Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives"
(taking Anton's sudden silence as a bad sign) I'm sorry.  I didn't mean to overspeak.
Anton:  You didn't.  I've been thinking about marriage a lot lately. (~)
Queen DaVille:  You don't have the balls.  (She once again turns away, only this time its a high-pitched sound that stops her "dead" in her tracks.  Helen DaVille doesn't know what has happened.  She can feel her heart thumping in her chest, but her body remains stiffed.  It takes a minute, but she finally manages to turn and find his firearm in the air, as customers from the Starbucks area start screaming and shouting that he has a gun and running from the hotel.  Shaquanna and Malina are directed to the noise, but they don't know what's at the source.  Shaquanna scans the room and soon spies Seth's firearm dead in the air.  "Oh my god."  (~)
Delilah:  (when Robin barks at her about not wanting to discuss her almost abortion, Delilah begins to get the sense that Robin is still conflicted by the drastic decision she nearly made) You’re not as over this abortion as you would like everyone to think. 
Robin: (breaking the two minute silent) Yeah, I have questions about what I did.  They haven’t left my mind since I confessed to Jay. (~)
Matthew:  Maybe you can't, but maybe we can.  We're in this together and I will help you tell your --
Brock:  (shouts for a doctor as he comes rushing through the hall with his falling wife, bursting pass Dana and Matthew) Doctor, she needs medical assistance now.  (Dana and Matthew exchange wayward glances, fearing that the preparation may be too late)

***The Hallandale Weston was full of excitement this afternoon as the elevator carrying Romeo Sullivan and Garrettlyn Michaels shifted downward suddenly at an angle, almost as if one of the cables had instantly snapped.  The quick jolting motion caused Garrett to loose her balance, following right into Romeo carefully placed arms.  It took her a moment to feel herself being uplifted, so Romeo kept a firm clutch)
Romeo:  Are you alright?
Garrett:  I think so. (she said with some degree of certainty, feeling a bit dizzy from the fall.  Still, she didn't feel any immediate pain.  One thing was for sure, she and Romeo were in such close quarters that she could practically reach out and touch the green of his corneas.  However, the closeness wouldn't be for much longer as she quickly sprung to her feet) What the hell happened?
Romeo:  Probably a circuit overload. (he responded, like it was the most normal thing in the world.  He then walked over to the elevator control panel and pressed the emergency call button, which caused a sharp popping sound to rang through the hotel.  However, it was the treading sounds of footsteps that would catch their attention)
Garrett:  Did you hear that?
Romeo:  (looking up from the elevator control panel with equal curiosity) Yeah, it sounded like screams.

Adam Weston didn't know what to think as he walked into the lobby and saw a crowd of his patrons fleeing the building as if their lives depended on it.  He wondered if one of the pet hamsters got loose again, but his ears told him otherwise as he heard a man cautioning a young woman in her mid-20's to turn around; that there was a man inside with a gun.  He directed her eyes near the Starbucks franchise before fleeing the building like a bat out of hell.  The woman quickly followed after him, taking the hurried gentleman at his word.  Adam, however, followed the man's pointing finger to his former employee, Seth Stapleton, with a frighten Queen Helen DaVille and saw the gun in full focus.  Walking over, he approached his troubled former employee)
Adam: (never knowing Seth Stapleton to be violent, he couldn't put his head around why he would be pointing a gun at Helen DaVille. Then again, he never thought Seth would turn out to be a common thief either) Seth, what are you doing?
Seth: (his eyes didn't avert from Helen, who hadn't moved since Seth let out his first warning shot for fear that he might very well make his mark the second time around.  When he finally responded to his boss's question, his voice was almost mechanic) I'm doing the only thing I can do.
Adam:  This isn't the answer.  Carrie wouldn't want you to do this.
Seth:  (his eyes, still solely focused on Helen DaVille, conveyed the bitterness in his tone.  It wasn't that long ago he was fired and suddenly, he was just another man in the Hallandale Weston) I'm doing this for Carrie, for our son.
Adam:  Let me get this straight: you're willing to shoot, possibly kill Helen for Carrie and your son?  Is that really the kind of burden you want to put on your wife and child?
Seth:  She did this. (Seth could feel his finger tighten on the trigger, and Queen DaVille could see him becoming more tensed by the second.  She wondered if she should try to make a break for it, but she had to remember she wasn't 17 anymore.  Plus, she couldn't predict if Seth would really go as far as too shoot her if she tried to leave.   He obviously had to have thought this out if he even had the gun) She's the reason for all of this.  Isn't that right, Mrs. DaVille?
Queen DaVille:  (she remained tightlipped at first, but then stood her ground against Seth)  The only thing I know is that you've stolen from me and now you're holding me at gunpoint.
Seth: (taking joy out of reasserting the fact, his delight is multiplied when he sees her color slowly drain) You're right, I am.

