Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives": Spring of Devastation
Devon:  You've been honest, I'm really starting to wonder.
Widlin:  You have no proof to your claims...
Devon:  I know you were enjoying a drink here and one invitation from me scared you into fleeing.  Now from where I'm standing, that doesn't seem very innocent. (~)
Earl:  I kept information you were too young and obviously emotionally unbalanced to understand... you want someone to look no further than our parents.
Matthew: (astonished) My god, you are going to put the blame on our parents for the lies you told-- get out. (~)
Brian:  You felt more compel in kissing some stranger than meeting with me...
Romeo:  You're even more out of the loop than you think. (~)
Delilah:  We should start looking local.
***Romain: (voicing at the ceiling, then stepping away from the monitor) Oh, I give up.
Delilah:  Romain, that's not a very positive attitude, lives are depending on you.
Romain:  I've been through nearly 200 hundred archives, there is nothing here.
Samantha: (captivated by her monitor) Maybe you didn't find anything, but I think I've struck gold.
(<- Hallandale Country Club ->)
Beau:  Okay, who are you?
Brock:  I'm someone who knows Ms. Gray all to well, so I thought I should give you a friendly little warning.
Beau:  Well, you thought wrong.  I don't take stock in idle gossip.
Brock:  Ask around, it ain't gossip.  In fact, you should consider yourself lucky, her last victim didn't get any warnings.  (looking toward Leigha) Isn't that right, Leigh?
(<- Preston Powers Mansion ->)
Jennifer: (rings the doorbell as she flips through her purse for her keys while Dylan approaches the door to answer) Sorry, I lost my-- Dylan.
Dylan: (grinning) Pleasure to see you as well.
Jennifer:  I'm just surprise, you're usually gone by now.
Dylan:  Is that why you have made it a habit to make sure you're out of the house by this time?
Jennifer:  The best way I could think of keeping the peace.
Dylan:  We could always settle things face to face.
Jennifer:  I think it's a little late for that, don't you?
Dylan:  So then you know?
Jennifer:  That you've been working with my ex- boyfriend, yes I do.
(<- El Club de Moniasis ->)
Devon:  Come on, why don't we sit down?
Widlin: (jerking her hand away) Why should we?  It's obvious that you don't trust me.
Devon:  and you're saying I have no reason to.
Widlin:  I'm not saying anything, but I am wondering what you're gearing up to hit me with next.  The last time you tried to play all cool with me, you tried to offer me some bracelet identical to that of your dead brother's.
Devon:  I just want us to sit down and sort things out, but if you're afraid that getting to chummy with me will make you vulnerable to disclosing things you're not ready to reveal, then by all means, leave.
Widlin:  You're trying to trick me, aren't you?
Devon:  I am giving you a choice.
Widlin:  Yeah and if I should decide to leave, it further fuels into your suspicions that I'm keeping something about your brother's death.
Devon:  Oh, there not suspicions, I have proof. (he darts off, leaving a very agitated Widlin)
*Theme Song*
Earl: (walking around as he touches his forehead) Aw, my head.  (a knock on the door intercedes) Who could that be?  (he manages to walk over to the door and gives a slight smile upon opening the door) Evelin, hi.
Evelin: (as he gestures her inside) Hey, I saw you head in a couple minutes ago and thought I'd see how you were doing.
Earl:  Well, except for some insomnia and a headache, I'm fine.
Evelin:  So things are still strained between you and Matthew?
Earl:  You could say that.  Me and my brother are barely on speaking terms.
Evelin:  and you haven't considered telling him the truth about Mt. Ridge Creek.
Earl:  That would only aggravate the situation.  He has finally put that behind him and I, for one, am not going to go dredging it up again.  (Evelin sighs heavily as he walks into the dining area)
(<- El Club de Moniasis ->)
Widlin: (hesitantly walking over, crosses her legs as she takes a seat, not turning her whole body to face him) What is this so-called proof?
Devon:  I knew it wouldn't be long before you joined me.  (She gives him an ominous look, jerking her head back a moment) The proof is once again in your actions.
Widlin:  I knew this was a waste of my time.
Devon:  Yet you came over here and sat down anyway, because you thought I had some kind of proof that would show that you are not as clueless about the details of my brother's death as you would like me to believe.  Now you ask yourself is he wrong not to trust me?
Frankie: (approaching Darron as he steps from the table) Sir, would you like me to clear your table?
Darron: (standing up, his eyes catch sight of Widlin with another man, which affects him) No, I think I will stick around.
***Dylan:  How long have you known?
Jennifer:  Not for long.
Dylan:  and you haven't reemed me out for it?
Jennifer: (surprising Dylan) Why should I?  Will it really make any difference?  Will it change the fact that Romeo Sullivan is back in my life?
Dylan:  I tried to warn you.
Jennifer:  So you say, but whose to know what your real intentions were that night.  I sure didn't because you have given me reason after reason to distrust you.
(<- Hallandale Country Club ->)
Leigha:  I'm well aware of how I hurt your brother, but we have moved past that, so why don't you?
Brock:  Maybe because I see you in a whole different light than my brother does, I see the havoc that you have caused.
Leigha:  The only havoc I've caused was to your marriage by exposing your dirty little secrets and that is the real problem.
Brock:  The problem is your moral ethics, you're leading my brother on once again while you're frolicking in the arms of another man in your spare time.  (Leigha gasps with her mouth open, signifying her outrage)
(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)
Delilah:  What's going on?
