Previously on “The Mysteries of Our Lives”: Spring of Devastation
Dana:   I believe that God has a plan in mind for everyone and that your brother's work on Earth isn't quite complete.   As long as he has Hallandale's excellent team of physicians behind him, including my sister-in-law, he has a chance.
Matthew:  I mean no disrespect towards Samantha, but she and her colleagues haven't been able to save anyone else and as far as their concern, my brother is already dead. (Samantha within inches of the church door) There is no reason to fight and while they waste their time looking for results, my brother slowly slips away to death each and every day. (~)
Lucien is caught by the stare of her innocent brown eyes and before she can process the moment, Lucien kisses her tenderly. Vanessa stands in shock of the moment as Danielle begins to feel herself giving into the warm touch of Lucien lips against hers. (~)
Malina:  Yesterday was the anniversary of her husband’s death. So I think the last person she wants to see today is you.
Shaquanna:  Therefore, I should just let this all go? Well, maybe she should have given more thought to Kasey before she pulled this stunt.
***Malina: (running down the path in front of Cypress Gardens Plaza after Shaquanna) Shaquanna, wait up. (Shaquanna annoyed, turns back to Malina, who finally slows down and takes a quick breath) Please stop! Stop and think about what you’re doing. You don’t want to do this.
Shaquanna:  Yes, I do!
(<- Hunks & Beauty Fashions ->)
Lucien: (turns to walk away from Danielle’s dressing room door and is shocked to see Vanessa’s cryptic face staring back at him) Vanessa. (concerned) Are you all right?
Vanessa: (nearly choking on the words with a slight smile) I’m fine! Why?
Lucien: (melancholy tone) I don’t know! You just seem a little withdrawn.
Vanessa: (chuckles again with a brighter false grin) It’s been a long day. So what about you? I hear the morning shoot was quite successful.
Lucien: Yeah, I gathered that as well from Michelle's beaming. But I think Danielle was the one who really stole the show.
Vanessa: (gritting her teeth) Oh, I bet she did!
(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)
Brock: (walking up to the nurse’s station, he spots Delilah) Delilah!
Delilah: (gives him a warm greeting) Mr. Lombard, what can I do for you?
Brock:  I was wondering if you’ve seen my lovely wife.
Delilah:  No, I haven’t seen her since yesterday.  Is there something wrong?
Brock:  I’m not sure. (he gives a puzzled look) She never came home last night and I haven’t been able to reach her all morning. (Delilah's attention is risen even more as she begins to feel the need to worry)
(<- Springfield Medical Hospital ->)
Receptionist:  How can I help you, ma’am?
Samantha: (leaning slightly over the women’s desk) I’m Samantha Keller Lombard.  I would like to see the person in charge here, preferably the Chief of Staff.
Receptionist:  I take it you don’t have an appointment.
Samantha: (she remarks flatly) How very astute of you?
Receptionist:  May I ask what this is in regards of?
Samantha: (she hesitates for a second before strongly announcing) Blackadder36! (the receptionist’s face immediately goes pale) I take it from the look on your face you know very well what I’m talking about.
Receptionist:  I don’t see how the Springfield Medical staff can be of any assistance to you.
Samantha:  Well, I do have some questions and I intend to get some answers.
***************************************************THEME SONG******************************************************
Receptionist: (Samantha stares her down fiercely) I’ll consult with our Chief of Staff, Dr. Daniel Mayfield.
Samantha: (her eyes become less tense) Thank you! (the nurse begins to walk away, but turns back)
Receptionist:  What was your name again?
Samantha:  Samantha Lombard! (she gladly answers and then walks off to take a seat as the receptionist gives her an ominous look before turning and catching sight of a nurse)
Receptionist:  Carol, could you watch my desk while I take care of an important matter?
Carol: (she smiles) Sure, no problem! (Samantha watches in a distance)
(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)
Delilah:  That’s not like Samantha not to tend to a phone call.
Brock:  That’s why I’m so worried!  Are you sure she left no hints about where she might be headed or any plans?
