Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives"
 Well, it was some pretty daunting evidence.  Memory serves, I pulled the "Five of Cups" next, which is symbolical to loss and broken unions.  Except, when you think of a union, you don't typically think of brothers or sisters..
Matthew:  No, you think of a husband and wife. (From across the hall, Dana and Matthew are interrupted by burst of joy as Brock called out to Samantha) (~)
Shanna, meanwhile, turns back toward her husband and pulls the sheet back a little further to see if its still there... the tattoo on the corner of his lower right abdominal wall of a cross bow through a heart that read S&B 4 ever... and there it was, vibrant as ever.  A testament of his love for her and she knew she could hold back no more as the first of many tears to come slinked down her cheek.  (~)
Alexander:  We’re both at significant points in our lives.  You’re getting married and I’m going to be a father again.  (Lacreasha gives him a look of discern) I would like for us both to be able to share in that.  I would like to put the atrocities of the past behind us.  Can we do that?
Kyle: I appreciate you coming here and telling me all of this, but you will have to understand that this is a decision I can’t make right here and right now.
Alexander: I do, son. (Lacreasha cringes at the mention of Alexander recognizing Kyle as his son) (~)
Shaquanna:  As much as I love Nichols, I love my family more.
Malina:  ...but is leaving everything behind the only way?  Surely, your family...
Shaquanna:  I have no choice. (she urges before she can even catch the words coming out of her mouth)
Malina:  We all have choices, Shaquanna.  Right now, I have the option to decline your offer unless you can give me one good reason why I shouldn't.

***It was another glorious afternoon, at least for Lacreasha Dupree, as she placed a fresh batch of cookies into the oven.  Never in the history of her time on Earth did she ever think she would find herself in an apron baking cookies.  But then, this was the first time in her life that she found herself engage to the most wonderful man on this Earth.  Baking seem like a way of spreading that joy, kneading that love -- eh... was she becoming corny too?  She smiled as she went over to the kitchen timer and set it on 15 minutes as the doorbell ringed.  She told Kyle, who was still in the backroom that she would answer the door.  When she did, she found a delivery man with a clipboard and a package in delicate wrapping.  She assumed it had to be from a woman.  The delivery man told her he had a delivery for Kyle Pierre.  It sent a wave of bugs down her stomach, hearing her husband being referred to by that surname.  Kyle had long ago resolved himself to being Kyle Sharrington, even though he kept the "Pierre" part in amid a dash.  However, Lacreasha would refer to herself as Mrs. Sharrington, no dash, no hyphen, no ampersand -- she wanted no part of the Pierres, especially Alexander Pierre.  The delivery man called out again as Lacreasha got driven away by her thoughts and she smiled apologetically, signing the clipboard and handing the man a five dollar bill.  He handed her the package and thanked her before turning back down the halls, undoubtedly to make more deliveries.  She closed the door and sat the package on the table, wondering what it could be.  It seemed her curiosity would soon be abated as Kyle came strolling into the room, inquiring as to who was at the door.
Kyle:  Who was at the door?
Lacreasha: (checking her timer in the kitchen across from the living room) Delivery man.  He dropped off a package for you. (Kyle's eyes navigated to the table.  He too wondered what it might be as soon as it saw it.  Seeing that the cookies still had another 10 minutes, she walked back out into the living area to find out what was in this mysterious box) Aren't you going to open it?
Kyle: (he sat down on the couch, and place the gift on his wrap, giving it one quick shake like a kid on Christmas Day before tearing apart at the wrapping.  Lacreasha found it quite adorable, but it made her sad thinking that many of his holidays may not have been this joyous.  Once the wrapping paper was off, there was just a simple white box with a lid.  Kyle lifted the lid, the contents leaving both him and Lacreasha in awe.  It had to cost someone a pretty penny and a lot of them.  There was a brand-new Breitling Rolodex made of stainless steel, a PDA, and two monogram pens that read Kyle Sharrington-Pierre.  Kyle then took another glance in the box, curious to know who the gifts were from and finds an envelope stuffed at the side.  The envelope just reads Kyle, but he doesn't recognize the handwriting.  He opens the envelope and removes the letter - printed on a "3 x 5" piece of professional stationary.  It read: "Congrats on your recent engagement.  I hope this is the start of a happy, fulfilling life for you.  With love, your..."  The words that follow trip him up.  Lacreasha sees his agitation and pulls the letter from his hands, seeing right in bold the source of his agitation)