(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)
Robin and Jay Elkasinogen walked into the lobby, side by side as happy expectant parents should, hoping that this prenatal visit would be just as successful as the last two.  Now that Robin was feeling and seeing the adverse changes on her body, the presence of this other being was becoming all the more real.  That fact still left her rather conflicted.  After all, several months ago, she was ready to terminate this pregnancy and now she was becoming the perky, expectant mother -- shopping for clothes, voting on baby names, having regular check-ups and suffering massive cravings for salt & vinger crackers dipped with cheese and peanut butter.   On the other hand, she's happy that her husband is excited about the birth of their first child, but he would only be an idle spectator.  The contractions, the breathing, the pushing... that would be all her and accepting this pregnancy didn't erase all those fears...
Jay:  Hi, we're here to see Dr. Neal.  (Before Robin knew it, she was standing with her husband in front of the nurse quarters, looking into the eyes of the Dr. Erik Kerrigan)
Erik:  (checking the appointment roster) Ah, yes, Dr. Neal wanted me to let you both know his last appointment is running a little late, but he should be with you in about 10 minutes.
Jay:  (he smiled at the irony) Here we were worried about being late.  Thanks.
Erik:  Not a problem.  (The loudspeaker then demanded his attention as he shifted his head upward in the direction of the intercom)
Loudspeaker:  "Dr. Kerrigan, would you please report to the third floor?  Repeat, Dr. Kerrigan to the third floor?"
Erik:  Looks like I'm needed elsewhere.  Enjoy the rest of your afternoon.
Jay:  Thanks, you too.
Robin:  Bye Erik.  (he turned back with a smile before exitting down the corridor)
Jay:  (he noticed his wife taking a deep breath and kept a firm grip on her.  Robin had felt a sudden movement from the baby, and then complete silence.  She figured he or she was probably napping, but Jay was concerned) Come on, why don't you take a load off?  You probably shouldn't be overdoing it on your feet.
Robin:  I'm fine.  Besides, I think I'm stuck with him or her for at least another three months.
Jay:  (catching onto the joke) Haha.  Are you sure you're okay? 
Robin:  (sensing his worry about the baby) The baby and I are fine.  (Then she felt it again, that sense of wholeness clouded by doubts)

Ralph: (after wrapping up things with a distraught Shanna Hemmings at the police station, Ralph Lombard hurried over to the hospital.  His sister, Dana, had been so insistent on the phone earlier about him coming over that he was pretty certain he skipped at least 2 or 3 red lights on the way.  As he stepped off the elevator onto the third floor, he quickly spied his sister a few feet away) Hey, Matthew told me I could find you here.
Dana:  (embracing him tightly with a hug) Oh, I'm so glad you're here.
Ralph:  (it takes a minute for him to break away from the embrace, but he continued to hold her close by) Hey, Samantha's alright, isn't she?
Dana:  It isn't good.  (acknowledging that dreary fact sends her mind back to her tarot readings and Crystal's premonition.  She couldn't help but wonder if this was it)  The doctors still don't know what's going on.
Ralph:  (finding it hard to grasp that this was happening to his sister-in-law) How did this happen?
I don't know.  Brock found her unconscious in the lab.  She's been unresponsive sense.
Ralph:  This is unreal.  Have they ruled out it being another blackadder36 attack?
Dana:  I don't know-- (her voice started to slip out that she repeated herself again, but it only seemed to heighten her emotional angst)  I don't know, Ralph. (she took a deep breath) I'm just very afraid... for Samantha and our brother.  (Dana walked off in a fashion that would give an idle viewer the impression that he wasn't equally as concerned as she was for Samantha and Brock.  However, the look she gave him while speaking of her dread told him something more was brewing underneath this worry)

(<- Hallandale Weston Hotel ->)
Malina, alerted by Shaquanna Nichols of the situation taking place just a few feet away from them, watched on in confusion as Seth Stapleton told his boss that Madame -- very appropriate for the services she's been providing to the Hallandale Weston's personnel staff -- Helen DaVille brought this all on herself.  Malina was quick to recognize the international figure as Queen of Romania and sought clarification from Shaquanna.  Shaquanna, however, found the detail moot and was more concerned with getting her and Malina out of the line of fire.  Malina wondered if she should leave.  After all, a woman was being held at gunpoint...
Malina:  We can't just leave?  A woman's life is being threatened.
Shaquanna:  It's not our civic duty to save her. (Shaquanna didn't realize how heartless that sounded until it fully came out of her mouth, compounded by the look on Malina's face, but it was the sad fact of life that many people before her have acted on and would continue to do so after her.  You can only do what's best for you, and what was best for her was getting the hell out this hotel.  Still, she ventured outside that code of conduct by warning her friend and hoping that Malina would see leaving with her as the only option.  Besides, for all anyone knew, the socialite had it coming.  As such, who was she to interfere with justice)  Look, I'm pretty sure the cops have been notified already, and if not, we have the opportunity to do so.  (She hoped adding that they could be of better service outside the hotel would make the decision more easier for Malina)

Queen DaVille:  You think you're all powerful with that gun in your hand.  But you're nothing but a weakling and a thief.  (What was with this woman?  Did she not see that she was being held at gunpoint by a man on the verge of losing it?  Seth was quick to remind her as he lunged at her in loathsome tongue, his gun resting against her head.  She moaned in agony from the tightness of his grip around her arm and the close proximity of his pistol)
Seth:  You are the thief, you cradle robber and to think, you have me right where you wanted -- skin to skin. (he said with a sense of dominance as he edged the gun harder into the side of her head, causing her to let out a sheepish moan.  For a second, it almost seem like a tear would fall down her face, but it was blocked by another grunt of resistance as if coming into such close range with her assailant's weapon made the situation all the more real.  Adam Weston attempted to get through him by calling out his name, but the situation only heated up when he looked up to find Shaquanna and Malina trying to make a daring escape, for which he quickly demanded an answer, his outrage scaring the hell out of them)  What the hell do you two think you're doing?

