Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives"

ø During a heated altercation, Shanna questioned Derek's misplaced loyalty to his wife, whom she believed to be responsible for her husband's disappearance. Derek, however, contended that his wife was innocent and that perhaps Ben's disapperance had more to do with Shanna's mob-connected past than his wife's alleged one. (~)

ø Samantha's quest for the Blackadder36 antidote led her to a local hospital in Springfield, MA, where she went toe to toe with the Chief of Staff, Dr. Daniel Mayfield. (~)

ø After her best friend left town in pursuit of greener pastures, Mindy Clarke threw herself into her work, determined to move on with her life as if Alfonso Morgan never existed.

***Derek Guittierrez saunters into his bedroom and tosses his keys onto the nightstand as he settles onto the side of his bed. He begins to remove his jacket before his mind flashes back to his earlier encounter with Shanna Hemmings. He can still hear Shanna's stern warning ringing in his ears when a familiar set of hands slides its way down his back, freeing the constraints of his jacket from his arms.

"Hey," announces Shalia as she slips into their marital bed. "You look like you were miles away."

Derek apologizes, "I was just thinking about Shanna."

"Still no word on Ben?"

"No," he sighs as he starts to loosen the buttons on his wrist sleeves. "The cops have no leads, which just makes the situation all the more frustrating."

"I am sure, especially when his wife is anxious to make someone pay!"

Saying those words out loud were no less sobering for Shalia or Derek as they both recognized that Shanna was convinced that the someone who needed to pay was none other than Shalia herself.

(<- Shanna’s Art Studio ->)

Meanwhile, after failing to talk some sense into her husband's gullible friend, Shanna found herself back at her art studio, trying to escape the insanity of it all. The paint brush in her hand glided with such purpose across the canvas, yet there was no clear vision to what she was painting. Just soothing streams of green and blue going no where, much like the investigation into Ben's disapperance. Her husband did not desert her like that silly officer tried to insinuate, nor did he just vanish into thin air. She was confident that his disappearance had everything to do with the fact that he was in hot pursuit of pay dirt. Shalia was obviously in this up to her neck, and the fact that Derek was either too blind or too stupid to see that grieved Shanna. After all, Ben was his friend. When would he wake up and realize that-- a knock at her door invades her thoughts. It is follow in quick succession by another.

Shanna drops her paint brush into the bucket with the rest of her tools, and begins to make her way to the door. She takes a collective breath before drawing open the door, finding the stranger responsible for her new found sacred space standing in front of her.

"Andrew," she acknowledges. With the door ajar, she hastens to ask, "What are you doing here?"

"I'm sorry. I know it's late." He explains, getting the sense that his visit is not a welcome one. "I probably should have called--I just really wanted to see how you were doing."

Shanna is comforted by his admission. She pulls open her door, and gestures for him to enter. He gladly complies as she closes the door behind him.

"So..." Andrew starts again, "How are you?"

Shanna sighs, not really knowing how to answer that question.

"I--I don't know. My husband is still missing, and the authorities don't seem to have a clue."

Andrew is pleased to get a glimpse into her inner turmoil. If he had his way, her precious husband would never be found. However, he had to play this right. Therefore, as any good friend would, he reassured her: "I am sure Ben will turn up."

I"I hope so because I’m not sure how much longer I can sit idly by and do nothing."

(<- Cypress Gardens Plaza ->)
Along the popular stopping grounds of the Cypress Gardens Plaza lies a small little garden escape with a 2.5-mile long walking trial. On summer nights such as these, the path was well ventilated due to the array of greenery. At the urging of his brother, Matthew Pryce reconnected with his close friend, Dana Lombard, on the walking trail.

"It really is nice out tonight," Dana shares.

Mattt concurs, gazing up at the night sky. "It almost makes everything else going on seem insignificant, somehow." He redirects his gaze back toward her just as she mouths "Almost" before falling silent again. He knew exactly what her silence meant--not because of some cryptic dream or vision, but because he knew her.

