Previously on “The Mysteries of Our Lives”: Spring of Devastation
Rochelle:  Surely you must know what attracted you to Leo Stone.  What did he have that my father did not.
Rachel:  Youth, energy, a daring personality-- Leo made me feel things your father never could.
Rochelle:  Of course, my father was just too boring with all his morals and principles. (~)
Derek:  My wife has a life outside of proving herself to the HPD.
Shanna:  That's what I worry about. (~)
Dylan:  ...Our cousin isn't dead?
Anton:  Yeah, he's alive and living right here in Hallandale.
Dylan:  You don't sound so thrill.
Anton:  I'm not sure what I am.  Your cousin has done some pretty sick things. (~)
Romeo:  You were wonderful last night.
Jennifer: (stumbling over the words) Last night, well, it was quite unexpected... Last night was a lapse in judgment, it won't happen again.
Romeo:  Lapse in-- No, don't you turn away from me.
***Derek:  Never mind your worries because Shalia will be down here the earliest she can and she will show everyone here that she had nothing to do with Ben's disappearance.
Shanna: and what if she's not? What if your wife's guilty?
Ralph: (interceding ahead of Derek) Then the Hallandale Police Department will deal with her, Mrs. Hemmings.  However, until then, it would be greatly appreciated if you both left the investigating to the professionals.
Shanna:  With all due respect Detective Lombard, this is my husband you are talking about here and I intend to be apart of this investigation.  If anyone is out of place, (pointing to Derek) it's this man here.
Derek:  You know damn well Ben is a good friend of mine and I want very much for him to be found.
Shanna: No, what I know is that you're married to the prime suspect and I cannot afford to--
Derek: (cutting her off) Shalia is not involved in Ben's disappearance for the zillionth time and for you to suggest--
Shanna: (interceding immediately, causing his declaration to trail off) Then where is she?  If your wife is so innocent of the charges she has been accused of, then why isn't she here proclaiming her innocence?  (enunciating her words with further conviction) Where is your wife, Derek?
Shalia: (interrupting the intense exchange between Shanna and Derek) She's right here! (Shanna turns to Shalia's cocky voice, displeased by her sudden appearance)
(<- Coral Springs, Nevada ->)
Rachel: (standing outside an unknown residence with her daughter) I want to thank you for agreeing to go to this function with me.
Rochelle: They said it was a mother/daughter function and I am your daughter.
Rachel:  I know that hasn't been easy for you to accept or come to terms with, but I hope that this also will be the time for us to bond as well, really connect as mother and daughter.
Rochelle: (feels a nervous twinge in her stomach) I'll try, that's all I can promise.
Rachel:  Believe me, that's quite enough. (Rochelle returns a slight smile)
(<- Northern Heights Resort ->)
Brett:  So you're thinking of just quitting your job all together?
Danielle: (moments pause) No.  I happen to love my job and I'm certainly not going to quit because of some jealous, paranoid bitch who can't get past her own insecurities.
Brett: (taken aback by her language) Whoa!  This woman has really gotten under your skin.
Danielle: No, I've really gotten to know her and believe me, she is not as innocent as she pretends to be.  You should have seen her last night trying to pass herself off as my friend, it took all the strength in me not to blow her out of the water.
Brett: and why didn't you?
Danielle: Because Lucien sees her in a different light than I do and he also seems to value her as a friend.  I don't want to be the reason that falls apart.
(<- Cypress Gardens Plaza ->)
Nia: (approaching Dylan with a smile, whose face is covered by the menu he quickly examines) Hello sir, what would you like today?
Dylan: (removing the menu from his face) I'll have the chicken sandwich with mayo and some tator tots.
Nia:  (writes down his requests) and would you like anything to drink?
Dylan:  A cherry coke would be great.
Nia:  All right, anything else?
Dylan:  No, that's all.  (he smiles, finally taking notice of the waitress he was talking to, feeling as if he had seen her somewhere before.  Before he could make an inquiry, she courteously told him that she would be right back with his order.  Upon her leaving, Dylan's brother approached the table in the opposite direction)
Anton: (taking a seat in the seat across from his brother) Sorry I'm late and boy, is it hot out.
Dylan:  I just got here a couple minutes ago myself.  So where is Malina?
Anton:  She actually had some last minute business to take care back at the agency, but she's sorry she couldn't make it.
Dylan:   No need, if anyone knows how unpredictable schedules can be, its me!
Anton:  Well, aside from the hospital, how have you been?  Are things still a minefield around the mansion?
Dylan:  No, things are gradually getting better, but life in general has been pretty lonely.
