Previously on “The Mysteries of Our Lives”: Spring of Devastation
Mindy:  I don't want to talk about Alfonso.  He's gone -- started his own life.
Billy:  That doesn't mean you two can't still keep some sort of connection. (~)
Leo: (he moves inward a little, relaxing his posture before speaking) It seems to me you can't forgive me for swooping in on your happy family and turning your mother's head, and you can't forgive her for letting me. That's why you are upset about the marriage, why you can't forgive her or move on. (~)
Romain: (smirks in amazement) My god, you're working me even now.
Sandy:  ...What can I say?  I'm persistent.
Romain:  ...I can be as well, the difference is I know when to stop.
***Billy: (spotting Crystal at the bar as he makes his way downstairs and around the corner.  He looks at her for a few minutes as she writes intently on her notepad, an inner peace overcomes him as he realize that the ridiculousness of the past few months are finally over.  Moving over behind the bar, he embraces Crystal as he puts his hands around her waist) So what are you up to this evening?
Crystal: (she smiles at the knowledge of his warm body around hers) Well, if we're planning to throw this masquerade ball in the forseeable future, there are lots of details to get in order..
Billy:  (moving his arms from her side) I thought one of the reasons for this big project was to give Mindy something to focus on.
Crystal: (turning with her back against the bar) Yeah, but it is also a very important tradition of mine.  Thus, there are some aspects of this project that I'd rather handle myself.
Billy:  Well, what if I told you I had a better project in mind?
Crystal:  I would have to question its priority.
Billy:  (he moves over her body, casing her in as his hands lie on opposite sides of the bar counter) Oh, I think its very important. (he says with a devious grin as he glides his hand down her blouse, loosening the two top buttons)
Crystal: (playing along) Really?
Billy: (leaning over, he stares deep into her eyes before allowing their lips to taste one another in two 30-second smooches) Really! (Crystal then takes control, dropping her notepad as she pulls Billy's body on top of hers as their lips join in a passionate union, leaving the two to silent contemplate whether or not to rip the other's clothes off and go at it on the bar right now.  However, Billy suggest that they take their private party upstairs.  Crystal giddishly agrees and leads the way, with Billy following quickly behind.  Their fun, however, is interrupted by Mindy's untimely arrival)
Crystal:  Mindy! (she alerts, causing Billy to stop in his tracks as Crystal casually fixes the button on her blouse)
Mindy: (oblivious to the situation, enthusiasm is clearly written all over her face) I'm glad you're both here.  I have come up with some great plans for the Masquerade Ball and I'm dying to share. (Crystal smiles half-heartedly before turning back to Billy, who painfully acknowledges that their plans are now off)
(<- Past Revelations Chronicle ->)
Alexander: (Elianna lightly taps on his door, averting his attention momentarily away from his copy proof) Yes Elianna.
Elianna:  Your daughter is here to see you.
Alexander: (a smile graces his face) Yes, by all means, send her in. (Elianna turns away from the door, allowing Widlin to emerge from behind)  It's good to see you.
Widlin: (walking up to his desk, she then crosses her hands, looking on to him void of any emotion)  I wish I could say the same.  Why did you summon me here?
Alexander:  So its a summons now to want to see my own daughter?
Widlin:  Well, it wasn't an act of courtesy that brought me here.  You obviously want something.  So why don't we skip the pleasantries and you tell me what that something is? (Her coldness causes Alexander's eyes to reflect a sadness that is rarely seen or express over anyone)
(<- Monte Carlos ->)
Leigha:  Here, here.
Malina:  Yes. (holding up her glass) Here, here to the future Mr. and Mrs. Sharrington.  (the rest of the guests join in raising their glasses as Kyle and Lacreasha take a moment to reflect in their joy before drinking to themselves as well)  So, how about a few words from the newly engaged couple?  (Malina smiles, looking in Kyle and Lacreasha's direction.  Lacreasha, who has just finished lowering her glass to the table is a bit paused by the request.  Kyle, however, looks to her and encourages her to go on first.)
