Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives"
Dr. Neal:
  Well, then I guess you can stop picking out girl names because you're having a boy.
Jay:  (turning away from the screen and Dr. Neal, he relives the news as if his wife hadn't been standing in the room the whole time) We're going to have a son.  I'm going to have a son. (~)
("What the fuck?"  If Seth wasn't about ready to throttle the bitch, he would burst out in uncontrollable laughter.  However, he was more disgusted than amused.  This woman had to be the epitome of a world class bitch)  You're bargaining with my future when you have single-handedly ruined my career.  (That was the last straw.  Before either of them knew it, Seth reacted with a strike of violence that he didn't even know he had as he swiped the barrel of his gun across her smug face, the sound of it ringing in Malina, Shaquanna and Adam's vicinity as Helen's head tore back like a folded sheet of paper that had been unflapped... Just as Queen DaVille attempted to speak again, the elevator doors ringed, commanding Seth's attention as he turned toward them with his gun right by his side as Garrett, followed by Romeo headed into the lobby, thrilled to finally be out of that confined box.  Garrett's delight was shortlived as she came into full-view of Seth's gun, which made an unexpected jolt in his hands as Queen DaVille shoved Seth in effort to knock him off his balance.  Only she caused Seth to lose his grasp on the gun as his finger slipped too firmly on the trigger, Romeo quickly tried to pull Garrett out of the way before it went off in their direction.  Not even checking to see if Garrett or Romeo were injured, he quickly turned to stop Queen DaVille.  Adam, witnessing the scene with Romeo and Garrett and fearing a repeat session with Queen DaVille, who had made it just a few inches from the hotel door, lunged at Seth, causing Seth's arm to flip backward and his hand to press down on the trigger once more, the bullet hitting an unexpected target. (~)
Evelin:  Some days are harder than others, but then you have to ask yourself: without hope, what good am I to anyone?  (The question hit Jason deep, and he did feel a sudden sense of resurgence thinking that maybe his continued faith would help his father come out of this.  So what if Earl couldn't respond earlier when Jason was telling him about his girlfriend.  At least Jason chose to talk with him and perhaps that made some difference today.  Jason walked passed Evelin and crossed down the bench aisle that Evelin was previously seated.  Evelin, wanting to give him some time alone, proceeded to head toward the exit, but Jason asked her to stay.  She felt a little wierd, however.  She was essentially meeting this boy for the first time, although she had heard much about him from Earl.  Still, she couldn't see any reason why she would turn down his request.  Besides, maybe this was something Earl wanted her to do.  Of course, that doesn't mean Jason's mother would feel the same way.  Dalia, who had left her ex's hospital room minutes after Jason rushed off, went looking for her son and was none to please to find him being consoled by Evelin)

***The day seem to be going nonstop as Billy Clyde found himself dialing “411” for a listing on his old boss.  For now, a simple contact number would suffice. He just needed more clarity on the whole situation concerning LI, and he didn’t think he would get that from the new CEO, not that he had any plans of going down there and even giving the guy the benefit or satisfaction of asking.
Billy: "Yes, I'm trying to find a contact number for Ely Washington."  (The woman on the other line proceeded to feed him a number, but Billy quickly recognized it as Ely's old office number and asked if there were any additional numbers listed. The receiver went quiet for a second and Billy wondered if she had hung up, but she came back and started to relay the digits when Billy stopped her)  "Just  a sec... (grabbing hold of his ballpoint pen that had rolled under the counter)  Sorry, lost my pen temporarily.  I'm ready."  (Billy transcribed the digits onto paper and thanked the representative before hanging up.   Crystal, who re-entered the restaurant with several bags that she placed on a nearby table inquired about his call as she headed toward the bar.)
Crystal:  What's going on?
Billy:  Well, remember when I said I would get to the bottom of what was going on at LI?  (She nodded in agreement)  This would be step 1.

(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)
You've made a decision?  (she inquired, as if she didn't hear Matthew the first time)
Matthew:  (It was a challenging decision for Matt since there was no guaranteed positive outcome either way.  However, with his brother's condition fledging and the odds already stacked against this virus, administering the antidote seemed like the more proactive alternative of the two.  Plus, Samantha went through all the trouble of bringing back this extract;  he had to believe her struggle was worth it)  Yes, I've just finished filling out all the paperwork.
Dalia:  So you're going through with this experimental drug?
Matthew:  What other choice is there really?  Sitting here and continuing to watch as his condition worsens over time? (That idea clearly had no appeal for Matthew)  My brother is a fighter, but he needs a fighting chance and he doesn't have that right now.
Dalia:  I don't know.  We're putting all our faith into an antidote that may or may not work.  I mean, what if this doesn't work?  What if this ends up killing your brother?  (Evelin was not pleased by Dalia's choice of words at all.  She had to know this wasn't an easy decision for Matthew or anyone to make regarding a family member.  So why was she trying to shake his belief in a decision he had come to terms with?)

Jay:  Is there room for two more?  (he inquired with a knock from the archway of Samantha's hospital room door as he entered)
Brock:  Robin, Jay, what are you two doing here?
Ralph:  and looking very pregnant.  Congrats, I don't believe I've had the honors yet.
Jay:  Well, thank you Ralph.  (Choosing to acknowledge Ralph's remark first before shifting the conversation back to Sam and Brock)  We had just received another clean bill of health from Robin's obstetrician when we heard about Samantha.  So naturally, we wanted to be here in case there's anything you need.
Brock:  That's very kind, but I think your focus should be on that baby.  (He pointed to Robin's growing tummy and had a feeling Sam would agree with him)
Robin:  Well, he's fine.
Dana:  (catching her extra emphasis) It's a boy?
Robin:  Yeah, we're having another little Jay in about three months.
Dana:  That's wonderful news.  (Dana exclaimmed, happy to see that at least something was going right during this tenuous time in their lives.  Unfortunately, it just made Brock ache more for his wife to regain consciousness and tell him everything would be okay.  Dana worried that moment would never come)
Brock:  Something we could all use a bit of right now.

