Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives"
So if you're not going to quit or tell Lucien about Vanessa's threats, what are you going to do?
...I guess for the time being I will just have to stick it out.
and you're secure with that decision?
If you're asking me if I'm at the point where I'm afraid for my safety... no!  I think Vanessa is a little paranoid when it comes to me and Lucien, but I really don't believe that she is physically violent... Do you?
Brett:  ...I don't think it would hurt to be somewhat cautious. (~)
Shanna:  (reminding Derek that his wife was the reason Ben left town in the first place) That bitch is the reason this happen.  (Jessica gave Shanna a slight nudge, hoping that it would get Shanna to pull back, but the opposite reaction occured as Shanna forged ahead, coming straight for Derek) How dare you stand here and try to defend her when your friend is dead?
Derek:  She's my wife.
Shanna:  (disgust ready in her tone) and you have done nothing, but put her above everyone else.  No wonder Ben is dead.
Derek:  Your husband made the decision to stick his nose where it didn't belong.
Shanna:  (she screamed, appalled that she would have to tell him that) Because he cared about you Derek.  Because he didn't want to see you hurt.  (~)
What are you doing?  You shouldn't be here.
Kaitlin, you know me better than that.  I can't just sit back and watch everything slip away.  If this Mr. Hysterias is going to pull the plug on Fantasy Inc.   The least he can do is have the decency to explain himself to my face.  (~)
Let's go!
Brock:  (following her to the door) After you.  (Dana opened and exit, Brock followed behind, leaving the "TOWER" tarot card on the floor, perhaps never to be seen.  "TOWER" often refers to sudden change, downfall, and/or revelation)

***Shania Twain "I'm Gonna Getcha Good" plays in the background as Danielle came sashaying down the catwalk in a black sleeveless matte dress, which complemented the beautiful georgette shawl that was wrapped beautifully around her body.  As she reached the end of the catwalk, she paused at the right, allowing the cameras to capture the moment.  She then retreated into the background as Lucien followed up next on the catwalk, wearing a black armani suit, the open suit jacket revealing a dark collar long-sleeve shirt -- the first two buttons unfastened.   He smoothly glided down the center, removing his suit jacket and swinging it across his shoulders along the way.  He marked it with that confident "I know I got it" smile all the way.  The camera lenses was loving it... Suddenly, Danielle was back on the catwalk (minus the shawl), making gradual steps toward Lucien and center of the show. She wrapped her hands around Lucien's waist and slowly moved them up his chest, caressing every muscle.  Naturally, Lucien lost grasp of his suit jacket.  Still, he was caught a little off guard by Danielle's behavior, but decided to play along.  The photographers appeared to be loving every minute of it, so she must have been doing something right.  With her hands still wrapped around his waist, she tossed her head from each side allowing for momentary eye contact between her and Lucien...
Stephen:  Wow, Danielle has definitely transformed since her first shoot.
Yeah, but there's something -- (the door to the studio suddenly opened, welcoming none other than Brett Delgado.  Michelle was taken aback by his presence) Brett!
Brett: (approaching her and Stephen) Hello Michelle.  How are you?
Michelle:  Good, but I'm surprise to see you here.
Brett:  (he said with a slight smile) That's obvious.  (quickly clarifying the reason for his visit) I'm actually here to see Danielle.
Michelle:  (averting her eyes over to Lucien and Danielle, then back to Brett) Well, she's in the middle of a photoshoot.
Brett:  I figured as much.  Do you mind if I stick around and watch?
Michelle:  No. (she smiled) I'm sure Danielle will be happy to see you.  (Brett thanked her and returned the smile before moving a little closer to the scene of the action)
Stephen: (seeking clarification from Michelle) Friend or foe?
Michelle: (turning at the sound of Stephen's voice, it was only for a moment as she found herself quickly averting her attention to Brett as he watched Danielle from the back) I'm not sure.