(<- Lincoln Manners Resort ->)
The loud, standard ring of her cell fills the room, signifying the start of a new business day.  The caller ID read "Shaquanna Nichols."  Malina doesn't know what Shaquanna could possibly be calling her about, but the things that did come to Malina's mind were reason enough not to answer the call.  She can deal with all that when she went into work later.  For now, she was content on enjoying a few minutes of R&R around the humble abode, but her cell beckoned her presence again.  Same caller, same process to follow.  Anton came back in from his jog just as her cell was making its final two efforts to reach someone.  He found it odd that Malina was sitting nearby and hadn't picked up her cell, but nonetheless, flew into the kitchen to grab a drink.  As he went back into the living room, Malina's cell ranged for the third time today.  She quickly looked away from her magazine to see that it was the same caller before proceeding to read the lifestyle section of Show time Limits.  Anton walked over to the coffee table where her ringing cell lie and saw that the miss calls were coming from Shaquanna Nichols.  Now he was definitely suspicious - why was she avoiding Shaquanna Nichols phone calls?  Before he knew it, the words were physically coming out of his mouth.
Malina:  Shaquanna wants to hand over the reigns to Nichols Beauticon to me.
Anton:  What?!  (He is reasonably shocked considering it is Shaquanna's hand-built company.  Hell, she's the "Nichols" in Nichols Beauticon.  Still, he couldn't ignore what a great opportunity this could be for Malina.  She certainly has the brains and she knows fashions better than anyone)  I take it you're not thrill about the offer.
Malina:  It's a tempting offer, but being in charge of a modeling agency would inadvertently put me back into a world I really don't want to be a part of.  (Malina left everything fashion behind her after the whole slew legal problems her ex- husband and Anton's childhood friend, Mauricio Gonzalez, brought upon her)  Besides, I can't shake the feeling that something is up with Shaquanna and her sudden decision to leave.
Anton:  It is odd that Shaquanna would walk away from a business that she worked so hard to turn around after the whole scandal with Widlin Pierre got out, but who cares about the reason if it propels your career.
Malina:  I do.  Maybe you could do some snooping around into Shaquanna's background, you must have contacts now that you work at Show time Limits.
Anton:  Yes, but are you sure that is a route you're willing to go?
Malina:  It does sound a little extreme.  Forget it.  (Whenever she's wanted the truth before, she's always done a hands on approach.  This time should be no different)  I'm going to do a little on-site snooping.  (The words definitely sent a red flag waving for Anton and he was almost afraid to ask what she meant.  Fortunately, Malina spared him the opportunity because she quickly grabbed her purse, kissed him goodbye and headed out of the door.  At the speed she flew out of here, he wondered if she was ever here to begin with)

(<- Hallandale PD Headquarters >)
  (watching her friend grieving over such a wonderful guy like Ben made her question death's stern choices... here she was fighting to keep the man she had shared her life with for two years behind bars, and Shanna will be force to bury the man she has come to think of as her life. It just didn't seem fair) I just don't get why this happened.  I mean, why did Ben's plane go down?
Ralph:  Sometimes there are no logical answers.
Jessica:  Ben's plane was off the radar for more than a month, and no one was the wiser.  Why?
Ralph:  We're looking into the crash, but from the looks of it, that plane went crashing into that neighboring field all on its own.
Jessica:  Are you suggesting that Ben's plane was hijacked?
Ralph:  I don't know what I'm suggesting.  The crime scene investigators are still piecing together the evidence.  (Jessica couldn't shake the possibility, and that made her mentally sick)
Jessica:  This can't be true because that would mean Ben wasn't just taking from our lives by a simple act of fate, but that a cruel and sinister act sent Shanna's husband to his grave.  Shanna's still getting use to the fact that her husband is no longer with her, this could send her over the edge.
Ralph:  I agree, which is why I haven't said anything because nothing is for certain.
Jessica:  and when we do?  What happens when this sick possibility is confirmed?  How do we tell her that?  (Ralph understood Jessica's predicament, especially considering this was Shanna they were talking about.  The woman who hasn't shied away from getting in the cops face when something has gone wrong.  Ralph reasoned with Jessica that it wouldn't be easy, but then telling someone you love that someone they love is dead is never easy)

