Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives": Summer of Seasonal Eruption
ø While shopping for the Masquerade Gala, Sandy got into an altercation with Akeira.  Sandy accused Akeira of taking Mitchell away from her, while Akeira argued that Sandy pushed Mitchell away of her own free will. (~)

ø Following the excitement over Lacreasha and Kyle's engagement party, Anton wondered if marriage was the next logical step for him and Malina.  His anxiety would only heighten days later when Malina was shot in a hotel shooting. (~)

ø Rochelle continued to receive memory flashes dating back to the night of Leonard Stone's murder.

***Sandy Reynolds took a sip of her ice tea as her mind traveled back to her encounter last night with Akeira Smith Desmores, and subsequently, Mitchell.  She hadn't been able to stop thinking about it since it happened:


Mitchell: (coming around the aisle moments after the catty exchange between his wife and Sandy) There you are, I've been looking -- (he was leaning in to kiss her on the cheek when the sight of Sandy prompted him to pull back) Sandy!  (His voice was soft, so it was hard to tell whether he was surprise or happy to see her.  One thing was for sure:  In that moment, Akeira was clearly the last thing on his mind as his new wife watched her husband's non-verbal exchange with his former flame.  It was that look in his eye that present-day Sandy kept replaying consciously in her head, but the moment wouldn't hold...)
Akeira:  (interrupting the silent moment at last) Hon, I think we should get going.  Don't want to keep your sister with Roy all night.
Mitchell:  (as if finally awakening from a daze)  Yeah.  (His eyes then meet with Sandy's again) Good night, Sandy.
Sandy:  Good night, Mitchell.  (She smiled, more so from the piercing stares she could feel angling her from Mitchell's new wife.  As Akeira and Mitchell walked off, Sandy continued to smile devishly, as if in that moment, she was suddenly vindicated.  Probably because in that moment, she felt Mitchell's love for peer out for just a minute and what a minute it was.  Romain, who decided to look for his awol friend, snuck up behind her just as Mitchell and Akeira were departing)

Darron:  Sandy! (he called out to her three times, the resonation of his voice attempting to penetrate the walls of her subconscious.  As her altered state looked up and around to pinpoint the direction of the voice, Sandy found the clouds in her head lifting, and Darron Wolek standing before her)
Sandy:  Darron.
Darron: (he smirked, realizing he must have interrupted quite a fantasy) Where were you just now?
Sandy:  Just thinking.
Darron:  Hmm... must have been a good one.  You were practically glowing my whole walk over here.
Sandy:  (becoming a wee bit uncomfortable with where their discussion was headed)  So... where is your other half?
Darron:  Is that your not so subtle way of changing the subject?
Sandy:  (She giggled) You know me so well.  Although I am slightly curious.  You two are usually joined at the hip these days.
Darron:  (helping himself to the chair across from her) Juliet had to work.  So I'm flying solo this afternoon--  What about you? I haven't seen you since your sister--
Sandy:  (quick to cut him off at that pass)  Yeah, yeah. I would rather not be reminded of the night from hell if you don't mind.  (Sandy's distress wasn't just over her sister's actions that night.  That was also the same night she learned her ex- had married and started a family with another woman.  She had no desire to be reminded of either event)  My nights have quiet down since then.  Most of it, I owe to Romain.  He's really been a great friend, despite everything that's gone down between him and my sister.
Darron:  So you and Romain are just friends? Nothing more?  (The question struck Sandy with immediate pause.  Whether it was because Darron was posing the question, or the possibility that her shameful flirting with Romain was sending the wrong signals, she didn't know)

