Previously on “The Mysteries of Our Lives”: Spring of Devastation
Shanna:  I admire your loyalty to your wife Derek, but what about your best friend? What about my husband? (~)
Danielle: There is no you and Lucien.  You are not a couple and if there is a God, you never will be. (~)
Brian: It was pretty clear to me the moment I entered the mansion that Jennifer’s heart had already been taken. (~)
Crystal: I came as soon as I could. What’s going on?
Dana: We need your help.
***Crystal: You need my help – in a psychic kind of way?
Dana: We were able to use your visions to help you find Billy when he went missing. We need your visions now to help me find my sister-in-law, Samantha.
Crystal: Samantha’s missing?
Dana: We’re not sure.  That’s why we need your help.
(<- Preston Powers Mansion ->)
Dylan: (as he heads down the staircase, he spies Jennifer as she sighs heavily, entering the mansion and proceeding down the steps into the living area) Jennifer?
Jennifer: (turning swiftly to the staircase surprise to hear his voice) Dylan.
Dylan:  Are you okay?
Jennifer:  Yeah, I'm fine. (She turns away from his wondering eyes to the neighboring couch, not quite getting the chance to sit down and embrace its soft, cushioned feel) It has just been a long, strange day.
Dylan:  Care to talk about it? (She exchanges an ambiguous look with him)
(<- Hunks & Beauty Fashions ->)
Vanessa: (knocks on his dressing room door) Lucien!
Lucien: (as he finishes buttoning up his shirt) Come in.
Vanessa: Hi. I’m not interrupting, am I?
Lucien: No. (he says as he turns to face her, his face clean and eyes dead awake on her)  Although you are rarely an interruption.
Vanessa: (she grins) Thanks.  That’s very sweet of you.
Lucien: Well, I mean it.  You have a very special place in my heart.
Vanessa: and you mine. That’s why I wanted to see you.  There is something I need to tell you. (he looks on curiously as she takes a deep breath)
(<- Hemmings Cottage ->)
Shanna: Your loyalty to your wife is admirable, Derek.  But what about your best friend?  What about my husband?
Derek: Don’t you dare question my loyalty to Ben.  I am doing everything I can to make sure he is brought home safely.
Shanna: Really?  By interrogating his wife?
Derek: This isn’t about Ben.  This is about your ridiculous vendetta against my wife and it has got to stop.
***************************************************THEME SONG******************************************************
Shanna: Is it really that ridiculous?  Have you forgotten the reason he left town in the first place or shall I remind you?
Derek: I don’t need to hear this. (he turns away)
Shanna: Yes, you need to hear this.  You need to be reminded.  He left here because he didn’t trust your wife.
Derek: (he turns sharply at the words) Ben had his reservations.
Shanna: Reservations?  They were constantly at each other’s throat, and for a while, I was with you.  I thought that Ben was just being paranoid about Shalia.  But next thing, he’s flying to Louisiana to research her past, and suddenly disappears while enroute to Coral Springs.  Connect the pieces, Derek.  Your wife looks pretty damn guilty.
(<- Hunks & Beauty Fashions ->)
Lucien: You look serious. There is nothing wrong, is there?
Vanessa: No, I’m fine.  This is about us – you and me.
Lucien: You and me? (He reiterates in a mild state of confusion)
Vanessa: (moving a few steps closer to him, she lightly twiddles her fingers) Well, we’ve been friends a fairly long time.  You’ve been my rock through a lot of hard times.  It’s no wonder I’ve come to trust and rely on you, both personally and professionally.  I’m truly blessed to have someone as wonderful and sweet as you in my life. (a tear streams down the right side of her face and she turns to wipe it away)
Lucien: (within a second, he lightly pull her back to face him) Hey, where is all this coming from?  You’re not the only lucky one.  I found you.  That makes me pretty bless, too.  You’re the true definition of a friend.
Vanessa: Is that all I am? (she moves a step closer to him, her eyes wide with anticipation and moist by the onset of tears. Lucien returns a curious expression and before he is able to respond, she leaps in and blindsides him with a kiss)
(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)
Matthew: (placing the item gently in Crystal’s hand) Here is Samantha’s lab coat.
Crystal: (slowly sitting down in a chair facing the opposite side of Earl’s hospital room) Are you sure this is going to work?
Dana: (standing before her, Matthew lingers to the side) It worked with Billy.  You just have to free your mind like before and concentrate, absorb the positive energy around you.  Allow the scent in her lab coat to lead you to her.
Matthew: (whispers into Dana's ear) What if this doesn’t work? Her connection to Samantha isn’t as strong as it is to Billy.
