Previously on “The Mysteries of Our Lives”: Spring of Devastation
Dana:  I know what you're thinking, but this still doesn't mean that your brother is in death's path.
Matthew:  Then show me the proof because you haven't reassured me so far. (~)
Brian:  I'm not going to wait another second longer...  Tomorrow, I'm going to tell Jennifer how I feel, that I'm head over heels in love with her.
Romeo:  No, that would ruin everything. (~)
Crystal:  Billy and I did not have control over what happened and I'm appalled that you would use that as a reason for walking out on your contract.
Alfonso:  That is not what I'm doing.
Billy:  Then why don't you explain to us what you are doing?
Alfonso:  I'm doing what I think is right.  I've regained that thirst for life that I once had and I must hold onto it.  Now I'm sorry, but that thirst just isn't here.
***As Crystal lies peacefully next to Billy in bed, she is entranced in a dream as she roams through the halls of Leysdale Hospital.  It's eery to her as everything is silent and in shades of black and white as if she were in a black and white movie.  Suddenly she sees faces of people in mourning as she continues walking through the halls, some strangers at first.  But then she sees Matthew and Dana clinging to one another, Ralph, Jessica and others as the doctors are talking inaudibly to the crowd, the news obviously devastating as Crystal spies the looks on their faces.  Her body proceeds to the hospital room ahead.  As she touches the door, her body shivers from the cold handle and the chilliness of the room as she walks inside, spying the hospital bed covered with a sheet.  As she continues to the side of the bed slowly, she pulls the sheet from the body underneath and covers her mouth in shock at the revelation of the face marred by death.  The dream ends as Crystal lets out a gasp in horror, awakening Billy.
Billy:  What's wrong?  (Crystal body remains frozen in shock)
(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)
Dana: (walking up near the hospital room as Matthew comes out) How is he?
Matthew:  (his eyes and voice tired from his visit) The same.  Dalia and Jason are in with him now.  (he makes his way over to the couch outside his brother's room)
Dana: (following behind him with two cups of coffee) Well, I thought you could use some coffee.  (Matthew takes the drank from her hand slowly as she extends it out to him) A step toward clearing the air.
Matthew:  (putting the coffee off to the side and stepping up from the couch, nearly stepping on her toes in the process) No, I'm the one who should be clearing the air.  I shouldn't have bitten your head off earlier.  I know you were only trying to help.
Dana:  Unfortunately, it seemed that I only made matters worse.
Matthew:  No, you haven't.  You've continued to give me hope and reassurance even when the cards predict it being unlikely.  Having you here by my side has stopped this from being a total nightmare.   (Dana is moved by his apology as their bodies find themselves near one another, their lips itching to touch, but the moment is interrupted by Evelin)
Evelin:  Hey, you two.  (Dana and Matthew lips immediately park as their eyes become focus in Evelin's direction) Is there something you'd both like to share? (Dana and Matthew look at one another with a mystified smile)
(<- Cypress Gardens Plaza ->)
Beau:  So your brother finally told you about me?
Dylan:  I've known for a couple of days now.  This is just the first visible opportunity I had to meet you.
Beau:  Well, why don't you sit down?
Dylan:  What about your date?
Beau:  She had somewhere else to be. (Dylan mouths "Oh" and takes a seat) So...
Dylan:  So... (grins) I don't know, I've pictured this moment in my head so many times, but there is just so much we don't know about one another, I'm not sure where to begin.
Beau:  Well, why don't we start with the thing nearest and dearest to my heart.  How's your serving hand?  (Dylan is baffled by the sarcastic inquiry)
(<- Pierre Mansion ->)
Widlin: (the doorbell sounds as she heads down the stairs, causing her to raise her head at the door) Who could that be?  (she wonders as she continues down the stairs and walks over to the door, feeling a gust of wind that causes her hair to blow immensely upon opening the door) Alfonso?
Alfonso: (he smirks at her) I'm flattered, you remember my name.
Widlin:  (she returns his grin) Well, we had something once upon a time.  (an uncomfortable silence then results) So what are you doing here?
Alfonso:  I won't take up too much of your time.  I'm just here to say goodbye.
