Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives"
You wanna know something, Lacreasha.  Karma is an ugly bitch and soon you're going to meet her. (An amused grin flashes across Lacreasha's face) You laugh now, but with the skeletons in your closet, you and Kyle will be over long before you can say I do.
Lacreasha:  (she smirks lightly to herself in amusement) The skeletons in my closet?  (turning to Rochelle) What about the skeletons in your closet or does your new boyfriend, the assistant district attorney, know all about your kissing relationship with your half-brother?
Rochelle:  You are vile.
Lacreasha: (the look of disgust on her face is equivalent of that in her tone) Honey, it is not my fault if the truth sickens you, but maybe before you start making wagers about my relationship, you should start worrying about your own. (~)
Jennifer:  How can he accept something I haven't come to terms with myself?  I mean, one second I'm telling you that you repulse me, and the next, I'm making love to you.  I mean, what is wrong with me?
Romeo: (grabbing hold of her face passionately) Nothing is wrong with you and there is nothing wrong with us.  We have a connection beyond our understanding. (he removes his hands from her face)
Jennifer:  That's the problem... I let you lure me back in when all I want is out or so I thought. (~)
Kaitlin:  I've been talking with some of my partners, and their not happy with Fantasy's current financial situation.
Billy:  Well, considering everything that has happened these past few months--
Kaitlin:  Your shooting, months of lost revenue, Javier Sanchez' murder/suicide, the investigation into your connection with it; None of this has been good for profit shares and now you want to make more changes.
Billy:  Why don't you give it to me straight Kaitlin?
Kaitlin:  Luxury Industries just came under new management and the new boss wants to make some changes.  (Billy's expression doesn't reflect too kindly to the news) (~)
Evelin:  When do you plan to release Dana and Matthew from their prison?
Earl:  Very funny.  If things go the way I planned, it won't be a prison-- (his speech is cut off by another sharp jolt in chest)
Evelin:  (rushing to his aid) Are you okay?
Earl:  (the jolt passes or so it appears) Yeah, I think I just -- (the pain spreading down into his abdomen, the jolt so sharp that it causes him to crouch over halfway in agony.  Evelin calls out his name as the sounds of his moans intensify, prompting her to call out for help as Earl slumps to the ground)

***Liam:  (responding to the knock at his office door, he doesn't bother to look away from typing the latest logistics and findings from his court case)  Come in.
Rochelle:  (taking slow timid steps inside, she suddenly felt as though the carpet beneath her feet was being pulled further and further away with each step.  Of course, it could also be her nerves working overtime from the prospect of being this close to Liam so soon after their altercation the other night, but she couldn't leave things the way they were.  Although part of her wonder why at that exact moment -- she and Liam had only been out on a couple of dates, but obviously last night opened her eyes to the fact that he wanted more...)  Hi.
Liam: (his fingers come to a rest on the homerow of his keypad.  Looking up from his computer, the last thing he expected to hear was her voice) Rochelle.  What are you doing here?
Rochelle:  (she can tell he was surprise to see her, but it's not an angry surprise, at least she thinks) I wanted to apologize for last night.  I was completely unfair to you.  You took me out last night because you wanted to show me a good time.  Instead, I made a spectacle of the whole thing.  (Liam's gaze was unyielding.  He just looked on at Rochelle, partly because he didn't know what to say, and the other part thinking she would say something worthwhile.  The silence, however, unnerves Rochelle)  Are you going to say something?
Liam:  (he replied slightly disinterested) What do you want me to say?
Rochelle:  I don't know.  I just don't want last night to interfere with our relationship.
Liam: (finally conjuring up a smile) Well, admittedly, I was upset.  Hence, why I left, but I've had a good night's sleep and I'm only interested in looking forward.
Rochelle:  (holding on to the sign of hope) So we're okay?
Liam: (his voice entered a cryptic tone once again) We're whatever you want us to be.
Rochelle:  What does that mean?
Liam:  It means it's up to you to decide where we stand.

