Previously on “The Mysteries of Our Lives”: Spring of Devastation
Shalia:  What?  What motive could I possibly have for making Ben disappear?
Derek: (hesitating with the words) Well, Ben was investigating you.  That’s the reason why he was in Coral Springs.
Shalia: (looking in disbelief) Do you think I had something to do with Ben’s disappearance? (~)
Darron:  I’m dating again, looking for a little fun, but love is out for me.  As far as I’m concern, it’s overrated.
Brian:  So you’re saying that it’s not worth the risk?
Darron: (realizing the depth of Brian’s question) It depends on whom you’re risking it all for. (~)
Danielle:  For the last time, I am not after Lucien.  So put these delusions to rest…
Vanessa:  …Bull, you’re not fooling me with this do-eyed act.  You’d better watch your step.
***Lucien: (taking bite out of his lasagna, feeling uneasy by the silence) Hey, did something happen while I was gone?
Vanessa: (shares a tense look with Danielle, then quickly answers) Nothing major, just Danielle and me getting better acquainted with one another.  Finding out each other’s likes and dislikes.  (Vanessa gives Danielle a fake smile in which she reciprocates)
Lucien:  Well, I'm glad my two favorite people are getting along so well.
Vanessa:  Don't be silly Lucien.  You know that any friend of yours is a friend of mine and we have become somewhat friends, haven't we Danielle?
Danielle: (hint of detest in her expression) I'm not sure how to describe our relationship.
Vanessa: (biting her tongue as she turns to Lucien, faking a smile at both of them) Well-- anyone care for a biscuit?
(<- El Club de Moniasis ->)
Romeo: (strolling up to the bar, not fixating on the bartender) Bourbon, nice and chilled.
Garrettlyn:  Ah, you again.
Romeo: (taking time to notice his bartender, causing a smile to embrace his face) Ms. Michaels.
Garrettlyn:  and once again at a disadvantage, you know my name, but I don't know yours?
Romeo:  Romeo Sullivan.
Garrettlyn:  Well, Romeo, I've heard so much about you.
Darron:  Her ex is a problem?
Brian:  Every time I turn around, there together.  What purpose could it bring for me to tell her I love her if she's in love with someone else?
Darron:  Operative word being if.  You don't know what she feels.
Brian:  But I know what I see.
Darron:  and so you're letting fear dictate the rest of your future?
(<- Crystal's Fantasy & Associates ->)
Billy: (following after Agent Blaine, who lets himself in) Agent Blaine, you care to explain the meaning of this visit.  What is this about?
Agent Blaine:  The death of Javier Sanchez.
Billy: (groans in detest) Look, whatever pointless questions you have about his death, surely they could have waited until morning.
Agent Blaine:  We have all the answers we need, Mr. Clyde.  Besides, I didn't feel the need to put this off for another day, but I do think Ms. Perez should be here for this as well.
Billy:  Be here for what?
Agent Blaine:  For my official ruling in Mr. Sanchez' death!
(<- Outside of El Club de Moniasis ->)
Shalia:  Why aren't you saying anything?
Derek:  Because I don't know what to believe.  No matter how much I want to believe that you are not behind this, it's pretty hard considering everything I've heard.
Shalia:  Everything you've heard from Shanna, who's worried about her husband.
Derek:  and says that you wanted him stopped.
Shalia:  It sounds to me like you believe her.
Derek:  I just think it would be good for everyone's piece of mind if you can verify your whereabouts for the last two weeks.
Shalia:  I cannot believe this, you think I had something to do with Ben's disappearance.
Derek:  I've already told you what I think.
Shalia:  Yeah, just not in so many words.  After everything we have shared, you don't trust me, your own wife.
Derek:  A choice I was reminded I did not make under my own volition.
Shalia:  Now you're questioning our marriage?
Derek:  I don't see why you're making such a big deal out of this.  If you didn't do anything to Ben, then you'll give us the proof we need.
***************************************************THEME SONG******************************************************
Shalia:  Proof?  You want proof of my loyalty? (walking off in distress, Derek turns to her back)
Derek:  I want you to prove to me and everyone else that you are the women I think you are.
Shalia: (walking back over to Derek) Obviously you don't think much of me if you're accusing me-- of what?  What is it that you think I've done to Ben?
Derek:  I have defended you to everyone one.  I don't believe you did anything to Ben, but when the cops hear what Shanna has already told me, including the history between you and Ben-- Well, it would be best for everyone that you have a full account of every second of the day.
Shalia:  The cops are involved?
Derek:  I'm pretty sure Shanna has phoned them by now and the quicker we eliminate you as a possible suspect, the sooner we can find out what really happen to Ben.
