Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives"
Derek! (surprise to see him when she opens the door)  If this is about your wife--
No, this is about Ben... Ben isn't coming home.  (Shanna is at a lost for words and if she were able to find them, it is then put asunder with Derek's final remark) Ben is dead! (~)
Was that the hospital?
(slips his cell phone into the compartment on his waist) Yeah, Evelin actually. She and Earl are having a heck of time.
Dana:  See? Who would have thought after everything that you would be saying that?
Just makes me wonder all the more when the other shoe is going to drop. (~)
(leaning in closer to her from the hospital desk) What are you doing tonight?
Excuse me?
I hear the Rendezvous Shack is entertaining some local talent tonight.
(her eyes twinkle with a degree of skepticism) Are you asking me out on a date? (~)
I don't want you wasting away here looking after me.  You have your life.  You should be out living it.
(offended that his brother would suggest he go out and have fun while he [Earl] lies on his deathbed) I can't just go out into the real world and pretend that everything is okay.
  I'm not asking you too.  But don't let me be the reason you put everything else on hold.
(his mind drawing back on his previous conversation with his brother) I see what this is about now. (he takes a deep breath) I've already explained my reasons for not telling Dana how I felt. (~)
His plane went down in an abandon field just a few miles outside of Coral Springs.
(placing her hand over her mouth as she lets out a slight murmur before speaking) Coral Springs.  (she repeats, more so to herself realizing that Ben was there to find out information about Shalia's past) His plane just went down... mysteriously...
What is that suppose to mean? (he waits for only a moment before deciding not to give her the opportunity to speak) You know what, don't!  If you're going to somehow try to put this on Shalia, then I refuse to listen.
That bitch is the reason this happened.  (Jessica gives Shanna a slight nudge, hoping that will get her to pull back, but it sends Shanna coming straight for Derek) How dare you stand here and try to defend her when your friend is dead? (~)
Shalia:  ...What were you thinking killing Ben?
I was thinking about saving our hides.  Ben was becoming a problem-- a pesky one.  One that we needed to get rid of.
Shalia:  So you arrange for his plane to go down, killing thousands of innocents...
Andrew:  (peeved that Shalia is whining to him about Ben's death when she is the one that approached him in the first place about getting rid of him)  You wanted Ben dealt with... well, he's been dealt with. (~)
Derek:  Your husband made the decision to stick his nose where it didn't belong.
Shanna:  (she screams, appalled that she would have to tell him that) Because he cared about you Derek.  Because he didn't want to see you hurt.  You're the reason he left town and by God, you're the reason he's dead.

***Derek: (his relationship with Shanna has always been a little rocky since her past in Louisiana blew up in her face a few years back, but to insinuate-- no, to accuse him...) I can not believe you just said that.
Shanna:  (while part of her felt awful attacking Ben's best friend this way, she could no longer bite her tongue while he stood by defending-- loving the woman she believed to be responsible for her husband's death) The truth ringing a little too bitter for you, Derek.  You are the one that brought Shalia into our lives.  You are the reason Ben was investigating her.  (Jessica tried to interject, but Shanna pushed her hand aside) You are the reason that bitch killed my husband.  (Although Derek believed this was her grief speaking, he couldn't help but feel that on some level he was responsible)

(<- Andrew's Home ->)
I never asked you to kill him.  How am I suppose to look Derek in the eye day after day knowing I'm the reason his best friend is dead?
You managed just fine when his best friend went missing, I'm sure you'll do just fine now that he's dead. (Shalia let out a disgruntled sigh)
Shalia:  There's a significant difference between a man being missing and a man being dead.  I never asked for this.
Andrew:  You wanted Ben dealt with. (callously blunt) He's been dealt with.  So don't get morally self-righteous on me now.
Shalia:  Please, you didn't kill Ben because you were trying to do me a favor.  You killed him because you want his wife.

(<- Sky Lansing Condos ->)
Romain: (following Sandy down the corridor) The humble abode.
Sandy:  (stopping with her back turn to the door) Yep, that it is.  (she teased)
  I guess this is the part where I say good night.
Sandy:  (casually reeling him in) One might say such things, but I'm no stickler for tradition.  I mean, I could easily invite you in.
Romain:  Are you?
Sandy:  If I were, it would only be for a night cap and maybe conversation.
Romain:  I'm not expecting anything more.  (Sandy studied him for a moment, then turned around to open her door)
Sandy:  (leading the way inside, she ushered him to follow) Come in.  (Romain did as instructed, shutting the door behind him)

(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)
(walking down the hall, she found room 209 on her left.  Opening the door, she peaked inside, but saw no one in sight.  Glancing back at the note in her hand, she verified that this was indeed the room where the note said to meet him.  Taking a few more steps inside the room, she called out his name)  Matt.  Are you here?  (Ushering for her cell, the sound of the room door closing startled her, causing the cell phone to drop to the floor just moments after it reaches her hand.  Thinking nothing of the door, she proceeded to rescue her phone from the floor.  She then made a call to Matt as a figure from outside room 209 slipped around the corner)