(<- Hallandale PD Headquarters ->)
~The role of Ralph Lombard is now being represented by Marc Menard.
(she followed behind Shanna toward the entrance of the police department, but Shanna stopped suddenly) You okay?
Shanna:  (although she looked in Jessica's direction, she might as well had been talking to dead air) I'm about to ask to see my dead husband's corpse.  No, I'm not okay.
Jessica:  Sorry, stupid question.  We can come back another time, you don't have to do this now.
Shanna:  (as much as she would like to turn around and go back home, where she would be surprised by Ben and friends who orchestrated this ruse as some sort of sick joke, she knew the odds of that happening were slim-- Ben would never put her through something like that, at least not of his own will...)  I have to do this today.  I won't be able to come to terms with Ben's death until I see him.
Jessica:  After you.  (Shanna lead the way inside the Hallandale PD headquarters, where Shanna saw her favorite officer as of late - Julio Ruiz- stting as his desk, doing nothing - she perceived - as usual.  Officer Ruiz caught sight of Ms. Hemmings headed his way)
Officer Ruiz:  Ms. Hemmings, I'm sorry for you loss.  What can I do for you?
Shanna:  (his condolences caught her off guard.  She was half-expecting him to be all hard-ass with her as he had been in the past, but his manner is more respectful this time...)  I would like to see my husband.  (Before Officer Ruiz could respond, Ralph, who was speaking with another colleague prior, dropped his conversation and headed over to assist Shanna with her request)
Ralph:  I can take it from here, Ruiz.  (Julio stepped aside, allowing Ralph to take over) Hi Shanna, Jessica.
Jessica:  Hi.
Shanna:  Hi.  I need to see my husband.
Ralph:  I heard, but I wanted to warn you that Ben may not be the same as you remember him before the crash.  He suffered some substantial injuries and I don't think Ben would want this to be your last memory of him.
Shanna:  I understand where you're coming from Ralph, I really do.  But I can't not see my husband and I think he would understand that.

(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)
Dana and Brock finally return to the hospital, passing through the first floor lobby.  Brock was checking his voicemails and is pleasantly surprise to receive one from Samantha apologizing for not being in touch, but that she loves him and is on her way home.  He hangs up the phone and Dana is anxious to know the reason behind his goofy grin.
Dana:  What's going on?
Brock:  That was Samantha, she's coming home.
Dana:  Wow.  I guess things are starting to look up for everyone. (she said, not knowing of the recent turn in Earl's condition)

Matthew, meanwhile, has drifted off while sitting with his brother and is visited by "the voice of dreams,"  who tells him that great pain is coming.  "You've allowed your anxieties to cloud the truth, but the cards have spoken," the voice warns.  It further adds that it is too late to stop what has already been set in motion, but you must prepare -- lives will be shakened.  The "tower" is coming down...  Matthew awakes from his nap, bewildered by the latest message from his dream master.  He rubbed his head, feeling another headache coming on as Evelin returned from the hospital cafeteria with two fresh cups of tea, one of which she handed to Matthew upon seeing that he was awake.  Matthew thanked her and took a few drops of the tea.  As it coursed down his throat, he thought to himself not bad for hospital tea)
Matthew:  Thanks, I needed that.  I can't believe that I drifted off like that.  (Especially after getting a fairly good night's sleep the night before,  he thought.  It was surely the best of what he has had in a while)
Evelin:  It was probably your body's way of taking a break after hearing the news about your brother.
Matthew:  Well, it took a break alright.  (alluding to his dream, although he wasn't interested in making it a topic for discussion...)  Unfortunately, things are still the same as they were before I took the nap.  My brother has been bedridden for almost a month and it seems we're no step closer to him walking out of here.

