Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives"
How ironic. The one man who can clear me of any wrongdoing is the one man who hates me the most.
He would never let that get in the way of the truth.
I’m not saying he would, but he isn’t exactly my number one fan. Neither is his wife, for that matter. She could easily manipulate Ben into saying I was involved. (~)
Madame Isabel: ... I’m afraid you’re in grave danger, my dear.
Samantha:  I’m sorry, but I’m not buying. (she takes her muffin and orange juice and successfully bypasses the woman, but the next words from the teller’s mouth stop her dead in tracks)
Madame Isabel:  This is no ploy.  You mustn’t go near that garden.
Samantha: (turning to the woman) How do you know –
Madame Isabel: (completing Samantha’s question) about the Azalea Garden?  I know and see a lot, my child. (~)
Shaquanna:  ...I need to be with my family and I don't need to be worrying about the day to day demands of running a modeling agency.
Malina:  But that's what you love.  Nichols' Beauticon is rising to the top again.
Shaquanna:  Because of you... With you at the reins, it will continue to thrive.  That is why I have made provisions.
Malina:  Provisions?
Shaquanna:  When I leave, I want you to take over.

***Rochelle: (her head tucked slightly, her voice soft with a hint of shame as she responds to Liam having caught her more captivated by what was going on with Lacreasha than having a date with him) This is embarassing.
Liam:  You're damn right it is.
Rochelle: (slightly stunned that he would agree with her) Liam?
Liam:  Rochelle.  This afternoon was suppose to be about us.  Not about your petty rivalry with Lacreasha Dupree.
Rochelle:  It's not.
Liam:  You haven't been able to keep your eyes off her since we got here.
Rochelle:  My eyes are focused on you.
Liam:  For how long?  How long before something or someone more interesting comes along?
Rochelle:  I made a mistake, ok.  I was trying not to allow her presence to ruin our date, but I guess I have.
Liam:  You're right... you have! (his eyes reflect the crack in his voice, and in that moment, Rochelle realizes the gravity of her mistake)

Lacreasha: (Kyle wraps his arms around her shoulder as Anton rejoins them at the table) Any luck getting through to Malina?
Anton:  No, she wasn't answering her cell.
Lacreasha:  Hmm... well, she was suppose to meet me here.  Hopefully she's on her way.  (The words sound coherent enough for Anton, but he can't shake this nagging feeling that something more is amuck)
Anton:  Hopefully.

(<- Nichols' Beauticon ->)
You want me to take over?
Shaquanna:  You sound surprise.
Malina:  I'm just having a hard time wrapping my head around all of this.  I mean, first you tell me you're leaving Hallandale.  Now you're handing over control to your agency to me?
Shaquanna:  My family is going through a trying time and they need me home.  As much as I love Nichols, I love my family more.
Malina:  I wasn't trying to imply otherwise, but is leaving everything behind the only way?  Surely, your family...
Shaquanna:  I have no choice. (she urges before she can even catch the words coming out of her mouth)
Malina:  We all have choices, Shaquanna.  Right now, I have the option to decline your offer unless you can give me one good reason why I shouldn't.

(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)
(peering behind the door, making it hard for his brother to make him out) Knock, knock.
Earl:  (realizing his brother is at his side again) What are you doing here?  Shouldn't you be at work or something?
Matthew:  (walking up to his bed) I took the day off.  Beauty of being co-manager, I guess.  Besides, I figured you could use the company.
Earl:  I'm fine.  I don't need my baby brother looking in on me 24/7.  That's what the nurses are here for.
Matthew:  (he cowers his head down momentarily, then looks on at his brother once more) Well, it wasn't that long ago that we didn't think you'd ever wake up and the doctors say you're still not out of the woods yet.
Earl:  That's not for you to worry about.
Matthew:  How can I not worry? (he pauses briefly, the angst of his coming words drawing on his face) You're my brother.  I don't want you to die.