(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)
Matthew: (looking at the death card as it lie on the table) I guess we don't need anymore proof.
Dana: No Matt, this could mean anything.
Matthew:  Or it could mean my brother is going to die.
***************************************************THEME SONG******************************************************
Dana: No, this message does not mean your brother is the one that's going to die.
Matthew: You, yourself, said his presence was very strong here.
Dana: I felt that it might be, but that doesn't mean anything.  You know as well as I do this message could be directed at anyone, it may not even have anything to do with your brother.
Matthew:  Then let's settle this dilemma, pull another card.
Dana:  (after a minute of hesitation) Okay! (she pulls the card slowly and her expression changes quickly upon seeing the card's face)
Matthew:  What is it? (Dana looks at him, dreading telling him the card's meaning)
(<- Cypress Gardens Plaza ->)
Anton:  Lonely?  You still have me.
Dylan:  It's not the same, though.  You're family, I'm stuck with you.
Anton:  Gee, it's nice to know that I'm appreciated.
Dylan:  You know what I mean.  Everywhere I go, I'm surrounding by couples so happy and in love.  It just reminds me of how badly I ruin things with Garrettlyn.
Anton:  and there's no way for you to fix things with her?  I mean, Brian and Jennifer eventually came around.
Dylan:   It's different with Garrett though.  She was the love of my life and I hurt her in the worst way possible.  When she found out what I did, a part of the love we shared died and the other half wasn't enough to keep her around.
Leigha: (jogging inside pass Anton and Dylan heavy in conversation.  Beau jogs in shortly after her, nearly out of breath resting in front of a table two rows across from Anton and Dylan's) Whoo!  What a work out.
Beau: I told you! (flipping his hair nearly drenched in sweat from his face) There is nothing more therapeutic than exercising vigorously in the thrust of Noon.
Leigha: Not to mention very hot. (taking a seat, taking water from her water bottle and sprinkling it on her risen neck.  A waitress approaches their table as Beau sits down.  She excitedly greets Beau, ignoring Leigha's presence)
Woman:  Hi, what can I get you?
Beau:   A nice cold bottle of water would be fine for now.  I think I speak for my lady friend here as well.
Leigha:   Yes, that would--
Woman:  (interceding and concluding to Beau before walking off) Great, I will get that for you.
Leigha:  Is this what I can expect on future outings?
Beau:  (his eyes widened, unaware of the meaning behind Leigha's remark) What?
Leigha:  That girl was so enamored with you, she didn't even notice me sitting her across from you.
Beau:  That is--
Woman:   Here's your water, sir!  Anything else I can do for you?
Beau:  (gives her a flirtatious smile involuntarily) No, I'm set.  (feeling Leigha's piercing eyes) Oh, did you get a water for my friend here?
Woman: (gazing at Beau like a starstruck fan) Friend?
Beau:  Behind you? (he says with a slight smile pointing to Leigha.  The woman finally turns to Leigha's smiling face.  She turns back to Beau)
Woman:  Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were entertaining.  (turning back to Leigha) I'll get your water right away.  (she rushes off again and Leigha gives Beau a deep look, which he quickly catches and grunts at her with a grin)
(<- Coral Springs, Nevada ->)
Woman: (rushing over to Rachel and Rochelle as they enter the estate) Oh Rachel, I'm so glad you could make it and this must be your daughter.
Rachel: (greets her and then turns to Rochelle to introduce the two) Hello Mary and yes, this is Rochelle.  Rochelle, this is Mary, she and I work on the same floor at Candela Industries.
Rochelle: Oh! (shakes Mary hand) It's nice to meet you.
Mary: (she smiles in return after shaking her hand, admiring the likeness between Rochelle and Rachel) You too.  God, you look just like your mother. (Rochelle is unsure how to take the compliment and gives Mary a slight smile) So your mother says you're a lawyer?
Rochelle:  Yes, I actually have my own legal investigation team.
Mary:  Wow, that must be pretty interesting.
Rochelle:  Yeah, I enjoy it quite immensely.  It's been the one constant in my life. (Rachel feels a sense of guilt upon hearing her daughter's statement.  Rochelle turns and sees her mother's disappointment, she then turns back to Mary) Well, I would love to talk more about my professional life, but my mother and I have a lot more people to meet.  (Rochelle turns back to her mother with a smile and her mother's spirits are quickly risen)
(<- Pryce International ->)
Shanna:  Finally decided to face the music.
Shalia: (stepping forward, away from the entrance of the station) I'm here to prove my innocence.
Shanna: (gives Shalia a look of contempt) Fat chance, everyone here knows that you are guilty.
