Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives"

Darron: You have no idea what you're messing with.

Laura: She's about to find out.

Patient: Duck, its a bomb. (~)

Rochelle: What are you trying to say?

Anton: Did you murder Leonard? (~)

Matthew: A man was murdered why we were sleeping calmly through the night. (~)

Jessica: I want out of this marriage, effective immediately.

***Dr. Juntas: What is it that you would like me to do?

Jessica: I need you to get me out of here.

Dr. Juntas: I'm afraid I cannot do that, you are not well enough.

Jessica: I will be fine, but I need to get out of here before William comes back here Dr. Juntas.

Dr. Juntas: I think we known each other long enough that you can call me Greg.

Jessica: Okay Greg, will you help me?

Earl: Not that I'm not happy to see you, but how did you know we lived here?

Matthew: OOPS!

Earl: What do you mean, OOPS?

Evelyn: Well, Matthew called me last night about the predicament you guys were in.

Earl: I can't believe this, you told Evelyn to come down here so we could go back to the Palisades.

(patients running out of the building screaming)

Romain: Laura, come on and think about what you are doing?

Crystal: The woman is off her rocker, we all should be evacuating the building.

Taneia: I am not going anywhere until I get our bankroll.

Laura: Oh, you all are going somewhere, straight to hell.

(theme music)

***Darron: I think you should leave Taneia and come with me.

Crystal: You can leave, but I'm not leaving Taneia.

Romain: Stop and think Laura, please consider what you are about to do.

Laura: Oh I'm thinking that once I press this button, little Ms. Taneia is going to be carry out of here in a body bag.

Rochelle: I have not changed.

Anton: You don't want to admit it, but you have. Ever since you got involved with Leonard, you have become a different woman, a woman capable of anything.

Rochelle: Would one of those things include murder?

Matthew: Yes, I did.

Earl: I can't believe you could do something so underhanded.

Matthew: You were not listening to me about staying here, so I figured I would go to someone else.

Evelyn: Personally, I see no problem in you guys staying here.

Matthew: You were supposed to be on my side.

Evelyn: It's not about side.  I just think its about time you both started inter mingling with the real world and leave the fantasy one behind.

***Matthew: No matter how perfect this town may seem, it is not.

Earl: How would you know, you havent given it a chance. Besides that, you have been cooped up in this house trying to think of ways to get me to leave here.

Matthew: I am trying to save you from the evil aura of this town.

Evelyn: I have lived here almost my whole life, there is nothing evil about this town. All the people I have come across are very nice.

Earl: I'm sorry bro., you are outnumbered. Now we need to get to work, we are already late.

Greg: Okay, I will help you. Where is it that you want me to take you?

Jessica: First, I need to go back to Hallandale. There is some unfinished business I need to settle.

Romain: Whoa! Just calm down and think Laura. You do not really want to hurt these people, do you?

Taneia: This can all be over if she would hand over the bankroll.

Romain: If you value our friendship, you will put away the detonator and hand the bankroll over to them. It is not worth losing your life.

Laura: What does it matter, my life is worthless, I might as well take the rest of you down with me.

***Rochelle: I can't believe you are accusing me of murder. I thought we were friends.

Anton: We are, but look at all the overwhelming evidence. Leonard was murder last night and you were no where to be found.

Rochelle: I was running an errand.

Anton: What errand would that be?

Rochelle: It was an errand, now stop badgering me.

Anton: If you have nothing to hide, I don't understand why you are getting so defensive.

Evelyn: Don't be mad at your brother, he means well.

Earl: I know that.  I just don't know how much more I can take.

Evelyn: What do you mean?

Earl: I think he may be in need for some help.

Evelyn: Are you suggesting psychiatric help?

Earl: Maybe.

***Jessica: Hallandale, it sure hasn't changed?

Greg: I wouldn't know, it looks like a fairly peaceful town.

Jessica: It is.

Greg: So why are you leaving?  Is it because things didnt work out between you and your husband.

Rochelle: I am not getting defensive, I am just getting bored quick.

Anton: It doesnt change how I feel or what I believe.

Rochelle: I think I need an aspirin.

Anton: I feel that you are hiding something, something big and it all went down last night.

Romain: because there are innocent people still here who don't deserve this. Make this easy on yourself and just give them there bankroll.

Laura: Fine!

Romain: Put down the detonator.

Laura: No, I have a score to settle.

***Crystal: Look, are you really willing to ruin your life for some fantasy of revenge.

Laura: It will serve its purpose when you are declared dead.

Darron: There she is officer.

Officer: Okay lady put down the detonator and no one will get hurt.

Laura: See you all are working against me.

(prepares to press the button)

Crystal: No!!!

Jessica: Oh, I am not running away.

Greg: What do you call escaping to a remote cabin?

Jessica: I just need a place to hide out while I start filing for divorce from my husband.

Greg: Are you sure that is what you want?

Rochelle: Nothing went down last night, I was just running an errand.

Anton: Oh really, because that would not explain the "ketchup" on your clothes.

Rochelle: You keep bringing that up, Why?

Anton: Because I'm starting to wonder if that was "ketchup" or blood.


Coming soon on "The Mysteries of Our Lives"

Lacreasha: I think it's best I leave town for a while.

Man: I can't let you do that. (~)

Samantha: I have to find a way to get over Brock.

Brock: I knew you it, you're still in love with me. (~)

Malina: You seem like such a nice guy, that is why I think you need to know the truth about your so-called wife.

Click here for the next episode!