Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives"
If there's anything else I can do for you...
...You can tell me what really happened to my husband's plane and you can tell me right now. (~)
Murder?  I don't know if I can live with this.
The other alternative is not living at all.
(the threat throws her for a loop) Are you threatening me?
Enjoy marry life with Derek.  I'll worry about your conscience. (~)
Malina:  Maybe you could do some snooping around into Shaquanna's background, you must have contacts now that you work at Show time Limits.
Anton:  Yes, but are you sure that is a route you're willing to go?
Malina:  It does sound a little extreme.... (Before she could investigate any further, the door to Shaquanna Nichol's office suddenly opened and she's caught in the open by Shaquanna)
Shaquanna:  Do I really need to ask what you're doing? (Shaquanna's gaze on Malina intensified as she internally processes the reason for Malina being in her office.  The moment was demeaning for Malina because she had just been caught snooping in her business associate's, not to mention friend, personal belongings)

***Garrettlyn Michaels arrived at the Hallandale Weston Hotel ready to meet with Shaquanna and Malina, who were contacted by the execs of L'Oréal about having Garrett market some of their summer hair products.  Considering the spring show was less than a week away, this was a major good sign for Nichols' Beauticon.  Garrett, wanting to be prompt for whatever news Malina and Shaquanna had to deliver, arrived at the hotel a half hour early and ran into none other than Romeo Sullivan at the front desk.  Naturally, she wondered what Jennifer's ex was doing at the Hallandale Weston, as does he about her.
Garrettlyn:  Mr. Sullivan, what are you doing here?  (looking at his red vested shirt that covered his white dress shirt and extended just slightly below his tan dockers, she realized that was pretty obvious, but still, Romeo Sullivan working in a hotel... But then again, where else would you find a lonely widow or unattended wife looking for some TLC)
Romeo: ("Well, I'm wearing this ridiculous hat and dress suit,"  he thought to himself) Take a gander, why don't you?
Garrettlyn:  It seems to me like you found a new calling.  (she snickered) Although I never really pictured you in the hospitality business.
Romeo:  and what are you doing here, Ms. Michaels?  (Romeo always appreciated a woman with fire and that was GarrettLyn for sure, but he thought it best not to entertain her remarks)
Garrettlyn:  I have a meeting with my agents.  If you're lucky, they might have me perform here.
Romeo:  As exciting as that sounds, I get off in an hour.  Then I have a dinner date with Jennifer.  (a dinner date he was anxiously awaiting since it would be the first time he and Jenni spent together as an official couple.  This time he was determine to do it right, which meant keeping his libido in check, even in a town like Hallandale)
Garrettlyn:  (she knew that Brian had struck out with Jennifer, but last she heard, things weren't functioning between Romeo and Jennifer either)  So you two are dating again?
Romeo:  It was a recent decision, but don't tell anyone.  (Although knowing how close Garrett was with Brian, he secretly hoped she would fill the awol lothario on the latest hookups) We plan to make it official at the CF& A Masquerade Gala, but tonight is just going to be the two of us.
Garrettlyn:  It looks like things are working out the way you hoped.  (Romeo agreed, clearly thrilled that he doesn't catch the blow that Garrett delivered next)  Too bad it came at the cost of my relationship with Dylan.