Malina couldn't speak, she was just frozen stiff at the sight of Seth and his gun to Queen DaVille's head.  Although in some small way, it had to be somewhat comforting... after all, he could be pointing that thing at her and Shaquanna.  Shaquanna, on the other hand, didn't seem shaken by Seth's presence or the gun, at least she wasn't showing it.
Shaquanna: (with a faint grin) We were just leaving.  (taking a deep look at Seth and the Queen, who was long from the smug and self-assured woman she was earlier)
Seth:  Hmm... I bet you were.  (he returned her smile, but it wasnt long before his amusement turned to disappointment) You probably envisioned yourselves running to the authorities to report an innocent woman being held at gunpoint. (he asked with peaked curiosity, although he already knew the answer.  After all, there he was, standing before them with a gun to a woman's head.  Shaquanna and Malina both just looked at him silently)  Only there is no innocent woman here...  (a sense of repugnance overcame him as he looked into Helen DaVille's whimpering eyes.  For someone whom she labeled a weakling just a few minutes ago, she sure wasn't putting up a brave front) and I'm afraid I can't let you do that.
Shaquanna: (pointing out the obvious) You open fired in a public hotel filled with lots of people.  It's ridiculous to think that the authorities haven't already been notified.
Adam:  She's right, Seth.  You're only making this situation worse. (he paused for a second, hoping his words were sinking through.  He then extended his hand out toward his former colleague) Give me the gun.  (In that moment, Seth does contemplate handing over his gun as seen by his hand loosening over the pistol's shaft and subsequently, against Queen DaVille's head)

(<- Lincoln Manners Resort ->)
Anton McCloud opened the door to his and Malina's home, immediately calling out her name as he entered.  Of course, the fact that there was absolutely no lights on in the place should have told him that she wasn't around.  With only the silence to respond, he placed his keys on the coffee table before taking a load off on the adjacent couch.  After his lunch date with Liam and Rochelle, he was feeling a bit drained.  Perhaps if he could shut his eyes for a few minutes, maybe it would be enough to replenish him.  As he became complacent with the idea, a sudden knock ensued at his door.  It was just too heinous to be real, but the knock was superceded by another one)
Rochelle: (attempting to penetrate through the barrier between her and Anton) Come on McCloud.  We know you're in there.
Anton: (he didn't think he could, but he managed to walk over to the door and proceeded to answer it.  He was greeted with the sight of Rochelle and Liam) Are you guys bored without me already?
Rochelle:  Hardly. (bringing his cell phone into view) We just figure you might need this.
Anton: (grabbing it with a look of dismay) Wow, I didn't even realize I left it.  Thanks for coming all this way.
Rochelle:  It was no trouble.
Anton:  Well, it's a good thing you both found it.  (flipping over his cell phone cover, he received an alert of four missed calls) Hmm... looks like I've been pretty popular. (he noticed two of the missed calls are from Leigh Gray, the other two are numbers he doesn't recognize.  Figuring it to be non-urgent, he flipped his cell phone cover back over and averted his attention back to Liam and Rochelle standing in his doorway) If you two don't have to rush off immediately, why don't you come in for a quick drink?  It's the least I can do.  (The offer was certainly appealing to Rochelle.  After having lunch with him and Liam, she realized how much she missed their friendship.  It seemed to take a backseat after he started working for Kyle Pierre, and subsequently, with Lacreasha.  Still, she didn't want to infringe on Anton's hospitality unless Liam was cool with it, so she turned to him for affirmation.  Liam could see she wanted to say yes and who was he to turn down a free drink.  Besides, Anton was a good guy and from his hometown, no less)
Liam:  Sure, why not?
Anton:  Great.  (He directed them inside his apartment, onto the vacant couch in which he was so close to sleeping on earlier)  What would you both like? (walking pass the couch into the kitchen)  We have apple cider, ginger ale, coke, tequila, vodka, scotch, chocolate milk or I can whip you up something from the espresso machine.
Liam:  (he was impressed with Anton's array of choices, all he had at his house to offer guests was water, scotch and maybe some tea.  Still, he decided to keep it simple) I'll have a coke.
Anton: (leaning over the counter) and what about you, Rochelle? Or let me guess... vanilla latte, extra cream, no sugar.
Rochelle:  Wow, you remember that?
Anton:  You had me fetch it so many times, it's ingrained in my memory.  I'll whip one up for you. (he turned away from the counter to start gathering the ingredients, secretly laughing at the thought of himself making a drink that a year ago he would have been searching high and low for across town.

(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)
About an hour after Matthew, Dana and Jason donated blood, and Brock discovered Samantha unconscious in the lab, Earl received a blood transfusion in hopes of slowing down the virus in his system.  It would also enable the medical staff more time to work out the kinks of the antidote.  Unfortunately, Earl's body rejected the transplant, indicating to the physicians that he was entering the last stage of blackadder36.  So who knew how long it would be before he went into full cardiac arrest like the others.  After all, Matthew and Evelin had already witness him nearly flatline earlier.  Dr. Romain Chandler informed Matthew, in the company of Dalia, Jason and Evelin that the antidote may be the only thing to counteract the virus at this point.  Samantha's notes indicated that there was a chemical reaction with the strain after half hour, but there was no way to be sure it would work until it was administered to an actual subject.  In other words, Romain wanted Matthew to consent to using his brother as a lab rat.  Part of him wanted to say yeah.  After all, Samantha searched long and hard for this thing, it's hard to believe she would come back home after all this time with an ineffective product.  On the other hand, what if the antidote failed and his brother died?  Then it would be as if he signed off on his brother's death.  It was too much to bear.  Plus, part of him was worrying about how Dana was keeping it together in lue of everything that happened with Samantha.  He hoped that Ralph could be of help to her because he really had to focus on his brother)
Dr. Romain Chandler:  I understand that this is a tough decision, Matthew.
Dalia:  What are the risks if he waits?
Dr. Romain Chandler:  The fact that Mr. Pryce has made it along this long is good, but considering the number of patients who have entered this stage...  We believe time is of essence.
Dalia:  So you're saying without this antidote, which we don't even know is 100% effective, Earl will die?
Dr. Romain Chandler:  The odds aren't good with the virus already having killed off a number of his red blood cells and his body not responding to the tranfusion.  (Matthew let out a deep breath at the ceiling as he stepped away from Dr. Chandler and the roaming eyes awaiting for him to make a decision.  Evelin followed after him a moment later, sparking Dalia's ire.  First, she was giving her son advice on how to cope with the situation with his father and now she was putting herself in the middle of a family situation.  As far as Dalia was concerned, Evelin didn't have a ring on her finger, so she wasn't family in the least.  Matthew turned at Evelin's touch and that's when he decided to ask her)
Matthew:  What do you think I should do?
Evelin: (gaping her mouth open in surprise, she never expected Matthew to ask her that.  Once the question had really hit her, she didn't know if she could really answer.  Dr. Chandler made the odds seem so bleak, but she still believed that Earl had a fighting chance)  You're asking me?  (She wasn't the only one floored, Dalia was practically spitting nails.  How could Matt be asking for her consultation in such a huge decision?  This was her son's father, her ex- husband and Evelin's... what? Friend?!)  I think you should take some time to make sure you're comfortable with whatever choice you decide.  You have my support, and I'm sure Earl's support as well.
Jason:  You'll have my support as well, Uncle Matt.  (That is definitely enough to assure Matthew that he would make the best decision, whatever that might be)

