Previously on “The Mysteries of Our Lives”: Spring of Devastation
Alfonso:  I'm really sorry you feel that way because our friendship has been the one true solid thing in my life and I happen to cherish it deeply.
Mindy: (her eyes stone cold) Is this suppose to be the part where I rush into your arms and tell you how much you mean to me?
(taken aback and slightly hurt by the hostility in her voice) No, it's not!  Why are you being so cold to me?
Mindy: (her voice deadly calm) The world is a cold place Alfonso.  People come and go everyday and now it's time for you to go. (~)
Brian:  (inquring in confusion) What's going-- (his words cut off upon hearing Romeo's voice) / (Brian turns away from her and heads for the door)
Jennifer: (her inquiry stops him) Wait!  Was there a particular reason you came back to the mansion?
Brian:  (turning back to her at the door) It's no longer of importance. (~)
Rochelle:  How could you marry that bastard after everything that he has done to this family?  To my father?
Rachel:  Leo is not the reason for what went wrong between me and your father.
Rochelle:  You're right.  All our problems exist because of one person and one person only.  (she moves away from her mother's glare and closer to the exit of the kitchen, her back turned to her mother) My god, I've been a fool this whole time.
***It seemed that the evening in Hallandale was coming to no smooth end.  Perhaps more reason why Mindy found herself outside of CF&A.  At home, she was just plagued by too many thoughts of Alfonso and how it all ended.  She certainly did not want to think about him another second longer.  As she steadly approached the entrance to the building where they formerly worked, she could hear the winds whistling in the background.  The whistling was enough to let her mind wander, so much she could swear it was being hidden by distinct foot steps approaching.  As she turned to see if someone was indeed behind her, she just saw the broad sidewalk and bushes ahead.  Yet, still, she could not shake the nagging feeling.  Suddenly, it would appear she had cause as a man's long, masculine hands grabbed her on the shoulder from behind.  Turning swiftly, and nearly jumping out of her skin, she came upon the eyes of her intruder.
(<- Somewhere along an abandon road in Hallandale ->)
Crystal:  (the sound of the ignition being turned is heard) Come on!  (she cried out to her car, stalled on the side of the road.  She tried repeatedly to start the ignition, but the engine failed to turn over.  Finally, after the sixth failed attempt, she screamed) "Damn it." (She then proceeded to rest her head on the steering wheel, but it didn't remain their long as she spied through the rearview window, bright headlights coming from behind.  She hurriedly jumped out of the car and rain into the direct path of the approaching car, waving her arms.  The car came within inches of hitting her.  After a few minutes, a tall, male figure stepped out of the car.  As he approached closer, Crystal immediately recognized the brown sports jacket and light brown hair.)
Crystal:  Agent Blaine? (skeptic of his presence)
Agent Blaine:  Ms. Perez.  I suppose I'm the last person you were expecting to run into.
Crystal:  (slight grin) To say the least.  (she folds her arms across her chest, flipping her hair back) Why are you still in Hallandale?  I thought the investigation into Javier's suicide was close.
Agent Blaine:  It is.  I've been assigned to a new case.
Crystal:   Hmm... last I checked, one of your operatives hadn't kicked the bucket.
Agent Blaine:  No!  (directing his eyes from her and into the direction of her stalled car) But your car appears to have.  (he returns his attention back to her.  She's unamused by the remark) Would you like me to rectify that?
(<- Outside of Preston Powers Mansion ->)
Jennifer:  (instead of waltzing back inside the mansion, she decides to take a seat on the bench outside the door.  As the night air charges, her mind wanders to Romeo.)  "Shouldn't you be going?" (she says, leaning against his car, his body practically on top of hers)
Romeo:  (smiling with his pearly whites, he gently caresses her face with his right hand) "What's the rush?  No one knows we're out here."
Jennifer:  "Well, Dylan knows you were here earlier.  He might come looking for me."
Romeo:  "and since when have we been concerned with what McClouden thinks?"
Jennifer:  "Well, we're trying to make amends.  Little good that's doing for my personal life.  Nia ran from here earlier because of Dylan and what he did."