Widlin: (her voice breaks, sadden to hear the words) Goodbye?
Alfonso:  Yeah, I think it's been a long time coming.
(<- Preston Powers Mansion ->)
Jennifer: (bent down slightly as she rummages through the fridge) I know it's here somewhere.  (Romeo sneaks up on her, kissing her on the side of her neck, causing her to gasp as she turns halfway to his adoring face) Oh, it's you.
Romeo:  Well, who else would I be?
Jennifer:  (getting up to face him) I just wasn't expecting you to sneak up on me.
Romeo: (grabbing hold of her by her hips and giving her a quick kiss) Well, I couldn't stand another minute away from you.
Jennifer:  Well, I was looking for the chocolate sauce to go with the strawberries.
Romeo:  How about I find the sauce and you start the bubble bath?
Jennifer: (grins and gives him a peck on the cheek) All right.  (Romeo then turns to the fridge as she walks out of the kitchen.  Meanwhile, Brian enters the mansion with a bouquet of flowers as he notices candles sparsely located around the room)
Brian: (places the bouquet down on the table as he makes his way down stairs) Dylan, Jennifer-- (he stops upon seeing Jennifer waltzing into the livingroom in nothing but Romeo's shirt)
Jennifer:  Brian!
Brian: (inquring in confusion) What's going-- (his words cut off upon hearing Romeo's voice)
Romeo:  (walking out of the kitchen in his boxers) I got the-- (Brian expression goes stone cold upon seeing Romeo's face) Oh, I didn't realize we had company.  Why don't I start up the bubble bath while you and Brian talk? (he smiles cunningly at Jenni and gives her a kiss before heading upstairs)
Brian:  I apologize for interrupting.  Why don't you call me on my cell when you've both finish running up the water bill.
Jennifer:  Please don't be like that.
Brian:  and how am I suppose to be?  Do tell me Jennifer because quite frankly I'm at a lost.
***************************************************THEME SONG******************************************************
Jennifer:  Where is all this anger coming from?
Brian:  Maybe I'm sick of running into some love scene between you and your boyfriend.
Jennifer:  Well, it's quite unavoidable since we live under the same roof.
Brian:  So what are you saying?  This is just a preview of things to come?
Jennifer:  I just think that you should respect that there are going to be men in my life and I'm surprise that I have to justify this to you.
Brian:  I'm sorry, you're right.  You don't need to justify anything to me.  Obviously there is more going on between you and Romeo than you have let on.  So why don't I just go before Romeo gets tired of waiting? (he turns away from her and heads for the door)
Jennifer: (her inquiry stops him) Wait!  Was there a particular reason you came back to the mansion?
Brian:  (turning back to her at the door) It's no longer of importance.  (he then opens the door and departs, closing it behind him)
(<- Outside of Pierre Mansion ->)
Widlin: (sitting on the bench with Alfonso) Well, I'm happy that things are looking up for you.  I know that things ended pretty badly between us.
Alfonso:  Well, you know, that's just life.  We were both completely different people then.
Widlin: (scoffs) Maybe you were different, but I'm still the same woman I was back then.
Alfonso:  Granted, you're beautiful as ever, but I think time has shaped you as well.  You definitely seem more at peace now.
Widlin:  Yeah, I've confronted a lot of skeletons in my closet since losing you, but that hasn't stopped me from making the same mistakes over and over again.
Alfonso:  We're human, no one is infallible.  Maybe it isn't you who needs to change.  Perhaps you just need to find someone whose willing to fight for you in spite of your shortcomings.
Widlin:  Do you have a crystal ball so I can see who that special someone is? (grinning at the remark)
Alfonso:  You don't need a crystal ball, you just need faith.
(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)
Dana:  Evelin, I'm glad to see you're all right.  I got a little worried after you disappeared.
Evelin:  Well, I needed some time to myself.  But I see you've gotten along swiftly despite your worrying.
Matthew:  Dana and I were just discussing my brother.
Evelin:  Quite intensely, I saw.  I can only imagine how intense things would have became if I only arrived a few seconds later.
Matthew: (sighs, folding his arms across his chest) So what brings you here this late?
Evelin:  I wanted to sit in with Earl.