Ralph: (unable to get their earlier encounter out of his head) Is everything alright?
Dana:   That really depends on your definition of alright, Ralph.  (she said, playing through her head whether it was right that Samantha was in the hospital and that Brock might lose his wife, was it right that Matthew could lose his brother, was all the other bad things happening around the world right?)
Ralph:  I ask becaues you're the most optimistic person I know and today, you just seem so defeated, so tired.
Dana:  Well, If you know what I knew, Ralph, you'd be tired too.

***Ralph:  I don't understand, what is it that you know?
Dana:  It doesn't matter.  We need to be focused on Brock...
Ralph:  and Samantha, hoping that she gets better.
Dana:  (fighting the part of herself that told her prayer is no use, that the cards and Crystal's dreams have pretty much spoken regarding Samantha's fate, and that death was indeed coming to Leysdale Hospital, she attempted a sense of optimism, but she wasn't fooling herself -- the dread was still there and Ralph caught a glimmer of it) Yeah, we need to hope she gets better.  (Ralph started to say something else, but was interrupted by Brock)
Brock:  (figuring a joke would lighten his mood) My wife is feeling pretty lonely with you two out here yammering away.
Ralph:  Hey.  (feeling an inkling of guilt for not walking in on his brother earlier) Is Samantha awake?
Brock:  No.  She moves her hand every now and then, but that's it.
Dana:  Well, that's a good sign.  It means that she probably knows you're there.  ("Wait?  What was I doing?"  She asked herself.  She knew it was only natural to want to assure her brother that things will turn around, but considering her own concerns regarding Samantha's recent illness, was she foolishly trying to convince herself of the same thing?)
Ralph:  Dana's right.  ("Yeah, rub it in, Ralph."  Dana thought to herself)  Samantha's a fighter, she'll get through this.
Brock:  I know how strong she is, but I never seen her this way.  (turning back toward the window of his wife's hospital room, Brock continued as Dana stood in silence wondering if perhaps Brock knew what was happening on some deeper level) It's just-- she's so pale and every minute I'm shielded away from those beautiful eyes is another minute I don't get back.

The examination room was quite cool thanks to the nice central AC unit that kept air circulating through the vents of Leysdale Hospital and normally that would be a welcome relief from the summer heat, but Robin Keefer Elkasinogen couldn't shake the occasional shiver from the cool air circulating through the room.  Of course, it didn't help matters that she was in a hospital gown with her abdomen exposed and covered in some wet, gel-like substance.  Apparently, it made it easier for the doctor to pick up sound vibrations happening inside the womb.  However, it took a while before Dr. Neal's hand-held probe was able to pick up a conducive image to transmit to the screen.  Dr. Neal could see Jay was getting anxious and told him to relax, that sometimes these things took time depending on where the baby is hiding.  Dr. Neal continued moving the probe around the right edges of Robin's abdomen and all of a sudden, an image began pulsating on the screen.
Dr. Neal:  See!  Right there all along.
Jay:  (looking at the screen) Unbelievable.  It's hard to imagine in a few months, we will be holding and nurturing him or her.  (Robin doesn't say anything, but she can't help but agree for different reasons.)
Dr. Neal:  Yes, you will.  Everything looks and sounds great.  (averting her focus to Robin as she lightly taps her on the leg) If the mother keeps up a regular scheduled regimen, you'll be welcoming a beautiful baby-- (Dr. Neal managed to stop herself just in time.  A second later and she would have revealed the sex of the baby to the expectant parents, an insight they seemed keen on waiting on until he or she came into this world.  Chuckling at her almost slip, she completed her though) In August.  (Giving the probe one last twirl, Robin and Jay saw their bundle of joy awakening from his or her afternoon nap. He or she always had their back facing them that it was never possible to tell if it was a boy or girl.  However, as the baby tossed over on his/her backside, it's anatomical makeup made the answer quite apparent.)
Jay:  Oh my god, is that...  (he said in an innocent-like shock.  Surely it couldn't have been the first time he seen such a thing, after all, he was a doctor.  Dr. Neal and Robin looked at the screen, and a genuine smile crossed Robin's face seeing her child in all of it's glory)
Dr. Neal:  Are you sure you want to know?  (As anxious to let the proverbial cat out of the bag as they had been about waiting until the baby's birth, but it seemed pretty silly in light of what came up on the screen)
Robin:  Well, I think it's pretty obvious, but I wouldn't mind hearing an affirmation if it's okay with my husband.  (Although she suspected a part of her husband always wanted to know, but kept mum because she had insisted on not knowing)
Jay:  Honestly, I've been dying to know.  (Robin smiled to herself on the inside as if his confession had been a testament to how well she knew her husband's heart)
Dr. Neal:  Well, then I guess you can stop picking out girl names because you're having a boy.
Jay:  (turning away from the screen and Dr. Neal, he relived the news as if his wife hadn't been standing in the room the whole time) We're going to have a son.  I'm going to have a son.
Robin:  (she caressed his face adoringly) Yeah, he's going to be the splitting image of you.  (Jay embraced his wife joyously as they watched the image of their son on the screen.  Moments like these are what made Dr. Neal's job worthwhile. Meanwhile, Robin hoped this little boy wouldn't turn up like the vision of the son she had who would learn of his mother's hasty half-choice and grow to hate her)