On such a beautiful afternoon, a dark cloud seemed to be tracking Seth Stapleton, an employee of the Hallandale Weston for more than 20 years, who charged into the hotel and confronted his boss, standing a couple feet away from Garrett and Romeo.  As Seth slammed the white envelope into his boss' chest, he demanded an answer for its contents.
Seth:  A severance check?
Seth's Boss:  We thought the amount was generous.
Seth:  This isn't about the damn money.  You're firing me after years of timeless devotion to this hotel and these people.
Seth's Boss:  (Seth's boss didn't like having to fire him, but Seth more than anyone knew that the Hallandale Weston valued the opinions of its customers and after the stink that one of their wealthiest clients made regarding Seth's service, he didn't have a choice.  Queen DaVille demanded action against Seth or she would never convene at their establishment hotel again.  Worse, she would make sure no one else did either)   I'm sorry Seth, I really am.  But you have placed us in an impossible situation.  We value everything that you have done for the Hallandale Weston, but we must let you go.  (Attempting to the end with a bright note) Look at this as a time to finally see the world with Carrie and little Josh.  Time you've been wanting for a few years.
Seth:  (The mention of his wife and son did soften his bitterness, but he knew that his boss wasn't acting out of his best interest, but the interest of some social elitist cow who thought she could just wave her money around and get what she wanted.  That's what happened that day, Queen DaVille thought she could proposition Seth into laying horizontal with her, only he refused.  Now she was making trouble and his own boss was allowing her to do so)  Don't you dare try to act like you're doing this for my family.  This is about that DaVille bitch, and I'm telling you, she set me up.  You know me.  You know I didn't do this.
Seth's Boss:  (or so he thought, but who could really argue with science) The necklace was in your vest jacket, Seth.  There is no way I can have a thief on staff, our customers would not feel safe and that's who it comes down to.  Don't make this situation any worse than it has to be.  You know Queen DaVille is a regular here, and maybe its not best you be here when she gets here.  (The brush off, that's what he was getting.  His boss couldn't care less whether he was guilty or innocent.  Queen DaVille would keep his hotel rolling in money for years to come, that's all that mattered.  Not the 27 long years Seth spent behind that desk counter, greeting and directing customers to their rooms, documenting invoices, replacing room keys, etc...  His boss didn't mind what could possibly come of his son and wife, who had recently been laid off, now that he was out of job.  Thinking about Queen DaVille being welcomed into the hotel that he dedicated nearly half his life to sent steam emitting from his head, his blood boiled and his boss would not soon forget the coldness, nor the finality in Seth's eyes before he walked out of the establishment)

(<- Hallandale PD Headquarters ->)
Ralph: (his ears were glued to his office phone as Shanna waited impatiently in his office like she had been doing for the last hour.  She wondered how long it would take for the CSI unit to put together all the evidence from Ben's plane crash.  Not knowing what really happened, or rather, thinking that her husband's death was somehow manufactured, was killing her.  She only wished Jessica didn't have to leave to meet with her lawyer, but she knew life couldn't pause for her forever.  Still, Ralph had been on that phone for a good 10 minutes.  She hoped he was talking with the CSI unit, but something told her otherwise) "Alright, let me know if anything changes.  I'm in the middle of a case right now, but I'll try to make it over there soon."  (Dana told him that she hoped it would be before ending the call.  As Ralph placed the phone down on his end, he couldn't shake the feeling of urgency.  More so, he could sense a stir pass through the room, or it could have been Shanna moving from her chair once again and pacing the floor)
Shanna:  Was that the CSI unit?  Do they have findings on Ben's plane crash?
Ralph:  No, that was a private call.
Shanna:  Well, when are we going to hear from the CSI unit?  I have been waiting for over an hour.
Ralph:  Well, I'm sorry you've been waiting long.  (Meanwhile, thinking to himself that she decided to wait, why should he be apologetic) But I never guaranteed you that a decision would be rendered tonight.  So maybe you should just go home and wait until I hear something for sure.
Shanna:  ("Go home?"  She asked herself.  "Go back to the place that she and Ben shared?  Where she would be forced to look at all their photos and have to sleep in their bed.  Maybe before the news of Ben's death she could do that, but she couldn't now.  She couldn't go back to that dark, empty place alone knowing Ben would never enter their doors again)  I can't.  I need to be here.