(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)
That's it.  That's what the Voice of Dreams was trying to tell me.  I was so wrapped up in my own pessimism that I ignored what the cards were truly trying to convey.
Dana:  Well, it was some pretty daunting evidence.  Memory serves, I pulled the "Five of Cups" next, which is symbolical to loss and broken unions.  Except when you think of a union, you don't typically think of brothers or sisters..
Matthew:  No, you think of a husbands and wives.  (Dana and Matthew are suddenly drawn to the sight of Samantha and Brock as Brock calls out Samantha's name in a burst of joy.  Its like a scene from out of the movies, where the two star crossed lovers rushed into the arms of their forsaken and seal their union with a kiss.  As Dana watches, she is awakened by a series of unsettling recollections)

</flash1> Dana:  "So you think Samantha's M.I.A. status has something to do with Blackadder36?"
Brock:  "She's been living and breathing this thing for months. I don't know how else to explain it." (Dana's face becomes mystic again)  "What?"
Dana:  "Nothing!"
Brock:  "No, don't give me that.  That's the second time you've got that look on your face when I mentioned Samantha's disappearance.  What is it?" (Brock pauses for a moment)  "Is this another one of those feelings you get?"
Dana:  "Yeah, and I don't know what to make of this one, Brock."

</flash2> Brock:  "So what does it say?"
Dana:  (she points to the card that says Six of Swords on it) "It's the journey card, she's definitely somewhere."
Brock:  "Yeah, a journey where?"

</flash3> Dana:  "Well, I was so sure it was a miscommunication, that I re-dealt the deck about five times.  But you're right, let's see what else the universe would like to convey."  (she pulls over another card )  "The answer."
Matthew:  "Perhaps the plant is the answer to the problem."
Dana:  "That's a possibility, but sometimes the cards have a more symbolic nature.  It could also mean the outcome or the result."
Matthew:  "Which would mean you would have to pull another card, so why aren't you?"
Dana:  "I'm not exactly anxious to see what is says."
Matthew:  "You already know?"

</flash4> Crystal:  "I had a premonition.  Death is coming, right here to Leysdale Hospital."
Dana:  "What exactly are you saying?"
Crystal:  "I saw it in my dream, just like visions that I had before, only this time it was more of a nightmare.  But it was real-- Someone we know and love is going to die."

Dana: (as each recall combines into one, the possible meanings of the readings horrify her) Oh my god!
Matthew: (turning away from the sight of Samantha and Brock, he looked into her eyes and could see the horror on her face) What's wrong?  (Dana can't speak, its too awful to be repeated.  She can only look at her sister-in-law and brother as the shocking reality sets for Matthew) No, you don't think--
Dana:  We were wrong.  The readings aren't about your brother, there about Samantha.
Matthew:  Are you sure you know what you're saying?
Dana:  The last thing on Earth I want to be sure about is that my brother's wife is going to die and there's nothing I can do about it.

Matthew:  Relax, we don't know anything for sure.  I mean, look at Samantha, she looks fine.
Dana:  So did your brother.  Now look where he is.  (She didn't mean that as crass as it sounded and apologized to Matthew for it, which he accepted, but she felt he of all people should know that appearances aren't everything.  It certainly isn't the picture of reality.  As much as she wanted to believe that she was wrong this time, the cards were clear.  His dream from the VoD was clear.  Crystal's vision was clear.  Death is coming to Leysdale Hospital.  Matthew hated to think that this was his fault.  That his prayers shifted the balance.  Of course, there was still no guarantee that his brother would make it out of this hospital alive, either.  Dana, meanwhile, wondered aloud...)  How am I suppose to tell Brock my reading?  Should I?  (It's not like Brock ever took stock in them before.  Maybe the best recourse was no action)

Brock:  So where have you been?
Samantha:  Springfield, Massachusetts.  Looking for the antidote. (her agitation over her whole ordeal in Springfield is evident by her facial expressions.  Never did she imagine she would face so much opposition when she went looking for answers behind the spread of this blackadder36 virus, but finally she was home with the cure in tote)  Long story short, I found it.
Brock:  (Brock found the news incredible and all, but she disappeared without a word to go on this incredibly long journey) Do you know how worried I was when you disappeared?
Samantha:  I'm sorry.  I sort of took off without thinking.  I was sick of Springfield Medical ignoring my calls, and I couldn't continue to stand by and watch more of my patients die.  (At least now she felt as though she did something active to save the rest of the patients, and they were who mattered right now) I need to get this antidote to the lab so it can be administered.  (Brock agreed with her, but told her to wait a moment while he expressed his undying love for her and how much he valued the day that she gave him a second chance -- twice.  Once after he called off their engagement, believing she slept with Ty Chappell, and secondly, when she learned of his actual one-night stand with Leigh Gray.  Samantha told him that she knew how much he loved her and she felt the same.  When they were apart, she never really felt whole. They kiss once more, and Samantha got a touch of dizziness, but she quickly rose from it.  Brock inquired if she was okay and she explained it away as probably being left over jet lag or lack of sleep)

