Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives"

Rochelle: Some thought that she died.

Kavina: Jessica is very much alive.

William: I knew it, tell me where my wife is. (~)

Taneia: I am starting to think Earl had the good idea about backing out of this company. (~)

Widlin: There are some things friends can't even share.

Malina: You don't have to worry about that anymore.

***Darron: Are you sure that these visions of yours are authentic.

Crystal: Pretty much, why?

Darron: Maybe you're a Psychic.

Taneia: Dont be ridiculous, there is nothing mystical about Crystal, that is except her own past.

Crystal: (moans) What is it that you want now?

Widlin: I can't believe this.  The truth might as well came out because the same consequences were achieved tonight. I have lost everything. (she confesses, edging down on the steps of her mansion) Well, I can look on the brighter side, it can't get any worse than this.

Anton: Hey, How's it going?

Kavina: Good, very good.

Anton: It feels like I haven't seen you in ages, obviously traveling an all expense paid trip to Paris agrees with you.

Kavina: You can say that.  Probably the only bummer was that I didn't meet anyone the least bit interesting. However, I hear you had an elegant woman on your shoulders at the Masquerade Ball.

Anton: Dont worry.  I know the right guy is out there for you.  You just havent met him yet.

William: It took me a while but it leads up to here. Once I open this door, everything that I have been wondering will become instantly clear.

(theme music)

***William: Here goes.

(opens door)

William: (he comes face to face at the scene of his wife in a wheel chair and a man kneeling before her) I knew it.

Jessica: (turning her head toward the sound echoing from the door) William, what are you doing here?

William: The more important question is what in the hell is going on?

Kavina: It doesn't really bother me.  It is just when I see all these couples, it makes me see what Im missing out on.

Anton: Yeah, but some couples make you wish you never fall in love.

Kavina: Like Rochelle and Leonard.

Anton: Yeah, where is Rochelle anyway?

Kavina: I don't know.  She had some mysterious errands to run.

Taneia: Actually, I just wanted to tell you that I'm going to the bank to pick up the bankroll. So you don't have to worry about it.

Crystal: It's nice to see you doing something.

Taneia: Well enough with the pleasantries, I will be back.

Darron: (to himself) Hopefully thats much later.

Taneia: I heard that, but I dont have time to argue, so I will catch you later Crystal.

Darron: I dont understand why you just don't throw Taneia out of this company.

***Crystal: Despite the differences we are having now, Taneia is my friend.

Darron: Maybe its time to pick new friends.

Crystal: I know that her behavior hasn't been at all civil, but you didn't witness what happened between her and Kyle or else you would understand.

Widlin: (opens door to her room) What in the world? What the hell happened in here?

(spots her safe cracked open)

Widlin: (Gasps) All my money is gone.

Jessica: I can explain what is going on.

William: So is this the guy you've been cheating on me with.

Doctor: (standing up from Jessica's side) What is going on, Mrs. Chappell?  Would you like me to escort this gentleman out?

Jessica: That wont be necessary. Could you allow me sometime alone with my husband, Dr. Juntas.

Doctor: Very well.  I will be outside.

William: Now that your doctor is gone, tell me what is going on? You can start by what are you doing here.

***Jessica: What is going on is that I was in a terrible car wreck that cost us the life of our baby.

William: It may have caused the life of a baby, but the bastard sure wasnt mine.

Jessica: (Gasps) How can you be so cruel? Its almost like your glad our baby is dead.

William: What if I am?

Anton: How long has she been gone?

Kavina: Almost the whole day.

Anton: What kind of errand could she be doing that's taking all night?

Kavina: (glances at her watch) Oh no! I am late for a class.  I have to leave now.

Anton: Okay, have a safe trip.

Widlin: (rushes down stairs) Dad, we've been robbed.

Alexander: Honey, what are you talking about? Everything seems to be in order to me.

Widlin: Oh my god, you're right. The thief aimed specifically for my room. I dont understand how they got into my safe if it was burglary proof.

Alexander: Well, did anyone else know the combination to your lock?

Widlin: Just me, you, and . . . Leonard.  I can't believe though that he would still my money.

Alexander: The maid did say she thought she saw him leaving your room pretty oddly.

Widlin: I dont believe this.  I am going to find that idiot right now. I trusted him with that combination and he steals from me. Oh, he is not getting away with this.

Taneia: I'm here to pick up the bankroll for T.E.C.S Restaurante.

Desk clerk: That wont be necessary.

Taneia: Why not?

Desk clerk: A women already came by and picked it up.

Taneia: Well, my partner was at the restaurant and didnt say anything about it getting picked up.

Desk clerk: It wasn't Crystal.

Taneia: Then who was it?  Who the hell did you give our financial information out to?

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