Samantha:  Take a look at this: "Terror comes to Springfield, Massachusetts as residents of the city become alarmingly sick after a devastating chemical spill over 6-8 months ago.  What seem like mild cases of the flu soon suggested something more sinister was at work as patients bodies begin to shut down with no warning.  Nearly three months ago, after an estimated five hundred people were killed, sources discovered that the chemical 'blackadder36' had been processed into the soil of many fresh crops.  Blackadder36, a rare mystical chemical used during African voodoo practices in its highest potency immobolizes all forces of life."
Romain: (as Samantha turns to her audience) So you think this blackadder thing is our pathogen?
Samantha:  You don't?
Romain:  I agree that the situation does ring true with what we're dealing with here, but we're not in Springfield.
Samantha:  You're forgetting that some of our patients had traveled to Springfield before becoming sick, it is possible one of them could have brought it back here with them.
(<- Springfield Lakes Resort ->)
Earl: (he says walking to the end of the room) I have made up my mind, Evelin.
Evelin:  So you're willing to sacrifice your brother to keep this secret about Mt. Ridge Creek.
Earl:  You think things are going to get better once he knows the truth, you're wrong, there going to get worse, much worse.
***Evelin:  I think your brother is strong enough to handle the truth.  He's not a little boy anymore, in case, you haven't noticed.
Earl:  I have noticed, but I am much older than he is and I still can't bring myself to mutter what our father did.
Evelin:  Perhaps if you weren't so busy trying to keep it a secret over the years and confided in your brother about what happened, then--
Earl: (interceding) Then what?  I would have had a chance to grieve properly.  Closure is not what I need-- (raising his voice quite a bit) What I need is for you to drop this.  (invoking a headache as he grips his head) God.
Evelin:  Are you all right?
Earl: (giving her a serious look before walking off) I will be once I get some aspirins and this thing is dropped.
(<- Preston Powers Mansion ->)
Dylan:  So here it comes, the blame.
Jennifer:  I'm not here to pass blame on you.  Would it have been nice to trust that you were sincere about telling me everything-- yes, but that's not the way things turned out and now I have more pertinent matters to deal with.
Dylan:  Would one of those matters be the weirdness between you and Brian?
Jennifer: (jerking her head back slightly) So you've noticed that?
Dylan:  Kind of hard not to.  You two have been pretty distant at dinner lately, even the way you approached one another when asked "to pass the spread" was quite intense.
Jennifer:  Well, thanks to Romeo, Brian has been pretty upset with me, too upset to let me explain what happened at the club.
(<- El Club de Moniasis ->)
Darron:  I guess she didn't waste much time searching for someone else.
Frankie: (handing him a glass of champagne) One Renet Lite.
Darron:  I didn't order anything.
Frankie:  Compliments from Table #7.  (Darron looks over to his right, where Juliet splashes a smile, holding up her glass)
Darron:  Hmm-- I guess I can't let fine champagne go to waste.  (he holds his glass up to hers across the room and then takes a sip)
Widlin:  I don't find your remarks funny.
Devon: (his expression becomes serious) That's funny, I'm not laughing.
Widlin:  What do you want from me?
Devon:  I want you to tell me about your relationship with my brother, just how friendly were you two?
***Widlin:  Why don't we skip the small talk?  I have already told you about my relationship with Ralph; he was a very nice guy, we were good friends and he dated someone I thought was my friend, but it all ended on bad terms and that's the story.  So what is it that you really want to know?
Devon:  Well, you can start by telling me how it ended on bad terms?
Widlin:  Ralph and my supposed best friend, Akeira, broke up.
Devon: (responding to her abrupt end) Well, there's got to be more, like why did Akeira and my brother break up?
Juliet: (she intercedes on Darron's spying section) Well, I thought my free drink would at least motivate you to come over and say thanks.
Darron: (he turns, noticing her sexy long legs sliding against her very low-cut dress) Well, if it is gratitude that you're looking for, I did appreciate the drink or I would have sent it back.
Juliet: (sexy low tone) Well, why don't you thank me by asking me to join you? (Darron grins, quite turned on)
(<- Hallandale Country Club ->)
Beau:  (stepping in front of Leigh) I think you need to back off, right now.
Brock:  (mimicking his words with his action) Oh, another savior of the defenseless Leigha.  You just wait buddy, you'll see.  (Brock then walks off peacefully as Leigha watches gracefully)
Beau:  Are you alright?
Leigha:  I'm fine, I have gotten pretty use to Brock and his tantrums.
Beau:  Well, you shouldn't have to and the next time he gives you a problem, you tell me and I'll handle him personally.
Jay: (as Brock walks over towards him) My guess is things didn't go over so well.
Brock:  Leigha once again came off smelling like a rose.  Let's get out of here, I've had about all I can stomach of that woman and this place.  (He peers back over at Leigha and walks off with a grunt)
(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)
Romain:  So what do you make of all this?
Delilah:  I don't know, but I do find it strange that this is the first time we're hearing of this chemical, blackadder36.
Romain:  That's probably because someone is trying to keep it secret.
Samantha:  (waltzing into the lab) I've got it, Springfield is the source of this epidemic.
(<- Springfield Lakes Resort ->)
Evelin:  What's taking him so long? (her worries causes her to proceed into the kitchen, where she gasps, shocked to see Earl lying unconscious on the ground, she quickly gets down on her knees and checks for a pulse) Oh god, he's not breathing!

Brian:  You're confiding in Dylan now? (~)
Evelin:  (irratic as she picks up the phone) Yes, I need an ambulance friend's barely breathing. (~)
Devon:  He found out you were both using him for his money, that's what happened. (~)
Rochelle:  Mother!
Click here for Episode 265