Previously on “The Mysteries of Our Lives”: Spring of Devastation
Darron:  I think maybe it is high time you realize that its time for you to stop making moves. (~)
Matthew: (approaching a few steps closer) Evelin, are you sure--
Evelin: (rejoicing) He's awake. (~)
Danielle:  I know that it takes more than you to make you and Lucien a couple. (Vanessa's face grows with fury from the remark) So why don't you get the hell out of my face and get a life. (~)
Dr. Mayfield:  If she starts digging for the anecdote in the wrong places, she might stumble onto you know what.
Woman:  So how are we going to stop this...
Dr. Mayfield:  Not to worry, you leave Mrs. Lombard to me.
***Dana: (dials the familiar strokes of her older brother's cell) Come on, pick up.
Brock: (his voice creates a moment of hope) "Hey, you reach Brock.  I can't come to the phone right now..."
Dana: Damn. (she closes her cell cover, frustrated)
Evelin: (creeping in behind her unheard) Dana.
Dana: Evelin.  I didn't realize you were here.
Evelin: Yeah, you seemed otherwise distracted.  Is everything all right?
Dana:  I'm just a little concerned about my brother.  I haven't heard from him since he blindly decided to search for Samantha himself.
(<- Springfield, Massachusetts: Springfield Medical ->)
Rose: (following Dr. Mayfield inside as he removes his scrubs and lab coat) Is there anything else I can do for you, doctor?
Dr. Mayfield: Yes, you can cancel all my appointments for the rest of the day. (he says, moving toward his desk) I could use a break from all the distractions.
Samantha: (standing in the doorway) Then I guess we're both in luck. That means you will have the time in the world for me. (she gives him a smug smile as he reclines in his chair)
(<- Monte Carlos ->)
Bartender: (watches her attentively from the legs up as she glides toward his counter in her red, extravagant looking dress) and what can I get for you? (he grins, allowing his dimples to peak)
Sandy: A cherry cola would be nice. (returning the smile as she makes herself comfortable on one of the bar stools)
Bartender:  Are you sure there is nothing else?
Sandy: (grinning shamelessly) Yes, I'm sure. (the bartender then trails off as Darron quickly stomps on her parade)
Darron: Flirting shamelessly with the help again?
Sandy: (gazing her focus up toward the bar, she doesn't bother to turn to see who is addressing her) Mr. Wolek, how is it that you are everywhere I go these days?
Darron: Maybe you should be asking yourself how is it that you're everywhere I go these days?
Man: (walking toward Malina, who is managing her checklist) My crew has finish all the preparations for the table.  Is there anything else we can assist you with?
Malina: No, thank you, Tony.  You and your men have done more than enough. (handing him a check for his services) I hope that is accurate compensation for your time.
Tony: (opens the check) Oh, this is very generous.  Mucho gracias, señora.
Malina: You're welcome. (she smiles as he goes to gather his crew)
Anton: You sure made his day.
Malina: It wasn't all my money, we all chipped in.
Anton: So are we all set?
Malina: (glancing at her checklist) Well, the table preparations are done.  The dinner dishes are set, Leigh and Kelly are grabbing the cake, Rebecca's bringing the gifts-- so with the exception of the guest of honors, everything is coming full circle.
(<- Evercrest Gardens Palace ->)
Kyle: (coming down the steps, he rejoices) Today is the day, honey.  The start of a whole new-- (coming upon his fiancée) You're not dress.
Lacreasha: No, I have a problem... There is nothing in my closet I want to wear.
Kyle: What's wrong with the stuff in your closet? It's all very lovely on you.
Lacreasha: Yes, but like you said, it's a new chapter for us and I want to start it with something new and exciting.
Kyle: All right. (he walks over behind the couch, bends down and comes back up with a gift box) Perhaps this is what you're looking for. (handing the box to her, she looks at him with an excited suspicion)
Lacreasha: What have you done?
Kyle: (giving her a devilish smirk) Why don't you open the box and find out?
Lacreasha: (opening the box, she is left breathless by what she finds inside) Oh my... this is...
Kyle: Absolutely breathtaking.  Yes, you will be that and more.