(<- Outside the Hallandale Weston ->)
Lieutenant Enrique Rivera told his men to stay back as reporters from Showtime Limits and PRC were working the crowd for the scoop on what led this man, apparently a well-known employee of the hotel, to enter the establishment with a gun and start firing at people.  Of course, those currently still in the hotel knew it really wasn’t that black and white.  Still, when you’re running for your life, your mind starts to over compensate some situations.

Enrique:  Mr. Stapleton, this is your final chance.  Come out with your hands up.  (Of course, surrendering was the last thing on Seth’s mind. He wasn’t about to give the HPD the satisfaction of coming out like some common criminal, dinner for the man-eating reporters swarming the yellow tape for shots of his mug.  He had done this all for one reason and one reason only – admission of truth from one, Queen Helen DaVille.  No one had to be hurt, and no had to be arrested, least of all him.  Unfortunately, in tense situations like these, emotions run high, anxieties are heighten and judgments are made)
Adam:  (not wanting to see this situation get any worse for his friend) Seth, this is out of your hands.  The cops are right outside those doors and if you don’t put a stop to this, you are only going to be in more trouble.
Seth:  I’ve come too far to stop.  (turning away from his boss, he reverted his attention back to Queen DaVille, who managed to scrape herself from the ground) Tell the truth and this can all be over.
Queen DaVille: (she had no qualms rubbing in Seth's face that his games were over.  After all, the cops were outside the establishment and would likely come crashing through within minutes) The truth is relative and you're not going to shoot me, so just give up.
Seth:  Do you really believe that?
Queen DaVille:  You've had more than one opportunity, and shooting me would only land you in even more hot water with the authorities.  You walk out now and maybe I'll see about getting the authorities to back off.
Seth:  ("What the fuck?"  If Seth wasn't about ready to throttle the bitch, he would burst out in uncontrollable laughter.  This woman had to be the epitome of a world class bitch and Seth had his full of her.  All you could hear in the next second was the sound of his gun wiping across her face, sending it back like the quick flapping of a folded piece of paper.  There was no doubt that he socked her good as Malina and Shaquanna heard the lingering sound of the Queen's head being forced back. Adam immediately lept for the Queen's rescue as she stumbled backward, loosing her footing.  When she hit the ground, she literally had no recollection of what hit her until her hazed view came back into focus, reflecting the shadow of Seth's gun, slightly arched, from the recent blow to her face)
Adam:  Seth!
Seth:  (in a venomous rage, he pointed his gun at Adam) Back off, Adam.  (Adam took a step back when he saw the stone cold hate in his former employee's eyes.  This wasn't the Seth he knew, something had snapped and he only hoped that help would come crashing in for all their sakes.  Seth turned back to Queen DaVille and saw her wince as she brought her hand over the side of her face in an attempt to soothe it, only caressing drops of bloods from a dash in her forehead from the brunt of the gun's blow.  Seth, however, wasn't the least bit concerned with her face nor the fact that it was bleeding)  Now, you tell me the truth... or I start covering these walls with your blood.  (His eyes told her he meant business)
Queen DaVille:  I did it.  Okay!  Is that what you want to hear?  (She said in a fit of desperation, her voice scratchy from the fear she tried to stifle, but even then, she tried to retain her innocence by making it appear as though her confession was being forced by Seth and that didn't please him one bit.  He wanted her to say in full what she did, and he wanted his room of witnesses to hear every filthy, disgusting word)
Seth:  I want to hear you say it loud and proud, all of it, so they can hear you.  (Pointing to Adam, Shaquanna and Malina, who stood back, recognizing the ball was fully in Queen DaVille's court.  Just as Queen DaVille attempted to speak again, the elevator doors ringed, commanding Seth's attention as he turned toward them with his gun right by his side as Garrett, followed by Romeo headed into the lobby, thrilled to finally be out of that confined box.  Garrett's delight was shortlived as she came into full-view of Seth's gun, which made an unexpected jolt in his hands as Queen DaVille shoved Seth in effort to knock him off his balance.  Only she caused Seth to lose his grasp on the gun as his finger slipped too firmly on the trigger, Romeo quickly tried to pull Garrett out of the way as the gun fired in their direction.  Not even checking to see if Garrett or Romeo were injured, he quickly turned to stop Queen DaVille.  Adam, witnessing the scene with Romeo and Garrett and fearing a repeat session with Queen DaVille, who had made it just a few inches from the hotel door, lunged at Seth, causing Seth's arm to flip backward and his hand to press down on the trigger once more, the bullet hitting an unexpected target – Malina Ramirez, whose body propelled backward from the hit, resulting in Shaquanna quickly rushing to the aid of her fallen friend.  Shaquanna saw that the bullet went through cleanly and urged a disoriented Malina to look up at her as she looked deep into Malina's subconscious and began to gravitate her hand over the wound.   It took a few minutes, in which Adam managed to overpower Seth and knock him out cold, rushing to the aid of Malina and Shaquanna first.
Adam:  Is she alright?  I saw her go down.
Shaquanna:  It looks like it was just a flesh wound.  (She smiled lightly, looking down at Malina, who remained speechless.  Everything happened so fast, the elevator, the bullet, Shaquanna...)
Adam:  Thank God. (Malina may not have been able to process everything that was going on, but she knew God had nothing to do with her minor wound, at least in the literal sense.  It was Shaquana.  She was the reason Malina wasn't still bleeding or worse)