Dana: (her eyes stare aimlessly ahead) That’s why we have to have faith.  Faith that the spirits above will steer her in the right direction.  It’s about all we have left now. (Her eyes meeting directly with Crystal) Anything?
Crystal: (her eyes now closed, she tries to free her mind) No. Nothing --
Dana: (hastily) Well, concentrate. There’s got to be something you can pick up. Think of the epidemic, a plant --
Crystal: (opening her eyes) Look, I am trying my – (she gasps, her body making a slight jolt) Oh my god!
***Matthew and Dana: (their eyes dead on her) What? What is it? (They briefly exchange a look with the other upon realizing their unison, and then return their attention to Crystal)
Crystal:  I saw it so clearly.  Samantha in this large plantation.  There are flowers everywhere.
Dana: (blank look crosses her face) That’s all?
Crystal:  No.  She was looking for something and someone doesn’t want her to find it.
(<- Hunks & Beauty Fashions ->)
Lucien: (they both pull away from the kiss, speechless at first, he tries to cut the silence) Did we just-- (he starts, skeptic as to what happened)
Vanessa: (her expression glows) Yeah, we shared our first kiss. (she gets lost in the fantasy) I still can't believe it myself. God knows I have dreamed about this exact moment so many times before. (She pauses as she notices that Lucien is completely withdrawn from what she is saying) The kiss did mean something, right?
Lucien: (refocusing his attention) The kiss-- it was sweet.
Vanessa: Sweet? That sounds like something you would say after just being kissed by your dog.
Lucien: It's just-- we're friends. (he approaches lightly) You're a beautiful, goregous woman, but I just don't -- I don't look at you as anything more. (he ends, the words making a huge impact on Vanessa as the light in her eyes quickly dims)
(<- Northern Ridges Park ->)
Garrettlyn: (following behind Brian, who taps back and forth on the steps of the pavilion) So have you given thought to what I said?
Brian: (finally stopping on the middle step, he turns to her) Why is it so important to you?
Garrettlyn: Do you really have to ask? (she pauses momentarily, as if waiting for some kind of response, then continues) Aside from being a great friend, you have put aside your differences with my ex - despite having every right to loathe and detest him - simply because I asked.  So of course I care. I would hate for you to wake up one day with nothing but regrets.
Brian: (he walks up the remaining steps of the pavilion, stopping midway once inside. Garrett follows behind him, stopping at the base of the first step) It sounds like you’ve been talking to Darron.
Garrettlyn: No, I’m afraid I haven’t had the pleasure. (she slightly tilts her head) But I must be on the right track if someone like Darron is telling you to go full-steam ahead. He obviously got through to you last time.
Brian: and let’s not forget what happened last time.
Garrettlyn: I can’t and you can’t because you keep focusing on it.  It doesn’t matter who Jennifer slept with.  What matters is who she is in love with and you don’t know if that person is Romeo.
Brian: and we don’t know if I’m that person.
Garrettlyn: and you won’t be sure until you bare all.
(<- Preston Powers Mansion ->)
Jennifer: (her back to Dylan, she moves away from the sofa cushion and starts gliding her hands along the sofa until she reaches the arms, where she leaves them at rest and rejoins Dylan) No, I really don’t feel like talking about it.
Dylan:  Well, if you change your mind and need someone –
Jennifer: (she abruptly interrupts him, an inkling of hostility in her voice) I know, I appreciate your kindness and consideration. (turning away, she proceeds a few steps behind the couch, Dylan casually turns around, walking a few feet toward the staircase to regain equal footing with her)
Dylan: Why do I get the opposite feeling?
Jennifer: I don’t know, Dylan. You tell me.
Dylan: Have I done something to upset you?
Jennifer: (thinking) “You mean, besides terrorizing me for months and driving one of my eldest friends away tonight.”  Like I said, it has been a long day and talking will not – (door bell rings)
Dylan:  I’ll get it. (turning away from Jennifer, he proceeds pass the staircase to the steps to answer the door. After two seconds, he opens the door) What do you want?
Romeo: (gives a cocky grin) Nice to see you too, McClouden, but I’m actually here to see Jenni.
Jennifer: (Dylan turns away from the door and looks in her direction, she nods slightly as she proceeds in their direction) It’s okay.
Dylan:  I will be upstairs. (he swiftly turns away from the door as Jennifer reaches the steps)
Romeo: (shouts from the door as Dylan heads upstairs) Great comfort to us all, I’m sure. (Dylan freezes momentarily, but chooses to ignore him and continues up the staircase. Romeo then locks eyes with Jennifer) Before you give me any look, I couldn’t stay away. (She returns a half-smile)
***Jennifer: Well, come in. No sense in us both freezing on this very doorstep.
Romeo: (proceeding inside, he heads over to the couch and lays back as Jennifer shuts the door and follows suit) So how have you been?