Lacreasha: (her silence breaks as she jumps and kisses her fiancé on the lips) Thank you.
(<- Hunks & Beauty Fashions International ->)
Vanessa: (staring at the computer screen, she scrolls down through a list of drugs-- stimulant drugs) Hmm... hyperactivity, increased stamina and physical energy, release of adrenaline, fast acting-- (grins ominously) Perfect. Just perfect!
***************************************************THEME SONG******************************************************
Leigh: (while Kelley goes to drop off the cake in the back, she wonders if the future newlyweds have arrived yet) We're not late, are we?
Malina: No, the guest of honors are still acting according to schedule, but we don't want to tread any closer to their arrival date. Have you've heard from Becca?
Kelley: (inserting himself into the conversation as he moves over to Leigh's side) She actually called while we were on our way over here, saying her and her hubby ran into a minor snag, but that they would be here as soon as possible.
Malina: I don't like the sound of that.  Did they mention what the minor snag was?
Kelley: No, but she sounded like they had it under control. (Malina lets out an anxious sigh) Anyhow, while we were out getting the cake, we stopped by the music store and got some tunes.  I thought it would be cool to see if the matre'd could play a few selections later this evening.
Malina: That is a great idea.  You know what guys, we might just succeed in making this a night that Lacreasha and Kyle will never forget.
Sandy: (now facing Darron, she glides back a little against her stool) I'm sorry to burst your little bubble, but I'm actually here waiting for someone.
Darron: Well, I'm actually here with someone, myself. (Darron turns back in the woman's direction, giving Sandy ample time to take a peak)
Sandy:  Ah, the lovely Juliet Staggerfield.  You two have been seeing a lot of each other lately.
Darron: We enjoy each other's company.  So who are you dining with tonight?
Bartender: Excuse me. (he intercedes, prompting Sandy to turn back to the counter) Here's that drink you requested, miss.
Sandy: Thanks, and call me Sandy.  Everyone else does. (she winks)
Bartender: (flashes his pearly whites) Sandy, you enjoy your evening. (he remarks before going to assist another customer)
Sandy: (turning back slowly, she recalls Darron's question) I'm actually meeting my sister, a girl's night out.  She should be here soon; so no need to feel you have to keep me company.
Darron: I can take a hint.  Besides, I wouldn't want to hurt your chances with the good bartender. (he smirks, then carries on back to his table.  Sandy, meanwhile, enjoys a sip of her cherry cola)
(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)
Matthew: (stepping out of his brother's room, he catches sight of her clinching on to her cell) Hey.
Dana: (looking up from her cell) Hey.
Matthew: A little birdie told me you could use a friendly face.
Dana: That's very sweet of Evelin, but I'm fine.  My brother isn't the one in the hospital, fighting off a dangerous virus.
Matthew: True, but he is doing much better, considering.  For the first time, I believe he may actually beat this thing.
***Dr. Mayfield: (closing the door as he appoints Rose out) That would be all, Rose. (he then turns to Samantha, who makes her self comfortable on the chair in front of his desk)   I must say this visit is quite unexpected. (he remarks, making way to his desk)
Samantha:  You would know all about that, wouldn't you? 
Dr. Mayfield:  I beg your pardon?
Samantha:  This whole town seems to be mum when it comes to the Azalea Garden and I'm willing to bet that you and this corrupt little hospital are behind the cover-up.
Dr. Mayfield:  This hospital is not involved in any cover-up, Mrs. Lombard.  Now if people are avoiding your questions, it is simply because they know the danger that awaits those who dare visit the Azalea Garden.  Perhaps you'd be wise to take their frightful pause to heart.
(<- Hallandale, Massachusetts: Cypress Gardens Shopping Center ->)
Delilah: (picks up a light red jumper suit) How about this?
Robin:  Well, it is cute and all, but it's a little-- pink.
Delilah:  What?  You have something against pink?
Robin:  No, but the baby could very well be a boy and Jay would have a fit if I dressed it in any shade of pink.
Delilah:  So what sex do you think the baby will be or what are you hoping for?
