Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives": Summer of Seasonal Eruption
ø Danielle arrived uncharacteristically late to work, suffering from lack of sleep and unexplained cravings.  Following her photo shoot with Lucien, she found Vanessa Manthroll in her dressing room once again. (~)

ø Sandy and Romain comisserated over their failed relationships. (~)

ø Alfonso Morgan told Mindy he was leaving Hallandale and CF & A for a chance at something more in Seattle.  Upset by his betrayal, Mindy told him their friendship was over.  Before leaving, Alfonso asked that Crystal and Billy keep an eye out for Mindy.  Crystal and Billy later decided it would be good to throw a celebration - a masquerade gala. (~)

ø Reporter Leigh Gray decided to pay recent jailbird, Seth Stapleton, a visit in hopes of learning what went down at the Hallandale Weston. (~)

ø Malina went to Shaquanna for answers about what happened following the shooting at the Hallandale Weston.  Shaquanna explained that she had special healing powers in the tips of her fingers that enabled her to heal Malina's gunshot wound.  Although surreal, Malina couldn't ignore the living proof - herself.   Shortly after, Shaquanna received a mysterious note informing her that someone knew her secret.

***Shaquanna Nichols examined the words on the small piece of paper as they leered at her, mocking her: "I know what you did last night!"  Observing her friend's intensity over the note, Malina inquired about its contents, but Shaquanna quickly shrugged it off as nothing, excusing herself from the table before Malina could press further.  Instead, Shaquanna circled her way around several of the tables in the plaza toward a group of middle-age teenagers, which included her messenger boy from earlier.  As she neared, the feeling that she was trapped in some gawd-awful horror film returned at a quicken pace.   Only it wasn't just her life at risk if this mystery person knew her secret.  As her eyes met members of the group, laughing ceased as those facing her just stood there, practically gawking as she awaited her mysterious messenger's attention.  With his friend's withdrawn from their game, the messenger boy turned to find Shaquanna standing behind him....
Man:  (his words were quick, as if he were meeting her for the first time) Can I help you?
Shaquanna:  (lifting the note into view) Who gave you this?
Man: (he scoffed, not finding the inquiry as serious as she was making it)  Some guy.
Shaquanna:  Some guy? (the words seemed inadequate of a man who was practically threatening her) So he didn't say who he was? Or why he couldn't deliver this note himself?
Man:  No, he didn't... and I didn't ask.
Shaquanna:  You didn't ask?
Man:  No.  He gave me $20 bucks to deliver that note to you and that's what I did.
Shaquanna:  So a practical stranger just walks up to you, floats a $20 bill in your face and you're ready to do his bidding?
Man:  When opportunity knocks...
Shaquanna:  (her annoyance becoming more and more difficult to stifle as the conversation continues) Do you at least remember what he looked like?
Man:  I didn't talk to him very long.
Shaquanna:  It's not a difficult question:  Was he black?  White?  Chubby?  Medium height?
Man:  (his pitch slightly elevated) I don't know.  He was wearing a dark hood, a sweater and some jeans.  I can't tell you anymore than that.
Shaquanna: (getting the distinct feeling that her messenger boy was holding something back) Can't or won't?
Man #2:  He can't!  So why don't you back off?
Man:  Ace, it's alright.
Man #2:  No.  I think you've made it clear you don't know this guy.  So maybe it's time for her to accept that, and step off.  (he concluded with an intensity that might seer through any other weak-minded individual, but not Shaquanna)

Across the way from where Malina was seated, Dr. Romain Chandler extended his arms over his and Sandy's table, leaning in close enough before opening the conversation to a more positive proposal.
Romain:  So, are you planning to attend the Masquerade Gala?
Sandy:  That what?
Romain:  It's an annual event hosted by CF & A, formerly T.E.C Restaurante and soon to be whatever crazy name they think of next.  (Sandy appeared as flabbergasted by the synopsis of CF & A's name change history as Romain sounded) This year with Halloween just a few months away, they're going with a masquerade theme.  It sounds like it should be an interesting affair.
Sandy:  (she notes his choice of words to define the event) I take it that means you're going?
Romain:  Granted I'm able to find someone to cover my shift.  If so, it would be nice to have someone to hang out with.  (he casually blinked in her direction)
Sandy:  Well, even if I were to attend, how do you know I don't have someone else in mind?
Romain:  Umm... we just spent the last hour talking about your ex, and I highly doubt you're going with him.  So why not a friend who happens to be extremely good looking and enjoy your company?
Sandy:  (she smiled, his lack of modesty was too much for her to bear sometimes, but when you're right, you're right)  So, when is this thing suppose to be happening?
Romain:  This Saturday.
Sandy: (her eyes nearly pop out of its sockets upon realizing how close the gala was to approaching) That's the day after tomorrow.  Are you insane?