Matthew:  Actually, Dalia and Jason are in with him right now.
Evelin:  Earl's ex- wife is here?
Matthew:  Well, she's the mother of his child and they have remain quite close despite everything.  You don't have a problem with that, do you?
Evelin:  No, why would I?  I hardly know the woman.
Matthew:  All right.  Then why don't we give Dalia and Jason some time with Earl?  You can sit with me and Dana while you wait.  (Evelin appears exasperated by the remark)
(<- Lincoln Manners Resort ->)
Billy: (watches as Crystal frantically gets dressed) Hey, what's going on?
Crystal: (putting on her baby blue silk shirt to match with her navy blue jeans) I can't explain right now.  I need to get to Leysdale Hospital A.S.A.P.
***Mary: (notices Rochelle displease expression as Rochelle heads over to the punch bowl.  Mary follows after her) Hey Rochelle, did you find your mother?
Rochelle: (she says in a stern voice as she pours herself a drink) Oh, I found her.
Mary: (taken aback) Is everything all right, you seem a little upset?
Rochelle: (turning her attention away from the punch bowl, she forces a smile on her face) Oh no, everything is wonderful.  But thank you for asking, you've been really great.
Mary:  Well, Rachel's my friend and you're her daughter.  I feel as though we're practically family.
Rochelle: (taking a sip of her punch, she then places her cup down on the table at the side of her) That's very nice of you to say.  (The two smile in synchronization as Rachel walks up and greets the two)
Rachel:  Well, it's so great to see that my daughter and best friend are getting along in my absence.  (Rochelle gives Rachel a cryptic look)
(<- Cypress Gardens Plaza ->)
Dylan:  Yeah, my brother told me you were into extreme sports.  In fact, it was that dangerous water stunt that you tried to do that made everyone believed that you had perish.
Beau:  Well, you never fully lived into you've done something extreme and lived to tell about it.
Dylan:  Well, I've done a couple of extreme things-- (pauses, feeling a sense of regret come over) But believe me I don't feel any less alive.  Anyhow, that's a story for another day.  So what else is there to you besides sports and fitness?
Beau: (turning his attention to the waitress that was hitting on him earlier, he gives a sly grin to Dylan) Well, there are other things right up that alley.
Dylan: (spying the answer to his subtle remark, he returns the grin) and besides women?
Beau:  There really is nothing else.  My life is pretty simple compared to yours.  You're a doctor, that must be stressing at times?
Dylan:  Sometimes, but it's pretty much the only tangible thing I have in life.
Beau:  Well, maybe you should join me sometime on the courts.  It would be great.  We can get to know each other and have fun at the same time.
Dylan:  That does sound more intriguing than double duty at the hospital.  All right, you're on.  I have to warn you though, I have a mean serve.
(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)
Evelin: (walking up to Matthew as he sits on the couch reading an article in Showtime Limits) Where's Dana?
Matthew: (his eyes remained entranced in the paper) She went to check in with her brothers.
Evelin: Good, that gives us some time to discuss what was really going on between you and Dana.
Matthew: (removing the paper from his face, his eyes matching his serious tone) I already told you what was going on.
Evelin:  Well, I understand it may have been a little difficult with Dana in the room.
Matthew:  I really don't see how that has any bearing on anything I said.
Evelin:  Really?  So you make a habit out of staring deep into Dana's eyes while discussing your brother. (moments pause) I think not.
Matthew: (cheek turns a shade of red as he grins slightly) Why don't I go see if Dalia and Jason would spare you a couple of minutes with my brother? (he removes himself from the couch and proceeds across the hall to his brother's room)
Dana: (concluding her call at the telephone booth near the main entrance of the hospital) Ralph, I'm fine.  Now I'll call you when I know more. (her anxiety wares off as a smile graces her face) I love you, too.  Bye. (hangs up the phone and darts toward the elevator to her left until stopped abruptly by the shouting of her name)
Crystal:  Dana!
Dana: (making a turn around back over toward Crystal) Crystal, what are you doing here?
Crystal:  I had a premonition.  Death is coming, right here to Leysdale Hospital.
Dana:  What exactly are you saying?
