Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives"
(stiffles a tear) It's been a long time since I've been personally involved with anyone.  I want to find love again, but I can't endure anymore of the pain that the previous men in my life have put me through.
Liam:  That's just the thing, I don't want to be hurt either.  We have all the time in the world to work on building trust.  So if we focused on trusting and protecting one another, I don't see how we can fail. (~)
Brock:  What is going on with you and Matthew?  You're both positively dreary.  When I gave him the news about the cure, he acted like I told him his cat died.
Dana:  I think we're just getting use to the sudden influx of good news.  It's all a bit overwhelming.  (Yeah, how could she smile when she knew what the future held for her brother and Samantha?  But she had to try)
Brock:  Well, cheer up because things are only going to get better.  (She could try with all her might to plaster a phony smile, but she knew in her heart of hearts that her brother was wrong -- things are not going to get better) (~)
I don't give a damn what your job is, you need to get out of my sight.
Reporter:  It isn't you I want to speak with, Detective Lombard, but since you are in the camera's eye -- why don't you tell us about the allegations that Ben Hemmings's plane crash wasn't an accident? (Shanna gasps, wondering if the reporter's question has merit.  Did someone deliberately set up Ben's plane to crash)

***The tension of that moment built as Matthew and Evelin watched Chief Resident Dakota Delacroix and Dr. Romain Chandler burst through Earl Pryce's hospital room.  Chief Resident Delacroix instructed Dr. Chandler to count down as they began administering defillibration to Earl's heart.  Evelin and Matthew watched in awe as Earl's body propelled upward from the first shock and the scene only became more surreal as the medical team prepared for round two.

Meanwhile, Dana found herself wondering aimlessly in the hosital lobby as people and medical personnel passed her by, immersed in their own little dramas playing out.  Not that she could really care, she wasn't exactly fixated on them either.  However, she was glad to be away from her brother for a while.  She just couldn't take his blind faith any longer, not when she knew tragedy was on the horizon.  She once again found herself asking the question she had been asking since the distasteful realization came to her -- "Why?  Why her brother's wife?"   Sad thing was she quietly suspected she would never get an answer, but a distraction would suffice and it came walking towards her.
Dalia: (tapping Dana once on the shoulder) Hi, you're Matthew's friend, right?  (Unfortunately, Dalia was unable to remember her name, but she did remember seeing her with Matthew)
Dana:  (turning to the source of the tap, her heart jumped inside at the sight of a new face) Yes, Dana.  You're Dalia, Earl's former wife.  (Dalia smiled lightly, part of her not sure she particularly liked being reminded of her failed marriage) How can I help you?
Dalia:  Well, I'm here with Jason, Matthew's nephew.  (Dana nodded her head lightly)  We were looking for Earl's room.
Dana:  Oh. (She realized that it was sort of stupid question, although she wondered why Dalia didn't just find a nurse on duty)  Well, I can just take you and Jason there myself.
Dalia:  Please don't trouble yourself.
Dana:  It's no trouble.  (Dalia was silent for a moment, but then thanked Dana before taking off to gather her son.  Dana followed after letting out one last heavy sigh)

Looking through the microscope, Samantha was happy to see that the azalea extract was still holding strong against the tainted blood sample.  She hoped that Daniel was telling her the truth and this would counteract the poison, but given his opposition at first, she couldn't ignore the possibility that he created this as a ruse to get her off his back and whatever he was trying to keep her from uncovering in Springfield.  Still, he was a doctor, so part of her had to believe, or rather wanted to believe that this was the cure and this nightmare could finally be put to rest.  Samantha diverted her attention from the slab to her head as she felt another throbbing pain tear at her cerebrum wall.  She wondered if maybe thinking about Daniel was giving her a headache.  Before she could delibertate further, Delilah returned to the lab...
Delilah:  Now this is a familiar sight. (refering to Samantha hard at work in the lab)
Samantha:  Hey. (she closed her eyes momentarily to try to block out the pain)
Delilah:  You okay?
Samantha:  Just a slight headache, I'll be fine.
Delilah:  Well, it's probably because you've been operating non-stop.  Why don't you take a break?  Romain, Erick and I are here to take care of the rounds and I can keep watch here in the lab.
Samantha:  That is a tempting offer, but I can't rest.  At least, not until I finish up my work here.
Delilah:  Alright.  But promise me that you will take a break once those results come in.  You'll be no good to us passed out.
Samantha:  I will.