Lacreasha:  Umm... well, I can't say how happy I am to be celebrating such an occasion with a room full of people.  I feel that my engagement has definitely open a new realm of possibilities that I didn't think were possible and that excites me to no end.  (She smiles, the rest looking on approvingly, except for Anton, who feels a slight twinge, which Lacreasha notices, but ignores as she hangs on to Kyle, who continues where she left off)
Kyle:  (he shines a smile in Lacreasha's direction, then faces his listening audience) Like my darling fiancée, I would just like to acknowledge what a family you have all become to me.  Life in Hallandale seem quite bleak as a Pierre, slash Sharrington (the crowd laughs) until I started working for Showtime Limits with most of you.  The fact that you have all been so generous with your time this evening proves that we have all come a long way.  So thanks.  (He raises his glass and the crowd applauses with the exception of Leigh, who tends to a tear streaming down her face.)
Man: (addressing the woman as she arrives at the door) Good evening ma'am.  Do you have a reservation?
Sherri:   Yes, I believe it is under "Reynolds."  (She says with half uncertainly, scanning her visible distance of the restaurant for Sandy)
Man:  (scrolling down his list of reservations, within a minute or so, he arrives at a match) Ah, "Reynolds."  Your party is at table 17.  Would you like me to escort you over?
Sherri: (she smiles) No, thanks.  I can locate it myself.
Romain:  I'm serious.  You have a very intense aura that rubs off on the people around you and you're willing to take risks.  (he finds himself gravitating toward her closer and closer) You're also incredibly beautiful.  Any sane man would be a fool to pass you up. (Sandy can hardly catch her breath as their eyes lock, whatever it was - the chardonnary, the night - before she even realized, Romain's lips were one with hers.  It took a minute - 60 seconds to many - before Sandy pulled away from the lock, only to find her sister's eyes gazing upon her.  Before Romain could take a moment to digest what had happened, he realized Sandy's new found focus and turn to find his ex staring them down.  At that moment, he and Sandy both could literally feel the ground below open up and swallow them whole.
***************************************************THEME SONG******************************************************
Rachel: (watching as her daughter proceeds down the stairs with her bags) I can't believe you're leaving right now.
Rochelle:  Well, I have a life waiting for me back in Massachusetts, and you need to go back to living yours.  Besides, we finally come to some sort of truce, how about letting it stick for a while?
Rachel: (grins) What?  We can't do that in the same city?
Rochelle:  I say let's not tempt fate.  (they both laugh before Rachel rushes forward to hug her daughter, who doesn't resist the embrace)
Rachel:  I'm going to miss you.
Rochelle: (hugging her mother a little more tighter before ending the embrace)  Hey, you can always visit.  I mean, I'm there-- (pausing for a second as she juggles the thought) your son's there.
Rachel:  That's right, Dean lives in Hallandale now.  How is he?
Rochelle:  Well, we're not all that close considering everything that went down with Leonard and the murder.  I think he gets by day by day.  You can't really be okay when you lose someone that close to you.
Rachel:  Well, at least now he has his sister to lean on.  (A weird look crosses Rochelle's face, which her mother notices) What's wrong?
Rochelle:  I haven't told Dean about what I discovered and I don't plan too. (Rachel looks toward her daughter with confusion)
(<- Crystal's Fantasy & Associates ->)
Crystal: (she asks as she and Billy sit in a chair at one of the vacant tables) So what's this big idea?
Mindy: (she looks on intently at Billy and Crystal as she speaks) Well, I know a few years back that you guys went with a carnival and masquerade theme, but I was thinking that this year we could go with a blind, masquerade gala sort of an affair.  Meaning that we would get word from everyone who's attending the festivities and having them each pull from a pool of eligible dates.
Crystal:  Wow, that sounds like a very big task, but I like it.  I mean, it would set up the event nicely for an evening of suspence, mystery and intrigue.
Billy:  I agree, it would make for a perfect opportunity to unveil the new name of our company.
Crystal:  (voicing to Billy) The only problem is if we're going to go with this idea, then it's going to be crucial that we get these invitations made and out to the public.
Mindy:  I've actually taken the liberty of coming up with some ideas. (she says, pulling a few flyer samples from her folder and handing them to Billy)
Crystal: Oh.
Billy: (flipping through the various ad designs) Wow, these are really good.  (he looks up in her direction) You must have been up all night.
Mindy:  Well, I'm really excited about this project.  I want to help pull it off anyway possible.
Billy:  I really like this one.  What do you think Crystal?
Crystal: (gazing quickly at the ad) I think we will be done with this project before we know it.
