Previously on “The Mysteries of Our Lives”: Spring of Devastation
Joy: I use to be married to him.
Jessica: You're A. Ramsey-Lakhan's ex- wife.  Well, I guess you won't be representing me then.
Joy: Not necessarily. (~)
Alfonso: My new job is in Seattle, which means I'm leaving Hallandale... It really was an offer I couldn't refuse.  (Mindy is unable to do anything but scoff in offense) You can fake some enthusiasm, you know?
Mindy: Enthusiasm?  Do you recall the reason I joined this company in the first place?  This was supposed to be a new and exciting opportunity, in which we were supposed to embark on together. (~)
Sherri: I didn't ruin anything with Romain, he realized that his secrets and lies were always going to be a problem.  So when he's ready to talk, then maybe I'll be ready to give him another chance.
Sandy: and if he doesn't?
Sherri: Then life goes on big sis because there is so much more to life than Romain Chandler...
Sandy: (affirming to herself after Sherri departs) We'll see!
***Romain: (drops his clipboard down on the desk at the nurse's station as he finishes adding his signature to some of the attached documents.  He then directs his attention to Delilah) Whoo!  What a morning.
Delilah:  Tell me about it.  It's been Grand Central Station down here all morning.
Romain: (Sandy overhears him as she boards off the elevator) Yeah.  Well, I need a break.
Sandy: (she smiles, dressed nicely in professional attire) Then I have arrive just in time.
Romain: (her presence seems to be a breath of fresh air for him) Sandy, what brings you to my place of business today?  (the phone rings and Delilah tends to it as Romain moves a few feet away from the nurse's station) Wait.  Don't tell me.  You want to encourage me once again not to give up on your sister.  Well, frankly I'm not in the mood for yet another rejection.
Sandy: (she smiles giddily at him) Then how would you like to join me for lunch?
Romain: (her request takes him off guard) You're asking me out to lunch?
Sandy:  Is it really that hard to believe?
Romain: (serious look in his eyes) Quite frankly... yes!
(<- Northern Ridges Park ->)
A: (jogging down the path of the park, he comes to a stop at the foot of her bench, taking notice of Jessica reading the latest issue of Showtime Limits. Her hair pulled back into a ponytail along her red velvet shirt) What a beautiful day to run into you, Ms. Chappell.
Jessica: (she looks up in disappointment to realize that it was in fact his smug face matching the condescending voice) It was.  (stepping up from the bench) Excuse me! (making her way pass him)
A: Come on Jessica, this is a public park.  (She turns back to him, not appeased by the stated fact) Surely we can enjoy each other's company.
Jessica: (disgusted by the thought) You are representing my ex- husband.  I want nothing to do with you.
(<- Mindy's Place ->)
Alfonso walks up to her peach orange door and presses and releases the doorbell to the right of the door.  He then takes a step back awaiting Mindy to open the door.  However, Mindy remains seated on her couch, not feeling up for company.  After a couple seconds, Alfonso rings the doorbell again, causing a reluctant Mindy to get up and answer the door.
Alfonso: (ringing the doorbell once again) Come on Mindy, I know you're in there. (his voice immobilizes her body as Alfonso voice escalates from outside her home) Mindy!  I'm not going anywhere, so you might as well open the door.  (taking a moments pause) Mindy! (the pitch of his voice suddenly drops as the door opens, leaving him face to face with her)
***************************************************THEME SONG******************************************************
Alfonso: (there’s a dead silence before he finally speaks) I've been looking for you everywhere.
Mindy:  Well, you found me. (walking away from the door nonchalantly)
Alfonso:  Is that really all you have to say?
Mindy: (she turns to him, unable to hide her sense of lost) What more is there to say Alfonso? You’ve made your choice.
Alfonso:  What choice?
Mindy:  Your career over our friendship.
Alfonso:  I’m really sorry you feel that way because our friendship has been the one true solid thing in my life and I happen to cherish it deeply.
Mindy: (her eyes stone cold) Is this suppose to be the part where I rush into your arms and tell you how much you mean to me?
Alfonso: (taken aback and slightly hurt by the hostility in her voice) No, it’s not!  Why are you being so cold to me?
Mindy: (her voice deadly calm) The world is a cold place Alfonso.  People come and go everyday and now it’s time for you to go.  You go and grab your something more because there is nothing left for you here.
(<- Northern Ridges Park ->)
A:  I’m not here to cause you any duress Ms. Chappell.  I was simply enjoying an afternoon jog, spotted you and thought I would say hi.
Jessica:  Well, perhaps next time you should continue on your merry way.
A:  Or perhaps you should consider putting your personal feelings aside.  After all, we’re going to be seeing a whole lot more of each other in the coming weeks.
Jessica:  So what? That entitles you to my time and respect?