Delilah:  No, but then I was long gone before she was.
Brock: (feeling discourage, he tries to remain optimistic) This just doesn’t make any sense.  I mean, she had to tell someone where she was going.
Delilah: Well, did you try her brother?  I mean, Royce.
Brock:  He’s out of town; he’s been out all week.
Delilah:  Well, you have to remain calm.  There is no evidence to indicate that something bad has happened to Samantha.  Now I’m sure wherever she is, she has a very good reason for not keeping in contact.
(<- Outside of Cypress Gardens Plaza ->)
Malina:  I want you to tell me just what exactly do you hope to accomplish by confronting Michelle?
Shaquanna:  I want her to know that I’m not taking her flack lying down.  That I don’t give a damn that her husband is dead or that she blames me.  I want her to know that when you cross Shaquanna Nichols, there are consequences.
Malina:  Those are just words, they are not going to make any impact.  You want to stick it to Michelle; you’re going to have to whoop her ass. (Shaquanna is both taken aback and intrigued by Malina’s choice of words)
***Shaquanna: Please, I’m intrigued! (she smiles brightly) Do tell how I am supposed to whoop her ass?
Malina:  I was speaking figuratively.
Shaquanna: (continues to smile brightly) Oh, but of course.  What other way could I possibly interpreted it?
Malina: (playful tone) Oh, you’re bad!  However, the point I’m trying to make is talking is not only a waste of breath, but a waste of time.  If you want to get something accomplish, don’t waste your time feeling as if the city of Hallandale owes you something, because they don’t.  The fact of the matter is we have competition and you have to fight if you want these people to see that you’re the better option.
Shaquanna:  We’ve tried that.  Even coming up with a new concept for our line, along with a spokesmodel.
Malina:  You’re right.  We came up with a new concept and Garrett Michaels is on board along with a few contacts you still have in Europe.  The key to our success is marketing.
(<- Hunks & Beauty Fashions ->)
Vanessa:  Well hey, don’t cut yourself short. I’m sure an audience of the female persuasion would be quite taken with you.
Lucien:  I’m sure, but why don’t we leave that up for debate later? (walking ahead and around Vanessa, he turns back to readdress her) Right now, I better head back down to the studio before Michelle and Stephen send out a search party for Danielle.
Vanessa:  Is she in the dressing room?
Lucien:  Yeah, I’m sure she’s not quite finished getting ready yet.
Vanessa:  Well, I’ll look in on her and help her out if I can.
Lucien:  You never seem to amaze me.
Vanessa:  It’s no big deal.
Lucien:  It is, and I would love to explain all the reasons why, but it will have to wait until later. (She nods her head in accordance as he then walks off, leaving Vanessa alone to her thoughts)
***Dr. Mayfield: (opening his office door, he’s not excited to see her walking in casually) This had better be good Mrs. Winter.  I was in the middle of an important counsel.
Receptionist:  Oh, this is important. You have big trouble.
Dr. Mayfield: (not hinting on to the big mystery) What kind of trouble?
Receptionist: There is a woman here asking all about Blackadder36.
Dr. Mayfield: (not the least alarmed) Is that all?  You tell her that the pathogen was exterminated and is no longer a problem.
Receptionist:  I doubt that will do, this Samantha seems very determined to get some answers.
Dr. Mayfield:  What did you say the woman name was?
Receptionist:  Samantha. Samantha Lombard? (Dr. Mayfield becomes withdrawn) What?  What is it?
Dr. Mayfield:  That’s the same woman who called here a few days ago.
Receptionist:  and now she’s here in Springfield. (she pauses as a fearful look crosses her face) I don’t like this, Dr. Mayfield.
Dr. Mayfield: (he says in a soft, gloomy tone) Neither do I.
(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)
Brock: (presses the button for the elevator to open. He waits a couple seconds as he tilts his head down. He lifts his head up as he hears the elevator rings and prepares to step on, but spots his sister coming off) Dana.