***Alexander:  The reason I called you here is because I've been trying to track down Akeira.
Widlin:  Wow, you must really be desperate for company.
Alexander: (voicing strongly) She has my child.
Widlin: (walking off to the side of his desk) Yeah, I forgot about that little tidbit.  So why are you telling me all this?
Alexander:  I was hoping you might have some idea on where I could find her?
Widlin:   She could be in Australia for all I know or care.
Alexander:  Wherever she is, she also has my son or daughter-- your brother or sister with her.
Widlin:  Don't remind me.  Knowing that I have something related to me that was bore by that-- (rethinking her word choice) witch is enough to make my skin crawl.
Alexander:  Well, I hope you don't take those frustrations out on your little brother or sister.
Widlin: (scoffs) You're one to talk.  Have you forgot about your own son?
(<- Monte Carlos ->)
Kyle: (taking a bite of the roll) So how long did it take you guys to set this all up?
Leigha:  Well, everyone did their share of the work.  Although Malina did have her hands full with getting the table set up and choosing the dinner selections.
Lacreasha: (observing the table) Well, she made some excellent choices, the fish is delicious.
Kelley:  I second that.
Malina:  Well, most of that thanks should go to the cooking staff.
Kyle:  What better way to share our gratitude then to dig in?
Kelley:  Amen.
Leigha:  (chuckles along with Lacreasha) Typical male.
Romain:  (his eyes gazed upon her, although she is more focused on her sister with a harden posture) Hello Sherri. (turning back to Sandy) So this is your date?
Sherri:  Yeah, that might be hard to keep track of while your tongue's in my sister's mouth.
Sandy:  I can assure you that this is not what it looks like.
Sherri: (her voice slightly raised) Really, because it looked to me like you were kissing my ex.  So by all means, explain to me what this really looks like?
Darron: (rejoining her at the table) Hey, sorry I took so long. (noticing her gaze is elsewhere) What's so important over there? (he looks off in her direction and finds Sandy with Romain and Sherri, things look pretty heated, causing him to inquire more)   What's going on over there?
Juliet:  I don't know.  Your friend was talking with that guy over there and then the next thing, they were kissing and then that other woman shows up.  She looks pretty fired up, too.
Darron:  (looking in Sandy's direction, it all becomes clear) Oh, I bet she is!
Romain:  (getting up from the table) This is not the place for this, so why don't we-- (he tries to grab hold of her hand, but she yanks free from it)
Sherri:  Get your hands off me.   This is between me and my sister.  (she turns toward Sandy) You sure don't waste any time, now do you?  Although, I'm not really sure why I'm so surprise-- maybe because I thought we were past this or maybe because there is no wedding ring this time.
Sandy:  It was one kiss.  No one planned it.  It just happened.
Sherri:  So you're lips just happened on over to Romain's?  Is that what you're telling me? (Sandy doesn't answer quick enough, prompting Sherri's voice to accelerate, catching the attention of everyone in the restaurant) Answer me, damn it.
Romain:  (observing the eyes, he whispers firmly to her) You are causing a scene.
Sherri: (turning adamantly in his direction) Well, forgive me for not knowing how to react to seeing my sister kissing my ex.
Romain: (saying it clearly enough for the whole restaurant to hear) That's right, your ex.  We are not together anymore.  So what goes on between me and Sandy is none of your business and for the record, I kissed her. 
***Sherri: (hurt and pain clearly written over her face) You kissed her? You kissed my sister?
Romain:   This isn't the time nor the place for this.
Sherri:  You made this the time when you decided to share that little tidbit.  How dare you?  How could you do this to me?
Leigha:  (reflecting on the outburst earlier between Sherri, Romain and Sandy that appears to have gone down a few notches) Wow, there is never a dull moment in this town.
Kelley:  (Malina and Anton watch as the trio soon become a topic of discussion between Leigh and Kelley) They definitely picked the wrong place to initiate a fling.
Leigha:  (scoffs) Somehow, I don't think it's that simple.
Kelley:  It appears to me that the simple fact was that Romain and Sherri were separated, which mean he was free to be with any women he so please.
Leigha:  Including his ex's sister?
Malina:  You guys, do we really need to be having this discussion right now? (she directs her gaze toward Kyle and Lacreasha, who were starting to feel invisible with the focus no longer being on them)
Leigha:  (turning to Lacreasha and Kyle) Oh, how rude of us. I'm so sorry, Kyle, Lacreasha.