A:  No, but I think we can at least afford to be civil to one another.
Jessica:  We’re on opposite sides of the law.  Civility is impossible because when I go into that courtroom, I plan to win.
A:  Then you’re in for a real disappointment because I will win.  You’ve done the research; you know I’m not one to lose.  (Joy approaches the entrance of the park, quickly spying Jessica and A together.  She ducks back around the wall surrounding the entrance)
Jessica:  There’s a first time for everything.  Rest assure, my lawyer will wipe the floor with you.
A:  Sounds formidable.  So whom have you recruited crazy enough to go up against me? (Jessica grins deviously as her cell phone rings, causing her attention to be diverted)
Jessica: (answering her cell after second ring) Hello?
Joy:  Don’t say a word!
***Stephen: (snapping his camera) That’s it, a little more to the right. (he informs Danielle, who smiles sultry in her green halter top, revealed through her slightly open leather black jacket that matches very well with her low-cut black skirt.  She bounces her hips inward, then outward in a continuous motion, twirling her green shawl around her.)
Stephen:  Beautiful!  Now picture grand skies and glistening sun. 
(Danielle then throws down her shawl and presses her body firmly on the ground, tilting her head slightly to the left as she flaps her hand continuously under her neck. She then pulls her hair behind her ear as she smiles intently into the camera, unzipping her leather jacket as she allows the invisible sun to hit her body.  Stephen starts taking snapshots up close and from a distance as Danielle relaxes her body in front of the camera, letting her hair fall back as she lowers her head down to the floor.  She rests on the ground for about a minute as Stephen takes a couple shots before she rises up from the ground, tossing her jacket as she winks at the camera.)
Excellent, give me more.  It’s electrifying hot! (She then rings her fingers through her hair, untangling the knots as she grabs a chunk of her hair into a bun, keeping her hand set like a band as she smiles again at the camera from her right side, then from up close.  She then lets her hair fall once again and starts rubbing her hand over her body as if it were towel cleansing and rejuvenating her skin.  She continues to seduce the lens before Lucien comes creeping around a wall from the left, wearing a black & white tuxedo with black shades.  In his shirt pocket, rest a rose that stands lonely as if waiting to grace someone’s warm touch.  Danielle is now wearing a stunning red dress as she follows along slowly a dark-tented path, her feet working the ground.  Lucien continues along his path as he suddenly stops and looks up at the bluish-black ceiling, the sense of lost in his eyes covered by his shades.  Danielle, on the other hand, continues steadily along the path as if expecting something magnificent to happen.  Suddenly she spots Lucien, her eyes sparkle involuntarily in the dim light, sensing something about him.  Lucien feels someone’s presence as well, turning to Danielle.  He slowly removes his shades in order to get a better look at her.  Danielle spies the initial sadness in his eyes and approaches him slowly.  There are no words as their bodies finally meet, just a look in both of their eyes that causes Stephen’s camera lenses to fog up as he struggles to capture every moment on film.  Danielle’s hand slowly extends, grabbing hold of the rose in Lucien’s pocket.  Lucien’s body warms at the touch of her hand on his chest in that instant second as she takes the rose into her hand and breathes in the heavenly scent.)
Stephen:  That’s a wrap. Beautiful. (Lucien and Danielle smile at one another and then proceed to step off the canvas.)
Lucien:  Would you like something to drink?
Danielle:  A nice bottle of Zephyrhills would be great right about now.
Lucien:  All right, water it is.
Michelle:  (rushes over, gripping her sister’s hands) You were amazing.  If I had any doubts, I don’t anymore.  H&B is going to take Hallandale by storm.
(<- Cypress Gardens Plaza ->)
Nia: (approaches Shaquanna’s table, who is reading the Business section of the morning paper) Good afternoon, sorry to keep you waiting.  May I take your order?
Shaquanna:  I’ll have the lunch special, thank you.
Nia: (smiles) All right, you shall receive your order momentarily.  (Nia darts off as Shaquanna returns her attention to the Business section of the paper before Malina interrupts, approaching steadfastly at Shaquanna’s table)
Malina:  Boy, I am so glad that I found you.
Shaquanna: (puzzled by her presence) I just finished ordering.  What’s going on?
Malina: Obviously you haven’t heard.
Shaquanna: Heard what?
Malina: (she takes a seat in front of Shaquanna, her back turn to most of the people in the plaza. She then takes a deep breath as she clutches the magazine to her chest, not yet revealing the cover) Brace yourself! (Shaquanna looks on baffled as Malina slowly removes the cover from her chest, revealing a picture of H&B two lead models on the cover)
Shaquanna: (her eye balls nearly leave its socket upon seeing Lucien and Danielle on the cover of Illusion Magazine.  She remains speechless for several seconds before finally speaking with an involuntary grin) That bitch!
