Previously on “The Mysteries of Our Lives”: Spring of Devastation
Rochelle: How dare you presume to tell me what to do? You are not my father and you never will be. (~)
Brian: …you deserve someone so much better...
Jennifer: and where do I find that person, Brian?
Brian: Maybe he's right in front of you! (~)
Evelin: (disgusted by Earl's ex- wife's remarks) I don't care what your problem is with [Earl], but you're going to stop spewing your garbage right now!
***Evelin: (sitting by Earl's bedside, she continues to watch him sleep as her mind wanders to her earlier encounter with his former wife) “ In love? Where are you getting your information?”
Dalia:  “Well, your reaction tells a lot.  You and Earl have known each other since childhood, its only natural for those feelings to grow into something more.”
Evelin:  “If they have, I really don't see what business it is of yours.  We barely know each other.”
Dalia:   “But we do know Earl, my ex- husband and the father of my son.”
Evelin:  (a slight sting to the acknowledgment) “ I know.  Jason has grown into a handsome young man.  But I still fail to see the point.”
Dalia:  “My point is that I know what it is like to love and be with Earl...” (Evelin finally rids her mind of the disturbing thoughts as the door to Earl's hospital room opens and in walks his brother)
Matthew: (voicing softly as he approaches) Hey, I didn't realize you were in here.
Evelin: (smiling lightly as she looks on at him – Matthew) Yeah, I just got here about an hour or two ago.
Matthew: Well, I'm here – not going anywhere. So if you need a break –
Evelin: (chuckles) Oh, I think I've already had a rather interesting reprieve. (Matthew exchanges a semi-curious gaze, which prompts Evelin to refocus the subject) I'm actually fine here with Earl for now.
Matthew: All right. Well, I'm going to go locate Dana in the cafeteria and grab some coffee. Would you like anything?
Evelin: No, thank you. (Matthew nods and then turns to the door and exits)
(<- Outside of Preston Powers Mansion ->)
Jennifer: (walking up along the side of mansion, she approaches Brian, who now stands near the entrance) What do you mean, “maybe he's right in front of me?”
Brian: (he moves a foot closer, momentarily speaking deep from inside himself) What do you think? Tell me, what is it that you see when you look into my eyes? (she shifts her focus to his eyes for a second, quickly averting her gaze when she sees a sparkle she doesn't recognize) I mean, really look. (he pauses for a few seconds, as if anticipating a response from her lips. He then takes hold of her hand slowly and moves it upward, slightly over his chest. She can feel his breaths crashing harder and harder by the second. Looking passionately into her eyes like those stolen moments in the movie right before the knight wisps the holy damsel into his arms, he continues) You feel that, don't you? (Jennifer shakes her head in response as if in some trance) That's my heart. That's you.
Jennifer: (pulling her hand away at the suggestion, she turns away from his stabbing gaze) No, you can't. (She turns back sharply to iterate it for him) We are friends.
Brian: Do all your friends look at you this way? (Brian places his hand over his heart this time, feeling its rapid beating) Does a friend cause my heart to beat with such intensity? I'm sorry that you don't want to hear this, but my feelings for you have changed . (he pauses briefly, then hits the words with a passionate conviction) I'm in love with you.
***************************************************THEME SONG******************************************************
Evelin: (staring onto him with a sarcastic smile) Well, I'm quite the company, aren't I? I get into an altercation with your former wife, and then I allow her ridiculous accusations to fill my head. Now, I sit here, not sure what to say, but hoping this will be the minute you wake up. (the door creaks as Delilah wanders in quietly with a clipboard)
Delilah: Hi. (Evelin turns her head slowly – not initially hearing the nurse walk inside) Sorry to interrupt. (she brings her clipboard to her chest) I just wanted to check in on our patient.
Evelin: Sure. (Evelin takes two steps back from Earl's bedside as Delilah makes her way over to scribble down his vitals. Turning around to the table behind her, Evelin finds a stack of newspapers dated for tomorrow sitting there. Picking up the paper on top, she scans through the article in her head) Search Continues for Missing Mechanic : “Ben Hemmings, 39, and married to Shanna Mallory Pryce, went missing nearly a month ago. Investigators are just now taking action to find out what happened to the missing mechanic, who was reportedly last heard from making a trip to Coral Springs, Nevada.  Hemmings' disappearance has sparked questions that he may be yet another husband to fall victim to his wife's notorious mob family, who murdered her first husband more than 10 years ago by shoving his much alive corpse into a morgue cooler. One can only imagine where her second husband will show up.” (Her reading comes to a screeching halt) My god! (she concludes in disgust, wearing a look of disbelief in the info her mind just became privy too. Looking back onto Earl, she finds Delilah making one final note on her chart as she prepares to exit the room. Evelin follows behind and ask for a prognosis. Delilah assures her that everything looks good and gives her a comforting smile before heading out. Evelin returns to Earl's side, taking a seat on the chair beside his bed and sighs) So the nurse says you're fine. But you still won't open your eyes. (she looks at him inquisitively) Tell me, what can I do to change that? What can I do? (she stares up aimlessly as if looking for an answer from a higher being than Earl)
(<- Outside of Preston Powers Mansion ->)
Jennifer: (an unidentifiable tone of shock lies in her voice) You're in love with me?