"Thinking about your brother?"

"And Samantha," she hasten to add. "I mean, Crystal's vision said that she might be in some possible danger!"

(<- City of Springfield, Massachusetts ->)
If there was any danger ahead for Samantha Keller Lombard, it was not apparent to her. However, what was clear is that she is stranded on a desserted dirt road in the middle of no where.

"I cannot believe this. I knew I should have taken my car." Her face grows red with annoyance as she watches the scene playing before her.

Lowering the hood of his engine, Dr. Daniel Mayfield concedes: "Come on. There is no way anyone could have foreseen this happening."

"Really?! I have to wonder." She fires back, trying to get a look ahead on the isolated road for any signs of light.

"What does that mean?"

She turns back, staring him squarely in his face: "This just feels awfully convenient. You were initially opposed to my search for this cure, and now here we are, after your apparent change of heart, stuck in the middle of nowhere."

Daniel can not hold back his amusement. In fact, it only draws out the Argentinean accent in his voice more: "You actually think I planned this?!"

Title Card
Season 6, Episode #2:
"No Coincidences"

"Give me a break," Daniel insists. "I did not get us stranded out here just to stop you from getting to the Azalea Garden."

"Well, nothing else has worked. Perhaps you thought you could do the noble thing without actually doing it."

"Really? And leave myself open to your wrath," he retorts. "I am smarter than that, Dr. Lombard."

Samantha once again breaks contact with him, finding the argument counterintuitive. Coincident or not, she knew that lives were at stake if she did not get her hands on that cure.

(<- Cypress Gardens Plaza ->)
Matthew grabs hold of Dana's hand and lightly squeezes it against his palm. He wanted so much to say or do something that could put her mind at ease regarding Crystal's grim vision. Yet all he could muster was "We still don't know anything for sure about Samantha."

"You’re right," she convinces herself. "Besides, my brother is already out there looking for her. If there is danger, he can save her."

He smiles, "That, my friend, sounds like hope."

"Thank you. I think with everything else going on, I forgot that my brother is a survivor. He may go off half-cocked sometimes, but he’s always looking out for the people he cares about."

"Be careful, your big brother worship is starting to show."

Dana playfully hits him on the shoulder. "Don’t you dare tell him I said any of that because I’m definitely going to give him a piece of my mind when he gets back."

"And I wouldn’t dream of getting in the way of that."

Back near the shopping end of the plaza, Mindy Clarke can not believe her good fortune. A short while ago, she bumped into a handsome gentleman, spilling a portion of her hot coffee onto him. Despite feeling completely at fault, she found herself waiting at the man's insistance that he buy her another. She watches as Morgan Hysterias makes his way over to the table with two hot beverages in hand.

He hands her one. "Thank you for allowing me to buy you another cup."

"Well, you didn't give me much choice," she says taking a sip. "So, you said you were new to town? What brings you here, of all places?"

"I take it you don't like it here?"

"Don't get me wrong. The people are nice, but I only moved here to be close to--" she stops herself before she could dirty her lips by speaking Alfonso Morgan's name. Her so-called friend abandoned her without a second thought. She would not waste one breath thinking about him, let alone speaking his name. "Well, my reason is long gone. Had I been allowed to do it all over again, I would have chosen someplace else."

Morgan notes her obvious deflection, but does not feel it is his place to press.

"Yet you are still here. Something must be keeping you?"

"Like I said, there are nice people here and despite is quirks, Hallandale does grow on you."

(<- Lincoln Manners Resort ->)
Shalia watches as her husband slips out of his dress shirt, and down to his boxer briefs. It certainly did not hurt coming home to Derek Guittierrez every night. Unfortunately, it also came with the added baggage of the Hemmings, and her secret alliance with Andrew Stokes. If Shanna continued to make waves with the authorities--and Shalia had no doubt the concerned artist would if meant getting answers about Ben--she wondered how long before Derek grew supsicious of her as well.