~The role of Leigh Gray is now being represented by Courtney Cox Arquette.
The crowd started to murmur as the gun shots fired inside the Hallandale Weston rung through the air.  The evening sky was also beginning to lose the sunny overtake that was so prevalent earlier this afternoon.  In fact, it looked like a storm was a brewing.   Hopefully the residents of Hallandale had their umbrellas handy.  Anton McCloud, who had an interesting time maneuvering through parking on the way over, came running through the crowd toward Leigh Gray as the main action was beginning to unfold.  One of Hallandale PD's officers, Julio Ruiz, approached the lieutenant regarding the situation.
Julio:  That sounded like multiple gun fires, sir.  (Lieutenant Rivera found himself saddened to agree, as he hoped he would have been able to avoid having to steamroll his men inside the building.  However, he knew if he didn't act now, a riot would surely break out.   He instructed Julio to take some of his men, and proceed to enter the building cautiously.  Ruiz did as such.  He, along with two other men took the front of the building as three other guys proceeded to use the westward entrance)
Anton:   What is going on?  (he asked Leigh as he saw the officers approaching the building.  Leigh, however, couldn't give him much more than she already knew)
Leigh:  I don’t know.   From the gist of it, a former employee of the Hallandale Weston took a woman at gunpoint.
Anton:  That sounds a little odd.
Leigh:  Exactly.  I think this could be our next big story, if the competition doesn’t beat us first.  (Leigh said, eyeing down Alexander Pierre with a couple of his reporters.   Anton wasn’t too worried about it though)

Malina:  (attempting to move, she let out a moan as she could still feel the distinct sting of the bullet that had seered right through her arm and was sowed back up by Shaquanna's magic healing powers.  Spying Seth still unconscious and then looking toward the elevators, she remembered seeing Garrett before all the craziness occured)  Garrett, she was with a man by the elevators when the first shot went off.
Shaquanna:  Oh god, I forgot all about them.
Adam:  I'll go check on them.  (Adam flew over toward the elevators as men from the Hallandale PD barged right in, almost walking over Queen DaVille, who passed out from the excitement of the situation.  It was most likely due to hearing the second gun fire.  She must have thought Seth gained control of his gun and shot her in the back, a possible reality that was too much for her to bare.  Julio tended to her while the other two men checked the rest of the area, scanning her body brieftly for signs of an entry wound.  He only spied the dash wound on her head and tried to revive her by giving her a gentle shake)
Julio:  Miss?  (he continued a second and a third time before Queen DaVille backed away with a large gasp, causing Julio to jolt back as well.  However, when she saw his police uniform, she realized she must be far away from Seth)  Are you okay, ma'am?
Queen DaVille:  (She took a moment to answer as she really didn't know.  The last hour or so seemed to be one of the longest and the gun, she heard it go off, but except for a slight headache, she didn't feel any other pain)  I think so.  (Julio gave her a comforting smile before moving over to assist with the handling of Seth, instructing Queen DaVille to stay where she was and he would have someone check her out.  Meanwhile, another dark-haired officer, slightly older than Julio, placed handcuffs behind Seth's back as they woke him from his temporary nap.  As the grogginess wore off and he realized he was being read his rights, he protested that he was innocent and he didn't shoot anyone.  That may have been true, but he did inflict emotional and psychological duress on the people in that hotel, a fact that could not be ignored.  Despite being one of his unintended victims, Malina felt sorry for him.  He made a hasty choice because he lost his job and now he could lose a whole lot more as a result)

(<- Leysdale Hospital :: Outside of Earl Pryce's Room ->)
Matthew:  Dalia, I don't want my brother to die.   Which is why I'm making this choice.
Evelin:  (unable to hold her tongue any longer, she came to his aid)  and I'm sure it couldn't have been an easy one, but he's after what we all want -- to keep Earl with us.
Dalia:  Oh, I think you want a little more than that, Ms. Vasquez.  (She passed Evelin a disgruntled look, growing tired of this woman inserting herself into every avenue of Earl's life) But it is Matthew's choice, so I will respect that.
Matthew:  (he could really care less what Dalia thought at this point.  He had to make a choice for his brother, which he knew could possibly be the wrong one.  He didn't need anyone reminding him of that, least of all, his brother's ex- wife.   Thanksfully, she resolved to be quiet)  Alright then.  (turning to Romain, who tried best to separate himself physically from the conversation)  Dr. Chandler, is there anything more I need to do before the procedure?
Dr. Chandler:  No.  If you're confident with your decision, we can begin preparation for the procedure right away.
Matthew:  Then please do.

(<- Crystal's Fantasy & Associates ->)
Crystal:  Are you sure contacting your former boss is the best idea?  After all, he did leave you and the company hanging.
Billy:  (Crystal wasn't exactly speaking from left field, but Billy hoped his relationship with Ely could be use to his advantage)  He's the only one I can get the full uncensored truth from.
Crystal:  What about Kaitlin? She helped you out today by getting you in to see the the new boss.
Billy:  Yes, but she's still apart of the company.  I don't want to get her any more involved than absolutely necessary.
Crystal:  At least you know you can trust her.  This Ely guy didn't even have the guts to stick around.  Instead, he hired someone else to stick the knife in you're back.
Billy:  Well, guilt's a good motivator.  All I know is I have to try.
Crystal:   (realizing she wasn't going to get him to change his mind) So when are you planning to make the call?
Billy:  Well, the day's almost gone... so tomorrow.  I'll do it tomorrow.

