Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives"

Kavina: Sometimes I could kill him for the things he has done to you.

Rochelle: Sometimes, I can't help but feel the same way. (~)

Widlin: (Gasps) All my money is gone. (~)

Lacreasha: Leonard can put us away in jail for a long, long time. (~)

Crystal: I can sometimes see the future.

***Lacreasha: Have you found Leonard yet?

Man: No damn it.  I've looked everywhere for that punk.

Lacreasha: Sorry.  Don't get all bent out of shape on me.

Man: I'm just frustrated.

Lacreasha: Still, where could he be?

Man: Wherever he is, we need to find him before he talks. So you take that way and I'll take this way and we will me back here at 0:00 hours.

Camille: Widlin, how nice to see you.

Widlin: Get out of my way.

Camille: Is that any way to talk to someone who has the dirt on your sordid past.

Widlin: I don't care anymore. You go ahead and tell my secret. It can't get any worse for me, now get out of my way.

Anton: What are you doing here so late?

Malina: I needed to talk to someone and since you weren't home, I decided to try here. I figured since you're the one with all the answers, you could give me some insight.

Anton: You've been crying. What happened?

Malina: Lets just say this night has been full of revelations.

(theme music)

***Anton: Obviously. It look like this one really took its toll on you.

Malina: I just have had it with Widlin and all her secrets.

Anton: I see.  Secrets have a way of doing that.

Malina: I understand that, which is why I have told her to turn the blackmailer in. She won't confide in me about the secret, except that it is really horrible and the blackmailer doesn't seem to be backing off.

Darron: You're right, I dont understand.

Crystal: I didn't think so.

Darron: That's because you should not be letting her run all over you.

Crystal: Thats not what I'm doing.  Im just being understanding of what has been going on in her life.

Darron: So you're implying I'm not.

Crystal: You just don't understand.

Darron: (leaves) Youre right, I dont.

***Taneia: (slams door) You will not believe what happened at the bank tonight.

Crystal: What?

Taneia: I tried to get our bank payroll and it was already collected.

Crystal: That's impossible.

Taneia: Not according to the desk clerk who said the woman who took it was a huge fan of ours and wanted to give it to us as a surprise.

Crystal: That doesn't sound right since the only person we rarely have collect our bank payroll is Darron.

Taneia: So then who the hell has it?

Anton: I can see why you no longer want to be apart of this.

Malina: The fact that these secrets have become a way of living, it makes me wonder what else she is hiding.

Anton: Well, I think its better to have a friend who accepts you for all your faults, no matter what. You can have a friend who is completely open with you.

Malina: I know that, I just think maybe being friends with Widlin is not such a good idea.

Crystal: I have no idea.

Taneia: You have to have some idea because it certainly can't be anyone I know because I'm not well acquainted with everyone in this town.

Crystal: Well, how did the woman look?

Taneia: The desk clerk couldnt come up with a positive ID because she wearing a thick overcoat.

Crystal: So they didn't want anyone to know it was them. I think I know who it is.

***Crystal: It makes sense and if it is her, she has no plan of giving it back.

Taneia: Who do you think it is?

Crystal: Laura Sedwick, it has to be, she is the only one . . . (gasps) Oh my god.

Taneia: What is it?

Crystal: I just saw the future, someone's murder.

Lacreasha: What happened after we split up, did you find Leonard?

Man: Thats not important, lets just say that the problem has been eliminated.

Rochelle: (moans) Anton, you're still here?

Anton: What happened to you? Whats going on?

Camille: Whoa, you look like you did the night you . . .

Widlin: Shut your mouth, I cant believe you have nothing else to do but terrorize me. You did not see me at all tonight, you got it.

Camille: Okay, that was very weird.


Coming soon

Royce: Why did you and Brock break up?

Samantha: I have no idea, he called off the engagement with no reason as to why. (~)

Shaquanna: Michelle, we need to discuss what's been going on since I was away. (~)

Anton: Where were you last night? (~)

Women: (screams) Oh my god.

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