(<- Cypress Gardens Plaza ->)
Rochelle took a sip of her coffee before taking a look around the small opened area to see if she could spy Liam walking up the sidewalk toward the outdoor plaza.  It wasn't like him to keep her waiting long, and it had been about 15 minutes already.  Her ponderance was directed toward the ringing and vibrating motion of her cell against the table.  Looking down, she saw his name flashing on the LCD display.  Grabbing her cell, she answered the call in hopes of finding out what was going on.
Rochelle:  Hey, where are you?
Liam:  (attempting to speak over the noise in the foreground of the Hallandale PD Headquarters) Sorry, I know I'm late.  There is a situation unfolding at Hallandale PD and we're trying to defuse it.
Rochelle:  (she could hear several of the reporters clammering, as well as Ralph threatening to have all their newspapers shut down if they didn't evacuate the premises)  It sounds like a feeding frenzy.
Liam:  (he found the analysis appropriate; after all, none of the reporters had been willing to back down ever since the leak regarding the crash not being accidental) Look, I will hopefully have this all tied up within the next half hour.
Rochelle:  Well, hurry up.  I might be snatched by some handsome stranger before then.
Liam: (he grinned in amusement at Rochelle's attempt to strike some jealousy chord in his body) Fend them off with a stick, and don't be afraid to use a bigger one if you have to.
Rochelle:  Okay, see you soon!  (She said with a smile before hanging up her cell.  A moment later, she saw her old pal Anton McCloud swinging into the place and summoned his attention) Yo McCloud.  (Anton turned back to see who was beckoning his name and was quite surprise to see his former slave boss, Rochelle Desmores, across the way from him.  He walked over to greet her)
Anton:  Ms. Desmores, a pleasure.
Rochelle:  Yes, it has been a long awaited pleasure.  How have you been?
Anton:  Things are good.  You?
Rochelle: (she chuckled slightly) Each day has its moments.  I'm seeing the Assistant District Attorney now.
Anton: (he chuckled "Small World," alluding to the fact that Liam Jackson prosecuted Rochelle for Leonard Stone's murder before the state's case bellied up due to the improprieties with the investigation)  Congratulations.  It's good to see you found someone.
Rochelle:  Thanks.  How are things with you and Malina?
Anton:  They couldn't be better.  We live together.  We wake up together.  I feel as though I can share anything with her.
Rochelle:  I guess it won't be long then before you're taking her down the aisle as well.

(<- Hallandale PD Headquarters ->)
Shanna:  What do you know Jess?
Jessica:  (she hated herself for having to do this) They still don't know anything for sure.
Shanna:  Just tell me.
Jessica:  (there were steady pauses in her speech) Ben's plane, there was something unusual about the flight patterns.  The plane appeared to be headed straight down that abandoned field.
Shanna:  (her heart could not fathom what Jessica's lips were saying.  If Ben's plane was headed straight down that abandoned field, did that mean he knew what was coming?  Did he know in that instant he wouldn't be coming home?)  No.  No, it's not true.

