Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives"

Malina: I hope we can go back to the way things were, when we were friends.

Widlin: We both know it is impossible. (~)

Samantha: No, I guess a part of me never got over him.

Royce: Brock is not leaving and you can count on that. (~)

Matthew: It's time for plan B. (~)

Rochelle: Will anyone spread any tears over Leonard's death?

***Rochelle: I don't see anyone saying yes.

Anton: It still isn't right to be gloating about the death of another human being.

Kavina: He's right, don't let Leonard destroy your morals too.

Rochelle: Leonard has not destroyed anything of mine and he never will again.

Matthew: I don't believe this.  We've been in this town for two days and there's already been a murder. I am now convinced that I'm doing the right thing in getting my brother out of here.

Earl: Scheming behind my back, now what kind of brother does that make you?

Samantha: So what is this place supposed to be?

Royce: Oh, that is the Cathedral, owned and run by Alexander Pierre.

Samantha: You act like that's a bad thing?

Royce: Anyone who has the last name Pierre is bad news and should never be confronted offguard.

Samantha: What did they do to you?

Royce: I don't want to talk about them, just steer away from anyone with the last name Pierre.

Malina: How can it be impossible?

Widlin: because you are right, we cant be friends until everything is out in the open. The fact of the matter is that once you hear the truth, you will wish you never heard my name.

(theme music)

***Malina: I don't care about what happened in your past.

Widlin: The point is that you did and you should.

Malina: It doesn't matter because we were friends way before your past ever became an issue.

Widlin: Still . . .

Malina: Just think about it, I have to go.

Samantha: I just feel that maybe you're being a little prejudice.

Royce: Would you think that if I told you they were the reason our father died.

Samantha: You know that our father died in a car accident.

Royce: It was a hit and run by Grandpa Pierre.

Matthew: What?

Earl: Im kidding. What are you doing anyway? We need to get over to Pryce International and start clocking in our hours.

Matthew: All right, but look at the newspaper. It proves that a storm is coming here.

Earl: (reads headline) Pierre' gatekeeper found murder. A man is dead, what does that have to do with a storm?

Matthew: Everything!

***Anton: Kavina, do you mind if I speak to Rochelle in private?

Kavina: Sure. I am going to see if Royce is in and check all the messages that are probably piled up on his desk.

Rochelle: Okay, What is it you want to talk to me about?

Anton: I can't get last night out of my mind, especially the fact that you had ketchup all over your clothes.

Rochelle: What are you trying to say?

Anton: Was it you? Did you murder Leonard?

Widlin: So what is it that you wanted to discuss with me?

Alfonso: I wanted to apologize for what a jerk I was. I had no right to badger you into telling me something you weren't ready to talk about.

Widlin: No, I should be the one apologizing. I am the one keeping the secrets and if I expect to be with you, I should be honest.

Alfonso: The fact of the matter is I dont care. I can't breathe without being next to you because I have fallen in love with you, Widlin.

***Widlin: Believe me, I'm flattered, but I can't be rushed back into this. The last few weeks have given me some insight on things I need to reconsider.

Alfonso: What is that?

Widlin: I can't be a complete lover, friend, or anything until I am able to love myself and right now, I don't think I am.

Samantha: That was a long time ago, surely the Pierre's that are here now had nothing to do with that.

Royce: It doesn't matter. Whenever a Pierre is involve, death is sure to follow.

Samantha: You don't fully know these people, give them a chance before you make them public enemy number 1.

Royce: I don't expect you to understand, you did not grow up here. However, I have seen first hand how the Pierre's lie and deceive.

Rochelle: How can you even ask that?

Anton: I just don't know what to think. I mean, the "ketchup", you acting as though you never loved Leonard, I mean come on.

Rochelle: I am just not going to spread any more tears over a man whose has caused me pain for so many years.

Anton: I just have to wonder.

***Rochelle: What is it that you are wondering?

Anton: Exactly who is the real Rochelle Desmores?

Earl: Everything?

Matthew: I told you that I had visions of evil here, and this has evil written all over it. A man was murdered while we were sleeping calmly through the night. You can not tell me that it does not affect you in the least.

Alfonso: I never knew how unsure you were of yourself.

Widlin: That's because you do not know the life I have led.

Alfonso: I could, trust me and tell me what has been plaguing you every night you try to fall asleep.

Widlin: I wish I could, but I can't. I wish I could do a lot of things, look can you please just come back another time.

Alfonso: All right! I will see you soon.

Widlin: (closes the door) Bye.

***Samantha: I'm sorry, I can't just sit here and let all this anger you have inside of you eat away at your personality.

Royce: I will be fine, besides you are the one battling the matters of the heart.

Samantha: No, no you are not going to put this on me. Brock is not here and therefore, there is no means in discussing him.

Royce: You can't hide from him.  It's a small town and you are bound to run into him again. Only this time, will you be ready?

Earl: (door bell rings) I can't say it . . . Who could that be?

Matthew: Beats me!

Earl: (opens door) Evelyn, what are you doing here?

Evelyn: I heard my buddies were in town, I had to come and see what's up.

Rochelle: I am the real Rochelle. You have known me for almost 15 years.

Anton: I know, but I feel that somehow you've changed. It's funny, I didnt notice it until now.

Rochelle: Well, I'm sorry my behavior has not been like you remembered.

Anton: It's not that.  Its just you!


Coming soon on "The Mysteries of Our Lives"

Romain: Whoa! Just calm down and think Laura.

Laura: Oh I'm thinking, once I press this button, little Ms. Taneia is going to be carried out in a body bag. (~)

Anton: Leonard was murder last night and you were no where to be found. (~)

Earl: You told Evelyn to come here so we could go back to the Palisades. (~)

Jessica: I need you to get me out of here.

Click here for the next episode!