Brian: Yeah. (he smiles with blind relief) As hard as it has been for me to admit, I am in love with you and I can't take it back.
Jennifer: (she swiftly shakes her head twice, her eyelids shutting in between, as if trying to ignore what she just heard) How—How long have you felt this way?
Brian: I honestly don't know. It's not like I made a conscious decision to fall in love with you, it just happened. (he stops, giving his brain more time to process the question) I mean, you're my best friend. You're beautiful, generous, kind, loving—
Jennifer: You said it clearly in the first set of syllables— we're friends. Of course, when our friends spend a greater half of the time insinuating more, the lines are sure to get a little muddled.
Brian: (his voice becomes heavy with an air of self-confidence) I'm not confused Jenni. Perhaps at first, but I know what is in my heart. The question is do you know what's in yours?
Jennifer: I'm involved with someone and you know that. In fact, you're perhaps one of the few people who know just how serious it is.
Brian: (knowing damn well what she is eluding too, he responds flatly) Yes, I'm aware of the nature of your relationship with Romeo. But that really doesn't answer my question.
Jennifer: and what are you really asking, Brian? Because we both know that the trials and tribulations of my heart are not what's on your mind. The truth of the matter is that you want to know if deep down I'm in love with you, too.
Brian: (quickly moving the spotlight back on her) and would that be so bad?
(<- Coral Springs , Nevada ->)
Rachel : (slinging dishes in the sink) That was actually quite tolerable.
Leo: (walking up behind her with more silverware) Yeah, its amazing what good food and civilized conversation will accomplish these days.
Rachel: Still— (her head ponders as she turns to Leo, convincing herself of the inevitable) One civilized dinner isn't going to change the fact that my daughter doesn't trust me.
Leo: Well, you never know. Life's full of surprises. (he gives her a cocky grin) Perhaps now that Rochelle finally listened to what we had to say, she is seeing things in a completely different perspective.
Rachel: (motions her head with an unmistakable sadness) I hope you're right because I'm just so sick of all this fighting and distrust. Life is too short and I don't want to leave this world knowing my one and only daughter despises me.
Leo: Hey, hey. (bringing her into a tight, strong embrace) That is not going to happen. Things will turn around, someway, somehow they will. (Rochelle evidently overhearing everything scampers away from the kitchen quietly)
(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)
Evelin: (standing near the hospital room window) It is a beautiful night. You should really see it. (she turns her head to Earl, who remains sound asleep on his hospital bed) Well, if you aren't going to open your eyes, then I guess I will have to contend with a little more reading. (moving back to his side, she picks up the paper she started reading earlier) Ah, here is something interesting. Kyle Sharrington and Lacreasha Dupree to wed : “Although no immediate date has been decided, Kyle Sharrington is joyously thrilled about his upcoming nuptials. ‘I cannot think of a worthier woman to marry – Lacreasha is my one and only soul mate. We understand and accept what the other is bringing to the relationship. That's love, unconditional.' Sharrington and Dupree are schedule to make an appearance at Monte Carlos tomorrow evening to celebrate their engagement and announce a possible wedding date.” Well, at least someone's life is going well in Hallandale. (she flips through the pages and her eyes immediately pop out in shock from a headline she cannot read, but a story that dismays her) “Blackadder36, Massachusetts recent and most deadly outbreak, continues to loom over Hallandale ' residents like a plague going from one carrier to the next. While strides have been made to contain this outbreak, sources inside Leysdale Hospital say little, if any, is being done to stop this killer pathogen. In fact, some of Leysdale's top physicians have taken leaves- both personal and mysterious. Dr. Samantha Lombard, who many of her colleagues say had been working effortlessly to find a cure for this virus, has taken a leave of her duties for some place unknown. Now, if this is working effortlessly, pity to us all who are stuck under Dr. Lombard's studious care —“ (ceases reading further) Unbelievable. This is absolute garbage, I can't believe— (scanning the byline) Oh, but of course, our neighborhood trash master. He never stops, does he? I can only imagine what other garbage he has written. (looking to Earl) What do you think? Should we satisfy my curiosity? (a brief silence ensues as Evelin turns the page in the paper, not noticing Earl's eyes slowly respond. As she finds her page, he then murmurs with a bit of a struggle) Why the hell not? (the words catches her off guard. She turns toward the door, but spies no one there. Turning slowly in the other direction, she is in awe to find Earl's eyes staring back at her and breaks out in tears of joy)
***Samantha: (walking through the low-rent corner shop, she makes her way to an adult Caucasian couple, both in their 40s) Excuse me. I apologize for intruding, but do you happen to know where I can find the Azalean Garden ?
