Previously on “The Mysteries of Our Lives”: Spring of Devastation
Shalia: The only reason I went to see Shanna is to convince her to put a stop to her husband's ridiculous accusations and get him off my back...
Derek: I know.
Shalia: Do you? Because sometimes I get the feeling you're not entirely convinced. (~)
Dana: Matthew is going to be devastated when he hears this, how am I suppose to tell him that his brother-- that his brother could die?
Samantha: It's really my responsibility as a nurse to inform Matthew--
Dana: (turning back to Samantha) No, I think it would be better if Matthew heard the news from me.
***Michelle dressed casually in black, holds a bouquet of flowers with her head tilt down slightly as she proceeds near the entrance of Garden Ridges Cemetery. She lifts her head up upon reaching the entrance, frozen by nervousness of facing what's on the other side. As she finally regains her nerve, Enrique steps in front of her in the opposite direction from which she entered.
Michelle: (taken aback by his sudden appearance) Enrique.
Enrique: Hey, I hope I didn't startle you.
Michelle: No, but I am surprise to see you. (curious look graces her face) What are you doing here?
Enrique: I had a feeling you might need a friend. (pausing) I know what today is.
Michelle: (finally taking notice of his formal wear) Of course, you were the one that helped me track down his killer. (she voices as she walks away from the entrance of the cemetery)
Enrique: What is it?  Is something wrong?
Michelle: Yes, no. (her voice becomes melancholy) It's just hard to believe its been a year since he died when it feels like it just happened yesterday.
(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)
Dana: (she walks up behind Matthew as he begins to wake up from the bench he had slept on all night) Hey.
Matthew: (stretching, trying to open his eyes wide as he sits up in the small church) God, did I sleep here all night?
Dana:  Well, we spent most of it praying.  (Matthew sighs, getting off the bench and walking over towards the angel statue at the right)  What?
Matthew: (turning back in her direction, he slowly approaches her upon speaking) I'm just starting to wonder just how much prayer is going to help my brother. (Dana tilts her head to the side with a sympathetic look in her eyes)
Samantha: (talking on the phone in the nurse's lounge) It's about time, I have been trying to get in contact with you people for days.  (waiting for an answer, there's a 60-second pause before Samantha goes ballistic) Who is this?  This is a nurse dealing with an outbreak of a deadly chemical that originated in your town.  People are dying and we need-- hello, Hello?  (the line disconnects as she removes the phone from hear ear and looks into it in awe)
Woman: (walking up as Samantha's call ends) Excuse me!  (Samantha turns slightly, then makes a full-turn around upon hearing the woman's request) Can you tell me where I can find Earl Pryce?
(<- Lincoln Manners Resort ->)
Derek remains sleeping as Shalia sneaks out of bed, turning her back to make sure Derek hasn't awaken and then proceeds to grab hold of her cell phone, looking back again before dialing the number of her intended.
(<- Shanna's Art Studio ->)
Andrew:  (he notices Shanna drop her paintbrush and as she moves to pick it up, she begins to cry.  As he prepares to walk in, his cell phone rings and he returns back from the entrance to answer)  Stokes.
Shalia:  (speaking on her cell phone) It's me.
Andrew:  You sure have bad timing, I'm right outside of Shanna's studio.
Shalia:  Then you haven't seen or discuss Ben's disappearance with her?
Andrew:  No, I haven't.  Why?
Shalia:  Because I need to see you right away, we have a major problem.
Andrew:  You mention this before, what kind of problem?  (the line is silent) Shalia, are you there?
Derek:  (Shalia turns to Derek's voice, frozen as the phone remains glued to her ear)  Who are you talking to?  (he asks stepping out of bed in nothing but his trousers) and what problem are you talking about?  (Shalia nearly coils over upon hearing her words repeated)
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Shalia: (the words barely able to form properly because of her nervousness as she touches her neck and removes the phone from her ear) Derek, I thought you were still sleeping.