After a grueling half hour of scanning magazine covers at the checkout lines, the taste of the fresh outdoor air was a welcome relief for Mindy Clarke as she exited the doors of Cypress Gardens Millennium Mall.  Lugging her shopping bags over her shoulder, she took note of the sun's fading glow and knew it wouldn't be long before she and her business partners - Crystal and Billy - were greeting way for the Masquerade Gala.  Just thinking about the demanding day ahead made her thankful she took the liberty of ordering their gowns for Saturday evening.  Her eyesight slightly skewed by the shopping bags, the spirited young entrepreneur made a right turn toward the parking garage, unaware that Morgan Hysterias was headed her way.  Morgan's eyesight, too, was slight skewed... investigating the latest projections on LI's stocks.  Averting his eyes momentarily from his reading, he lifted his coffee mug up to his lips, anticipating its sweet, warming taste when the contents went flying into his face. 
Mindy:  Oh my god. (She dropped her bags as Morgan made a heavy groan, his hands retreating to his face in an attempt to wipe away the sticky substance, which only cemented itself against his hands as well)
Morgan:  (giving up on his hands being any type of refuge, he contained his frustration when he realized it was "her" standing before him)  Mindy.  Fancy running into you again.
Mindy:  I am so sorry.  (She snickered while handing him a napkin from her purse)
Morgan:  Yeah, I can tell.  (he took the napkin, but didn't bother using it)  Obviously I'm going to have to start wearing a warning sign around you.
Mindy:  Hey, you're the one who should have been watching where you were going.
Morgan:  Me?  If memory serves, you were the one who bumped into me.
Mindy:  Exactly.  Didn't your mother ever warn you about us independent types?  We tough, but we're not one to turn down a helping hand.
Morgan:  A helping hand?  (stuffing the newspaper in his back pocket)  And how do you suppose I can put my hands to good use, Ms. Clarke?
Mindy:  I do believe that's a come on, but I'll be more than happy to show you.

(<- Hallandale PD Headquarters :: Holding Cell ->)
Julio:  (opening the cell door so that Leigh Gray could enter)  Alright, you scream if he gives you any trouble.
Leigh:  I should be fine.  (she smiled, taking a seat on the stool they were nice enough to provide.  Seth Stapleton seemed quite harmless in his lockup get-up, but Officer Ruiz wasn't sure and cut him a daring glare before closing the doors to the cell and locking Leigh inside with him.  As Julio made it back to the front end of the hall leading to the holding cells, he instructed the officer standing guard to keep an eye out.  The guard shook his head affirmatively, moving down the hall a few cells down so that he was within better earshot.  Meanwhile, Leigh decided to get down to business with Seth)  So you have a story for me?
Seth:  Yes, about a certain Madame, and I don't use the term loosely.  (his face contorted with disgust.  He loathed Queen DaVille for putting him in this position, and now that "bitch" was going to press charges.  He may have gone a little far in his search for the truth, but he was set up.  He had to clear his good name, at least it was, until last night.  Come sunrise, all the papers will be talking about what he did and how Queen DaVille was the victim.  He couldn't have that.  The readers deserved to know the truth about what led to his actions last night, despite the ramifications for the Hallandale Weston and his former colleagues)  The day I was fired from the Hallandale Weston, Queen DaVille tried to prostitute herself to me.
Leigh:  By prostitute, you mean...
Seth:  She wanted to pay me to have sex with her.