Chief Resident Delacroix and Dr. Chandler wore stiff expressions as they left Earl Pryce's room.  Matthew and Evelin, who had been asked to wait outside his room, come forth toward the two trained professionals.  Chief Resident Delacroix instructed Dr. Chandler that he was going to prep up the next round of blood tranfusions before leaving Romain to handle questions from the family.  Evelin and Matthew didn't know what to make of the Chief Resident's quick exit, but found it rude nonetheless.
Matthew:  (trying to remain optimistic while Evelin clinches to his side) How's my brother, Dr. Chandler?
Romain:  He's stable, but his vitals arent' good.
Evelin: (visibly relieved) Is that why the Chief Resident murmur something about a blood transfusion?
Romain:  Yeah.  Earl's going to need one soon now that this virus is starting to attack more prominently.
Matthew:  Will this blood tranfusion stop the virus from spreading?
Romain:  No, but it will give us more time.  Since you're his brother, I would encourage you go down to the lab and donate some blood right away.  Nine times out 10, family members are a perfect match.
Matthew:  Of course, but can we see him first?
Romain:  Sure.  (Matthew followed Evelin back into the room, which seemed so small now, suffocating almost because it was shrouded with their dread over almost losing Earl.  Seeing the doctors shock his heart like that, not once, but twice until one of the interns decided to direct them out, was immobolizing at best.  Evelin attempted to breathe, grabbing hold of Earl's hand as a life force, while being gravitated toward the sound of his monitor beeping, signaling the life forces traveling through his own body.  She kept telling herself that faith was on her side and that somehow, some way, he was going to pull through this.  With an antidote on the way and his body still fighting, that chance seemed attainable.  Romain, meanwhile, took a deep breath outside the room as he tried to slow down his pacing heart.  He had really thought for a moment back in that room that Earl was a goner, but he was happy to had been proven wrong... for now)

(<- Cypress Gardens Plaza ->)
(taking Anton's sudden silence as a bad sign) I'm sorry.  I didn't mean to overspeak.
Anton:  You didn't.  I've been thinking about marriage a lot lately, especially since Lacreasha and Kyle's engagement party.  (Rochelle grimaced a face that pretty much told Anton she didn't like hearing the name)
Rochelle:  How is Madame Dupree?  (she asked, interested to know the degree of Anton's friendship/relationship with her arch nemesis)
Anton:  She's not that bad, actualy.  I can see why Kyle fell in love with her.  (Rochelle just shrugged.  She didn't have anything personal against Kyle, but considering his surname and interest in Lacreasha, his character was pretty much diminished in her opinion)
Rochelle:  If you knew everything I did about her, you would probably change your mind.
Anton:  It doesn't matter.  She's the boss's fiancée.  I'd rather try to get along with her.
Rochelle:  Well, if you feel that you have to suck your way up, then maybe you're in the wrong business. (Anton immediately took on an offended facade.  Granted, Rochelle had a reason to dislike Lacreasha, and maybe he closed off his feelings toward Lacreasha because of Kyle, but that's only because he had begun to think of Kyle as a friend, not just as his boss.  It certainly wasn't for job security, and for Rochelle to suggest that made him wonder if there was a reason they barely saw one another after his resignation.  Before he could speak, Rochelle realized her words were unfounded and apologized.  Anton took it as a sign that maybe the Rochelle he knew was still there.)

Brett led Danielle to a table in the back of the plaza while passing Rochelle Desmores and Anton McCloud enroute.  Brett didn't feel comfortable hanging around the agency after witnessing Vanessa in full spy mode.  He also didn't want to be distracted by other customers entering the plaza, so he chose a table on the leftmost side of the mini restaurant and pulled out a chair for Danielle before taking a seat across from her.
Danielle:  I think you're overreacting, Brett.  Vanessa has been prone to eavesdropping on my private conversations.
Brett:  and you don't find that discerning?  It can't be good for business when your colleague is constantly spying on you.
Danielle:  No, it can't be good, but Vanessa and I are not colleagues.  Not in the sense that counts.  We are employed by the same modeling agency, but we do not work together.  Besides, as of late, she has kept her distance.
Brett:  (surprised at how lightly Danielle was taking the situation) You define keeping your distance as her ear firm against your dressing room door?
Danielle:  You forget that Lucien was in that room with me.  Not to mention my sister.
Brett:  (seeing her flimsy explanation as that - flimsy) Oh come on, we both know that Vanessa is very interested in you and Lucien, the guy that she thinks you're after and who happened to be in the same room with you while she was eavesdropping.  So whether she's spying on you or Lucien, I think having a sneaky colleague around is a recipe for disaster.