(<- Luxury Industries ->)
  Business hasn't been good as of late, I know that.  However, there are mitigating factors and a lot has happened.
Morgan:  Yes, I know that.  The whole world is abreast on your affair with your partner, Crystal Perez, as well as your involvement in the suspicious death of her ex- husband, and let's not even discuss the mess in Chicago with your ex- wife.  I mean, these scandals have done nothing for your career.
Billy:  and yet you know all about them.  Why is that?
Morgan:  I'm a business man, Mr. Clyde.  It is my job to know all about my prospective employees.  (His response made logical sense, but Billy wasn't getting a good vibe... First, out of blue, LI entered under new management and then the new CEO wanted to pull the plug on Fantasy Inc.  Now the new CEO was bringing up details about a past that Billy had long tried to forget, although to no avail, thanks to bloody thirsty sharks like Alexander Pierre.  Still, very few people knew about his time in Chicago)
Billy:  Any self-respecting business man knows that any publicity is good publicity.  Fantasy did well in Chicago, but it was time for a new location, and while the rise to success hasn't been as visible as I would have liked, Fantasy does still have the potential. 
Morgan:  I agree, it does.  Fantasy and LI have had a wonderful and profitable relationship.  One of the reasons I gather that the former CEO had difficulties coming to this decision.  But I'm not the former CEO, Mr. Clyde.  (A fact that Morgan hoped and knew was becoming obvious to Billy.  Billy, however, wasn't impress with Mr. Hysterias blunt attitude.  He was, however, curious as to the reasons behind the former CEO's exit.  Was it a choice of his own will or was he pushed out?)  I can't afford to be blindsided by risks, and your company is a risk, one that must be removed.

Photographer: (Danielle now stood with Lucien closely behind her, his hands wrapped gently around her waist.  However, Danielle doesn't appear drawn in by the moment, but rather an object that is being held while her eyes focus away from the action on some mysterious fixed point -- solely in the camera's eye.  Lucien's arms, however, remain softly against her skin, his body, his gestures and his gaze receptive of that moment.  The photographer really marveled in the chemistry exploding between them) Magnificent.  Absolutely fantastic.  (he dropped his camera to the side, putting on the lens cover as he broke the session) and that's a wrap!
Danielle:  (gleefully heading off the canvas, she made a beeline for the dressing room, not noticing Brett standing in the foreground during her shoot.  Brett pondered whether to follow, and watched as Danielle headed with Lucien into the dressing room.  He started to turn, but his eye caught sight of a blonde, who doesn't enter the dressing room, but stood clutched to the door -- peaking Brett's curiosity.  Meanwhile, Danielle and Lucien grabbed their drinking bottles from the docking station.  While Danielle immediately took a few sips from her bottle before sprinkling a little on her face, Lucien stood and watch)  Whoo, that was fun, yet taxing.  I think we really nail that shoot today. (she broke her conversation and noticed Lucien's eyes are still afixed on her, but no words left his mouth) What?
Lucien:  (breaking his gaze) Nothing.
Danielle: (she could tell by the sound in his voice that he was not being forthcoming) Come on.  I can tell there's something on your mind, otherwise you wouldn't be staring at me like that.
Lucien:  I apologize.  (he searched for a way to sum it up, but he couldn't put his finger on what was different about Danielle, let alone explain the feeling he was getting) It's just-- you seem different. 
Danielle:  Different how?
Lucien:  (his left eyelid involuntarily blinked) I'm not quite sure.
Danielle:  Well, that's flattering.  (there's a slight pause, which Lucien doesn't break, giving way for Danielle to continue) I mean, I don't know what to tell you.  I feel more energized and I also feel now that you and I can make this show a success...and you're staring at me again.
Lucien:  (he covered accurately this time around.  In fact, the sincerity of his words bring a slight smile to Danielle's face) Well, you're a beautiful woman. (the moment of awkward quietness is broken by Michelle's arrival)
Michelle: (she tapped on the door twice as she entered) Knock, knock.
Danielle:   (walking up to her sister, Lucien slipped off to the changing room) You know, typically when someone knocks at the door, you're suppose to wait for someone else to open it, or at the very least, welcome you in.
What can I say?  I own the building.  (She gave Danielle a warm grin, egging her to say otherwise, but Danielle just returned Michelle's cocky grin) Actually, I wanted to congratulate you on a wonderful shoot.  You were fantastic out there, almost a completely different woman.  (Danielle smirked, but it sounded like Michelle just told her to leave the modeling to professionals)  Did I say something wrong?
Danielle:  No.  "Different" just seems to be the choice word today.  (She turned back, but found that Lucien had disappeared.  Why was his statement bothering her so much?)