(<- Cypress Gardens Park ->)
(walking ahead of Derek, she finished the last of her ice cream cone before coming to a stop under a tree.  It took a moment before Derek caught up with her) You know, this was a great idea.  Coming out here, enjoying an ice cream cone.
Derek: (leaning against the tree, he joined her in her complacency)  Yeah, its funny how losing someone can make you really appreciate all the small things.
Shalia:  It is. (she made a light hearted sigh.  It was foolish of her to think that a few hours out would make the remnants of Ben's death less widespread and more proof of that was definitely coming full speed ahead)
Reporter:  Mr. and Mrs. Guittierrez, Tara Banks with Past Relations Chronicle.
Derek:  (he could almost smile that someone would be foolish enough to announce their association with that rag and believe he or Shalia would give them the time of day) No comment.  (he took Shalia's hand and proceeded to bypass the reporter)
Reporter:  (fully confident that she was holding all the cards, she doesn't give Derek much time to retreat) Not even on the allegations that Ben Hemmings' plane crash wasn't an accident?  (Shalia could literally feel her heart skip a beat.  How much did this reporter know about Ben's plane crash?  How much did the cops know?  Have they connected her to it yet?  Derek, on the other hand, was repulsed.  His friend hadn't been declared dead yet for 48 hours and the vultures were already circling for a meatier story.  He knew he shouldn't trust a word that came out of the mouth of an employee for Past Relations Chronicle, but to hear the possibility said aloud in order to catch him off guard, which it had certainly did, made him want to throttle her... female be damn)

Shalia: (putting an end to their quiet disgust as she walked up to the reporter, close enough so that Ms. Banks' tape recorder could catch every word. Plus, the longer she stood in silence, the more rampant her mind ran with fear that her involvement in Ben's crash would be revealed) Let me ask you something.  How do you live with yourself? (Tara doesn't seem phase by the question.  Unfortunately, it was a question she ran across more than once in her field of work.  So she had learn to ignore it, after all, her services for Past Relations Chronicles was what kept food on the table each night and that's what mattered to her at the end of the day)  My husband is still dealing with the lost of his best friend.  He does not need you throwing your smut in his face,
Tara:  and how are you dealing with the lost, Mrs. Guittierrez?  (Phew!  Like a slap in the face, Shalia should saw that question coming.  She only hoped that no one saw her sweat, including an oncoming Derek)
Derek: (joining his wife's side, Shalia fears soon began to abate once Derek took control) My wife has no comment.
Tara: (quick to follow up, she doesn't even give Derek time to breathe after finishing his statement) Why is that?  Maybe its because of the rumors that your wife wasn't exactly on friendly terms with your best friend?
Derek:  My wife's relationship with Ben has nothing to do with his plane's crash.
Tara:  Then you don't deny an antagonistic relationship between the two?
Derek:  I haven't denied or affirmed anything.  Ben was great friend and a loving husband to Shanna.  If there was more to his plane crash than meets the eye, I'm confident the local officials will handle it justly and that's all I'm saying on the matter.
Tara: (she smiled, having found the angle for her story) That's good.  I have all the information I need.  (she left them to dangle the carrot she left hanging in the air, metaphorically speaking.  Derek muttered "Damn" to himself as the reporter walked off.  Shalia didn't like how proudly the reporter left either and she was not looking forward to tomorrow's story.  The last thing she needed was a news story on her troubled relationship with Ben Hemmings, especially with the nature of his plane crash so up in the air)

(<- Hallandale PD Headquarters ->)
  (although he would like nothing better than to send her home where she couldn't question his every move, he could understand why she may not be jumping at the opportunity to go home) Well, if you're going to stick around, you're going to have to do so patiently.
Shanna: (she found the request ludicrous: how could one wait patiently to find out whether or not their husband's plane crash was a tragic act of fate or someone's sinister plot) I'm trying, Ralph, but not knowing is torture.  Isn't there something you can do to speed up the process?
Ralph: (making a heavy sigh) I can call the unit and find out their prognosis.
Shanna:  Then do it.  Please!  (Ralph picked up the phone lying on his desk and punched in a few numbers before lifting the receiver to his ear)

