Previously on “The Mysteries of Our Lives”: Spring of Devastation
Brian: (inquiring from Garrett) Why are you and Dylan so insistent that my relationship with Jennifer is more than what it is?
Jennifer: ...I don't understand why you are upset about my kissing Romeo?
Brian:  You haven't figured it out yet! (~)
Rochelle:  I am here for answers and you're going to start giving them to me...
Rachel:  What are you talking about?
Rochelle:  I'm talking about Leonard Stone, my brother. (~)
Brock:  I'm someone who knows Ms. Gray all to well, so I thought I should give you a friendly little warning.
Beau:  Well, you thought wrong.  I don't take stock in idle gossip.
Brock:  Ask around, it ain't gossip... (looking toward Leigha) Isn't that right, Leigh? (~)
Samantha: (stating clearly to Royce) Don't take this the wrong way, but she went on trial for a man's murder and you knew who the real killer was.
***Royce:  That's just great, my own sister is against me.
Samantha:  I'm just pointing out the facts, Royce.  You knew that Kavina killed Leonard Stone and you let Rochelle go on trial for his murder.
Royce: (trying unsuccessfully to cut in) I do realize--
Samantha:  How is she suppose to react?
Royce:  I understand why she is upset and she has every right to be, but we are in business together.  I cannot allow her personal differences to get in the way of that.
Samantha:  I'm not sure I'm following.
Royce:  If Rochelle attitude doesn't change soon, I'm not sure I can afford to keep her around.
Jacquez: (holding his hands up) I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you.
Kendall:  Yeah, you're just making disturbing allegations.
Jacquez: (deeper look crosses his face) and what's so disturbing, the fact that you so desperately want to believe that he is the man you thought he was or that these allegations are sick enough to be true?
(<- Coral Springs, Nevada ->)
Rachel: (carrying out a pitcher) Would you like some coffee?
Rochelle: (crossing her legs together on the couch) No, thank you.  I'm really not a coffee drinker.
Rachel:  Oh! (moments pause) Well, I'm really glad you decided to stay.
Rochelle:  Well, you told me you wanted to make reparations, it would be Un-Christian of me to deny you the chance.
Rachel:  I think we both know there was more to your decision than that.
Rochelle:  (several moments pause) You're right, we are a long way from reparations.  There are things I need to understand and the first step toward reparation is confession.
(<- El Club de Moniasis ->)
Brian walks through the door of the club and takes a seat at the bar, recalling part of his conversation with Jennifer from yesterday.
Brian: "...Kissing, yes I do recall."
Jennifer:  "Is it me or do you seem a little upset about that?"
Brian: "You bet I am."
Jennifer:  "I don’t understand why you are upset about my kissing Romeo?"
Brian:  "You haven’t figured it out yet. It’s because--"
Romeo:  "Jennifer--" (Brian then shrugs away the thought)
Brian:  Because of what?  What would I have said if Romeo had not interrupted? (Frankie interrupts his contemplation)
Frankie:  You look like you could use a drink.
Brian: (his eyes jerk up from the thought) Yeah, make it a bourbon. (Frankie then pulls out a bottle of bourbon and places it on the counter)
Garrettlyn:  Drowning your sorrows is not going to change things.
Brian: (turning halfway from the bar to her face) Garrett, what are you doing here?
Garrettlyn:  I had a feeling you may be in need of some guidance.
(<- Estate of Preston Powers Mansion ->)
Romeo:  (Jennifer closes the door behind her, then turns down the walk way as she groans upon seeing him) Hello Jennifer.  Glorious afternoon, isn't it?
Jennifer:  (flatly) It was!
Romeo: (he tries to grab her arm as she passes him by) Wait!
Jennifer: (turning back) What is it that you want now, Romeo?
Romeo:  To prove to you that I'm here to stay.  No matter how many sleepless nights I have to spend on your doorstep in the process.
*Theme Song*
Jennifer:  You know, it is so easy to fall for those words, just let them carry you away, but then I wake up and remember, there coming from you.
Romeo:  I can see that I hurt you badly.
Jennifer:  Oh, you can see it now.  (she stands back agitated)
Romeo:  Yeah, I can.
Jennifer:  Then why can't you see that I want nothing to do with you.  (she puts special emphasis on the words) I do not love you and I do not want you here.  How many times do I have to say it, in how many ways?
Romeo:  You can say it until you're blue in the face, but I know the truth.
(<- El Club de Moniasis ->)
Brian:  What guidance is it that you think I need?
Garrettlyn:  I'm not sure, but from the looks of things, it's obvious I got here in time.
Brian:  I've had a rough day and I'm--
Garrettlyn:  Just looking for something to take the edge off, dull the senses?
Brian:  Excuse me?
Garrettlyn:  I heard about what went down in front of the club with you, Jennifer and some guy.  I mean, seeing her kissing another man had to open up a couple of pretty tightly closed doors.  (Brian is thrown by the statement)
(<- Cypress Gardens Plaza ->)
Kendall:  I have no disillusions about Pheonix Descartes, but I don't think he was a bad man.  Now he's dead, can we just move on?