Derek: (suspiciously) Is that why you're making strange phone calls behind my back?
Shalia: (stuttering, unable to keep from twitching her eyelids) Strange-- I-- I don't know what you're talking about.
Derek:  (his eyebrows raised) I overheard you on the phone saying something about a problem.
Shalia:  No, I think you misunderstood.  A friend of mine was just checking up on me and I was trying to assure her that there was no problem, that's all.  (Shalia ends flustered)
Derek:  (still a bit puzzled, he let goes the air of doubt) Oh. Well, I guess you better call her back, she might not have appreciated you just hanging up on her.  (Shalia makes a slight chuckle, agreeing with Derek before he resumes speaking)  Well, I guess I better get dressed, I have a long day ahead of me.  (he prepares to turn away, but Shalia grabs him by the arm and smiles, he then leans in and give her kiss before trekking off)
Shalia:  (absorbing the kiss, she turns back to the dresser in front of her) I really hate lying to you Derek, but I guess I have no choice.
(<- Pryce International ->)
Woman: (walking inside the office as Liam continues to fill out paperwork until hearing her voice) Liam, there's a call for you on Line 2.
Liam: (lifting his head up, he smiles and thanks her) Thanks, Ariella. (she steps out and Liam tends to the caller on line 2 as he picks up the phone from the receiver) A.D.A. Jackson!
Rochelle: (walking up to the path in front of the market in Coral Springs, her hair gushing in the wind) I forgot how you loved the sound of your own name.
Liam: (his face lights up) Rochelle, it's been a while since we last spoke.
Rochelle:  I know, I've been busy sorting through some family business.
Liam:  So you were able to track down your mother, then?
Rochelle:  Yeah, I found her.
Liam:  Well, how did things go?  You seem pretty desperate to find her when you left.
Rochelle:  Uh... it's been interesting.  Look, I really don't want to discuss this over the phone.
Liam:  Then when?  When are you coming back to Hallandale? (the question catches Rochelle off guard)
(<- Garden Ridges Cemetery ->)
Enrique: (Michelle paces aimlessly ahead upon hearing Enrique's statement, which causes her to stop) That's the thing about anniversaries, it just make everything seem so current.
Michelle:  Well, today I just feel pain and anger.
Enrique:  Of course you do.  Your husband was a good man and he was taken away from you, but I think Kasey would want you to let go that anger.  He'd want you to smile again and get on with your life, like you're doing with the agency.
Michelle:  Yeah, for a while, it seemed like I was doing just that, but then reality set in this morning when I turned over and realized my bed was empty.  I was fooling myself.
Enrique:  No, you weren't.  I've seen what you have done with H&B.
Michelle: and what the hell does it matter?  My husband is dead, he's gone and no amount of accomplishments is going to change that.  (Enrique feels the pain of her words as a tear strolls down Michelle's face from the painful declaration)
***Enrique: (walking over and sitting beside Michelle, who has now moved to a nearby bench in the middle of the park.  He turns to her, but Michelle just grabs hold of the bench with her hands and stares indistinctly ahead)  So he's not here physically, he's still there every time you recall the peck on the cheek you both shared before rushing off to work or the way his face would light up every time you entered a room, he's in your heart.  Now I don't think he'd want to see you here like this.  He'd want you to be celebrating his life, living it for the both of you.
Michelle:  (turns her head to Enrique, another tear streaming down her cheek) How do you know what Kasey would have wanted?
Enrique:  Because I see how much you love him, which means he must have been a pretty special guy.  A love that special never dies, it lives on through those whose lives it had the chance to impact.
Michelle:  I see exactly what you're saying, you're saying that that it's better that I loved Kasey than to never have him at all.
Enrique: I'm saying don't look on this day full of anger and pain, remember your husband and the love you shared, not the way he was taken away from you.
(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)
Samantha: (making a few diligent steps forward, her tone obvious of suspicion) I'm sorry, but who are you?