(<- H & B Fashions Agency ->)
Danielle stood in the doorway of her dressing room, scrutinizing Vanessa's every move as Vanessa tried to drop her vial of pills in her pocket without bringing attention to herself.  Unfortunately, she still had the issue of Danielle's sports bottle in her hand to contend with, especially since there was no way Danielle could miss it from where she was standing.
Danielle:  I asked what you are doing in my dressing room, Vanessa.
Vanessa:  (Danielle's brown eyes settled on Vanessa to such a degree that it was almost impossible for her to think of a tangible excuse)  I'm sorry, I was hoping to avoid this.
Danielle:  Avoid what?  (Danielle wasn't getting a good feeling and Vanessa could sense it)
Vanessa:  This.  Things haven't exactly been friendly between us.
Danielle:  Through no fault of your own.
Vanessa:  That may be so.  (She remained collected, gaining some nerve now that Danielle's demeanor was lightening) So the last thing I wanted to do was make things even more tense between us.
Danielle:  I still fail to see what this has to do with you being in my dressing room.
Vanessa:  Well, I was trying to replace the water bottle I took earlier, and I accidentally spilled some of the contents of your sports bottle in the process.  I figured you would accuse me of deliberating spilling the drink if I didn't figure out a way to replace it.
Danielle:  So this all about a water bottle?
Vanessa:  Yes.  (Vanessa could see that the wheels were still turning in Danielle's head.  However, when Danielle spoke next, her tone was leveled, if not still lingering with some suspicion)
Danielle:  Just put it away and make yourself scarce.
Vanessa:  Right away.  (Danielle watched Vanessa for a moment as she returned the sports bottle to the fridge.  Vanessa then made headway for the door as Danielle grabbed her keys from the makeup counter.  Both ladies collided with one another as Danielle made an aburpt turn, brushing up against Vanessa's side, causing the vial of pills hanging from Vanessa's pockets to slip out onto the floor.  Danielle's response was almost instaneous as she crouched down to pick up the fallen vial, Vanessa's face glistened with fear)
Danielle:  (glacing at the red capsules in the vial before looking up to Vanessa for answers)  What are you doing with these?



Vanessa: (quickly prying them from Danielle's hands) I'll take those.
Danielle:  (her hand continued to tingle for a moment as she tried to recover from Vanessa's quick prying of the vial) What are you doing carrying around that vial?
Vanessa:  I really don't see what business it is of yours.
Danielle:  You're walking around my dressing room with an unmarked vial of drugs.  I think you've made it my business.
Vanessa:  The drugs are vitamins and I really don't think I have to explain why I'm carrying them around.  (Vanessa curtailed her way passed Danielle, becoming clearly agitated with Danielle's inane line of questioning)
Those aren't vitamins. (she stated matter of factly, her eyes condescending and her posture stiff)
Vanessa:  (Danielle's quick denouncement of her declaration left her astounded)  Excuse me!  Of course, there vitamins.  What else would it be?
Danielle:  You tell me.  It certainly isn't your standard Walgreens-packaged container.
Vanessa:  (choosing to attack Danielle's creditionals in an effort to get Danielle to stop her ridiculous hypothesizing)  Oh,  and since when are you the expert on medicine?
Danielle:  (taken aback by Vanessa's verbal lashing) It doesn't take a licensed physician to see what's going on, especially given the way you're acting.
Vanessa:  And how am I'm acting, Dr. Marquez? (She remarked snidely)
Danielle:  Like someone with something to hide.

(<- Cypress Gardens Plaza ->)
Romain:  (he chuckled lightly) No, I'm not insane.  My invite was buried in with a stack of mail that I finally got around to looking at today.
Sandy:  (she took a deep breath, trying to help Romain see the gravity of the situation he put them in) So you realize we have less than 48 hours to find an outfit with matching masks.  Not too mention making sure our outfits don't clash with one another.  Have you even considered what you're wearing?
Romain:  (he smirked at the sight of her getting all into a tongue twister) My mind has been elsewhere, I'm afraid.
Sandy:  Of course.  (she scooted her chair out from the table) Come on, let's go.
Romain:  Where are we going?
Sandy:  We have some shopping to do.
Romain:  You're kidding me.  Now?
Sandy: (she leaned over the table into his face) If you're planning to go with this bitch, then yeah!  (With that said, she made an about face toward the exit, leaving a tickled Romain to contemplate what he just got himself into)