Kelley:  (clears throat) Yes, so am I.
Lacreasha:  It's okay.  It's pretty customary to be distracted by the conflicts and surroundings around us.
Anton:  (rolling out the cake) Nonetheless, we are here to celebrate the coming of your union.  So who wants the first slice?  (Malina shares a smile of relief with Anton for quickly smoothing over the situation)
(<- Crystal's Fantasy & Associates ->)
Mindy: (explaining the layout of the masquerade ball that she has mapped out on paper) Basically, someone would be stationed at the entrance to direct guests to the sign-in table, where they will be paired up with their dates.
Crystal:  So the guests will learn the identity of their dates once they arrive?
Mindy:  Yeah, of course, it would have been too complicated to keep the mystery going any longer than that.
Crystal:  Oh, just a tad, I bet.
Mindy:  Once the dates are paired, they will be given tickets to their assigned seats.
Billy:  A bit formal.
Mindy:  Well, this is a special occasion.  Besides, if anyone should get paired up with someone they don't like, it might help to break the ice if they were surrounded by another neutral couple.
Billy:  Good point.  Just remember, me and Crystal are not eligible for submission.
Mindy:  Darn, there goes my plan to whisk you away from Crystal.
Billy:  There's no rule that I have to be attached to her arm all night, if you feel me.
Crystal:  (playfully hits him on the arm) I heard that.
Billy:  You know I'm just kidding around.
Crystal:  You better be! (kissing him on the lips, leaving Mindy feeling like a third wheel)
(<- Coral Springs, Nevada ->)
Rachel:  I'm just trying to understand why you would want to keep your brother in the dark after being in the dark so long yourself.
Rochelle:  Dean is still recuperating from the lost of the only brother he has ever known.  The last thing he needs is to learn that I, the woman who hated his brother in the end, is his sister.
Rachel:  You can't necessarily keep this a secret forever.
Rochelle:  Well, that's interesting coming from you mother.  (Rochelle catches on to her mother's sudden silence) Look, I'm not judging you again for that decision.  I'm just saying that if you managed to keep me and Dean apart all of these years without either of us suspecting, how can the truth come out?
Rachel:  We weren't exactly getting along before.  With the recent change, I'm hoping that future visits won't be out of the question.  However, as you know, I spent a large part of my life in this city raising Dean and Leonard.
Rochelle:  I understand.  You're saying as long as I sustain contact with you, there is a risk that Dean will learn the truth.  Well, mother, this is just unacceptable because I am not ready to tell Dean the truth.
(<- Monte Carlos ->)
Romain:  None of this is about you Sherri.  Now I'm sorry that you had to witness me kissing Sandy, but it happened and you need to deal with it.
Sherri:  You want me to deal?  Alright.  (grabbing an alcoholic drink from the waiter who wanders by, she downs half of it before stepping onto an empty table adjacent from Sandy and Romain's)
Romain:  What are you doing?
Sherri:  I'm dealing Romain. (her tone distraught) I'm rising high above this muck and I want everyone to know what I see.  (Darron and Juliet return to their tables just in time to witness the scene) Ladies and Gents, look before me, for you will see my ex and his tramp.  Don't be fool like I was because this tramp may be my sister, but she gets around and I do mean around, so you better keep a lock on your husbands, ladies.
Sandy:  (seeing all the accusatory eyes set on her) That is enough.
Sherri:  What, you can't handle the truth, sister dear.  Are those scolding eyes too much for you to bare?  Because it is as plain as day to me, you are a slut.  No, you are trash! (Romain knocks her off her balance screaming as he hauls her out of the restaurant) Let go of me!  You're garbage, Sandy. You're garbage!!  (the words ring through Sandy's ears as she is forced to deal with the restaurant's set attention)
***As the eyes of those around her continue to set in, Sandy decides to take the back way out as oppose to sticking around.  However, Darron corners her first.
Darron:  Hey, I figure you could use--
Sandy:  (not giving him ample time to finish his statement, she concludes before making tire tracks around him) Not now, Darron!
Malina:  Well, maybe now that the side show has apparently cleared out, we can finally get some peace and quiet.
