Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives": Summer of Seasonal Eruption
Promise you'll never forget us.
Brock:  Sam, you're going to be here to help me keep that promise.   (He told himself, even as her skin got less warm under his, but she couldn't hold on to that false hope)
Samantha:  Just promise me.
Brock:  I promise.  (A tear slid down his cheeks)   I'll never forget us. /
Dana: (she can't argue that fact, but she can't ignore all the signs either... all that pointed toward pain and loss for the Lombard family, as well as everyone who loved and adored Samantha) The purpose of my tarot is to prepare people for what's to come, which means I'm suppose to prepare my brother for the loss of his wife.  I don't know if I can do that. /
Brock:  How is she, doctor?  (Dana and Ralph took that moment to bridge the space between their brother, both praying that the doctor had good news.  However, Dana could not ignore that inner dread at the bottom of her core, and reached out with one of her hands to touch her brother.  Although he sensed the slight touch of his sister's hand, he just didn't feel it as he could feel himself become numb from the look on the Chief Resident's face)
Dr. Delacroix: (even as the Chief Resident of the hospital, there were some things that you never got better at doing, this was one of them.  His face foretold the agony of his response before the words even came out)  I'm sorry.
Brock:  ("It was not happening," he tried to tell himself as he looked from the doctor's disappointed mug to Delilah, who looked at him briefly for the first time since she came out of the room, and he saw the sadness, the sympathy, and the pity in her eyes) No.  (~)
Shalia:  My husband is still dealing with the lost of his best friend.  He does not need you throwing your smut in his face.
Tara:  and how are you dealing with the lost, Mrs. Guittierrez?  (Phew!  Like a slap in the face, Shalia should have saw that one coming...)

A new morning might be dawning on the residents of Hallandale, but the rays from the early sunlight could do little to mend the hearts breaking today.  If there was ever a time to stick together, this was it.  Unfortunately, sometimes secrets and lies separate the thickest of relationships.  Shalia and Derek Guittierrez found themselves walking hand-in-hand toward the entrance of the Cypress Gardens Plaza as this was definitely the morning for coffee.  Derek had managed to forget about the reporter from last night until he and Shalia passed the newsstand at the corner and saw a brand-new spanking issue of the PR Chronicles being picked up by customers as they sat down with their order.  Derek wanted to skip right pass the rag, but he had to know how bad it was.  He regretted it the moment the paper landed in his hands as mugshots of him, Shalia and Shanna stared back at him.  The headline read: "Hemmings Crash: A Revenge Plot Gone Wrong?" Shalia just shook her head, telling her hubby that she would get two large cups, no sugar, before proceeding toward the order line while Derek took a seat at the vacant table.  As he read the story, his regret only worsen as he cursed himself for being stupid enough to open his mouth to that reporter.  Of course, his quotes were nothing in comparison to the one liners they managed to twist from his wife. "Oh, this was not going to be a good day," he thought.  Shalia came up and handed him his cup as she took a seat across from him.  Derek didn't wait to see if it was cool enough, instead, thanking his wife before taking several sips.  Judging by the way his lips gravitated to the warm fluid, she assumed the article was pretty bad, the question was...
Shalia:  So, how bad is it?
Derek:  (remarking blankly) Let's hope that Shanna doesn't see it.

