Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives"
What's wrong?
Derek:  Ben is dead! (~)
Crystal:  Death is coming, right here to Leysdale Hospital.
Dana:  What exactly are you saying?
Crystal:  I saw it in my dream, just like [the] visions that I had before, only this time it was more of a nightmare.  But it was real-- Someone we know and love is going to die. (~)
Madame Isabel:  This is not a scam, my dear.  You are headed for danger...
Samantha:  Nice try, but you can tell Daniel that he should quit trying while he’s ahead. (Samantha goes to sit down at a vacant seat, but her remarks do little to deter her psychic friend, who grabs the vacant seat on the other end)
Madame Isabel:  You are right not trust this Daniel character, my dear.  He will cause you irrevocable harm.  But trust and heed my words, do not go to the Azalea Garden with Daniel.

***Mindy: (walking into the room, she catches Crystal deep in thought at the bar) Hey.
Crystal:  (hearing Mindy's voice, her head swiftly turns) Mindy?
Mindy: You okay?
Crystal: (not entirely convincing herself) Yeah.  I'm just-- nevermind.
Mindy:  Are you sure?  You seem as if something is bothering you.
Crystal:  I just haven't been getting enough sleep lately.
Mindy:  Bad dreams keeping you awake at night? (she responds half jokingly)
Crystal:  More like one recurring nightmare.

(<- Cypress Gardens Plaza ->)
(walking through the plaza, he finds his dinner companion already seated.  Walking up to her, he extends his hand for a handshake before sitting) Kaitlin, I hope I haven't kept you waiting long.
Kaitlin:  No.  I actually had enough time to enjoy my expresso and catch up on the latest news.
Billy:  Good. (he pauses momentarily) Well, I won't waste your time.  As you know, I'm in the process of restructuring CF&A, and that could mean some changes for Fantasy Inc.
Kaitlin:  (the words come out before she can catch them) More changes?
Billy:  Are you opposed?
Kaitlin:   No.  I mean-- (choosing her words diligently) That is a very logical jump, but is it a realistic one?
Billy:  I don't follow.
Kaitlin:  I've been talking with some of my partners, and their not happy with Fantasy's current financial situation.
Billy:  Well, considering everything that has happened these past few months--
Kaitlin:  Your shooting, months of lost revenue, Javier Sanchez' murder/suicide, the investigation into your connection with it; None of this has been good for profit shares and now you want to make more changes.
Billy:  Why don't you give it to me straight Kaitlin?
Kaitlin:  Luxury Industries just came under new management and the new boss wants to make some changes.  (Billy's expression doesn't reflect too kindly to the news)

(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)
How do you expect me to arrange for Matthew and Dana to be stuck together?  There here 24/7.
Earl: You're a lawyer.  Surely you can think of something.
Evelin:  I shouldn't be thinking of this at all, and neither should you.  You're still recuperating from a deadly virus.
Earl:  and as you can see, I've never felt better.
Evelin:  There's definitely no denying you're up to your old tricks again.  However, if you want my assistance, you better have some kind of plan.

(<- Springfield, Massachusetts: Azalea Garden ->)
I'm your best bet here.  I know how to extract the antidote from the azalea.
Samantha:  I don't want your help.  You have done nothing but waste my time ever since I got here and do not think by any stretch of the imagination that I have forgotten what's really going on here.
Daniel:  It appears you're the one stretching your imagination, Mrs. Lombard.  My only intention is and has been to stop you from walking into a situation you do not understand.  The Azalea Garden has affected a lot of lives here, hence the reason people freeze at the mention of the name.
Samantha:  Spare me your clever spin job because I didn't believe it before and I'm not buying it now.