Malina:  (watching as Shaquanna returned to the table, unsuccessful in her search) Is everything alright?
Shaquanna: (attempting to write off the look of doom on her face) Yeah, why wouldn't it be?  (she scooted in her chair with a smile.  Shaquanna didn't want to lie to Malina, but she didn't want to say anything that would make her think it was her fault the secret got out.  Plus, Shaquanna had no way of knowing exactly what this guy was talking about.  It could have been an innocent little gesture.  Unfortunately for Shaquanna, Malina could see that she was holding back, only Malina didn't want to come out and accuse her of such an offense.  After all, this was the woman that risked exposing herself to save her life.  Malina tried to see if there might be another way of getting her to divulge)
Malina:  So what was in the note, if you don't mind my asking?
Shaquanna:  Nothing, just your basic hoping you're doing well.  You know?  (Shaquanna adverts her gaze to her watch) Well, it's getting late.  I probably should get going.  (she pushed out her seat and proceeded to get up)
Malina: (realizing she wasn't going to have much success getting the truth out of her friend tonight) Yeah.  I should probably get back to before Anton gets home and starts to worry.

(<- Hallandale PD Headquarter :: Holding Cell ->)
Leigh:  Let me get this straight, the Queen of Romania propositioned you to have sex with her and you turned her down?
Seth:  (he could read her skepticism in how she pronounced the Queen's name as if she was some sort of an statue to be worshipped) She could have been the Queen of Denial.  I love my wife and I wasn't about to cheat on her, no matter how tempting the offer.
Leigh:  (Seth had a sincerity about himself that Leigh found it hard at times not to digest every piece of his story, but she was a reporter and that meant she had to remain objective) and why should we believe this to be true?  I mean, this could be your way of tarnishing the Queen's good name in lue of the shooting.
Seth:  The facts speak for themselves.  I'm pretty sure I wasn't the first to be propositioned by Madame Daville, and I certainly wasn't the last as I caught her trying to entice another one of my former colleagues the day I held her hostage.
Leigh:  Yes, the hostage situation.  How did things escalate so far?
Seth:  First of all, I want to make it clear that it was never my intention to hurt anyone.  Yes, I walked inside that hotel with a loaded gun and yes, I had every intention of threatening Queen DaVille with it if she didn't admit the truth, but I wouldn't have shot her.  It was only a scare tactic to get her to admit that she set me up.  (Despite how extreme his actions sounded, Seth couldn't believe that it was wrong to defend himself after being so wrongly vilified by Queen DaVille)
Leigh:  (glancing over the notes from her previous interview with Shaquanna, while maintaining casual eye contact with him)  Yet reports say that you struck her violently with the side of your pistol.  There's also the incident of when Queen DaVille made an attempt to flee, and you took aim at her.  If Mr. Weston hadn't jumped in, can you honestly say you wouldn't have fired that gun moments later?  (Seth remembered that moment all too well: the bitch had made him so mad, he simply lost his cool.  Still, he didn't fire the gun in that moment and he had to believe he wouldn't have even if Adam hadn't intervened when he did)
Seth:   Yes, I can.  I'm not a killer.  All I wanted was for Queen DaVille to admit to setting me up, the very thing that cost me a job that I held for more than 20 years.  That was my only goal, and things simply took on a life of it's own.  (As crazy as the recount sounded, Leigh found herself grounded by the man's statement, perhaps more than she should be)