Woman: The Azalean?
Man: (speaking abruptly, he blocks his wife's question) No, never heard of it.
~This had been the gist of a majority of responses she received earlier today and the frequent the negation, the more convinced she was that people were lying to her. Breathing deeply, she attempted to hide her agitation and appeal to their emotions, but she would soon realize it was futile.
Samantha: Please understand that this is a matter of life and death. Any information you have could help a lot. (the woman exchanges a quick look with her husband, then shifts her focus when he gives her a stern glance)
Man: I'm sorry Ma'am. We don't know anything.
Samantha: (she smiles faintly, trying to mask the greater part of herself that was screaming inside) That's all right. Thanks for your time. (she walks off gracefully, nearly being run over by three teenagers passing by on skateboards) There has to be someone who knows where this garden is and is willing to talk. (As she tells herself this, she begins to ponder why there was so much secrecy. Up ahead, she approached a woman in her late 30's, professionally suited with a cup of coffee in her hands) Pardon miss, can I borrow a few seconds of your time?
Woman: What can I do for you? (dropping her mug to the table)
Samantha: Please tell me that you know where I can find the Azalean Garden ? (Samantha looks squarely at the woman, trying to make out her thoughts, but she is unable to detect a shift or pause in the woman's body language)
Woman: Why on earth would you want to find that place?
Samantha: It's a matter of life and death.
Woman: It will be your death if you go there. Do yourself a favor; turn far away in the opposite direction. (yelling to the server walking around) Check please!
(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)
Evelin: (looking dead at him, he waits quietly for her response) God, please tell me I'm not dreaming.
Earl: If you are, I would invest my taste in more reputable newspapers.
Evelin: Yep, it's the real thing. (she touches his face, feeling the life come back full circle)
Earl: Yeah, I'm awake. What the—happened?
Evelin: You gave us quite a scare is what happened and I want your solemn promise you won't do it again.
Earl: As long as you promise never to read Past Revelations Chronicle in my presence again. (he laughs, but it ceases with a cough, which alarms Evelin) Are you okay?
Earl: It's just a cough, Evelin.
Evelin: Still, you have been in the hospital for about a week now. I should call a nurse to check in on you.
Earl: I think you're all the medical attention I need.
Evelin: (rising halfway from her seat) and you'll have your quota after I get a nurse in here. Your brother, Dana and I have been waiting day and night for you to open your eyes and I want to see that it stays that way.
Earl: (putting his hands out to his side) Okay, call in the troops. Anything to appease you. (Evelin smiles, looking back at him as she leaves as if capturing a mental picture of the moment)
(<- Preston Powers Mansion ->)
Jennifer: No, it wouldn't. (she responds as if reeling from some enormous lost) Any woman would be lucky to fall in love with you, but I'm not her. I have baggage.
Brian: (he manages to look her in the eye, but still with a degree a sadness) Romeo.
Jennifer: (dry tone) Yeah. I'm still trying to sort out where he and I stand. So falling in love with you—it just wouldn't be in the cards. Maybe under different circumstances—
Brian: (he intercedes when she takes a pause) I guess we will never know now, will we? (Jenni finds herself unable to answer, but looks upon his eyes with an agreeable sadness)
Jennifer: No. Unfortunately, there is no magic cue ball that can see into the future. All we have right now is the present.
(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)
~Dana and Matthew wander into the lobby of the ground floor, coffee in hands while engaging in idle conversation. Evelin comes flying out of nowhere, which alarms Matthew.
Evelin: (reaching the nurse's quarters) Nurse, I need someone in room 205 immediately.
Matthew: (coming up from behind, he cuts her off before she has time to finish) Evelin, what's going on? (she turns sharply to his gloomy face) What's wrong with my brother?