(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)
(stopping in the hospital lounge area, he took a seat on one of the chairs) So you're not going to rush off to see Matthew?
Dana: (granted, she had spent a lot of her time as of late with Matthew and she was curious to know how he approached the situation with Earl and Evelin, she figured he needed some time alone to deal with that)  Well, he's probably busy with his brother and Evelin.  Besides, I feel like spending some time with you.  We haven't done much of that as of late.  (she wasn't lying, it has been a while since the Lombard family sat down as one)
Brock:  You're right.  This is actually the first semblance of a break that I have had in a while. (Hmm... apart from his many run-ins with Leigh Gray over the last two months, which often consisted of him demeaning her and telling the world she's no good...)  I'm always working, and that's going to change.  When Samantha gets back and this whole blackadder36 business is done with, I'm going to take her away to some exotic city -- just the two of us to recclaim our love.
Dana:  That's a nice idea.  I'm sure Samantha will be thrilled.

(<- Luxury Industries ->)
(rising from his seat, he is unable to look at Morgan's mug any longer.  Further more, he was disgusted to think that after all the contributions that he and his company had made to LI that this is what he gets in return... a slap in the face and a boot out the door.  It burned him even more to think that LI had been planning this for months, and just as well let the new guy handle their dirty work than do it themselves) This is how you treat long and committed partners.
Morgan:  This isn't personal, Mr. Clyde.  (Well, part of him believe that anyway)
Blly: (he turned back and stared into the eyes of his demon) The hell it isn't.
Morgan:  LI will always have a home for Fantasy Inc.  When you're able to get things in control, maintain steady partners, come back to me.  (For someone who was not trying to make the situation personal, he had a hard time resisting the chance to attack Fantasy's weaknesses, alluding to Alfonso Morgan's abrupt exit as Billy's lack of control over the employees he had chosen)
Billy:  (Billy could just picture himself spitting right in his face at that very moment, the nerve of the bastard...)  Rest assure, if-- no when Fantasy rises from the ashes, you will be the last place we return.
Morgan:  I'm sorry you feel that way.
Billy:  Strangely, I don't think you are.  (he stared at Morgan coldly, making clear to him the gravity of his discertainty before backing up and turning to exit the office.  He gave the door a nice firm slam on his way out.  When he landed outside the door, he spied Kaitlin a few feet away.  The two shared a brief look before he ranged up the elevator and proceeded to leave the building)

*** Brock: (the inevitable question came from his mouth) So what about you and Matthew?
Dana:  What about us?
Brock:  Don't play coy.  What's the story between you two?
Dana:  (she wasn't really playing - partly, anyway.  She wasn't sure she even had a definition for what happened between them last night, but she knew Brock had to be curious after seeing them locked together in a hospital room, courtesy of Evelin and Earl.  So decided to keep it simple...) Matthew and I are friends, who have gotten a little closer.
Brock:  How close? (he asked with no sign of hesitation, an outsider might take it as a bit invasive, but Dana found it a typical reaction of her brother, especially Brock.  Ralph, on the other hand, was a little more subtle in his approach)
Dana:  Depends on what you mean by close?
Brock:  So you've -- (surprisingly, Brock suddenly lost his tongue.  Dana, however, quickly filled in the blank, saving him from unnecessary sweating)
Dana:  You can relax.  Matthew and I have been strictly first base. (Brock takes a sigh of relief.  It's not to say he didn't like Matthew because he did, but he didn't think now - Matthew's brother being practically on his deathbed - was an ideal situation for Dana and Matthew to be exploring a new avenue to their relationship, and he doesn't restrain himself from making that clear to Dana...)
Brock:  Now don't get me wrong.  I like Matthew, but I just don't think now is the time to be you know -- considering everything that is going on.  He's been on an emotional roller coaster these past few weeks, and you've been along with him through most of it.  So it might be best to slow down and not make any major decisions until things are less busy.  (Was he suggesting that maybe Matthew was so caught up in his grief that he just latched on to their friendship and made more out of it to compensate for the void that he's been experiencing with his brother being in the hospital.  Hmm... maybe Dana was overthinking the suggestion.  Either way, one thing was for certain... less than a day back in town and he's already giving her advice.  Gotta love those overprotective brothers)
Dana:  I appreciate your concern, Brock, but Matthew and I aren't rushing into things, nor are we entirely focused on our relationship right now considering everything else that is going on.  (In other words, we're smart capable adults and I love you for caring, but mind your own business)