(<- Hallandale Weston Hotel ->)
Romeo:  Dylan chose to go all mental on his own.  My only involvement with your pathetic ex was in faciliating a reunion between me and Jenni.  (He doesn't hesitate to add that he had done her a great service by getting rid of Dylan) Besides, you should consider yourself lucky.  That loser wasn't worthy of you.  (Garrett wondered what suddenly made him the authority on who was right or wrong for her, but nonetheless, he was right about Dylan.  Even if Romeo's return did in some way set path to Dylan's distasteful behavior, Dylan allowed his delusions to steer him down that path)
Garrettlyn:  and you're so sure of this, how?
Romeo:  You're the type to go for the good, all-american male, not us bad guys.  (which he had no problem lumping himself in with)  Dylan was what you called a mutt.  He had the potential, but he could never fight that devil on his shoulder.  Of course, become a doctor and save a few lives and it all sort of cancels out, doesn't it?
Garrettlyn:  I'll have you know that I don't expect every guy I fall for to be 100% pure or perfect.  Dylan had a good heart, that's what I fell in love with.
Romeo: (quick to rub it in her face) and out of love with, don't forget.
Garrettlyn: (she sighed) Goodbye, Mr. Sullivan.  (she proceeded to walk away, prompting him to run after)
Romeo:  Hey, don't walk away angry.  Why don't I escort you to where you need to be?  (he proposed as a peace offer)
Garrettlyn:  I don't need your assistance.  The elevator will get me there just fine on its own.  (With that, she headed for the elevators)

***Garrettlyn: (as she waited for the elevator to respond to her pressing the call button, she kicked herself for allowing Romeo to get her upset.  She never did like his arrogant approach to things, especially when he was in the mindframe that he knew her better than she knew herself.  This guy - a virtual stranger to her - knew more about her life than she knew about his.  So much that he felt himself capable of drawing conclusions about what she wanted out life... who she wanted!  Her head was then gravitated back toward the closed elevator doors as a ringing sound signified the opening of the doors.  Stepping on, Garrettlyn took a deep sigh before punching the number three button.  Just as the elevator doors were about to close, Romeo came swooshing in just barely, surprising Garrett)
Romeo:  Wow, that was close.
Garrettlyn:  What are you doing?
Romeo:  As it turns out, I have business on the third floor.

(<- Hallandale PD Headquarters ->)
(with the phone pressed firmly against his ear, one of the crime scene investigators informed him that they were near finished assessing the damage from the crash) "Does that mean you're close to making a ruling?" (Ralph went silent once again as the investigator explained what he believed to have happened.  Shanna watched anxiously in the foreground, having caught bits and pieces of the conversation.  Only the investigator seemed to occupy a significant portion of Ralph's time just clarifying if the team had reached a ruling.  Shanna wondered if that was a good or bad sign)  "Alright, see you in 15."  (he hangs up the phone)
Shanna:  (unable to wait in silence another second) Well?
Ralph:  They've located the cockpit voice recorder.
Shanna:  What does that mean?
Ralph:  It means we're going to hear exactly what happened before Ben's plane went down.

