Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives"

Mark: What truth?

Malina: The real reason she came to Hallandale and what she's really has been up to. (~)

Patient: He hasn't been spotted. He's presumed dead.

Jessica: No!! (~)

Samantha: Why dont you tell me why you called off our engagement? (~)

Anton: I'm starting to wonder if that's blood.

***(Evening is now approaching)

Anton: Have you seen Rochelle?

Kavina: She didn't tell you?

Anton: What are you talking about?

Kavina: Rochelle left hours ago.

Brock: Why are we trying to awaken the past?

Samantha: I could ask you the same, trying to rekindle a relationship with me and all.

Brock: There was unspeakable circumstances that led up to me having no choice but to break it off with you.

Samantha: What are these circumstances? What are you not telling me?

Woman: Hello, Im looking for Shaquanna Nichols.

Widlin: Im sorry, who exactly are you?

Woman: My name's Sandy Reynolds, and Ms. Nichols was very interested in seeing me.

Widlin: (buzz in) Shaquanna, there is a Sandy Reynolds here to see you!

Shaquanna: How long have you two been talking?

Widlin: A while, is there something wrong?

Mark: What do you mean the real reason she came to Hallandale?

Malina: You know Widlin, Camille's "friend", that's who she has been blackmailing for the past few months.

(theme music begins and ends)

***Mark: Blackmail? That is not the Camille I know. My wife is a honest, sweet, and noble person.

Malina: No, that is what she wants you to believe. The truth is there is only one word for your wife and it rhymes with witch.

Shaquanna: No, its just there is something I want discuss with Sandy that does not need to be all over the office.

Widlin: You know you can trust me with anything.

Shaquanna: I know, but this is something needs to stay between me and Ms. Reynolds. (enters the office and shuts the door)

Greg: You really shouldn't jump to any conclusions, there is a chance your friend made it out alive.

Jessica: Jump to conclusions! The place that I used to work at burst into flames and there's nothing else left. My friend's body is nowhere to be found, how am I supposed to react?

Greg: I was trying to give you some hope.

Jessica: There is no need. There is no way that Romain could have survived if he hasn't been found.

***Kavina: Is something wrong?

Anton: No, why would you say that?

Kavina: Rochelle look as if she couldn't get out of here fast enough.

Anton: Rochelle has just been giving me a lot of insight and everything is becoming more clearer everyday.

Kavina: What's that supposed to mean?

Anton: That something strange is going on and I intend to find out exactly what.

Brock: I'm just saying some things happened for a reason.

Samantha: Really, there was a reason I had to send my engagements gifts back and tell people I had no reason why this was happening.

Brock: No, its not . . .

Samantha: (interrupts) because I find what you did very heartless, so forgive me if the truth is so unbearable but I want to know why you called off our engagement?

Mark: I've had it and I will not listen to you trash my wife any longer.

Malina: Have you ever wondered why your wife never called you, or didn't seem too happy to see you when you arrived back in town.

Mark: There are millions of excuses for why she may have not called. As for not being happy, she was just surprised.

Malina: Open your eyes, your wife isn't the innocent person she pretends to be and has not been for some time.

***Greg: So have you changed your mind and decided to stay in Hallandale?

Jessica: No, the problem with my husband still exists and besides I have some people to get in touch with.

Greg: The people who saved you from dying in that car wreck.

Jessica: Yeah, I never thought I would say it but I owe my life to Ben.

Sandy: So what is it that you want me to do to this Widlin Pierre?

Shaquanna: I need you to uncover any dirty tidbits you can find on this woman's life and make them public knowledge.

Sandy: Isnt that a little cruel?

Shaquanna: No, as soon as she is publicly humiliated, the sooner I will be rid of her.

Brock: It's just difficult to get into.

Samantha: All you have to do is move your mouth and start letting the words come out.

Brock: The night before we were supposed to get married, I saw something that changed everything.

Samantha: What was that?

Brock: I saw you in the arms of another man.

Samantha: What are you talking about?

Brock: I'm talking about Ty Chappell.

***Kavina: I still dont get quite what you are saying.

Anton: I can't get into it right now, have you seen Royce lately?

Kavina: Yeah, he's in his office. Why?

Anton: The cops have started investigating for Leonard's murderer and wants all of us down at the station tomorrow morning.

Samantha: Oh!

Brock: That's all you can say. Then again that shouldn't surprise me since you werent saying very much to each other that night.

Samantha: What happened that night was a mistake. Ty and I had to many drinks and things got out of hand.

Brock: Yeah, to the bedroom.

Mark: I can not believe what you are saying about my wife.

Malina: That's because I have witnessed from the day your wife came to town how evil she is. She has tormented "my friend" Widlin with private details of her past that she can not even talk about.

Mark: I refuse to believe this.

Malina: There are witnesses such as Alfonso, Widlin, and her father. There is also proof of her blackmail and deceitfulness.

***Mark: I can not believe this is happening.

Malina: Im afraid it is because your wife is not the women you married.

Mark: I still do not believe this.

Malina: Then why don't I show the proof or better yet, confront your ever so honest wife.

Sandy: Well, I think I can work myself into the girls good graces and then I will be right where I want to be.

Shaquanna: The woman who you were talking to is the target.

Sandy: She looks like one of those models fashion companies die for, why would you want to be rid of her?

Shaquanna: because she is everything I hate.

Jessica: Okay, everything is set.

Greg: I called the lodge and made sure they kept it reserved for you.

Jessica: Good, lets go! I have had enough of this town.

(opens door)

William: (prepares to knock) What's with the bags, are you going somewhere?


Coming soon on "The Mysteries of Our Lives"

Taneia: I just heard from the FBI that two bodies were found a couple acres away from the accident. (~)

Jessica: There is nothing more we need to discuss unless you have got the divorce papers signed and ready to be delivered. (~)

Widlin: No one can know about that night.

(dish falls over)

Widlin: Who's there?

Click here for the next episode!