(<- Shanna's Art Studio ->)
Andrew: (knocking on the door) Knock, knock, anyone home?  (When there was no answer, he was prepared to walk away, but decided to try his luck with the lock and lo and behold, the door was open.  As such, he helped himself inside)  Shanna?  (he called out, but the room was dark, so much that he almost stumbled on the only thing that appeared to be giving the room light.  Lying against the wall in a continuous line was portrait after portrait of the same thing -- a man resembling Ben's likeness.  Talk about depressing.  He could only imagine the state Shanna must be in to have been doodling her dead husband's face all night.  "Perhaps she really did love the smuck," he thought.  It was more appreciation than she showed for Andrew's brother, that's for sure.  Suddenly,  a range of lights hit the room as the door to the studio opened and shut.  Andrew wondered if he should be alarmed as he eased slightly over the corner to find Shanna, certainly not in her everyday wear.  She had on a yellow sundress and her hair was pulled back with a head bandana.  She also didn't appear to have any makeup on, making her sleepless eyes more apparent.  She was putting aside several more slabs of paint) Shanna?
Shanna: (turning to the sound of his voice, the last thing she expected was to come back to someone in her studio)  Mr. Stokes, what are you doing here?
Andrew:  (surprised by her formal speak, he almost questioned her about it, but decided that she probably wasn't in her clearest of heads right now, considering she just learned her husband died.  He had to channel his own inner despair from the lost of his brother in order to effectively sympathize for her)  I heard about Ben.
Shanna:  I can't imagine there is a person that doesn't know.  (referring to on-going news coverage and news rags with their theories and speculations)
Andrew:  Well, I'm sorry for your lost.  Is there anything I can do?
Shanna:  I would really just like to be left alone, thank you.  (she snapped, not feeling in the least up for company or someone else to pity her because she was all alone)
Andrew:  Okay.  (he responded in a quiet, half embarassed tone, surprised that she snapped at him)  I will be on my cell if you need me.  (he informed her as he backed away and headed toward the door.  Shanna, meanwhile, took her paint materials and headed to the other side of the studio where her blank canvases stood.  She dipped her brush in the chocolate brown paint and started to doodle the image as she had done about 20 or 30 times before in the last 10 hours, but as she pictured his face once more, it just made her miss the genuine article even more.  "Why was this happening?  How was she suppose to possibly go on?"  She just didn't think she could, not in this life, not without Ben.)

(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)
Matthew walked into the lobby and it was nothing, but quietness as he looked on in Samantha's hospital room.  He had heard the nurses talking about it this morning, but it still didn't seem possible... Samantha was dead.  As he turned away from Samantha's hopsital room door, he saw Dana laying on the couch.  It looked like she slept there the whole night.  He went over to check up on her: he could only imagine what turmoil she was in last night when it happened.  He thought maybe it was best to let her sleep, but she must have heard him coming up or smelled him because her eyes opened as he started to turn away.
Dana:  Matthew.  (at times like this, it did her heart good to see him.  After all, he was the one person aside from her brothers, maybe more so, that she could share anything with) How's Earl?  (she inquired as she sat up on the couch)
Matthew:  The doctors administered the antidote last night.  So right now, it's just wait and see.  (Then there was quiet as Matthew tried to avoid bringing up the obvious elephant in the room)  How are you holding up?
Dana:  (getting up from the couch, she paced her way over to the hospital room window, which was concealed by curtains) I'm fine.  My brother's the one that's in pieces.  He wouldn't leave her side after we received the news.
Matthew:  I wish there was something I could say to make this easier.
Dana: (turning away from Samantha's hospital room window, she offered him a light smile of appreciation) The fact that you're able to be here when you're dealing with so much yourself is helpful enough.
Dr. Delacroix:  Ms. Lombard?  (she swiftly turned to direction of his voice, Matthew's eyes followed her)
Dana:  Doctor, how can I help you?
Dr. Delacroix: (moments like these made his job quite difficult as he could only imagine if it were someone he loved laying in that hospital room, never to awaken.  How could he expect Brock to conjure the strength to walk away when he wasn't sure he would be able to if the roles were reversed) There are some papers your brother needs to sign.  We should also move the body soon.
Dana: (refusing to be the one that tears her brother away from his wife) Well, my brother is still in there with his wife, doctor.  So you go if you must.
Dr. Delacroix:  I'm not the bad guy, Ms. Lombard, but I am in charge of this hospital.  I can leave the forms with you if you like? (Dana doesn't respond.  Instead, Matthew stepped forward and retrieved the forms for her) I would like to make this as quick and painless as possible for everyone. 
Dana:  I think you're eight hours too late, doctor.  (He knew it was her grief and frustration talking, so he allowed her remark to come in one ear and out the other)
Dr. Delacroix:  I'll be back in a couple of hours.  (he continued down the hall as Dana stood in awe of the man's firm stand to precedent.  Even though it ticked her off that he was rushing all this, she knew he had a job to do.  At least he was giving her an hour or two at least.  In the meantime, how does she bring herself to walk in that room and tell her brother it was time to say good-bye?)