(<- Evercrest Gardens Palace ->)
Lacreasha entered a robotic state, grabbing the gifts and placing them inside the gift box before proceeding to pick them up and head into the kitchen.  The action warranted questioning from Kyle, who inquired as to what she was doing as she stopped at the trash hamper under their kitchen counter, pressing the ejector to lift the lid off the hamper.  She simply replied "recycling," gearing to dump the box of gifts into the trash.  However, Kyle told her to stop, having followed her into the kitchen, where he took hold of the box and proceeded to explain.
Kyle:  These are valuable items, you can't just throw them away.
Lacreasha:  There also from your father.  (Did she really need to say more?)
Kyle:  I'm aware of who they are from, and I'm not suggesting we keep them, but we can't just throw away money, no matter who it's from.  (Lacreasha pondered if that was all it was -- him not wanting to waste valuable products.  After all, he couldn't be buying into what Alexander was selling, could he?  She had to know...)
Lacreasha:  Are you sure that's the only reason you want to hold onto these items?  (Kyle asked what she meant, although part of him has an idea.  He's just not sure he or she will like the answer)  When Alexander crashed our engagement party and made all those speeches about wanting a second chance, I could see that part of you was hoping he was sincere.
Kyle:  Is that really so awful?
Lacreasha:  (It felt like her lips were literally bound and gagged with a combination lock at the end, that's how much restraint it took for her to stop from screaming bloody yes.  Instead, she reminded him, not in a very subtle way, the man Alexander Pierre is)  This is the man who shipped you and your mother out of town without so much as a second thought.  The same man that told you that you weren't good enough to be a Pierre (alluding to Kyle's apparent caucasian descent from his mother).
Kyle:  I know who my father is or was.  Maybe he is genuinely trying to change.  (Lacreasha felt for her fiance in that moment because she wished for his sake it could be true.  That Kyle could have the father he's always wanted, but they were speaking of Alexander Pierre, mud slinger of this town)  Besides, what reason could my father have for using me now?
Lacreasha:  The fact that we can't come up with an answer makes him a bigger threat.

(<- Hallandale PD Headquarters ->)
Jessica:  (expanding upon Ralph's note on death and loss) Yeah, losing someone isn't easy and it makes you want to be closer to those that are still around.  (Jessica was speaking from tragic experience, having lost her unborn son in a car accident two years ago following the downfall of her marriage to William Arlington.  It was also making her think of her brother, Ty Chappell, whom she hadn't spoke with in what felt like ages.  It certainly felt like she should remedy that, in light of everything happening right now.  Ralph agreed with her in silence, thinking of the brutal murder of his own sister about 10 years ago)
Ralph:  Lost isn't easy, but with you at Shanna's side, I'm sure she will get through it.  (Shanna walked in on their sad, reflective moment)
Shanna:  You two look intense... ("considering I'm the one that lost my husband," she thought to herself)
Jessica:  We were just talking about how short life is.  (The words cut deep as Shanna came to terms with how true that statement was, but she wouldn't be swept away in another sea of heartache.  She had to be strong and get things in place...)
Shanna:  Ralph, who should I contact once the burial proceedings have been organized?  (Okay, she officially felt weird.  It was almost like she was making an order for something in a store)
Ralph:  You can contact me.  They'll be some release papers to sign, but please take all the time you need.   We will be ready when you are.
Shanna:  Thanks Ralph.