(<- Outside the Hallandale Weston Hotel ->)
Seth Stapleton found himself standing in front of the very building he was just kicked out of nearly half an hour ago.  As he looked up at the bright sky, the sun shining down on his face, he was brought back to the day everything went wrong:  The elevator buzzed as Seth boarded off with the elegant Queen DaVille at his side.  It seemed like any other day of trivial work tasks, but things would take a strange turn.  As the pair proceeded down the corridor, Seth leading the way, Queen DaVille expressed how much she appreciated him showing her to her room.
Queen DaVille:  I want to thank you for personally showing me to my room.  It's the one thing I've always admired about the Hallandale Weston -- it's hands on approach to everything.
Seth: (keeping his focus on finding her room, he doesn't turn back toward her, but he does respond in order to show he was listening.  After all, rule number 1 of the Hallandale Weston was always make the customer's voice count) It's not a problem.  It's all apart of the iniative at the Hallandale Weston.  (He stopped and turned back at her with a quick smile once they reach room 311 on the left)  Here's your room, Mrs. DaVille.  (Seth moved a few inches from the door while she dipped her hand in her purse before pulling out a pass key)
Queen DaVille:  Thank you.  (She said once more before sliding the pass key through the key lock.  A minute later, they both hear the sound of the lock turning over as Queen DaVille twisted her hand around the handle to open the door)
Seth:  No worries, it's my job.
Queen DaVille:  (remaining in the doorway, she looked him over briefly in between her response.  Hey, she might have been a woman in her 50s, early 60s, but she was still a woman who could easily spot a hearty appetizer) Well, you do it very well.  The patrons must compliment you all the time on your bedside manner.  (Seth found an intensity in her words, and the way her eyes sort of settle on him at one moment made him a little uncomfortable.  So he decided to hurry the situation along)
Seth:  Is there anything else I can do for you, Mrs. DaVille?
Queen DaVille:  (she lightly touched him on the shoulder, like a scene out of a romance movie and Seth wondered if she was being too forward.  Of course, this wasn't a movie... this was real life and she had moved her hand) Please, call me Helen.
Seth: (still, he gave into his intuitive impulse to back away, and does so slightly in order to avoid drawing much attention to the action) Is there anything else I can do?
Queen DaVille:  You could show me your real bedside manner.  (Helen was a woman that went after what she wanted, overlooking any small technicalities such as marriage or engagement.  She was done surveying what Seth had to offer, now she was ready to perform a physical.  Seth, although having suspected the come on, was still somewhat shocked and had to clarify that she was saying what he thought she was saying)
Seth:  I beg your pardon.
Queen DaVille:  You know what I mean. (she bridged in the space between them) and I'm willing to make it worth both our wilds. (moving her hand over private territory, Seth immediately backed away and reaffirmed his vows)
Seth:  You're a beautiful woman, Mrs. DaVille, but I'm married.  (he told her as he showed her the wedding band surrounding his left ring finger)
Queen DaVille: (she grinned profusely as if this wasn't the first time she had heard the excuse) So are half the men here, Mr. Stapleton.  (Referring to a few of Seth's married colleagues that she was able to convince to abandon their wedding vows for one night with a real queen.  She was fairly certain Seth wouldn't be any different.  Pouting her lips, she promised confidentiality in a soft, sultry tone....) Your wife doesn't have to know.
Seth:  I'll know.
Queen DaVille:  Well, I'm sure if I tripled your day's pay, you could compensate.  (Figuring a nice fat check would persuade him.  Unfortunately, it only seemed to insult him)
Seth:  I'm not an escort for hire, Mrs. DaVille.  The answer is no.
Queen DaVille:  Escort is such a dirty word.  I prefer "arrangement."
Seth: (choosing a more blunt approach, his voice slightly elevated) I'm not sleeping with you for money.
Queen DaVille:  (Helen could not believe it.  This man was turning "her" down and he was making a stink about it.  Luckily, no one was within earshot of their conversation) I don't think you understand who I am, Mr. Stapleton.  I'm Queen Helen DaVille of Romania and "no" is not an answer I respond to kindly.  (Seth didn't appear fazed by her threat then, but as his mind shifted away from his thoughts, he found the sun shining in his face once more outside the Hallandale Weston Hotel, and knew he was wrong.  Of course, if Helen DaVille thought she was going to get away with what she did, Seth certainly intended to prove her wrong.  As he moved from the side of the building and started heading toward the entrance, he bumped into an oncoming Malina Ramirez with Shaquanna Nichols)
Malina: (catching the man's face briefly) Sorry!
Seth: (quickly brushing past her as if slowing down might warrant the wrong attention) Excuse me.
Shaquanna: (coming up behind her) What was that about?
Malina: (she shrugged nonchalantly, as if it was a usual encounter in the grand scheme of life) Just some guy in hurry to get somewhere.
Shaquanna:  Yeah. (glancing at her watch) Speaking of hurry, we better get inside.  That rep from L'Oréal may already be waiting for us inside.  (Malina doesn't argue, instead leading the way into the Hallandale Weston)

