Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives"

Samantha: Good, I am so through here.

Brock: "We both know that is far from the truth and I am even now more determined to prove that to you." (~)

Kasey: That can never happen, Michelle. I love you too much to even look twice at another women. (~)

Rochelle: Anton, you're still here?

Anton: What happened to you?

***Royce: (he opens the door, and Samantha lets herself in as Royce hits the light switch) I know tonight did not turn out the way you hoped.

Samantha: (kicking off her high heals as her behind hits the couch) You could say that again. I can not believe that the one restaurant we chose, Brock would show his face there.

Royce: (closing the door and walking over to her near the couch) You know, I've been wandering something because of the way you and Brock are always going at it.

Samantha: What is that?

Royce: Why did you and Brock break up?

Anton: What the hell happened to you?

Rochelle: What are you talking about?

Anton: You look like you got run over by a truck, and what is that on your shirt?

Rochelle: What? (her eyes are averted downward) Oh . . . That's ketchup, what else would it be?

Woman: (approaching Kavina at a patron's front door) What are you doing?

Kavina: I'm here to see Leonard Stone, but he isn't answering.

Woman: (the maid knocks and then voices at the door before helping her way inside) Mr. Stone, you have a visitor.

Kavina: Is he there?

Woman: (she looks around, but spies no side of him) Im afraid not, his bed doesnt look like its been slept in.

Taneia: Crystal, a murder? What are you talking about?

Crystal: No, no. (gun shot in vision) Aah!!

(theme music)

***Crystal: (gasping for air) I need some water.

Taneia: Okay, hold on.  (she wanders offer for a moment to grab a glass, then comes back in and hands it to Crystal)

Taneia: Here, drink up. Now tell me why the hell you're scaring me like that?

Crystal: My vision, it was horrible.

Taneia: That is all they are . . . visions.

Crystal: No, this was real.

Michelle: Kasey, could you get the door, please?

Kasey: Sure honey. Who could that be at this hour?

Women: Hello Kasey.

Kasey: Shaquanna Nichols, long time no see.

Shaquanna: Well, I'm back and it is urgent I speak with Michelle.

***Samantha: I rather not discussed that . . . ever!

Royce: What a gentle way of putting it.

Samantha: I'm sorry. Its just I have no idea why we broke up. He called off the engagement with no reason as to why.

Royce: (blinks twice) Wait a minute, you were engaged to be married to this guy?

Anton: I dont know, you tell me.

Rochelle: Why do I feel like I'm on trial here?

Anton: I'm sorry I'm making you feel that way.  I mean, I don't understand why you would feel that way, you have nothing to hide.

Rochelle: Stop badgering me okay, I did it.

Anton: Did what?

Taneia: I called Darron, he's on his way.

Crystal: What can he do?

Taneia: He's more better at comforting you than I am.

Crystal: You're doing just fine, it almost like you are your regular self.

Taneia: What's that supposed to mean?

Crystal: Nothing.  It just you haven't been very nice to me lately and . .

Taneia: What? That means something wrong with me. You know what, forget it, I have to go and find this Laura Sedwick.

***Woman: God this room is such a mess for a man that didnt use his bed -- (screams)

Rochelle: Nothing, you were just making me feel defensive.

Anton: Thats what I don't get: Why are you feeling so defensive?

Rochelle: Just let it go, it will be best for everyone.

Anton: Where were you tonight?

Rochelle: I thought I said to let the subject go.

Anton: I can't when I think that you are lying about something.

Michelle: What is that you need?

Shaquanna: Well, I know that I have been away enjoying the nice city air, but I felt it was time I come back.

Michelle: I thought you'd be back in another week or so because of the timing of the photo shoots.

Shaquanna: No, for some reason I had to be here.

***Shaquanna: I will get to the point as to why I am here Michelle. We need to discuss what's been going on since I've been away.

Michelle: Why ask me?

Shaquanna: because I trust you, now has there been anything you seen that we can finally use to get rid of that spoil rich brat Widlin.

Darron: Are you okay?

Crystal: I'm fine, but I'm going to need your car if I am going to stop Taneia in time.

Darron: Stop Taneia?

Crystal: She is about to confront a very unstable woman, it could be very dangerous.

Darron: Who would the unstable one be?

Crystal: Oh come on.

Woman: Yes, I would like to report a murder. The victim is one of my tenants . . . Leonard Stone.

***Rochelle: Look, I am really tired and it is late.

Anton: Come on, you're a lawyer.  You are use to running long hours.

Rochelle: It's just been a frustrating day.

Anton: (thinking) "I dont care what you say, I am convinced something ugly went down last night."

Michelle: I don't understand.

Shaquanna: I am sick of the Pierre's thinking they are entitled to everything. It takes all that is in me to be civil to Widlin, but I know she has a secret and I want to know what it is.

Michelle: She seems like a perfectly wonderful woman to me.

Shaquanna: Anyone ever told you that looks are deceiving. Besides that, she's a Pierre and there lies goes as far as the first generation.

Samantha: Yeah, so?

Royce: So you were planning to marry someone and no call to your brother. Were you even going to tell me?

Samantha: Look, things were going too way to fast.  Me and Brock were acting on impulse. However, I would have made sure that my brother was at my wedding.

Royce: I just want to know one thing . . . Are you over Brock?

Samantha: No, I guess a part of me never got over him, but I cannot allow myself to be hurt by him again.

Royce: You can choose who you love, but as long as you have those feelings, Brock is not leaving and you can count on that.


Coming soon on "The Mysteries of Our Lives"

Taneia: Are you Laura?

Laura: What is it to you?

Taneia: Give me our bankroll, you bitch. (~)

Jessica: Why don't you just go back to Hallandale without me and send me a divorce while you're at it. (~)

Kavina: Leonard Stone was murdered! (~)

Mark: I could never be with anyone who couldn't be honest.

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