(<- Springfield, Massachusetts: The Azalea Garden ->)
Here we are, ma'am.  (Samantha could not believe the sight before her.  It was unlike any greenery she had ever seen.  As she stepped out of her friendly chaffeur's truck, she could feel the overall freshness of nature around her.  Gardenias, tulips, dandelions, daisies -- all blossoming, but there was only one flower she was looking for...)
Samantha: (looking at the scene in awe) This is it. (turning back to her chaffeur's truck, she peered her head through the passenger's window to wish him farewell) Thank you for the lift, I should be fine from here.
Man:  You sure, ma'am?
Samantha:  (she really wasn't all that confident, but she didn't want to take up any more of the nice stranger's time) Yes, thank you so much. (backing away from his truck)
Man:  You're welcome. (he smiled) Good luck. (and off his truck went.  Samantha then walks over toward the entrance of the Azalea Garden, but the sound of a car in the near distance distracts her.  Looking back toward the road, she recognizes the car immediately as it comes to a slow stop)
Daniel:  We meet again.

Samantha:  How did you find me?
Daniel:  You disappeared from the hotel.  This seem like the most logical place.
Samantha:  You're not going to stop me.
Daniel:  Relax, I'm here to help.
Samantha:  (considering her previous encounters with the shifty doctor, her worries do little to dissipate following his words) If you really want to help, then do us both a favor and stay out of my way.  (She blows past him)

(<- Hallandale, Massachusetts: Leysdale Hospital ->)
  I know its hard, but we all have to go at some point.
Matthew:  That really doesn't help me, bro.
Earl:  I don't want you wasting away here looking after me.  You have your life.  You should be out living it.
Matthew:  (offended that his brother would suggest he go out and have fun while he [Earl] lies on his deathbed) I can't just go out into the real world and pretend that everything is okay.
Earl:  I'm not asking you too.  But don't let me be the reason you put everything else on hold.
Matthew: (his mind drawing back on his previous conversation with his brother) I see what this is about now. (he takes a deep breath) I've already explained my reasons for not telling Dana how I felt.
Earl:  and I think you're wrong to wait.
Matthew: (his words come out more bluntly than he intended) Well, it wouldn't be the first decision you disapproved of about my life.

(<- El Club de Moniasis ->)
(walking up to their table) Can I get you guys anything?
Anton:  I'm good, thanks.
Lacreasha:  (jumps in eagerly)  I'll have a 1/4 pounder, with steak fries, please?  Also, if you could include a slice a lemon with my coke drink?
Waitress:  Sure, and you, sir? (adjusting her gaze to Kyle)
The 1/4 pounder sounds good.
Waitress:  I'll see that one arrives your way. (she smiles before exiting)
Lacreasha: (her eyes cross as something about the women's body language doesn't click with her right) Was she--
Kyle:  Just taking my order, baby. (he gives her a kiss on the cheek)
Lacreasha:  (moving from the table) You see that it stays that way.  I'm going to go freshen up.
Anton:  Lacreasha might want to prepare herself, now that the world knows you're officially taken, you could be getting all kinds of offers.
Kyle:  Well, I don't plan on letting anyone come between me and Lacreasha.

Lacreasha: (walking into the lady's room, she makes a quick right around the corner and heads straight toward the mirror, placing her bag down on the restroom counter before her.  She plays with her hair a little bit, trying to add a more sensual fluff to it.  As she pulls her hands away from her hair, her eye catches sight of her engagement ring, which brings a smile to her face.  It isn't long before a familiar voice makes it presence known)
Rochelle:  It won't last long.
Lacreasha: (not bothering to turn around and face her, she looks at Rochelle's reflection from the mirror) Rochelle.  Stalking the lady's room now, are we?
Rochelle: (she scoffs as she sashays behind Lacreasha, looking over her nemesis' shoulder from the mirror with a catty grin)  I just realize I haven't had a chance to congratulate you on your upcoming nuptials. (leaning in closer for maximum effect) Then again, considering your fiancé's track record, you'll be lucky to even make it to the altar.

