Previously on “The Mysteries of Our Lives”: Spring of Devastation
Dana:  If you're convinced that prayer is not going to work, then your brother might as well be dead because you obviously don't believe he can fight this virus.
Matthew:  I would love to believe he can overcome this, but the fatality rate for this thing has left me with little optimism. (~)
Shalia:  (moves closer to Derek and places her hand on his cheek) Once I get this whole alibi nonsense cleared up, I will gladly help you find him myself... (Talking frantically to Andrew) I have to fill out a bunch of papers verifying my whereabouts for the last three weeks and I certainly cannot include my numerous meetings with you during that time. (~)
Enrique: A love that special never dies, it lives on through those whose lives it had the chance to impact.
Michelle:  I see exactly what you're saying, you're saying that it's better that I loved Kasey than to never have him at all.
Enrique: I'm saying... remember your husband and the love you shared, not the way he was taken away from you. (~)
Sandy: Don't let my sister's words deter you. She's scared and wounded by the hurt she has dealt with in the past.
Romain: I'm sick of hearing how hurt she was by your affair with her husband... I'm not going to allow her to use something that happened in the past as an excuse for her actions. Now she has told me in several ways that she does not want me!
***Sherri: (standing in front of the mini market in Cypress Gardens Plaza) Coffee, medium. (the waitress whips up her coffee within two minutes and then hands it to Sherri. She thanks the waitress and then proceeds to exit, turning around and nearly bumping into a familiar face.)
Romain: (Breaking the silence) Sherri, it’s good to see you.
Sherri: Is it?
Romain: (he says eloquently, hoping that Sherri will see that he means it) Yeah, it is. (a sense of melancholy graces his tone) How are you? Sherri: Good, enjoying another joyous summer morning. You?
Romain: Taking a break from the hospital. It’s been pretty hectic, you know?
Sherri: Yeah, I remember. (both look at one another silently, Sherri then continues) Well, I better go before my coffee gets cold. I’ll see you around. (their eyes lock for a split second, then she proceeds pass him, but his voice stops her from going any further)
Romain: Sherri, wait? (Sherri turns back, her eyes full of anticipation) There is no sense in drinking alone, is there? Why don’t you join me? (Sherri stands in awe of the inquiry)
(<- Pryce International ->)
Shanna: (waltzing up to Officer Julio Ruiz’s desk) Hi, I’m looking for Officer Cortez.
Officer Ruiz: He’s out on a case, is there anything I can do for you?
Derek: (talking with Detective Lombard as he proceeds down the corridor) I’ve talked with several people down in Coral Springs, and they act as if they never heard of Ben Hemmings.
Ralph: Well, maybe they just need a little push from the authorities.
Derek: Or maybe not, besides the HPD doesn’t have much pull in Coral Springs.
Ralph: But we know someone who does.
(<- Garden Ridges Park ->)
Enrique: (walking behind Michelle toward the entrance) So you’re ready to take that first leap?
Michelle: (she turns to relay her message to him) Yeah, your words have given me a completely different outlook on the situation. Not that I will ever be happy with the fact that my husband is dead, but maybe there is a way for me to retain a part of him here on earth.
Enrique: I hope you’re successful. With that said, I will leave you to your husband.
Michelle: (uncrossing her hands and extending one out to stop him from vacating) No! (Enrique alarmed by the outburst turns sharply) Sorry, I just would like very much if you would stay. Of course, I would like to spend a couple minutes alone with my husband, but after that, I would like very much to introduce you both.
Enrique: All right. I’ll wait right here then. (They smile at one another, Michelle then proceeds inside the cemetery)
Shalia: If I don’t give the authorities a complete transcript of my whereabouts, I will be their prime suspect in Ben’s disappearance and we cannot afford to have the authorities sticking their noses where it doesn’t belong.
Andrew: So here you are, asking me yet again to clean up another one of your messes.
Shalia: Well, you’re the one that created this situation.
Andrew: What? I’m not the one that came running to me desperate to get rid of Ben Hemmings. You’re the one that started all this by getting your panties in a knot over Derek Guittierrez.
Shalia: (cutting Andrew off, causing his words to trail off at the end) Who cares who is the blame, that is not going to change the situation that we have here and yes, I do mean we because if I go down, rest assure, I’m taking you right down with me!
(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)
Matthew: My brother is confined to a hospital bed, fighting for his life. He is barely conscious most of the time and if the doctors here don’t get some kind of cure, there is a very strong chance that he’ll never regain consciousness again. How am I supposed to tell my nephew and his mother that?
Dalia: Tell us what? (Dana and Matthew turn sharply upon hearing her voice)
Matthew: Dalia, I didn’t realize you were standing there.