(<- Preston Powers Mansion ->)
Brian: (snapping a twig from the tree as he walks down the path from the mansion's entrance) Present?
Jennifer: Where we are now. (she wanders behind, easing up closely, but keeping a fair distance)
Brian: (his back turned) and where exactly do you see us now? Saturday nights, hanging out at the mansion, and laughing at the movies as if nothing has happened? I'm sorry, but that's highly unlikely.
Jennifer: Surely, I don't expect things to pick up where they left off, but that's not to say that one day we won't have those carefree days ahead of us. That we can't be great friends like before.
Brian: and what kind of friendship would that be, Jenni? (he makes an abrupt turn toward her, nearly losing his train of thought upon discovering the proximity of their bodies) Being subjected to your romantic on-goings with Romeo Sullivan, knowing that he is where I want to be and that it is him you want to be with. How do I deal with that day after day?
Jennifer: It sounds to me like you have already given this some thought.
Brian: Well, given the circumstances, there is only one logical thing for me to do. I have to move out! (the words hit her hard)
(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)
Matthew: (fearing the worst) Evelin, would you stop standing there and tell me what is wrong with my brother?
Evelin: (regaining grasp of the situation before her) Nothing is wrong with Earl. In fact, things could not be better. As I was getting ready to tell the nurse— (She motions her head slightly toward the nurse) Earl's awake.
Matthew: (his jaw loosens, but his fears are not quite appease) What?
Evelin: (she enunciates) Your brother is awake. (turning to nurse) Nurse, could you please get someone to his room?
Nurse: Right away, ma'am. (the nurse darts off)
Matthew: (approaching a few steps closer) Evelin, are you sure he's awake? I mean, it could be another involuntary spasm or something.
Evelin: (rejoicing) He's awake. Our eyes met for several minutes and we were engaging in silly batter. Earl is finally coming back to us, but if you want solid proof, then why not go see him for yourself? (Matthew grins, but a nervous hesitance shines through)
(<- Coral Springs , Nevada ->)
Rochelle: (looking up at the sky as she stands outside her mother's home) Things were so much easier when you were here, father. It was easier to hate mom because I witness firsthand what it took for you to take care of me and Mitchell. I felt the pain and lost you endured in her absence. No one could say that our lack of forgiveness is without grounds, although it is likely, you forgave her in your final days because despite everything, you still loved her. (she lowers her head away from the sky) So why do I hold onto this bitterness in my heart? You're gone, what happened back then is in the past and my mother has done her best to make up for it. So am I wrong not to accept her strides at restitution? And even if I could forgive her, how could I forgive her marrying the very man that cost us everything?
***Kyle: (waltzing down the stairs in a T-shirt and trousers) Hey honey, what are you still doing up?
Lacreasha: (resting her arms on the back of the sofa as she sits) I couldn't sleep. I just kept thinking about tomorrow's engagement party.
Kyle: (grins) Well, its only 24 hours away. I'm sure you can hold out until then.
Lacreasha: (she smiles) It's not just that. I want— (she lowers her head down momentarily, then raises it up once more) I just want things to go well. I want to make a good impression.
Kyle: Then you have nothing to worry about. Leigha and the rest of the guys have no high expectations of you. So I'm sure if you just be yourself, everything is going to be fine.
(<- Preston Powers Mansion ->)
Jennifer: (her doubtful eyes shift in their socket) Moving out?
Brian: It's not permanent. I just need some time away to sort out these feelings, processed them and deal with the fact that they may never be returned.
Jennifer: and you can't do that here? You have to move out?
Brian: I think being around you would just make it more difficult for me to accept what I cannot have. Besides, it will give me the opportunity to see my mom and my brother.
Jennifer: This is just happening too fast. (she turns her body away from his, attempting to sort through the past two hours) You just finish telling me no less than 2 hours ago that you were in love with me and now you're ready to move out. (she utters with suspicion)
Brian: This is in no way your fault. (she turns to him) I'm acting in the here and now, and right now my head is telling me that I cannot stay here. (after a moments pause, Jennifer walks off with a sigh of disbelief)
(<- Coral Springs , Nevada ->)
Rochelle: (her voice hard while she grits her teeth) So you tell me, oh mighty one. How do I forgive my mother— because I so desperately want to – for marrying the man that cost us everything? The man that shamed my father and his memory!
Leo: That's quite a profile.
Rochelle: (turning swiftly) I didn't realize anyone was out here.