(<- Hunks & Beauty Fashions International ->)
(she watched Danielle in the mirror as Danielle wiped away all the extra makeup she had to put on before the shoot) I hope I haven't upset you.
Danielle:  No, don't be silly.  (she grimaced a smile)  I'm just a little troubled by something Lucien said, or rather, what he didn't say.
Michelle:  What didn't he say?
Danielle:  If I knew, I wouldn't be troubled.  (that's what was troubling her, the unsaid.  What wasn't Lucien saying? The question was giving her a headache even now) Oh well, I need to get out of here.
Michelle:  Alright.  How about we do lunch tomorrow?
Danielle:  Sure thing.  (she grabbed her belongings and proceeded to exit.  Vanessa, who had been listening at the other side of the door, quickly scampered away, further peaking Brett's interests.  He wondered if that might possibly be...)
Michelle:  (calling out to Danielle before she reached the door) Hey, I almost forgot to tell you.  (Danielle turned back as Michelle made a few steps closer to her) Brett was here earlier, wanting to see you.
Danielle:  Really?
Michelle:  Yeah, I was rather surprised too.
Danielle:  Is he still in the studio?
Michelle:  Possibly.  He was still there when the session broke.
Danielle:   I should go and find him. (she thanked her sister before leaving)
Michelle:  Not a problem.

(<- Hallandale PD Headquarters: Morgue ->)
(Jessica and Shanna continued to follow him down the long, narrow hall until he stopped in front of a white bulky door, which looked heavier than it appeared.  Before opening the door, Ralph reaffirmed with Shanna one last time if she was ready) Last chance to back out.
Shanna:  I want to do this.  (turning to Jessica with her not so subtle hint) But I could use someone by my side.
Jessica:  Of course. (she grabbed her friend's hand tightly) I'm here as long as you need me.
Ralph:  Alright. (he opened the door and guided the ladies to the way.  Shanna and Jessica passed about 3 or 4 body slabs before making it to Ben's presumably dead corpse.  Just thinking about the possibility of seeing her husband lying lifeless on that slab sent chills through her body.  Ralph lifted the name tag hanging at the toe and confirmed the john doe as Ben before walking over to the north side of the slab, facing Ben from his face down.  Jessica and Shanna stood to the side, not getting any closer just yet.  Ralph glanced at Shanna once more as he lowered his hands, feeling horrible for having to be witnessed to such a private moment.  Shanna took a few steps closer, coming at Ben's shoulders as Ralph pulled the sheet 1/4 of the way back, revealing Ben's face and half of his upper torso.  Jessica murmured "Oh God in Heaven" to herself as Shanna looked into the shut eyelids of her husband of seven years.  The man who had and would do anything to protect her from evil, including that of her own parents.  Yet another kind and gentle soul whose life had touched hers, lay dead before her, only this time his death would get the rightful justice.  He wouldn't be thrown away and forgotten like her first husband.  Ralph, feeling a bit overbearing standing before Ben's body, took a step back.  Despite its purplish tent and a significant bruise to the left of his eyebrow, Shanna could still spy the face she fell in love with.  Jessica moved a little closer, placing a hand on Shanna's shoulder)  Is there anything I can get you? (Ralph inquired while looking on quietly at her husband)
Shanna: (as Shanna diverted her attention away from Ben, Jessica took a step back) I could use a moment alone with him.
Jessica:  (part of her doesn't know if she should leave Shanna alone, but how could she deny so small of request at such a tenuous time) Sure, but I will be close by.  (she gave Shanna a firm hug before being directed out by Ralph.  Shanna, meanwhile, turned back toward her husband and pulled the sheet back a little further to see if it was still there... the tattoo on the corner of his lower right abdominal wall of a cross bow through a heart that read S&B 4 ever... and there it was, vibrant as ever.  A testament of his love for her and she knew she could hold back no more as the first of many tears to come slinked down her cheek.)


