:  I am not commemorating Javier's death.
Crystal:  You just admitted the other day you were glad he was dead.
Billy: (speaking directly) Yes, I did.  I admitted I wouldn't shed any tears over the man's death.  That doesn't mean I'm celebrating, and honestly, who could blame me if I were?
Crystal:  The fact that you just said that without as much as a second thought to my feelings... can't you see how troubling that is for me?  How much that scares me?
Bella:  How about how scared my son was? (Crystal turns to a disgusted Bella)
Billy:  Mother?
Bella:  No. (approaching Crystal) Your ex- husband tried to kill my son, so how dare you... how dare you try to make him feel guilty for being glad that bastard's dead.
(<- Garden Ridges Park ->)
Jacquez:  Well, you can't blame the man for having questions, the trial did leave a lot to the imagination.
Kendall: (responding in awe) You were at the courthouse?
Jacquez: No, I read about it in the city's rag.
Kendall: (scoffs) Past Revelations Chronicle, there just everywhere.
Jacquez:  For once you're not exaggerating.
Kendall:  What do you mean?
Jacquez:  Just the other day, he had a swarm of reporters blocking the entrance of the agency.  Apparently, they got wind that...
Kendall: (interceding) Let me guess, that you were working there and that you use to work in Europe.
Jacquez:  (trying to explain, but is cut off again) That's not...
Kendall:  This is what I was afraid of.  Your being in Hallandale is opening a chapter I want closed and that is why you have to go.
(<- Monte Carlos ->)
Sandy:  This is nothing to joke about, my sister's heart is on the line here.
Darron:  Relax, Romain just arrived. (Sandy turns back and notices him taking a seat) Good thing to, it would have been pretty difficult for him to explain why he didn't show up for a date she thinks he arranged.
Romain:  I hope I didn't keep you waiting long.
Sherri:  That's alright, I know how busy the hospital can get.  Although, I guess you could have called me and told me you might be late, it would have been appropriate considering...
Waiter:  Are you both ready to place your order? (Sherri turns to the waiter interruption and then back to Romain for some kind of cue)
Sherri:  Yes, I will have the grilled chicken and fries, with a side order of baked potato with sour cream.
Waiter:  and would you like something to drink with that?
Sherri:  A club soda will be fine.
Waiter:  and you, Mr. Chandler?
Romain:  I'll take what the lady is having. (He diverts his attention back to Sherri, whom reciprocates)
Sandy:  Things seem to be going quite nicely over there.
Darron:  That's probably because they have yet to figure out that they have been set up.
Sandy:  Well, by the end of tonight, that won't matter because Sherri and Romain will be back together.
***Darron:  I wouldn't get so confident if I were you.
Sandy:  You're so sure that this is going to blow up in my face.
Darron: (causing Sandy to become uneasy) You're playing with people's lives here, that is as explosive as you can get.
Romain:  I didn't think that we would be doing this again, considering everything that has happened.
Sherri:  You're right, a lot has happened.  Lately, I have been thinking about the way things use to be...(pausing as she tries to compose herself) before trust issues got in the way.
Romain:  Well, tonight is about starting anew just like you said.
(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)
Samantha: (scoffs in disgust) Obviously I've come at a bad time. (she proceeds towards the exit)
Robin:  Samantha, wait.  I'm sorry.
Samantha: (turning back) I just want to know what you meant by that disturbing comment.
Robin:  Nothing, I've just been under a lot of stress lately.
Samantha:  Obviously, I'll leave you alone to deal with it.
Robin: (stopping Samantha from departing yet again) Samantha, I could use a friend to talk to.
Samantha:  So I was right to be concern, there is something wrong?
Robin:  You could say that... I'm pregnant.
Samantha: (tossing her hair back in joy) My god, that's terrific. (taking notice of Robin's mystic expression) Isn't it?
(<- Garden Ridges Park ->)
Jacquez:  It's about time you stopped talking, now I can tell you that you are getting way ahead of yourself.  No one is asking questions about what happened in Europe, least of all to me.
Kendall:  Okay, so they haven't made the connection between you and I as of yet, but give the press time.  You're an up and coming model, so you're going to be the focal point of the media and they will start trying to find out everything there is to know about you.  Then they will uncover what happened in Europe and then, the questions will start to arise.
Jacquez:  Your basing your claims on pure speculation, there is no guarantee that any of that will happen.
