Previously on “The Mysteries of Our Lives”: Spring of Devastation
Evelin: ...You're willing to sacrifice your brother to keep this secret about Mt. Ridge Creek. 
Earl:  You think things are going to get better once he knows the truth, you're wrong, there going to get worse, much worse... 
Matthew:  I can't listen to my brother try to rationalize lying to me and being over protective...all I want is the truth about my father's death, but he doesn't want to give me those answers. (~) 
Derek:  Ben sent me...He wanted me to check in on you occasionally to make sure you were okay. 
Shanna:  Wait a minute, he told you about his travel plans... 
Derek:  He told me he was going away for a while. (~) 
Romain:  I know that I love you and I want us to be together... 
Sherri:  You think heartfelt pleas, a nice dinner and three little words are going to change things?  It doesn't because when it's all over, I can't trust you and I cannot be with someone I don't trust. 
***The elevator rings as Romain steps off and approaches the nurse's station. 
Romain: (placing his files on the desk) Hey Delilah. 
Delilah: (flashes a smile) Romain, hi.  How are you doing? 
Romain:  As well as expected, I guess.  (insightful tone) I was paged earlier about a visitor. 
Delilah: (pointing to Sandy sitting in the waiting area behind them) Oh yes, she's sitting over there. 
Romain: (takes a deep breath upon seeing her and then heads on over) Sandy, to what do I owe this visit? 
Sandy:  There are some things we need to discuss. 
Romain:  If this is about your sister and-- 
Sandy:  (interceding) Yes, this is about Sherri-- 
Romain:  Then you've wasted a visit because I am done with your sister.  In fact, if there is a God, I will never hear her name again. 
(<- Cypress Gardens Plaza ->) 
Sherri: (she thanks the women for her drink, only to turn around and spill it all over an unsuspecting participant) Oh my god, I'm so sorry.  (grabbing a couple napkins from a nearby table) Let me dry that out for you. 
Darron: (holding his head down as he pulls his shirt out) Really, it's fine.  Accidents-- Sherri. 
Sherri: (jerking her head up) Darron, of all the people in the world to run into. 
Darron:  Well, your attitude is quite refreshing. 
Sherri:  I apologize, it's been a stressful month and you're connected to a part of my life that I want to forget. 
Darron:  So your mood is because of Romain? (Sherri lets out an exasperated sigh) 
(<- Shanna's Art Studio ->) 
Andrew:  So when are you going to show me this masterpiece you have been working on for the past three weeks? 
Shanna: (bouncing with joy) When it's finished.  Until then, you're gonna have to wait.  (Andrew's piercing eyes remain on her for a silent second) What? 
Andrew:  I've just never seen anything so beautiful, I think your painting has sparked a light inside you that not even you knew you had. 
Derek: (Shanna gives a nervous grin as Derek taps silently on the door to the studio) I hope I'm not interrupting anything. 
Shanna:  (flatly) No Derek, I've been looking forward to your visit all day. 
Derek:  Your sarcasm is duly noted, but we need to talk-- (glancing at Andrew) alone! 
Andrew:  I'm gonna check and see if your painting supplies have arrive yet. (exits in the opposite direction from which Derek came in) 
Shanna:  That was completely uncalled for. 
Derek:  Forgive me, but I thought what I had to say about your husband was more important, or do you even remember him? 
(<- Leysdale Hospital ->) 
Matthew: (looks through the window of his brother's room) God, I didn't realize it was going to be this hard, seeing my brother again and knowing he could die. 
Dana:  Would you like me to go in with you? 
Matthew: (turning to Dana) Thanks, but I really think this is something I have to do myself. 
Dana:  I understand.  I am here if you need me. 
Matthew: (grabbing hold of her hand for a second and then lets go, walking to his brother's room door and going inside.  He looks around the room as he slowly approaches the foot of his brother's bed) I spent the last couple of weeks avoiding you and now here we are. (looking strangely on at his brother) I guess it took your getting sick to bring us back together. 
*Theme Song*
Shanna:  Of course I remember my husband. 