Robin:  I don't know.  (she rejoices) I feel like it's going to be a boy.  I mean, the cravings are monstrous.
Delilah:  So let's shop for a boy then.  If it turns out to be a girl instead, everyone will just think she's a tomboy and you could be labeled worse.
Robin:  Yeah, I bet Jay would love that.  (Delilah and Robin laugh at the thought)
(<- Monte Carlos ->)
Sandy: (looking at her watch, she realizes that her sister is running late) Where are you, Sherri?
Bartender:  (interrupting her train of thought) Can I get you a refill?
Sandy: (not catching what he says, his smile soon dawns upon her) I'm sorry, did you say something?
Bartender:  I asked if you would like another round of cherry cola.
Sandy:  Why don't you hold it for me? (she smiles before getting up from her stool) I'll be back.
Bartender:  I'll keep your seat vacant. (Sandy thanks him and then proceeds toward the exit of the restaurant)
(<- Mercy Hospital ->)
Sherri: (approaching the nurse's quarters) Hey Monica, do you have the files on the Madison case?
Monica:  Let me check.  (she searches in the cabinet for M and within a few minutes, hands over a file to Sherri) Here it is.
Sherri:  Thanks.
Monica:  Is there anything in particular you're looking for?
Sherri:  Just looking to see what sort of treatment Madison received while he was here.
Monica:  Then you should check out the latter pages, treatment and care generally falls on page 6 or 7.
Sherri:  (taking note of the suggestion, she flips to the sixth page and finds Madison's treatment information) Thanks. (she begins reading over the information as a call rings through to the nurse's quarters)
Monica: (picking up the call) Leysdale Hospital, Monica speaking. (the caller exchanges words, prompting Monica to lower the phone to her side) Yes, one moment.  (looking in Sherri's direction, she speaks) It's for you.
Sherri: (placing the file she was reading on the counter in front of her, she then retrieves the call) This is Sherri Reynolds.
Sandy:  (outside of Monte Carlos, the sound of cars passing by in the distance is evident) This is your sister.
Sherri:  Sandy. What's going on?
Sandy:  Nothing much, just waiting for you to show up.
Sherri:  Show-- (looking at her watch) Oh god, I didn't realize it was so late.  I'm in the middle of a big case, perhaps we can meet up a little later.
Sandy:  Can't you just put it on hold until tomorrow?
Sherri:  You know me.  I hate to leave things unfinished.  It shouldn't take no more than an hour or two.
Sandy:  and what do you suppose I do until then?
Sherri:  I'm sure you'll think of something.  I'll call you when I'm finished, ok?
Sandy:  Yeah.  You just make it quick.
(<- Evercrest Gardens Palace ->)
Kyle: (working the downstairs floor) All right Lacreasha.  Let's see how it looks already.
Lacreasha: (making her way down the stairs diligently, she takes him by surprise) Calm yourself Mr. Sharrington.
Kyle: (turning swiftly, he is frozen in place at the sight before him-- his future wife) Wow, you look--
Lacreasha:  Like the luckiest woman in the world. (she smiles, grabbing hold of him)
Kyle:  Yeah, I'm absolutely lucky. (the couple rejoice, sealing their happiness with a kiss)
***Kelley:  I talked to the matre'd.  They are set with the music.
Malina:  Great.  Things are starting to come full circle now.
Leigh: (coming from the back, she licks her finger clean) The dessert is delicious.
Kelley:  Leigh, the couple is suppose to have the first slice.
Leigh:  Relax Hensley, I just had a small bite off the edge, they won't notice.  Besides, someone had to make sure it was acceptable.
Malina: (charmed) Yes, thank you, Leigh.  We appreciate the sacrifice.
Leigh:  It was.
Malina:  All right.  I'll be over there. (she points in Anton's direction, a few feet ahead)
Leigh:  So has Rebecca and her hubby arrive yet?
Kelley:  Yeah, about 10 minutes ago.  I'm surprise you didn't see them when you were swiping a taste of the cake.
Leigh: (taking a hint at his sarcasm) Ha!
Malina: (coming to a stop in front of him, she eyes him curiously) You've been pretty quiet, is everything all right?