Just a few feet away from where Darron and Sandy were seated, Nia Delaney made headway toward Anton McCloud's table.  He was, however, quite preoccupied with his watch when she settled in front of him, gracing him with a smile.
Nia:  Hi, is there anything I can get you?
Anton:  (despite being way too excited to eat anything, Anton found it hard to say no to the pretty waitress, especially after she asked so nicely)  Sure.  I'll have a club sandwich on wheat.
Nia:  And would you like anything to drink with that?
Anton:  No, not at this time.  (He was hoping by the time he got around to taking a bite out of his sandwich that his brother would be racing toward him with another set of apologies for being late.  Not that he was one to hold strikes against someone for being habitually late, but he had hoped his brother would be a little more disciplined this afternoon.  He was anxious enough about the news he had to share, and the waiting around just made it all the more unbearable...)
Nia:  Alright, I'll have someone bring it over when it's ready.  (She smiled before taking off, leaving Anton to fiddle with his hands for a few seconds before he caved into looking at his watch again.  However, it only appeared to have surpassed four or five minutes since he last checked, causing Anton to shift his eyes away from his watch in annoyance. Nia, meanwhile, made her way over to a couple and their two children as Dylan came flying by with the force of a hurricane, nearly knocking into the blonde, petite waitress.  He slowed down quickly enough to turn back and make sure she was okay.  She had caught the concern in his eyes and smiled lightly before turning back toward her customers.  Dylan, fearing he might nearly topple someone else over on the way, proceeded with moderate pace toward his brother's table.  Anton, of course, was glancing at his watch again when his brother arrived.  It was the all too familiar words from his brother's lips that finally caught his attention)
Dylan:  Hey, I'm sorry I'm late.  (Anton's instinct was to downplay his brother's tardiness like he usually does, but he didn't know if he would be able to do so successfully without his words sounding phony or rehearsed.  So he opted for silence, which Dylan intercepted as he joined his brother)  How's Malina?  I heard about the shooting.
Anton:  She's fine.  It was a minor injury, thank God.
Dylan:  So where is she now?  (Dylan figured his brother would have her locked by his [Anton] side at all times after reading about how close Malina's injury came to being serious)
Anton:  She insisted on going into work today.  She and Shaquanna have this fashion show in a few days, so she's anxious to wrap up any loose ends.  But anyway, getting to the reason I wanted to see you.
Dylan: (playing shock) Wait?  It wasn't because you missed your brother?!
Anton:  No.  (he remarked for the sake of disagreeing)  I want your thoughts on something.

It was another typical late afternoon at the office for Rochelle Desmores.  While half the building had gone home to jumpstart an early weekend, she was stuck at the office to handle some of Royce's outstanding case files, and there's nothing more dreary than reading contracts following a huge lunch.  Plus with nothing but the distinct sound of footsteps trolling pass her office, there was nothing to distract her from the lure of sealing her eyes shut from the real world.  Perhaps fighting the inclination was the wrong thing to do, just maybe if she gave in a little, she could regain control of her faculties.  As everything around her became secondary, she could feel her body slowly drifting off into the land of tranquility.  Except, within seconds, her peaceful escape was met with a force so loud it could wake up an entire building.  The sound was familiar to Rochelle-- eerily familiar.  "Where had she heard it before?  Why did the thinking of it now bestill her inner core with fear?"  Rochelle couldn't determine.

As she looked around, she saw her surroundings too were familiar.  The small, cardboard box-like room and the smell of... alcohol?  Albeit strange, Rochelle was sure Leonard Stone's hotel room wreaked of it.  As she continued her way around the room, she spied an empty six pack on his dresser.  From the dresser, her eyes roamed to his bed.  It had obviously not been made-- the sheets were crumpled together in such an odd fashion that her eyes couldn't leave the spot.  It was finally the shutting of Leonard's room door that commanded her attention away from the crumpled sheets.  She felt an immobile-- breathless-- inescapable-- terror.


Rochelle:  There is so much blood.  Oh my god.
Kavina: (trying to break through what was left of her friend's rationality in the moments that followed) Get ahold of yourself.   It was the only way.
Rochelle: (she couldn't hear Kavina, all she could see pass her friend's eyes was something she would never forget, and she had until now) We have to get help. (she looked up at Kavina like a lost child searching for home, a lost child wanting the nightmare taking place to go away) That's what we do.  We get help.
Kavina:  (gently touching Rochelle's hands, as if to calm her in lue of her crushing words) Rochelle, we can't do that.
Rochelle:  What are you talking about?   (Rochelle pulled her hands from Kavina's and moved toward the bed, and that's when she saw it-- the bloody sheets, and laying there, cold as life, Leonard Stone's body.  The sight was enough to resurrect yesterday's lunch.  She had to do something.  That's all she knew as she hovered over his unconscious body, a look of repugnance and fear in her eyes at the same time.  She needed to know if he was still alive, and that meant checking for a pulse.  Kavina sounded off in the background, asking what her friend was doing as if it wasn't obvious.  Rochelle ignored her while placing her hand over Leonard's neck.  But she couldn't tell with her own hearttrate racing, the unforeseen grabbing of her hand by Leonard's hand nearly sending her into cardiac arrest.)