Derek:  Well, you seem to be getting along quite swiftly without him. 
Shanna: (agitated) and if you recall, he didn't share his travel plans with me, now did he?  I haven't heard one word from my husband since he took off to Louisiana to investigate your strange little wife.  So forgive me if I am not waiting at home by the phone. 
Derek: (subtle grin, sarcastic tone) It's nice to see your husband rates so high on your priority list, but why am I not surprise?  Have you even considered that there is a reason he hasn't called?  Have you tried once getting in touch with him or are you just too busy painting canvasses? 
Shanna: (aghast by the remark) Now you wait just a minute, the last I heard, my husband was relaying all his messages to you.  So why don't you tell me what's really going on?  Why are you asking me all these questions, Derek? (Derek looks on condescendingly) 
(<- Cypress Gardens Plaza ->) 
Sherri:  Romain and I are over.  He is no longer a factor in anything I say or do. 
Darron:  Then what's this part of your life that you are trying so hard to forget? 
Sherri:  That is irrelevant. 
Darron:  Really? Because I think its Romain. 
Sherri:  and what would make you jump to that conclusion? 
Darron:  You, yourself just said that I attribute to a part of your past you would like to forget.  Since we really only know each other through Romain, it was a logical consensus.  I also take notice that you say you would like to forget him, meaning that Romain is still a constant factor in your life, whether you want to admit it or not, or if you just refuse to see and if either is the case, you're not only hurting Romain, but yourself. 
(<- Leysdale Hospital ->) 
Sandy:  You don't mean that!  You wish you could forget my sister, if only life could be so easy, but I know that you can't. 
Romain: (strained) What do you want, Sandy?  Obviously you're not going to leave until you say whatever it is you have to say. 
Sandy:  I'm here to encourage you to fight for my sister. 
Romain: (stunned, he immediately responds) What?  You want me to put my heart on the line again?  Why?  So it can be stumped on again?  Have I not embarrassed myself enough, you want an encore?  Have you talked to your sister lately or is this another attempt at going behind her back trying to play matchmaker?  Well, you know what, leave me out of it because I am done with your sister. 
Sandy:  Don't let my sister's words deter you.  She's scared and wounded by the hurt she has dealt with in the past. 
Romain:  I'm sick of hearing how hurt she was by your affair with her husband.  (Sandy is affected slightly by the remark, but then tunes into Romain's words) She is not the only one who's been duped in love, but thousands of people go back out in the world and take another risk.  I'm not going to allow her to use something that happened in the past as an excuse for her actions.  Now she has told me in several ways that she does not want me!  I don't need to hear it anymore, I'm done fighting. 
***Delilah: (catching sight of an anxious Samantha as she nearly passes the desk) Samantha, are you all right? 
Samantha: (she turns back at the sound of her name and moves a couple steps back) I just got back from the lab.  The test results on Earl Pryce are in. 
Delilah:  Blackadder36? 
Samantha:  You know, I prepared myself for this outcome, but I guess somewhere along the line I hope that-- 
Delilah: (cutting in) It wouldn't be the cause because then it would no longer be just faces to this thing, but someone we know.  It's understandable what you're feeling. 
Samantha:  Yeah, but the worst part is now I have to tell his loved ones there may be nothing we can do to save him. 
Matthew: (sitting at the foot of his brother's hospital bed as the monitor remains steady)  You know, sitting here now, I think about the things we said to one another in the past few months.  They haven't been very brotherly, have they? (he makes a faint laughter at the remark, then taking notice of his brother's gloomy face) Thinking back on it, I realize that I instigated a lot of the friction between us.  Looking for more reason to hate you, I guess.  I mean, that's how this whole string of events occured.  I was upset that you wouldn't give me the truth and so I looked for the quickest way to hurt you-- (grins again) taking away our connection seem pretty good then.  I wanted you to feel my pain, my disapproval and so I told you we weren't brothers anymore, that you were dead to me.  So here we are and I'm hoping my words don't become a grim reality. 