(<- Hallandale PD Headquarters ->)
(attempting to ease her suspicions regarding Ben's plane crash) Shanna, this isn't for certain.  These are just the CSI's unit preliminary findings.
Shanna:  Well, I want to speak with this CSI unit.  I want to find out exactly what happened to my husband.
Jessica:  Ralph says there still piecing together the rest of the evidence, so I doubt they will have much to tell you.
Shanna:  So Ralph is the one that told you?
Jessica:  It was only because I was talking about the crash and searching for some clarity over the situation.
Shanna:  (She's searching for clarity...  "he was my husband," she thought to herself.  "I need clarity.  I need to understand why this all is happening, not hers.  This was "my" husband" and before Shanna knew it, her subconscious thoughts were spilling over into the conscious world) Well, he was my husband.  So maybe the person Ralph should be offering some clarity to is his wife.

***Lucien:  Hey Michelle, have you seen Danielle?
Michelle:  She left with a friend a while ago.  (She noticed the cryptic look that met his face and wondered if it had to do with what went down between him and Danielle earlier) Is this about what happened earlier?
Lucien:  (half suspecting she was referring to his conversation with Danielle) What do you mean?
Michelle:  Danielle told me you two had a troubling conversation.  What was it about?
Lucien:  I just said something, and it got taken out of context.
Michelle: (curious to know what it was that Danielle could have taken out of context) Well, Danielle is not one to misconstrue something.
Lucien:  I didn't say she was.  I was confused about something that I couldn't put my finger on earlier.  (He took a brief pause, considering whether or not he should seek clarification from Michelle.  Weighing in the fact that she was Danielle's sister, he decided that she might be the one person well verse enough to back or squash his suspicions)  Have you noticed anything different about Danielle?
Michelle:  Different in what way?
Lucien:  Her actions during our shoot today.  You didn't find them, I don't know... odd?
Michelle:  (she knew what he was referring to, but she wouldn't necessarily refer to her sister's actions as odd.  She was simply a little more-- okay, a lot more prominent in this shoot.  The photographers even said so)  Danielle's shoot definitely surprise me today.  I will say that, but that's what modeling is about.  Keeping the surprises coming.
Lucien:  Of course.  But you weren't on the stage with her, I was.  She wasn't the Danielle I had come accustom to working with.  She was loose, and very very seductive.

(<- Cypress Gardens Plaza ->)
(realizing that Brett still cared a very good deal about her) Look, I know that you're concerned, but you can see that I'm fine.  I don't think this situation is as volatile as you believe.
Brett:  You weren't so sure a few days ago despite your attempt to convince me that you didn't believe Vanessa is dangerous.
Danielle:  I was naturally creeped out, who wouldn't be?
Brett:  Yeah, and you have every right to be.  This woman has made it clear that she doesn't like you hanging around Lucien, and you've continue to do so.  So when does burning your photos stop being enough and she starts developing a penchant for the real thing?
Danielle:  So what am I suppose to do?  Lucien and I work on the same campaign.  We are both integral to making the spring show a success.  I can't back out of the agency right now.
Brett:  I'm not asking you to, but maybe you should talk to your sister.  These working conditions are not acceptable.
Danielle:  I have already spoken to Michelle about Vanessa, and she told me that I was naive for not seeing Vanessa's crush on Lucien.  Michelle is not going to do anything, especially considering everything Vanessa risked by coming to work for her.  There is no way she's going to want to believe her friend is psycho.
Brett:  Great.  So you're in the path of a psycho.
Danielle:  I'm just making an analogy, Brett.
Brett:  Well, your analogy worries me because psychos have a tendency to blow up and I don't want to see you caught in her path.