(<- Hallandale, Massachusetts: El Club de Moniasis ->)
Shalia:  "Derek?" (she called out to him as she witness his phone call end.  Derek doesn't respond, his expression completely despondent) What's wrong?
Derek:  (turning to Shalia, he could only echo in that moment the words that left him motionless) Ben is dead!
Shalia:  What? (she asks, genuinely shocked by the news)
Derek:  (he doesn't look at Shalia when he responds. Instead, she can only see the side of his face as his gaze remains indirect) There was a crash-- he didn't make it. (the words come out of his mouth, but he still can't believe it)
Shalia:  (coming a little closer to Derek, she tries to make sense of his revelation, not completing buying Ben's demise) Honey, you're not making any sense.
Derek:  It doesn't make sense.  Someone so full of life, so courageous, so loyal, so... so gone?!  (Shalia feels a sudden twinge of guilt at witnessing Derek try to come to terms with Ben's death)

Shalia:  Are the authorities sure?
Derek:  Yeah.
Shalia:  (she shakes her head in disbelief) My god, I know there was no love lost between me and Ben, but I would never--
Derek:  I know.  None of us could have predicted Ben's plane going down.  (he takes a deep breath) You know, in all this time trying to find him, I never once considered the possibility that Ben might be--
Shalia:  (she comforts him with a hug) Of course not.  You loved him, you wanted to keep positive that wherever he was, he was alright.
Derek:  There's someone else who loved him even more than I did.  Someone who needs to know the truth.
Shalia:  Shanna.
Derek:  and I think Ben would want her to hear it from me.

(<- Hemmings Cottage ->)
(looking at Shanna's painting of one of the islands in the Caribbean) Wow, its beautiful.
Shanna:  (sharing the view of the painting with Jessica) Yeah, it's where Ben and I had our honeymoon.
Jessica:  I didn't know you painted so well.
Shanna:  It was something I toyed around with when I was younger.  I sort of stopped after Terrell's death.
Jessica:  So what has sparked your renewed interest?
Shanna:  (turning away from the painting) It's been a way to keep busy.  You know, remember that there is still peace and beauty in life when times seem dark.
Jessica:  How poetic.  Still, it can't be easy.
Shanna:  No, it hasn't been easy, but having the right people in my corner has made it bearable.

(<- Cypress Gardens Plaza ->)
When you say "changes?"
Kaitlin:  He's questioning our continued investment with Fantasy Inc.
Billy:  and you're on board with this?
Kaitlin:  No, but I understand where he is coming from.
Billy:  I don't give a damn where he is coming from.  If it wasn't for Fantasy, LI would be nothing.
Kaitlin:  I understand that.
Billy:  Then maybe someone needs to help your boss understand.

(<- Crystal's Fantasy & Associates ->)
(taking a seat at the bar) So what happens in this nightmare?
Crystal:  (her mind flips back to the eery feeling she gets as she approaches a hospital room at Leysdale Hospita. As her hand moves for the door, she can feel her body shiver from the cold handle.  Inside, the chilliness of the room hits her even more as she spies a hospital bed covered with a sheet.  Continuing to the side of the bed slowly, she pulls the sheet from the body underneath and covers her mouth in shock at the revelation of the face marred by death.)  It's too creepy to explain.
Mindy:  Well, you know what that say about recurring dreams.
Crystal:  Yeah.  That's what I'm afraid of.

***Evelin: (walking down the hospital corridor, she stops at the window to the hospital chapel)  Are you sure you should be doing this?
Earl:  Relax.  A little walking won't kill me.  (Evelin wonders for a brief second how Earl can talk about joke so nonchalantly considering his current state of health.  Meanwhile, Earl walks up to the chapel window, looking in on Matthew and Dana)
(sitting next to him in the hospital chapel) So do you think God heard your prayers?
Matthew:  I would like to think someone up there is listening.  It just sucks that this is all I can do.  (raising up from the bench)
Dana:  (moving from the bench as well, she walks just inches behind him)  Hey, you're doing all you can.  (putting a friendly hand on his back, Matthew turns toward her)
Earl: (having witnessed Dana and Matthew from the chapel window) See, I told you they needed our help.
Evelin:  Looks to me like they are doing just fine on their own.
Earl:  Come on Evelin.  Where's your sense of romance?  Every couple in the making needs a good pushing.
Evelin: (a degree of skepticism in her tone) and just how do you plan to push Matthew and Dana together?
Earl: (responding with an air of cockiness) Stop talking and I'll show you.