Sandy:  I don't believe what I'm hearing.  Love is not about giving up when you don't hear what you want to hear or things don't go your way. 
Romain:  Are we still talking about me and Sherri or you and Mitchell? 
Sandy:  My relationship with Mitchell has nothing to do with this. 
Romain:  Oh, but I think it does and if you step back long enough and re-examine your actions since he left town, you will find just that.  For some reason, you think by fixing whatever is wrong between me and Sherri, it will help you, but it won't.  What's wrong between me and Sherri cannot be repaired, it is over.  I've accepted that and she sure as hell has accepted it, so now I'm asking you to accept it. 
Sandy: (blocking his path as he tries to walk away) and I'm asking you and I know it's asking a lot, but if you really love my sister, then you will fight for her.  Don't run away because things seem irreparable, you fight and you make your own miracles.  (Sandy then takes off as Romain turns in the opposite direction, grinning at his contemplation of what was just said) 
(<- Cypress Gardens Plaza ->) 
Sherri:  Romain and I are very clear on the fact that we are over and I'm coping just fine, enjoying a glorious afternoon of shopping.  As for Romain, if he is still hurting, I'm sure he will heal soon.  After all, he's a man and they eventually find some way to cope. 
Darron:  You say that so callously. 
Sherri:  I'm just stating a fact. 
Darron:  Well, let me give you a fact. (cryptic grin) You broke my best friend's heart, not his favorite toy.  It's going to take a lot more than some time for it to heal. 
Sherri:  I don't like your tone. 
Darron:  and I don't like what you're doing, so it looks like we're at a stalemate. 
(<- Shanna's Art Studio ->) 
Shanna:  Come on Derek, you've been shouting at the mouth since you got here, don't get all silent now.  Why are you asking all these questions about my husband? 
Derek: (quick and abrupt) Because I'm afraid something bad has happen to him. 
Shanna:  What do you mean, something bad? 
Derek:  Your husband has been in constant contact with me up until about two weeks ago. 
Shanna:  and you're just now getting suspicious? 
Derek:  No, when I didn't hear from your husband after the first week, I started asking around.  I checked the airports to Hallandale and from Coral Springs.  I even went to Coral Springs and showed his picture around at several of the local hangouts, but no one recognized him, it's almost as if he'd never been there. 
Shanna:  Are you sure Ben was in Coral Springs? 
Derek:  Yes, that's where I last heard from him, I remember him telling me he was on the verge of a breakthrough. 
Shanna:  and would this breakthrough have something to do with Shalia? 
Derek:  I'm not sure what you're getting at? 
Shanna:  My husband left town to investigate your wife.  He later calls saying he's on the verge of finding something and suddenly disappears, seems a little coincidental if you ask me. 
Derek:  Are you accusing my wife of having something to do with Ben's disappearance? 
Shanna:  I think you already know my answer.  (She treks off to the side as Andrew listens peculiarly, hidden in the foreground) 
***Derek:  My wife had nothing to do with Ben's disappearance and we can't be too sure if there even is a disappearance. 
Shanna: (walking back towards him with her hands crossed) Do you hear yourself, you've become so accustomed to this woman as your wife that you're ignoring all the signs, including the weird circumstances under which you married. 
Derek:  I don't see how this has any bearing on Ben's disappearance. 
Shanna:  Your wife's the reason my husband left town in the first place.  He wanted to get the goods on her and they must be pretty damaging, you do recall me telling you about her desperate plea for me to stop my husband.  Obviously when she realized I wasn't going to help her, she decided to put a stop to Ben herself. 
Andrew: (listening behind the wall) I think you missed your calling as an investigator, Shanna. 
Derek:  For that to be true, Shalia had to know Ben was in Coral Springs and as far as she was concern, he was in Louisiana.  I did not share any information to the contrary, nor did it ever come up. 
Shanna:  Well, don't be fooled because when someone wants something badly enough and she really wanted to stop my husband, they'll find a way to get it. 
(<- Cypress Gardens Plaza ->) 
Sherri:  I am not an object that you own, I don't care whether or not you approve of my actions. 