Rochelle continued to scream as her brother tried to wake her from her agitated state.  He couldn't make out much of what she was saying in her dream when he arrived a few minutes ago, but she didn't sound alright.  Something was obviously troubling her. So he continued to shake her, calling out her name in an attempt to break through the haze.  It took another minute or so, but when her eyes finally glanced at him, he knew he was successful. She looked as if she had the wits scared out of her, and it took a moment for her to catch her breath, let along refamiliarize herself with the surroundings she had been accustomed to since eight o' clock this morning.
Mitchell:  Hey, are you alright?  Talk to me. (he directed his hands across her face trying to get her attention solely on him)
Rochelle:  Yeah, I'm fine.  (The hours prior to her nap were slowly coming back to her.  She wondered how long she had been out of it)  When did you get here?  (She inquired as she pressed a key on her keyboard to wake it up from sleep mode)
Mitchell:  Just a minute or two ago.  Don't worry, I don't think anyone saw you napping on the job.  (Rochelle looked at him crossed for even jokingly making the remark)  I couldn't even find a receptionist on my way over here.
Rochelle:  Yeah, not to sound like I'm not thrilled to see you, but what are you doing here?
Mitchell:  Gee sis, that's real nice.
Rochelle:  (not about to stand for his mortally wounded act) Hey, you're the one that showed up on my doorstep yesterday asking me to play auntie Rochelle... to a nephew I didn't even know I had, by the way.  Of course, let's not even mention the fact that I didn't even know you were in town until yesterday.
Mitchell:  I know, I know.  I haven't been doing a good job at this brother thing lately.  That's why I stopped by and it looks like I was just in time.

(<- Cypress Gardens Plaza ->)
Sandy: (finding Darron's sudden interest in her relationship with Romain to be the equivalence of a foul strike) Since when are you interested in my relationship with Romain?
Darron:  Romain is my best friend, you know that.  He's already been hurt by your sister.  I don't want to see him go through that again.
Sandy:  (Had Darron been anyone else, she might have taken offense to his allusion.  Instead, she couldn't help but admire the father-like attribute he was displaying)  We're just friends.  There is nothing romantic going on.  (She took a brief pause, then continued, figuring she should elaborate a little more.  As a result of her elaboration, a slight defensiveness in her tone became evident)  Romain knows that I'm still in love with Mitchell, and for all intensive purposes, he's still in love with my sister.  We're not ready for anything more than friendship.
Darron:  Sorry, I didn't mean to come off as an overprotective father, or to assume...  Its just, your sister really did a number on him.  (he concluded, almost as if expecting validation from her)
Sandy:  Well, you don't have to worry about my sister anymore.  Romain may still care for her, but I don't think anything could convince him to get back on that rollercoaster ride.
Darron:  Good.  No offense, but the sooner he makes a clean break from that whack job waiting to happen, the better.
Sandy:  You're not going to get any argument from me.  (Part of her wanted to jump to her sister's defense, but she just couldn't find the motivation nor will to do so, making the situation all the more sad)  I'm pretty much done with my sister these days as well.
Darron:  I don't believe that.  You'll come together eventually.  After all, blood is thicker than water.
Sandy:  I don't know, some betrayals are harder to forgive than others, and until my sister can let go the past and what's happened, I don't see how we can possibly move forward.

Dylan couldn't believe his eyes when his brother showed it to him.  The cut, the intricate sparkle, the way the afternoon sun hit against the diamonds.  He could practically see his reflection glowing back at him.
Dylan:  Wow.
Anton:  I take it you approve? (Although he didn't really need to ask, the fact that his brother could barely contain himself in his seat said it all)
Dylan:  Oh, I think you did good... real good.  Although I'm wiling to bet it cost you a pretty penny.
Anton: (closing the ring case, he placed the small box back in his pocket)  It wasn't inexpensive, but then, I guess when you're in love, the sky is the limit.  (Dylan knew exactly what he meant)  I figured something simple, yet classy would work.
Dylan:  I think the lucky recipient will be pleased.   So when do you plan to propose to Malina?
Anton:  Tomorrow night, at the Masquerade Gala. (Dylan made a slight cringe at the mentioning of the Masquerade Gala) I think it's fitting, considering that's where it all started for me and Malina.
Dylan:  That's great.   I'm really happy for you.  You deserve this.
Anton:  (he smiled widely) Well, she hasn't said yes yet.
Dylan:  I'm sure she will.
Anton:  Well, just make sure you're in place tomorrow.  I want you and all my friends there for the proposal. (Anton noticed that his brother's expression changed from delight to guilt)  What?  You are coming to Masquerade Gala, aren't you? (While Dylan's insides were screaming at him to shout "No way in hell," his conscious self remained composed, as if expecting the question to dissipate into thin air if he remained silent long enough)