Matthew:  (running into Dana in the lounge) Hey, I didn't realize you were here.
Dana:  Yeah, we got back about half an hour ago.  How did everything go with your brother?
Matthew:  If you're asking if there was a big confrontation-- then no.  Although there were mitigating factors, none that I really want to discuss right now for fear of entering another stage of down again, up again.  Besides, there's actually something else we need to talk about.
Dana:  What is it?
Matthew:  I received a dream from my favorite dream master.
Dana:  What did he have to say?
Matthew:  The usual: Great pain is coming and we're too late to stop what will cause the ripple.  (the last time Matthew received a warning from the VoD, Michelle Dientes' husband was murdered and Sandy Reynolds was shot.  He, Dana, Michelle, Enrique, Brett and Danielle were also nearly killed when the woman behind Michelle's husband hit decided to hold Michelle, Danielle, Brett and Enrique hostage)
Dana:  Did he say anything else?  (holding on to the belief that the VoD had to give them some insight into how to counteract or deal with this new threat)
Matthew:  Just that the cards have spoken and I shouldn't be clouded by my anxieties.  (Matthew then uttered with confusion the VoD's closing remarks, thinking perhaps maybe Dana had an idea as to what it meant) He also said the "the tower is coming down."
Dana:  "The tower is coming down."  (she repeated, trying to connect the meaning...) "The cards have spoken."  (and then it hit her) You know, there is a tarot card in the major arcana known as the tower.  (she reached for her purse and took out her deck of cards, sifting through them for the face of the Tower.  It took a few minutes to shuffle through all 72 cards, or 71, as the case might be since she soon realized the card was missing)  It's not here.
Matthew:  Are you sure?  (Dana sifted through them once more)
Dana:  Yeah, I must have dropped it when I was at Brock's place.
Matthew:  Perhaps it was the universe way of communicating with you, except you missed the message.  Do you remember what the card means?
Dana:  It can mean a number of things.  Most commonly, a sudden change, downfall or revelation.
Matthew:  Each one of these is likely to cause great pain depending on the magnitude.
Dana:  I think the VoD was trying to tell us that we were off on our readings of the clues because of everything that's been going on with your brother.  So maybe we should try to reassess the clues to make sure we haven't missed something big.

(<- Crystal's Fantasy & Associates ->)
Billy: (he slammed the door hard on his way inside, signaling his arrival to Crystal and Mindy.  Crystal and Mindy could tell he didn't have a productive business meeting by the way he just sort of dragged himself into the restaurant, kind like a dog that just realized she/he was not getting any more food.  Billy saw that he had their undivided attention.  He tried the standard old greeting as he approaches the bar) Hey Mindy.  (then moving over to Crystal's side, he gave her a quick kiss to avoid getting all lovey dovey in front of company) Hey babe.
Crystal:  (reading him like a fiddle, she brought up the source of the elephant that he dragged into the room) How was your meeting with LI's new CEO?
Mindy: (Billy hesitated in responding, and Mindy took it as a sign that maybe she should go) I should probably get going.
Crystal:  (Mindy's remark caught her off guard that her focus quickly shifted) What?
Mindy:  You two need some time alone.
Billy:  (realizing she read his unresponsiveness wrong) No, don't leave on my account.  You're not intruding.
Mindy:  Thanks, but I do have a lunch date that I should prepare for.  (She wasn't lying, she was suppose to be dining with Morgan later this afternoon, but at least Billy reassured her that she wasn't an intrusion)  I'll call you guys later.
Crystal: (she moved from behind the bar to give her friend a hug good-bye, Billy followed suit) Alright.  Have fun.  By the way, you better fill me in on all the juicy details later.  (Mindy chuckled, life seem to be coming together again.  She was smiling for the first time since... since Alfonso left.  Maybe it helped having new friends to rely on...)
Billy:  Bye. (he said as she went for the exit)
Crystal:  So, are you going to tell me what happened?
Billy:  Well, in a nutshell, Mr. Hysterias made it very clear that Fantasy was a risk that he couldn't hold onto.  So he's nullifying our relationship.  Then the bastard had the nerve to suggest that we come crawling back once Fantasy starts rolling in profits again.
Crystal:  Maybe he sees the potential.
Billy:  No, he wanted to stir the knife. (recalling Morgan's subtle suggestion that once Billy gets a steady grasp on his company, then he should consider a return to LI)   No matter how many times he said that this was a business decision, I just got the feeling that something more was going on.