(<- Preston Powers Mansion ->)
(responding to the doorbell, she glided down the stairs to the front door) Hi.
Romeo:  (standing in the archway) Hi.  I got your message. (Jennifer nodded accordingly, motioning for him to come inside.  He continued speaking as he walked in) I got to say, I was surprise when you called.  We didn't exactly leave things on a good note.
Jennifer: (closing the door to the mansion, she directed him to take a seat.  He met her at the other end of the couch as she took a seat) Well, I had some time to think and I've come to a decision.

(<- Crystal's Fantasy & Associates ->)
(stocking glasses behind the bar as she spiesd Billy coming from behind the corner) Hey.
Billy:  You're up early?
Crystal:  There's only a few more days left before our big night.  We need to get things in order if we expect everything to run smoothly.  Mindy should be here in a few minutes to discuss some of the final details.
Billy:  Well, I wish I could stay and be apart of it, but this meeting can't wait.
Crystal:  What meeting?
Billy:  I'm going to found out whose pulling the strings behind Luxury Industries.

(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)
Evelin couldn't help but feel a sense of deja vu as she sat at Earl's bed side yet again, hoping that his current condition was short term.  Unfortunately, she couldn't get Delilah's words out of her head.  She tried and tried to convince herself that Earl would beat this renegade -- he was strong and healthy -- but what if Delilah was right?  Could death be unavoidable if a cure wasn't found?  Her train of thought was soon interceded by a gentle knock on the door.  The figure opening the door and approaching surprised her...
Evelin:  Brock!
Brock:  (dark rings surrounding his eyes, his hair was half-brushed and his clothes appeared to have endured its maximum use) I'm sorry to intrude, but I can't seem to locate my sister.  Have you seen her?

Dana: (sitting in a chair across from the bed where they slept, she watched as the stream of light from outside luminated on Matthew, awakening him from his sleep) Rise and Shine.
Matthew: (pulling himself up from the sheets, he wrestled with the kinks in his neck) Here I was hoping it was all a dream.
Dana:  (she gave him a bright, warm smile) Nope, it all happened.  The good and the bad.
Matthew:  Well, I suppose some of it has been worthwhile. (he yawned) What time is it?
Dana:  A little after 9.  It looks like your brother didn't bother setting us free last night.
Matthew:  Well, don't you worry about my brother.  He may be laughing now, but I will have the last laugh.

Dana: (leaning in closer to him from her chair) Don't be upset with your brother.  He has your best intentions at heart.
Matthew:  I know that you're right, but then that's the problem.  My brother doesn't believe that I have the ability to control and dictate what happens in my own life.  So instead, he goes around making my decisions for me.
Dana:  I think it's the curse of being the older sibling.  You just want to protect those you love from making the wrong choices or from getting hurt.  When you're blinded by that motivation, you sometimes overlook the autonomy of that person.
Matthew:  You sound like you speak from experience.
Dana:  I can understand the feeling, so can you.  You'd do anything to protect your brother.
Matthew:  It's not the same.  Control is not protection, and that is what my brother refuses to comprehend.

(<- Preston Powers Mansion  ->)
What have you decided?
(she took a slight pause) I'm willing to give our relationship another chance. (he moved to embrace her, but Jennifer pulled back) Don't jump for joy just yet.  This isn't a decision that I've made lightly and it isn't one I'm entering into blindly.  There's going to be a few ground rules.
Romeo:  What sort of ground rules?
Jennifer:  I want you to commit to being honest with me.
Romeo:  That's a given.  I know that honesty hasn't been one of my strong suits, but I'm in this for the long haul this time.
Jennifer:  Good.  I also think we should establish some boundaries.  I don't want our relationship under constant monitoring by my roommates.  (Romeo wondered if she was truly concerned about her roommates taking an interest in her relationship, or Brian knowing that they are romantically involved.  However, he chose to hold his tongue)
Romeo:  Meaning?
Jennifer:  I think it would be in our best interest not to have any sleepovers. (Romeo's antennas quickly rose) I would like to keep my private life private.