Matthew:  (putting his cell aside) Why don't you want me to call Dana?
Evelin:  It just seems to me that she went to a lot of trouble having this note sent to you instead of making a simple phone call.
Matthew:  Sounds to me like you know what's going on here.
Evelin:  I know that standing here and speculating will get you no closer to the truth.  (an unpredictable silence formed between the two of them and before Evelin knew it, Matthew was retreating from the cathedral.  She let out a deep sigh of relief before taking a seat, bowing her head down for a moment.  As she slowly regained track of her breaths, her gaze became affixed) Oh Earl, you owe me one.

Dana: (checking the back room after unsuccessfully being able to make a call to Matt on her cell) Matthew. (scanning her surroundings, it became apparent no one was present) There's no one here.  What the hell's going on?  (Before she could contemplate further, the sound of a door closing grabbed her attention.  She then heard a muffle sound that almost sounded like her name being called out.  Following the sound, she arrived back in the main room, where she found Matthew)  There you are.
Matthew:  Sorry if I kept you waiting long.
Dana:  That's okay, just tell me what's going on.
Matthew:  That's funny.  I was about to ask you the same thing. (Dana's expression, however, failed to agree with him.  Meanwhile, the mysterious figure that retreated around the corner earlier returned, looking in on Matthew and Dana)
Earl:  Hopefully this will be the push you both need.

Dana:  I'm here because of your note.
Matthew: (holding the piece of paper up in clear view) Don't you mean, your note?
Dana: (looking at the paper in his hand momentarily, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to help Dana figure out what's going on) I smell a rat.
Matthew: (agreeing with her observation, he reanalyzed his encounter with Evelin) I knew something was up when Evelin gave me this earlier.
Dana: (unable to think of one reason why Evelin would do something so underhanded) Why would Evelin set us up?  That doesn't seem like her style.
Matthew:  No, of course not.  She was probably coached by my brother.
Dana:  Earl?
Matthew:  Of course.  It doesn't matter how many times I tell him I'm capable of making my own decisions.  He always finds a way of interfering in my life.

Earl:  (as he approached the cathedral, he felt a heaviness in his chest that he attempted to dissipate with a few collective breaths.  After the third repetition, the pang passed and he saw his way inside the church, where Evelin was sitting) Great work.  There with each other right now.
Evelin: (rising from her seat, she turned to him) Yeah, but how long before they realize they've been duped and come gunning for us?
Earl:  Don't worry.  I took the necessary steps to ensure there detained for quite a while.  (he gave her an elated grin)

(<- Andrew's Home ->)
I'm not you, Shalia.  My relationship with Shanna is strictly business.  I will be there for her, she will rely on me, and she will fall in love with me.  Now, I certainly can't do all that with her husband in the way.
Shalia:  My god, this has been your plan all along.
Andrew:  Bingo.  When I'm through with Shanna Mallory Hemmings, she will have nothing.  She will be nothing(his voice then entered a sickening calm, but forceful state that really showed Shalia how disturb Andrew had become) Then I will have the pleasure of watching every drop of life fade out of her just as she did my brother.
Shalia:  You hide behind so much hatred that you can't even see how you really feel.
Andrew: (pointing his index finger at her face) Don't you dare tell me how I feel.  My brother sacrificed his life for that bitch, and she did nothing to achieve justice.  Nothing!  (he lowered his index finger as he took notice of the terror plastered across Shalia's face.  Even terrified, Shalia still wondered if Andrew reaction was springing from the lost of his brother or if he was speaking out of hate because part of him did feel something for Shanna, but she wouldn't dare pose that question, not now...) She allowed his killers to go free.  A good man-- my brother was a good man and he was discarded like garbage because of her.  I can't forget and I won't forgive.

(<- Hemmings Cottage ->)
Shalia had nothing to do with Ben's plane crash.  She was just as surprised as I was to hear the news.
Shanna:  I bet she was.  I think she missed her calling as an actress.
Derek:  My god, you're unbelievable.  How someone with such a colorful past can be so judgmental?
Shanna:  Excuse me?
Jessica: (jumping in between them this time) Guys, stop it.  (looking alternately at Shanna, then Derek as she continued) This is not doing either of you any good.  You're standing here ripping the other apart when I'm very sure this is the last thing Ben would want the two people he cared most about in this world doing.   This is the time where you both should be sticking together, so do that.  If not for yourselves, then for Ben.  (Although they are unable to mask their anger, Jessica's words do appear to have an impact)