Unbeknownst to his sister, Brock Lombard cut out of the hospital hours ago.  The woman in that hospital bed was a shell of what his wife use to be.  She didn't talk to him, she didn't smile, and she didn't exude warmth against his body.  Plus, seeing her that way just made it more permanent that they would never go on that romantic vacation like he planned or have their own children.  It just all seem unfair as he looked down the calm, soothing waters of the Hallandale Pier.  It was a bright, new sunny day and he was still stuck at last night, in those last moments he shared with his wife as she begged him to remember them.  She knew she wouldn't be around to remind him, but as he walked along the wooden boards, he wondered how he could forget.  She was the love of his life.  On the south side of the pier, Jessica Chappell had her ears glued to her cell as her lawyer questioned her lack of availability as of late.
Jessica:  Yes, I know.  A lot has been going on... (referring to the death of her best friend's husband, the mountain load of work on her desk, and the recent passing of one of her dearest colleagues)  I will contact them later today, I promise...  (William's parole hearing was coming up and Joy was urging Jessica to contact Taneia Ralston and Greg Juntas right away to line them up as character witnesses against William)  Okay, talk to you soon.  (she ended her call, happy to be done with that conversation.  As important as it was for her to stop her ex- husband's parole, she just couldn't be bothered to focus on him today.  He was just so insignificant with everything else going on.  After all, two people she knew were dead in less than a week.  It was unreal.  Samantha had been a great resource and friend, while Ben, he was a good man that treated her best friend [Shanna] right.  Jessica thought she had found her "Ben" when she met William Arlington, but that turned out to be a joke.  As she continued down the pier, making her way at the end of corner wall, she caught sight of Brock at an angle from her.  He was sitting down on the wooden floor boards, his shoes at his side and his feet dangling in the water.  His eyes were closed and pointed upward at the sun as if he was in deep thought or reminiscing about something.  Figuring Brock could probably use this alone time for himself, she continued in the opposite direction, heading back to her office to make those phone calls as promised.  Jessica's retreating footsteps gave away her presence as Brock was knocked out of his zone, but when he looked back, Jessica had already disappeared, making it seem as if no one was ever there.

Alexander:  (Lacreasha Dupree stormed into his office without annoucement, ready to express her discontent over the mindgames her soon-to-be father-in-law, in name only, was playing with Kyle)  Ms. Dupree, to what do I owe this pleasure? (he reclined back in his seat, looking out the window at the glorious view of another bright, sunny morning.  Yesterday's evening shower seemed like a distant memory...)
Lacreasha:  Stay away from my fiancé.
Alexander:  I'm sorry, but who would that be again?
Lacreasha:  Kyle Sharrington.
Alexander:  Ah yes, my son.  (he said, knowing the words would strike ire within her) Now why should I stay away from my son?
Lacreasha:  You've done such a good job all these years, we would personally just prefer it stay that way.  He doesn't need what you have to offer, and that includes your expensive gifts.
Alexander:  Granted you're marrying my son, but you cannot speak for what he needs.
Kyle:  (appearing in the doorway, his hands containing the gift package Alexander sent him) But I can! (Lacreasha smiled with delight as her insides screamed "boom ya" at the knockout punch her fiancé just delivered)