(<- Hallandale PD Headquarters ->)
I know that Ben was your husband, but that doesn't mean I didn't care about him.
Shanna:  (realizing that she may have come down unnecessarily hard on Jessica) I know, I'm sorry.  This is just all so unfair.
Jessica:  I know.  (Jessica hugged her friend, but its only for a second as Shanna broke the moment upon hearing Ralph and Lieutenant Enrique Rivera heading into the station)
Ralph:  Hopefully we got rid of those vultures for a while.
Enrique:  Well, you know what the say about vultures.  They always come back and I'm pretty sure we haven't seen the last of this pair.
Ralph:  Well, at least there not here in the station house.  The last thing a recent widow needs to deal with is cameramen in her face.
Enrique:  You're right about.  I'm going to see about getting Mrs. Hemmings a police escort home.  Just in case any of our wayward friends are still hanging around in the vicinity.
Ralph:  Good idea.  (Enrique departed to his office as Shanna took the moment of clearance to get her own sense of clarity)
Shanna:  Detective Lombard?!
Ralph:  Mrs. Hemmings, I apologize for you having to deal with those reporters.  We managed to get rid of them, so hopefully that will conclude the excitement for today.  But if there's anything else I can do for you...
Shanna:  As a matter of fact, you can.  You can tell me what really happened to my husband's plane and you can tell me right now.

(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)
Matthew:  (leaving his brother side with the intention to donate blood, he ran straight into Dana and just as he was about to greet her, he realized she was in the company of his ex- sister-in-law and 19-year old nephew, Jason) Hey Dalia, I didn't know you were still in town.  (he and Jason then perform their secret handshake greeting) Jase, buddy.
Dalia:  Well, Jason insisted on coming back down to visit and I didn't want him coming down alone.  He had a feeling he should be here.  (she said with a cryptic look to Matthew, hinting at the feelings Matthew usually get when something is about to go down.  Dalia heard her fair share of tales when she was married to his brother, although she didn't believe Jason's anxiety were of that nature.  Or so, she hoped not)  So how has Earl been?
Matthew:  It's been touch and go.  (slightly alluding to Earl's recent scare, but choosing not to go into details)  I was actually headed down to the lab to give blood.  Maybe you and Jason can donate as well.  Earl can use all the help he can get.
Jason:  I'm all for helping, Dad.
Dalia:  (turning briefly to Jason to clarify) and we will, but we should at least see him first.  (directing her attention toward Matthew) Would that be alright?
Matthew:  Yeah.  I think it will do Earl some good knowing you're both here.  (Dalia smiled and thanked him before leading her son into his father's room, where they happen upon Evelin holding Earl's arm.  Dalia would never admit it, but the moment sent waves of jealousy down her spine)
Jason: (whispering to his mother) She's in here a lot.  I wonder if she's Dad girlfriend?  He's never mentioned one, though.
Dalia:  She's just a friend, Jase.  (she cleared her throat, reigning in her green eyed twin and signaling her entrance to Evelin, who turned, not pleased to see Earl's ex standing before her.  Of course, now was not the time for another altercation.  Besides, Evelin hoped their last visit was just Dalia wrought over what was happening to Earl, although she sincerely doubted it.  Dalia seemed pretty clear in her convictions about Evelin not hoping for a relationship with Earl)
Evelin:  (hard lipped) Dalia!
Dalia: (smugly) Evelin.  Jase and I are here to see his father.  You wouldn't mind giving us a few minutes alone.
Evelin:  (she couldn't help but feel that Dalia was secretly goading her, but she bided her tongue and remained collected) No, of course not.  I'm gonna go grab some coffee. (Evelin proceeded toward the exit, but was stopped brieftly by the sound of Dalia's voice and that's when she knew for sure Dalia was goading her)
Dalia:  Great.  We appreciate you being so understanding. (The sweet, agonizing sound of Dalia's voice demanding she exit was enough to send Evelin charging back, but she decided against it, convincing herself that she was giving Earl's son some time with his father)

