Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives"

Crystal: She is about to confront a very unstable woman, it could be dangerous.

Darron: Who would the unstable one be? (~)

Anton: Where were you tonight/ Woman: I would like to report a murder . . . Leonard Stone. (~)

Jessica: How can you be so cruel, my baby is dead. (~)

Widlin: I was not here tonight.

Camille: That was very weird.

***Mark: Well, this is my first official day at HatcherKeller & Associates.

Camille: Oh, they are going to love you and respect you. Who knows, they may need an attorney sooner than you think.

Mark: Why would you say that?

(door bell rings)

Widlin: Danielle, could you get that?

Danielle: Yes maam! (turning back toward Widlin at the staircase)

Danielle: There's someone here to see you Mrs. Pierre.

Widlin: If she has blond hair, sic the dogs on her.

Malina: I know we quit being friends for a day, but god.

Widlin: (she ascents down the last two doors and look out the door when she hears her voice) What are you doing here?

Malina: I came to talk and I brought someone else along.

Jessica: I have been here for the past month or so because I was nearly blown up in a car wreck.

William: What?

Jessica: I could have been dead if it werent for the people who rescued me, but our baby is dead and all you can think about is your damaged pride.

William: I didn't know all the facts.

Jessica: Thats because you didn't ask, you went right to jumping to obscene conclusions.

(theme music)

***Taneia: Is Nurse Sedwick on duty?

Romain: I can't say that she is.  What is it that you want to discuss with her? I could leave a message.

Taneia: That's nice of you, but what I have to say to Nurse Sedwick may need to be handle personally.

Kavina: Anton, Rochelle, you will not believe what I heard?

Rochelle: What, what's happened?

Kavina: Brace yourself... Leonard Stone was murdered last night!

William: Im sorry, I'm really glad you are all right.

Jessica: The hell you are, you probably been plotting some revenge scheme against me ever since I turned up missing.

William: Ugh . . .

Jessica: Oh get out.  Why dont you go back to Hallandale without me because another moment of looking at your face and I will lose it.

***Camille: You obviously have not glance at today's newspaper yet.

Mark: What? (Reads article) Pierre' gatekeeper found brutally murder!

Camille: Isn't that a bummer?

Mark: Yeah, but I didnt really know the guy so dont expect me to spread any tears.

Camille: Oh, but the people you work with knew him real well and could become murder suspects.

Malina: I came because there was a lot of things said last night that I wish I could take back.

Widlin: Is that why you brought Alfonso along?

Alfonso: No, but I will let you finish up with Malina first.

Widlin: Danielle, could you show Mr. Morgan to the dining area?

Danielle: Okay, right this way.

Widlin: We're alone, so start talking.

Romain: Personally. What has Laura done to you?

Taneia: My, my, we are nosy.  If you want to know-- (she then becomes distracted by the appearance of a woman wearing a black coat similar to what the desk cleark described) Are you Laura?

Laura: What is it to you?

Taneia: Lets just say by messing with one person, she should have made real sure it didnt affect me.

***Romain: Laura, what have you done?

Laura: So much for support.

Taneia: Look, just stop playing the games and hand it over before I get upset. Believe me, thats the last thing you want to see.

Laura: Hand over what?

Taneia: Give me our bankroll, you bitch.

Laura: Excuse me, what did you call me?

Taneia: I'm sorry, I hear its whore from down under since your one night stand with the nosy guy over here.

Laura: Has someone ever told you there is a time to talk and a time to shut up?

Malina: I cant believe how far our argument went yesterday.

Widlin: Ours? It was more of you badgering me on details about my past.

Malina: I realize though that regardless of the secrets that you are my friend, the only one.

Widlin: but it was very easy for you to throw that all away.

William: You want me to leave so you can be with your lover. I guess its this fascination you have for doctors, maybe that's why you became a psychiatrist.

Jessica: Oh I have had it.  Get out and send me a divorce while you're at it. I want out of this marriage, effective immediately.

***Anton: I knew the guy was a creep, but for someone to go off and murder him is just evil.

Rochelle: Maybe they had reason.

Anton: Reason? There is no excuse on this earth for taking another life so abdominably.

Kavina: Yeah!

Rochelle: Guys, honestly, will anyone spread any tears over Leonard's death.

Mark: No one at HatcherKeller could of possibly killed this guy.

Camille: Like you said, how could you know when you have just got here?

Mark: Murder is just like lies, they eat away at everything around you.

Camille: Sometimes its for the best.

Mark: Regardless, I could never be with anyone who couldn't be honest.

***Widlin: Honestly, what do you hope to gain from this?

Malina: I hope we can go back to the way things were, when we were friends and Camille was no obstacle.

Widlin: As much as I like that, we both know it is impossible.

Jessica: Which part did you not understand? I want you out!

Dr. Juntas: She said she wanted you out, now you can leave peacefully or I will have hospital security escort you out.

William: Fine, but I will be back.

Jessica: Thank you, but I was hoping you could do me one more favor. (she requests of Dr. Juntas)

Anton: That's besides the point, giving I made it clear I didn't like the guy, especially after he had you about to jump off a roof.

Kavina: Wait a minute, you were going to jump off a roof?

Rochelle: It's not that big of deal.

Anton: It could have been, because of thinking about one death we would still be trying to get over the other.

Taneia: (punches her) No, they always knew to watch out.

Romain: Laura, are you okay? I want you out of this hospital.

Taneia: I am not going anywhere until I get what I came for.

Crystal: (from down the hallway, she spies the scene where Laura, Taneia and Romain are standing) There they are.

Darron: (running up to Taneia, Crystal close behind) You have no idea what you are messing with.

Laura: She's about to find out.

Patient: Duck everyone.  It's a bomb!

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