Thankfully, Andrew was able to come through and produce that paper trail with Colbert Industries that would prove she is nothing short of your average, run-of-the-mill, working class citizen.

Derek, finding no way to detract from Shanna's obvious suspicions, puts the focus back on the investigation: "Well, hopefully Ben can be found soon, and this all can be over."

Shalia knows her husband meant those words to be comforting, but her blood only runs cold at the thought of Ben Hemmings resurfacing. She knew things would be far from over if Ben was found.

"Well, Ben isn't exactly a fan of mine either. Shanna could easily manipulate him into saying I was involved in this disappearance of his."

"I don't believe that," rebuffs Derek. "Why--What would they have to gain by doing that? I mean, I know that Ben has been opposed to our relationship, but he would never allow his feelings or his wife's to crowd his judgment."

Shalia can't pinpoint it, but her husband's assured faith in Ben's good character gives her immediate pause. Did she underestimate the bond between her husband and Ben? Did she really stand a chance if things came down between her and Ben?! She needed to tread carefully.

"I hope you're right. Like you said, Ben does not support our marriage. That's why he left Hallandale. He wants to split us up." She allows those facts to rest on her husband's heart before she adds, "How far might he be willing to go to make that happen?"

She notes her husband shaking his head as his brain processes her seemingly logical conclusion.

***Andrew Stokes makes himself comfortable as he settles into the cushion of the sofa next to Ben's distressed wife. He takes her hand in his, exhorting her to remain strong for her husband.

"I am trying, but I'm worried," admits Shanna. "No one has seen or heard from Ben in weeks. What if something is really wrong?" Her voice begins to crack, compelling her to pull away from his touch. She didn't feel comfortable allowing herself to be this vulnerable with a man that was not her husband.

"Hey," he utters softly. "It really does no good to dwell on What ifs. Let's trust in what we know: the cops are investigating!"

Shanna lets out a heavy sigh. "I don't know if I share your confidence in Hallandale's Police Department, especially when the obvious culprit is walking around free."

"Culprit? Who are you talking about?"

"Shalia Guittierrez," she declares vehemently.

(<- Lincoln Manners Resort ->)
Vexed by the thoughts running through her head, Shalia cups her face in the palm of her hands. She desperately wanted to shut off her brain, and forget the battle lines drawn between her and the Hemmings.

"Hey, you alright?" Derek asks, massaging the small of her back. He had finally cozied back up next to her in their bed.

She could hear the concern in his voice--more importantly, she could still see the love in his eyes. It allowed her to catch enough breath to answer him in the affirmative. She needed to focus on her husband--on this moment. She touched the stubble of his cheek as she leaned in, and kissed him. Things were still under control.

"Can we not talk about Shanna or Ben or investigations anymore tonight?"

"Fine by me. In fact, we don't even have to talk anymore tonight." He slides his hand over the laced strap of her negligee, and begins to slowly trickle his fingers down as he bridges the gap between their bodies. Shalia welcomes every second: from his touch to his mouth in hers.

(<- Springfield, Massachusetts ->)
Samantha paces back and forth along the dirt road, but the repetitive motion serves no use as she cannot get a call out on her cell phone. "Damn signal," she curses, tossing the phone onto the ground. Coincidentally, it lands near the vicinity of Daniel's feet.

She watches as he kneels down to pick it up, but turns away when his eye catches hers. This does not deter him from approaching her.

"You lost this?" he states casually, extending her cell phone out with his hand. She looks at him sternly before jerking the phone from his greasy palm. "To be clear, I still have every intention on bringing you to the Azalea Garden –" He starts to say, hoping to assuage her hostility, but that seemed like a mighty task.

"Yet here we stand," she interjects. Samantha was not interested in whatever he was trying to sell at this point. The night breeze was beginning to pick up, and her frustration with their current predicament could only hold so long against the cool air pressing into her flesh. She attempts yet again to register a signal on her phone.