(<- Springfield, Massachusetts: The Azalea Garden ->)
Forget what you don't believe.  Let me help you.
Samantha:  (growing tired of his routine, she finally gets in his face) Do you really want to help me because there is no car to break down this time.  (Daniel finds the comment anything, but amusing) Just get out of my way.  (she passes him and heads toward the Azalea plant.  Daniel starts to leave, but then he stops in his tracks as another set of footsteps makes it way through the Azalea Garden)
Daniel:  (turning back, he sees Samantha going for the plant and lets out a sudden scream) No.  (he runs toward her, but the jolt of his body against hers causes Samantha's hand to slide up against the root of the plant, inflicting a deep wound in her finger)
Samantha:  Ouch!  (she screams, biting her finger that bleeds profusely) Look at what you've done.  (Daniel looks at her bleeding flinger, his eyes locking in its socket upon realizing what had just happen)

(<- Hemmings Cottage ->)
(sitting on the couch in her living area, she takes a sip of her tea) So what has been going on with you?
Jessica:  What? (she inquires, reclining back in her chair)
Shanna:  Come on, I'm sick of talking about me.  Surely you have some juice.
Jessica:  My life is hardly gossip.
Shanna:  (chuckles) Please.  (door bell rings, prompting Shanna to get up to answer it) We're not finished.  (she tells Jessica before walking over to the door) Derek! (surprise to see him when she opens the door)  If this is about your wife--
Derek:  No, this is about Ben.


Andrew: (having concluded his seventh repetition of his workout, his cool down period is interrupted by loud pounding at his door.  After the fifth pound, he grows annoyed and shouts at the direction of the door to his visitor)  Alright, hold your horses.  (answering his door, the lovely Shalia Guittierrez barges right in)
Shalia: (catching sight of his sweaty torso on her way in, she lets out a moan of disgust) Put on a shirt and then you can tell me what the hell you think you're doing?
Andrew:  (looking on at her slightly agitated facade, he replies sarcastically) and to what do I owe this pleasure?
Shalia:  Well, I guess I might as well spell it out since it's going to be front page news tomorrow morning: what were you thinking killing Ben?

(<- Hemmings Cottage ->)
Come on in. (she gestures him inside, where he heads into the living area to find Jessica sitting back)  You remember Jessica? (following behind him into the living area)
Derek:  Yeah. (flashes her a quick smile) Nice seeing you again.
Jessica:  (returns smile) You too.
Shanna:  So you said this was about Ben.  Have the authorities found him?
Derek:  (turning back to her) Yeah.  I don't know how--
Shanna: (excited from hearing his affirmation, she interrupts Derek before he can say anything more) Well, when is he coming home?
Derek:  Like I was saying-- (momentary pause) I think you should sit down. (the words send a chill down Jessica's spine, as she looks on at Shanna, who is even more puzzled)
Shanna:  (her voice is firm as she tries to push down her fears of dread) What?  No, I will not sit down.  Just tell me where my husband is.
Derek:  (he takes a deep breath, trying to hold himself together) I'm sorry, but Ben isn't coming home.  (Shanna is at a lost for words and if she were able to find them, it is then put asunder with Derek's final remark) Ben is dead!