Romeo:  "More proof that Dylan is the last person we should be thinking about.  Am I right?" (he raises an eyebrow, then leans for some liplocking.  Suddenly the sound of impeding footsteps releases Jennifer from her recall.  As she becomes aware of her surroundings again, her gaze becomes locked upon with Brian's eyes)
Brian:  Jenni.  I'm surprise to run into you out here.
Jennifer:  I needed some fresh air.  (she takes a breath)
Brian:  Yeah, well, its kind of late.  You shouldn't be out here alone.
Jennifer:  Well, I appreciate the concern, but as you can see, I've survived the night thus far.  Besides, you, of all people, should know that I can take care of myself.
Brian:  I do.  But that doesn't make me worry any less.
Jennifer: (casually moving from the bench, Brian is slightly taken aback as she approaches him, giving his body little room to breathe.  Torturing him with the proximity of her body and her wonderful scent)  Well, you can stop worrying.  I'm right here, with you.  How much more safe can I be?  (she smiles and Brian returns it rather uncomfortably)
(<- Coral Springs, Nevada : Rachel's Home ->)
Rachel:  (unable to sleep, she spent the last couple of hours pacing the floor, awaiting her daughter's return.  Suddenly hearing a knock at the door, she rushes to answer it)  Rochelle!  (she presumes, but as she opens the door, the truth becomes apparent as she spies a tall, african american man in his late 40s, instead.)
Man:  I guess that answers my first question:  Rochelle has yet to return.
Rachel:   Look, I really don't need this now, Leo -- and I don't need you here when Rochelle does show up.
Man:  On the contrary, I think I'm exactly what you need.
***************************************************THEME SONG******************************************************
Evelin: (speeds moderately toward Earl's room, her hair swinging against her red silk shirt and black slacks.  She reaches Earl's hospital door just as Romain is leaving)  Dr. Chandler, how is he?
Romain:  (his voice both strong and positive)  He's resting, his heart rate is good, but wer'e still keeping him under steady watch.
Evelin:  You say resting?  Does that mean he might finally awake from this deep sleep?
Romain:  He's actually been in and out of consciousness for the last few days.  I'm sure Matthew or Dalia could fill you in.
Evelin:  Dalia?  Earl's former wife?  I was under the impression she went back to Springfield.
Romain:  (gives a momentary blank look)  Maybe she did, but she was here this morning.  (He is then interrupted by the sound of his beeper and immediately directs his attention to it.  Evelin looks briefly into Earl's room before Romain directs his attention back to her)  That's another one of my patients.  I will check in later.
Evelin:  Sure.  Thanks for the info.
Romeo:  No prob! (Evelin then watches as he goes off in the direction she came before finally going inside Earl's room)
(<- Somewhere in Hallandale ->)
Crystal:  (drops her hands to her side) That's very astute of you, Agent Blaine.  Yes, my car has kicked the bucket, and here I am, with you.
Agent Blaine:  (he teases) I could always leave.
Crystal:  (placing her hands on her hip) So you would leave me here -- stranded -- with no way of getting home.
Agent Blaine:  No, but I thought it was too delicious of a scenario to pass up.  (Crystal gives him a cryptic look, dropping her hands to her side once again.  Blaine clears his throat and proceeds over to her car)  So what appears to be the problem?
Crystal:  I think it's the engine, it refuses to crank up.
Agent Blaine:  Engine trouble? All right, why don't you pop the hood and we'll see if I can't work my magic.  (Crystal walks over to the car door and lowers her body down to press the ejector.  She then walks back over toward him as he starts inspecting inside)
(<- Outside of Crystal's Fantasy & Associates ->)
Mindy:  (sighing with relief) Billy.
Billy:  (grins)  Who else would I be?
Mindy:   (a blank look visits her face momentarily) I don't know.  You just caught me off guard, is all.
Billy:  Well, I heard your car pulling up and I assumed you were Crystal.
Mindy:  Oh!
Billy:  So what brings you here so late?
Mindy:  (breathes within, taking a walk around him) Hmm... I just needed to get out of the house for a while.
Billy:  Because of Alfonso?
Mindy:  I don't want to talk about Alfonso.  He's gone -- started his own life.