(<- Hallandale Weston Hotel ->)
Once the screams ceased, Garrett and Romeo had nothing else to concentrate on but each other, and that was getting harder by the second as Garrett's sole purpose for boarding the elevator in the first place was to get away from Mr. Sullivan and his snide remarks.  Of course, he would follow her and cause all this too happen.  She hated thinking that Malina and Shaquanna were just sitting, waiting for her to show up and here she was, stuck in an elevator.
Garrettlyn:  Could you go a little faster up there?  Some of us have places to be.
Romeo:  I'm sure their working as fast as they can.
Garrettlyn:  You were also sure that we would be on the third floor by now.
Romeo:  (not appreciating the dig in the least.  It wasn't like she was the only one missing something important, he and Jennifer were suppose to be having their first dinner tonight as a couple)  Had someone been a little more patient we --
Garrettlyn:  Excuse me, but maybe if your hotel upgraded these dingy old elevators, I wouldn't be in this predicament.
Romeo:  But you are and yet ironically, this conversation has gotten us nowhere.  So perhaps if you moved past your own self-interests, we might just get out of here a little faster.  (Garrettlyn was then left speechless by his nerve)

As Seth contemplated handing over the gun, he reminded himself what the woman he was threatening to shoot had done, and more importantly, his purpose for coming back to the hotel after receivng his severence check.  He shifted his gun to Queen DaVille's back, causing her to grunt once more knowing one false mood and a bullet could come piercing through her body.
Seth:  You just don't get, do you?  None of you do.  (His captives all looked at him aimlessly) I didn't just wake up and decide to hold this bitch at gunpoint.  She drove me to this.
Shaquanna:  What do you mean?
Seth:  I'm doing this to get to the truth.
Adam:   Truth?  Seth, that necklace was found on your property.
Seth:  Do you really think that after 20-something years of service and devotion to this hotel that I would throw it all away on some crappy piece of jewelry?  I mean, come on Adam.  You know me better than that.
Adam:  (admittedly, he found it hard to believe that one of his senior staff members stole Queen DaVille's necklace, but how else could he explain the necklace being on Seth's person)  Alright then, if you didn't steal that necklace, how else did it wind up in your vest?  (a moment of silence followed, ironically to be broken by Malina, who hadn't been able to speak a word since Seth cornered her and Shaquanna)
Malina:  A set up.
Seth:  Thank you.  (He renounced joyously, stunned that the sense of logic would come from a woman whom he barely knew and was practically keeping hostage)
Shaquanna:  But why would someone set you up?
Queen DaVille:  (rather irritated that Malina and Shaquanna were more concern with Seth's on-going saga rather than the fact that he had a "gun" wedge in her back)  Why are you two even listening to this?  I'm being held against my will.  (She stressed, practically daring them to ignore the fact that Seth had her tightly bound to him)  So unless you want to be quoted as accessories after the fact, I suggest you--
Malina: (seeing past her frantic histrionics) It's you.  He thinks you set him up.
Adam:  (turning to Malina) That makes no sense.
Queen DaVille:  Because it is a fabrication.  This man is trying to save his own hide by crucifying me.


Just as Anton walked over to hand them their drinks, Liam cell phone went off.  He took a quick look and scooped himself up from the couch, telling Rochelle he had to take the call before running into the hall.  She was still a bit flabbergasted, but took her mocha late from Anton as he sat down in the chair across from her.
Anton:  Do you know who I have been thinking about since our run-in earlier?  (Rochelle shook her head negatively just as he expected.  He then echoed the name that no one has pretty much uttered since her conviction trial several months ago) Kavina.
Rochelle:  (not a topic she was particularly looking forward to discussing, she inquired about Anton's recent interest)  What made you think of her?
Anton:  Hanging out with you and Liam today.  It just reminded me of old times, back when it was the four of us: you, me, Kavina and Royce.  (She could understand his reasoning, it did feel like old times as they tossed back silly jokes and digs) How is Royce, by the way?
Rochelle:  Umm... well, he's on a business trip and things haven't really been all that well between us since Kavina's trial.  So I'm probably not the best source.
Anton:  I guess that means you're still holding the fact that he knew what Kavina did against him?
Rochelle:  It's something I've had a hard time getting past.  I mean, considering his silence almost cost me years of my freedom.
Anton:  It wasn't his crime, and he protected Kavina because she was his friend.  He's also your friend, and you've known him for a number of years.  You both even share a company name.
Rochelle:  Yeah, well, that doesn't justify anything.  In fact, it just makes it all the more worse.  (The conversation ceases as Liam re-enters the room, telling Rochelle and his host that he has to leave) Why, what's going on?
Liam:  Apparently, some lunatic opened fired at the Hallandale Weston.
Rochelle:  Oh my god.

