Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives"

Romain: I came here to relax and I'm only getting bombarded with lots of questions.

Laura: Sorry if I am ruining your image, I'll just leave. (~)

Malina: You tell me, you still haven't answered my question. (~)

Matthew: Why are all our things packed?

Earl: We're moving . . . Hallandale.

***(Evening is beginning to approach)

Matthew: Hey Evelyn! I need your help, can you get down here as soon as possible?

Evelyn: What's going on?

Matthew: I just need you to be ready to make some travel plans just in case something doesn't go right.

Evelyn: What are you up to?

Matthew: Trying to save my brother, we have to get out of this town before my horror visions become a reality.

Darron: Hey, How's it been going?

Crystal: My days have been brighter.

Darron: Still having those visions?

Crystal: I can't help it. Evil is here!

Laura:  I'm here on part of the company T.E.C.S International.

Desk clerk: How can I help you?

Laura: I need to see the financial statements for this company, their bankroll. The owners are worried the Ball they threw a couple of nights ago may have affected them financially.

Desk clerk: I see.

Laura: So it would be a huge favor if you could hand those financial records over to me.

(theme music)

***Desk clerk: Okay, but first I must check with the owners to see if they are aware of whats going on.

Laura: No, you cant do that.

Malina: So, are you going to answer my question?

Widlin: Yes, me and Alfonso have been going out ever since last winter.

Malina: hmm . . .

Widlin: That's all you have to say.

Malina: Oh no. I want to know why you can't be honest to me about one single thing.

Evelyn: Don't tell me you are still putting stock into those visions you've been having.

Matthew: I can't help it, they never steered me wrong before, which makes me very afraid.

Evelyn: I still think that you are just imagining all of this.

Matthew: No, Im . . . I got to go. Bye.

(hangs up phone)

Evelyn: Bye!

Earl: Whats going on, who were you talking to?

***Matthew: It was no one special.

Earl: If you say so. I'm going to hit the sack, we have a long day ahead of us.

Matthew: Wait, before you take your nap or whatever, we need to discuss our living arrangements.

Earl: What about them?

Matthew: The fact that they are here.

Darron: Well, I'm sorry because I don't believe in these supernatural things you keep bringing up.

Crystal: There not supernatural, the evil is as real as you and me.

Laura: There is no need to call the owners, they know I'm here on their behalf.

Desk clerk: So it shouldnt be a problem if I quickly ring them up.

Laura: Look, they dont really know Im here.

Desk clerk: I suspected that.

Laura: That is because Im trying to surprise them, I mean, they have really been working hard on their company and I will do everything to make sure T.E.C.s succeed.

Desk clerk: All right, I will be lenient this once but this favor does not leave the office.

Laura: (thinking) I will see that T.E.CS succeeds all right, right to the ground.

***Desk clerk: Did you find what you wanted?

Laura: Yes, I will be sure to tell the owners this.

Desk clerk: Is there anything else I can do for you?

Laura: No, that would be all. (thinking) I now have the power to make Crystal bleed and then some.

Darron: I don't understand.

Crystal: Of course not, you have not experience the impact of my visions.

Darron: What do your visions entail?

Crystal: I can sometimes see the future, past, and even things happening right now. Right now, I am seeing something that is happening real soon and lives will be impacted.

Earl: I can't believe that you refuse to give this up.

Matthew: I just don't understand, now that you've settle things here, I don't see any reason why we should continue to stay here.

Earl: The reason is everything we need to make a firm fitting on our company is here, we have no choice but to stay. We have to get into reality and escaped the world of islands and fantasies. Now, Ill see you in the morning.

Matthew: Good night! (he watches his brother walk towards his bedroom and around the corner, then makes his utter disapproval known) I can't allow this to continue, it's time for plan B.

Widlin: I have only not been honest about this and what happened at camp.

Malina: I think I can understand camp, but you chose to lie about this because . . .

Widlin: It was a secret, we didnt want anyone to know yet.

Malina: I'm sorry, I just don't understand because I am your friend and friends tell each other everything.

Widlin: There are some things even friends can't share.

Malina: Well, you dont have to worry about that anymore because I am no longer your friend.


Coming soon

Widlin: I can't believe this, the truth might as well came out because the same consequences were achieved tonight. . . I lost everything. (~)

Jessica: William!

William: What the hell is going on? (~)

Taneia: I'm here to pick up the bankroll for T.E.C.S Restaurante.

Desk clerk: That won't be necessary.

Click here for the next episode!