(<- Leysdale Hospital :: Jessica's Office ->)
An hour had passed since Dr. Jessica Chappell was on the docks of the Hallandale Pier, an hour filled with returning patient phone calls and rescheduling appointments.  You would never guess how many people were just looking to talk to someone about their despair over a missing cat, the death of a friend or relative, their bad work day, etc...  Finally, Jessica had a moment to sit back and chat with an old friend, even if she had an ulterior motive...
Jessica:  Yeah, it has been a long time.  How's Hong Kong?  (The answer was obvious before Dr. Greg Juntas reponded, while sitting back in his comfortable lounge chair outside the patio of his new 2-story home, enjoying the rays of the sun as they hit his body.  He figured he would let himself bake in the sun for an hour, then take a refreshing swin)
Greg:  "It's great." (he said, not one to hide the obvious.  Jessica missed having his touch of realism with her, especially once Greg up and left to practice medicine in Hong Kong, a decision he has never regretted to this day.  Although he did miss his friends back in Hallandale, and even his cousin, Shaquanna.  However, had he stayed in Massachusetts, he couldn't have seen himself relaxing around his house in nothing, but his summer shorts and sandles for a week.  It was always busy, and when he was on-call, he was on-call.  Here, he actually had the time to lay back and enjoy himself)  "You should really come down sometime.  It's really beautiful."
Jessica:  A break from here does sound tempting, but unfortunately, I have a lot going on.
Greg:  "That doesn't sound good."
Jessica:  No, it isn't.  That's part of the reason I called.
Greg:  "Are you in some kind of trouble?"
Jessica:  No.  At least, not immediately.
Greg:  (rising up in his lounge chair, you can hear the switch in the pitch of his voice) "Jess, what's going on?"
Jessica:  William's up for parole. (she quickly blurted out to prevent her friend from keeling over of a heart attack)
Greg: (knowing all too well the fear and torture William put Jessica through weeks before his incarceration) "What?  They can't possibly be considering letting him free."
Jessica:  You would think, but he has this high profile lawyer whose going to pull every trick in the book to see that happens.  (It had been a while since she thought of Mr. A. Ramsey-Lakhan, probably because he wasn't pestering her as of late, whether that was a good or bad sign, she didn't know)
Greg:  "Surely there's something you can do to stop this."
Jessica:  Well, I'm working with my own lawyer to build a case against him.
Greg:  "The man clocked your friend over the head with a gun, then proceeded to lock you both in a morgue cooler.  It shouldn't be too hard."
Jessica:  (as if she was completing an incomplete statement he had made) ...if you're here to testify.  I need you at the parole hearing to attest to what William did and how dangerous he would be if let free.

***Greg:  "Jess, you know I would do anything for you, especially when it comes to making sure that no good ex- of yours gets what he deserves, so you can count me in."
Jessica:  (for a second there, she thought he might turn her down, but why wasn't she surprise?  Greg was determined to come to her rescue as he did all those months back) Thank you.  You don't know how much this means to me.
Greg:  "I think I do. (he said with a light smile)  So when is the hearing?"
Jessica:  About a week from now.
Greg:  "That soon?"
Jessica:  Like I said, William's lawyer is steamrolling this thing.
Greg:  "Well, team Jess will be sure to throw a few roadblocks in his way."  (Jessica made a slight grin at the remark, if anyone had a knack for making her feel better, it was Greg)

(<- Past Relations Chronicles' Headquarters ->)
(having moved from his seat, he stepped halfway in between Lacreasha, who was still standing very closely to his desk and Kyle, who was near the exit of his father's office) Those gifts are a token of how much I want for our relationship to change.  For us to try to forgive and move on.
Lacreasha:  (although she managed to keep the sheer laughter of the remark inside, she couldn't bide her toungue) The forgiveness you're looking for can't be bought.
Alexander:   (turning to her in outrage) This is none of your business.  This is between me and my son.
Lacreasha:  Oh, how convenient it is that he's your son after all this time.  After years of abandonment.
Kyle:  Lacreasha, please. (Her interference making it harder for him to come here and say what he has to say and be done.  She shrugged off the plea, somewhat bothered to be the one told to put a sock in it)  But my fiancée is right, Alex.  My forgiveness can't be bought.
Alexander:  That is not what I'm doing.
Kyle:  You just said that these gifts were a token of how much you wanted for our relationship to change, for me to forgive and move past what you did. (he specifically emphasized that this new road to forgiveness was more about Kyle giving him a second chance than Alex giving Kyle one) Sounds like a bribe to me.
Alexander:  These gifts are not a bribe.  It is me trying to... (Kyle and Lacreasha can see him trying to search for the right words) trying to facilitate a healthier relationship between the two of us.  What father wouldn't give his son a gift as a way of supporting his engagement to a woman he loves?
Kyle:  I guess the only thing to ask is where is all this coming from?
Alexander:  I'm not quite sure I understand.
Kyle:  Where is this drive.. the need to be apart of my life coming from?  Why are you interested in playing daddy now?