(<- Hallandale Weston Hotel ->)
(pushing the queen to the ground, he quickly reminded her that his gun was still in reach) Believe me, if I wanted to crucify you, I would have... right between the eyes.  (he demonstrated by lining up the barrel of his gun between her two eyes, leaving little to be desired by his audience as he resonated the sound of gun being fired while pulling his gun backward for greater effect.  The motion caused Queen DaVille to gasp incontrollably, tears trailing down her face as she attempted catch her breath.
Adam:  Seth!  (Seth turned, his gun wavering to his side as he spied the look of disapproval on Adam's face) This is getting out of hand.
Seth:  Why?  Because she let out a few human tears.  (he glanced over in her direction momentarily) It's the least she deserves for setting me up.
Adam:  So what now? You psyche her out some more, maybe decide you want practice on a live target?  When is this going to end?
Seth:  Haven't you been listening?  Or is it just Queen DaVille's voice and thoughts that matter?  (Adam gave him a stern looking, in no way appreciating the tone Seth was takng with him)  When I get the truth.  When each and everyone one of you here realizes that she drove me to this.  More importantly, when I get my job back.
Shaquanna:  So all this is about getting your job back?  (her tone clearly suggesting that he was going way overboard to get what he wanted)
Seth:  No, this is about principles.  This is about what is fair and what is not.  Is it fair that this woman has been sleeping her way through mangement like they were served in some full-course buffet?  Is it fair that I lost my job for having the morals to turn her down?  (Malina could certainly relate to what Seth was saying.  It was her principles that caused her to leave the fashion world when her ex- husband decided to use the company she was working for as a front for his shady business dealings.  Unfortunately, she wasn't able to make a very clean break and a lot of people turned on her as a result of her ex- husband's actions)
Adam:  Are you saying Queen DaVille propositioned you?  (finding it hard to associate Seth's image of Queen DaVille with his ideal of her, a sweet, elderly woman who every now and then, would send a fresh basket of cookies to him and his family as thanks for another great week at his hotel.  Of course, if what Seth were saying was true, maybe her thanks went far beyond what he expected)
Shaquanna: and you turned her down... wow!
Malina:  Giving her ample reason to want to set him up.
Adam:  Helen, is this true?  (looking at the woman, who in an instant had earned the disbelief and disgust of a man she known for years and two women she didn't know from Eve.  She couldn't believe it.  It seemed almost futile denying everything at that point or was it...  "Mr. Stapleton, this is the Hallandale P.D.  You are to come out with your hands up."  Lieutenant Enrique Rivera shouted in his bullhorn from outside the hotel)

(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)
Jay held his wife hand as they stepped outside of Dr. Neal's office, getting some last minute words of encouragement from her.  Dr. Neal then reminded them to avoid any strenuous activities, and to keep up with Robin's regular vitamin schedule.  She also reminded them that their next appointment will be in two weeks, marking the beginning of Robin's third trimester.  They both thanked her for her time before continuing on their merry way toward the elevators.  However, before they could make it all the way acrossed the hall, Dr. Delilah Rusie spied them hand in hand.
Delilah:  Robin, Jay.  Long time, no see.
Jay:  Hey Delilah.
Robin:  Hi.
Delilah:  What are you both up to?
Jay:  The doctor just finished with Robin's physical exam.
Delilah:  (worried that something was wrong with the baby) Is everything okay?
Jay:  Yeah...
Robin:  (finishing his thought) Our son is progressing wonderfully.
Delilah:  You said "son," does that mean...
Robin:  We're having a boy.  We just found out today.
Delilah:  That's awesome.  I'm really happy for you two.  (she secretly envied Jay and Robin in that moment.  There they were, both so in love and preparing to bring their first child into the world.  She only hoped she would find a love like that again some day)
Jay:  We're happy for us as well.
Robin:  So how are things around here?
Delilah:  Oh, the action never stops.  I just really feel for Brock and his whole family right now.
Robin:  What do you mean?  What's going on with Brock and his family?
Delilah:  Oh my god, you haven't heard.
Jay:  Heard what?
Delilah:  Brock found Samantha unconscious in the lab a few hours ago.  It's critical.

***As the shock slowly began to wear off, Robin thought about about her last conversation with Samantha.  It was after her almost abortion and Samantha had urged Robin to be honest with Jay about her pregnancy.  She couldn't believe that had been the last time they had spoken with one another: where had time gone? What had she been doing?
Jay:  Do they know what's wrong with Samantha?
Delilah:  Our specialists suspect that Samantha came into contact with some sort of agent.  We have ruled out it being blackadder36.
Robin:  That's good news, isn't it?
Delilah:  Yes and no.  We still don't know what is in her system or how toxic it is.  (Jay couldn''t help but think how Brock was handling all this news.  He could only imagine the instant torture he would be feeling if this had been happening to Robin or their son)
Jay:   Have you seen Brock recently?
Delilah:  (sensing where the line of questioning was going) He's with his brother and sister.  There all trying to remain optimistic.
Jay:  Well, maybe it would help if they had some more people gathered around to support them.
Robin:  That sounds like a good idea.

Dana and Ralph followed Brock back into Samantha's room.  Her prognosis was still the same and there wasn't much the doctors could do at the current time.  Being in that room for the first time and seeing Samantha upclose, Ralph and Dana saw what Brock had seen.  It was a pale comparison of the Samantha they knew.  Her skin appeared clammy from afar and its color lacked its natural vibrance. Her body was stout, motionless as her monitors beeped on and off.  For Dana, the situation seemed to call forth all the warning signs about Samantha's search for the Blackadder36 antidote.  As such, a part of her felt as though she were looking on at Samantha in her death bed.  That brought chills to her inner core.  She had to tell Brock what was going on.  She had too.  She really wished Matthew could be here with her right about now, but she was sure he was dealing with his own personal hell.  Meanwhile, Brock took a seat at his wife's bed side, grabbing hold of her hand and giving it a light kiss before bringing it up against his cheek.  He just wanted to feel her skin, which was a bit cold to the touch, against his and he wanted her to feel his warmth.  Without signaling, he begin speaking, in part to himself, then to Samantha and indirectly, Ralph and Dana.
Brock:  I still remember the first time we met.  In part, because it was one of the rather non-flattering moments of my pre- medical career, but also because who knew I would end up sitting next to the woman I would later marry.  (he flashed back to his first day of medical school in Paris, France)