***Dylan grabbed his cup of tea from the sales clerk, but there was no avoiding his brother.
Anton:   I can't believe you're not coming tomorrow night.
Dylan:   Look, I'm sorry, bro.  The invitation was completely last minute. (Dylan took a sip of his tea as he reclaimed his seat from earlier.  Anton followed quickly behind, refusing to let his brother off the hook.  Although he couldn't argue with his brother's logic) Everyone's walking around like this is the glamour event of the season.  I'm sorry, but I'm not buying into it.
Anton:  Well, that just sucks Dylan. As my brother and my blood, I was counting on you being there.  Or at the very least, reconsidering your decision not to come.
Dylan:   Well, if you're really anxious to have a blood relative there, you can always invite the cousin you choose to forget exists.
Anton:  What?
Anton:  I would assume he's coming with Leigh.  After all, they're dating and Kyle made a stink in the staff meeting about everyone going.
Dylan:  Meaning you could care less if he's there or not.
Anton:  A lot has gone down between Beau and I since he came back. I don't think he's ready to see me riding off into the sunset with Malina.
Dylan:  Well, maybe if you gave him the chance.  He could surprise you.
Beau:  I think that's what he's afraid of Dylan.  (Anton looked up at his cousin, clearly displeased to find Beau in the middle of his conversation with his brother)

(<- Sky Lansing Condos :: Robin and Jay's home ->)
It had already been 48 hours since it happened-- Samantha Keller Lombard had left this world and entered the next.  Now those left behind had to find a way to move on without her.  For Robin Elkasinogen, her reason was getting bigger than life each and every day.  It was silly to think how unimportant her doubts and insecurities about her pregnancy had become since Samantha's death.  She realized that her baby was a blessing, a chance not every woman got.   One her friend would never get.  By all means, her fears weren't gone completely, but she wasn't going to allow them to shroud her every wakening thought.   Instead, she would focus on his life force, and those mighty kicks she was still getting use to.  She would think about the way her husband's face lit up when ever he was close by to share in those special moments.  She could very well think of her friend Samantha, she reasoned as she looked down on a photo of the two of them that she had been clutching for the past few minutes.  She knew Samantha would be happy to see her making this proactive choice in her life.  Robin moved from her couch, and took a walk acrossed her furnished condo toward a large, china cabinet filled with pictures frames, plaques, trophies, plastic figurines and other antiquities. Toward the right of the picture frame section was space to be allocated.  As such, she grabbed a frame from the bottom shelf and placed the photo inside before placing the new frame next to the group of photos. Just as she closed the glass door, Jay walked into the room from the bedroom.
Jay:  Hey, what are you doing?
Robin:  Just adding to our photo album.
Jay: (walking over to her side, he placed his arms around her abdomen as if to caress her and child while looking up at the newest photo edition) That's a nice one of you and Samantha.
Robin:  Yeah, it was at one of those dreary luncheons a few months back.  (a moment of silence falls before she speaks again)  You know, I still can't believe she's gone.
Jay:  I know.  I just feel for Brock -- I don't what I would do if roles were reverse.  (Robin turns back and allows his hands to caress the side of her face, reminding him that she is still here.  She then wraps his arms around her, allowing him to squeeze her and the baby tighter)

(<- HatcherKeller & Associates ->)
I don't mean to squash your purpose in coming here, but I'm fine.
Mitchell:  You call screaming in the middle of your office fine?  Rochelle, I'm your brother.  I've seen you through enough nightmares to know when something is bothering you.  So why don't you tell me what's going on?
Rochelle:  Nothing is going on.  I had a bad dream.  That is all.
Mitchell:  One that obviously shook you up.  Are you in some kind of trouble?
Rochelle:  What-- no?!  I appreciate the concern, but there is nothing going on in my life that I can't handle.
Mitchell:  Of course, but I hope you know that I'm here if you need me.
Rochelle:  It's always good to hear it every now and then.  But it's really something I just have to piece together for myself.
Mitchell:  Alright.  I won't press anymore.
Rochelle:  Good.  So why don't you tell me what kind of trouble you're in?
Mitchell:  and what makes you think I'm in some kind of trouble?
Rochelle:  Your married to the mother of Alexander Pierre's son.  I don't think it can get anymore troubling than that.