Crystal:  I saw it in my dream, just like visions that I had before, only this time it was more of a nightmare.  But it was real-- Someone we know and love is going to die.  (Dana swallows the chilling words)
Billy: (waltzing into the hospital at a lost) Hey, there you are.  Maybe now you can explain why we're-- (catching sight of their ghastly faces) Why so morbid?
Crystal:  I just finish telling Dana about my nightmare, only it was more of a vision.
Billy: Vision?
Crystal:  I've been known to experience these psychic flashes.
Billy:  and you're only mentioning this now?
Crystal:  Well, they disappeared strangely after the explosion I was involved in last year and only came up recently, following Javier's death.
Billy:  Oh.  I don't understand why you would come here though.
Crystal:  Well, this is where my vision was.  This is where the death is going to take place.  (the words again give Dana a chilling feeling, leading her mind to thoughts of Matthew)
Matthew:  (smiling as he proceeds toward Evelin) You're in luck.  Dalia and Jason have just finish saying their goodbyes to Earl.  So there is really no reason you can't go in right now and see him.
Evelin:  Oh, subtle.  Don't think this is the last you'll hear of this discussion.
Matthew:  Oh, I'm sure I won't.  In fact, I look forward to the next time, maybe then we can discuss you and my brother.  (Evelin gives him a coy smile before walking off to Earl's room)
(<- Pierre Estate ->)
Widlin: (grins as she steps up from the bench and walks over along the trees in back of her, turning back to Alfonso as he remains seated on the bench a couple feet away from her) Faith!  Well, that definitely sounds like something the old Alfonso would say.
Alfonso: (getting up from the bench) Well, I feel that in some way this job has brought me back, given me new life, new blood.
Widlin: (smiles widely) I'm really happy for you, really I am.  I hope you know that I only wish you the best.
Alfonso:  I know. (passing her with a sadness in his voice) I only wish that Mindy shared your enthusiasm.
Widlin:  Naturally, she's upset.  You both are very close friends and she probably feels lost at the thought of you leaving.  However, I think that if Mindy is as good of a friend as you deserve, she will see that this makes you happy and see that you not miss this opportunity.
Alfonso: (grins) Well, look at you, you're already starting to have faith.
Widlin:  Or maybe you just bring it out in me.
(<- Preston Powers Mansion ->)
Jennifer stares out at the sky from her bedroom window as Romeo comes from behind and wraps his arms around her.  Kissing her gently on the neck and commenting about their bubble bath.
Romeo:  The bubble bath was wonderful.
Jennifer: (escaping his clutch as she turns away from the window) Yeah, it was nice.
Romeo:  Good, maybe next time you can show it with more enthusiasm.
Jennifer:  I'm sorry.  (placing her hand over her forehead) I'm just-- My mind is somewhere else.
Romeo:  I can see that.  (worried that Brian may have professed his love to her) Is this about Brian, did he say or do something to upset you?
Jennifer:  No.  It's just the tension between us is really getting to me.  I mean, we use to be so close and now it seems we're just drifting apart and I don't understand why.
Romeo:  Maybe he just need some time to get use to the fact that there is another man in your life.
Jennifer:  How can he accept something I haven't come to terms with myself?  I mean, one second I'm telling you that you repulse me, and the next, I'm making love to you.  I mean, what is wrong with me?
Romeo: (grabbing hold of her face passionately) Nothing is wrong with you and there is nothing wrong with us.  We have a connection beyond our understanding. (he removes his hands from her face)
Jennifer:  That's the problem, this connection is so beyond our understanding that I'm moving wherever the mood strikes.  I let you lure me back in when all I want is out or so I thought.  I can't do this, I can't continue to act under these circumstances.
(<- Coral Springs, Nevada ->)
Mary:  I'll leave you two alone.  (Mary departs)
Rachel:  You and Mary seem to be enjoying each other's company.
Rochelle:  Well, your friend Mary has been great to me and I just finished telling her that.  (grabs her drink from the table, avoiding facing her mother)
Rachel:  Good, I'm glad you're enjoying yourself.
Rochelle:  (turning back to her mother after she takes another sip of her punch) The moments have been touch and go.  You were gone for quite a while.  That phone call must have been pretty important.