(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)
After dealing with Chief Resident Delacroix, Dana and Matthew tried their hand at some breakfast in the hospital cafeteria.  Of course, neither of them could really hold anything down, but it was a nice break from life's unsettling realities, especially for Dana.  But as they walk down that familiar hall -- plain, quiet, draft and void of doctors -- she realized she was back at the scene of the crime.  As much as she hated intruding on her brother's grief, there was no reason to avoid this any longer. 
Dana:  (she took a deep breath as she placed her hand on the doorknob) Okay, I think I'm ready.
Matthew:  Remember, I'm outside if you need me.
Dana:  Thanks.  (She kissed him for the first time since Matthew's brother locked them in one of the hospital rooms and then proceeded inside while Matthew took a seat on one of the chairs in the lobby.  However, Dana wasn't in Brock's room long before she came rushing out)  He's gone.
Matthew: (not quite hearing her) What?
Dana:  Brock's not in Samantha's room.
Matthew:  Well, I can't imagine he has gotten far.  He may have just needed some air.

(<- Shanna's Art Studio ->)
Andrew knew a true friend would come back, even after being pushed away the way he was an hour ago.  Of course, he would never admit that it was genuine feelings for Shanna that brought him back, instead of his hatred for what she did to his brother.  However, he wasn't a stupid man, he simply told himself he was getting caught up in the role.  That his sole purpose for coming back was to see Shanna suffering-- breaking-- faltering into little pieces.  Only he was quite surprise this time when he knocked on the door and Mrs. Hemmings, herself, answered it this time.  She had changed her clothes from earlier, the head bandana was removed and her hair was nicely groomed, she also appeared to have put on a few drops of makeup.  Her formality, however, remained.
Shanna:  Mr. Stokes, twice in one day?
Andrew:  I know you pushed me away earlier, but I couldn't--
Shanna:  Help but wonder if the grieving widow was sinking further into despair. (Her face was so serious at first that Andrew didn't know what to make of the comment, but she finally cracked a grin)  I'm fine.  This isn't the first time I've had to deal with death and loss, unfortunately.
Andrew:  I don't imagine it gets easier.
Shanna:  No, it doesn't, but you get stronger each and every day.  (noticing that he was still standing outside her archway) Why don't you come in?  (After all, he was the reason she was even standing inside an art studio)
Andrew:  Sure.  (he said, helping himself inside before Shanna closed the door behind him.  Just as the door to the studio closed, Derek Guittierrez walked up the path.  His wife had decided to make an appearance at work.  Although Derek knew it was just an excuse for her not to come with him to see Shanna.  Of course, considering Shanna was pretty livid with him and Shalia when Derek shared the news of Ben's passing, it was probably for the best.  Besides, Ben would probably want him to deal with Shanna on his own anyway.  So he took a calming breath and knocked on the door.  Shanna must have been close by because she didn't take long to answer)
Shanna:  (surprised to see him at her studio door) Derek?
Derek:  May I come in?
Shanna:  Umm... hmm... sure!  (there was no hiding that hesitation, which Derek took to mean she was probably not in the mood to speak with him, but countered her feelings because of their connection to Ben...  As Derek walked into the studio, the other possibility became apparent as he saw Andrew make a slight nod of the head as Shanna closed the door) You remember Andrew?  He built this studio.
Derek:  Ah yes.  Nice to see you again.  (Derek lied, but it seemed appropriate even though he was wondering why this strange man was with best friend's wife?  From the looks of it, there was not much work left to be done on the studio)
Andrew:  (sensing Derek's displeasure with his presence) Likewise. (he started to take a step forward) I'll just leave you two alone.
Shanna:  Nonsense.   Anything Derek has to say, he can say in front of a friend.
Derek:  ("Friend?"  he thought to himself)  Well, after the way we left things the last we spoke, I just wanted to stop by and clear the air.
Shanna:  Well, you're not the one that accused you of being responsible for my husband's death.
Derek:  No, but I suggested that Ben dealt his own hand in it when I knew the reason he was in Coral Springs was because of me.
Shanna:  Well, I was reminded that Ben wouldn't want either of us blaming one another for his death... (even if she did feel he was responsible).  He would want us to come together and I'm willing to do that if you are.
Derek:  I'm all for what Ben would have wanted.  (he held his hand out to seal their promise... Shanna took a moment, but she ultimately binded the agreement with the connecting of their palms)
Shanna:  Good.  (Andrew watched on, convinced that their new found truce wouldn't last long)