Rebecca:  I pray you didn't have to deal with these kind of attractions in Paris.
Lacreasha:  No, Paris was wonderful.
Rebecca:  Yeah, you can count on a marriage proposal to change one's perspective.  So how did Kyle finally pop the question?
Lacreasha:  (she chuckles) Well, we were dancing to this lovely song and Kyle, just out of the blue, proposed to me.
Leigha:  Did you at least make him get on one knee before saying yes?
Lacreasha:  He knew I wouldn't have it any other way.  (she laughs with the ladies)
Rebecca:  Show us the engagement ring.  (Lacreasha sticks out her hand and the ladies are in awe)
Leigha and Malina:  Wow, this one's a keeper, ladies.
Kelley:  (patting Kyle on the shoulder) Well, well, cassanova.  Now will be lucky if they ever shut up about this? (Kyle returns a smirk)
(<- Past Revelations Chronicle ->)
Alexander:  I haven't forgotten my son.  After all, we're business rivals.
Widlin:  Then that's really a shame if that's all you are to your son -  a business rival. (the remark raises an internal dilemma for Alexander)
Alexander:  I can't change the past.
Widlin:  No, you can't.  But you can make a difference now, and why not?  You've driven me away and Akeira isn't coming back any time soon that I know of.  So why don't you make some inroads with the son that is still here?  He's celebrating his engagement today, does that not mean anything to you?  (grabbing her bag from the chair) I'll leave you to process that, just don't think about it too long.  (She then exits)
(<- Coral Springs, Nevada ->)
Rachel:  I'm not sure how you want me to respond to that, Rochelle.
Rochelle: (she echoes once more) I don't want Dean to know that I'm his sister.
Rachel:  You want me to lie?
Rochelle:  I'm just asking that you not say anything.
Rachel:  You want me to lie to my son?
Rochelle:  Well, its nothing you haven't been doing already, mother. (a moment passes as what she said finally hits) I'm sorry.
Rachel:  No, you're right.  I haven't been honest with Dean before now, so I have no right to complain about having to keep this secret for a little while longer.  It's just that we're finally getting off to a better place and I prefer that it not be muddled by more lies.
Rochelle:  Alright, I will consider telling Dean the truth, but I won't make any promises.
Rachel: (smiles with relief) Come here.  (she takes her daughter in a warm hug) I love you and I know you will make the right decision.
***Crystal:  (embarking down from the stairs, she approaches Billy, who is standing behind the bar) Did Mindy leave?
Billy:  Yeah, just a few minutes ago.  She's probably on the phone with every major news agency within a 100 mile radius by now.
Crystal:  Well, I'll admit I was taken aback earlier by how much work she had already put into the masquerade ball, but seeing how excited she was about it made me realize how lucky we are to have her on our team.
Billy:  Plus with Mindy taking care of all the groundwork, you have no choice but to spend all your time with me.
Crystal:  Hmm... what better reward could I ask for? (Crystal kisses him and this time, doesn't stop as they try to recreate the scene that Mindy had walked upon earlier)
(<- Cypress Gardens Plaza ->)
Clerk:  Here you go.  One mocha latte and two raisin bagels lightly buttered.
Mindy:  (grabbing the bag, she takes a sip of her latte before giving her appraisal) Thank you.  Good night.
Clerk:  Same to you.
Mindy:  (as quickly as she turned to exit was when she came full force into the arms of a strange man, a portion of her latte spilling onto his shirt) Oh my god.  I'm so sorry, I didn't see you coming.
Man:  No, it's my fault.  I should know better than to sneak up on a beautiful women in the dark of night.
Mindy:  I hope I didn't ruin your shirt.  I should get something to clean up the stain.
Man:  Really, it's not necessary.  Although there are some things that can't be replaced, a shirt certainly can.  I just hope I'm not wearing too much of your latte.
Mindy:  Wow, poetic and a sense of humor, you must not be from around here.
Man:  As a matter of fact, I'm new in town.  (extending his hands) Morgan Hysterias.
Mindy:  Umm-- (moving her latte to her left hand momentarily as she shakes his hand with her right) Mindy.  Mindy Clarke.
Man:  Well Mindy, it's a pleasure to meet you.
(<- Coral Springs, Nevada ->)
Rochelle:  (standing in the doorway, her car only a few feet away in the driveway) Well, my bags are officially in the car, which means this is it.