***Shanna: (responding to the knock at her door) Jessica!
Jessica:  (reading the hint of shock in her friend's voice and face) Yeah, I know.  (moving the subject off herself) How are you holding up?
Shanna:  Do you want the long or abridge version of the story?
Jessica:  (smirks) I've got some time to kill.
Shanna:  All right.  Come in and pull up a chair.
Jessica:  (walking inside the cottage, she almost forgets the way to the seating area) Wow, it really has been a while.
Shanna:  Hmm... almost a year, but whose keeping track? (going toward the kitchen) Would you like anything to drink?
Jessica:  Water is fine.  (As Shanna steps into the kitchen, Jessica eyes are drawn to the wall of the seating area, which are covered with photos of Shanna, Ben, Derek, and even one of her with Ben and Shanna)  So, how does your husband just up and vanish?
Shanna:  (coming from the kitchen with two glasses, one which she hands to Jessica as she answers her question) That's a good question, and all roads lead back to one person.
Jessica:  (clueless to whom Shanna could be talking about) Who?
Shanna:  Shalia Guittierrez!

(<- El Club de Moniasis ->)
(finally spotting her in the depths of the restaurant at a secluded end table) Baby, it took me nearly 10 minutes to find you.
(she questions with a slight grin) 10 minutes?
Yeah!  Which means we have at least 20 minutes of solitude. (removing his hands from behind his back, he unveils some hidden surprises) Especially since I took the liberty of ordering us a bottle of the Moniasis' finest champagne and a plate of finger food.
Shalia: (gliding his hands across the table, she helps him place down the champagne and plate of hor d'oeuvres) Good thinking, but I'm not in the mood for champagne.  I am hungry, but what I want is not on that plate.
and what's that?
(a naughty grin graces her face as she grabs hold of his neck collar, pulling his face inward) You!  (She then leans back against the chair, sending his body on top of hers as they begin to make out in the small corner area of the restaurant)

Shaquanna:  I don't have to convince you.  You know that this is a great opportunity.  You would be a fool to pass it up.
Malina:  Maybe so.  But running a modeling agency isn't something I signed on for when I joined Nichols.
Shaquanna:  But you're intrigued by the idea? (Malina's cell phone rings)
Malina: (spying Anton's name on her caller ID, she takes the call) Hey.
Anton:  (music plays in the foreground as he speaks) "Hey.  Is everything alright?"
Malina:  Everything's fine.  Just tying up some loose ends at work.  Why?
Anton:  "I was just a little worried.  Lacreasha told me you were supposed to be meeting her here at Club Moniasis."
Malina: (glancing at her watch) Oh god, I didn't realize it was so late.  I'm going to wrap up things here and I should be there within the next 15 to 30 minutes.  Please tell Lacreasha how sorry I am.
Anton:  "I will.  Drive safe.  Bye." (he closes his cellphone.  Kyle gives him an inquisitive look, which Anton responds to by nodding, indicating that everything is fine)
Malina:  That was Anton, he's waiting for me at the club.
Shaquanna:  Then you should go.  I think we've said all there is to say.
Malina:  You're right, this can wait. (She grabs her purse and keys) Later.
Shaquanna:  (as Malina makes her way past her to the door) Later.
Kyle: (watching as Anton tucks his cell phone away) So, you manage to get through to Malina?
Anton:  Yeah, she's on her way.
Kyle:  So why do you look as if you just received the worst news of your life?
Anton:  I'm not sure.

