Previously on “The Mysteries of Our Lives”

ø Per her father's summons, Widlin arrived at his office, less than thrilled to discover that he wanted to track down his former flame--Akeira Smith--and their unborn child. Alexander stressed that his child was part of them both, but Widlin chastised him for not being more concerned with repairing the rift in his relationship with Kyle, whom he regarded more as business rival, than his own son. (~)

ø Sherri Reynolds publicly branded her sister--in front of friends and patrons at Monte Carlos--a slut after witnessing Sandy locking lips with her ex, Dr. Romain Chandler. Romain carted Sherri out of the restaurant following her announcement, but the damage had already been done, forcing Sandy to make a shameful exit out the back. (~)

ø Matthew Pryce was relieved to learn that his brother had regained consciousness. After a bittersweet reunion, he realized that their petty grievances were not worth him losing his brother. (~)

ø Kyle and Lacreasha joined friends and colleagues at Monte Carlos for an eventful wedding engagement celebration. As their friends prepared to close out the evening, the unexpected arrival of Kyle's estranged father sparked widespread dismay amongst the table.

***The infectious laughter of his son's engagement party guests fills the center of the upscale restaurant as Alexander Pierre wanders inside, moving right pass the maitre d'. The news mogul stops when he spies the cheshire grin on his son's face. He can feel a twinge of envy and jitters wash over him as he looks on at his son sharing another toast with his fiancée, and their friends.

Maybe his daughter was right: this engagement party might be the perfect opportunity for them all to move forward and re-build. He shrugs off his nerves, pressing forward with confidence toward the table.

"Hello son!" The words fall fluidly off his tongue.

Kyle simply asks, "What are you doing here?"  If it weren't for the fact that he could still feel Lacreasha's hand against his palm, he would swear that his father's presence was just a mere apparition.

"Well, I heard about your engagement. I thought I should stop by and congratulate you and your future wife."


"Yes," chimes in an equally suspicious Lacreasha. "Why are you here, Alexander?! Everyone at this table knows that you were never a father to Kyle."

Alexander scans the faces around the table, locking eyes with Malina. However, despite her history with his daughter, she appears just as weary of his presence.

"You're right," he concedes while facing down his future daughter-in-law's death stare. "I've allowed circumstances and emotions to get in the way of building a relationship with my son."

She scoffs and dismisses him with the turn of her head. Alexander hastens to add, "But I am here hoping to make amends."

Kyle lunges from his seat, unable to maintain his cool: "Amends?! Now you want to make amends?" He rails further, "And how exactly do you atone for 20+ years of treating your own son like garbage?"

"I don't know," he admits, much to Lacreasha's satisfaction. "But I'm willing to try if you would let me."

Kyle's back tenses up at his father's seemingly heartfelt declaration. He can remember a time where he longed for nothing more than his father's love and presence, and now it seems Alexander was willing to offer just that.

Meanwhile, behind the back entrance of the restaurant, Sherri's chances of getting back inside seem pretty unlikely with 6' 4" Romain standing between her and the door, although she continues to put up a good fight.

"Would you please let me through?" she demands.

"No, not until you've had a chance to calm down."

She lets out a loud grunt, pacing back and forth between him and a nearby dumpster. Romain does not budge from the entrance, offering a few choice words for his ex- as her pacing dissipates.

"You do realize what you did to your sister tonight was completely uncalled for. She did not deserve to be humiliated that way."

"What I did?" She starts calmly, but her tone quickly escalates when the mental images of her sister and boyfriend locking lips begin to loop in her head. "I was not the one with my tongue down my sister's boyfriend's throat. No, as far as I'm concern, I was well within my right when I outed her as the slut that she is."

"No, you were hurt and so you decided to hurt back. The only thing you've accomplished tonight is proving that you are so wrapped up in the past, that it is impossible for you to move forward."

Sherri glares back at him with her jaw clenched, taking deep offense not only to his psych evaluation, but his incredible gall.

(<- Sky Lansing Condos ->)

Sandy Reynolds leans her back against the front door of her apartment, shutting her eyes to the disaster that was her evening. However, the tranquil darkness only provides a perfect opportunity for her mind to re-loop once more over her sister's verbal smackdown. To think, they were finally starting to feel like sisters again. Now, one mistaken kiss could make all that progress for naught.