Rachel:  You have a safe trip and remember what I said.
Rochelle:  (she hugs her mother one final time) Bye mom.
Rachel:  Bye.  (she watches as her daughter moves toward the blue mercury sedan, making her way to the driver side)
Rochelle:  (as her hand touches the doorknob, the flash hits her quicker than a speeding bullet)
----> Rochelle:  "Oh my god, there is so much blood. Oh my god."
Kavina: "Get a hold of yourself!" ---->
Rachel: (tapping her daughter on the shoulder) Hey, can't find the strength to make that final step.
Rochelle:  (lost as to what her mother is referring to) What?
Rachel:  You're supposed to be leaving.
Rochelle:  (shaking her head approvingly) Yeah, I need to be getting home.  There are people there I need to see.
(<- Monte Carlos ->)
Leigha:  Well, now that things are quieting down, how about sharing the big date?
Lacreahsa:  Big date?
Leigha:  When's the wedding?
Malina:  Good question Leigh, I'm a bit intrigued myself.
Lacreasha:  Should we tell them?
Malina:  Well, we did set up this whole occasion for you, but if you want to over look that small fact.
Lacreasha:  (looking to Kyle again, he gives the nod of approval) We're thinking of a winter wedding, mid- December.
Malina:  Then I guess Christmas is out of the range of possibilities.
Lacreasha:  Yeah, especially since neither of us really care for the holiday.
Rebecca:  Besides, who wants to be swarmed by mobs of angry parents and teenagers trying to get ahold of last minute gifts a week before their wedding.
Kyle:  My point exactly.  When Lacreasha and I get married, I want the day to be completely about us.
Rebecca:  Well, before you get married, you should be well inform on what you need to do in order to sustain a healthy marriage.  Remember, marriage is a commitment in which you grow physically, emotionally and mentally with that person.  You may find that they have new habits you weren't aware of or may not necessarily like, but you accept those habits because they are in essence, a small part of what shapes who he/she is.
Malina:  That's great Becca.  I would say the rule of marriage is quite simple: honesty is key.  What you can't do together will be what ultimately tears you apart.  Marriage is a partnership and responsibility should be equal, something my ex- husband never understood.
Cody:  Malina is right, Rebecca and I have had our share of problems, but it was the ability for us to trust one another that kept us together.  So I'm sure my wife and everyone else here joins me in wishing you to find that strength that will help you against all odds.
Leigha:  Unfortunately, I haven't been as bless in the relationship department, but what I can tell you from my mistakes is that love should never be about hurting the other.  Love also means sometimes having the courage to forgive, if not forget.
Anton:  Even when it seems impossible.
Kelley:  I guess that leaves me.  What more can I say than "Life is a party, have fun."
Leigha:  Well put, Kelley.  (the group laughs as a newly arrived presence orbits the table.  As the faces before them start to reflect shock and dismay, Kyle and Lacreasha adjust their gaze and are floored to find him of all people standing before them)
Alexander:  Hello son.
(<- Sky Lansing Condos ->)
Sandy:  (she walks inside her condo, dropping her keys on the counter as she passes the kitchen) Oh god, hopefully a nice, warm shower will erase the last two horrendous hours of this torturous day? (as she is about to ascent to the bedroom, her doorbell rings.  Thinking to herself) No, she wouldn't have followed me back home.  (cautiously approaching the door, when she opens it, she finds the person she wouldn't have fathom seeing again in her wildest dream) Mitchell.  You're back.
Mitchell:  Yeah, it's been a long time.
Sandy:  Long?  It's been like forever.  You're just what the doctor ordered. (she pulls him up to her lips and kisses him) Come here.
Mitchell:  (pulling away from the kiss) Whoa, we can't.
Sandy:  You're right.  You just got back into town, you must be experiencing total jet lag.  We can talk about us later.
Mitchell:  Sandy, about us--
Woman: (stepping a few feet inside the condo with baby in arm) Mitchell, Roy is getting -- Hi, I'm sorry, I don't mean to waltz into your place unannounced.
Sandy:  Hello.  (looking at the woman curiously) Who are you?
Mitchell:  This is Akeira Smith Desmores.  (Sandy's eyes raise at the sound of Mitchell's surname being echoed) She's my wife!

Click here for episode 286!