Romain:  Well, you got me to do lunch with you. Care to share why you wanted me to?
Sandy:  I guess its sort of a sympathy date. (Romain’s expression becomes serious)  I saw what went down between you and my sister yesterday.
Romain:  Well, my actions yesterday were of my own volition.  What you said at the hospital prior had nothing to do with it.
Sandy:  It’s nice to hear my words had such an impact.
Romain:  I’m just trying to ease any guilt you might be feeling.  Sherri and I are grown adults, we don’t need you trying to fix something that simply cannot be repaired.
Sandy:  But that’s where you’re wrong.  Things between you and Sherri can be fixed.  The only question is, will you allow it?
(<- Mindy’s Place ->)
Alfonso: (coming up behind Mindy, who stares blankly through her wall)  You say there’s nothing left, yet I feel as if I’m leaving something behind.
Mindy:  You’ve created a lot of memories here; that can be hard to say goodbye to.
Alfonso:  That’s not what I mean and you know it.
Mindy: (turning to him, her voice escapes her for a second as she realizes how closely Alfonso was behind her)  What is it that I’m suppose to know? Hmm?
Alfonso:  Is this really how you want things to end between us?
Mindy:  Well, I have to move on like you have, and right now, you’re making that pretty difficult.
Alfonso:  Well, forgive me if I can’t bring myself to walk out the door.
Mindy:  Well, it’s a door that you opened, so I would think it would be pretty easy.
Alfonso:  There is nothing easy about this.  I hate saying goodbye to you, especially like this.
Mindy:  But it has to be done.  (Fighting back the urge to cry) Just go!  Just go to Seattle and do what you need to do.
Alfonso:  All right, I’ll go!  (A tear falls down his left cheek)  But don’t think for a second that this means that I have gone from your life because I’m your friend and I’m in your heart and you’re in mine, no matter what you try to convince yourself of.  (He pauses as the two exchanged looks of pain and loss) I’ll never forget you.  Goodbye Mindy.  (He then gracefully exits, leaving Mindy alone and unable to say a word)
Mindy: (after it is evident that Alfonso has left her property, she finally speaks) Goodbye Alfonso. Goodbye.  (She says softly, sitting down on her couch as she buries her face in her pillow)
***Jessica: (turning to A as she places her hand gently over the receiver) Excuse me!  (She moves a couple steps away from him)  All right.  What’s going on?
Joy:  I see that A. Ramsey-Lakhan is pumping you for information.
Jessica:  He wanted to know who is crazy enough to go against him in court, among other things.
Joy: (scans her surroundings, making sure she is not drawing any unneccessary attention) and it is important that you tell him nothing.
Jessica:  I don’t understand.
Joy:  You see how cocky and secure he is of himself.  I want him to stay that way.  I’m telling you, the best course of action we can take is a course of surprise.
Jessica:  What does that mean?
Joy:  I’ll explain later.  Right now, you need to focus on getting rid of Mr. Lakhan.  (the line disconnects as Jessica spies Joy walking casually away from the park entrance. Jessica closes her cell and turns back to A.)
(<- Cypress Gardens Plaza ->)
Romain:  You make it sound like I hold the key to fixing what’s wrong between Sherri and me.
Sandy:  You do.
Romain:  and what brought you to this conclusion?
Sandy:  The thing that is keeping you and Sherri apart is your past in North Dakota.  (Romain turns his head away at the mention of the state) Maybe if you took the first step and trusted her with the truth--  Well, that could go a long way.
Romain:  Or not!  But what I am gathering is that you think I’m the one causing all the problems between Sherri and me.
Sandy:  and can you honestly say that if North Dakota had not entered the picture, that you two would be here right now? (Romain adjusts his posture with a cryptic look, feeling on some level that Sandy was right)
Shaquanna: (holding the magazine in her hands) That bitch doesn’t know when to quit.  (She looks at it once more before slamming it down) I made her a household name in this town and this is how she repays me.  By using my connections to further her sick plans for revenge.  (Raising from the table) I won’t stand for this.
Malina: (her eyes quickly rise to Shaquanna in motion) Wait, what are you doing?
Shaquanna: I’m going to pay Ms. Dientes a little visit.
Malina: No, don’t do that!  (Malina urged her seriously)
(<- Hunks & Beauty Fashions ->)
Lucien:  (he walks in on Danielle sitting in her dressing room, trying to fix her hair as she admires the many possibilities in the mirror) So this is where you disappeared?
Danielle: (she turns immediately away from the mirror upon hearing the sound of his voice) I have to look good for my next shoot.
Lucien:  I don’t think that will be much of a problem.
Danielle:  Thank you, that’s very nice of you to say.
Lucien:  I didn’t say it out of the kindness of my heart.  Anyone can see what a beautiful sensation you are.