(<- Luxury Industries ->)
(spying her entering his office) Ms. Mathurn, what can I do for you?
Kaitlin:  I just saw Billy leave.  He didn't look happy.
Morgan:  (how very astute of her, he thought to himself as he reclined back in his chair) Yes, I'm afraid I didn't have any good news for him.
Kaitlin:  Maybe you should rethink your decision.  Billy has done a lot for this company.
Morgan:  There is no denying Mr. Clyde's contributions, Ms. Mathurn.  But only weak business man back out of their decisions, and that I'm not.  (What an ego, Kaitlin thought)  Now I feel for Mr. Clyde, I really do.  But I'm doing what is best for my company.  That's why Ely put me in charge.  To make the crucial decisions he could not.
Kaitlin:  You're right.  I just hate that we're in the position where we have to alienate a really good client.
Morgan:  (he wondered for a second how good of client Billy had been with her.  After all, Billy was no stranger to sleeping around) Well, you win some, you lose some.  The important thing is that you don't let it break you.

***As Shanna stood back and looked at what was left of her husband, she wondered if this was where their journey had led them to.  No long sweet good-byes, no messy divorce trials, not even the solemn passing away of one of them in their sleep.  Just her, in a cool morgue room, surrounded by five or more john does whose lives were probably characterized by the same violence that had put an end to it.  It seemed wrong for her husband to be in the morgue of a police station.  Sure, he made his fair share of bad choices, but who hasn't.  The important thing was he turned his life around and became a better person.  He fought for those he loved, even to the very end.  She had to laugh at the irony because he was so determined to out Shalia Mendez as the lying bitch that Shanna had come to finally see and now, he would never have that chance.  Shalia would go on as nothing had happened, and that angered Shanna.  Shanna wondered if the thought crossed Ben's mind when his plane was going down.  "Did he know that he wasn't coming back up from his descent?  More importantly, did he think of her in his final moments?  What was she doing?  Did he feel her love for him?"
Shanna:  You're really gone.
Ralph: (walking up on Jessica who watched from the window) How is she doing?
Jessica:  I don't think she wants to leave. (seeing her friend grieving over such a wonderful guy like Ben made her question death's stern choices... here she was fighting to keep the man she had shared her life with for two years behind bars, and Shanna would be forced to bury the man she had come to think of as her life. It just didn't seem fair) I just don't get why this happened.  I mean, why did Ben's plane go down?
Ralph:  Sometimes there are no logical answers.
Jessica:  Ben's plane was off the radar for more than a month, and no one was the wiser.  Why?
Ralph:  We're looking into the crash, but from the looks of it, that plane went crashing into that neighboring field all on its own.

(<- Hunks & Beauty Fashions ->)
There you are.
Brett:  The woman of the hour.
Danielle:  (she blushed) What brings you into my world?
Brett:  Well, after our last conversation, I wanted to see for myself that everything was alright.
Danielle:  I'm fine.  Things with Vanessa seem to have quiet down.  Hopefully they stay that way.
Brett:  Hopefully. (he looked away, and noticed Vanessa walking out of the dressing room with Lucien) Who is that woman?
Danielle:  (diverting her gaze in Brett's direction, she spied Lucien with Vanessa) That is Vanessa.  Rather beautiful woman, isn't she?
Brett:  Yeah, only she seems to have a stalker complex.
Danielle:  What do you mean?
Brett:  She's had her ears glued to your dressing room all afternoon.