Chief Delacroix:  Dr. Lombard!  (His deep, masculine voice commanded her attention away from her research as she looked into the face of the man that had once accused her of mercily killing patients infected with the blackadder36 virus.  She wondered what he could possibly want now...)
Samantha:  Chief Delacroix.  What can I do for you?
Chief Delacroix:  You can accept my apology.  (Samantha was genuinely shocked.  Chief Delacroix was never a man to apologize for anything, yet he was standing before Samantha right now doing that very thing)  I have spoken ill of your efforts to help patients in the past and for that, I'm truly sorry.  (Samantha doesn't say a word, allowing the Chief Resident to continue)  Your colleagues have informed me of your efforts to retrieve the Blackadder36 antidote and that definitely speaks volumes toward your hardwork and dedication to this hospital and your patients.
Samantha:  I took an oath, which I firmly believe in.
Chief Delacroix:  I can see that.  I want you to know that I'm happy you're on our team.  (Samantha yet again does not respond, not to be mean, but because she's surprised, yet pleased that the chief has said all those things to her) I'll leave you to your research.  (As he steadily approached the door, Samantha finally found the words to at least thank him ["Thanks Chief"], knowing it couldn't have been easy for him to admit he was wrong.  He showed a grimace of smile before exiting.  Feeling rather content with that justification, Samantha returned back to her research, but was stopped by another headache spell.  Only this time, it was one she couldn't shake.  It felt like a sonic alarm imploding in her head, only once it stopped, the ringing effects still linger, tearing at her temples like a sharp knife.  She grasped the right side of her head with her hand, hoping to relieve the pain, but it intensified  The room felt dizzying as she struggled to open her eyes, but her body wouldn't hold to gravity any longer as it dropped mercilessly to the ground.


Nia Delaney continued her rounds of the plaza, serving Anton his drink with a smile.  Anton personally thanked her before she went off to assist another customer.   Rochelle then joked about how he was on first name basis with the hired help.  Anton reminded her that it wasn't long ago that he was going around fetching someone's orders.  Rochelle tapped him playfully on the arm, realizing the dig was directed toward her.  Liam Jackson arrived as she was pulling her hand away.  Rochelle greeted him as he approached their table.  Anton took the moment to take a sip of his drink.  Liam kissed Rochelle on the cheek before directing his gaze at the man she'd been entertaining, or who had been entertaining her.
Liam:  Mr. McCloud, it's nice to see you again.
Anton:  Likewise.  Why don't you grab a seat?  Rochelle was just telling me about the new man in her life.   Now that you're here, maybe you can tell me how this all came about.
Liam: (he's not sure how he should take the question, but he knew Anton and Rochelle were very good friends, so he grabbed a chair from one of the vacant tables nearby and pulled it up against the table that Anton and Rochelle had made themselves comfortable at)  Well, I'm not really sure what it is you want to know.  I don't think anyone was more surprise than Rochelle and I when a simple run-in turned into a date of sorts.  Like all relationships, we saw a spark and went with it.
Anton: (rather pleased with Liam's philosopical approach to the question) Good answer.
Rochelle:  Well, Liam is the Assistant District Attorney.  He's made a profession out of well articulated arguments.
Anton:  I'm sure that will come in handy when you two have your first major blowup.
Liam:  (he wore a cocky grin) I'm already 1 for 1.  (Anton smirked at Rochelle, who quickly chimed in, directing the latter of her response toward Anton)
Rochelle:  Hey.  Don't forget.  I dabbled into law myself.  I use to be a law professor, you know?
Liam:  Really?  Why did you stopped?
Rochelle:  There were a lot of reasons.  I was promoted to Head of Legal Affairs at HatcherKeller.
Anton:  Her relationship with Leonard Stone blew up in her face for the umpteenth time.
Rochelle:  Thanks Anton.  To think, I might have forgotten if you hadn't been here to remind me.
Anton:  I guess it's good thing I was here then. (he smiled smugly at her once again while Rochelle shook her head in disbelief, although part of her was slightly amused because in that moment, it felt just like old times -- well, for her and Anton, anyway)

Danielle:  You're really starting to scare me.
Brett:  Good.  You need to keep on your guard because there's no telling what might possibly push this woman over the edge.  I mean, burning your photos and constantly spying on you is not a flattering portfolio, no pun intended.
Danielle:  Alright.  (she bellowed to him, more so in effort to get him to cave) I'll be careful.
Brett:  That's all I ask.  (he directed a smile at her as his cell rings.  Looking down at his LCD display, he recognized the number flashing back at him) Sorry, I have to take this.  (Danielle gave him an agreeable nod before he stepped away from the table) This is Brett.