Darron:  This is not about my approval or disapproval. 
Sherri:  (immediately intercepting) Then what is this about? 
Darron:  This is about emotions and what happens when they are misconstrued.  This about what happens when emotions are driven by fear or what happens when you close your eyes to something you don't want to be true.  This is about you needing to take some time to re-examine your soul. 
(<- Leysdale Hospital ->) 
Evelin:  Dana, hi.  I didn't realize you were still here. 
Dana:  Oh, I'm actually waiting on Matthew, he went in to see his brother. 
Evelin: (sitting down) Oh! 
Dana:  Yeah!  Here's to hoping this is a sign of more good things to come. 
Evelin: (jumping up as she hears the sound of Samantha clearing her throat) Samantha, what's going on? 
Samantha:  Is Matthew here? 
Evelin:  He's in visiting his brother, is this about Earl's condition? 
Samantha:  Yes, the test results indicate that Earl has contracted the Blackadder36 virus. 
Evelin:  You mean the epidemic that's been killing people left and right, are you telling us that Earl's going to die? 
Samantha: (looking for a diligent way to approach the inquiry) There is no known surviving rate of those infected with the virus, so unless we find the anecdote for it soon, then it is very possible that Earl could die. 
Evelin: (placing her hands over her mouth in shock) No, no! 
Dana: (mouthing oh my god as she turns to the window, watching Matthew sitting with his brother) Oh dear god! 
***Samantha: (noticing Evelin feeling light-headed and dizzy) Are you all right, Evelin? 
Evelin: (unable to speak, her breathing getting heavier) I-- I can't believe-- I-- Oh my god! (She darts off) 
Dana: (walking up to Samantha) Are you sure, Samantha? 
Samantha:  Honey, I wish I wasn't. 
Dana:  Matthew is going to be devastated when he hears this, how am I suppose to tell him that his brother-- that his brother could die? (turning back to the window, directing her attention to Matthew) 
Samantha:  It's really my responsibility as a nurse to inform Matthew-- 
Dana: (turning back to Samantha) No, I think it would be better if Matthew heard the news from me. 
Delilah: (watching as Romain signs the paper) So what was going on between you and Sherri's sister? 
Romain:  Sandy was just giving me some unnecessary advice, advice that I don't plan on using. (he smiles and then heads toward the elevator, Delilah remains curious about the remark) 
(<- Cypress Gardens Plaza ->) 
Sherri:  Re-examine my soul, you don't even know me, Mr. Wolek. 
Darron:  But obviously what I said went deep if you're reverting back to formalities. 
Sherri:  I think you should be less concern about your friend's personal life and more about your own.  Good-bye, Mr. Wolek! 
Darron:  Same here, Ms. Reynolds.  (Sherri turns back for a second with a suspicious glint in her eye, then proceeds to exit as Darron returns her suspicious gaze) 
(<- Lincoln Manners Resort ->) 
Shanna: (jerking her head to the side with her hands crossed) I think you need to open your eyes to what your wife really is.  There are no more coincidences. 
Derek:  Look, it's understandable that you're worried and looking for the easiest person to blame. 
Shanna:  Oh, this isn't about finding comfort in faulting someone else. (her voice raises) My husband is missing and you have no idea where he is and I keep seeing your desperate wife's face. 
Derek: (taking a step back) You're beginning to sound like your husband. 
Shanna:  I'm beginning to think my husband was right all along and if so, you better get your hands on your wife before I do. (Shanna storms off, leaving an exasperated Derek who soon follows) 
Andrew: (coming from behind the wall) Things are about to open fire, Shalia.  (he punches her number into his cell and awaits an answer) 

Widlin:  Devon knows the truth about what I did to his brother and it won't be long before he turns me in. (~) 
Jennifer:  What happened last night cannot happen again. (a confused Brian approaches, overhearing her words) (~) 
Vanessa: (staring strangely as she burns Danielle's photo) Ashes, Danielle! (~) 
Alfonso: (shocking Mindy with the remark) I'm leaving Hallandale.
Click here for Episode 270