Anton:  Just watching you in action. (Malina gives him that distinct look that tells him she is not buying his excuse) All right.  I have just been wondering if this was the best place to have Kyle and Lacreasha's engagement party?
Malina:  Why wouldn't it?
Anton:  A lot of bad blood was spread three years ago when Robin and Jay hosted their annual Christmas party here.  You remember?
Malina:  Yes, I do.  Perhaps now we have a chance to muddle those dark memories. (clapping in the foreground cuts her off and prompts her to turn.  She sees that the applause is coming from Rebecca, Leigh and company.  As she and Anton turn their gaze toward the entrance of Monte Carlos, they are graced with the presence of Lacreasha and Kyle)
Sandy: (thinking as she approaches her stool) "This place sure is busy tonight."  (taking a seat, she thanks the bartender before having a chance to look up) Thanks for saving my-- Oh.  (looking up, she notices the bartender has a new face) I'm sorry, I thought you were-- what happened to the other guy?
Bartender #2:  You must be Sandy.  Jett had to leave, but he desperately wanted to make sure I kept your seat vacant.
Sandy:  Well, you thank Jett for me the next time you see him.
Bartender #2:  Sure thing.  Is there anything I can get you in the meantime?
Romain: (strolling up to the bar) Get the lady a glass of Chardonnay.  (Sandy is amazed to find his face smiling back at her)
(<- Cypress Gardens Shopping Center ->)
Delilah: (spotting a sky blue dress shirt w/ blue jean shorts outfit) Now this is adorable.  You can't go wrong with blue.
Robin:  You're right, it is cute. (she grabs hold of the price tag) It is also very expensive. (dropping the price tag, Delilah then takes a look)
Delilah:  Oh.  Yeah, that is a bit much.  Well, it's not like we needed it right a way.
Robin:  Why don't we stick to diapers and baby wipes?  We can worry about accessorizing my baby's wardrobe when he's two or three.
Delilah:  Deal.  (Robin laughs, then in an instant, crutches down to the floor) Robin.
Robin:  Oh. (she murmurs, clutching her stomach)
Delilah:  Are you okay?
Robin:  (Delilah helps her back up) Yeah, I'm fine.  I think the baby was just trying to tell me he's happy with our decision. (the two join in laughter once more)
(<- Springfield, Massachusetts: Springfield Medical ->)
Samantha:  I'm aware of the grand danger that you and one of my many oppositioners feel oblige to tell me, but I'm a doctor and I have an oath to save lives.  So do you.
Dr. Mayfield:   At the risk of your own?
Samantha:  Isn't that what being a doctor is all about?
Dr. Mayfield:  In hindsight, but in actuality, we do what we can.  Now I'm sure you have friends, family, love ones that are worried about you.  So ask yourself -- would they want you to be doing this?  Going off, half-cocked into a world of danger?
Samantha:  Of course not, but then they would realize that this is something I have to do and not continue to spin any way possible the dangers of continuing my search.
Dr. Mayfield:  I'm trying to help you, Mrs. Lombard.  I would hate for a beautiful, compassionate woman like yourself to perish because of some saintly foolishness.  You need to accept that there are lives as a doctor that we cannot save.
Samantha:   But we can try, Mr. Mayfield.  We can try.
(<- Hallandale, Massachusetts: Leysdale Hospital ->)
Dana: (cellphone glued to her ear) "Just call me if you hear from him."
Matthew: (gripping her shoulders from behind as she removes her cell from her ear) So Ralph hasn't heard from him, either? (his gripping comes to a stop as she turns to face him)
Dana:  No, but he promise to put one of his men on the search tomorrow morning.  There backed up with the Hemmings case right now.
Matthew:  Poor Shanna and Ben, they never seem to get a break.  I guess it keeps life interesting, at least.
Dana:  Still, when is it all said and done, there is nothing like a little normalcy.
Matthew:  But what is normalcy?  Would we even recognize it?
Dana:  Good question.  Can't really be nostalgic for something we never had, now can we?