(<- Crystal's Fantasy & Associates ->)
Mindy:  Good morning.  (she greeted Crystal as she headed inside, carrying a box of goodies.  She placed the box on top of the bar, then took a seat on one of the stools.  She then glanced around and noticed that Billy wasn't around) Where's Billy?
Crystal:  He had some important business to attend to.  (heading back behind the bar, she glanced over the contents of the box that Mindy set down) So what do we have here?
Mindy:  (running her hand once through her hair, she thumbed through the contents) Some left over flyers and invitations, tape, magazines. and a few other things.
Crystal:  Does that mean the invitations have been mailed out?
Mindy:  Yep, I just sent out the last batch this morning.  Have we ordered everything as of yet?
Crystal:  Well, the decorations are here.  I haven't finished looking through everything, but we should be okay.  I also went the staff this morning to purchase a ton of food.  Donatello is actually whipping up some of his specialty dishes right now that he wants us to grant with the seal of approval for consumer retail.
Mindy:  Well, I'm always up for tasting free food.
Crystal:  (chuckled) Well, I think it's going to be a while.  So why don't you help me sort through the decorations?
Mindy:  (she chuckled, catching on to Crystal's not so subtle intent at manipulation) How convenient.
Crystal:  Well, the gala is in a few days and you said you wanted to be apart of the action.
Mindy:  (cutting Crystal off just moments before she finished) Alright.  I'll do it.
Crystal:  Good, I'll grab the stuff.  (she quickly moved from behind the bar, and headed toward the storage closet)

(<- Hallandale PD Headquarters :: Liam Jackson's Office ->)
Well, this relationship isn't just about me.  It's about what you want too.
(he moved from behind his desk and closer to her) Well, I want us to be more than what we are right now... (he paused) but you have to be there as well, and it needs to be because you want to be.
Rochelle:  (stifled a tear) It's been a long time since I've been personally involved with anyone.  I want to find love again, but I can't endure anymore of the pain that the previous men in my life have put me through.
Liam:  That's just the thing, I don't want to be hurt either.  We have all the time in the world to work on building trust.  So if we focus on trusting and protecting one another, I don't see how we can fail.  (Before Rochelle can contemplate responding, Liam office phone ringed.  Liam moved from her side to the other side of his desk to answer his call) A.D.A. Jackson.  (The man on other line is Detective Ralph Lombard, who greeted Liam)  Hey Ralph, what's going on?  (Ralph informed Liam of the situation taking place downstairs, Liam groaned frustratingly at the news) Thanks, I'll be down.  (he hung up the phone.  Rochelle, who had been watching curiously, inquired about the call)
Rochelle:  What's going on?
Liam:  Your ex's twin is causing a stir downstairs.
Rochelle:  Dean?
Liam:  (his voice read annoyance) Apparently, he wants to see me.  Undoubtedly to argue more about Kavina Shah's sentencing in his brother's murder trial.
Rochelle:  You had no control over the judge's final ruling.
Liam:  Try telling that to Dean.  (The suggestion sends a light bulb executing in her head)
Rochelle:  Why don't you let me see him?

***Walking around the circular pathway to the entrance of the 325,000 square foot, 6-story building, Billy felt a barrel of nerves hit him easily.  He had been to Luxury Industries countless times, but never with such a burning distaste.  How could this beautiful building be hiding some eager, power hungry new CEO ready to take control and see Fantasy fall flat on its face.  He could not stand back and allow that, he had to face this CEO face to face and convince him what was in the best interest of LI and Fantasy Inc.  As such, he walked up to the entrance of the building, but was met with oversize resistance)
Guard:  (his voice strong, his arms crossed in a commandeering fashion) What can I do for you, sir?
Billy:  (unfazed by the guard's muscular potency) I'm here to see the CEO.
Guard:  Do you have an appointment?
Billy:  No, I don't have an appointment... (slightly peeved at the question) but I do have business with him.
Guard:  Well, Mr. Hysterias is a busy man.  Come again when you've made an appointment.
Billy:  I don't give a damn how busy he is.  You tell him I want to see him now.
Guard:  (stepping away from his post) You're not calling the shots here.  So I suggest you get off this property while you still have the legs to walk. (he glanced down quickly below Billy's kneecaps to make his point stick)
Billy:  I already told you I'm not leaving.  So back off. (Billy tried to force his way pass the guard, but the guard was quick to apprehend him)
Guard:  You have one more time to try that.
Billy:  Alright. (he started to turn back, but in one swift turnaround, he gave the guard one swift jab to the jaw)  Figure I would make it count. (Billy then raced into the building.  Unfortunately for him, his sucker punch only managed to knock the guard out for a minute.  Once the guard regained complete control of his faculties, he raced into the building after Billy)