Shanna:  (handing him a glass of lemonade before taking a seat on the chair across from him.  Andrew stood in the back of the studio giving them some space.  It wasn't a wasted trip as he saw some of the recent paintings Shanna had been working on prior to the news about Ben)  So what else brings you by?
Derek:  Well, there's two things:  First... (handing over the paper he had tucked in his back pocket) I thought you should hear about this from me before you saw it on a newstand.
Shanna:  (scanning the paper, she quickly saw the reason behind Derek's concern) Wonderful.  It's nice to see my dead husband is still selling papers.  (glancing at the byline as she read snippets of the article) Did someone even tell this Tara person that the authorities found no reason to believe that foul play was a factor in my husband's plane crash?
Derek:  If they did, I'm sure she just ignored it.  This Tara woman was clearly after a rag piece.
Shanna:  Yeah, well, I have no doubt about her creditionals considering the source of her story.  (handing the paper back to Derek as she shook off her disgust) Here.  I don't want to dirty my mind with anymore of this garbage.  (Derek stuffed the paper back in his back pocket while Shanna quickly look to move past those unpleasantries by jolting the conversation along)  So there was a second/third reason for you stopping by?
Derek:  Yeah... Ben's funeral.
Shanna:  (the words left her frozen for a second.  It was like a finalization of the fact that her husband was gone) Of course.  It's going to be two days from now outside our home.
Derek:  That's good to know, but I was more or less wanting to let you know I want Shalia there with me.

(<- Leysdale Hospital :: Jessica's Office ->)
Jessica:  (this was an awkward phone call for Jessica to make as she and Taneia Ralston had never been close, but Taneia was there at the end when things between Jessica and William took that final disastrous turn)  Yes, I'm looking for Taneia Ralston.  (the man on the other end inquired as to who was calling, then placed Jessica on hold.  It had to be one of the longest waits Jessica experienced, well, aside from customer service calls -- nothing could beat that.  Still, she was beginning to wonder if she missed the click of the call being disconnected when a much softer spoken voice returned to the phone)
Taneia:  "Hello?"
Jessica:  (she was half sure it was her, but on the off chance she was wrong, she wanted to double check)  Yes, I was looking for Taneia Ralston.  This is Jessica, Jessica Chappell.
Taneia:  "Jessica?"  (she said familiarly over the phone, not having thought about that name in ages) Um... I'm sorry, forgive my pause.  (which was ironically followed by another pause)  What can I do for you?  (Jessica knew then this call would be a very awkward one)
Jessica:  Well, this may seem like a very long time ago, but you were very instrumental in putting my ex- husband, William Arlington, away.
Taneia:  "William?"  (another name she hadn't thought about in months)
Jessica:  You testified at his trial that you and Greg caught him leaving in hurry after leaving me and Romain Chandler to die in a morgue cooler.
Taniea:  (now Greg, she had thought about him quite a bit since losing contact with him about three months back.  She wondered what he was up to these days)  "Yes, I remember.  Why are you dredging all this up now?"
Jessica:  Unfortunately, William is up for parole soon and I need you to help me stop that.