Lacreasha: (turning away from the mirror, she looks her nemesis square in the eye) You really shouldn't confuse my engagement with your 3-minute on and off relationship with your half-brother.
Rochelle:  How dare you?
Lacreasha:  You're the one that started this fight.  Maybe next time you should make sure you're able to finish it. (she turns away to exit, but Rochelle refuses to give her the satisfaction of having the last word)
Rochelle:  You wanna know something, Lacreasha.  Karma is an ugly bitch and soon you're going to meet her. (An amused grin flashes across Lacreasha's face) You laugh now, but with the skeletons in your closet, you and Kyle will be over long before you can say I do.
Lacreasha:  (she smirks lightly to herself in amusement) The skeletons in my closet?  (turning to Rochelle) What about the skeletons in your closet or does your new boyfriend, the assistant district attorney, know all about your kissing relationship with your half-brother?
Rochelle:  You are vile.
Lacreasha: (the look of disgust on her face is equivalent of that in her tone) Honey, it is not my fault if the truth sickens you, but maybe before you start making wagers about my relationship, you should start worrying about your own.


Jessica:   Wait?  Isn't Shalia Derek's wife?
Shanna:  Don't remind me.  That's what makes this situation all the more sick.  That bitch has Derek so wrapped around her little finger, he can't see which way is up.
Jesica:  Wow, you really don't like her.
Shanna:  "Like" has nothing do with it.  I just don't trust the -- (takes a deep breath)
Jessica:  So why would she want to make Ben disappear?
Shanna:  Easy.  Ben's the only one that saw through her little act.  Shalia didn't just walk into our lives one day.   I mean, let's look at the facts: this woman mysteriously shows up in town, cozies up to Derek, gets drunk with him, has sex with him, marries him while their in a drunken state, and then becomes this permanent fixture in our lives.  The red flag was staring us right in the face.
Jessica:  So who is this woman?
Shanna:  The question of the millennium.  No one knows.  That's why Ben was investigating her.  That's why he left town.
Jessica:  and the cops, they don't --
Shanna:  (scoffs) The cops are too busy sitting on their asses to give any credence to what I have to say.  Meanwhile, my husband's prisoner is walking around free.

(<- El Club de Moniasis ->)
(lying back on the chair, her hair appears a bit tousled) Wow, that was --
Derek:  (buttoning his shirt as he scans his immediate vicinity) Adventurous?!
Shalia:  You think anyone heard us?
Derek:  (studly grin) I wouldn't try my luck again, if that's what you mean.
Shalia:  Well, now that I have surveyed the menu, I have to have the main course.

(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)
(lying down in his hospital bed, he stares out toward the window as his mind drifts back to his earlier conversation with his brother) "I don't want you wasting away here looking after me.  You have your life.  You should be out living it."  (turning from his side, he switches back to lying on his back)
Matthew:  "I see what this is about now. (he takes a deep breath) I've already explained my reasons for not telling Dana how I felt."
"and I think you're wrong to wait."
(walking into his hospital room, her presence takes Earl away from his thoughts) Hey.
Earl:  (looking up, he sees her in the doorway)  Hey, you're just the woman I wanted to see.
Evelin: (her curiosity peaked, she places her briefcase at the side of the door) Really? Why is that?
Earl:  I need your help.

(<- Springfield, Massachusetts: The Azalea Garden ->)
(having granted Samantha's request for the last half hour, and with the sun beginning to go down, he decided he better check on her before it became too dark to navigate the garden.  He trekked through the maze of flowers, but after every corner, there was at least two optional paths to take.  He had forgotten how confusing the trail was.  One could easily stumbled onto something they weren't looking for and that worried him, but he had to keep his fears in check.  The last thing he needed was to make Samantha any more suspicious than she already was)  She can't be far.
Samantha: (reading her map guide, a flustered look crosses her face) Damn it, it should be right here.  (She places her hands in agitation as the nice smell of wildberries and oaks surround her) Okay Sam, you obviously made a wrong turn somewhere.  (glancing at the map again, she realizes she's been looking at it backwards and flips it upward.  It then becomes painfully clear that she is on the opposite end of the trail)  Great. Just great!

***Evelin:  What exactly do you need my help with?
Earl:  You and I both know that my brother and Dana are meant to be together.  I just need you to help me make it happen.