Billy:  That doesn't mean you two can't still keep some sort of connection.
Mindy:  That's the last thing I want.  The sooner I erase Alfonso from my life, the better.
(<- Romeo's Place ->)
Dylan:  (approaching the murky abandon house, remembering all too well the many times he had to meet here with Romeo)  Perhaps I should recommend a change of scenery while I'm here.  (he then extends his hand outward and knocks on the door.  After the second knock, Romeo answers the door)
Romeo:   Dylan.
Dylan: (chuckles coyly as he walks inside) Were you expecting someone blond, shorter and prettier?  Although I'm not sure these would be the digs to impress someone of that molding.
Romeo:  What are you doing here, McClouden?  Did you not see enough of me at the mansion?
Dylan:  (his grin remains intact) Yes, but this isn't a courtesy call.  Well, not quite.
Romeo:  (narrows his eyebrow in suspicion) You're awfully chipper this evening.
Dylan:  Well, I have reason to be.  I've scored big tonight and I naturally thought of you.  Poetic symmetry, don't you think?  I mean, you were so quick to share your plans for Jennifer with me.  There was even that nasty little threat about going after Garrett.
Romeo:  (becoming slightly annoyed) Is there a point to this?
Dylan:  The point is that it was only a matter of time before I returned the favor. (his smile darkens and Romeo feels a slight chill)
***Romeo:  So what?  Now you're after a little pay back?  How exactly do you plan to do that?
Dylan:  By making sure your lady love finds solace in someone else's arms and you know whose.
(<- Outside of Preston Powers Mansion ->)
Brian:  (taking a few steps back to limit their closeness) Well, I'm glad you feel safe with me.
Jennifer:  You've done a lot for me, Brian.  You been there through a lot of rough times as well: my father being shot, the whole ordeal with Dylan, and my mother.  So, of course, I feel safe with you.
Brian:  All right, so my head doesn't get any bigger, why don't we change the subject? (they both laugh)
Jennifer:  (her laugh quickly ceasing) and what should we talk about?
Brian: Well, before I arrived, you seemed pretty preoccupied.  Something on your mind?
Jennifer:  (turns away from him) Perhaps we should discuss something else.
Brian:  Why?  We never had a problem sharing our thoughts and feelings before.
Jennifer: (revisiting his face, she takes a brief pause before speaking) That was before they became about Romeo Sullivan.
(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)
Evelin: (as she sits in the stool next to his bed, she takes a brief look at the machines around her.  She can't help but feel gravitated towards it every time she sees him.  Cutting the attraction, she finally plasters a smile on her face and turns to Earl's unconscious mug for some sunshine) So I hear you're making strives.  Even opened your eyes a few times.  Now if only you could open those big browns for me.
Dalia: From your lips to God's ears.  (Evelin turns abruptly to the sound of Earl's ex- wife's voice)  Here's to also hoping that this time they stay open.
Evelin:  (turning back to Earl's face, she grabs hold of his hand)  Yes, that would be a miracle.  But then, its a miracle he's survived this long with this man-eating virus working from the inside.
Dalia:  (witnessing the tender moment) Earl's a good man.  I'm sure God is looking after him.
Evelin:  and that worries me.  He is a good man, and that might be just what God needs right now.
Dalia:  You really care for him, don't you?
Evelin:  (thrown by the question, she moves her head slightly in Dalia's direction)  Yes.  Earl is very special to me.  I've known him as long as I can remember.
Dalia:  Have you been in love with him as long?  (Evelin eyes widen in shock at Dalia's forwardness)
(<- Coral Springs, Nevada: Rachel's Home ->)
Rachel:   I don't see how you possibly think your presence can help my daughter.
Leo:  Your daughter needs to come to terms with what happened between us years ago and she needs to accept what is happening between us now.
Rachel:  Yes, I know that.  But like this?  Ambushing her with your presence?
Leo:  As much as you hate the idea, the only way your daughter is going to accept our marriage is for her to come face to face with me, the man she blames for turning her life upside down.
***Rachel:  I really wish I could share your optimism that one simple visit with you will repair the years of damage my daughter has suffered.