***Morgan:  (placing Mindy's bags in the back of her jeep before redirecting his attention back to her) You know, when you talked about putting my hands to good use, this wasn't exactly what I had in mind.
  I can imagine.  (Cutting a glance at him as she closed the back door to her jeep)
Morgan:  Sounds like someone is flirting.  Maybe there's hope for me yet.
Mindy:  You business types... always looking for the next opportunity.
Morgan:  Well, life is full of them, isn't it?
Mindy:  Opportunists?
Morgan:  Opportunities, and you knew exactly what I meant.
Mindy:  What can I say?  You're fun to play with.
Morgan:  I can be.
Mindy:  and on that note, I should be going.  (she started walking around to the driver's side of her vehicle.  Morgan followed behind)
Morgan:  So soon?  I was just beginning to enjoy your company.
Mindy:  (averting her attention back toward him) Likewise, but I have some urgent matters to attend to.  My penance for agreeing to co-host one of Hallandale's biggest events of the year.
Morgan:  Sounds intriguing.
Mindy:  Definitely.  The Masquerade Gala is a can't miss.  You should come.
Morgan:  I don't know.  I'm still relatively new here.
Mindy:  All the more reason.  You'll have the chance to meet lots of good people, including my business partners Crystal and Billy.
Morgan:  (neglecting to mention he's already met Billy) So you want to show me off to your business partners?
Mindy:  Not in the way you mean, but yeah.  Crystal and Billy have been really good to me, especially during these last couple of months.  (Mindy naturally thought of her old pal Alfonso Morgan and his decision to fly off to Seattle for his "something more."  It still hurt her to even think about him and the broken promises he left behind when he boarded that plane.  The fact that Crystal and Billy remained a staple in her life, giving her complete creative control over the Masquerade Gala, had made the last few weeks bearable)  I just -- I think you would like them.  But I really would just like you to be there.
Morgan:  Sounds like another date... maybe?
Mindy:  Well, I do need an escort, and not in the biblical sense.
Morgan:  Hey, I didn't say anything.
Mindy:  Just making myself clear.
Morgan:  So... I'll pick up you up at eight.
Mindy:  I'll be waiting.
Morgan:  (he leaned in and planted a kiss on her cheek) Good night!  (Before she could return the sentiments, he backed away before he could further press his luck and parted down the sidewalk.  Mindy savored the moment while running her hand along his coffee stamped smooch)

(<- Hallandale Police Department :: Holding Cell ->)
Leigh:  (moving from the stool, Leigh shook Seth's hand as if he were a typical news source, not a man facing serious criminal charges)  Thank you for your time.
Seth:  No, thank you -- for giving me the opportunity to tell my story.
Leigh:  Well, it is the Showtime's goal to get the full-objective piece.
Seth:  Well, I can't wait to read it.  (Leigh smiled, not wanting to be too uplifting as she still had no idea where she was going with the story)
Leigh:  Guard!  (she called out through the cell bars as an officer made his way over within a minute.  To avoid being accused of trying to flee, Seth Stapleton backed away as the guard open the cell)
Seth:  Good night, Ms. Gray.
Leigh:  Good night.  (She said, looking back at him one last time as she followed the guard toward the exit.  Seth reclined back against his cot and looked up at the cell wall, hoping he made a strong enough impression because what Leigh wrote could make all the difference.  Meanwhile, Leigh, who found herself drawn to Seth's story, couldn't ignore the other obvious side.  She needed to speak with Queen Helen DaVille herself.

(<- H & B Fashions Agency ->)
  (making tracks away from Danielle) I think you're watching way too many scifi films.
Danielle:   If what I'm saying is so out there, let me see the pills.
Vanessa:   No. (she blurted out a little too quickly, choosing her next set of words carefully) It is none of your business what I have in this vial.
Danielle:  It is when it puts the lives of those that I care about at risk.
Vanessa:   (she scoffed)  I would never hurt the people in this agency.
Danielle:  Maybe not deliberately.
Vanessa:   Not at all.  I'm not pill popping in between your sessions with Lucien, but then who would blame me if I were?
Danielle:  I'm not having this conversation with you again.
Vanessa:  and what conversation would that be?
Danielle:  The one
where I tell you for the umpteenth time that there is nothing going on between me and Lucien.
Vanessa:  Probably just as well.  I actually know better than to believe anything that comes out of your mouth.  (Vanessa prouded herself on being able to see beneath Danielle's sweet as candy demeanor as she took her next steps toward the door)
Danielle:  (she sighed)  You are unbelievable.  (Vanessa doesn't turn back, but judging from the pause in her movement, Danielle knew that she had her attention) You have got to get over yourself and this petty jealousy you have of me.
Vanessa:  (making a point of getting in her rival's face) Make no mistake, I'm not jealous and it won't be long before Lucien sees you for what you really are.  (She then flew toward the exit, hoping to have heard the last of her rival's suspicions regarding her mysterious vial)