Dalia: Of course not, I just got back a few seconds ago, long enough to overhear you contemplating telling me and my son about something. What’s going on?
Matthew: We were talking about my brother and his condition. (pauses) You might want to sit down for this. ***************************************************THEME SONG******************************************************
Dalia: (sitting down diligently in the couch outside of Earl’s hospital room) All right, you’re scaring me, what about Earl’s condition?
Matthew: Well, for one, it is much serious than you think.
Dalia: How serious?
Matthew: Earl contracted a virus while in Springfield, a lethal virus.
Dalia: What are you saying Matt? Obviously the doctors have found some way to treat this virus, haven’t they?
Matthew: (walking over and sitting along side her on the couch) The doctors here didn’t realize what was causing these patients to become mysteriously ill until recently, they have no idea how to combat against the virus. I mean, they’re doing what they can, but without an anecdote-- (pauses, Dana walks up behind him and touches his shoulder giving him the push to go on) there is no guarantee he will survive. Dalia: (responding in shock) You’re saying Earl could die? (Inquiring once again, as if looking for assurance that she has heard wrong) You’re saying my son’s father could die? (Matt remains quiet as her eyes search in that moment for a rebuttal. She then rebuts the statement herself) No, I refuse to believe that! (Dalia deludes herself as Matt looks on with a lost of what to say and turns to Dana, who keeps her hand gripped on his shoulder)
(<- Northern Ridges Park ->)
Andrew: Calm down, no one is going down.
Shalia: Then you have a plan?
Andrew: Don’t I always? Of course you would have thought of it if you had something else on the brain besides that man you share your bed with.
Shalia: If I had any plans, I would have tried them because I’m not especially keen on any of this getting out now.
Andrew: Neither am I. It took months to get this all into place and I think we got rid of Shanna’s nosy hubby just in the nick of time. With him out of the way, my plan can finally take off.
Shalia: Then you always planned on getting rid of Ben?
Andrew: Yeah, and thanks to your carelessness and his suspicions, all I had to do was wait and be ready to pounce.
Shalia: God, sometime I forget just how devious your mind works.
Andrew: Years of training, which is why I know exactly what we are going to do.
(<- Northern Heights Resort ->)
Danielle: (Brett hands her a cup of coffee) Thank you. (She pronounces after taking a sip, then looks up from the couch with her head tilted slightly) I also want to thank you for picking me up from the studio yesterday.
Brett: Well, you seem pretty spooked last night. (His eyes tense) You want to talk about it?
Danielle: (stepping up from the couch and walking away from his concern glare) Well, I thought I had a handle on the situation.
Brett: Meaning something has happened to shake your certainty. Maybe telling it to an objective ear will help sort things out.
Danielle: (Smiles slightly) You’re hardly an objective ear.
Brett: But I am a good listener and conflict disputer. Besides, I was the one you called when you needed help.
Danielle: (the thought enters her mind for a second) All right, knowing you, you won’t rest until you get it out of me anyway. Remember my new gig at my sister’s agency?
Brett: How can I forget. It’s been featured how many times in Alexander Pierre’s rag and to think you use to work for the guy.
Danielle: Yeah, well Alexander Pierre may have decided to print the story, but he’s not the one that pitched the idea.
(<- Cypress Gardens Plaza ->)
Romain: (taking a bite of his English muffin) Thanks for joining me.
Sherri: Well, like you said, no sense in drinking alone. Besides, my coffee might have chilled by the time I got back to the hospital.
Romain: So you’re still working at Mercy?
Sherri: I’m on the board now and head of the PR Committee.
Romain: That’s great! I know how much you wanted that when we were-- (pauses) when we were together.
Sherri: Yeah, well, unfortunately we can’t be lucky in all three departments.
Romain: It doesn’t have to be a misfortune, you know? You can have a career and you can have romance.
***Sandy: (catches glimpse of Romain and Sherri as she walks into the mini market and smiles, thinking to herself) “I guess Romain took my advice after all.” (She proceeds to order something from the mini market) Can I take a butter-cream bagel and freshly squeezed orange juice to go?
Sherri: Romance? Are you talking about me and you?
Romain: I think we have a chance for something special. I just wish you could get over this fixation on North Dakota.
Sherri: Perhaps if you tell me the reason why it has to be so top secret.
Romain: There are things in North Dakota that I just don’t want to relive, not with anyone and if you care about me, you would respect that... Sandy: (pays the waitress and grabs hold of her order) Thank you. (When she turns to Romain and Sherri again, she finds them looking quite intense)
Sherri: ...and if you loved me, you would respect the fact that I have lived with secrets and lies before and I can’t do it again. I need someone I can trust.