Leo: Maybe not, but standing here and doing nothing will not accomplish much, either.  Repeatedly begging for Rochelle's forgiveness will not remove the scars or change the fact that you deserve to be happy.  Seeing us as a united front might be exactly what she needs.  (Rachel sighs heavily, taking a step aside.  Leo grips her by both shoulders and whispers in her ear)  You know I'm right.
Rochelle:  (opening the door, she waltzes in to the sight of Rachel being comforted by a strange man, whom she cannot make out because his back is turned to her) What's going on here?  (Both turn to Rochelle in the doorway)
Rachel:  Your timing couldn't be perfect.
Rochelle:  (a degree of skepticism in her voice) Is it?
Rachel:  Yes, there is someone I think you shoud meet. (stepping aside, she gives time for Leo to come forward.  There is a long pause as Rochelle's eyes set upon those of the man before her and his on hers.  Rachel finally takes a deep breath within and speaks) Rochelle, this is my fiancè, Leo Stone.  (and like that, a socket to the gut, any inkling of a smile quickly faded from Rochelle's face)
(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)
Evelin:  (moving from Earl's bedside, she utters with a force smile) In love? Where are you getting your information?
Dalia:  Well, your reaction tells a lot.  You and Earl have known each other since childhood, its only natural for those feelings to grow into something more.
Evelin:  If they have, I really don't see what business it is of yours.  We barely know each other.
Dalia:   But we do know Earl, my ex- husband and the father of my son.
Evelin:  (a slight sting to the acknowledgment) I know.  Jason has grown into a handsome young man.  But I still fail to see the point.
Dalia:  My point is that I know what it is like to love and be with Earl.
Evelin:  (she grins slightly, unsure how else to respond to the remark) Yes, you were married to him, so I can imagine.
Dalia:  Then you will realize that I got to see him as a different man -- a married man.  (Evelin grins taking a breath as she folds her arms across her chest) That's why I feel obligated to tell you that marriage will be yours and Earl's downfall.
(<- Somewhere in Hallandale ->)
Agent Blaine:  (lifting his head from under the hood)  All right, crank her up.
Crystal:  (doing as ask, she slowly turns the key in the ignition.  To her joy and amazement, it is soon greeted with the nice, sweet sound of her engine) You did it.  (She shouts in joy from the car)
Agent Blaine: (closing the hood, he walks over to the driver's door) Did you have any doubt?
Crystal:  A little, perhaps.  But I'm glad you succeeded.  At least now if you were to find yourself in the unemployment line, you would know where to market your skills next.
Agent Blaine:  I'll take that as a compliment.
Crystal:  It is.  Thanks for the fix and stopping in the first place.
Agent Blaine:  Well, you know us FBI types, we can't resist a damsel in distress.
Crystal:  Well, I'm going to head off then.  I don't want to keep Billy waiting any longer.
Agent Blaine:  All right, you have a good night.
Crystal:  You too!  (She smiles, closing her door and placing her seatbelt on.  As he continues to his car, she restarts her engine and heads off onto the road again.  He follows her soon after)
(<- Crystal's Fantasy & Associates ->)
Billy: (walking into the restaurant, Mindy follows slowly behind.  As Billy heads over to the bar, Mindy is overcome with an awkward vibe, which causes her to pause for a few seconds before closing the door) So how about a drink?
Mindy:  (she forces a smile, swiftly walking over to the bar stools) Sure, as long as its not to drown my sorrows.
Billy: I wasn't aware you had any.  (Billy bends over to check the bar and pulls out a bottle of alcohol and two glasses)
Mindy:  I don't.
Billy:  (grins) Then what is there to drown your sorrows over? (handing her a glass after pouring a small amount of alcohol inside)
Mindy:  I see exactly what you're up to and its not going to work.
***Billy:  What I'm up too?
Mindy:  You're trying to psych me out about Alfonso.
Billy: Who? (he queries with a serious tone)
Mindy: (fired up, she almost allows the name to slip off her tongue) You know who -- and I'm not playing this game.
Crystal: (getting the end of conversation as she walks in) What game?
Billy:  Well, hello stranger.  I guess better late than never.