Professor Martin Sinclair:  "Good morning class, and welcome to Medical Facilitation 101.  I'm Professor Martin Sinclair, and let me forewarn you, this class isn't for the lazy or the non-serious.  I expect each and every one of my students to come with the knowledge and expertise expected of this class.  Anything less, and the door is right in front of you."  (Some of the students eyes shift to the door momentarily)  "You will also be expected to -- (the group's attention was gravitated toward the sound of the class room door opening, signaling the arrival of a young man with dark, sandy blond hair dressed in blue jeans and a leather jacket.  Some of the students wondered if he maybe wondered into the wrong class, but Professor Sinclair quickly cleared any confusion, choosing to make an example out of the late attendee.  Looking at the young man rather smugly as he made his way inside the classroom, apologizing for his tardiness, Professor Sinclair made a few inquiries)  and you are?"
Brock:  "Brock Lombard."
Professor Martin Sinclair:  "Mr. Lombard, you're late."  (Brock thought to himself, "No Shit," but that wouldn't be the worst of it)  "That will be 25, possibly less, out of 50 of your participation points for today.  Now take a seat."  (As he turned back to his class, he spied the look of fear in some of his students eyes.  He knew what they were thinking -- less than a day and the professor was already docking points.  If they only knew what else he had planned...)  "As you can see, I will not tolerate tardiness.  You are all upcoming medical professionals.  As such, I expect you in your seat the minute this class starts, not a second later.  Now, would everyone please take out their syllabi?"  (Brock wanted to kick himself for being the professor's walking example as he took a seat in the only remaining vacant seat in the class.  To the left of his stool was a young blond woman with her hair pulled back in a ponytail, which fell back against her large light blue overcoat.  She turned, only for a split second, and gave him a welcoming glance as he opened his syllabus to the course objective section.  She then averted her attention back to the professor as he relayed to the class the demands and responsibilities of this course.  Following his spiel, he informed the students to put away their syllabi and take a sheet of paper for instructions on their first practicum.
Brock:  "Practicum?"  (he thought to himself as began to realize what a pushover his professor would be)

Brock:  (he laughed to himself and it felt almost as if she was awake and reliving the story with him) That professor of ours sure proved to be a pain, which is why I later switched to Occupational Therapy.
Dana:  (hearing this story for the first time) When did you and Samantha finally connect?
Brock:  Well, I would say I was hooked the first time she smiled in my direction, but it was actually during the class when we were working on the practicum.

Samantha:  (in full doctor mode) Alright, checking the patient's bp rate.
Brock: (reading off the notes of their practicum sheet) BP is 120 over 60.
Samantha:  Okay, that's a little low, but expected.
Brock:  How's his breathing?
Samantha:  Thready.  We need to remove the bullet.  But we're dealing with several arteries in the neck, one false move and he could bleed out.
Brock:  If we don't get the bullet out, we can't operate and he'll likely die anyhow.
Samantha:  Alright then, scalpel. (she scanned their surroundings for it, but Brock's eyes caught it first and as he proceeded to grab and hand it over to her, her hand happened to intersect his, causing them both to finally catch a real glimpse of one another.  Brock tried to hide a slight grin as Samantha pulled her hand away)  Sorry.
Brock:  No need.  It was all me.  (handing her the scalpel, there eyes seemed to lock for the longest of times.  Luckily, Professor Sinclair was around to make sure people weren't goofing around)
Professor Martin Sinclair:  and what progress have you two made?  (his voice was enough to kick them both into gear as Samantha returned her focus to the dummy patient and began to explain to Professor Sinclair what she and Brock had accomplished thus far)

Dana:  How sweet, bonding over the love of a scalpel.
Brock:  (arching his head back as she spoke to Dana) Yeah, kind of like how you and Matthew bonded over your fascination of the tarot.
Dana:  It was a cosmic connection, also referred to as a friendship.
Brock:  Right.  (Dana couldn't believe it, here she was talking with her brother as if everything happening around them was just a normal occurence of everyday life, but sadly, it wasn't.  Turning back to his wife)  My sister just doesn't want to admit it to me, Sam.  Maybe once you open your eyes, you can get the truth out of her for both of us.
Ralph:  I'm not sure that's something Samantha would do.  Not that it matters anyway.  You can pretty much look at either one of them when there in the same room together and tell what's going on.
Dana:  Thank you for sharing that observation, Ralph.
Ralph:  Now when their alone, it's a different story.

The last half hour had been relatively quiet for Dalia, Jason and Evelin after Matthew disappeared in search of quiet solitude.  It woud allow him the time and opportunity to weigh all the pros and cons of the decision he would have to make regarding his brother's condition.  Meanwhile, Evelin stood in the back of the hospital room and watched Dalia and Jason with Earl as they worked on a crossword puzzle, one of Earl's favorite pasttime when work was going slow.
Jason:  Hmm... a six letter word for husband or wife.
Dalia:  Part-- no, that's seven.
Jason:  Yeah.  Plus this one starts with an "s."  (the room goes quiet again as they both contemplate possible words.  About a minute or two later, it finally hit him) Spouse.  S-P-O-U-S-E.  (scanning his eyes across the page for the next set of empty blocks, he comes to 15 DOWN) Characterized by cruel or vicious manner.  (Evelin feeling her eyes about to pop out of its socket from watching the duo, turned toward the outside of Earl's room, only to see Matthew talking with Dr. Chandler.  Judging by their body language, it was serious.  Evelin decided to check it out, choosing to leave Dalia and Jason alone to entertain Earl.  However, when Dalia heard the door close, her attention shifted to the sight of Evelin approaching Matthew with that doctor from earlier.  Sensing something big about to happen, she moved from Earl's side and Jason followed afterward)
Dalia:  What's going on?
Matthew:  I've made a decision.