The Cypress Millennium Mall, as usual, was buzzing with customers trying on new outfits, eating at the local food court, playing in the arcade and more.  It certainly wasn't the ideal evening for shopping as Sandy and Romain quickly realized while entering the huge establishment, passing the massively long checkout lines.  Romain started to suggest coming back tomorrow, but Sandy pulled his hand and headed straight for the clothing aisle.  Sandy wasn't sure what she was looking for quite yet, but she figured it would be easier to look for a fancy dress for the gala on Saturday, then worry about the masq' de jour.  Of course, as she went through the rack of dresses, neither selection impressed her and those that she stopped to look at for more than a minute turned out not to be her size, or way overpriced.  Romain, meanwhile, watched the other women around the vicinity, checking out similar dress racks.  He wondered if they too were women getting ready for Saturday's gala.  He only hoped this thing would be worth it.  Sandy then called out to him, commanding his attention solely back to her.
Sandy: (holding the dress up against her bodice) What do you think?
Romain:  It's red.
Sandy:  How astute.  I meant, what would you think of me in this little number for the gala?
Romain:  I don't know.  Shouldn't I have a little preview first?
Sandy:  Hehe.  I suppose I could arrange that, but you'll have to show me yours later.
Romain:  Alright.  How about I see what 2-piece suits I can find that will do you and I both justice, and we will meet back near the dressing rooms in 30.
Sandy:  Deal. (Romain then took off for the opposite side of the mall while Sandy continued browsing through the rest of the selections just in case something else was waiting for her to find it)

(<- Hallandale Weston Hotel ->)
It was hard for Leigh to believe that Queen DaVille would return to the scene of the crime so soon after everything that went down. But this was her only tangible lead for the Queen's whereabouts.  As she entered the grandoise Hallandale Weston Hotel, she found it hard to believed that this place could ever be the focal ground a full-scale hostage situation.  What made it more unbelievable was business appeared to be going on as usual with employees walking down the aisle and patrons clammering about.  As she directed her attention toward the Starbucks franchise, she caught sight of none other than the Queen of Romania, Helen DaVille, sipping another helping of her grande coffee.  Leigh imagined Queen DaVille had to be fortifying herself with caffeine in an effort to block out the events of last night.  Still, Leigh wasn't about to waste any time, choosing now as the opportunity to interview the Madame.
Leigh:  Madame DaVille, Leigh Gray.  (She stood boldly over the queen's table with her hand extended)
Madame DaVille:  Ms. Gray.  (She recognized Leigh's presence, but chose to ignore her extended hand)  How can I help you?
Leigh:  (placing her extended hand at her side, she stated her affiliation) Reporter for the Showtime Limits.
Madame DaVille:  (not surprised to hear that she is yet another reporter, she quickly dismissed Leigh's presence) No comment.
Leigh:  I think you may change your tune after you learn what Mr. Stapleton had to say.
Madame DaVille:  All lies.
Leigh:  Is it?
Madame DaVille:  Yes, they are.  Certainly nothing I'm going to dignify with a response.
Leigh:  Well, Madame DaVille, if this story is to be printed with a fair slant, our readers need to know your side of the story.

(<- CF & A ->)
Mindy called out to her partners as she came lugging her shopping bags inside the building.  Billy, catching a glimpse of her as he headed down the stairs, rushed down to her aid.
Billy:  Whoa, let me get that for you.
Mindy:  (she thanked him as she closed the door and brushed herself off before joining him near the table where he had deposited her bags down)  Is Crystal here?
Billy:  Yeah, she's upstairs.  She's been having some headaches.
Mindy:  Oh, I hope it's nothing serious.
Billy:  No, I think it's just the stress over the news of Samantha Lombard's death.
Mindy:  Samantha Lombard?  (Mindy knew very few people in Hallandale despite having lived here for about a year and a half now)
Billy:  Close friend.  You remember that weirdness the other night with Crystal.
Mindy:  How can I forget?
Billy:  Well, it looks like it might have been somehow connected with what happened to Samantha.
Mindy:  Wow, I couldn't even imagine having that kind of insight into the future.
Billy:  (realizing that both times he's known Crystal to have these insights, it is has coincided with someone's death.  The first being Javier Sanchez, which she blamed herself and Billy for for quite a while.  Now Samantha, he could only imagine what type of burden she must be feeilng knowing she couldn't have stopped this one either)  Well, I'm starting to think that the less exposure Crystal has to this special insight, the better.