(<- Lincoln Manners Resort ->)
Shalia found an article in Show time Limits regarding the death of Ben Hemmings.  It said he was one of Hallandale's leading mechanics, and husband of seven years to Shanna Mallory Hemmings.  It goes on to detail Ben and Shanna's love story, including the complications with her parents in Louisiana.  It also states that given the circumstances and timing of this article, Mrs. Hemmings could not be contacted for comments, but that the hearts of everyone at Show time Limits are with her.  It lastly stated that the investigation into the reason behind the tragic crash were still coming together, according to an inside source.  Shalia couldn't help but feel distressed by the whole situation.  So much so that she tossed the newspaper aside as Derek came into the room.  He inquired as to what she was reading.
Shalia:  There was an article about Ben's plane crash.  (She remarked with a believable degree of sadness, even to herself.  Hell, the last thing she wanted was Ben six feet under.  She just didn't want him constantly in the way of her marriage)
Derek:  Did it have a ruling on the crash?
Shalia:  No, it says the investigation is still pending.  (She then made a jump onto last night) You must have came home pretty late, I didn't feel you next to me in bed during the night or this morning.  (Derek found her query quite ironic, considering he caught her out late last night with some man that he didn't recognize)
Derek:  I slept in the guest room.  I needed some time to think.
Shalia:  Did everything not go well with Shanna?  (Unable to guesstimate any other reason why Derek would sleep in a separate room, other than he must have had a distressing confrontation with Shanna)
Derek:  She pretty much blamed me for the whole accident.
Shalia:   It was probably her grief speaking.  (Derek agreed, but on some level, he felt that some of the things that Shanna said were true.  Ben did leave town out of obligation for him, he told Shalia.  But it was what he didn't say, Ben left town to protect Derek from her.  Ben left to dig up dirt on her in Coral Springs.  Maybe this incident was beginning to awaken doubts in Derek.  "No." She pushed that suspicion to the back of her mind, and slipped back into her role as dutiful wife) Ben's plane crash could not be prevented.  No one could have stopped it.  (Although Shalia knew that was very well up for debate considering it was all engineered by one man)

***Arriving at Nichols Beauticon, she called out "is anyone here" as she entered the building, but it appeared she was talking to complete darkness.  Once inside, she began to contemplate what she should be looking for.  "What would give her a clue into Shaquanna's inner thoughts?"  She decide to check out Shaquanna's office first.  When she entered, she was not surprise to see everything neat and tidy.  If there was one thing you could count on, Shaquanna was orderly.  Suddenly, an alarm sounded off in her head -- Shaquanna's date book, maybe there was something in it about this supposed family emergency or her sudden reason to leave town.  She flipped through the date book, turning to the page mark "June 15," the date of the spring show.  She only finds two items listed, one is the spring show @ 1pm and the other is a set of initials, or so it appears: "T.C." @ 6pm. 
Malina:  T.C.?  (she repeated to herself, hoping it would register with some information that her brain had stored, but no such luck.  Before she can investigate any further, the door to the office suddenly opens and she's caught in the open by Shaquanna)
Shaquanna:  Do I really need to ask what you're doing?

(<- Lincoln Manners Resort ->)
Logically, I know that I couldn't have done anything to stop the crash, but the fact that Ben was on that plane because of me is what eats away at me.
Shalia:  It was my past that Ben was looking into.  If anyone should be held responsible, it is me.  (Shalia wasn't playing Derek this time, she knew she was the reason that Ben was dead.  Derek shouldn't be blaming himself.  He shouldn't be dealing with this loss and he wouldn't if it weren't for her)
Derek:  It isn't your fault and I hope Ben is in a better place where he can see how we really feel about each other.
Shalia:  I hope for your sake that he does, too.  (Although part of Shalia knew that if Ben's search led him back to Coral Springs, he was only thinking nasty things.  Derek continued to commiserate over how he would be able to run the shop without Ben at his side.  It always seemed empty when either one of them were away, but this time, Ben was gone for good.  He wasn't coming back this time.  So who would Derek share those bad car jokes with now?  Who would he give a gallant blink to when a hot chick entered their shop for some service under her hood?  Who would be his boy whenever he wanted to watch the Sunday night football match.  Granted, Shalia was a huge football buff, but it wouldn't be the same.  His only true male bud in Hallandale was gone.  He hadn't realized until now how much their relationship had changed in the last couple of months.  Were they even friends?  Ben didn't know Derek was angry with him for going behind his back and researching Shalia's past, at least Derek didn't think so.  But they fought so many times about his feelings toward Shalia.  There was no taking back those moments, which made him truly feel like shit.  Shalia, on the other hand, could feel the knife turning and twisting as Derek went on about his lost.  She had caused this.  She had brought him this pain and for that, she could no longer contain her own flow of pain.