(<- Crystal's Fantasy & Associates ->)
(conversing over wall decorations in a magazine) I really like this one.
Crystal:  Hmm... I don't know.  I mean, its eye catching, but you also see what you're looking at.  I want something that really makes you stop and -- (pointed in the magazine at the exact wall decoration) This is it.  This is what I want.
Mindy:  (looking at where Crystal's finger connects) Oh, it is interesting. (her eyes trailing down to the sales figure) Oh god, so is the price.
Crystal:  Yeah, it is a bit pricey, but I'm sure we can find some way to make do.  Plus, Billy is meeting with the big wigs at Luxury Industries today, so I'm sure he'll get some financial backing from them. They've been really supportive of his plans for Fantasy.
Mindy: I still think we should aim a little cheaper if possible. (suddenly the sound of their door being shut rings through the restaurant, catching the attention of both ladies.  They are soon greeted with Billy's furious facade) Someone doesn't look happy.
Crystal: (stepping from behind the bar area) Hey, what's going on?
Billy:  I just finished meeting with Kaitlin.  Apparently, LI is seriously considering dropping Fantasy from their clientele list.
Crystal: (her voice screams of shock) What?
Billy: Yeah. The new owner is making changes and they don't include us. (Mindy looks on silently, thinking to herself, "so much for that financial backing.")

(<- Springfield, Massachusetts: The Azalea Garden ->)
Are you okay?
Samantha: (pressing a napkin down on her finger) I didn't think you cared.  It's just a flesh wound.  I'll be fine.
Daniel:  A flesh wound that you received from pricking your finger on one of the petals of the azalea.  You really should get that looked at.
Samantha:  I'm not going anywhere until I get my hands on the extract.
Daniel: (slipping some gloves onto his hands, he takes out a small cylinder tube from his pants pocket and pulls the azalea plant from its roots.  Samantha watches, at a lost, as he locates a sac hidden tightly within the roots.  Placing the tube directly below the sac, he squeezes the contents of the sac into the tube.  He then places a cap on it and hands it to her) There you go, administered safely into the tube.
Samantha: (taking the beaker from his hands with hesitation) Why am I not relieved?
Daniel:  Because this means you no longer have reason to harrass me.
Samantha:  Well, if this is indeed the antidote, you're definitely right about that.  The countless people dying from this outbreak seems far more important than whatever you are up to here.
Daniel:  You can relax.  Nothing is going on.
Samantha: (who cares if he finally wised up and gave her the extract from the plant, she was still not buying his story) Well, I'm not about to sit here and waste time arguing with you.  Just take me back to the hospital.

***Dana: (her cell phone rings, prompting her to look at the LCD display screen) Oh, it's Ralph.  (answering the call) Hey Ralph, I was trying to call you earlier.  I wanted to let you know -- (she hears static overpowering his voice) What?  I said -- hold on, I think its the reception in the chapel.  (she signals to Matthew that she will return as she makes way her way to the entrance/exit way.  As she heads down the hall from the chapel, Evelin and Earl reappear from behind an adjoining wall on the opposite side)
Earl:  All right, phase one is executed.  Now it's your turn.
Evelin: (she sighs deeply, her ambivalence about this whole scheme evident) Why am I doing this again?
Earl:  Because you care about my brother, and you know he and Dana should be together.
Evelin:  Sounds more like your reasons for wanting me to do it, and something tells me Matthew wouldn't exactly be in favor of what you're doing.
Earl:  Perhaps not, but is he really going to scold his bed-ridden brother for caring enough to take action?  I'm doing this for him, and you're the only one I trust to help me see it through.
Evelin:  OK.  But for the record, don't ever ask me to do something like this again. (she gives him a cordial smile before approaching the chapel door, where she would enter into actress mode) Matthew, there you are. (walking down the aisle, Matthew meets her halfway)
Matthew:  (unsure what to make of her presence in the chapel) Evelin.  What's going on?
Evelin:  The nurse in the lobby wanted me to give you this.  (she hands him a folded note)
Matthew:  What is it?
Evelin:  Open and find out.  (peering from the side as he reads the note) Is everything all right?
Matthew:  Yeah. (he answers peculiarly) It's a note from Dana telling me to meet her downstairs.
Evelin:  What's the problem?
Matthew:  I don't know, just weird.  I didn't think she went that far to finish her call with Ralph.
Evelin:  Well, maybe something's come up and she had to retreat to the ground floor.
Matthew:  Maybe.  (taking out his cell)
Evelin:  What are you doing?
Matthew:  I'm just going to call her and find out what's going.
Evelin:  No!  (she barks, getting Matthew unwanted attention)