Woman:  I'm Dalia Savoy, Earl's ex- wife.  I'm also the mother of his child.
Samantha:  Oh, I didn't realize you were-- I apologize if I--
Dalia:  (intercedes) That's quite all right.  How is Earl?
Samantha:  For the time being, he's stable.
Dalia:  What does that mean, exactly?
Jason: (walking up towards the two as his mother poses the question) Hey mom, what's up?  Are they going to let us see Dad?
Samantha: (Dalia turns to Samantha for verification) Of course, why don't you both follow me this way?
Dana:  If you're convinced that prayer is not going to work, then your brother might as well be dead because you obviously don't believe he can fight this virus.
Matthew:  I would love to believe he can overcome this, but the fatality rate for this thing has left me with little optimism.
Dana: Your letting statistics color your faith after everything we've seen and been through?
Matthew:  So you believe my brother can beat this?
Dana:  I believe that God has a plan in mind for everyone and that your brother's work on Earth isn't quite complete.  As long as he has Hallandale's excellent team of physicians behind him, including my sister-in-law, he has a chance.
Matthew:  I mean no disrespect towards Samantha, but she and her colleagues haven't been able to save anyone else and as far as their concern, my brother is already dead.  (Samantha within inches of the church door) There is no reason to fight and while they waste their time looking for results, my brother slowly slips away to death each and every day.
(<- Lincoln Manners Resort ->)
Derek: (standing afar as she moves restlessly around the room in a circle) Shalia?
Shalia: (startled by his voice, her heart nearly skips a beat) Derek.
Derek:  Are you all right?
Shalia: (her eyes still appearing a bit lost) Yeah, I got lost in a thought is all.  You look nice.
Derek:  Well, I wish I could say I felt as good as I look.
Shalia:  (moves closer to him and places her hand on his cheek) I'm sure the authorities are going to find Ben and bring him back home where he belongs and if not, then once I get this whole alibi nonsense cleared up, I will gladly help you find him myself.  So don't worry about a thing.
Derek:  You're amazing, I don't know how I could get through the day without you.
Shalia:  (gives him a long wet kiss and then hugs him) Well, hopefully you'll never have to find out. (she rests her hold on his shoulder, her face anxious about what will happen if the authorities located Ben)
***Liam:  Rochelle, are you there?
Rochelle:  Yeah.
Liam:  Then obviously you're having some difficulty answering my question.  Are you planning on returning to Hallandale?
Rochelle:  Yes, of course.  Hallandale is my home, my life and my friends are there.  I'm just not sure when I will be coming back.  I kind of promise my mother I would at least spend the week with her.  You know, try to get to know each other all over again, work pass some of the aggression I feel.
Liam:  Well, don't forget who's waiting for you back here while you're enjoying the sights of Coral Springs.  Remember, you still owe me dinner.
Rochelle:  Oh, I always keep my promises, Mr. Jackson.
Liam:  That's good to hear. (Liam informs Rochelle to hold her thought as he turns his attention to Ariella's message)
Ariella:  Mr. Jackson, there's a call for you on line six, says it's urgent.
Liam:  Thanks, Ariella. (She departs and he returns to Rochelle) Look, I'm sorry to end this short--
Rochelle:  Duty calls, quite all right.  I'll talk to you later.
Liam:  Later... Bye! (he smiles as he places the phone on the receiver)
(<- Shanna's Art Studio ->)
Andrew: (sitting down next to her)  Are you okay?
Shanna:  Yeah. (take a sip of her tea) Thanks for the tea.
Andrew:  No problem, It's an old family recipe.
Shanna:  Really?  It's great, it taste almost identical to the recipe my first husband's family had.
Andrew: (he remains silent for a moment) So everything is all right, you seem pretty upset earlier.
Shanna:  I'm just really starting to think the worse now.
Andrew:  Worse about what?
Shanna:  I was informed a few days ago that my husband disappeared while in Coral Springs or possibly not.