Romain: and you can’t trust me because I choose to keep one aspect of my life close?
Sherri: That’s not what I said.
Romain: You didn’t have to.  I’ve heard it so many times before and I grow sick each and every time I hear it. (His pager beeps and he frustratingly concludes the conversation by walking off) I gotta go! (Sandy walks up to her sister who holds her head down upset about how things ended as well)
Sandy: You blew it again. (She voices as Sherri’s head jerks up and turns to her sister’s condescending eyes)
(<- Pryce International ->)
Derek: Who exactly is this secret weapon?
Ralph: HPD’s very own Lieutenant Enrique Rivera. He worked previously in Coral Springs before being transfer here. He may be exactly what we need to find your friend.
Shanna: (eavesdropping on the conversation, she jumps in) The only thing you need to find my husband is an arrest warrant and you won’t have to go very far.
Derek: Shanna, what are you doing here?
Shanna: My husband is missing and I intend to be here every step of the way until he is found.
Derek: I assure you that everything is under control and I’m already on top of the--
Shanna: (intercedes) The only thing you’re on top of is the guilty party. I wouldn’t be surprise if you were trying to ensure her freedom. Well, it’s not going to work. I want that slut arrested.
Ralph: What is she talking about?
Shanna: Yes, do tell him about your little wife, Derek? She’s the one that had everything to gain by having my husband disappear.
(<- Northern Ridges Cemetery ->)
Michelle: (Kneeling down alongside her husband’s grave) Hmm... how do I start? What do I say to you? (Slight chuckle) I guess you know all about the things I have been doing now that you’re with those angels in the sky. (Extending her hand out, she touches the letters of his name on his tombstone) I guess there’s something I can say that really needs no repeating and that’s that I love you. (She smiles at the tombstone as if it’s Kasey whose she’s professing her love to) I love you very much, just as I did on our wedding day and wedding night. Just as I did the night you left your home here on Earth. Thinking about it now, I realize that I had forgot about all the good things that happened on that cruise, the fact that we were together and happy, closer than any two could be. You brought light into my life and now that you’re gone, it’s hard to see things the same way again. (She looks up from the tombstone and directs her eyes outward at no fixed location) Quitting Nichol’s Beauticon and opening up my own modeling agency has kept me busy, but I still feel that sense that something is missing and I know what Enrique says, but I can’t find solace in coming to a graveyard every year so I can feel close to you again, and I certainly can’t forget the reason you’re here.
(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)
Dana: (still standing up behind Matthew, who remains seated next to Dalia) I understand that the thought of such an outcome is horrible and you’re right to have hope because there is no reason to believe that Earl is not going to pull through this.
Dalia: I’m sorry, but who are you?
Dana: Oh? (Dana smiles with embarrassment) What a time for introductions. I’m Dana Lombard, a friend of your ex- brother-in-law here.
Dalia: Well, it’s very nice to meet you, I’m Dalia Savoy by the way. (Dana shakes her head in acknowledge of the fact) Thank you for your optimism.  We do have to believe that Earl is going to pull through this Matthew.
Matthew: We also have to be realistic and the reality of the matter is that people have died from this virus and if the doctors are unable to locate the anecdote, Earl just may very well be next.
Dalia: No, my son’s father is not going to die!
Jason: (standing in the doorway of his father’s hospital room) Mom, of course Dad isn’t going to die, why would you think such a thing?
***Dalia: Oh Jason, I don’t believe that for a second.
Jason: Then why were you even talking about it?
Matthew: She brought it up because of me, Jason. I told her to face that possibility because--
Dalia: (She gives him a stern look) No Matt, I will break the news to my son. (She walks over to Jason) Why don’t we go get something to eat? (Jason doesn’t make any inquiries, he just heads toward the hospital cafeteria, Dalia follows behind)
Matthew: (watching as they take off) That didn’t go so well.
Dana: Well, impending dooms of death will clear a crowd.
Matthew: Are you saying that I handle things wrong?
Dana: No, but you need to have some faith that your brother will pull out of this and maybe I have just the way to give it to you. (Matthew looks on insightfully)
(<- Northern Ridges Resort ->)
Brett: What are you saying? Someone went to the tabloids with that garbage?
Danielle: Yeah, someone from within the H&B Fashions. Obviously she feels that I’m a threat, at least, that’s the message I got after last night.
Brett: (his eyes turn in its socket) Wait, you lost me. Who is this woman and why does she have a problem with you?
Danielle: Vanessa Manthroll, she is Michelle’s other star model and obviously has a strong fixation on Lucien Cane-Mieraves, the man that I’m working with on this campaign.