***Derek: (taking a step back) Jessica's right.  Ben wouldn't want this.
Shanna:  (inclined to agree, even if she still felt Derek was partly to blame for her husband's death) No, I guess he wouldn't.  (they shared a moment of quiet solitude)
Derek:  I think I should go.  (turning to Jessica) Are you going to stay with her the night?
Shanna:  (there's a snappiness in her tone) I don't need a chaperone.
Derek:  (refocusing on Shanna) No.  But I wouldn't feel right leaving you here alone.  (and he certainly wasn't up for staying himself after their recent argument, and knew she would be equally opposed)
Jessica:  (looking on at Shanna) I don't mind staying.  It's not like I have life to rush back home too, anyway.
Shanna:  Fine.  (her voice softening) I think the company would do me some good. (Jessica smiles)
Derek:  Good.  If you need anything... (Shanna was unable to muster up any interest that Derek didn't even bother finishing, deciding to just exit in a peaceful manner.  Jessica showed him to the door) Good night.
Shanna:  Good night.  (and Derek was gone)

(<- Sky Lansing Condos ->)
(having enjoyed a cup of coffee with Romain, they started talking about some of their favorite movies.  Somewhere down the line, the topic of the conversation became whether or not love is as simple as romance films make it in the end, where the two star-crossed leads always end up with one another, in spite of obstacles.  Sandy had a hard time agreeing...) Come on.  That just doesn't happen in real life.
Romain:   When did you become such a cynic, Ms. I'll fight for what I want?
Sandy:  It's realism.  Sometimes no matter how much two people love each other, circumstances can keep them apart.  Look at Romeo and Juliet, they had to die to finally be together and whose to say they even were.
Romain:  I guess you're right.  I can certainly attest to that.  (he paused momentarily) I loved your sister-- part of me always will, but she just couldn't trust that love and things got muddled along the way.
Sandy:  My point exactly.  You two loved each other, but that wasn't enough to hold your relationship together.
Romain:  But Sherri and I are only one couple.  We're not evidence that happily ever after don't exist.
Sandy:  Don't worry.  It was made pretty clear to me the moment I learned that the man I loved was married to someone else. (Romain's curiosity peaked by her revelation)

(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)
I don't understand.  What does your brother hope to accomplish?
Matthew:  I suppose he thinks putting me in a room with you will... (he stopped himself with a cough, realizing how close he was to revealing too much)  Well, it looks like I'm gonna have to have another talk with him.
Dana:  Well, let's go.  (looking around briefly) This room's starting to creep me out.  (she lead the way to the exit, only the door to the room wouldn't open.  Turning the knob back and forth in each direction, the door expressed no intention of yielding) The door won't open.
What? (Dana stepped aside while Matthew took a crack at it, quite similar to the technique she tried, only with more force.  However, no matter how tightly he pulled on the knob, it wouldn't budge) I don't believe this.
Dana:  We're locked inside.


Matthew: (taking a deep sigh, he walked away from the door, and grabbed his cell from his pants pocket while attempting to ease Dana's nerves) Let's not panic.  I will just call the front desk to open the door.
Dana:  Don't bother.  There is no cellular signal in this room.
Matthew:  (his sarcasm apparant) Oh, that's just great.
Dana:  Yeah.  So just how long does your brother intend to keep us locked up in here?

Evelin:  When do you plan to release Dana and Matthew from their prison?
Earl:  Very funny.  If things go the way I planned, it won't be a prison-- (his speech was cut off by another sharp jolt in his chest)
Evelin:  (rushing to his aid) Are you okay?
Earl:  (the jolt passed or so it appeared) Yeah, I think I just -- (the pain spreading down into his abdomen, the jolt so sharp that it caused him to crouch over halfway in agony.  Evelin called out his name as the sounds of his moans intensified, prompting her to call out for help as Earl slumped to the ground)
Evelin: (screaming blindly out at the hallway) Someone help!

Matthew:  I have no idea what is going through my brother's head right now.
Dana:  Well, you were with him earlier today.  You must have some idea what this about.  (Matthew turned his head slightly, his insides steaming at Earl for putting him in this situation.  Dana was right.  He knew exactly what this was about, but was this really the time to let it known?)  Matthew?  (she called ut his name when he didn't respond)
Whatever my brother's reasons were, I don't think there important.  What's important is that we get out of here. (moving away from the door, he looked near the hospital bed for a phone) Now there has to be a main phone in here somewhere.
Dana:  Nope, I've looked.  It's been conveniently removed.  Evelin and your brother obviously didn't want us getting out of here... and I think you know why.  (The words caught Matthew's full focus, and he was unable to hide the look of guilt that flashed through his eyes)

(<- Sky Lansing Condos ->)
So that explains the turn around.
Sandy:  What?
Romain:  Well, it wasn't that long ago you were telling me how willing you were to fight for the man you loved.  Now that he's up and married someone else, I can understand why you would be disillusioned.
I'm not disillusioned, Dr. Chandler.  I've been forced to open my eyes and the truth is I drove Mitchell to another woman.
Come on, that can't be further from the truth.
Sandy:  I pushed him away after my shooting and when I finally got my memory back, I sat around and waited for him to come back to me.  How stupid was that?
Romain:  It wasn't that stupid.  People grow apart, you were just holding out hope that you and Mitchell would find your way back to one another and who's to say that can't happen?
Sandy:  I did.  I made the choice and now I have to live with it.