Garrettlyn: (still awaiting her lift to the third floor) What is taking this thing so long?
Romeo:  Are you that anxious to get away from me?
Garrettlyn:  Don't flatter yourself.  It's just one would expect an elevator to be a little faster.
Romeo:  Well, it's a little slow.  (Garrettlyn could hear herself shouting "Duh."  He was pointing out the obvious, it had just reached the second level of the building and they had boarded the elevator nearly ten minutes ago)  It happens every so often.
Seth: (standing behind a wall column that marked a midway point between the lobby and lounge area, he spied Queen Helen DaVille chatting up with one of his former colleagues.  From the looks of it, she was staking him out as her main entree for the afternoon.  He watched as the young man (early 30's, blond hair, blue eyes, medium built) bent over slightly at the Madame's request and she knelt over to whisper something in his ear.  It was less than a minute before she pulled back.  The young male didn't rise immediately.  Instead, Seth could see Queen DaVille giving him a sultry grin while one of her hands went out of focus.  Seth had an idea where it went.  In the next moment, the man had risen to his feet, his complexion a little red.  The man was speaking now, but Seth could not make out the words from his distance.  However, judging by the man's body language and facial expression, it was the equivalent of a man being convinced to kill the woman he loves.  Seth felt like he was in an episode of "Cheaters," watching the action downplay right before his very eyes.  A few minutes later, the man started to leave, but Queen DaVille grabbed his hand, lightly massaging her hand over it and then tucking her key within his palm.  The man was panicked, quickly tucking the key in his vest jacket before scampering off.  Seth thought what a marvel idea it would be if this were an episode of "Cheaters" and her husband was here to catch her in the act -- oh, what sweet revenge that would be.  Still, the coast was clear and what Madame DaVille did not know was her fun was about to be interrupted)


Malina could not believe her eyes as she walked into the Hallandale Weston.  As she continued inside, she took in the mountain cool air accompanied with a smell she couldn't quite place.  Nonetheless, the breeze was a nice distraction from the heat outside.  There were column walls at nearly every angle and the lobby itself was grandoise.  It was truly a sight to see.  To the left was a large reception desk running diagonally along the wall, divided into four medium size compartments where attendants were on-call to assist customers as they came in.  She must have been gawking a little too long because one of the attendants smiled at her when Malina caught her eye.  To the right was a full-stationed Starbucks franchise, making her sudden craving for coffee quite clear.  Just a few feet away from the Starbucks counter was an elegant lounge area, equipped with a few marble tables and lofty sofas and couches.  She thought to herself what a misfortune that she and Shaquanna were meeting with the L'Oréal execs on the third floor, but then she imagined that it had to be even more beautiful upstairs.  She could only imagine what the bedrooms looked like.  Hmm... maybe she and Anton could get away for a romantic interlude this weekend.  It was then she had to remind herself that she should focus on business, pleasure could wait.  She continued toward the elevators, which were right pass the lounge area.  Just as she press the elevator call button, Shaquanna came walking toward her, taking a breath and hand waving herself, relieved to be in cool air conditioning)
Shaquanna:  Wow, I half-expected you to be upstairs by now.
Malina:  Sorry, I got a little distracted. (she glances around, checking out some of the spots she might have missed the first time around) This place is beautiful.  We should host a shoot here.
Shaquanna:  Well, as Nichols' Beauticon future head honcho, you can certainly make those aspirations a reality.  (Wow, Shaquanna didn't miss a beat and it was even worse now that Malina had tricked her into believing she was actually considering the offer instead of letting Shaquanna know that she was snooping behind her back)
Malina:  (she gave a faint laugh before flipping the focus of the conversation) So did you get in touch with the rep?
Shaquanna:  Yes, Mr. Stacey is on his way.
Malina:  Good.  (She turned back toward the elevators) Now if this elevator would open already.  (Meanwhile, across the way, Seth was only focused on one thing and it wasn't the hotel's decorum.  Standing in front of Madame DaVille, he spoke as if he was still the senior level customer service manager at the Hotel, only with a slight twist)