(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)
Well, I remember you performed a reading for me after I told Dalia that Earl's chances of surviving his contraction of blackadder36 weren't good.  You wanted to give me some faith.
Dana:  Yeah.  Unfortunately, the "Death" card popped up and things went downhill from there. (she briefly recalled the moment)

Matthew: (he rushes back to the couch as she quickly removes the card from the table) "What, what is it?"
Dana: (her eyes unable to lie for her) "Nothing!"
Matthew:  "I recognize that sound of shock, the cards told you something.  What was it?"
Dana: (she holds the card to his face, the word echoes like an impending doom) "Death!"
Matthew:  (looking at the death card as it lie on the table) "I guess we don't need anymore proof."
Dana:  "No Matt, this could mean anything."
Matthew:  "Or it could mean my brother is going to die."
Dana:  "No, this message does not mean your brother is the one that's going to die."
Matthew:  "You, yourself, said his presence was very strong here."
Dana:  "I felt that it might be, but that doesn't mean anything.  You know as well as I do this message could be directed at anyone, it may not even have anything to do with your brother."

Matthew:  Yeah, you did everything you could to convince me that the message wasn't for my brother, but I saw what I wanted to see from those readings. (It hit him in that moment, he saw what he wanted to see.  The words of the VoD all made sense now - he allowed his anxieties to cloud the truth, that's what the VoD meant)  That's it.  That was what the VoD was trying to tell me.  I was so wrapped up in my own pessimism that I ignored what the cards were truly trying to convey.
Dana:  Well, it was some pretty daunting evidence.  Memory serves, I pulled the "Five of Cups" next, which is symbolical to loss and broken unions.  Except, when you think of a union, you don't typically think of brothers or sisters..
Matthew:  No, you think of a husband and wife.  (From across the hall, Dana and Matthew are interrupted by burst of joy as Brock called out to Samantha)
Brock:  (running toward her, he quickly grabbed hold of her and caressed her with kisses) Samantha!
Samantha:  (speaking once Brock gave her room to breathe) Wow.  I guess I've been a way a while.  (As Dana watched, she was awakened by a troubling set of recollections)

</flash1> Dana:  "So you think Samantha's M.I.A. status has something to do with Blackadder36?"
Brock:  "She's been living and breathing this thing for months. I don't know how else to explain it."   (Dana's face becomes mystic again)  "What?"
Dana:  "Nothing!"
Brock:  "No, don't give me that.  That's the second time you've got that look on your face when I mentioned Samantha's disappearance.  What is it?" (Brock pauses for a moment)  "Is this another one of those feelings you get?"
Dana:  "Yeah, and I don't know what to make of this one, Brock."

</flash2> Brock:  "So what does it say?"
Dana:  (she points to the card that says Six of Swords on it) "It's the journey card, she's definitely somewhere."
Brock:  "Yeah, a journey where?"

</flash3> Dana:  "Well, I was so sure it was a miscommunication, that I re-dealt the deck about five times.  But you're right, let's see what else the universe would like to convey."  (she pulls over another card )  "The answer."
Matthew:  "Perhaps the plant is the answer to the problem."
Dana:  "That's a possibility, but sometimes the cards have a more symbolic nature.  It could also mean the outcome or the result."
Matthew:  "Which would mean you would have to pull another card, so why aren't you?"
Dana:  "I'm not exactly anxious to see what is says."
Matthew:  "You already know?"

</flash4> Crystal:  "I had a premonition.  Death is coming, right here to Leysdale Hospital."
Dana:  "What exactly are you saying?"
Crystal:  "I saw it in my dream, just like visions that I had before, only this time it was more of a nightmare.  But it was real-- Someone we know and love is going to die."

Dana: (as each recall combined into one, the possible meaning of the readings horrified her) Oh my god!

Billy and Crystal, Matthew, Dana, and Derek

- Dana wrestles with the decision to tell Brock
- Kyle receives a message from his father
- Derek confides in Shalia about his feelings over Ben's death
- Shanna learns there may be more than meets the eye to Ben's plane crash


Closing Credits

Click here for Episode 296