Andrew:  God, no wonder you're all in knots.  The authorities have no idea where he is?
Shanna:  They are still looking into things, I'm going to be stopping by the station house later for a follow-up.
Andrew:  Well, I wish you luck.  I know what it's like to lose a love one.
Shanna:  Rena?
Andrew:  Yeah.  I definitely wouldn't want that to ever happen to you.
Shanna:  (she comforts him with a hug as Andrew grins callously as she latches onto him) Thank you.
(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)
Samantha: (waiting a few seconds before walking in) Hi, there you both are.
Dana:  Samantha, why are you looking for us?
Matthew:  Is it my brother?  Oh god, has he--
Samantha:  No, your brother is still stable.  He's actually doing quite remarkable considering the stage he's in with the virus in his body.  I was actually here to inform you that your brother's ex- wife and your nephew are here.
Matthew:  Dalia, here?  How?  I never got around to telling them about Earl?
Dana:  Evelyn gave me the number and I told them.  I hope you don't mind.
Matthew:  No, I'm glad it was you if anyone else.  How much did you tell them?
Dana:  Just that your brother was in the hospital, I thought the rest should come from you.
***Michelle: (raising up from the bench) My god, you're right.  I've been so fixated on how he was taking from me, I haven't once took the chance to actually talk to my husband with love.  Whenever I would even come near this place, I would get angry or cry.
Enrique:  It's okay to be angry or sad, but you must no let that fill your heart.  I think we both know that your husband wouldn't want that.  I also think that once you find yourself able to focus more on your love for Kasey, that anger associated with this day will dwindle as the days go by because Kasey will become a greater part of your heart again and that empty hole inside you will be filled.  So do you think you're ready to say goodbye?
Michelle:  (she smiles, the tears dry on her face) Yeah, I am. I don't feel that overwhelming feeling of dread anymore.
(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)
Dana: (approaching Matthew with a cup of coffee as he sits down in the chairs outside his brother's room) Here you go.
Matthew:  Thanks, I just might need this.
Dana:  Did you speak with Dalia or your nephew yet?
Matthew:  No.  Jason's still in with Earl and I haven't been able to locate Dalia yet.
Dana:  So have you decided?  When are you going to tell them about Earl's condition?
Matthew:  (places his fingertips over his eyebrow, his hand covering his left eye as he shakes his head cluelessly) I don't know, I imagine soon, but I'm still trying to figure out "how" to put in words what I have to say.
Dana:  It's hard, but with love you can and you have to remember, it isn't over until the fat lady sings and I don't see any choirs forming.
Matthew:  Yeah, I just hope that Jason and Dalia can keep your faith after I tell them.
Dalia:  After you tell us what? (Matthew turns from his insighful gaze at Dana to Dalia standing curiously in front of him)
(<- Northern Ridges Park ->)
Andrew:  (walking up to Shalia who sits waiting anxiously) Are you sure we won't be interrupted this time?
Shalia:  Very funny.  Derek went to the station house to aid in the search for Ben, so he won't be a problem.
Andrew:  I'm surprise you didn't jump at the opportunity to be with him.
Shalia:  Well, if it wasn't for your little companion, I would probably be there instead of here right now.  Thanks to her, I have to fill out a bunch of papers verifying my whereabouts for the last two weeks and I certainly cannot include my numerous meetings with you during that time.
Andrew:  Yeah, we definitely can't risk being connected to one another-- and of course if you choose not to disclose that information--
Shalia:  (intercedes)  Then the time could be used to implicate me in carrying out a plot against Ben and orchestrating his disappearance.  Which means, we're screwed unless we think fast.
Sandy:  It was obvious he was reaching out to you and you turned him away again.
Sherri:  and it's my decision to make, so stay out of my private affairs. (~)
Dana:  (horrified by the face of the card) Oh my god!
Matthew:  What, what is it?
Dana:  (turning to Matthew) Death!

Click here for Episode 274