***Brock: (rejoining his wife as Robin and Jay joined his family around her bedside) Well Sam, now you got Robin and Jay here waiting for you to open your eyes.
Ralph:  Don't forget little Jay, Jr.
Brock:  (he smiled, something that was very hard to do with his wife's health so up in air) and their baby boy makes five.  You always could bring people together.
Ralph:  Even when they weren't so sure they wanted to be in the same room.  Bring up any memories, bro?
Brock:  Yeah, that disastrous Christmas party.
Robin:  (electing to forget the rawness of the reveal that Leigha Gray had slept with and used Ralph, to stick it to Brock.  She then crashed their party and ran out distraught when Brock verbally attacked her.  Then there was the food tossing contest that Rochelle and Lacreasha decided to engage in) It wasn't that bad.
Ralph:  What are you talking about?  (his tone was so serious, that for a second, Robin thought she may have been deeply in the wrong) I distinctly remember not getting any dessert.  (They all laughed, Dana patting her brother on the back from behind)
Dana:  Of course you do.  (It felt good for Dana to laugh, and to see everyone forgetting what ailed them in that one moment and what a beautiful one it would turn out to be as the miracle of all miracles happen.  Brock felt Samantha's hand slightly brush against his and looked up to see his wife's eyes slowly opening)
Brock:  Sam?  (he said in a low whisper, too afraid it might be an involuntary fluke)

(<- Outside the Hallandale Weston ->)
Leigha:  What do you think is going on in there?
Anton: (looking over in Liam and Rochelle's direction) There might be a way to find out. (he said before walking off, leaving Leigh to decipher where in the message he told her what it was he was up to)
Enrique: (attempting to copy one of his officers on his radio)  Unit, this is your commander-in-chief.  Do you read me?  Copy!
Julio:  (picking up his radio as two of his partners begin leading Seth to the exit of the hotel, where they would most likely encounter reporters dying for the scoop, Rochelle and Liam listened on as Julio's message was relayed to Enrique)  Hey Enrique, we're all good.  The suspect has been apprehended and Bobson and Roberts are coming at you right now.  Copy.
Enrique: (copying back to Julio) Ruiz, how about the hostages?
Julio:  There were some minor injuries, but everyone seems to be okay.
Enrique:   Great. (he could sleep a whole lot easier tonight knowing that the people inside would all be going back to their loved ones safe and sound tonight.   His thoughts were then intercepted by the sound of reporters clammering around as two officers hauled Seth Stapleton, who kept his head arched forward as if to conceal his face from any wavering eyes, through the doors of the Hallandale Weston.   Each started to bombard him and the officers with questions, asking would Mr. Stapleton be charged? What led Mr. Stapleton to hold several people prisoner inside the hotel? What was he after? How many people were hurt?  Assistant District Attorney, Liam Jackson, finally intervened, informing the reporters to back off.  He told them that there would be plenty of time for question and answer later.   Anonymous faces from the crowd ask if they could re-enter the hotel to find relatives who were on the upper floor at the time of the incident.   Liam looked to Enrique, who motioned "no."  There was no guarantee that one of them wasn't an undercover reporter trying to get to one of the hostages. Plus, his team was still examining the rest of the scene and didn't want evidence tampered.)
Liam:  We understand that some of you are worried about your loved ones, but from what we gathered of the situation, everyone is okay.  Just hang in a little longer while the HPD wrap things up.   (There were grunts and moans from different areas of the crowd, while some people started to take off having been satisfied to see the gunman apprehended.   Plus, the sky wasn't looking too pretty and seem to overshadow even more prominently the coming of a downpour)
Anton:  (having made it over to Rochelle's side as Liam went over to alleviate the situation between the reporters) Hey Rochelle.
Rochelle:  Anton, what are you doing? (averting her attention away from Liam as he told the reporters to back off, the time would come later for Q&A)
Anton:  Leigh called me here.  So do you know what's going on?
Rochelle:  Not much.  Liam and I arrived not too long ago.  An officer dispatched Lieutenant Rivera earlier and from what I could hear, said the suspect was apprehended and the hostages were okay.
Anton:  Hmm... I guess our best bet is getting one of the hostages to talk to us then.

Malina and Shaquanna made their way over to the group as Adam helped Romeo and Garrett off their feet.   Romeo let out a deep cough, summoning back the wind that must have gotten knocked out of him on the way down.   Of course, he cushioned his fall on Garrett, whose arm was left sore from the brunt of the fall.
Malina:  Garrett, are you alright?
Garrett: (shifting her arm a bit) Yeah, I think I just bruised my arm a bit on the way down.
Romeo:  You probably should get it checked out, just in case.
Garrett:  I will. (noticing the torn cloth wrapped around Malina's arm) Are you both okay?
Malina: (catching the direction of Garrett's glance) I'm fine.   Just a-- just a graze. (she felt weird saying that because she knew it wasn't just a graze, it had been more than that.   When Shaquanna looked over at her, she knew she was thinking about what she had done. She could only imagine the questions her friend had.   Questions she did not want to answer. This was not suppose to happen, and if her parents found out what she had done, it would really be over)


EMT:  (Garrett held out her arm as he took hold of it, informing her to tell him the minute she started to feel any adverse pain while he cycled it forward, then backward.  He then pushed against the different points of her arm, telling her to idenitify where the pain appeared to be at its maximum.   He worked his way down her elbow to the base of her arm, but she didn't feel any significant pain)  Alright.   Well, there doesn't appear to be any broken bones.   However, your arm does look a little swollen.  Odds are the brunt of the fall applied too much pressure to the area and as such, you're experiencing the soreness.   Just rest it off for a few hours, and it should be fine by morning.
Garrett:  Thank you, doctor.
EMT:  You're welcome.   Is there anyone else I should check out?
Adam: (shifting his eyes to the other side of the lobby, he noticed Helen DaVille sitting alone) You should probably check her out. (pointing to the Queen, who Adam wasn't sure how to feel about at the moment) She suffered a significant blow to the head earlier. (recalling Seth's violent strike against her.  It was hard to imagine that a former employee and friend of his would get that angry unless he truly believed what he was saying to be true.   Adam showed the EMT his way over to Helen.  Malina and Shaquanna watched before turning back to Garrett)
Shaquanna:  What a day!
Malina:   I guess we will have to reschedule that meet with L'Oréal.
Garrett:   What?  L'Oréal was coming here?
Malina:   Yeah, we wanted it to be a surprise.   I guess in all the excitement, he never showed.
Garrett:   Perfect.   L'Oréal wanted to meet me, and I not only get stuck in an elevator for nearly an hour.   But I almost get shot by some lunatic.
Shaquanna:   Well, thank god -- (looking to Romeo, who had been relatively quiet the whole time) I'm sorry, what's your name?
Romeo:  Romeo Sullivan. (he extended his hand to shake hers)
Shaquanna:  Hmm... how poetic.  I'm Shaquanna, Shaquanna Nichols.   We're the blame for getting your girlfriend in the modeling industry.
Romeo:   Umm... she's not my--
Officer #1:   Sorry to interrupt, but we were hoping to collect statements from each of you regarding this afternoon's events.
Shaquanna:   Sure.
Garrett:   Well, we weren't here in the lobby that long.   So I don't know how much help I can possibly be.
Officer #2:   That's okay.   (he smiled in her direction, however, there was a little something more to it than just a friendly reassurance) I'm sure whatever you can tell us will be a great help.
Officer #1:   So who would like to start first?
Shaquanna:   I suppose we should.   We were here for most of it.   (Malina looked at her friend curiously, not knowing if she could concentrate on a full-scale question and answer session with the uncertainties of who or what Shaquanna really was lingering in the back of her mind.   Could this have been the real reason she was so anxious to skip town?)