(<- Past Relations Chronicles ->)
(as Alexander gravitated toward a portrait of his daughter, Widlin, hanging on his wall, Kyle took a few steps away from the exit of his father's office and dropped the gift box on his father's office couch) You're right to be surprise.  I didn't just wake up one day and decide I wanted to be a father again.  (The admission of that fact along caught Lacreasha and Kyle both off guard, but Lacreasha had no doubt it was another ploy.  Still, she would give him the benefit of silence since this was something Kyle needed to handle himself)  I've been thinking about the son or daughter I have out there with Akeira a lot lately.  He or she must be at least a month old by now and I'm missing out on it.  (Kyle couldn't help it.  He wondered if that baby was the same complexion as him [Kyle] if Alexander would still miss him or her)  Well, I know I did a lot to mess up you and your sister's life.  (Kyle couldn't remember the last time he saw or even talked to Widlin, but at least she acknowledge their connection when they ran into each other.  She certainly didn't treat him like any less of a human being because he was half caucasian.  Still, he let Alex carry on...)  Anyhow, your sister's the one who encouraged me to extend an olive branch and I want us together like a family.  I want your little sister or brother out there to know her brother and sister.  ("Wow!" was all Kyle could muster to himself as he watched his father appear almost human before his eyes, remorseful for dividing Kyle and the family, but was that the gist of all this?  Lacreasha wasn't convinced, but resolved to focus her attention elsewhere, averting her attention to Alex's desk, where she spied what looked like an advanced copy of PRC's morning edition.  Scanning the headline, she saw that their lead story was a "Former Hallandale Weston Employee Holds Prominent Queen of Romania Hostage."  Of course, it wasn't as much the content that drew her in, but the pictures, including one of Malina Ramirez.  Curious as to the story behind it, although PRC wasn't exactly the most reliable of sources, she moved a little closer to scan the story while Alexander continued to try his snow job on Kyle)
Kyle:  You seem so sincere, Alex.  But why is it up to me to fix what never was?
Alexander:  (turning away from the portrait of Widlin, his eyes landed on Kyle)  It isn't.  You can't fix what you didn't break.  That's all on me.  All I'm asking is that you see me through this.  Your sister has agreed to.  (Kyle began to contemplate the possibility when Lacreasha suddenly sounded off)
Lacreasha:  I don't believe this.  (Kyle and Alexander's eyes quickly shifted toward her.  Upon seeing her near his desk, Alexander promptly asked what she was doing)  Believe it or not, but it wasn't my attention to snoop.  I just saw the pictures and couldn't resist.
Kyle:  Resist what?
Lacreasha:  It's a story summarizing details of a shooting that went down at the Hallandale Weston last night.  Malina was injured.
Kyle:  What?  Is she okay?
Lacreasha:  Yeah, the article managed to clear that up before dipping into the tawdry.
Alexander:  Hey, sometimes tawdry sells and sometimes, it just is.  (he remarked as he moved swiftly over toward his desk and removed the dummy paper from his desk) I would have thought you both heard since two of your star reporters were there last night.
Kyle:  I was aware of the shooting, I just didn't realized it hit so close to home.
Lacreasha:  We should go make sure everything is alright.
Alexander:  This wouldn't be your way of luring my son away from me, Ms. Dupree?
Lacreasha:  Malina is a friend of ours, something you would know nothing about, Mr. Pierre.
Alexander:  (he was quick to remind Lacreasha of her checkered past with Rochelle and Leonard Stone) This coming from the woman who seduced her last friend's boyfriend.
Kyle:  Don't ever talk to her that way again.  (He looked at his father adamantly)  We should get going.  (Lacreasha grabbed her purse and proceeded to head Kyle towards the door)
Alexander:  Kyle...  (his voice commandeered Kyle and Lacreasha's focus away from the door and back toward him)  I'm sorry, but please think about what I said.  (Kyle looked at him silently, not knowing really what to say.  Lacreasha gave him a slight nudge on the shoulder before turning back toward the door.  Kyle looked on at his father a second longer before following his fiancée, leaving Alexander alone to his empy office)