"God, what is wrong with me?" She cries out just as a knock penetrates through her front door. The impact sends a jolt through her body, but she tarries to investigate who is on the other end. Instead, she slinks away from the door, thankful her lights are still out. With any luck, her unwanted visitor will assume she's not home and retreat.

However, the visitor persists in knocking, turning her unsecure door knob in the progress. To her horror, the door slowly begins to swing open. "Sandy?" The man's voice calls out from the dark archway.

Sandy makes haste as the man invites himself into her home. She hits the light switch, unable to believe who is standing in front of her.

"Mitchell?!" She asks.

"I guess it has been a long time," he says with a smile.

"Long?! It feels like forever." She moves in closer, reacquainting her hand with every line and feature on his face. She can feel his breath mixing in with hers as her fingers trace around his familiar lips. With their bodies bridged together at maximum proximity, she adds, "You're a sight for sore eyes."

And in that moment, it does feel like no time has passed. However, the shiny fixture on his left hand makes it apparent it has.

"I'm sorry," he pulls her hand from his face and takes a step back, "we can't!"

"Of course. You must be exhausted from your trip--"

"Can we sit? There is something I need to tell you!"

Sandy picks up on the deflection in his tone, "What's going on, Mitchell?"

He is about to answer her question when a strange woman calls out to him from Sandy's doorway, and she's not alone. The woman is carrying an irritable baby boy in her arms. Mitchell goes to her aid without hesitation, leaving Sandy to watch from the sidelines.

"What's wrong?" Mitchell asks, taking him from her hands.

"He just started getting fussy, and nothing I tried seem to--" she starts to explains as his cries settle, "but perhaps he was just crying out for his daddy."

Sandy watches as the scene unfolds in her condo, and is taken aback by the woman's presence, and closeness with Mitchell. Not to mention, she was certain that she heard her refer to Mitchell as the baby's father, but that was impossible: "Wasn't it?!" she ponders.

After the baby is settled rather comfortably in his arms, Sandy speaks up: "I'm sorry, but who is this woman, Mitchell? And why are she and her son standing in my apartment?"

Mitchell and the woman exchange a wayward glance as he hands over the boy to her, which does little to put Sandy's mind at ease.

"Sandy, this is--this is my wife, Akeira, and our son--"

She abruptly cuts him off, "I'm sorry, your what? What are you saying, Mitchell?"

"I should..." Akeira voices to her husband, stealing one last look at Mitchell's ex-lover before showing herself out the door. Mitchell watches from the archway as his wife makes her way with their son to the parked bench just across the way from Sandy's apartment. Once assured of their location, his focus returns to Sandy, who is now well-composed and glaring back at him.

He apologizes, "I'm sorry. I really didn't intend for things to come out quite like this."

"Well, I hardly think that matters. The end result is the same: you're married," she attempts to downplay. Her eyes gravitate to his ring finger, and she only wishes she could deny the presence of it.

"The evidence is right there," she forcibly chuckles, pointing to his finger. "I guess the joke's on me. For thinking after all this time, that nothing could have changed, when so clearly it has!" Sandy turns away, unable to bear to look him a second longer.

Title Card
Season 6, Episode #1:
"Do Over"

Sandy walks over to the window of her condo, where she spies Akeira swooning over Roy Jr., the son that she and Mitchell allegedly shared. Even though it has been nearly a year since she and Mitchell were together, she can't help but feel betrayed that he's started this whole new life--worse, a whole new family--without her. Mitchell walks up behind her, interrupting her thoughts.

"I understand that this news must be a shock to you, but after a while, I had to move on. It wasn't easy, being in love with a woman who couldn't remember you or the life you shared together."

Sandy swings around to face her former lover, reminding him: "I was shot and left for dead. I had no control over what I did and did not remember."

"I know that, but the fact was that you couldn't remember me and it didn't seem like you ever would. That was not easy for me to accept."

"Yet you managed somehow," she scowls.

"I met Akeira at a time where we were both at a crossroad in our lives. I helped her and she helped me."

"So what? Is this payback for not being able to return your love back then?"

"You know me better than that."