Derek: (stepping from behind Shanna) I hope you know that's not true.
Shalia: (gives Derek a smooch on the lips) Yeah, I know.
Shanna: (cites to herself) Gag me.  (then looks onto Shalia and continues) Really, you scored high in the husband department, Shalia.  Derek is so devoted to you he will believe whatever your coniving lips will tell him, but rest assure, I'm not as gullible.  I was at first, but now I see clearly you are nothing but a lying piece of trash.
Derek: (barks at Shanna, nearly cutting off her statement) That's enough!  How many times do you need to hear it?  Shalia was not-- (pauses and decides against refutting Shanna's claims) No, I'm not going to waste my breath.  Shalia, please put this whole thing to rest and show everyone here once and for all that you had nothing to do with Ben's disappearance.
***Shalia: (places the notebook on Detective Lombard's desk) That should be everything.
Shanna:  This is ridiculous.  Of course she's not going to write down that at a specific time she was arranging the abduction of my husband, the woman lies as easily as she breathes.
Ralph:  Mrs. Hemmings, please. (Shanna backs down) I am an experienced professional and I assure you that we will look over every inch of Shalia's activities for the last two weeks.  Now it says here that you spent a lot of time last week at Colbert Industries, Mrs. Mendez.   What exactly is it that you do for them?
Shalia:  I'm in charge of delegating shipping and handling costs between them and a major venue in Lousiana.
Shanna:  Louisiana?  That's where my husband went to research her mysterious past.  Whatever he found there prompted him to go to Coral Springs and I doubt it had anything to do with some major venue she was working with in Lousiana.
Shalia:  What else could it be?
Shanna:  Only you know the answer to that and I know better than to rely on any inkling of truth from you.
Ralph:  Well, if Mrs. Mendez is lying Mrs. Hemmings, we will find out as soon as I get the chance to check her sources.  In fact, I'm going to get on the phone with Colbert Industries right now.
(<- Preston Powers Mansion ->)
Jennifer:  (opening the door with her key, she finds the mansion dimmed and suddenly sees Romeo standing in the living room area dressed down in a tuxedo, surrounded by candles sparsely placed around the room) What are you doing here?
Romeo:  (walking over to help Jenni down the steps onto the couch) I'm here because you need me to be, baby.
Jennifer:  That's funny, I don't recall asking or needing you to be here.  In fact, how did you get in here?
Romeo:  I did keep a few things from my unholy partnership with the owner of this place.
Jennifer:  Yes, well, be sure to leave them on the mantle on your way out.  (she attempts to get up from the couch, but Romeo pins her back down, sitting next to her)
Romeo:  Why do I have to leave so soon?  Look around, I set up all this for you and me.  I told you I wasn't giving up and tonight you are going to see that I meant every word.
(<- Northern Heights Resort ->)
Brett:  So if you're not going to quit or tell Lucien about Vanessa's threats, what are you going to do?
Danielle:  I don't know!  I guess for the time being I will just have to stick it out.
Brett:  and you're secure with that decision?
Danielle:  If you're asking me if I'm at the point where I'm afraid for my safety... no!  I think Vanessa is a little paranoid when it comes to me and Lucien, but I really don't believe that she is physically violent.  Why?  Do you?
Brett:  Well, I hardly know this Vanessa woman, but I don't think it would hurt to be somewhat cautious and if you do feel the slightest hint of threat, don't hesitate to call me.
Danielle: (she says heartfully) Well, I think I might have over dramatize what happened last night, but thank you, and you'll be the first I call.
(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)
Dana:  (looking strangely at the card) It's the broken union card.
Matthew:  Well, what does that mean?  Broken union?
Dana:  I'm not exactly sure, it's usally associated with the severing of a connection.
Matthew:  A connection to life?
Dana:  No, it's symbolic to relationships.
Matthew:  Like the severing of two brothers or a father and a son.
Dana:  I know what you're thinking, but this still doesn't mean that your brother is in death's path.
Matthew:  Then show me the proof because you haven't reassured me so far.
***Jennifer:  You know, you say all these nice words that make me want to fall into your arms--
Romeo: (intercedes) Then why don't you?
Jennifer:  Because I can't trust them.
Romeo:  I think you're thinking too much with your head and not enough with your heart because if you were, you would see that I'm crazy about you.  (his eyes gaze onto her as if the gateway to his soul is slowly being open) When we were finally together the other night, it wasn't just sex for me.  I wasn't just taking pleasuring in giving you pleasure like I had done with other woman.  I was there completely, body and soul, making passionate love to you.