Kendall:  This is Hallandale, even the unlikely is possible.
Jacquez:  Even so, I owe the press no answers about what happened in Europe, despite the fact that we did nothing wrong and have nothing to hide.
Kendall:  A man was killed and I made a promise to him.
Jacquez:  Yeah, I remember that.  You threw away your career because of him and out of continued obligation, you're ready to throw away your life.
***Kendall:  I am not throwing my life away.  I just refuse to see a man's name dragged through the mud.  He's dead, so why can't we let him and the past stay that way?
Jacquez:  Fine, no one will know what happened in Europe or to Pheonix Descartes, not from me.
Kendall:  You say that as if the truth is going to come out no matter what I do.
Jacquez:  You were just done telling me how even the unlikely is possible, so how can you be so sure you're going to be able to keep this one underwraps?
(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)
Robin:  You're right, it is terrific news.
Samantha:  But not for you.
Robin:  No, not as thrilling as it will be for Jay.
Samantha:  So then Jay doesn't know yet?
Robin:  He knows what I so desperately wanted to believe, that there is no baby.  I keep thinking how it's wrong for me not to want something blessed to me from the heavens.
Samantha:  It's perfectly normal, tons of women are frighten when facing being pregnant for the first time.
Robin:  Is it normal to want the baby dead? (Samantha uncertain of how to interpret the question, Robin makes her question clear, turning Samantha's uncertainty to astonishment) I was so frighten by the prospect of having a child that I tried to have an abortion.
(<- Monte Carlos ->)
Romain: (watching her eat) Are you enjoying your meal?
Sherri:  It's great.
Romain:  I can see that, you've pretty much sucked all the juice out of that bone.
Sherri:  What can I say?  I wanted my money's worth. (they both laugh) You know, I'm glad we agreed to do this tonight.  I mean, I was completely surprise to receive your letter after our last encounter.
Romain:  (baffled) Letter?
Sherri:  You know, your letter inviting me to dinner so we could start over?
Romain:  Wait a minute. (trying to come to grip with the situation with a slight grin) I didn't invite you to dinner and I certainly didn't write any letter.
(<- Crystal's Fantasy ->)
Crystal: (scoffs, turning away) Oh please, spare me your histrionics.
Bella:  You're ripping into my son for being glad the man that tried to kill him can't hurt him anymore.
Crystal: (turning back to face her) Sugercoat it any way you like, it still equals the fact that you're dancing on a man's grave.
Bella:  Would you prefer we were dancing on Billy's grave?
Crystal:  Excuse me?
Bella:  You seem to be blinding yourself to the fact that your ex- husband is an attempted murderer, would you be happier if he had succeeded?  Would you prefer to have two bodies in the ground instead of one?  Maybe then you'll see that Javier's death isn't something to be mourned.
***Crystal:  Just because I am not as happy as you and Billy that Javier's dead doesn't mean that I condone what he's done because I don't.  I lashed out at him that night for what he did and he jumped.
Bella:  That is not your fault.
Crystal:  But it doesn't change much, does it?  Javier is dead, you're both thrilled and on top of all that, the feds are looking into it as a possible murder.
Sherri:  What do you mean, you didn't write any letter?
Romain:  What I said, I didn't write a letter to you nor did I ask for you to come to dinner with me tonight.  You know that you're the one that asked me and wrote the letter.
Sherri:  (her eyes expand quite seriously) I didn't write you a letter and I didn't invite you to dinner.  So the million dollar question is if you didn't set this up and I didn't set it up, then who did?
Darron:  Our dinner companions look a little intense and not the way you were hoping for.
Sandy:  I noticed that.
Darron:  I wonder if it is perhaps because you've just been figured out.
Robin:  I will take your awkward silence as a no.
Samantha:  I'm beginning to think that this is something that you and your husband should be discussing, he's the one you should be telling this to, not me.  (preparing to leave)
Robin:  But I'm telling you, and I want to know what you think.
Samantha:  It's not important what I think, it's important what your husband is going to think and I don't see this one going over smoothly.
Robin:  Because of what I did?  Because I tried to kill our baby... (Samantha looks at her unable to speak) You don't think he's going to be able to forgive me for this, do you?
Rochelle:  The only way for me to have any peace of mind is to know the truth. (~)
Robin:  I've been lying to you. (~)
Dana:  I don't give a damn about freedom of speech, what he is doing is irreprehensible.
Click here for Episode 260