Dana:  Brock, how is everything?
Brock:  It’s been better. What about you?
Dana:  Okay, I’m here to see Matthew, but what’s going on? Why are you here in the hospital?
Brock:  Trying to find my wife.
Dana:  Trying to-- I’m not sure I understand.
Brock:  Well, apparently my wife has disappeared.
(<- Outside of Cypress Gardens Plaza ->)
Shaquanna:  Marketing? It’s funny, all my years in this business and I forgot all about it.
Malina:  Well, it’s time for you to get reacquainted because if we’re going to beat Michelle, we’re going to need a whole new image, a whole new theme, a whole new purpose.
Shaquanna:  Any ideas?
Malina:  You’ve always had classy clients.  Not just because of their background, but because of the clothing they wore, the way they pose, their posture. We want something more, we want something exciting, we want something life-driven; something no one would dare think was the work of Shaquanna Nichols.  We want to unleash a side in people they would never dream of unveiling in the day.
(<- Hunks & Beauty Fashions ->)
Danielle:  (hears a knock on her door as she stands in the mirror fixing her lipstick with lip liner) Come in!
Vanessa:  Hello Danielle.
Danielle: (turning away from the mirror) Vanessa!
Vanessa:  I thought you could use a hand getting ready for your next shoot.
Danielle:  Bull!  What are you really doing here? (they both exchange killer looks)
***Vanessa:  You’re right; I could care less what you’re wearing. This is about one thing and one thing only.
Danielle: (the tiredness of the topic is evident on her face) Lucien!  Well, let me tell you something.  Lucien may never see you as anything else but a friend and that still shocks me to this day. (she turns back to the mirror)
Vanessa:  You know nothing about me and Lucien.
Danielle: (turning back, her hair swings back) I know that you’re not a couple.  I know that it takes more than you to make you and Lucien a couple. (Vanessa’s face grows with fury from the remark) So why don’t you get the hell out of my face and get a life because I’m not interested in your fantasies.
Vanessa:  You’re the one that’s dreaming if you think I’m going to let a little twit like you come between me and Lucien.
Danielle: (her voice pained at having to repeat herself) My god, there is nothing to come between. You and Lucien are not together and if there’s a God, you never will be. (Danielle then walks away, forgetting her lipstick as she opens and then closes her dressing room door)
(<- Outside of Cypress Gardens Plaza ->)
Shaquanna:  You’ve obviously been giving this a lot of consideration.
Malina:  I’ve done more than that.
Shaquanna:  How?
Malina:  Why don’t you come back with me to the studio and I’ll show you.
(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)
Dana:  What do you mean Samantha’s disappeared?
Brock:  I mean she didn’t come home last night.  No one has seen her since yesterday. (Dana’s face goes blank) What?  What is it?
Dana:  It’s just strange; she’s been so determined to find an anecdote for Matthew’s brother.
Brock:  You don’t have to tell me.  I know how dedicated she’s been to this outbreak. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprise if that’s the reason she’s not here right now.
(<- Springfield Medical ->)
Dr. Mayfield: (approaching Samantha, who’s sitting down looking at the floor) Mrs. Lombard?
Samantha: (raising her head) Yes?
Dr. Mayfield:  I hear you’re looking for information regarding Blackadder36.
Samantha: (she then stands up) Yes, I am.
Dr. Mayfield:  Well, there is not much I can tell you, but I could recommend the library.
Samantha:  Or maybe I can take up my inquiries with the federal authorities? (Dr. Mayfield’s face goes cold and Samantha takes notice) Why don’t you stop giving me the run around?  There’s a man life at stake here, so I’m not leaving until I get the answers I came for.
Shanna:  Why haven't you people arrested Shalia Mendez Guittierrez? (~)
Rochelle:  Why don't you come out and ask what is really on your mind?
Rachel:  I don't know what you're talking about? (~)
Dr. Mayfield: (his eyes fierce and unyielding) You're not going anywhere!

Click here for Episode 279