(<- Preston Powers Mansion ->)
You still haven't said anything.
Romeo:  Well, you sound like you have everything all mapped out.  I'm not sure there is much to say.  (he took a brief pause) You want to keep our relationship private, it can't get anymore clearer than that.
Jennifer:  Don't misinterpret.  We're free to do whatever we choose outside of these walls, but I would rather not have any more run-ins with my roommates about my sleeping habits.
Romeo:  Then maybe your roommates should respect that your a grown woman, capable of making her own choices.
Jennifer:  They do.  In fact, this is a decision that I'm making and I would like for you to respect that.
Romeo:  Well, it doesn't look like I have much of a choice.
Jennifer:  You do, but these are my grounds.  You can accept them, or you can leave them.
Romeo:  Well, if this is what it takes for us to be together again, then I'll do it.

(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)
Look, I know what it is like to have a brother that you think is trying to control your life, but--
Brock:  (interrupting the conversation as he walked through the door) Try two brothers.
Brock.  (running to hug him) You're back.
Brock:  Yeah, and imagine my surprise when I found out from Evelin you were both shacked up in a hospital room together. (he looked at Matthew, who shifted uncomfortably)
Dana:  Well, it was nice of Evelin to finally send someone to undo her dirty work.  (Matthew smirked in the foreground)
Brock:  What are you talking about?
Dana: (she blinked and sighed inside, not wanting to particularly touch the issue right now) It's a long story.  I'll fill you in later.  Anyhow, since you're back, I assume you found Samantha.
Brock:  No such luck.  I'm beginning to think she's running from me.  I've tried all of our favorite hangouts and I've contacted several of her old friends and colleagues in Paris.  Not one has heard from her. (Dana searched for something to say, but she was just as mystified. Matthew was able to compensate, taking a few steps closer to the two of them)
Matthew:  Samantha was dedicated to my brother's case.  Her disappearance makes no sense unless she's after the cure for this virus.
Brock:  But if that's true, why would Samantha leave without telling anyone and why would she wonder off alone?


Matthew:  Samantha's the only one who can tell you, but I imagine its because she wanted enough people here to concentrate on breaking down this virus.
Dana:  I think Matthew's right. That sounds like something Samantha would do.
Brock:  I'm glad you both know my wife so well.  Maybe your little tarot cards can give you some more clues.  (Dana gave him a crossed look, and Brock quickly apologized)  I'm sorry.  I'm just frustrated.
Dana:  Well, Matthew and I understand that.  I was rather frustrated when you wouldn't return any of my phone calls while you were chasing after your wife.  So I know how it is to battle every worse-case scenario known to man, but you have to faith.  In the meanwhile, don't knock down our faith in a universal power.
Brock:  Oh, I don't argue that a universal power is at work here, but I think it has less to do with your tarot cards and more to do with whatever prompted Samantha to leave town.
Dana:  Well, as much as I would like to stand here and argue with you, I'm sort sick of this room and would actually like to leave and get into a fresh new set of clothes.
Matthew:  Yeah, and I should probably check on Evelin and my brother.