"This isn’t a walk in the park for me either. There are huge risks for us both if we go after the azalea."

"And what would those risks be exactly: the extraction of the cure, or me finding out what you're hiding?"

Daniel chuckles lightly, "I’m not hiding anything Dr. Lombard. I’m just a doctor who was hoping this Blackadder36 business was behind me."

"Well, unfortunately for both of us, that doesn’t appear to be the case--but then, I have this sick suspicion that you know why."

"Your suspicions are unfounded."

"I suppose time will on that one, won't it?"

Daniel concedes. He gathered nothing he could say would persuade Samantha that he was not the enemy.

Mindy takes another sip of her fresh coffee before turning back to her inquisition of the man before her. Up to this point, she is the one that's been doing all the talking, and she wanted to know more about him. Aside from knowing his name, he was still a relative stranger.

"So, you never did fully explain what brought you to Hallandale? Do you have family here?" asks Mindy.

"No--I mean, I have a brother, but he’s back home."

"And where is home?" She stresses. He really was not making this easy for her.

"You ask a lot of questions," he deflects, knowing it will only entice her more.

"I guess it's an occupational hazard."

"Let me guess: Copper?"

"Really? You think I'm a police offier?"

"I figured it couldn't hurt to rule out of my odds of getting arrested. So what do you do?"

"Not so fast! You still haven't answered my question."

He smirks, "Chicago, and I am here on business."

Meanwhile, Matthew and Dana find themselves inching closer and closer to the end of the walking trail. Up ahead, the sound of the hustle and buslte of the shopping crowd was starting to permeate their ears. Dana watched as Matthew slipped his phone back into the case around his waist.

Dana asks, "Was that the hospital?"

""Evelin actually. She and my brother seem to be having a good time."

"That's wonderful," she exclaims with warmth. "Who would have thought after everything that you would be saying that?"

"Just makes me wonder all the more when the other shoe might drop."

Confused, she asks: "The other shoe?"

"My brother is not exactly out of the woods. He contracted a serious virus and as much as I hate to even consider the possibility, we both know the longer he goes on without a cure, the sooner his body is going to start to rebel."

(<- Springfield, Massachusetts ->)
Samantha Lombard stumbles into the hotel lobby as the automatic doors open. She musters what little strength she has left in her feet to reach a comfortable seat. One of the personnel staff--a young man--from the establishment notices her and makes his way over as the automatic doors open again, signaling the arrival of Daniel Mayfield.

"Can I help you, ma’am?" The young man asks Samantha.

"Yes. Could I trouble you for a glass of water and a room, please?"

"Make that two rooms," adds Daniel, popping up at the side of the young man. Samantha averts her eyes long enough to sneer at him before focusing again on the helpful young man.

"Let me grab your water," the man answers. "Then I will check on those rooms. We’ve gotten a lot of traffic through here this evening."

"Thank you."

As the young man makes his way over to the front desk, Samantha tries to stand up on her own two feet, but it is evident by the scrunching up her face that her feet were still tender from her recent trip. She counts her blessing that they were able to find a nearby hotel in the middle of this gaping whole of a town. She pulls out her cell phone, but still finds the reception non-existent. She wondered if they were just in the middle of one huge dead zone?!

The young man returns from the front desk, handing Samantha a glass of water. He waits until after she takes a sip to break the news.

"I'm afraid we have a problem, Ms--"

"Mrs. Lombard! What kind of problem?"

"We only have one available suite left this evening."

Samantha retorts, "Oh. That’s just great."

***Mindy Clarke pushes in her chair as she springs to her feet, swinging her purse over her shoulder. She didn't expect to run into a perfect stranger, spill coffee on him, and then end up sharing drinks with him. Nonetheless, it was a nice escape and she was glad she caved to his invitation.

"Now that I've answered all your questions, you are taking off on me." Morgan jesters.

"It's not like that. Restaurant work is very demanding, and I must get back to this project."

