Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives"

Mark: Murder are just like lies, they eat away at everything around you. (~)

Royce: Anyone who has the last name Pierre is bad news and should never be confronted offguard. (~)

Lacreasha: Did you take care of Leonard? (~)

Laura: See, you're all are working against me.

Crystal: No!!

***(knocking at the door)

Mark: Hey, You're Malina right?

Malina: Yes!

Mark: How can I help you?

Malina: It's more on what I can do for you.

Royce: Look, I better get to work or we will be out of a place to stay. Are you going to be all right alone?

Samantha: Yeah, I will be fine. I know how to take care of myself, how else would I have survived being away from my big strong brother.

Royce: (laughs) Okay, I will meet you later.

Samantha: Okay.

Man: Are we alone this time?

Lacreasha: Yes, are you going to continue to be on my case about that?

Man: I just dont need what happened with Leonard to happen with anyone else.

Lacreasha: I know, but there are some things we need to discuss. First of all, I heard from Rochelle, off all people, over the answer machine that my sister was declared dead.

Man: Whoa! I'm sorry, I mean I know how close you guys were.

Lacreasha: Thank you. I see that you took care of Leonard.

Man: What are you talking about?

Lacreasha: Leonard's death is now the news of the town.

(Blanchencore Hospital)

bodies remain attached to the ground after the bombing, not a peek from anyone.

(theme music)

***Man: Leonard's dead?

Lacreasha: Stop acting like you didn't know, you did it.

Man: I did not kill Leonard. I found incriminating evidence against him that would destroy any credibility of a case he would have against us.

Lacreasha: What are you talking about, you said you took care of him.

Man: I did not kill Leonard, it would have been a nail in our coffins if I did. Although you never told me what you found that night. Maybe you killed him.

Michelle: Well, I will keep seeing what I can do.

Shaquanna: I brought in reinforcements. This Sandy Reynolds should be of great help to you, she is a private investigator, a great one I hear and if there are any secrets buried, she will scooped them out into the opening.

Michelle: I think maybe you should keep her on.  I mean, she's raking in the money for you and she hasn't done anything to you.

Shaquanna: Don't tell me you are having second thoughts because those doubts may just cost you your job.

Mark: I don't see how you can help me, but come on in.

Malina: I can help you by opening your eyes to the deceit that has been right in front of you, but you just refuse to see.

Mark: What are you talking about? My life is an open book and everyone it entails.

Malina: Does that include your wife?

***Mark: Yes, we have a honest relationship filled with a bundle of love.

Malina: I am just afraid that love may be one-sided from what I know about your wife, Camille.

Mark: Okay, you are beginning to upset me.  I will not have you disrespecting my wife.

Malina: She sure feels she has the right to disrespect others.

Michelle: Are you threatening my job?

Shaquanna: I am just giving you things to consider, I didn't get this far to the top by being nice to the rich snobs of this town.

Michelle: I think you made your point, you better go before my husband comes back.

Shaquanna: Okay, I will discuss things tomorrow when you return to work.

Michelle: (closes door) Sure, I will see you at work tomorrow.

Samantha: I have to find a way to get over you Brock?

Brock: (walks stealthily up) I knew it, you're still in love with me.

Samantha: My god, you're everywhere.

Brock: and you given me even more reason to stay.

***Jessica: Thank you for dropping me off by the hospital, I really need to get some things from my desk. Whoa! What is going on over here? Hey sir, What happened?

Patience: A woman has just blown up the whole building, there is no way anyone could of survive.

Samantha: I do not need to hear this from you right now.

Brock: Well, that's too bad now that I know how you really feel about me. We shared such an incredible past, why can't you give in and make it an even more glorious future?

Lacreasha: I had nothing to do with Leonard's murder.

Man: Okay.  If you insist on denying it.  Is that all you had to tell me?

Lacreasha: No, I think it will be best I leave town for awhile.

Man: I can't let you do that.

***Lacreasha: What do you mean you can't let me? It's my decision and I will do what I please.

Man: Where are you planning on going, when will you be back?

Lacreasha: I'm going to Florida to bury my sister with my family and take some time to think. As to whether or when I will be back, a couple weeks, a month, or I may stay in Florida indefinitely.

Man: Then I'm coming with you.

Kasey: So how was your visit with Shaquanna?

Michelle: (mumbling) "It was something" It was just fantastic.

Kasey: Are you sure, you look a little drawn out.

Michelle: Nothing a little rest and relaxation with my husband won't fix.

Jessica: Oh my god, Did Romain Chandler get out?

Patient: No he was one of the doctors that was still in when the whole place blew up. They are searching for bodies now.

Greg: Maybe I should take you away from here.

Jessica: No, there could be more people that I care about in there, I'm not going anywhere.

***Patient: They've found ten dead bodies and only three were found alive.

Jessica: Who?

Patient: They found the woman who blew up the building, Laura Sedwick still alive along with a Darron Wolek and Taneia Ralston.

Jessica: What about Romain Chandler?

Patient: He hasn't been spotted. He's presumed dead.

(Greg catches a fainting Jessica)

Jessica: No!

Lacreasha: You cannot be serious about coming with me.

Man: Face it, we can both use a breather from all the scheming we have been doing. So why can't I make sure you are safe and have a fun get away at the same time.

Lacreasha: Okay, although I think there is more to your reason for coming, but lets go.

Samantha: Look, I do not have time for your fantasies of a life of luxury for us. You are the one who called off the engagement.

Brock: That is ancient history.

Samantha: No it is not.  Why don't you tell me why you called off our engagement?

Mark: My wife has respect for all the people she comes across with.

Malina: Her respect we can all do with out.

Mark: Why are you doing this?

Malina: You seem like such a nice guy, that is why I think you should know the truth about your so-called wife.

Mark: What truth?

Malina: The real reason she came to Hallandale and what she has really been up to.

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