Matthew:  Sure can't, but I'm sure a scoop of ice cream will get us real close. (Dana smiles) Come on. (he grabs her hand and she his)
(<- Monte Carlos ->)
Sandy:  Thanks for the offer, Dr. Chandler, but no thanks.
Romain:   What?   You don't trust me to be with you while you're under the influence.
Sandy:  If I didn't trust you, I wouldn't have work so hard to try to get you back together with my sister.
Romain:  Then what's the problem?
Sandy:  I have a prior engagement.  Who should be here within the hour.
Romain:  So why not let me keep you company.  I mean, a free drink with me, how often does an offer like that come along?
Sandy:  All right, one drink.
Romain: You heard the lady, bartender.  Two glasses of your finest.
***Leigh: Wow Lacreasha, your dress is stunning.  You're stunning.
Lacreasha:  Thanks.  I had a little help from a little bird.
Leigh: (looks swiftly in Kyle's direction) I bet you did.  Well, I won't block your spotlight. (stepping off to the side, Lacreasha then pulls a strand of her hair back, before gliding forward into the restaurant with her hands attached to Kyle)
Kelley: (cutting in front of the couple when they finally get pass the usher) Well, don't you too look smashing this evening?
Kyle:  We feel smashing, right hon?
Lacreasha:  Yeah, positively.
Rebecca: (voicing from behind Kelley) She's not lying.  It definitely shows.  The objective is to keep it that way.
Kyle:  I don't think that will be a problem.
Rebecca:  Every marriage-- good or bad, has its ups and downs.
Cody:  She's right.  We're living proof.
Lacreasha: (tilting her head to the side as she inquires) You two are married?
Rebecca:  Oh, that's right.  You haven't met.  Lacreasha, this is my husband, Cody.  Cody, the lucky bride to be. (she concludes, pointing in Lacreasha's direction)
Cody: (extending his hand out, they greet each other with a handshake) Pleasure to meet you.
Lacreasha:  Pleasure granted. (she smiles, then returns her hand back to her side)
Leigh:  Well Becs, now I understand why you had him underwraps. (Rebecca flips her head back, giving Leigh a gallant smile)
Sandy:  (lounging against the chair, having moved away from the bar to a table) So why aren't you on-call tonight?
Romain:  Because I wouldn't be able to rescue damsels in distress like yourself, otherwise.
Sandy:  Damsel?  Rescue?  I have you know that I can take care of myself.  I use to be a PI, it came with the territory.
Romain:  Wow, that seems like so long ago.
Sandy:  You and my sister had more of promising future then.
Romain:  I think even then we had our problems.
Sandy:  Maybe, but the greatest love stories are built on grand obstacles.
Romain: (smirks in amazement) My god, you're working me even now.
Sandy:  What?
Romain:  You are selling your sister on me or this ideal that we have this once in a lifetime relationship.
Sandy:  What can I say?  I'm persistent.
Romain:  I notice.  I can be as well, the difference is I know when to stop.
Sandy:  Or maybe the real difference is that I don't back down because things look bleak.
Romain:  So you never gave up on anyone?
Sandy:  No, I haven't.  I believe love makes all battles possible. (Romain is touched by her words)
(<- Springfield, Massachusetts: Springfield Medical ->)
Dr. Mayfield:  That was very heartfelt, Mrs. Lombard.  I can understand your urge to tackle all the world's problems one by one, but you will come to realize we are not God.
Samantha:   I'm well aware of who we are, thank you very much and it will be a cold day in hell before I confuse you with God.  Now, I'm sick of hearing your clever spin job.  Lives are hanging in the balance, people are depending on me, so you damn well are going to tell me where the Azalea Garden is, right now!
(<- Somewhere in Hallandale ->)
Vanessa: (dressed in black coat, she tries her best to conceal her face as she wanders around the streets looking for a man carrying her shipment.  She eventually comes to an opening at the back of the alley, where she spies cash and drugs exchanging hands.  Before she can move forward, a figure manhandles her from behind, causing her to let out a frightful scream)
Thug: (grabbing her arm tightly) It's a little late for ya to be around these parts, miss.  Bad things can happen.