Leo: Well, it gave you incentive to speak freely and not to worry, I only caught the last of it. (Rochelle exhales uncomfortably and he takes notice) Now can I speak freely?
Rochelle: You're here, you might as well.
Leo: (he moves inward a little, relaxing his posture before speaking) It seems to me you can't forgive me for swooping in on your happy family and turning your mother's head, and you can't forgive her for letting me. That's why you are upset about the marriage, why you can't forgive her or move on. (Rochelle is stunned by his preaching) The only way you are going to forgive your mother, which might sound self-serving on my part, but the only way is to accept her and her baggage— that means me.
***Samantha: (wanders through the marketplace, coming across a scattered couple) Hi, can I— (she attempted to ask before the couple mouthed they don't have time and scampered off. She watches in disbelief as the couple paces off, then turns her head to a man walking by) Hi, do you know where I can find this? (She holds up a photo of the Azalean Garden , but he genuinely appears not to recognize it and nods his head no before passing by. Wandering off, she takes a seat in a chair nearby for a breather, contemplating her interactions) People are obviously lying, most likely out of fear, but from fear of the azaleas or something – or rather someone – else?
(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)
Delilah: (wrapping the stethoscope around her neck) Well, everything looks good, but you're not out of the woods yet, so don't over exert yourself.
Earl: (he smiles) All right, nurse.
Evelin : (expressing her gratitude as Delilah turns to leave) Thanks Delilah. (Delilah smiles in return before passing them by on her way out. Now having the opportunity to do so, Evelin moves toward Earl's bed) I'm just thrilled that you finally decided to come back to us. We all are. (ushering Matthew who stands beside her)
Matthew: Yes, we are. (he says with a slight nervousness as Dana grips his shoulder from behind)
Earl: (shifting his body upward in the bed, he grins coyly) You mean you no longer wish I were dead?
Matthew: (returning the smile as if it's a non-serious matter) I think I had enough time to grapple with the possibility and it is highly underrated. (They all laugh in unison, breaking away the initial air of tension)
(<- Evercrest Gardens Palace ->)
Lacreasha: (getting up from the couch) How did you end up with so much faith in people?
Kyle: I fell in love with you.
Lacreasha: That's sweet.
Kyle: It's true. I know what it is like to feel on the outside. I was there a large part of my life simply because of what my last name was. But I realize that does not define who I am, just like your past mistakes don't define who you are.
Lacreasha: Well, not everyone shares that same sort of logic.
Kyle: You did. You let me into your life, despite knowing who I was. So why wouldn't anyone be able to extend that courtesy to my lovely fiancé.
Lacreasha: Well, if you can keep the faith, then I suppose I can too.
Kyle: (he kisses her on the spur of the moment, then pulls back, taking hold of her hand) Good, because I believe tomorrow night is the beginning of a whole new chapter for us.
(<- Coral Springs , Nevada ->)
Rochelle: (biting her teeth) Yeah, it does sound a bit self-serving.
Leo: But it's true. You can't hold onto this anger you feel for me and your mother over something that happen nearly two decades ago. It is not healthy and it will only destroy you in the end.
Rochelle: Don't you think I realize that? That is why I'm here, asking for guidance from the only person that I believe can give it to me. I'm trying to let go of this sick feeling I get every time I think of you and my mother, but every time I ponder such absolution, there is one question I have to ask myself at the end of it all— (she breaks off)
Leo: (he queries erratic at first) What? What question?
Rochelle: By forgiving you and what you did, will I have betrayed my father? (silence befalls) You have no answer for me.
Leo: I wouldn't presume to answer that question. That's really something you have to figure out for yourself.
Rochelle: (she looks up at the sky, just in time to spot a shooting star, which empowers her with a sense of comfort. As it passes overhead, she then returns her focus to Leo) You know what, Mr. Stone? (his eyes become fixed on her, as he is not sure what to make of the situation) I think if we take things one day at a time, then the answer will come to me eventually.
Leo: (slight raises his right eyebrow) Are you—
Rochelle: I'm willing to let bygones be bygones if you are. (extending her hand out, Leo gladly accepts the olive branch)
Malina: (Rebecca, Leigha and company clap as an oncoming Lacreasha and Kyle make it onto the scene of the restaurant) We might just succeed in making this a night that Lacreasha and Kyle will never forget. (~)
Samantha: This whole town seems to be mum about the Azalean Garden and I'm willing to bet that you and this corrupt little hospital are behind the cover-up. (~)
Romain: (voicing to Sandy) A free drink with me, how often does an offer like that come along?

Click here for Episode 284