Danielle: (moving from the mirror) Stop, you’re making me uncomfortable.
Lucien: (he follows slowly behind her) Well, I’m only speaking the truth.  I apologize if that makes you uncomfortable.
Danielle turns back to speak, only to be left speechless by the acknowledgment of how close they are. Lucien is then caught by the stare of her innocent brown eyes and before she can process the moment, Lucien kisses her tenderly, leaving Danielle breathless as an envious Vanessa sees everything.
***Vanessa stands in shock of the moment as Danielle begins to feel herself giving into the warm touch of Lucien lips against hers, Vanessa’s insides become twisted as the pain of the moment reflects upon her face and she can only motion her head up and down slightly in awe.  Unable to take another second, Vanessa walks away from the two as Lucien prepares to wrap his arms around Danielle, which causes her to bring the kiss to a complete halt, pulling herself away from Lucien.
Danielle:  I’m sorry, this can’t happen.  (Danielle then turns away from Lucien)
Lucien: (unable to speak for a moment as his mind is still wrapped on the kiss.  He finally shakes it off as he turns, only to grace Danielle’s back) No, I’m the one who should be apologizing.  I don’t know what came over me.
Danielle: (turning back to face him) It’s okay.  The important thing is that we realize what we were doing and stopped it before it went any further.
Lucien:  You’re right.  (An awkward silence ensues, causing Danielle to take the moment to retreat)
Danielle:  I better go before Michelle sends out a search party.
Lucien: (makes a slight grin) You might want to change first.
Danielle: (gazing down at herself, she realizes she is still wearing her red dress from earlier) Oh!
Lucien:  I’ll inform Michelle and Stephen you’ll be down in fifteen.
Danielle:  Thanks.
Lucien:  You’re welcome!  (They both exchange silent glances once again.  Lucien then clears his throat, diverting his attention away from Danielle)  I’ll get out of your way.  (he then makes a move for the door, closing it softly behind himself.  Outside her dressing room door, his mind is blocked as he looks back toward her door before turning back toward the studio, where he finds Vanessa approaching with a cryptic look on her face) Vanessa.
(<- Cypress Gardens Plaza ->)
Shaquanna:  You want me to stand here and do nothing?
Malina:  Confronting Michelle is not going to change the fact that her star models are on that cover.  In fact, the only thing you will accomplish by having a confrontation is creating even more friction between the two of you.
Shaquanna:  Why should I care about any friction between me and Michelle?
Malina:  Yesterday was the anniversary of her husband’s death.  So I think the last person she wants to see today is you.
Shaquanna:  Therefore, I should just let this all go?  Well, maybe she should have given more thought to Kasey before she pulled this stunt. (Shaquanna darts off, leaving Malina defeated)
Romain:  You’re right, my choosing not to divulge some of the personal aspects of my past has caused some problems between me and Sherri, but that is not where this all started.  Sherri is unable to get past the pain she suffered through her marriage with Mitchell.
Sandy:  and inadvertently through my affair with Mitchell, correct?
Romain:  You’re the one who said it, not I.
Sandy:  Well, we are not the cause of what’s wrong between you and Sherri.  We are not the ones involved in the relationship.
Romain:  You’re right, it’s Sherri and I who were the couple.  So any problems that exist are solely are own.  So maybe you should remember that and consider butting out.
Sandy:  I’m only trying to help.
Romain:  Well, maybe you’re doing more harm than good.
(<- Mindy’s Place ->)
Mindy flips through her photo album, where she finds many solo and group shots of her and Alfonso.  The recent shot of her and Alfonso together at the opening of Crystal’s Fantasy & Associates is what caused her eyes to divert from the page, for she feared the onset of tears.  Her focus on the ceiling is unsuccessful as she brings her face back down and covers her mouth, hoping to muffle any sounds of pain.  Meanwhile, Alfonso sits in a cold seat at Hallandale Airport, awaiting the final boarding call for Seattle.  As it is finally made, he quickly stands up from the seat, taking a deep breath as he grabs hold of his bags and walks toward the boarding gate.  As he reaches the gate, he turns back and smiles faintly as he says with a bit of nostalgia, “Goodbye Hallandale.”  In synchronization, Mindy closes her photo album, keeping in her hand a portrait of Alfonso as she says softly to him, “goodbye.”  She then brings the picture close to her heart as if she were hugging him in reality and finally cries uncontrollably.  It is then a dark shadow is revealed hovering over Mindy’s home.

Lucien: (concerned by Vanessa's cryptic expression) Are you all right?
Vanessa:  I'm fine! (~)
Brock:  Have you seen Samantha?
Delilah:  No, not since yesterday. (~)
Samantha:  There's a man life at stake here, so I'm not leaving until I get the answers I came here for.

Click here for Episode 278