(<- Luxury Industries ->)
(he stopped at the receptionist desk on the sixth flour) I'm looking for Mr. Hysterias.
Receptionist:  Sure.  Let me see if he's--
Guard:  That won't be necessary Helga.  (apprehending Billy by the arms) This gentleman's coming with me.
Billy: (trying to pull away from the guard's tight grip) Get your hands off me.
Guard:  (he positioned his face closer to Billy's left ear) We can do this the easy way or I can break your arms.  (Billy gave him a look of discontent and remained silent, but continued to fight his way as they headed back toward the elevator.  When the elevator door opened, it was none other than Kaitlin, Billy's contact from LI, standing in front of them)
Kaitlin:  What's going on?  (she inquired upon seeing Billy manhandled by the guard)
Guard:  Just taking care of a minor problem.
Kaitlin: (with a half grin) Billy's harmless.
Guard:  Tell that to my jaw.  (Kaitlin peered out the corner of her eye at Billy with a questioning glance)
Billy:  I needed to see our new illustrious CEO and he was in my way.
Kaitlin:  I think I can handle it from here, Masters.  (Masters doesn't show any sign of wavering, his grip still firm around Billy's arm)  I said I got it.
Guard:  All right, Ms. Mathurn. (He loosened his grip on Billy's arms before shoving him to the side) Call me if he gives you any trouble.  (With that, he rings up the elevator and takes it back down to the ground floor.  Billy watches collectively until the guard is no longer in sight)
Kaitlin:  What are you doing?  You shouldn't be here.
Billy:  Kaitlin, you know me better than that.  I can't just sit back and watch everything slip away.  If this Mr. Hysterias is going to pull the plug on Fantasy Inc.  The least he can do is have the decency to explain himself to my face.  (Kaitlin saw that he had a point)
Kaitlin:  Alright.  Let me go in first.  Meanwhile, you cool off because the last thing you need is to get on the new CEO's bad side.

(<- Crystal's Fantasy & Associates ->)
(grabbing hold of a white crystal ball from the box, she held it up in front of Crystal's face) Nice.  Are you planning a séance?
No, but this is suppose to be an evening of mystery.  Besides, I happen to like crystal balls. (Mindy chuckled at her response and then placed the crystal ball aside to check out the other goodies Crystal had)
Mindy:  Perfect... plastic spiders and cobb webs.
Crystal:  Hey, I'm not that bad.
Mindy:  You know, I'm really starting to believe that this gala is going to be our comeback.  Our name will be changing, but CF&A will be back stronger than ever.  (Mindy noticed that Crystal's enthusiasm has dropped) Did I say something wrong?
Crystal:  (she tries...) No, I'm just--
Mindy:  What?  What's going on?
Crystal: (she took a breath) Well, you were here last night when Billy told us the situation with Fantasy Inc. and Luxury Industries.
Mindy:  Yeah, something about them threatening to pull out.
Crystal:  Well, he's meeting with the new CEO this morning.  Hopefully it will be productive, but there is a strong possibility that Fantasy could lose its foothold in this market. (Mindy waited quietly as Crystal took a pause) That company is the reason Billy and I met, it brought us together.  If he loses it, I'm not sure how he will take it.
Mindy:  Well, Billy doesn't strike me as a quitter.  (a grin graced her face, which lightened Crystal's mood) I mean, where is he right now?  Challenging the odds!
Crystal:  You're right, Billy was never one to give up.
Mindy:  Yeah, and if that company means as much to him as you say it does, I'm sure he's going to do everything in his power to stop it from going down.
Crystal:  Thanks.  (Mindy gently touched her hand, and the message was received)
Mindy:  Alright. (Mindy backed away, putting on her serious face) Now we were talking about spiders.  (The women laugh)

(<- Hallandale PD Headquarters ->)
Marc Menard is now representing the role of Ralph Lombard ~~
(slamming his phone down on the receiver) Damn it.
Dean:  (waltzing up to the detective's desk) Another criminal eluding justice?
Ralph:  (spreading his arms across his desk) I thought I told you to stay out of my way.
Dean:  I'm just observing.  Trying to understand how my brother's killer eluded justice for so long.
Ralph:  (catching on to his subtle message) If you're suggesting that this department was incompetent or negligent in its duties to solve your brother's murder, you're way off based.  We went where the evidence lead us.  It certainly took longer than any of us would have liked, but it got us our man, or woman in Kavina's case.
Dean:  You say that with such a straight face, but I have to wonder if this office would have stood behind the ridiculous decision made by the court's if it were one of their own.
Ralph: (staring at him blankly for a second, he then summoned one of his colleagues over) Ruiz, take Mr. Stone out of my sight. 
Julio:  Gladly.  (he told Ralph before taking hold of Dean's hands and escorting him toward the exit)
Dean:  That's right.  Toss me out, but make no mistake...
Rochelle:  Wait!  (Rochelle shouted, treading toward Officer Ruiz and Dean, who was stunned to see her of all people coming to her rescue) Why don't you leave Mr. Stone with me?  (Julio looked at her crossedly, but Rochelle held firm to her request.  As such, Julio unhanded Dean and left Rochelle to her own devices)
Dean:  So Liam sends his new -- what?
Rochelle:  I'm here because I'm concerned and I want to help you.
Dean:  Since when?
Rochelle:  (her sisterly nature has taken over without her even realizing, but there was no way she could divulge that nest of worms) Since I don't believe this is the kind of life your brother would want for you.  Obsessing over his death won't bring him back.
Dean:  You're overstating the obvious.  This isn't about bringing back my brother, that's impossible.  It has been since the night your friend shot him.