Rachel:  Nothing for you to worry about.
Rochelle: (unable to return her mother's smile) You sure?
Rachel:  Yeah.  Just some pointless business matters.  (Rochelle's mind then floods back to her mother's words) "She loves her father too much and to hear that I'm with you Leo, that could destroy all the progress I made with her so far." (the recollection leaves Rochelle's blood cold as she tries to hide it with a faint smile)
Man:  Hello ladies, if I were a paranoid person, I would think you both were avoiding me.  How about a close-up of you two?  I assure you it will be painless.
Rachel:  Sure.  Rochelle? (She calls for her daughter to come closer to her)
Rochelle:  Oh!  (she stands by her mother side, smiling as wildly as she can at the camera while her insides are being torn to pieces)
***Alfonso:  (walking back with her up to her door step) Well, it's getting late and I do have an early morning ahead of me.
Widlin:  Well, I won't take up any more of your time.  I hope Mindy comes around.
Alfonso:  Me too. (extends his hands out) Come here.
Widlin: (smiles and then walks into his arms) Oh, I'm going to miss your sweet face.
Alfonso:  (the embrace goes on for about a minute before they both pull away) Yeah?  Well, who knows?  Maybe I'll show up at another ball and score you a stuff teddy bear.  You take care of yourself, okay?
Widlin: (she smiles) I will if you will.  (Alfonso returns the smile and Widlin watches as he leaves the ground)
(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)
Matthew: (spying Dana walking toward him) Hey, you sure took a while.
Dana:  Well, I ran into an unexpected visitor downstairs.
Matthew:  Hmm... anybody I know?
Dana: (her voice becomes melancholy) It was Crystal.  She had a premonition tonight.
Matthew:  Do I want to know about what?
Dana:  The universe was definitely trying to tell us something.  Crystal pretty much got the same message tonight.  Someone in this hospital is going to die. (Matthew jaw tightens upon hearing the words)
(<- Coral Springs, Nevada ->)
Rachel: (watching as some of the guests exit the mansion, she examines the room and then turns to Rochelle) Looks like the party is starting to wrap up.  What do you say we start heading off?
Rochelle:  Yeah, I'm just going to say good-bye to Mary.
Rachel:  Okay, I will go and bring the car around.  (she watches as Rochelle walks over to Mary and then heads toward the exit of the mansion, but is stopped by Alexia) Oh, Alexia.
Alexia:  I'm glad I caught you.  One of the servant's found this near the library and thought it might be yours.
Rachel: (she gets a good look at the bracelet as Alexia holds it up) No, it isn't mine.
Alexia:  Hmm... maybe it belongs to your daughter.
Rachel:  Why would you assume that?
Alexia:  Well, your daughter was there earlier today when she went looking for you, wasn't she?
Rachel:  Rochelle went to the library? (Rachel ask in a state of shock, turning back as she catches site of Rochelle with Mary)
(<- Preston Powers Mansion ->)
Jennifer: (holding the door open as Romeo stands on the outside) Thank you for understanding.
Romeo:  Well, I want us to be together, but I want this endless parade of guilt to end as well.  (Jennifer smiles lightly) May I at least kiss you good night?
Jennifer:  (she voices to him seriously) On the cheek. (he moves slowly and extends a kiss onto her cheek.  She feels the sensation of his breath on her cheek for a few momentary seconds before he pulls away, stepping back on the outside of her door)
Romeo:  Good night.  (he walks off and she watches him go down the driveway before closing the door behind him.  Upon heading down the stairs, she notices the bouquet of flowers that Brian had brought in)
Jennifer:  God Romeo, will you ever quit? (she grins cluelessly and grabs the bouquet of flowers, the card inside dropping to the ground as she goes to put them in a vase)

Mindy: (her voice deadly calm) The world is a cold place Alfonso.  People come and go everyday and now it’s time for you to go. (~)
Sandy: (smiling giddily at Romain) How about you join me for lunch? (~)
Joy: (she voices strongly to Jessica) I'm telling you, the best course of action we can take is the course of surprise!

Click here for Episode 277