(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)
Dana:  (finally working up the courage to approach Brock, Matthew followed slowly behind her) Where did Samantha run off to?
Brock:  She went to the lab.  Hey Matt, I have some good news for you.
Matthew:  (moving to Dana's side) Good news is definitely good.
Brock:  Samantha has the antidote for Blackadder36.  (Matthew is speechless.  So is Dana, at first. But then she inquires as to how, but Brock doesn't have any answers)  Samantha said it was a pretty long story, and she looked as if she went through a lot to get it.  Hopefully when this mess is over, she can get some much deserved rest.  (The words send chills through Matthew and Dana's spines as there eyes meet with one another, as they both prayed that rest be the last thing Samantha get, at least the kind that finds you six feet under)


Matthew:  I should go find Evelin.  She's the one person that never gave up faith that Earl would pull through this and now all that seems possible, thanks to Samantha.  (Acknowledging that brought a sudden sadness to Matthew's facade.  Brock inquired why the sudden glum state, everything is going to be fine now.  Dana knew exactly what Matthew was feeling, and seeing her brother so blindly delirious infuriated her.  How could the universe be taking Samantha from them?  What would happen to her brother?  She hoped that somehow this was all a terrible mistake.

Samantha places the test tube in the fridge as she gets another spell of dizziness.  She questions the state of her jet lag as Delilah comes walking into the lab, surprised to see her old friend, Dr. Samantha Lombard.
Delilah:  So nice of you to return to the realm.
Samantha:  Someone had to apprehend the antidote.  (She says, while analyzing the contraction of a drop of the azalea plant extract with a patient's blackadder36 infected blood cells)
Delilah:  You found the cure?
Samantha:  It looks like.  I'm just testing out a strain of the extract against some of this infected blood.  We should know if its a viable solution in a hour or so.  (Delilah is unable to contain her joy.  Finally, this nightmare shows sight of finally being over)
Delilah:  How did you know where to look?
Samantha:  I just went to the source of the last disaster area.  From there, it was a matter of bending some arms.
Delilah:  (chuckles)  Well, have you seen your husband yet?  He's been running around here like a crazy person about you.
Samantha:  Yes, Brock knows that I'm back and he was very affectionate despite all of the worry I put him through.
Delilah:  Maybe he's realizing just how short life is.  After all, he could be in Shanna Hemmings' shoes.  (Samantha doesn't draw the connection, but it would become clear in time)

(<- Hallandale PD Headquarters ->)
Ralph, Shanna and Jessica make it back downstairs, where a whole new set of problems appear to have been unfolding in the center of the police station.  Ralph finds Officer Ruiz instructing the woman to leave, but his efforts become futile once she catches sight of Shanna.  Knocking over Officer Ruiz, she charges toward Shanna, asking how she is coping with her loss.  Ralph, however, shields Shanna from the cameras, instructing the reporter that she is to get out of his station house.
Reporter:  I'm doing my job, Detective Lombard.  The people want a statement from Mrs. Hemmings.
Ralph:  I don't give a damn what your job is, you need to get out of my sight.
Reporter:  It isn't you I want to speak with, Detective Lombard, but since you are in the camera's eye -- why don't you tell us about the allegations that Ben Hemmings's plane crash wasn't an accident?  (Shanna gasps, wondering if the reporter's question has merit.  Did someone deliberately set up Ben's plane to crash.  Jessica tried not to show any sign of having heard the suspicions from Ralph, who was fortunately distracting the reporter's attention away from her, and Shanna was luckily distracted by the reporter)
Ralph:  (he hit the camera back) Get that damn thing out of my face. (He then proceeded to manhandle the reporter out of the door, while instructing Ruiz to guard the doors, where he was met with several reporters who shout their questions out to Shanna)
Male Reporter #1:  Mrs. Hemmings, why was your husband out of town?
Female Reporter #2:  How does it feel not being with your husband on that plane when it crashed?  (Ralph pushed one of their colleagues out into the foray as he shut the doors to the station house before anymore of their disgusting questions could get out.  Kyle and Lacreasha watch as the whole event was broadcast on live TV, giving Lacreasha ample opportunity to show Kyle that Alexander Pierre has not changed.  He continues to abuse and invade other people in the most private and difficult of times.  Kyle was unable to come up with a counter argument as he watched the news release unfold outside with Ralph telling the reporters to get off the premises)