Seth:  What can I do for you, Mrs. DaVille?  Or would you rather I do you instead? (Queen DaVille thought the remark was strange, but she figured it was her soon to be male companion confirming their plans.  It was only when she dropped her magazine from her sight that she was confronted with the cold stare of one, Seth Stapleton)
Queen DaVille:  You!  (Her voice ridden in disgust to see the one man who had the nerve to refuse an evening with the Queen of Romania)
Seth: (marveling in her reaction) I'm glad you still remember me.
Queen DaVille:  What the hell are you doing in this establishment after what you did to me?
Seth:  Now now now, it's you and me.  Of course, I do believe it's what I wouldn't do to you that cost me my job.  Only you're going to see that the situation is rectified.
Queen DaVille:  (she let out a grin that pretty much said he must have hit his head if he thought she was doing a damn thing) Not on your life.
Seth:  That's funny because that's exactly what this comes down to.

(<- Cypress Gardens Plaza ->)
As Derek and Shalia walked up the sidewalk to the plaza, Derek spied one of the waitresses and motioned for her to come over as he pulled out a chair for Shalia, who hadn't said much of anything since they left the park, before joining her at the other end of the table.  Although to her credit, Derek was fairly quiet as well, only reaffirming how much he hated reporters a few minutes after the altercation.  Still, he wondered what was going through her mind right now...
Waitress:  What can I get you two?
Derek:  I'll have the italian sub combo with a coke.
Waitress:  and what about you, miss?  (Shalia doesn't hear the woman's question, partly because her head was slightly turned in the opposite direction, but largely due to the fact that her mind was stuck on what the reporter said earlier about having all the information she needed... "What did that mean?" she questioned.  The waitress called "miss" once more, but to no avail.  It was Derek who finally broke through the clouds)
Derek:  Shalia?
Shalia: (looking dead straight ahead at Derek, she completely overlooked the waitress' presence) Huh?
Derek:  Are you going to order something?  (he casually directed her to look to her left)
Shalia: (finally taking note of the waitress standing before her) Oh.  Umm... I'll have a chicken tender wrap with a martini - olives included please.  (A drink had to help or her mind might just open crack)
Waitress:  Coming up.
Derek: (once the waitress had scampered off) Are you okay, honey?  You seem distracted.
Shalia:  Yeah.  I just really need that drink.

(<- Hallandale Weston Hotel ->)
Queen DaVille: 
Are you threatening me, Mr. Stapleton?
Seth:  I will do what I have to do to get you to admit the truth.  Even if that means a little visit to your husband.
Queen DaVille:  (he barely finished as she cut him off, and with a righteous tone that would almost lead someone to believe she was the one being wronged) Now you listen to me you little prick... you made your choice, now accept the consequences like a man because I'm not doing any such thing.
Seth:  (he grabbed her by the arm when she tries to leave, surprising her with his brute strength) This isn't a joke.  (clearly she had to think so for her to be acting so indignant)  I have a wife and a child at home.  Up until yesterday, I had a job that I loved.  You are the one that has taken that away and I, for one, don't plan on letting you get away with it.

***Garrettlyn:  (She and Romeo stood on opposite ends of the elevator, reclining against the back wall.  Both shared two or three casual glances with one another until Garrett eyes once again became fixed on the elevator indicator, which still read it being stuck on level two.  It would have been more comforting if someone had gotten on the elevator from the second floor, but the bloody door hadn't even open.  As she took another sigh of frustration, she figured it was time for a more hands on approach as she moved swiftly from her corner)  This is ridiculous.
Romeo:  What are you doing? (He watched from afar as she pressed the third floor button, a moment later, she pressed more frantically) I wouldn't do that --  (the elevator made a sharp screech, causing Garrettlyn to look up in surprise as suddenly the elevator crate shifted, knocking her right off her feet.  Fortunately, Romeo was quick to catch her in his arms)  Now we're definitely not going anywhere.