***Kaitlin:  (stepping out of Mr. Hysterias' office, Billy approached her) He will see you.
Billy:  Thanks Kaitlin.
Kaitlin:  Not a problem.  Good luck.  (she gave him a light tap on the shoulder as he passed her on his way to Mr. Hysterias' office.  He knocked and heard a voice commanding him to enter.  As Billy entered, he found Mr. Hysterias standing with his head slightly turned, admiring the view outside)
Morgan:  Do take a seat, Mr. Clyde. (Morgan instructed, turning away from the window.  Billy looked on somewhat nervously, but managed to navigate his feet to one of the chairs sitting in front of Morgan's desk.  Morgan, meanwhile, took a seat in his big, comfortable office chair) What can I do for you?
Billy:  (cutting right to the case) You can explain why you're dropping Fantasy Inc.
Morgan:  We're business men, correct Mr. Clyde?
Billy:  Yes.
Morgan:  Well, in business, we have to make tough decisions that will better the foundation of our company.  You see, my goal is to make money, as is any other CEO of a multimillion dollar corporation.  LI gains a significant percentage of its profits from the companies it invests with.  When those companies don't meet its quota, it isn't healthy for LI to hold on to it.  (Morgan took a momentary sigh and continued) The simple fact is that Fantasy Inc. isn't thriving in this market.  Whether that's due to lack of demand or structure, I can not tell you.
Billy:  Business hasn't been good as of late, I know that.  However, there are mitigating factors and a lot has happened.
Morgan:  Yes, I know that.  The whole world is abreast on your affair with your partner, Crystal Perez, as well as your involvement in the suspicious death of her ex- husband, and let's not even discuss the mess in Chicago with your ex- wife.  I mean, these scandals have done nothing for your career.
Billy:  and yet you know all about them.  Why is that?

(<- Crystal's Fantasy & Associates ->)
So now that the decorations are out of the way, what's next?
Mindy:  Press!
Crystal:  (scoffed) Considering the publicity that Billy and I have attracted in the last year alone, I hardly think publicity is a problem.
Mindy:  True, the media has definitely had its fair share of you two, but this is about CF&A and where it goes from here.  We hope to lure most of Hallandale to our gala and we have to capitalize on it while the getting's good.  The last thing we want is for CF&A to become an afterthought once the red carpet's put away.
Crystal: (amazed by Mindy's well-delivered response) You're absolutely right.  I have a couple contacts high up.  In fact, one of them use to moonlight for Star Dining, maybe I can get him to secure an in for us.
Mindy:  No time like the present.
Crystal:  Point well taken.  Let me look up his number.  (she grabbed her purse from underneath the bar and removed her address book, which she flipped through before coming across his name.  She then picked up the phone at the bar and dials his number.  It ranged twice before the man picked up) Hey, can I ask you for a huge favor?  (The caller was hesitant, but told her to continue)  I was wondering if you could facilitate a meeting between me and Star Dining(The caller told Crystal he hasn't spoken with the editor in years, but he will see what he can do.  Still, he maintained that he couldn't promise it would be a success) Any influence you can exercise would be appreciated.  (He agreed and told her he will let her know what happened) Alright, thanks Kyle.  (she hung up) It's done.  (she said, pleased with herself) Kyle is going to see if he can usher us in for a sit down.
Mindy:  That's great.  I had no idea that you and Kyle Pierre were so-- (she paused, searching for the appropriate word) so tight.
Crystal:  Well, a girl must have her secrets.
Mindy:  Hmm... I'll be sure to mention that to Billy.
Crystal:  Oh, you better not!