Matthew: (he walks down the quiet aisle of the church, half-expecting a surge of new energy to overcome him, but it doesn't come.  As he reaches the end of the aisle, he gears off to the left and takes a seat at the end closest to the aisle.  Taking a moment, he closes his eyes just as the door to the church opens, signaling the arrival of Dana, who spies him with his head slightly bent down in prayer)
Dana: (smiling, she walks down the aisle and soon finds herself sitting next to him) Hey.
Matthew: (feeling the brush of her body against his, he shifts his head upward as his eyes open) Hey.
Dana: (putting her right hand on his shoulder) Are you alright?
Matthew:  Yeah.  I just thought I would give the big guys upstairs a little face time.  So what brings you here?
Dana:  I wanted to share my good news. (Matthew lips remain shut, signaling for her to continue) My brother finally contacted me.  He's fine, but his search for Samantha was unsuccessful.
Matthew:  Well, it's great that he's coming home, and maybe Samantha is not that far behind.

(<- Springfield, Massachusetts: The Azalea Garden ->)
(holding her mini flashlight to the map guide, she realizes that she isn't far from the azaleas now) Just a few more steps ahead.  (she continues the path, trying to make the best of it with the little light she does have.  She knows she's getting closer because she can smell gardenias in the distant.  A few minutes later, the root to the blackadder36 cure comes to life.  Samantha is stunned by the plant's actual beauty - green with hints of yellow in the leaves, the scent is a mixture of vanilla and cinnamon, and the petals are like tiny orchids enclosing the outer leaves of the flower.  As she kneels down to touch one of the plants, a bright light catches her sight.  The sound of footsteps approaching become apparant as the light grows brighter and brighter with each footstep, giving weight to Daniel's arrival.  Moving from the ground, she walks toward Daniel) I thought I told you to stay out of my way.
Daniel:  You did, but considering that I'm the only one who knows how to extract the cure from the azalea plant, I think you need me.
Samantha:  There's something you should have figured out about me by now, Dr. Mayfield.  I'm a resourceful woman, and if there is an extract in these azalea plants, I'll figure out how to get to it.

(<- Hallandale, Massachusetts: El Club de Moniasis ->)
(hands the bartender the check for their order) Good night.
Bartender: (glances quickly at the check before thanking him) Thanks.  By the way, if you and your lady friend are interested in more private accomodations, let me know.
Derek:  (smiles faintly) Sure thing. (walking over to his wife, he wraps his hand around her waist) Ready to go?
Shalia:  You know it.  (they start to walk toward the exit as Derek's cell phone goes off.  He looks down at the caller ID and sees that it is the Hallandale Police Department)
Derek:  Hold on, babe. (moving his hand from her side, he answers his cell) "Hello."  (the voice on the other line is Ralph, who verifies that he is indeed speaking with Derek before continuing.  Ralph then informs Derek that they have located Ben, which sparks an excitable reaction from Derek) "You're kidding me.  My god, I have to tell Shanna.  (However, Ralph tells Derek that he doesn't fully understand.  Derek's focus is immediately drawn back into the conversation as he asks for clarification.  As Ralph explains the details surrounding the discovery of Ben, his voice fluctuates from its normal professional pitch to a state of monotone.  Shalia, who had been standing back while Derek tended to his call, comes up a little closer and witness as the color drains from Derek's face.  She can't imagine what news Derek could possibly be hearing, but it soon would be no mystery to her as Derek hangs up his cell phone dejectedly)
Shalia:  "Derek?" (she called out to him as she witness his phone call end.  Derek doesn't respond, his expression completely despondent) What's wrong?
Derek:  (turning to Shalia, he could only echo in that moment the words that left him motionless) Ben is dead!

Billy and Crystal, Matthew, Dana, and Derek

- Derek breaks the awful news to Shanna and Jessica
- Madame Isabel gives Samantha one last warning
- Matthew and Dana are set up
- Billy learns that his company, Fantasy Inc., is in danger of being tanked
- Shalia looks to Andrew for answers about Ben's death


Closing Credits

Click here for Episode 292