Jennifer: (joining him on the couch, she sits halfway) I’ve had better days. And yourself?
Romeo: (shifting his body upward from the couch and closer to hers) Miserable without you.
Jennifer: and yet you manage all these years?
Romeo:  Denial baby, pure and simple. (he grabs her hand)  It feels so good to touch your skin again, to look into those beautiful eyes. (Jennifer cheek slightly reddens as Dylan spies the moment as he peaks out of his room from the stairwell)
Dylan: (speaking lightly to himself) You got to be kidding me.
Jennifer: Are you trying to seduce me again?
Romeo: Do you want me too?
Jennifer: (a silence befalls as Romeo slowly begins to move in. Jennifer eyes suddenly meet the flower vase on the table and she quickly uses it as a diversion, shifting her body over a bit, enough for Romeo to nearly fall flat on his face) I must say these flowers are lovely.
Romeo: (readjusting himself on the couch) I guess.  Right now, something else has my eye.
Jennifer: (turning back for a second, clears her throa and then looks onward at the flowers) Well, you must have thought so when you picked them out.
Romeo: Picked them-- (his face remains blank, not comprehending what she is saying)
Jennifer: I honestly don't know how you did it with everything going on that day -- our making love and that whole scene with Brian. (the mere mentioning of his name causes Romeo's right eyebrow to raise)
Romeo:  Well, you know me.  Anything for my Jenni.
Dylan: (mimics a face of disgust) Oh, gag me!
(<- Northern Ridges Park ->)
Brian:  Ah! You want me to bare all, is that it?
Garrettlyn: Well, at least you haven't lost your sense of humor, but metaphorically speaking, yes.  Tell Jenni how you feel.  Its the only way you'll ever be sure.
Brian: Sure of what?
Garrettlyn: If there really is a chance.  And before you even allow your head the chance to go there, Romeo is a mere obstacle and a little competition never hurt anyone.
(<- Hemmings Cottage ->)
Derek: (taking a deep breath before speaking) You’re right, she looks guilty.  But looks aren’t always what they appear to be.
Shanna: No, not alone, but the facts speak for themselves.  She hated Ben and he knew she couldn’t be trusted.  More so, she is the only one who had something to gain by him disappearing.
Derek: and what if this isn’t some disappearance?
Shanna: (she takes a momentary step away and then address the painful suggestion) How can you even suggest that with a straight face? Is that really what you think of your friend?
Derek: No.  Of course not.  But I will not believe that my wife had something to do with it.
Shanna: and all roads lead back to Shalia. Why can't you see that this woman is ruining your life?  She's destroying every relationship around you inch by inch.
Derek: That's what you want to believe because it easier for you to blame Shalia for what's going down.  However, you forget one thing --  Ben disappeared while departing from the very city your parents currently reside in and we know what they are capable of.
Shanna: My parents are in prison.  Whatever connections they had went down with them months ago, so don't go trying to make this situation about my past.
Derek: Why not?  You have no hesitation using my wife's past against her.
Shanna: (flatly) Your wife has a past? I wouldn't know. (exchanging a coy grin, her voice is moderately enthused) In fact, there is not much anyone knows about your wife, but then that is the problem, isn't it? (now going into this almost melancholic pitch) That's why Ben left town and its probably why he disappeared.
Derek: (shakes his head in disbelief and mutters to himself) My god, this is...
Shanna: You know what, Derek? I don't care what you believe. Just know that I will find my husband and if Shalia is involved -- (extended pause) Well, know that you won't get in my way.
Derek: Is that a threat?
Shanna: It's a warning.  You'd be wise to share it with your wife.
(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)
Dana: (she queries without as much as a breath between each question) Who is this someone?  What is Samantha looking for and what doesn't this person want her to find?
Crystal: (an overloaded look crosses her face) Are you sure that's all?
Dana: Sorry.  She's my brother's wife. (she backs down, moving back near Matt)
Crystal: It's all right.  I'm only teasing you, sort of.  Now, the images were very quick and the dialogue was very minimal.  From what I could tell, Samantha is looking for some type of flower, a plant.
Dana: (turning to Matt) That confirms what the tarot cards were trying to tell us. (she acknowledges the confirmation) So what about this mysterious person?
Crystal:  It's a man and he doesn't want Samantha to find -- or rather start looking in another place for this plant.  He appeared to be some kind of physician.