"I thought I did. But the Mitchell I knew wouldn't have given up on me so fast. He sure as hell wouldn't be standing here telling me he's married and started a family with someone else."

(<- Outside of Monte Carlos ->)

"How dare you stand there psycho-analyzing me," inquires an outraged Sherri.

Although she offers little time for him to answer as she rails into him further: "You, of all people, know the pain I went through after finding out about my sister's affair with Mitchell. So how do you think I felt when I walked in on you making out with her in a public restaurant?"

"Sandy and I shared a moment," admits Romain. "It's done. Neither of us did it to hurt you."

"Spare me," she sneers.

"You know, maybe you should ask yourself why you're getting so worked up over one kiss. You and I are over. This is far from the betrayal that you're making it out to be."

"And if that's really how you see things, then I'm not even sure why we're still having this conversation."

"Because I want you to see what's really going on here. I want you to admit that the reason you were so upset by the sight of me kissing Sandy is because you wish she were you!"

***Back inside Monte Carlos, Kyle and Lacreasha's guests start to feel like spectators at a sporting event. Cody and Rebecca Hendricks have decidedly heard enough, and slip away from the group just as Kyle leaps from the table to address his father. Malina and Anton consider following behind them, but Lacreasha urges them with her eyes not to move as she gets up to join Kyle's side.

"You want a second chance?"

"You blew your second chance, as well as your third and fourth," she shoots back at her future father-in-law.

"Lacreasha?!" Kyle admonishes in a whisper.

"No," she insists. "I will not stand here and watch him toy with your emotions, Kyle. Alexander Pierre does nothing unless there is something in it for him."

"Believe me, no one knows that better than me and I'm just as curious as to the reasons behind his sudden change of heart as you are."

"We're presuming he even has one."

Alexander interjects, "Look, there is no denying that I haven't been the best possible father to Kyle. In fact, our relationship has been downright horrendous at times."

"At no fault of your own," she snaps back.

Alexander cuts her a glance, which she returns with the curl of her brow.

"But we're both embarking on a new chapter in our lives," he points out to Lacreasha before directing his attention back to his son. "You're getting married and I'm going to be a father again. I would like for us both to be able to share in that--to put the atrocities of the past behind us. What do you say?"

(<- Leysdale Hospital :: First Floor, Earl Pryce's Room ->)

With none of his loved ones around to dote on him, Earl Pryce reclines back in his hospital bed with a copy of today's edition of Showtime Limits to keep him entertained. The front page features an explosive story on a college prank gone awry after a female professor exercises her right to shoot following a frat brother's misguided decision to stink-bomb her home. Earl is just about to read about the extent of the frat brother's injuries when a knock at his door commands his attention. At the door, he finds his brother, Matthew, peering inside.

"Hey, what are you still doing here?" Earl reaches over for the end table, ignoring the sharp pain he receives in his side as he places down the paper he was just reading.

"Actually, I just got back," he explains as he scans the room. "I'm surprise Evelin's not in here with you."

"She would have been, but I convinced her to take a break. Where did you run off to?"

"Dana and I needed a break from this place, so we went out for ice cream."

"Really?! One or two cones," he asks with a wink.

"It wasn't that type of rendezvous. It's hard to focus on building a romance when you're worried about your family."

Earl stresses, "I'm going to be fine," but as he props himself up on the bed, Matthew spies a grimace that conveys just the opposite. 

"I hope so, but it's not just you. Dana's been pretty worried about her brother."

"What happened?"

"Brock showed up a few days ago, looking for Samantha, and now it seems neither one of them can be found."

"That does sound a little alarming, but I'm sure he's fine. I mean, he's made it this far with Royce Keller as a brother-in-law."

"Still not one of Royce's biggest fans?"

"The feeling is mutual, rest assure."

"And that doesn't bother you? The fact that you are here fighting for your life with all this animosity still very much alive between you two."

A silence falls between the two brothers. Matthew can see that his brother is both thrown and unsettled by the question, although Earl tries his best to divert the focus away from his emotions.

"Nice way to turn things around on me bro, but we were talking about you and Dana. You too can actually stand to be in the same room together, without wanting to tear the other person apart." He adds with a cocky grin, "The same cannot be said for me and Royce."

"Which I don't understand. You guys were friends for so long, like brothers. A connection like that doesn't just die."