(<- Springfield, Massachusetts: The Azalea Garden ->)
Come on, the exit is just up ahead.
Samantha:  I'm right behind you.  (as she reaches the exit of the garden, a hand grabs hold of her shoulder, causing her to gasp as she turns in horror to find Madame Isabel looking back at her)  You!
Madame Isabel:  My poor child, you did not heed my warnings.
Samantha:  Look lady, I don't have time for this.   I have people waiting for me.  (Samantha attempts to move past her)
Madame Isabel:  (she says with an eery calmness that sends chills down Samantha's spine) You will get there in time, my dear.  I only hope there is time for you.  (Before Samantha can even seek clarification, she is distracted by the sound of Daniel's footsteps reapproaching)
Daniel:  Hey, I thought you were in a rush.
Samantha:  I am, I was just -- (turning back around to explain her conversation with Madame Isabel, only the elderly woman is no where in sight)
Daniel:  What?
Samantha:  Nothing. (Only part of her is wondering what the hell happened to that strange lady and what did she mean by, "I only hope there is time for you.")  Let's go!

(<- Hallandale, Massachusetts: Andrew's Home ->)
I was thinking about saving our hides.  Ben was becoming a problem-- a pesky one.  One that we needed to get rid of.
Shalia:  So you arrange for his plane to go down, killing thousands of innocents?
Andrew:  I made sure his parting crew was limited to only a few people.
Shalia:  Is that suppose to make me feel better?
Andrew:  (peeved that Shalia is whining to him about Ben's death when she is the one that approached him in the first place about getting rid of him) I could really care less.  You wanted Ben dealt with... well, he's been dealt with.
Shalia:  I never asked you to kill him.  How am I suppose to look Derek in the eye day after day knowing I'm the reason his best friend is dead?
Andrew:  You managed just fine when Ben went missing, now he's just permanently gone.  You'll find a way. (Shalia lets out a disgruntled sigh)

(<- Hemmings Cottage ->)
You're telling me that the man I love and have been married to for the last seven years is dead?
Jessica:  My god!
Derek:  I didn't want to believe it myself, but it's true. (Jessica moves closer to Shanna, giving her a friendly pat on the shoulder from behind)
Shanna:  How?
Derek:  His plane went down in an abandon field just a few miles outside of Coral Springs.
Shanna:  (placing her hand over her mouth as she lets out a slight murmour before speaking) Coral Springs. (she repeats, more so to herself realizing that Ben was there to find out information about Shalia's past) His plane just went down... mysteriously.   I mean, how does that happen?
Derek: (abrupt in his answer, for he half suspects where her innuendos are leading) I don't know.  That's all I was told.  They don't know what went wrong yet.
Shanna:  I'm sure we can both figure that out.
Derek:  What is that suppose to mean? (he waits for only a moment before deciding not to give her the opportunity to speak) You know what, don't!  If you're going to somehow try to put this on Shalia, then I refuse to listen.
Shanna:  That bitch is the reason this happen.  (Jessica gives Shanna a slight nudge, hoping that will get her to pull back, but it does the exact opposite as Shanna pulls away, coming straight for Derek) How dare you stand here and try to defend her when your friend is dead?
Derek:  She's my wife.
Shanna: (disgust ready in her tone) and you have done nothing but put her above everyone else.  No wonder Ben is dead.
Derek:  Your husband made the decision to stick his nose where it didn't belong.
Shanna: (she screams, appalled that she would have to tell him that) Because he cared about you Derek.  Because he didn't want to see you hurt.  You're the reason he left town and by God, you're the reason he's dead.


Billy and Crystal, Matthew, Dana, and Derek

- Derek sees Shalia with Andrew
- Romain and Sandy find themselves back at her apartment
- Earl's condition takes a turn for the worse


Closing Credits

Click here for Episode 293