Jennifer:  I can't listen to this. (she gets up from the couch and heads toward the stairs)
Romeo: (stepping up from the couch and turning to her) Why are you running away from me?  I mean, I think the least I deserve is the truth about how you feel.
Jennifer: (she remains stagnant at the foot of the stairs, not facing Romeo as she speaks) I've already told you that last night was a lapse in judgment.  It was an intense moment that I simply got swept up in, but things are much clearer now.
Romeo:  (walking diligently up to her) Really? (grabs her arm and turns her around to face him) Then why don't you try looking me in the eyes and telling me that?  However, this time try speakng from the heart?
Jennifer:  Last night was-- (her words are cut off as Romeo pulls her in for a kiss.  Jennifer quickly pulls back, but one look into Romeo's soulful green eyes, which Romeo returns with one look into hers.  At that moment, he knows he is hers for the taking once again.  She kisses him and Romeo lifts her up in his arms and kisses her as he carries her upstairs to the bedroom)
(<- Coral Springs, Nevada ->)
Rachel: (spies her daughter standing in front of the punch bowl pouring red punch into her cup) Hey, are you enjoying yourself?
Rochelle: Yeah, there are some really interesting people here.  I'm just parch from all the socializing, so I thought I would help myself to a drink. (taking a sip of her punch) This place really is gorgeous, who's the owner?
Rachel:  Madame Alexia Deboir. (pointing to the dark-haired woman elegantly dressed in a magnificent red dress with stunning diamond earrings) She's right over there, talking with Mary, the woman you met when we first got here.
Rochelle:  Wow, she's almost as stunning as the decor around this mansion.
Rachel:  She's also one of the wealthiest woman in this city, frequently donates funds and equipment to Candela Industries and unlike most rich socialites, she's not afraid to put in hard labor.  She's really an exquisite woman.  Would you like to meet her?
Rochelle:  I don't know, what if I say something embarrassing?
Rachel:  Nonsense, let's go! (before Rachel can proceed, a man steps in front of her with a camera)
Man:  How about a close-up of mother and daughter? (Rochelle looks at her mother strangely upon hearing the request.  Before either could answer, Rachel's cell phone goes off)
Rachel: (she pulls the cell out of her purse, taking a look at the incoming number.  Her eyes tense upon seeing the name) I have to take this! (she then answers the call and darts off, leaving Rochelle to the photographer)
Rochelle: (smiles) I guess we won't be taking photos at this time.
(<- Cypress Gardens Plaza ->)
Leigha:  (taking a bite of her hamburger) Now this is what I call therapeutic.
Beau:  and I thought food was the way to a man's heart.
Leigha: (places her cheeseburger down, inquiring with a sultry tone) and do you have designs on my heart, Mr. Devereaux?
Beau:  and what if I did, Ms. Gray?  Would I stand a chance?
Leigha: (continues speaking in her sultry tone) Oh, I definitely consider having you on a trial basis.
Beau: (flashes a smile) A trial basis, huh?  So what would you say to dinner at my place, tomorrow night?  Maybe then I can work on getting my upgrade.
Leigha:  and what would we do after dinner?
Beau:  (sly grin) Whatever your heart desires.  (Leigha returns the smile as Anton catches sight of the upon returning to his seat)
Dylan:  What's so interesting?
Anton: (keeping his eyes on Leigha and Beau) Our cousin and my assistant.
Dylan:  You sound bothered by the fact that their together.
Anton:  (finally taking his eyes away from them) I just didn't realize that they knew each other that well.  Anyhow, that was a call at the office, I've been summoned back for an emergency deadline.
Dylan:  That's all right, I'm about ready to wrap things up here.  I'll take care of the bill.
Anton: (looking at Beau and Leigha once more as he gets up and then shrugging off the voice telling him to be suspicious of the sudden alliance) Great, next time it will be on me and who knows, maybe you'll have someone at your side.