"Well, the next time you’re free--" He removes a business card from his wallet, and hands it over to her. "Give me a call."

She gladly takes the card, then makes a steady retreat from their table. She doesn't get too far before giving into her impulse and looking back, locking eyes with him. He had clearly been watching her too. Still feeling exposed, she quickly turns back and scurries into the night. Morgan realizes that he is no longer alone as a petite young blonde hands him a slip.

"Your check, sir," acknowledges Nia Delaney.

"Thanks." He glances over the receipt momentarily before subsequently pulling out a few bills. "That should take care of it."

It doesn't take long for her to realize that he has slipped a number of extra bills in with his payment. Before she can speak further, Morgan tells her to keep the change. Nia blinks twice in disbelief as he takes his leave.

"You have a good night."

"You as well." She manages to echo back, still floored by his generosity.

Morgan brushes right pass Leigh Gray and Kelley Hensley on his way out of the plaza. After Alexander Pierre gate crashed their friends' engagement party, they knew it was time to abandon ship, but Leigh was not ready to go back home. Unfortunately, her boyfriend was still working, so she decided to grab a night cap with Kelley.

" That was some engagement party, wasn’t it?" muses Leigh.

"Interesting, for sure. At least things ended on a good note for Kyle and Lacreasha."

"We hope," she adds. After all, they didn't stick around for the final act of Alexander's big grand gesture. Her eye spies up ahead Dana Lombard and Matthew Pryce headed in their vicinity. "Oh no, " she simply mouths.

"What'?" Kelley turns his head to see what has caught her eye. He saw two seemingly nice people, having no history with either one. The same could not be said for Leigh.

"The last thing I need – a run-in with my ex's sister."

Dana, too, notices that she and Matthew have caught the eye of the woman who got entangled with both of her brothers. She didn't know how to feel about Leigha Gray at this point in time, but that piece of history seem insignificant given all that's been happening with her family as of late, none of it having to do with Leigha.

"Hi Leigha." Dana offers her casual greeting, to which Leigh responds with a short hello. So Dana presses, "Is everything alright?"

Leigh shoots back, "Why do you care?"

The sharp response throws Dana [as well as Matt who didn't really know this woman from Eve] for a loop. After all, Dana thought she was doing her best to keep things cordial.

"I was just asking, " explains Dana.

"Well, maybe you should mind your own damn business."

At this point, Matthew feels the need to jump in, seeing this-- woman growing increasingly hostile for no apparent reason. "Hey, there is no need to be nasty."

Still very much on the defensive, Leigh counters: "I’ve put up with enough from Ralph’s overprotective family."

"I’ve done nothing to you," reminds Dana. "I was trying to be cordial, but that clearly was a mistake. Let’s go, Matthew!"

Kelley watches as Dana and Matthew blaze right pass them. He thought Alexander Pierre knew how to clear a room, but his speechless friend was giving Alexander a run for his money.

" So that’s what it looks like when you’ve just put your foot in your mouth," reflects Kelley.

Leigh glares back at him. She hated that he was right.

(<- Shanna’s Art Studio ->)
Andrew finds himself back in the archway of Shanna's studio door mulling over the last hour they spent together.

" Are you going to be okay here alone?"

"I’ll be fine. Thank you for stopping by, and for listening to me."

"Anytime. Don't stay here too late!"

"I won’t." She watches as he disappears down the path before closing her door. As she makes her way back over to the unfinished canvas, she glances at her watch, realizing that it is really late indeed. Nonetheless, she picks up her paint brush and continues doodling.

Andrew, meanwhile, pulls out his cell phone and begins to dial a number. The line rings twice before someone connects.

“Hey, it’s Dre," he announces. "Just making sure we’re all set? Great! It is crucial this next phase goes off without a hitch!”

Closing Credits

ø Laceasha voices her concerns about Alexander to Malina;
ø Romain is no longer able to hold on to hope for him and Sherri;
ø Rochelle returns home to Liam;
ø Kyle gives Anton something to think about.

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