Brett: So this is a jealousy issue?
Danielle: That’s what I though too, but this woman is very insecure and paranoid. I’ve told her time and time again that I have no designs on Lucien, but she’s convinced herself that I am some kind of threat. Last night, I felt bad when Lucien decided to take me to dinner and couldn’t take up plans with her, so I decided that Lucien and I would go back to the studio to have dinner with Vanessa. Big mistake, the woman completely misinterpreted all my intentions and then she threatened me. It wouldn’t have phased me if I had not found a burnt photo of myself in the trash can.
Brett: This does sound a little disconcerting.
Danielle: It’s more than that; I’m really starting to wonder if I should keep myself in this woman’s orbit.
(<- Pryce International ->)
Derek: Shalia had nothing to do with Ben’s disappearance.
Shanna: Really? What was her reaction when you told her she would have to verify her every waking moment for the last three weeks? I’m sure she wasn’t please, probably tried to play hurt and offended.
Derek: Wouldn’t you be hurt if your husband asked you to do such a thing?
Shanna: Ben would never ask me to do such a thing because he and I trust one another.
Derek: (quickly jumping in) and I trust Shalia.
Shanna: (regaining control of the conversation) Then where is your trustworthy wife? Why isn’t she here proving her innocence this very minute?
(<- Cypress Gardens Plaza ->)
Sherri: Blew what?
Sandy: I just saw Romain rush off. It was obvious he was reaching out to you and you turned him away again.
Sherri: and it’s my decision to make, thank you. So stay out of my private affairs. FYI, I didn’t ruin anything with Romain, he realize that his secrets and lies were always going to be a problem. So when he's ready to talk, then maybe I’ll be ready to give him another chance.
Sandy: and if he doesn’t?
Sherri: Then life goes on big sis because there is so much more to life than Romain Chandler and I would love to tell you all about it, but I have job to get too.
Sandy: (Sherri steps up from her seat and brushes past her sister. Sandy clutches her bag and sits down, thinking for a moment) More to life than Romain Chandler... We’ll see!
***Michelle: (coming out of the gate) Hey, I hope I didn’t keep you waiting too long.
Enrique: No, I actually phoned in at the station while you were talking with your husband. The crisis continues.
Michelle: Then you definitely need this break and I definitely think it’s only right you meet the man whose killer you help me track down. Enrique: (he touches her hand, feeling an unexplainable instant spark as their hand touches. Enrique ignores the unexplainable urge in his body, extending his hand ahead and smiling) Right after you.
(<- Outside of Pryce International ->)
Shalia: (Walking up to the entrance of Pryce International dressed in a nice pair of blue jeans and a baby blue silk shirt, her hair following down against her back) I can’t believe I didn’t think of this.
Andrew: I told you that you could have easily thought of it. We’re just lucky we have enough friends in high places.
Shalia: So whenever I was with you, the owners of Colbert Industries will say I was doing business with them. (Meanwhile, the dialogue between Shanna and Derek inside continues to escalates)
Derek: My wife has a life outside of proving herself to the HPD.
Shanna: That’s what I worry about.
Derek: Never mind your worries because Shalia will be down here the earliest she can and she will show everyone here that she had nothing to do with Ben’s disappearance.
Shanna: and what if she’s not? What if your wife is guilty?
Ralph: Then the Hallandale Police Department will deal with her, Mrs. Hemmings. However, until then, it would be greatly appreciated if you both left the investigating to the professionals.
(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)
Matthew: (seeing Dana pull out her tarot cards) I’m really not in the mood for a psychic reading, Dana.
Dana: This isn’t for you silly. I’m channeling the universe to see what message they have for us today. I feel such a strong presence of them here that it’s likely to be a message about your brother. (Dana lays the deck on the coffee table in front of them)
Matthew: (he steps up from the couch) I don’t know--
Dana: (his words trail off as Dana interrupts) Come on, don’t be so negative. (She pronounces as she places the card down on the table from the deck, horrified by its face) Oh my god!
Matthew: (he rushes back to the couch as she quickly removes the card from the table) What, what is it?
Dana: (her eyes unable to lie for her) Nothing!
Matthew: I recognize that sound of shock, the cards told you something. What was it?
Dana: (she holds the card to his face, the word echoes like an impending doom) Death!
Man: (Rochelle looks strangely at her mother upon hearing the request) How about a close-up of mother and daughter? (~)
Shanna: (enunciating each word as she approaches Shalia) You are nothing but a lying piece of trash. (~)
Dylan:   I'm Dylan McCloud, I'm your cousin. (~)
Jennifer:  What are you doing here?
Romeo:  I'm here because you need me to be!

Click here for Episode 275