(<- Outside of Hallandale PD Headquarters ->)
Shanna was sitting alone on the bench outside the HPD Headquartes when Ralph came out with a glass of water.  He could only imagine what was going through her mind after hearing the cockpit recorder.
Ralph: (taking a seat next to her after handing her the glass) Are you alright?  Would you like me to call someone?
Shanna:  No.  Besides, there isn't anyone to call.  (With Ben dead and Jessica taking care of her own problems, Shanna really didn't feel there was anyone left that she could lean on.  Ralph couldn't believe that and he certainly didn't want her sitting there thinking that)
Ralph:  Surely, there has to be someone.
Shanna:  Jessica's away dealing with a legal situation and Derek... (who she certaintly didn't want to think about nor talk about, especially knowing he was still with the woman responsible for her husband being on that plane.  Accident or not, she held Shalia responsible and by association, Derek was guilty as well) Well, I really don't want to see him right now.  The only person who can help me is gone.
Ralph: (clutching the cell he received from the CSI unit... maybe it would help)  Maybe not.   (he handed her the cell phone, which Shanna accepted with a questioning gaze)  Its Ben's.  The CSI unit found it at the scene.  (Was Ralph trying to present Ben's phone as some placeholder for Ben's warm body?!) There's a text from him to you.  I imagine he never had the chance to send it.  (Shanna couldn't believe it as she opened the cell and began reading her husband's last words to her shortly before his descent)

(<- Hallandale Weston Hotel ->)
Queen DaVille:
  This is getting tiring and you're starting to embarass yourself.  You lost your job, get over it.  You will find work elsewhere.  (Part of her genuinely meant that, but the other part of her just wanted him out of her face)
Seth:  You don't get it.  This isn't any job.  I've been a part of the Hallandale Weston for 27 years, 27 years.  I worked hard to get where I am and I can't have that all taken away because some oversex cow couldn't get her thrills seeked.
Queen DaVille:  How dare you speak to me that way?
Seth:  You certainly deserve no respect from me.  Now I'm asking you to tell my boss the truth.
Queen DaVille:  I cannot do that, even if I wanted to.
Seth:  What do you want me to do?  You want me to beg.  I will do anything.
Queen DaVille:  If only you were in that mindframe that afternoon. (referring to her offer of guilt-free sex) But it's too little, too late.  (She began to walk away and before Seth knew it, his voice raised a few decibels as he told her not to walk away from him, alerting some casual visitors near the Starbucks area.  But Seth's power was no longer in his voice, it was leveled in his hands, well out of the sight of those watching and Queen DaVille found herself at the barrel of it)  Oh my god.
Seth:  Now that I have your undivided attention...
Queen DaVille:  Look around, Mr. Stapleton. (she looked to her left and right, finding a few faces looking onward at the scene) We're in a public place, people are watching.  Now put the toy away and save yourself any further embarassment.
Seth:  I'd worried more about myself if I were you.
Queen DaVille:  You don't have the balls.  (She once again turned away, only this time it was a high-pitched sound that stopped her "dead" in her tracks.  Helen DaVille didn't know what had happened.  She could feel her heart thumping in her chest, but her body remained stiffed.  It took a minute, but she finally managed to turn and found his firearm bold in the air as customers from the Starbucks area started screaming and shouting that he had a gun as they ran from the.  Shaquanna and Malina are directed to the noise, but they don't know what's at the source.  Shaquanna scanned the room and spied Seth's firearm dead in the air.  "Oh my god."  She whispered to herself as she turned to warn Malina.  Meanwhile, fear and shock was ridden on Helen DaVille's face as she looked over her body, relieved not to find a bullet hole piercing through it, but for how long?)
Seth:  The next time I won't miss.

Akeira, Romain and Malina

- Matthew has a difficult choice to make
- Dana continues to battle telling Brock her fears concerning Samantha
- Shots are fired at the Hallandale Weston
- Robin and Jay learn the sex of their child


Closing Credits

Click here for Episode 299