(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)
Brock:   Sam? (he called out her name again as her eyes begin to open more fully, letting out that bright shine that only a husband could see from his wife's eyes glimmering upon him)
Samantha: (she could barely feel herself breathe, but she managed to speak) Where am I? (she asked, with a stifled cough in her throat struggling to get out)
Brock:  (responding jokingly) Well, I know it's a little weird from this angle, hon, but you're at Leysdale.
Dana:  How do you feel? (she asked, trying to stifle her surprise.   She didn't think her brother would get the chance to see Samantha open her eyes again.   Maybe this one time, the universe would be wrong and everything would be alright)
Samantha:   Okay, I guess.   My throat's a little dry.
Ralph:   I'll get her some water.
Brock:   Thanks. (Ralph left the room while Samantha turned to the other side of her bed to find Jay and Robin staring down at her, Brock continue to hold her other hand)
Samantha:  Hey.  What are you guys doing here?
Robin:  Where else would we be when our friend's in the hospital?
Samantha:  You're getting bigger. (She said, noticing her friend's plumped belly)
Robin:   Wow, you're the third person to say that today.   I'm starting to wonder if I should be offended. (Samantha smiled, which was followed by a cough that she quickly covered with her hand not currently occupied by her husband's.  She thought that would relieve the stifled coughing sensation in her throat, but it didn't...)
Jay:  Don't worry.   You'll have your revenge soon when she's the one walking around pregnant.
Robin:  Ooh, marvelous.
Brock:  Having our own little girl or boy doesn't sound like a bad idea.
Dana:  With the busy work schedules you both have?
Brock:  Well, I've been thinking about closing up the medical business for a while now.   I don't know, what do you think, hon?   You, me and our own bundle of joy?
Samantha:  Having a child would be nice. (she smiled as she tried to move her body once more, but to no success. It was almost as if she couldn't feel most of her upper or lower extremities)
Jay:  Yeah, our son would have a play pal.
Robin: (feeling him give her a big kick) Oh, I think he likes that idea.
Samantha:   Is he moving?
Robin:  Yeah, he's awake now.  You want to feel?
Samantha:  If you don't mind.
Robin:  Of course not. (Jay stepped aside as Robin moved closer to the bed, grabbing hold of Sam's hand and placing it at the lower end of her abdomen. It took her a moment, but Samantha felt the distinct kick.   It felt like someone threw her a long pitch, but it was amazing nonetheless)
Samantha:   That's -- (her eyes started to tear up that she couldn't finish.   Robin knew what she wanted to say.   "It was amazing, knowing that this life was inside you, even when you were constantly filled with doubts."  Ralph Lombard came back into the room with a glass of water and both Dr. Delacroix and Dr. Rusie at his side.   Ralph handed the water to Brock, who got up and adjusted Samantha's pillow in order to allow her to drink a few sips.   Good thing, Samantha could barely arch her neck.   The water did appear to clear her throat a bit as Brock took the cup away and placed it on the stand next to the bed)
Dr. Delacroix:  (as he and Delilah made their way inside) Wow, we got a full house here.   Would you all mind leaving the room while we check out Samantha?
Brock:   I would like to stay if that's alright, doctor.
Dr. Delacroix: (on the verge of denying Brock his request, he caught a glimpse of Delilah, who gave him a look urging him to have a heart) Yes, but the rest of you will have to leave.
Dana:  Not a problem.   We'll be outside Samantha. (Dana waved and Ralph smiled at Samantha before following behind his sister.   Robin and Jay proceeded to take their lead, touching Samantha lightly on the shoulder before leaving.   Perhaps too lightly, Samantha didn't feel it at all)
Dr. Delacroix: (smiling down at Samantha, it was definitely weird for him seeing her as patient rather than a colleague that he has come to blows with in the past) How are you, Samantha?
Samantha:  Fine, except, I can't move my body.  (Samantha said with an agitated and worried look, which was further multiplied by her phsyicians' and own husband's shock)

Evelin:  (walking up to Earl's ex- wife now that the coast was clear) What is your problem?  (Dalia looked at Evelin crossed as she asked her that question)
Dalia:  Excuse me?
Evelin:  You have been moody and snarky with me ever since you came to town.
Dalia:  Maybe I just don't like your face.   (It took her a minute to realize she was further making Evelin's case.  When her smirk did clear, Evelin gave her a slight nod, egging her to be forthcoming)  Okay, the truth.   I don't like how you're always around Earl.   I don't like how you're given priority in his care.  (Referring to Matthew's decision to ask Evelin what she thought he should do concerning his brother) and I certainly don't like you giving advice to my son.
Evelin:  Advice?  What are you talking about? (Genuinely unaware of where Dalia's accusation was coming from)
Dalia:  The cathedral, you and my son.  Your wholesome spill about keeping faith.   (If Evelin wasn't in shock for being reprimanded for such a trivial thing, she could laugh at the outright silliness. But it would get far worse as Dalia continued)  Jason is my son and last I check, there was no ring on your finger.   You and Earl aren't even dating.  You have absolutely no right to be playing mother.
Evelin:  Ms. Savoy, I'm not playing mother with your son.  We simply ran into each other in the church, and he happen to ask me a question that I simply answered.   There is no hidden plot.
Dalia:  So you don't want my son's father?
Evelin:  That really is none of your business.  (Dalia read the remark as confirmation that Evelin was indeed interested in her ex) Earl and I have always been friends, which is why I've been at his side each and every day because that's how much I care.  I won't have that dirtied because you're bothered or disapprove of me as a wife for your ex- husband.  (She concluded matter of factly, finding having to even relay such information laughable)