(<- Andrew's Home ->)
I understand how you feel.  You loved your brother and he was wrongly taken away from you.  But to kill another man--
Andrew:  It's unfortunate.  However, sometimes innocent people have to be sacrificed to reach your overall goal.  Wasn't that the reason you wanted Ben gone in the first place?  Because he was a theat to your relationship with Derek?
Shalia:  Yeah.  But murder?  I don't know if I can live with this.
Andrew:  The other alternative is not living at all.
Shalia:  (the threat threw her for a loop) Are you threatening me?
Andrew:  Enjoy marry life with Derek.  I'll worry about your conscience.
Shalia:  and who will worry about yours?
Andrew: (flashing her a cocky grin) No need, I found it's better to operate without one.  Now why don't you let me show you out?  

***Andrew: (holding his door open as Shalia stepped out onto his porch) Should I escort you to your car?
Shalia: (snarky) How courteous of you, but I think I'll manage just fine.  (she started to walk off, but his voice pulled her back)
Andrew:  Please don't leave angry, Shalia.  We're after the same thing.
Shalia: (staring him dead on) I signed on with you as a favor to my father.  I was to distract Derek away from Shanna and Ben.  I've done my job.  I'm finished.  (she started to walk away once again, only this time Andrew forcibly pulled her back by the arm)
Andrew:  I'll tell you when you're finished.  (terror struck Shalia as she looked into Andrew's menacing eyes)

(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)
You're right.  (walking toward the hospital bed, he turned back toward her) I do know why my brother locked us up in here and I don't want to lie to you.   This just isn't how or where I wanted to say all this.
Dana:  (she cowered her eyes as she made a few gradual steps toward him) You're starting to scare me.  What's going on?
Matthew:  It's nothing bad.  I mean, I hope its not.  (Dana looked at him peculiarly as dead silence shifted briefly through the room)  Do you remember the night we kissed?
Dana:  Yeah, it was...
Matthew:  Nice. (they smiled, in sync about their intimate encounter) I haven't been able to stop thinking about it.  That night I realized my feelings for you went a lot deeper. 
Dana:  (her voice lightly called out his name, but he interjected) Matthew--
Matthew:  I know we're friends, but there this connection between us and not just universally, but mentally, physically, emotionally--
Dana:  (she jumped in before he could finish) I feel it too.  (Matthew was caught off guard, but in a good way) I haven't been able to stop thinking about our kiss either... (there's a brief pause) or wanting to do it again. (they smiled nervously at one another)
Matthew:  Does that mean--
Dana:  (pulling him in closer to her) Hurry up and kiss me!  (Matthew obliged, his lips reacquiring the sweet taste and delicacy of Dana's lips against his)

Evelin: (turning back full of nerves as Delilah walked out of Earl's hospital room) Delilah, what's going on?
Delilah:  Earl's immune system has weakened against the virus.  His red blood cells are starting to deplete.
Evelin:  Well, surely there is something you can do to stop it.
Delilah:  Without the cure, I'm afraid there is isn't much we can do.  (A look of disbelief spead across Evelin's face as she walked away from the nurse, peeking into the window of Earl's room, where he lied in his bed confined to machines, making the last hour or so seem like nothing but a dream)

(<- Outside Andrew's Home ->)
(glancing down at his tight grip on her arm) Let go of my arm.
Andrew:  Sorry, I didn't mean to get aggressive, but you need to remember who's in charge.
Shalia:  Be in charge, Andrew.  But you remember, I have friends in high places as well.
Andrew:  No need for threats.  We're on the same side.
Shalia:  (she remarked bitterly) You keep saying that.
Andrew:  Good night, Shalia.  (he smiled before taking a step back and closing the door behind him.  Shalia stared at the door for a moment before stepping off the porch to her car.  In the distant, Derek, who had driven near Andrew's side of town to clear his head after his encounter with Shanna was surprise to find his wife coming off another man's doorstep.  Continuing his path up the street, the street lights illuminated his face, which was left unsettled as he watched Shalia drive off in the distant, probably on her way home)

Billy and Crystal, Matthew, Dana, and Derek

- Rochelle and Liam reconcile
- Brock returns home from his search for Samantha
- Billy learns whose pulling the strings at Luxury Industries


Closing Credits

Click here for Episode 294