"Well, it did. The affair between our mother and his father changed things." Earl lets out a heavy sigh, feeling emotionally drained by the memories of his family's history with the Kellers. "Somewhere along the lines, I became the enemy, especially after his mother's death and after all these years, I just don't think there's any changing that."

(<- Sky Lansing Condos :: Sandy Reynold's Place ->)

Mitchell takes a minute to collect his thoughts while traipsing around the living room of Sandy's condo. He stops in front of painting on her wall of two hands bound together with a quote superimposed: "I'm amazed when I look at you. Not just because of your looks, but because of the fact that everything I've ever wanted is right in front of me."

As he recites the quote to himself, something about the words leave him unsettled. The words feel familiar, eerily familiar. Tearing his eyes away from the painting, it dawns on him that he is still standing in Sandy's condo.

"Sorry, I guess that flight wore me out more than I thought."

"Would you like a cup of coffee?"

"Um, if it's anything like that crap you used to make for me, I think I will pass."

They both laugh out loud in unison. The remnants trickle outside onto the patio, where Akeira is now holding her son while keeping a prying eye on her husband with his ex. She can't hear what their saying, but the mood appears to have chilled between them.

"How about some water instead?"

"That's alright. I should probably get going anyway."

Sandy watches as he proceeds to walk out of her life again. She's just not sure she can let him, not until she knows for sure.

Leaping forward, she calls out to him: "Wait! Before you go, I need to know one thing."  With his eyes back on her, Mitchell gives her a nod to proceed. Locking her eyes with his, she asks, "Do you love her?"


She stresses, "Do you love your wife, Mitchell?"

"Of course I do," he says without a flinch. "I wouldn't have married her otherwise."

Sandy cocks her eyebrow, "Yet I was the first person you had to see upon returning to Hallandale? Your ex-lover, the one that got away."

"What are you getting at?"

"I think you know. It's whether or not you have enough balls to admit it that remains to be seen."

"Admit what," he fires back at her.

She slides up to him, and adds, "That part of you was just itching to be this close to me again."

***Mitchell gulps through the surge of blood that rushes through his lower extremities. It takes an insurmountable amount of restraint for him not to give into his animalistic desire. It probably also didn't hurt spying his wife watching out of the corner of his eye.

He says with a heavy breath, "I won't deny that we shared something special, but that ended—a long time ago."

"It has barely been a year. You cannot tell me that you have forgotten how good we were together." She places her hand on his chest, and adds, "How good we are. Do you really think you will be able to have that with Akeira?"

Mitchell lifts her hand off his chest, his palm resting against hers for a few split seconds. He then lets it fall by her side.

He then re-affirms, "I'm committed to Akeira and our child."

"Your child?" She forces a chuckle. "I know a lot of time has passed, but it hasn't been that long."

"I don't have to be Roy's biological father to consider him my son."

"No. Just make him your father's namesake and that's all taken care of."

"I resent that."

"Really? Are you going to stand here and tell me that if that baby weren't in the picture, you would still be married to Akeira?"

(<- Monte Carlos ->)

Anton and Malina make their way over to the waiter tending to Cody and Becca. Anton grabs two glasses from the waiter's champagne tray and thanks him. He then hands one of them over to Malina. She takes a sip of her glass before looking back at their table, where things appear to be coming to a close between Kyle and his father.

"I appreciate you coming here and telling me all of this, but you will have to understand that this is a decision I can't make right here and right now."

"I do son," acknowledges Alexander. "I'm just thankful that you were willing to hear me out."

"Well, I don't suppose I had much choice. The journalist in me and all," reasons Kyle with a light chuckle.

"Yes. That journalistic taste for the truth definitely seems to run in the Pierre' bloodline."

Lacreasha retorts, "Really?!"


"It's all right, son. Your fiancée is obviously quite protective of you. I just hope you will both come to see that I mean no harm."

Kyle tries to keep a neutral face, but Lacreasha could see that the icy wall between her fiancé and his father was starting to melt. All she can do is shake her head in resistance.

***Sherri fires back at Romain,"You are absolutely full of it."

"Am I," he asks, grabbing hold of her by both arms.

"Let go of my arms," she protests while pulling away from his grip.