Dr. Delacroix:   Samantha, are you sure?
Samantha:   I can't move.
Dr. Delacroix:  Alright, do you remember anything before you fainted?
Samantha:   I was in the lab, making research notes.
Dr. Delacroix:   Okay, do you remember when you first started feeling ill or out of the ordinary?
Brock:   She had a headache earlier this morning, but what does this have to do with her lack of mobility?
Dr. Delacroix:   We're trying to determine what happened to your wife.   It's likely this is what is affecting her mobile skills.
Dr. Rusie:   Samantha, how did you get a hold of the antidote?
Samantha:   From a plant in a garden.
Dr. Rusie:   Could any of these plants have been poisonous? (Samantha flashes back to the night before)

Samantha:  (growing tired of his routine, she finally got in his face) Do you really want to help me because there is no car to break down this time.  (Daniel found the comment anything, but amusing) Just get out of my way.  (she passed him and headed toward the Azalea plant.  Daniel started to leave, but then stopped in his tracks as another set of footsteps made it way through the Azalea Garden)
Daniel:  (turning back, he saw Samantha going for the plant and let out a sudden scream) No.  (he ran toward her, but the jolt of his body against hers caused Samantha's hand to slide up against the root of the plant, inflicting a deep wound in her finger)
Samantha:  Ouch!  (she screamed, biting her finger that bled profusely) Look at what you've done.  (Daniel looked at her bleeding flinger, his eyes locking in its socket upon realizing what had just happen)

Samantha:  The azalea.   Dr. Mayfield said it was poisonous.   While in the garden, I cut my finger on one of the roots.   I just wanted to get my hands on the antidote so bad that I really didn't think anything of it.
Dr. Rusie:   Samantha, if this plant was indeed poisonous and it came into contact with your blood stream, this is serious.   Especially if it's causing the paralysis in your upper and lower extremities. (Samantha started to speak, but then she realized, she could barely move her right arm)
Brock:   So what do we do now?
Dr. Rusie:   We have to get a hold of the counteractive and fast.   (Delilah left with that, and Dr. Delacroix followed behind.   As they left her hospital room, they made no stop to check in with the rest of Samantha's family.   Instead, heading straight to the lab.   Eyeing how fast they cut by, that sick feeling of dread Dana hadn't been able to shake earlier in the day returned)

***With the sky growing darker and a storm about to ignite the skies, Enrique allowed people to enter the hotel for coverage.   He hoped people would gather up their loved ones and leave immediately as the oncoming storm looked like it would be a wet one.   Fortunately, if the rain did become too much, they were at a hotel big enough to fit several football teams.   He then informed Liam he would be heading back with Roberts and Bobson to escort the suspect into police custody.   Liam knew what Enrique was getting at next.
Liam:  Sure, I will keep a watch out to make sure the press doesn't get too out of hand. (noticing a few cameramen slipping in, as well as his new pal, Anton McCloud, along with Leigh Gray. He turned to Rochelle, who remained at his side once people started heading into the hotel) This could be a long night.
Rochelle:   I suppose I'm gamed.
Enrique:  Alright, I will talk with you in the morning then, Liam.   Thanks.
Liam:  You're welcome.   Have a good night.
Enrique:  You too.   Good night, Rochelle.
Rochelle:   Night. (Enrique stepped into his squad car and drove off, Bobson and Roberts car following quickly behind.   Liam and Rochelle, meanwhile, headed into the hotel as the rain started to fall.   Anton, having made his way inside, informed Leigh of his progress)
Anton:   Well, I spoke with Rochelle and she didn't know any more than you did.
Leigh:   Well, now that we're inside.   Maybe we can get the inside scoop from one of the hostages. (Noticing Alexander Pierre and one of his reporters with Garrettlyn and Romeo) Hey, isn't that your brother's ex - that Alexander is talking too?
Anton:  Yeah, I think so. (he couldn't be sure as he didn't see her with his brother too often when they were dating) It doesn't look like Alexander is having much success.  (he scanned the room and wondered if he was hallucinating when he spied Malina and Shaquanna with an officer) Malina's here.
Leigh:   What? (Before she can get anymore answers, Anton darted off.   This time, she followed)

Malina:   Then Garrett and Romeo came out of the elevator, and before anyone knew it, bullets were flying.   I don't think Seth meant to hurt anyone.
Officer #1:  Yet you said earlier he physically assaulted Madame DaVille with his pistol?
Malina:  Yes, but it really isn't that clear cut.
Shaquanna:  What's she trying so nicely not to say is that the Madame might have had it coming.
Malina:  Shaquanna!
Anton:  Malina, what's going on?
Malina: (turning away from the officer, his voice was the last she was expecting to hear) Anton, what are you doing here?   (she asked as Leigh Gray came up)
Anton:  Helping Leigh with a story.   (he then noticed the bandage on her arm)  What happened to your arm?
Malina:   It's fine, just a graze wound.
Anton:   You were shot?
Malina:   ("Yes and no", she thought.)   The bullet barely touch me.   (What else could she say? "Hell yeah, I was shot.   Still hurts like a bitch, but thanks to my friend's magic touch, it just looks like a surface wound)
Leigh:   So you were here when this Stapleton guy went off?
Shaquanna:   Yeah, we both were.
Officer #1:   I'm sorry, but we're still in the middle of questioning.
Anton:   Sorry officer, please continue.