Brian:  I'm not letting fear dictate my future, but I know what I know.
Darron:  and so you're throwing in the towel?  You say you love this woman and that she is worth the risk.
Brian:  She is.
Darron:  Then isn't she worth fighting for?
Brian:  She has feelings for someone else.  Hell, she may even love the guy.
Darron:  So what if that's true?  Love is not easy, there are going to be obstacles, but the power of love is what helps you to overcome them.
Brian: (scoffs) I would have never taken you for a romantic.
Darron:  After hearing the garbage a couple times, you would start to preach it too.  But seriously, if you love Jennifer, then there are no obstacles greater than yourself.
Brian:  What does that mean?
Darron:  That the only one who can come between you and Jennifer is you.
Romeo:  Enlighten me, what is that you have learned about me, Ms. Michaels?
Garrettlyn:  Why must we be informal Romeo, you know my first name.
Romeo:  Garrett, what have you learned?
Garrettlyn:  (dropping his bottle of bourbon on the bar) That playing on the air of mystery is quite fun, enjoy your bourbon.
(<- Crystal's Fantasy & Associates ->)
Billy:  Okay, Crystal is here, so why don't we get this over with.
Agent Blaine:  You're a very impatient man Mr. Clyde.
Crystal:  I think Billy is just anxious, as well as I, to close this chapter in our lives.
Billy:  Which I thought we were finally doing until you showed up here, bringing it all back to life again.
Agent Blaine:  Well, my ruling should close it officially.  My office has decided there is not enough sufficient evidence to rule out Javier's death as a suicide.  Therefore, the case has been officially closed.
Billy:  Well, that's just great, I'm glad that you guys are comfortable with knowing that Javier's death was at his own will.  So if there is nothing else--
Agent Blaine:  I guess I should apologize for any inconvenience I caused you both.
Billy:  Oh, don't feel obligated to.
Agent Blaine:  Well, I am sorry.  I'll see my way out.
***Lucien:  You were a maid for the Pierre's, that's interesting.  Did you uncover any deep, dark secrets?
Danielle: (grins) No.  Thery are pretty ordinary people considering the fact that their rich and there not as big of a threat as everyone thinks.
Vanessa:  You reflect upon them so positively, why did you quit?
Danielle:  My sister was going through a very trying time, I thought I would be more help to her than Pierre's.
Vanessa:  Naturally.  (Danielle looks on with an air of suspicion)
Lucien:  Well, Danielle is a naturally kind-hearted person.  (Lucien turns to Danielle, causing Vanessa to turn green with envy)
Vanessa:  So she is.  I think we're very lucky to have someone like her in our lives.  (She smiles to Lucien and then to Danielle)
(<- El Club de Moniasis ->)
Brian:  My god, you're right.  Right now, I'm the one keeping Jennifer and I apart because I'm obsessing about things that haven't happen yet.
Darron:  Yeah, well, taking that first plunge is always the hardest.  Especially when its for someone you care so strongly about.
Brian:  You ought to know, you've taken a couple. (Darron laughs along with him)
Darron:  Well, there aren't going to be anymore.
Brian:  We'll see.  I think your date would disagree and I think I better give her back her seat before she tires of waiting for you.  (stepping up from the seat) Thanks, I'll see you around.
Darron: (holds his hand out as he steps up from the table, Brian shakes it) You'd better, I want a progress report.  (Brian grins and then walks off, Juliet walks over)
Juliet:  Well, nurturing father also?
Derek: (Shalia folds her hand, keeping her back turned to him) You do see that this is the only way?
Shalia:  All I see is what you're telling me, that I'm the prime suspect.
Derek:  I just said the cops are going to have some questions, starting with your visit to Shanna to try to put a stop to Ben and then there's the fact that Ben was investigating you.  They may try to twist this into some kind of motive.
Shalia:  The only reason I went to see Shanna is to convince her to put a stop to her husband's ridiculous accusations and get him off my back.  That's all there was to my visit.
Derek:  I know.
Shalia:  Do you?  Because sometimes I get the feeling you're not entirely convinced.
***Derek:  If I wasn't sure, I wouldn't be here demanding that you clear this mess up so we can focus on the real culprit.
Shalia:  So you believe whole heartedly that I am not behind Ben's disappearance?
Derek:  Yes, so now can we drop this and call it a night?
Shalia: (distracts him with a kiss) Absolutely.
Derek:  Okay, I'm going to bring my car around.