***Alexander: (he sat at his desk and thought about the way things ended between him and Kyle today.  He hoped that his dig at Lacreasha didn't ruin all the progress he appeared to be making.  Things had to work out, they had too...  He then picked up his office phone and quickly punched in a few numbers on the number pad) "How's the search going for Akeira?"  (The caller on the other end informed Alexander that the trail was running cold and given how much time that has passed, it wasn't likely they could trace her.  However, that was not the answer Alexander wanted to hear)  "I don't want to hear these excuses, I want results.  Find Akeira, or I'll find someone who can."  (he slammed his phone down on the receiver.  He was growing tired of this cat and mouse game with Akeira.  The sooner she was found, the sooner he would find his son or daughter)

(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)
  (he walked up to Dana, who was seated down in the same chair that Matthew found her sleep in a few hours back, and sat down next to her) Hey, none of the nurses have seen him.
Dana:  He'll be back when he's ready.  In the meantime, I just sit here and think.
Matthew:  (he chuckled) Yeah, hospitals are legendary for giving you a lot of time to do that.
Dana:  Well, I think about how we missed the signs and how we just sort let it all happen.
Matthew:  Hey... (he grabbed her hand and forced her to look him in the eye) You are not responsible for Samantha's death, okay?
Dana:  It doesn't change the way I feel when I see Samantha lying in that hospital bed never to awake again, or last night, when my brother stood right there... (she pointed outward to the spot a few inches from where she and Matthew where sitting) ...curled up in a ball and crying for hours when the doctors came out here and told him she was dead.
Matthew:  Dana, there is nothing you could have done to prevent it.  We are not God.
Dana:  But we knew Matthew.   We knew-- I knew that Samantha was going to die.

(<- Shanna's Art Studio ->)
(it was clear as she answered his request that she was practicing a great deal of restraint) You know how my husband felt about your wife, Derek, and I'm not too fond of her myself.  But she is your wife, so you can bring her if you choose.
Derek:  I appreciate it.  I just want Ben's funeral to be as complacent as possible for everyone.
Shanna:  (choosing to cut her way through that can of worms) Well, I do hope you plan to speak during the eulogy.  It would mean a lot to me and Ben.
Derek:  Of course.  I couldn't think of a more opportune time to let Ben know what he meant to me.
Shanna:  I'm pretty sure he knew.  Otherwise, he wouldn't have flew half across the world for you.
Derek:  I guess he wouldn't.
Andrew:  (interrupting there seemingly bonding moment, he shouted overtly in their direction) Wow, this one is a beauty, Shanna.  (Derek turned back and caught Andrew eyeing one of the paintings.  He then proceeded to move from his seat)
Derek:  I probably should get going.
Shanna:  (moving from her seat as well) Oh, okay.
Derek:  I'll see you soon.
Shanna:  Later.
Derek:  I'll show myself out.  (he said, continuing his way to the other side of the studio for the exit.  Shanna, meanwhile, turned back and made a move over toward Andrew, who was looking at her painting of the sun setting over the Hallandale Pier.  She told him it was one of her favorites.  It was peaceful and Andrew could see that.  It had been a long time since he seen a sunset.  As Derek made it to the door, he turned slightly and caught a glimpse of Shanna with Andrew.  He stared at them for a few seconds with a questioning gaze and then proceeded to exit the studio)

Garrett, Romeo, Dana and Anton

- Some of the locals get excited about the upcoming Masquerade Gala
- Brock becomes frustrated with his sister


Closing Credits

Click here for Episode 302