(<- Hunks & Beauty Fashions International ->)
Is this what you told my sister?  That she generally lacks that seductive appeal.
Lucien:  No, of course not.  Your sister is a beautiful woman and she knows that because I have told her.  Danielle has always been conservative with her shoots, she's not one to take center stage and be practically undressing me in front of her audience.
Michelle:  Maybe that's where the problem lies.
Lucien:  I don't follow.
Michelle:  Models adapt.  They try new things once they become comfortable with their subjects.  Maybe you were a little taken aback because Danielle showed more dominance over you in today's shoot.
Lucien:  Oh my god, that's ridiculous, Michelle.  I have no problem with women being dominant over my shoot.  You should know me better than that.
Michelle:  Then what is the problem?
Lucien:  There is no problem.  I was just a little concern, but maybe you're right.  Maybe Danielle just wanted to try something new and that's all there is to it.
Michelle:  What more could there be?
Lucien:  Nothing. (In all honesty, he wasn't lying.  He didn't know what more there could be) Just forget we had this conversation. (He quickly retreated before Michelle could open her mouth again)

(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)
Jason: (sitting in the chair that Evelin had been occupying, he told his father about the new woman in his life while Dalia stood a few feet behind him) You'd like her.  Her name is April and she's super hot.  (he laughed, forgetting for a second that his mother was in the room) Of course, that's not all there is to her.  She's funny- has a great sense of humor, she's kind and she loves ice hockey.  I met her at a game actually while out with a few friends.  Now it's like our ritual to go to a game every chance we get.  (he looked at his father's face, his color was still there for the most part, but there was no visible sign that he was listening.  His eyes were close and his body barely moved)
Dalia:  He can hear you.
Jason:  (moving from the chair) Yeah, maybe.  I need some air.
Dalia:  (she watched as her son left the room before averting her attention back to her ex, lying there unconscious as they all wait like trapped stooges for him to awake)  You fight this Earl, like you've never fought before.  You do it for our son.

Brock Lombard entered his wife's lab, tracking the smell of fresh baked goods with him as he called out for Samantha.  He knew if he didn't at least distract her with some good food that she would probably be stuck working in the lab until the wee hours of the night.  Unfortunately, he doesn't see any sign of her.  When he proceeded to turn back, he noticed what appeared to be someone's leg sticking out on the floor from the corner of his eye.  Following the leg around the lab counter, he discovered that it belonged to his wife.  Dropping the bag of goods, he fell to his wife side, shaking her body as if trying to wake her from a simple dream.  Only Samantha doesn't respond.  Is she dreaming?   He then took his hand and pressed it against her wrist, checking for some sign of a pulse.

***Anton: (taking a bite of his sandwich, he digested each bite before switching gears in their conversation) So Liam, how does one become the Assistant District Attorney?
Liam:  Well, you know that saying - "It's not what you know, but who you know."  Well, my sister Lily dated the D.A. for a few years back when he was plain old DJ Lournings.  Over time, he and I became good buddies.  So when an opening came up three years ago, he put in a good word for me.  It was welcome change after three years of providing legal consulation to local hospitals in Springfield.
Anton:  (the sound of his hometown from Liam peaking his interest) Springfield?  You use to live there?
Liam:  Born and raised, actually.  Another reason I jumped at the opportunity to become A.D.A.  I needed a change of scenery.  Springfield was great, but I always felt so constricted there.
Anton:  I can understand that.
Rochelle:  Yeah, I guess you and Liam have more in common than you realized.
Liam: (unaware that Anton himself was a native of Springfield, he doesn't catch on to what Rochelle was alluding to) Did I miss something?
Anton:  My family and I grew up in Springfield as well.
Liam:  Oh!  Small world.
Anton:  and it seems to get smaller each day.