Crystal:  Yes, I know.  I'll explain later.  It looks like you managed to keep entertained while I was gone.
Mindy:  Did he ever?
Crystal:  What's going on?
Billy:  I was just helping Mindy come to a rather painful realization.
Mindy:  Can we please change the subject?  (taking another sip of her drink)
Crystal:  How about I have what you're drinking?
Mindy:  I'll pour the glass. (she quickly darts toward the bar.  A set of eyes different from Billy's and Crystal's watches every step)
(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)
Evelin:  I'm not sure what went down between you and Earl, but whatever it was has no bearing on my relationship with him.
Dalia:  So you think, but there is something you need to understand about Earl.
Evelin:  and what is that?  (she tilts her head to the side)
Dalia:  The reason our marriage failed.  Its not that we didn't want it to work.  Earl could just never commit.  Not to me, not to our son and not to our marriage.
Evelin:  Are you saying Earl fooled around?
(<- Outside of Preson Powers Mansion ->)
Jennifer:  So are you just going to stand there, quiet, all night?
Brian:  (his tone normal and calm) Tell me, what is it you see in Romeo Sullivan?
Jennifer:  He's charming, which I admit was a huge minus in the past.  But he also brings out a side in me I lost.  He makes me feel alive.
Brian:  Have you ever considered that the sudden thirst for life that Romeo gives you is because you're riding on a thrill you know is not good for you?
(<- Romeo's Place ->)
Romeo: (reading Brian's letter after Dylan revealed the ace up his sleeve) Where did you get this?
Dylan:  Why, it came with those beautiful flowers you sent -- I mean, Brian sent Jennifer.  (he ends with a coy grin)
Romeo:  (unfazed by the remark) So this letter proves I lied to Jennifer about some flowers.  It will not be the end of us.
Dylan:   Maybe not, but perhaps Brian's growing feelings for Jenni will.  Admit it, that's what really has those wheels turning in your head.  If Jennifer realizes someone as good and decent as Brian could love her, she may question what she is doing with you.
Romeo:  Jenni and I have a history.  Nothing can compete with that.
Dylan:  Now do you really believe that, or have you forgotten what history you and Jennifer really share?
Romeo:  You're treading on thin ice, McClouden.  Now what do you want?
Dylan:  What do I want?  (he laughs aloud) Now that's a very good question.
(<- Crystal's Fantasy & Associates ->)
Crystal:  So what should we drink to?  (she smiles, holding her glass.  Billy stands by her side)
Mindy:  (standing in front of them, with her back to the bar) How about New Beginnings?
Crystal:  I think that fits this occasion perfectly.  I mean, our lives are definitely going in different directions.  (turning to Billy, she tugs his shirt) You and I have definitely had an interesting couple of month.  And you, Mindy, you're making an independent strive on your own.  I've been thinking, how would do you both feel about a masquerade ball?
Billy:  A masquerade?
Crystal:  Yeah, it was an annual tradition that Taneia and I started.
Mindy:  I think it sounds exciting.
Billy:  I agree with Mindy.  What better of an event to kick this place back in gear?
Mindy:  That and a new name.  (looks to Crystal) I'm sorry, I know its named after you, but --
Crystal:  You don't have to explain.  I agree.  It can be the theme of the masquerade -- "Choose our new name" or something like that.
Billy:  Then let's drink to it then.  (he raises his glass) To new beginnings.  (Crystal and Mindy raises their glasses as well, tapping each other's once)
Crystal:  New Beginnings. (she smiles, turning to Billy)
Mindy:  New Beginnings.  (taking a sip of her drink)
***Mindy:  (turning back, she places her glass on the bar) Well, I'm going to give you two some alone time.
Crystal:  You're heading out already? (still not quite finish with her drink, she still holds on to it in her hands)
Mindy:  Yeah.  Besides, I can't wait until tomorrow.  We're going to start planning the biggest masquerade this city has ever seen.  Food, music, attractions -- it's going to be great.  (she rejoices) You both have a good night.
Crystal and Billy:  (both smile) Good night.
Billy:  Looks like you made her day.
Crystal:  Yeah.  I think this is exactly the project she needs.