Jacquez:  Can you do that?  Can you let Pheonix stay dead and buried?
Kendall:  I've managed to so far.
Jacquez:  Yeah, but lately he seems to be on your mind all the time.
Kendall:  Well, perhaps if people stop bringing him up, he wouldn't be on my mind all the time.
Samantha:  You're not actually considering letting Rochelle go from the company?
Royce:  I may not have a choice.  Morale is very low over at HatcherKeller since the fiasco with Kavina.  The last thing our clients need to deal with is tension between me and Rochelle.
Samantha:  Well, have you shared this with Rochelle?
Royce:  and when would I have the chance to do that?  When she is ducking me in the halls?
Samantha:  I don't know when, but I think you should make a valiant effort to get through to her before making such a decision.
Royce:  So you think I'm acting too hastily?
Samantha:  I think you may not be giving Rochelle enough time to sort through all of this.
Royce:  Or maybe I've given her too much time? (Samantha tilts her head in confusion at the inquiry)
***Brock: (watching Ralph deep in his reading, he gently taps on the office door as Ralph raises his head) Hey, I was hoping you might have some time.
Ralph:  Sure!  (pushing his book to the side) What brings you here?
Brock:  Actually, it's more of a who!
Ralph:  A-- (he pauses and realizes where his brother's visit is leading) No, if this is about--
Brock: (intercedes) It is about her.  This is about Leigha and you need to know what's she been up to.
(<- Cypress Gardens Plaza ->)
Samantha:  If you're saying what I think you're saying-- you cannot rush acceptance.
Royce:  It shouldn't matter.  When Rochelle and I are at work, we are professionals, personal feelings aside.  Now, I've allowed my friendship with her to let me go sensitive on those rules, but not anymore.  When Rochelle gets back, things are going to change.
Samantha:  I have a very bad feeling about this course of action.
Royce:  I thought Dana was the resident psychic.
Samantha: (firm voice) I'm serious Royce, this could backfire.
Royce: (turns his head slightly for a second and then turns it back to her) What's life without risks?
Samantha: (deep sigh) A simple one!  Come on, do you really think that throwing your weight around will be a good thing because I don't.
Royce:  That's your opinion, but the decision is mine!
(<- Coral Springs, Nevada ->)
Rachel:  What kind of confession are you referring to?
Rochelle: (nervous body posture) Nothing too sordid, I want to know what went wrong between you and my father.
Rachel:  I don't know if anything necessarily went wrong, we just grew apart.
Rochelle:  Well, it had to be more than that if you started having an affair.  I mean, were you not satisfied with him as a lover?
Rachel:  I think this conversation is becoming a bit personal.
Rochelle:  Well, I'm your daughter, things are personal between us.  I think I have the right to know why things turned out the way they did.
Rachel:  and I wish I could give you those answers, but I don't have them.
Rochelle:  (conviction in her tone) How can you not?  Surely you must know what attracted you to Leo Stone.  What did he have that my father did not?
Rachel:  Youth, energy, a daring personality-- Leo made me feel things your father never could.
Rochelle:  Of course, my father was just too boring with all his morals and principles.
Rachel:  That's not it, I loved your father.  Why do you think I tried to make it work between us?
Rochelle:  Guilt?  Marital Obligation?  I don't know!  I highly doubt it was love, or you two would still be together?
Rachel:  Maybe we loved each other enough to let the other one go.
Rochelle:  and you took him up on it, didn't you?  Not a second thought or second look back, you rode off into the sunset with your lover without a care in the world.  How does one come to terms with that, how does one forgive?
***Rachel:  Are you saying you can't forgive me?
Rochelle:  I can hardly forget what you did most of the time.  What do you think?
Rachel:  Then why are you here if you know your mind is made up?
Rochelle:  Because I don't want to carry around a bitter feeling every time I think of you, mother.  I want things to heal and for that to happen, I have to be willing to put in the effort as well.
(<- Pryce International ->)
Ralph:  Brock, would you please let go this animosity you have towards Leigha?
Brock:  and would you please stop trying to defend her and listen to what I have to say?
Ralph:  (sighs turning to the left and then turns back to his brother) What is this about?
Brock:  I thought you should know that I found her hitting on Anton's cousin the other day.  Believe me, the workout gear was just a ruse and who knows how many more men she has been fondling with behind your back.
Ralph: (adamant expression and tone) Brock, Leigha is free to do whatever she wants with whoever she wants, she and I are just friends.
Brock:  That's what she wants you to think.  You need to open your eyes before Leigha Gray ruins your life yet again.
Ralph:  I think I'm old enough to know the depth of my relationship with the people I'm involved with.
Brock:  Yes, you are old enough, but you're also too trusting and Leigha Gray is a viper who will use that against you.
Ralph:  I really think you need to get some help for whatever is going on with you because this bashing has to stop.
(<- El Club de Moniasis ->)
Brian:  What tightly closed doors are you talking about?
Garrettlyn: (taking a seat next to him at the bar) The door to your heart, to the truth.