(<- Hallandale Weston Hotel ->)
Leigh: (now sitting across from Queen DaVille, she jotted down a couple of notes in her notebook before averting her attention back to Helen)  So, what is your relationship with Mr. Stapleton?
Madame DaVille:  Relationship?
Leigh:  How did you two come to be acquainted?
Madame DaVille:  I'm a frequent patron of this hotel.  He's helped me to my room a few times.
Leigh:  So you would describe him as a model employee then?
Madame DaVille:  Up and until about a week ago, yes.
Leigh:  What happened a week ago?
Madame DaVille:  Mr. Stapleton stole a priceless necklace of mine.  It's the reason he was fired from this hotel and later tried to kill me.
Leigh:  Mr. Stapleton says he was trying to get at a truth.
Madame DaVille:  (letting out a tired sigh) In Mr. Stapleton's mind, I was the reason he got fired.  He believed that if I retracted the facts about him stealing my necklace, he could get his job back.
Leigh:  So that's why he held you at gun point: to get you to retract the truth?  It seems a little extreme.
Madame DaVille:  How else can you describe the actions of a man so desperate to hold on to his job?
Leigh:  I don't know.  It just seems a little odd for a man to risk 20+ years of labor for one necklace.

(<- Cypress Millennium Mall ->)
As the half hour passed, Romain found himself ready and waiting at the dressing rooms as he looked out for Sandy, hoping she was on her way.  Sandy, meanwhile, was working her way down the last row of dresses and couldn't believe that after eight or nine racks, she only found two others worth her time and expense.  But it wouldn't be her last.  At the end of the aisle was when she saw it -- the perfect dress ever: black, elegant and made for a goddess. It was so hers.  There was only one problem...  the dress seemed to be putting up some resistance as she attempted to pull it from the rack.
Sandy:  I saw it first lady.  (She pulled frantically at the dress as the woman from behind made the sane decision not to fight over it, sending Sandy screaming as she tumbled backward against the next set of dress racks with the black gown in her hand.  The woman in the next aisle decided against her better judgment to help Sandy back up on her feet as she neared around the next aisle)
Akeira:  Are you alright?  (she inquired as she gave Sandy a helping hand.  It didn't take long for either one of them to recognize who the other was)
Sandy: (she moved her arm around to release the kinks from the fall while speaking to her ex's new wife with an air of distaste) I'm fine.  No thanks to you.
Akeira:  (a little peeved to be graced with such an icy welcome from a woman she barely knew and whom she allowed to have that stinking dress that she would have more than likely worn to the gala on Saturday)  You were the one pulling at that dress like a mad woman.  I simply let you have it.
Sandy:  If only you were as generous with the other things that don't belong to you.
Akeira:  What is that suppose to mean?
Sandy:  Looks like I hit a nerve.
Akeira:  Looks like someone is a bit jealous if you ask me.
Sandy:  (finding the prospect laughable) Jealous?!
Akeira:  It is not my fault that you pushed Mitchell away and he decided to do just that -- get away.
Mitchell:  (coming around the aisle moments after the catty exchange) There you are, I've been looking -- (he was leaning in to kiss Akeira on the cheek when the sight of his ex prompted him to pull back) Sandy!  (His voice was soft, so it was hard to tell whether he was surprise or happy to see her.  One thing was for sure: In that moment, Akeira was clearly the last thing on his mind as his new wife watched her husband's non-verbal exchange with his ex)

***While Billy ran upstairs to put away his and Crystal's evening wear for the Gala, Mindy sat alone at the bar, fiddling her with her cell phone.  Judging by her hands, she was toying with the idea of dialing his number.  She hated the fact that she still got these urges to call him whenever things were going good, or she just needed someone to talk to.  It wasn't to say Billy or Crystal weren't good substitutes, but that was the problem-- they were substitutes.  In two days, she would be co-hosting possibly the biggest event of the season.  She couldn't help, but think about the plans she and Alfonso had for their rein at CF & A.  But as she reminded herself yet again why that would never be, her resolve to call him weaken.  Alfonso made the choice to leave her behind in search of his dream, and that didn't include her.  After everything they had share, she was nothing more than a busying stop to his "something more."  As she thought to herself what a bastard he was for still being able to insinuate himself into her thoughts, her dreams, she realized she couldn't go that extra mile.  She couldn't make him real again.
Mindy:  (she tossed her cell face down on the bar top, the formation of a tear ready in her eyes) No.  You will not do this to me again.