Dylan: (grins slightly) Don't hold your breath. (Anton gives him a pat on the shoulder and then walks off.  Dylan turns his attention to Beau and Leigha, who steps away from the table.  Dylan decides to walk over and greet his cousin)
(<- Preston Powers Mansion ->)
Romeo pins Jennifer to her bed post, clutching their hands together tightly as he kisses her passionately and rub his body up and down on top of hers.  She moans in pleasure and asks him not to stop, lifting her neck up as his tongue moves down every delicate inch of her neck.  Romeo continues to massage his tounge down near her clavicle as he unpins their hands, getting lost in the minty taste of his lips against her skin.  Her hands move along the back of his head and through his soft black hair as she continues along his neck as her nails begin to make delicate creases along the arch of his back.  Romeo proceeds below her clavicle, causing her body to rise in a slight curve as she swings her body up on top of Romeo's, sitting up on top of him just below his legs revealing her upper torso to Romeo as she lowers her head down near his right ear, nibbling on it and then twirling her tongue along his ear lobe.  The sensation drives Romeo wild as she finally moves her lips to his and kisses him slowly and tenderly for nearly two minutes until Romeo finally loses all control and thrushes his tongue down her throat in a deep french kiss.  He rolls over regaining his position on top of her and continues making passionate love to her between deep breaths of ecstasy.  After nearly an hour, the two come to a sweaty climax.
***Dana: (entering the empty hallway, she scans the area for Matthew until her eyes catch sight of him at his brother bedside.  She then takes a seat across the hall from the window) There has got to be something I can do to give Matthew some faith.  (looking down at her tarot cards still on the table, she gives into the inclination to pull another card, but then places it back on top of the deck) No, you've caused enough trouble. (getting up and walking to the window as she looks on at Matthew) Maybe the best thing I can do for now is give you some time alone with your brother.  (she says tilting her head down as the card on the table mysteriously turns itself over, revealing the journey card)
Samantha: (sitting alone in her car, which is parked in the Leysdale Parking lot, talking on her cell) Yes, I need directions to Springfield Medical Hospital.
(<- Cypress Gardens Plaza ->)
Woman:  (Dylan freezes as he gets closer to his cousin, waiting for the waitress who just approached Beau to walk away) Would you like a refill, sir?
Beau:   No, thank you, but if I can get the bill?
Woman:  Sure!
Beau: (finishing the last drop of his drink as he looks up to Dylan standing in front of him) Can I help you?
Dylan:  Are you Beau Devereaux?
Beau:   Who wants to know?
Dylan:  I'm Dylan McCloud, I'm your cousin.
(<- Coral Springs, Nevada ->)
Rochelle:  I'm sorry to interrupt.
Mary:  Hi again!  Oh, have you met Madame Alexia Deboir?  Madame Deboir, this is Rachel Hatcher's daughter Rochelle Desmores.
Alexia: (lends her hand out and Rochelle shakes it, her mind still focus on her mother's whereabouts) So you're Rachel's daughter?  It's a pleasure, your mother is a wonderful woman and I see that she has pass her beauty down to you.
Rochelle:  Thank you!  My mother speaks highly of you as well.  I absolutely love your mansion, the art is especially beautiful.
Alexia:  Well, you can thank my beloved Charles for the beautiful canvases and portraits.   He had magnificent hands and incredible passion for the arts.  I really keep them up as a legacy of his life.
Rochelle:  Yes, well, I especially love the one of the summer bay.
Alexia:  (Rochelle looks around the room, but doesn' t see her mother anywhere and then turns back with a slight smile at Alexia) Oh, that's one of my favorite two.  It was done on our honeymoon in the Eve of 1969.
Mary:  (catching sight of Rochelle's anxiety) Rochelle, is there something wrong?
Rochelle:  I'm sorry, have you seen my mother?   She went off to make a phone call over half an hour ago and I haven't seen her since.
Alexia:  Check the library.  It's back toward the entrance and to the right.
Rochelle:  Thanks!  (Rochelle walks off, passing through the crowded room)
Meanwhile, in the library...
Rachel:  (speaking on the phone with an unknown man) Look, I'm sorry that I haven't been able to spend time with you, but I've been trying to mend fences with my daughter.
Man:  Honey, that doesn't change the fact that I miss you and crave being next to you.
Rachel:  My daughter is only here to the end of the week.  Once she's gone, then we can continue where we left off.  (Rochelle heads towards the doors to the library)
Man:  I just don't understand why you don't tell your daughter about us and spare us both this agony.
Rachel:  She wouldn't understand.  (the door to the library opens as Rochelle spies her mother's back from the doorway and hears her talking on the phone) She loves her father too much and to hear that I'm with you Leo, that could destroy all the progress I made with her so far.
Jennifer: (wearing nothing but Romeo's shirt) Brian!
Brian:  (making his way down the steps) What's going-- (his words cut off upon hearing Romeo's voice)
Romeo:  (walking out of the kitchen in his boxers) I got the-- (~)
Widlin: (her hair blows in the wind of the dark sky as she answers the door of her house) Alfonso?
Alfonso:  I won't take up too much of your time. (~)
Crystal:  I had a premonition.  Death is coming, right here to Leysdale Hospital.

Click here for Episode 276