Shalia:  All right. (Derek walks off, she then takes out her cell.  After dialing the number, she waits a couple seconds before Andrew answers) Hey, I can't talk long, but everything went smoothly.  There may be one small problem, but I'll tell you about it later.  (drafty pause) Look, calm down-- (Derek approaches) I gotta go!  (hangs up her cell and sticks it back in her pocket)
Derek:  Ready to roll?
Shalia:  I'm already there.
(<- Hunks & Beauty Fashions International ->)
Lucien: (taking notice of his watch) God, look at the time and we have an early morning tomorrow.
Vanessa:  The Spring Show is still four weeks away.
Danielle:  Well, a lot of the plans have to be redefined now that Jacquez has dropped out of the show.
Vanessa:  I'm still shocked by that decision.
Lucien:  Yeah, it threw me for a loop as well.  But if we keep chatting, we're never going to get out of here.  So I'm going to go dispose of our mess.
Danielle:  No, I'll take care of it.
Lucien:  Nonsense, you and Vanessa can stay here and continue to get to know one another.  (Lucien clears the table and heads for the kitchen)
Danielle:  Oh joy!
Vanessa:  This doesn't have to be painful Danielle, just as long as we remember where each other stands.
Danielle:  Oh, I know where you stand and frankly, I'm dismayed at your behavior tonight.  Don't expect me to go along with your little act again.
Vanessa:  Honestly, I do hope we can become friends, we just need to get our priorities straight.  (Danielle eyebrows narrow in suspicion of the remark)
(<- Crystal's Fantasy & Associates ->)
Crystal:  Hey, where have you been?
Billy: (holding up a bottle of champagne as he walks behind the bar) Trying to find our best case of this.
Crystal:  From your mood earlier, I wouldn't have thought you'd be in the mood to celebrate.  You were a bit hostile towards Agent Blaine.
Billy:  Well, I wasn't sure how to react, if I was too thrilled, they may misconstrued as a guilty man excited to be getting way with murder, so I played it hostile.  However, Agent Blaine is officially out of our lives and the subject of Javier Sanchez is hopefully permanently close, and I, for one, want to toast to that.  (stopping upon realizing what he said)  I'll understand if you--
Crystal:  No, but instead of toasting to the door closing on Javier Sanchez, how about toasting to a fresher start?
Billy:  (places two glasses on the bar, pouring wine into both of them and then handing one to Crystal) I can't think of a better thing to toast to.
(<- El Club de Moniasis ->)
Darron:  Brian is not my son.  Well, he's not anymore-- it's a strange story, I'll tell you about it later.
Juliet:  Okay, I'll take your word for it.  Were you able to help your friend?
Darron:  I think what I said went to heart.  Hopefully he will have better luck than most of my friends have had.
Romeo: (finding Garrett sitting at the table alone) There she is.
Garrettlyn: (Romeo stops from approaching as she calls out Brian's name, who stops halfway, almost passing her. Romeo stays nearby out of sight) Brian!  You're in higher spirits.
Brian:  I just got a more optimistic look at the future.
***Garrettlyn:  What has brought on this sudden optimism?
Brian:  An old friend helped me realize that the worst thing I can do is run away from my feelings and he's right.  I'm not going to, I'm going to let the chips fall where they may.
Garrettlyn:  Does this mean--
Brian:  Yeah, I'm not going to wait another second longer than I have to.  Tomorrow, I'm going to tell Jennifer how I feel, that I'm head over heels in love with her.  (Brian smiles and Garrett looks on in joy, as Romeo becomes distressed by the declaration)
Romeo:  No, that would ruin everything.  (pausing a moment) I cannot let that happen.
(<- Hunks & Beauty Fashions International ->)
Lucien: (heading towards the door, Vanessa a few inches ahead) Hey Danielle, you coming?
Danielle:  No, you guys go on ahead, I'm going to finish locking up.
Lucien:  You sure?
Danielle:  Yes, I'll be fine.
Lucien:  All right, Good night.
Danielle:  Night.
Vanessa:  Night Danielle!
Danielle:  Bye!  (she then walks into the back area with a look of discontent, straightening up a couple things on the desk and then hitting the light and heading back into the main area, where she trips over the garbage can)  Great, now I have to clean this up.  (She prepares to regain her footing, but her eyes catch the remaining of her burning photo) What the-- (she says staring at the photo in confusion, recalling Vanessa's words)
Vanessa:  "You'd better watch your step."  (Danielle face freezes with the chilling words)

Enrique:  I know what today is. (~)
Dana:  When are you going to tell them?
Woman:  Tell us what? (~)
Derek:  (sitting up in bed half-dressed) Who are you talking to?

Click here for Episode 273