(<- Hallandale Weston Hotel ->)
Madame DaVille: 
Ms. Gray, I cannot began to understand the actions of Mr. Stapleton.  Odds are that he simply thought he could get away with it.  We have no way of knowing for sure if this was even his first offense.
Leigh:  Very true.
Madame DaVille:  (anxious to dismiss her) So if there is nothing else?
Leigh:  Actually, there is something else I'm curious about.
Madama DaVille:  (she asked with a hint of caution) Yes.
Leigh:  How did you figure out that Mr. Stapleton was the one that stole your necklace?
Madame DaVille:  It really didn't take much figuring out on my part.  Mr. Stapleton was the last one around.  He was the logical choice.  What does this have to do with the hostage situation?
Leigh:  Like I said, just curious.  (Queen DaVille eyed her down suspiciously for a moment before rising from her seat)
Madame DaVille:  Well, I must be going.
Leigh:  Thank you for your time.  (Queen DaVille didn't respond, only looking at Leigh crossed once more before vacating toward the exit.  Leigh, meanwhile, cycled through her notes at the list of witnesses from the night before and as she scrolled down the list of names, she circled one -- Adam Weston)

(<- Cypress Millennium Mall ->)
Akeira:  (interrupting the silent moment at last) Hon, I think we should get going.  Don't want to keep your sister with Roy all night.
Mitchell:  (as if finally awakening from a daze)  Yeah.  (His eyes then meet with Sandy's again) Good night, Sandy.
Sandy:  Good night, Mitchell.  (She smiled, more so from the piercing stares she could feel angling her from Mitchell's new wife.  As Akeira and Mitchell walked off, Sandy continued to smile devishly, as if in that moment, she was suddenly vindicated.  Probably because in that moment, she felt Mitchell's love for peer out for just a minute and what a minute it was.  Romain, who decided to look for his awol friend, snuck up behind her just as Mitchell and Akeira were departing)
Romain:  That's some grin on your face.
Sandy:  Romain?!  (she turned, a bit surprise to see him.  She almost forgot that they were shopping for the gala)
Romain:  Well, at least you remember my name.
Sandy:  Sorry, I just got a little distracted. (she smiled once more, looking forward to the gala now more than ever)

(<- H & B Fashions Agency ->)
Danielle tried to block the parting words of Vanessa Manthroll from her mind, but something about them was just so menancing-- so cold.  If she were honest with herself, she never believed Vanessa was over her tireless suspicions for a minute.  "And what was up with that vial of pills?"  Vanessa could have sworn up and down until she was blue in the face that the vial only contained vitamins, but her attitude and body language breeded of guilt.  "Guilt over what, however?  Was it possible that Vanessa was turning to drugs as a substitute for her unrequited affections toward Lucien?"  If there was one thing Danielle has been certain of for a while now, it is Vanessa's recent strange behavior.  As she continued to pace around the dressing room, she wondered if she should mention something to Lucien.  He and Vanessa are pretty close, maybe he would be able to tell if something were up.  Of course, if the conversation got back to Vanessa, it could just result in more unneccessary fireworks.  Danielle, however, didn't feel comfortable sitting on today's recent turn of events.  Danielle closed the mini fridge after grabbing her sports bottle, contemplating what she should do next.  As she place the bottle on the counter top, she caught from the corner of her eye a red, small cylinder capsule.  As she picked it up to examine it more closely, she realized it look pretty identical to the set of pills Vanessa had earlier.  Judging from the look of it, it definitely wasn't a vitamin.  In fact, the outer exterior felt hard like a shell one could crack.  As she continued to examining the capsule, a knock sounded from the door.  She peered back to find Brett looking in from the outside.
Danielle:  Brett.
Brett:   Hey, everything alright?
Danielle:  Yeah.  (she tucked the capsule in her pocket) I'm just tiding up a few loose ends.  I'll be down in a minute.
Brett:  Okay.  I'll meet you in the studio.  (She thanked him before he headed down the hall.  Tossing her hair back with her hand, she turned back to the counter and grabbed her sports bottle, content to taste the soothing fluid coursing down her throat.  But as her lips came closer to the tip of the sports spottle, Danielle's paused as if she was being captured by a photographer's camera lenses.  She pulled the sports bottle away from her lips, her eyes affixing on it.  Why, she didn't know-- or perhaps, didn't want to know)

Malina, Crystal, Billy, and Danielle

- Darron shares with Sandy his concerns about her relationship with Romain
- Rochelle recalls more details about the night of Leonard's murder



Click here for Episode 305