(<- Hallandale PD Headquarters ->)
  Kavina had her reasons for shooting Leonard.  We may never know the real story, but the courts have made their decision.  It's not fair for you to beat up on Liam about it.
Dean:  It wasn't fair when Kavina tried to frame you for murder either, yet you can accept this plea.
Rochelle:  I can accept it because it is what a jury of Kavina's peers decided.
Dean:  (he snapped at her) Screw Kavina's peers.  (his tone leveled again) My brother is dead.  Six months of anger management does not begin to make up for that lost.
Rochelle:  (shaking her head in disbelief) and you're wrong to think that anything else will.  Nothing will fill that void.  Kavina could have been sentenced to life in prison, it still would not have compensated for your lost.  (Rochelle could see in his eyes how defeated he felt)
Dean:  No, but I could at least deal with it.  What I can't understand is how she gets this slap on the wrist, and I'm just suppose to move on.
Rochelle:  You really should.
Dean:  Could you if it were your brother?  (The question stopped Rochelle cold, but not for the reasons Dean thought) I didn't think so. (he marked, looking her once more in the eye before leaving the station.  Rochelle continued to stand there in silence)

(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)
Matthew paused outside of the door to his brother's room, and remembered his conversation with Dana, who advised him not to get caught up in what Earl was trying to accomplish, and perhaps she was right.  After all, it did come with the desired results - he finally told Dana how he felt.  Even better, she reciprocated those feelings and now...  well, he guessed the time would come to figure all of that out.  He then took a breath and extended his bald fist toward the door, only to have it opened before he could make contact.
Delilah:  Trying to knock me out, Matthew?
Matthew:  (he stopped midway, catching on to the fact that she wasn't really serious) No, I was just-- how's my brother?
  Unfortunately, it's still pretty serious.  His system took a major hit yesterday.
Matthew:  (completely mystified as to what she was talking about)  What?  What are you talking about?
Delilah:  Last night.  (Matthew expression didn't show any sign of connection with the details she was feeding him that she deduces...) You don't know.
Matthew:  (his eyes dart up with serious intensity) Know what?

(<- Everglades Pines Resort :: Brock and Samantha's Place ->)
(knocking on the door before entering) Hey, anyone home?
(shouting from the bedroom) Yeah, I'll be out in a few minutes.
Dana:  Alright. (she closed the door to the apartment behind her, and looked around the place.  Samantha and Brock had really made it their home since the last time she saw it.  The wall shelf was covered with photos: individual shots of Dana, Ralph, and Royce;  group shots of Dana, Ralph and Brock; one of Brock and their deceased sister Ceanna; a couple of Samantha and Royce (including a younger one with Sam, Royce and their parents); but most of Samantha and Brock (including one huge wedding portrait that stood in the center).  She chuckled when at the end she saw a photo of her and Matthew Pryce.  She didn't even remember taking it, but it brought a sense of warmth to her heart.  Brock happened to walk in as her gaze was steady on the picture)
Brock:  I have copies if you want one.
Dana: (caught off guard by his voice) Huh?
Brock:  The photos.  I have copies if you want one.
Dana:  Maybe later.  So you ready to go.
Brock:  As soon as you are. (he could hardly contain himself) You are done gawking at the photo of you and Matthew.
Dana:  I wasn't gawking.
Brock: (tightening his lips, he slightly bounced his head) Just staring intently.
Dana:  (biting her lips, she picked up her purse from the coffee table.  As she grabbed her purse, a tarot card slipped out onto the floor, landing on its face) Let's go!
Brock:  (following her to the door) After you.  (Dana opened and exit, Brock followed behind, leaving the "TOWER" tarot card on the floor, perhaps never to be seen.  "TOWER" often refers to sudden change, downfall, and/or revelation)

Billy and Crystal, Matthew, Dana, and Derek

- Shanna IDs Ben's dead body
- Brett spies Vanessa eavedropping on Danielle
- Dana discovers her tarot readings and Crystal's premonition are connected


Closing Credits

Click here for Episode 295