Dana: A physician?  An unknown plant and Samantha right smacked in the middle?  What does this all mean? (she contemplates)
***Lucien: (walking slowly behind her)  Are you okay?  You haven't said much of anything in the last 15 or so minutes.
Vanessa: (turning swiftly to his face, she responds hostily) What can I say, Lucien?  You don't love me.  It will take some time for me to absorb. (she turns away)
Lucien: I do care about you.
Vanessa: Yeah, but I'm not Danielle, am I?
Danielle: (entering the room, she remarks calmly) No, you're not. (Vanessa and Lucien turn in the direction of the door, locking in with both of Danielle's ocean blue eyes)
Vanessa: Excuse me, what the hell are you doing in here?
Danielle: (walking up to Lucien and stroking on his right arm) Lucien and I have plans. In fact, we should probably get going.
Vanessa: You're not going anywhere with him.
Danielle: Well, that's really not for you to decide.  I think Lucien knows where and who he wants to be with.  Right, Lucien? (he looks into her blue eyes as she casually moves in and allow her lips to touch his, the scene makes Vanessa sick at the stomach)
Vanessa:  No.  This isn't happening. (she closes her eyes and reopens- seeing, watching, witnessing as their lips absorb one another)  No!  (She lunges for Danielle) Let go of him, you bitch. (Danielle watches Vanessa from the corner of her eye as she continues to enjoy Lucien lips upon hers. Vanessa continues to try to pry her off) Get off him. Stop it, get off him. Get off him!! (the words repeat as Vanessa finds herself waking up in a bloody sweat, gasping out of breath) Him.
(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)
Crystal: (walking near the hospital exit) So what's next?
Dana: Well, if there is someone after Samantha, then we need to find her.
Matthew: That's easier said than done.  Your brother is already running around like a crazy person trying to do the same.
Dana: Sometimes you have to cling to hope, even when it seems grim.
Matthew: It's amazing that you can do that.  Life hasn't exactly been fair to you.
Crystal: (intervenes) Hey, it's had its pick of all of us, but we still go on.  That has to count for something.
Dana: Right on Crystal.
Matthew: All right.  No need to gain up on me, you've made your point.
Crystal: It's a good thing because I need to get going.  Billy promised to wait up for me and I don't want to keep him waiting to long.
Matthew: Sure.  Thanks for coming.  Give Billy our best wishes.
Crystal: I will, and coming here tonight really wasn't a problem.  I just hope it helps you locate Samantha. (Matthew and Dana look on agreeance) I'll see ya around.
Dana and Matthew: Bye! (they watch as she heads through the doors)
(<- Preston Powers Mansion ->)
Romeo: (the wind blowing fiercely in his face) Come on, you're kicking me out already?
Jennifer: If it will better serve you, I will walk you to your car.
Romeo: Anything that guarantees me a little alone time with you.
Jennifer: (brushes past him, closing the door behind him) Come on!
Dylan: (walking down the stairs now that the coast is clear) Oh Jennifer, I hope you know what you're doing. (he finally reaches the bottom step when his eyes meets with a slip of paper at the side of the sofa) Hmm... someone is slipping up on the household duties. (he picks up the paper and prepares to crumble it, but realize it might be something important. His eyes widen as he reads what is on the paper) “Jennifer, I know that things have been tensed between us, for lots of reason.  But I've come to realize that you're important to me.  In fact, I want to tell you just how important you are.  I can only hope that these beautiful, vanilla-scented roses can steer us on the right path. - Brian” (Dylan lets the letter drop to his side as his eyes lock with the roses in front of him) No, it -- (he suddenly recalls)
Jennifer: “I must say these flowers are lovely.”
Romeo: (readjusting himself on the couch) “I guess.   Right now, something else has my eye”
Jennifer: (turning back for a second, clears her throat and then looks onward at the flowers) “Well, you must have thought so when you picked them out.”
Romeo: “Picked them--” (his face remains blank, not comprehending what she is saying)
Jennifer: “I honestly don't know how you did it with everything going on that day -- our making love and that whole scene with Brian.”
Dylan: (his thoughts end as a coy grin crosses his face) Oh Romeo, you sly dog.  You have been very, very naughty.

Romeo: (greeting him at the door) Dylan!  Did you not see enough of me at the mansion?
Dylan: This isn't a courtesy call. Well, not quite.  (~)
Rochelle:  (spying Rachel with a strange man) What's going on here?
Rachel: (she steps aside, allowing Leo to step forward) I think there is someone you should meet. (~)
Mindy: (howling winds, the bushes appear to gravitate toward her) Hello? Is someone there?

Click here for Episode 282