Brian:  Truth, the truth about what?
Garrettlyn:  The truth about what you're feeling.  You saw Jennifer--
Brian:  (he turns his head away) Oh no, not this again.
Garrettlyn:  You saw Jennifer kissing another man while you stood here in this very club waiting cluelessly for her to arrive.  You had to be upset about that.
Brian:  You're damn right I was upset.
Garrettlyn:  Yeah, but not only because she kept you waiting, but because she was kissing him.  Your heart couldn't take that blow, the painful indistinct break that was piercing it every moment there afterwards, (becoming antsy) causing you to wonder about all the previous unexplained departures and where she had been.  If she had been with him a previous night in a more intimate setting?
Brian:  Why are you making all these allegations?  What is it that you are after?
Garrettlyn:  I want you to be honest with yourself.  Stop hiding from the truth because you're too afraid or too stupid--
Brian:  (his voice a bit rough) All right, you were right, I have feelings for Jennifer.  Are you happy now?
(<- Estate of Preston Powers Mansion ->)
Jennifer:  You wouldn't know the truth if it came up from behind and slapped you across the face.
Romeo:  You actually tried that once, but it only proved to me that you wanted me even more.  (approaching her closely, Jennifer backs away nearly falling over) You see Jennifer, what your lips say and your body says are two entirely different things.  The truth is that you wish you didn't want me, you know you shouldn't, but you really can't help yourself.
Jennifer:  You really are full of yourself.
Romeo:  No, I'm confidant in our attraction.  (he extends his hand out to move a strand of hair from her face) Come on, give me one night, just you and me and I will prove what real passion is.
***Samantha: (standing with Royce) I have to head back to the hospital, but I want you to think about what I said, don't rush into making this decision.
Royce:  I'll think about it.
Samantha:  (she smiles and then hugs her brother, her expression changes a bit as she rest her head on his shoulder for a second, she then pulls away with a brighter smile) All right, I will see you later.
Royce:  Bye!  (he watches as she walks off and then signals at the waiter for the check)
Jacquez:  There you are, I thought you might have left without telling me.
Kendall:  No, there was actually a long line-- (gasp, she quickly takes a seat)
Jacquez: (taken off guard by the sudden reflex) What-- What is it?  What's wrong?
Kendall:  Royce Keller is here.
Jacquez:  What?  Who's Royce Keller?
Kendall:  My boss.  (catching sight of Royce taking off) Good, he's leaving.
Jacquez:  Good, maybe now you can tell me what the story is between you two.
(<- Pryce International ->)
Brock:  You're the one that's going to need help little bro. if you keep taking what comes out of Leigha's mouth at face value.
Ralph:  I appreciate your concern, but I think you have lost all objectivity when it comes to Leigh.  Frankly, it's almost as if you are obsessed with her but then that would be laughable since you can't stand her.
Brock:  I don't have to be objective to see that Leigha is trouble.  Trouble that you, my wife and I have suffered enough of.
Ralph:  I realize that Leigha caused a huge problem for your marriage with Samantha, but she shouldn't be punished for it forever.  She has made strides to get past it and I don't see Samantha obsessing over the past, so why are you?
Brock:  Because the past is a reminder, it shows what could and will happen again if you continue to stand idly by with your eyes shut.
Ralph:  I thought we were about second chances, not judging people based on their past.  That's the chance I'm giving Leigh and she hasn't made me sorry yet.  So why don't you stop wasting time looking for problems where there isn't any?  Leave Leigh alone!
(<- El Club de Moniasis ->)
Brian: (absorbing the words too himself) I have feelings for Jennifer.  My god, I'm in love with Jennifer.  (he then looks onto Garrett)
Garrettlyn: (smiling slightly at him for a second before speaking) Congratulations!
(<- Estate of Preston Powers Mansion ->)
Jennifer:  Let me get this straight.  You want me to forget everything that you've done and join you in one night of mindless sex.  Forget it.
Romeo:  You were actually considering it.  (Jennifer jaw drops at the remark)  Otherwise, you wouldn't have took so long to answer.
Jennifer:  (her jaw remains drop for another second) I was stunned by the suggestion.
Romeo:  That's not it, (walking behind her and then coming up to the back of her neck) you're hot and bothered.
Jennifer:  (she jerks her head away from his warm breath on her neck) No I am not.
Romeo:  Then turn around and look at me.
Jennifer:  (she turns hesitantly, blinking her eye once)  What?
Romeo doesn't say anything, Jennifer turns away from his piercing eyes. Romeo extends his hand out to touch her cheek and then turns her face back towards him, looking her in the eyes and then leans forward to kiss her, their lips teasing one another, but when Jennifer lips doesn't pull away, he moves in for the score and passion prevails.
Sandy:  I know it's asking a lot, but if you really love my sister, then you fight for her. (~)
Shanna:  Why are you asking me all these questions, Derek?
Derek:  Because I'm afraid there is something very wrong with your husband. (~)
Matthew:  I guess it took your getting sick to bring us back together.
Click here for Episode 269