(<- Nichols Beauticon ->)
gaze on Malina intensified as she internally processes the reason for Malina being in her office.  The moment was demeaning for Malina because she had just been caught snooping in her business associate's, not to mention friend, personal belongings.  She started to explain with a bit of a stutter, so Shaquanna filled in the gaps for her)
Shaquanna:  You wanted a taste of what it would be like to sit at the desk of power.  (Malina smirked nervously, debating whether or not she should play along.  Of course, it was either look indecisive or be discovered as a curious and sneaky partner)
Malina:  Can't fault me for being curious.  (She wasn't really lying.  She was curious, just not particularly about the job)
Shaquanna:  It's a great opportunity.  You would be a fool to pass it up and I don't take you for a fool.
Malina:  Thank you.
Shaquanna:  Not a problem.  I'm glad you're rethinking your choice because leaving the agency in the hands of someone I can trust will make leaving a whole lot easier.  ("Damn," Malina thought to herself.  She had to say "trust," didn't she?  The last thing she wants to do is lure Shaquanna into some mistake conclusion about her status with the agency, especially because no matter how appealing the idea was, she felt it would be a bad move)

***Derek: Oh my god.  (he noticed the stream of tears flowing down Shalia's face) I didn't mean to make you sad.
Shalia:  No, its not your fault. (She wiped away the most recent strands) The tears were inevitable. (He could appreciate that on some level, but he knew he was the reason behind her sudden tears.  He decided it was time to lighten the mood)
Derek:  (then out of left field, his request came...) Let's go out for ice cream, a sundae would do us both a lot of good right now.
What?! (She asked, taking a look at herself for the first time this afternoon, sitting in her house gown)
Derek:  I mean it.  We will get dress and go out.  It's better than sticking it around here.  (Shalia began to see Derek's point.  After all, maybe a different setting and not having to think about Ben will ease her guilt.  She tells Derek there on)

(<- Hallandale PD Headquarters ->)
It's nice to see that some things don't change no matter how bad life gets.  (Jessica can't help but feel sorry for Shanna.  The last thing she needed was to have her loss broadcast on Live TV.  Alexander Pierre really was a man of no soul) 
Jessica:  Alexander Pierre is a jackass.
Shanna:  Maybe so, but is it possible?  Could there be something to what that reporter was saying?
Jessica:  I don't know.  (she paced around Shanna to avoid eye contact) I'm sure Ralph will tell us what's up when he gets back.
Shanna:  You know something, don't you?
Jessica:  What?
Shanna:  Come on Jess, I know when you're trying to avoid saying something.
Jessica:  (she hated herself for having to do this) They still don't know anything for sure.
Shanna:  Just tell me.
Jessica:  (there are steady pauses in her speech) Ben's plane, there was something unusual about the flight patterns.  The plane appeared to be headed straight down that abandoned field.

(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)
What is going on with you and Matthew?  You're both positively dreary.  When I gave him the news about the cure, he acted like I told him his cat died.
Dana:  I think we're just getting use to the sudden influx of good news.  It's all a bit overwhelming.  (Yeah, how could she smile when she knew what the future held for her brother and Samantha?  But she had to try)
Brock:  Well, cheer up because things are only going to get better.  (She could try with all her might to plaster a phony smile, but she knew in her heart of hearts that her brother was wrong -- things are not going to get better)

Matthew:  (knocks on the door to signal his entrance) Hey.
Matthew:  You wouldn't happen to be in the mood for some good news, would you?
Evelin:  Depends on the good news.
Matthew:  They've found an antidote.
Evelin:  What?  (Evelin came closer to Matthew, as if to verify that he is indeed standing in the room with her)
Matthew:  Samantha came through.  Their testing the antidote in the lab right now just to be safe, but there pretty sure its the cure.
Evelin:  Oh my god, this is unbelievable.  Do you know what this means?  This nightmare could finally be over.  Earl can finally come home.  (Earl monitor's rings before proceeding to flat line, alerting both Matthew and Evelin)


Billy and Crystal, Matthew, Dana, and Derek

- Shanna demands answers from Ralph
- Lucien confides in Michelle about Danielle's sudden change of attitude
- Matthew and Dana may be too late to prepare Brock


Closing Credits

Click here for Episode 297