(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)
(he walked in the hospital cathedral, half expecting to find it empty, but his expectations were to no avail as someone was present) Sorry, I didn't realize someone was in here.
Evelin: (having heard his entrance, she rose from the bench) It's okay.  It's a public church, it's part of the risk of trying to find a moment of quiet solitude.
Jason:  You're the woman from my dad's room.
Evelin:  (snickering at their astute observation) Yes, and you're Earl's son.  I'm Evelin.
Jason:  Jason, but my friends call me "Jase."
Evelin:  Well Jase, how are you holding up?
Jason:  I'm fine, if that's the right thing to be under these circumstances.
Evelin:  It's right if its how you feel.
Jason:  Yeah, well, I'm not sure I can really use one word to describe how I'm feeling at this moment.
Evelin:  That's natural.  It's exactly how I feel.  (looking around the room for effect) But you're in the right place.  This is where the hope is.
Jason:  Is it really that simple?  (he asked, finding it hard to believe that one can keep hope in such a touch and go situation.  At some point, you must consider the chance that your worst fears may be acknowledge.  Evelin knew exactly what he was thinking and answered as accurately as possible)
Evelin:  Some days are harder than others, but then you have to ask yourself: without hope, what good am I to anyone?  (The question hit Jason hard, and he did feel a sudden sense of resurgence thinking that maybe his continued faith would help his father come out of this.  So what if Earl couldn't respond earlier when Jason was telling him about his girlfriend.  At least Jason chose to talk with him and perhaps that made some difference today.  Jason walked pass Evelin and sat down the bench aisle that Evelin was previously seated.  Evelin, wanting to give him some time alone, proceeded to head toward the exit, but Jason asked her to stay.  She felt a little wierd, however.  She was essentially meeting this boy for the first time, although she had heard much about him from Earl.  Still, she couldn't see any reason why she would turn down his request.  Besides, maybe this was something Earl wanted her to do.  Of course, that doesn't mean Jason's mother would feel the same way.  Dalia, who had left her ex's hospital room minutes after Jason rushed off, went looking for her son and was none to please to find him being consoled by Evelin)

Matthew:  (now wearing a band around his arm from donating blood, he ran into Dana once again as he made his way out of the lab) It seems we're running into each other all over the place.
Dana:  Well, I must admit, I kind of followed you.  (Matthew gave her a curious grin, which she responded to by rolling up her sleeve) Just came from donating blood.  See... matching bands.
Matthew: (glancing at her red band) Cosmic.  My brother will appreciate it.
Dana:  Well, at least I can help someone.  (Her mind immediately drifting to Samantha and her brother)
Matthew:  Hey, we don't know anything for sure.  Maybe there is a way that we can save Samantha.  I mean, look at my brother.  He's made it this far and Samantha's just as strong.
Dana: (she couldn't argue that fact, but she couldn't ignore all the signs either... all that pointed toward pain and loss for the Lombard family, as well as everyone who loved and adored Samantha) The purpose of my tarot is to prepare people for what's to come, which means I'm suppose to prepare my brother for the loss of his wife.  I don't know if I can do that.
Matthew:  Maybe you can't, but maybe we can.  We're in this together and I will help you tell your --
Brock:  (bursting through the halls pass Dana and Matthew with his fallen wife, he shouted for a doctor) Doctor, she needs medical assistance now.  (Dana and Matthew exchanged wayward glances, fearing that the preparation may be too late)

Billy and Crystal, Matthew, Dana, and Derek

- Ralph gives Shanna a "lost" message from Ben
- Garrett and Romeo get stuck in an elevator


Closing Credits

Click here for Episode 298