Garrett:   Mr. Pierre, we weren't here when the gunman first went off.   You'll have to ask one of the other witnesses.
Romeo:  (getting annoyed, not only because Garrett had to repeat herself twice, but because he was late for his dinner date with Jennifer and these reporters were holding him up) He needs to back off.
Officer #2:  Is there a problem?
Garrett:  (recognizing him as the officer from before)  Yes officer, we've already told these reporters all we know.
Officer #2:   I think that is more than courteous, so why don't you guys run off?
Alexander:  (electing not to get into a fight with one of Hallandale's finest)  Let's go crew.  (Of course, Alexander wasn't leaving by a longshot as he clearly had his next moved mapped out)  We're going to have a little talk with the owner.
Officer #2:  (giving more attention to Garrett than Romeo, who stood next to her)  I'm sorry those reporters cost you any undue trouble.
Garrett:   It's okay.   There reporters, what would they do otherwise?   (She laughed, and the officer offered a slight smile in return)
Officer #2:   Very true.   You both enjoy the rest of your night.
Garrett:   You too.  (and he was off.. just as she realized the vibe she had been getting earlier.  It wasn't the most ideal situation, but she had to curse herself for not getting his name.  Oh well, it wasn't likely she would run into him again anyway.   Models and detectives don't really travel in the same social circles.  Turning back to Romeo, whom she caught glancing at his watch) You better call her before it gets anymore late.   But before you do, I have to thank you.
Romeo:   Didn't think I would see this day?
Garrett:   Don't ruin the moment.   You leaped in and grabbed me just as the bullet came circling my way. I won't forget that.
Romeo:   You're welcome.

(<- Crystal's Fantasy & Associates ->)
Crystal and Billy could hear the sound of the rain crashing down as the door to their establishment opened and in walked Mindy, nearly drinched thanks to her useless umbrella.  Billy and Crystal walked over toward the exit as she dried her feet on the mat.
Crystal:   From the looks and sounds of it, it's coming down out there.
Mindy:  Unbelievably so.  It's like the earth just suddenly decided to open up and dump bucket loads of water from the sky.
Crystal:  It gets like that around here every now and then.   How was your date?
Billy:  (as if he was hearing about it for the first time) Date?
Mindy:   It was alright.  (her voice didn't sound too enthusiastic and she tried her best to maneuver the conversation away from her date with Morgan as quickly as possible) He took me to Monte Carlos.
Crystal:  Ooh, expensive taste.  He must have a pretty hefty wallet.
Mindy:   Probably.   He's one of those types that's always waiting for the next big deal.  What have you two been up to?
Crystal:  Nothing much.
Billy:  Yeah, I think I bored her with all the talk concerning LI.
Mindy:  What is the story there?   (A huge thundercloud sounded just then, giving Crystal the heebie jeebies.  Mindy shook off her own nerves. She hated storms, it always seem to be the time the creepiest things happened) Crystal, you okay?
Billy: (glancing over at her) Crystal?
Crystal:  (flashing back to that dreadful moment in her dream: "Her body proceeds to the hospital room ahead.  As she touches the door, her body shivers from the cold handle and the chilliness of the room as she walks inside, spying the hospital bed covered with a sheet.  As she continues to the side of the bed slowly, she pulls the sheet from the body underneath and covers her mouth in shock at the revelation of the face marred by death")   It's coming.  (Mindy was taken aback as Crystal eyes appeared lost in her head, as if she wasn't completely in the room with them.   It was making Mindy uncomfortable and the constant rumbling of the clouds didn't help matters)
Billy:  What's coming?
Crystal:  Death!   Death is coming. (another storm cloud crashed, heigtening the moment)

(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)
Samantha:  How could I have been so stupid?
Brock:  It was an oversight, but the doctors are going to fix it.
Samantha:  What if they can't? (That was not a question Brock wanted to hear, especially from his wife.  It almost sounded like giving up and she had to hang in there in order for them to get through this)
Brock:  I thought "can't" wasn't in our vocabulary.  We're doctors, there is no such thing as "can't."
Samantha:  But I don't feel right, Brock.   My throat is coarse and I can barely move my arms now.
Brock: (picking up her left arm, it felt even less warm than before, but he wouldn't show her that) Can you feel this?  This is my hand touching yours and this is you touching my face.   (he pulled her palm up against his cheek, she could feel the slight tingle in her palm as her hand came into contact with the smooth stubble around his right cheek.   Tears came to her eyes as she thought of never being able to touch this face again)   Hey, why are you crying? (Brock wiped away some of the tears under her eyes)
Samantha:   Because I love you.
Brock:  I love you, too. (he kissed her hand) It's going to be okay. (he squeezed her hand tighter, but she couldn't feel it and she knew he sensed it) We're going to be okay.
Samantha:  Promise you'll never forget us.
Brock:  Sam, you're going to be here to help me keep that promise.   (He told himself, even as her skin got less warm under his, but she couldn't hold on to that false hope)
Samantha:  Just promise me.
Brock:  I promise.  (A tear slid down his cheeks)  I'll never forget us.  I promise.   (She smiled at his acknowledgment and as he dropped her hand, he leaned over to give her a kiss on the lips.   Her lips were cold to the touch, but his love for her warm them up.   He then went back down to his seat, looking in her eyes again as she smiled what would be one last time as he turned to see what was taking Dr. Delacroix and Delilah so long)   I'm going to see what's keeping them.   (He got up and as he moved to the door, it seemed like the walkway got longer and longer with each step, but with his back turned, Samantha could close her eyes and within seconds, her monitor would go off, alerting the whole hospital as Brock swiftly turned back to see her flatlining)