Vanessa: (pulling her arm from his grip) I'm just here to get some amp.
Thug:  Amp?  As in black bombers?
Vanessa:  That would be the drug of choice.
Thug:  Ya do realize what t'at is?
Vanessa:  The ultimate gateway to euphoria, I hear.
Thug:  Yeah.  What'cha want with t'at stuff?
Vanessa:  Is that really any of your business? (her frustration rears its ugly head) Do you have it or not?
Thug: (he remarks in a calming fashion) Aight lady.  I just want to make sure ya know w'at ya doing.
Vanessa:  Believe me, I've consider my options.  I have the cash, so why don't you show me the stash?
***Monica: (spying Sherri walking toward the nurse's station) Sherri, you're still here?
Sherri: (lifting her head up momentairly) Yeah, I know.  I was suppose to be with my sister by now.  But I'm puzzled by this one detail in the Madison' file?
Monica:  What detail is that?
Jay: (walking up to the two ladies as Sherri opens the folder) Ms. Reynolds, I thought I cut your schedule early today.
Sherri:  Yeah, well, you know how time flies when you're trying to be productive.  I just wanted to wrap up my report on the Madison case.
Monica:   Yeah, she's very dedicated.  Abandoning dinner with her sister to work?  Not many workers like that in heavy supply.
Jay:  What?  Sherri, I admire your dedication, but this case is not that important.  Family matters, wrapping up this case can wait until tomorrow.  Clock out. (he turns to leave, but makes an about face after recalling his reason for coming down) Monica, could you please schedule a 2 O'clock for me with Dylan McCloud? (Monica motions her head in agreement) Thank you.  (he then proceeds to exit, turning back once more to remind Sherri) Clock out.
Sherri: (turning to Monica with a half smile) Yes, thank you, Monica.
Monica:  Hey, sorry.  (as Sherri begins to exit) What about that detail?
Sherri:  (arching her neck back toward Monica's direction) I guess it will have to wait until tomorrow. (she then continues forward to the elevator)
(<- Monte Carlos ->)
Malina: (standing up before the table of guests that surrounds her) Finally, the moment we have been looking forward to all night: the celebration of Kyle and Lacreasha's engagement and hopefully, pretty soon, their upcoming wedding.
Kelley and Leigh: Here, here!
Malina:  Yes. (holding up her glass) Here here to the future Mr. and Mrs. Sharrington.  (the rest of the guests join in raising their glasses as Kyle and Lacreasha take a moment to reflect in their joy before drinking to themselves as well)
Romain:  Love is worth the battle?! (he pauses for a moment as his realization sinks in) You're not like your sister.
Sandy: (grins, shifting her head slightly to the side) If I were, then how would one be able to differentiate the two of us?
Romain:  Somehow, I think you would manage.  I mean, it's so obvious now that I can't believe I didn't see it before.
Sandy:  See what?
Romain:  Your fire.  Perhaps I missed it because I just haven't seen it in many women, but it's remarkable.
Sandy:  I think it's all about having hope.
Romain:  No, I think there's more to it.  (he moves over the table slightly) When I look at you, I see confidence and security.  You know who you are and what you want.  It's obvious from the way you carry yourself, or even when you're not so subtly trying to steer me back in your sister's direction.
Sandy:  (slight chuckle) You sure have a way with words, Dr. Chandler.
Romain:  I'm serious.  You have a very intense aura that rubs off on the people around you and you're willing to take risks.  (he finds himself gravitating toward her closer and closer) You're also incredibly beautiful.  Any sane man would be a fool to pass you up. (Sandy can hardly catch her breath as their eyes meet briefly before Romain blindsides her with a kiss that she gets swept up in)
(<- Springfield, Massachusetts: Springfield Medical ->)
Daniel: (Samantha continues to eye him sternly, which prompts him to jump up from his desk chair) All right, Mrs. Lombard.  If you are determine to commit suicide, then I won't stop you.
Samantha:  Good. (turning back as he heads over to his door) Then give me-- (paused by his suiting up) What are you doing?
Daniel:  You know what they say.  Two eyes are better than one.  I'm going with you!

Click here for Episode 285