(<- Lincoln Manners Resort ->)
Anton finally had the house to himself again as he placed Rochelle and Liam's empty mugs in the sink before heading back over to the couch to take a rest break.  Perhaps this time he might be able to close his eyes for more than a few minutes-- nope.  His recently returned cell would intercept this time as it sounded off with that gawd awful standard AT&T ringtone, making it harder for Anton to ignore.  Choosing to answer his call, he received a loud and unflattering welcome as his caller ranted about having called him three or four times in the last hour and not even receiving as much as a text message in return.
Anton:  Hi Leigh.  (she doesn't return the greeting, instead, choosing to ask him what took him so long to pick up his cell) I'm sorry, I've been busy.  What so important?  (He is quiet for a moment while Leigh presumably explains the nature of his call)  What?  Where?  (Brief pause)  Alright, I'm on my way.  (He then placed his cell in his pocket and grabbed his keys from the coffee table before heading out the door)

(<- Hallandale Weston Hotel ->)
Romeo and Garrett were both still quiet, choosing silence as a far better alternative to either one of them opening their mouths and attracting the ire of the other.  The technicians, who had been able to peacefully work to fix the problem since they stopped bickering, shouted down to the both of them a minute later, stating that they should be headed back down to the ground floor in a few minutes.  Judging by the expressions on their face at the sound of the news, they were absolutely thrilled by the opportunity of being released from their eternal lockup.  Romeo then glanced at his watch and noticed it was a few minutes before five.  He might still be able to quickly change into something more appropriate before meeting Jenni at her house.

Enrique:  (once again shouting through his bullhorn outside the Hallandale Weston as A.D.A. Liam Jackson and Rochelle Desmores arrive at the scene, circling their way through a lynch mob of casual watchers and reporters)  Mr. Stapleton, this is your last chance.  Come out with your hands up.
Queen DaVille:  I think you should do what the nice officer says.
Seth:   Shut up.
Malina:  Queen DaVille is right.  (her voice commandeered his attention) The last thing you want is for this to turn into a media circus.
Seth:   No, I didn't come this far to be hauled away in handcuffs.  (shifting his focus back to Queen DaVille) Now tell them the truth.
Queen DaVille:  (moving from the floor, she had no qualms about rubbing in Seth's face that his games were over.  After all, the cops were outside the establishment and would likely come crashing through within minutes)  The truth is relative and you're not going to shoot me, so just give up.
Seth:  Do you really believe that?
Queen DaVille:  You've had more than one opportunity, and shooting me would only land you in even more hot water with the authorities.  You walk out now and maybe I'll see about geting the authorities to back off.
Seth:  ("What the fuck?"  If Seth wasn't about ready to throttle the bitch, he would burst out in uncontrollable laughter.  However, he was more disgusted than amused.  This woman had to be the epitome of a world class bitch)  You're bargaining with my future when you have single-handedly ruined my career.  (That was the last straw.  Before either of them knew it, Seth reacted with a strike of violence that he didn't even know he had as he swiped the barrel of his gun across her smug face, the sound of it ringing in Malina, Shaquanna and Adam's vicinity as Helen's head tore back like a folded sheet of paper that had been unflapped.  Adam immediately lept for the Queen's rescue as she stumbled backward, loosing her footing)
Adam:  Seth!
Seth:  (in a venomous rage, he pointed his gun at Adam) Back off, Adam.  (Adam took a step back when he saw the stone cold hate in his former employee's eyes.  This wasn't the Seth he knew, something had snapped and he only hoped that help would come crashing in for all their sakes.  Seth return to Queen DaVille's side, but her hazed view took a while to make out his figure.  When her sight finally became clear enough to make out his gun, she remembered where she was and what had happened.  Her face was still stinging from the pain of his strike as she placed a hand over it in an attempt to soothe it.  Seth, however, wasn't the least bit concerned with her face nor the fact that it was protruding blood)  Now, you tell me the truth... or I start covering these walls with your blood.  (His eyes told her he meant business)
Queen DaVille:  I did it.  Okay!  Is that what you want to hear?  (She said in a fit of despration, her voice scratchy from the fear she tried to stifle, but even then, she tried to retain her innocence by making it appear as though her confession was being forced by Seth and that didn't please him one bit.  He wanted her to say in full what she did, and he wanted his room of witnesses to hear every filthy, disgusting word)
Seth:  I want to hear you say it loud and proud, all of it, so they can hear you.  (Pointing to Adam, Shaquanna and Malina, who stood back, recognizing the ball was fully in Queen DaVille's court.  Just as Queen DaVille attempted to speak again, the elevator doors ringed, commanding Seth's attention as he turned toward them with his gun right by his side as Garrett, followed by Romeo headed into the lobby, thrilled to finally be out of that confined box.  Garrett's delight was shortlived as she came into full-view of Seth's gun, which made an unexpected jolt in his hands as Queen DaVille shoved Seth in effort to knock him off his balance.  Only she caused Seth to lose his grasp on the gun as his finger slipped too firmly on the trigger, Romeo quickly tried to pull Garrett out of the way before it went off in their direction.  Not even checking to see if Garrett or Romeo were injured, he quickly turned to stop Queen DaVille.  Adam, witnessing the scene with Romeo and Garrett and fearing a repeat session with Queen DaVille, who had made it just a few inches from the hotel door, lunged at Seth, causing Seth's arm to flip backward and his hand to press down on the trigger once more, the bullet hitting an unexpected target)

Billy, Crystal, Matthew, Dana and Derek

- Shaquanna Nichols' secret is revealed
- Death hits Hallandale


Closing Credits

Click here for Episode 300