***Alexander:  Mr. Weston, a moment of your time.
Adam:  (recognizing his mug immediately, of course, who didn't know the illustrous Alexander Pierre) Mr. Pierre, what can I do for you?
Alexander:  Answer some questions for our readers, starting with your employee, Seth Stapleton. (Adam took a deep sigh, knowing this would be a long night and fearing this wouldn't be the last of the repercussions to come for Seth's actions tonight)

Officer #1:   (closing his notepad) Thank you both for your time.
Shaquanna:   Anything we can do to help.
Officer #1:   For now, just stay safe and we'll be in touch if we have further questions.   (With that, the officer joined his other partner along with Ruiz, who was questioning the co- star of tonight's attraction, Queen Helen DaVille)
Leigh:  So let me get this straight: this Seth guy did all this because he was fired and blame this Queen DaVille woman?  Furthermore, she was using this hotel for some kind of underground love chain.
Shaquanna:  That's the abridge version.
Leigh:  This is going to be juicy.
Anton:  This story you're talking about involves my girlfriend, Leigh.  She could have been killed.
Leigh:  I was in no way making light of that, Anton, but Malina is fine and if I blow this story, your boss will have both our heads.
Malina:  It's okay, Anton.
Anton: (he brought her in a hug) I just hate that you went through all of this while I was out there.   (she said "ow" when he squeezed a bit too tight) Are you okay?
Malina:  I'm fine, my arm just bothers me a little.

(<- Crystal's Fantasy & Associates ->)
Mindy:  What is she talking about?
Crystal:  It's here. Death is here.
Billy:  Crystal.  (he grabbed hold and shook her) Crystal!
Crystal: (her eyes bugged out at him as his hand remained gripped on her shoulder) What?
Billy:  Sorry, you kind of went out yourself for a second.
Mindy:  Yeah, it was freaky.
Crystal:  Well, what was I saying? (Mindy and Billy both looked at one another with questioning glances, each posing whether he or she should divulge the answer)
Billy:  You were saying-- "Death is coming." Then you said it was here, "Death was here."

(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)
Matthew:  (returning down the hall, he spied the tension filling the room between Evelin and Dalia as neither one of them said much of anything.  He could literally picture himself cutting through the invisible layer with a knife) Everything alright, ladies?
Dalia:  (they both heard his voice, but chose not to respond.  Instead, they look at each other daringly, trying to gage the others thought.  Finally, Dalia broke the silence) Everything is fine.  Evelin was just clearing something up for me and I think I made my intentions perfectly clear.  (She ended with a nervous curl of the lip as she tried to force a smile, but her face revealed the ambivalence she enountered in that moment.  Sensing the slip, she quickly retreated to Earl's room, where her son had just entered)
Matthew:  (clearly reading the signals and the obvious hush hush-ness between the two) What was that all about?
Evelin:  (she didn't think that their waiting period to find out if the antidote took with Earl was an appropriate time to discuss Dalia and her apparent lack of self-control) It's nothing important.

Brock, Dana, Ralph, Robin and Jay waited outside of Samantha's room anxiously as the medical team continued to operate on Samantha.  At first, they could at least see what was going on in there, but then one of the attendants closed the drapes to her room.  So now all they could do was imagine that they were working hard to revive her.  Dana and Ralph stood slightly behind Brock, while Robin and Jay stood close to each other toward the side.  Robin didn't know if it were butterflies in her stomach, or the baby making himself more comfortable in her womb.  Nonetheless, she was worried.  The whole vibe in the room was upsetting and Jay sort of pulled her in closer when he noticed the look of worry on her face, as if hoping his being there would compensate for whatever was to come.  Brock stood at the lead of the pack, his shoulders and back tensed and his eyes never leaving her door.  Dana wanted to touch and console him in this hour of suspense, but she resolved to stand back and wait for Brock to come to her.  Brock just couldn't stop thinking about how pale she had gotten, and her skin, it was losing its warmth.  His wife was also losing hope, and blaming herself for not paying extra attention to her health.  He wanted to tell himself it was all in vain, but as he heard that door to his wife room open and saw Dr. Delacroix, followed by Delilah and two other technicians, he knew.  The fact that Delilah couldn't look him in the eyes told him, but it just couldn't be...
Brock:  How is she, doctor?  (Dana and Ralph took that moment to bridge the space between their brother, both praying that the doctor had good news.  However, Dana could not ignore that inner dread at the bottom of her core, and reached out with one of her hands to touch her brother.  Although he sensed the slight touch of his sister's hand, he just didn't feel it as he could feel himself become numb from the look on the Chief Resident's face)
Dr. Delacroix: (even as the Chief Resident of the hospital, there were some things that you never got better at doing, this was one of them.  His face foretold the agony of his response before the words even came out)  I'm sorry.
Brock:  ("It was not happening," he tried to tell himself as he looked from the doctor's disappointed mug to Delilah, who looked at him briefly for the first time since she came out of the room, and he saw the sadness, the sympathy, and the pity in her eyes) No.  (that was all he could muster)
Dr. Delacroix:  We did all we could, Mr. Lombard.  She's gone.  (Brock could feel his body about to crash as he looked at the faces of each of the medical technicians, written with failure for not saving his wife.  He cried out her name - "Sam" - as he slowly crumbled to the ground, telling himself over and over again "no" that it eventually just got louder.  Dana looked on in agony as she lightly covered her mouth wanting to crumple down with her brother, but Ralph pulled her back lightly, motioning that he needed to release the pain.  Robin just remembered how they were kidding about her being pregnant, but was starting to get accustom to the idea of having a play partner for her son.  She placed her face on her husband's face as he lightly patted her on the back.  Everyone just stood in place as Brock continued to cry, the words "no" finally ceasing)

Garrett, Romeo, Dana and Anton

- Kyle returns the wedding gifts his father sent him
- Shanna and Derek agree to harbor their misgivings for Ben's sake
- Dana discovers Brock has disappeared from the hospital


Closing Credits

Click here for Episode 301