"No! Not until you answer my question."

"Why do you need me to confirm what you already know?"

"Because it makes all the difference hearing it from your lips to mine."

"You're right," she admits in a soft whisper. His hold around her arms starts to loosen as she continues, "It hurts my heart to admit it, but I wish it were me you were kissing tonight and not my sister, but—"

"No, no. No buts. Let's stop wasting time denying our attraction and be together."

"Then what? Sweep all the secrets and distrust under the rug. I can't do that!"

Sherri can see through her tear-stained view that her words deliver a serious blow to his ego. However, unlike Kyle Sharrington in respect to his relationship with his father, she knew there was no way she could start over with Romain. If anything, seeing him kissing her sister tonight only solidified that their relationship was over.

Meanwhile, Lacreasha Dupree rejoins her engagement party guests just as Becca and Cody finish sharing their good-byes with the rest of the group, minus Kyle and Anton. Cody, followed by Becca, both offer Lacreasha a warm hug. As she pulls away from their embrace and takes in the rest of the smiling faces around her, she realizes she needs to do everything in her power to protect her new family.

"Cody, Rebecca, thank you for coming. It was a real pleasure. Hopefully we can do this again soon--without the interruptions."

Becca concurs, "You bet. I might even have a few tips for keeping things interesting."

Cody chuckles nervously with the group. He then wraps his arms around his wife, giving her a quick peck on the lips.

"And on that note, good night."

"Good night," the group shouts in unison as Cody and Becca head for the doors. Leigh's heart warms at the sight of the happily married couple and the hope they represent for the rest of them.

"Just think, in a few years, that will be you and Kyle."

"I can't wait."

"Speaking of your fiancé," she asks while taking a look around the restaurant, "where is he?"

Kelley taps her on the shoulder, causing her to literally jump out of her skin as his touch. "Kelley," she screams out as he points over to the door near the outdoor terrace.

"Our boy wonder is over there with Anton."

"Thank you, lone stalker," she mocks. "But in the future, could you not sneak up on me that way again?"

"I'll give it some thought. Anyway, I'm about to take off, but wanted to kiss the blushing bride-to-be goodnight."

Lacreasha teases, "Just don't let my fiancé see you!"

Kelley embraces her with a hug, and then a kiss on the cheek. As he pulls away from the embrace, he adds: "Tell the K-Man, I'll talk to him tomorrow."

"Of course!"

"Just a minute, Hensley," she calls out, stopping him in his tracks. "I'll head out with you. Lacreasha, I hope you and Kyle enjoy the rest of your evening."  The two ladies come together in quick embrace.

"You too. Thank you for being so welcoming."

"No problem. Just paying it forward.  Ready, Hensley?"

"After you," he gestures. Leigh follows his lead, and allows him to see her toward the exit. Lacreasha says good night once more, and watches as they depart on their merry way, leaving her party of eight down to four.

(<- Sky Lansing Condos ->)

"Akeira and I made a vow before God on our commitment to one another; Roy was christened based on that love. He isn't just my father's namesake. He is my son."

"I think I've heard enough." Sandy turns her back on him, removing any doubt that there was anything left for them to discuss.

"Well, I think we've said all there is to say tonight. Besides, I have kept my wife and son waiting long enough."

She spews back with an icy glare: "Then maybe you should go. You know where the door is!"

For a moment, Mitchell's left paralyzed by the sting of her dismissal. He wonders if there is something more he can say or do, but as he looks into her eyes again, he realizes the only thing he can and should do is leave.

"Good night, Sandy."

Sandy does not respond. Instead, she looks right through him as he makes those awkward insecure steps toward her door. In the archway, he plasters a smile on his face as his wife stands up with their child. Sandy makes her way over to shut her front door, but as she makes it to the archway, she steals a quick glance from Mitchell, who grabs the baby stroller. She then watches as he follows protectively behind his wife and child toward the parking lot.

Closing Credits

ø Derek informs Shalia that Ben is the only one that can save her from Shanna's crusade;
ø Andrew encourages Shanna to remain strong for Ben's sake;
ø Mindy gets to know recently met stranger, Morgan Hysterias;
ø Samantha is convinced Daniel's car failure isn't an accident.

Next Episode