Mindy:  (walking down the slender path, she grabs her keys from her purse and presses the "UNLOCK' button on her key ring.  Her car door sounds and unlocks.  As she reaches the driver's side, she hears the snap of a tree branch, which causes her to direct her attention toward the bushes)  Hello?  Is someone out there?  (the wind howl as the bushes appear to gravitate toward her.  A look of terror crosses her face as the motion continues, but it soon turns to relief as a cat leaps from the area)  Oh Mindy, you're letting a cat drive you to paranoia. (she shakes her head and proceeds inside her car, shutting the door.  She then puts the key in the ignition, cranking up the car and putting it into drive)
(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)
Dalia:  No, of course not.
Evelin:   Good.  Now I really think this discussion is over. (she begins to walk back over to Earl's bedside)
Dalia: You really shouldn't ignore what I said.  Earl may have not cheated on me physically, but emotionally, he was never there for me, Jason, or our marriage.
Evelin:  That is a load of bull.  (she marches back toward her) Earl loves his son.
Dalia:  When it is convenient, like everything else in his life.  How do you think I receive custody of Jason?  I'll tell you how.  Earl didn't want to be saddled with the full-time job of being a father.  He was more concerned with his business ventures and latest acquisitions.
Evelin: (reaching her final straw with Earl's former wife) Are you finished?
Dalia:  Excuse me?
Evelin:  Earl is fighting for his life, in this very hospital room where you stand.  I don't know care what your problem is with him, but you're going to stop spewing your garbage right now! (Evelin stands tall and firm in her request)
(<- Coral Springs, Nevada: Rachel's Home ->)
Rochelle:  How could you bring him here?
Rachel:  Leo is my husband, its time you see that.  After all, truth and honesty is what you want.
Rochelle:  It's a little too late for that.  You made your bed, don't expect me to watch as you and Leo lie in it.  (Rochelle turns for the door, but Leo corners her)
Leo:  Not so fast.
Rochelle:  Get out of my way.
Leo:  No! (his tone stern that it shocks both Rochelle and Rachel) Your mother is speaking to you and you damn well are going to listen.
Rochelle:  How dare you presume to tell me what to do?  You are not my father and you never will be.
Leo:  I don't presume to be your father.  I know who I am.  Your mother knows who I am and that's why we love each other. (Rochelle sighs, turning away at a split angle.  Then, without even a notice, her body turns back full force as her hand comes swinging right across his face)
Rochelle: (she then proceeds past her mother) Okay, I'm ready.
(<- Romeo's Place ->)
Romeo:  You don't have the balls to cross me.
Dylan:  Are you sure you want to test me?  I have nothing to lose by blowing you out of the water. (grimacing a face of contempt)
Romeo:  Not even a certain blond?
Dylan: Garrett is already lost to me and I refuse to believe she would be easily taken in by the likes of you.  So your trump card is useless.
Romeo:  You're going to wish I had cards because if you think after five years of planning I will allow you to get in my way, you're mistaken.  If by some strange twist of faith, this reveal makes way for a Brian/Jenni reunion, be forwarned -- hell will look like a Sunday picnic compared to what I do to you next.
Dylan:  That's a lot of hot air, but let's be honest.  If Jennifer and Brian get together, you will have no one to blame but yourself.
(<- Outside of Preston Powers Mansion ->)
Brian:  So am I right?  Is part of the thrill because you know Romeo is wrong for you?
Jennifer:  Perhaps that is a small part of the attraction, but that doesn't mean there isn't any real feelings or emotions involved.  Now I know why you have your doubts, but that part of Romeo is in the past.
Brian:  Is it?  Or will it always be this resounding fear that the true Romeo will return? (Jenni cannot respond) Why settle for that when you deserve someone so much better?  Someone who is actually worthy of your love?
Jennifer:  and where do I find that person, Brian?
Brian:  (without even as much of an hesitation) Maybe he's right in front of you!

Jennifer:  What are you saying?
Brian: (closing in their proximity) What do you think? (~)
Samantha:  I was wondering if you knew where I could find this. (~)
Rochelle:  There is one question I have to ask at the end of all this... By forgiving you, will I have betrayed my father?

Click here for Episode 283