Kendall:  (wishing she could just throw the phone across the room, perhaps that would fix its incessant clatter)  "HatcherKeller & Associates, Kendall Reyes speaking." (she practically glows after once she realizes the caller isn't another pesky client with some ridiculous question)  "Dana, hi."  (Kendall goes silent again as Dana speaks)  "No, he's [Royce] still out of town.  We're expecting him back tomorrow, hopefully."  (Dana thanked her, but the manner in which she did made Kendall think something serious was going on)  "Is there anything I can do for you?"  "Are you sure?  I'm starting to get a little worried."  (This was her third call from a Lombard relative and each time, the person's voice was solemn and withdrawn, much like Dana's was right now.  Silence permeated the call again, silence that Kendall was positive was due to Dana mentally debating whether or not to divulge whatever was so important.  After about a minute and half, Dana spoke again, instructing Kendall that she might want to sit down, intensifying the former model's concerns. Since she was already seated, Kendall just took a deep breath before asking Dana to continue.  In the next few minutes, all you could hear was the faint sound of the air conditioning in Kendall's office.  With the news delivered, Kendall just stood there.  The news of Samantha's death was unthinkable to her.  It didn't seem like a possibility.  "I mean, Samantha Keller Lombard was young-- happy-- just beginning to make her mark in this world."  The fact that she was dead was unreal, it didn't mesh right with Kendall's current world.  But then, Kendall knew all about people dying before their time.  Before her mind could even drift back to Paris and Pheonix Descartes, Dana's voice called out for Kendall's immediate response)  "Yes, I'm here."  (She said, sounding as despondent as Dana had been)  "When-- how did it happen?"  (She felt a little strange asking, but it was the next logical thing to pop out of her head.  Dana was starting to explain before she abruptly cut the call short)  "No, it's not a problem.  I will let Royce know he's needed at the hospital."  (Kendall placed her office phone on the receiver, glancing over at her clock.  It was a quarter to 4:00 P.M.  She knew there was no way she would get any work done in this last hour.
Kendall:  (mouthing silently to herself) Oh Royce.


Beau:  What crime are you accusing me of now, Anton?  (When Anton makes no effort to speak, Dylan jumps in)
Dylan:  We were discussing tomorrow's gala.   Are you going?   (Anton sat back quietly, awaiting his cousin's response)
Beau:  Yeah.   Leigh and I are going together.   What about you?
Dylan:  Yes and no.  My brother wants me to, but I would prefer to boycott the whole thing.
Beau:  Well, you shouldn't have to go if you don't want to.
Anton:  I think you mean to say because I want him to, right?  (Anton looked at him squarely, daring him to refute his claim)
Beau:  I think Dylan heard me perfectly clear.  (Dylan cleared his throat in an effort to break the thick layer of ice that just mounted between them, but it appeared to be in vain) Now if you have a problem with me Antonio, why don't you do us both a favor and not air it in front of your brother?
Anton:  Why don't you do me a favor and stay out of my relationship with my brother?
Beau:  Don't worry.  I have no plans of seducing him like you did my fiancee.
Anton:  (chuckles)  You couldn't wait to throw that in my face, could you?
Beau:  Do you think it thrills me to remember that my cousin -- a man that I considered my best friend -- slept with my fiancee?  I have made an effort to get past it.  It's you that's still living in the past.  It is you that sees a hidden agenda everywhere I go, and part of me can't blame you for that after the way I came back into town.  But I thought when we made that truce, we agreed to put all that behind us.  Silly me(Unable to withstand another minute with his cousin, Beau walked off, leaving Anton feeling like the ass of the day.  Anton looked up at his brother, hoping for some sign that he didn't make a complete ass of himself, but his suspicions were sadly confirmed)

(<- HatcherKeller & Associates :: Rochelle's Office  ->)
Mitchell:  I married a woman I love, Rochelle.  I'm not in any trouble.
Rochelle:  So how does Sandy Reynolds feel about your recent nuptials?
Mitchell:  (hearing her name still had an affect on him, but he didn't have to worry about what Sandy would think.  She made her feelings more than clear the night of his return to Hallandale, but Mitchell decided to leave that tidbit out)  I hardly think she has reason for any feelings on the matter.  (He wouldn't admit it, but part of him was still upset with Sandy for forgetting him-- for forgetting what they shared.  To think she had the nerve to criticize him for choosing to move on with his life after she pushed him away in nearly every possible way)  She and I are over.  Have been for some time.
Rochelle:  (remaining skeptical of her brother's claim) Just like that.  You're throwing it all away for a woman with questionable ethics and another's man child.
Mitchell:  Roy is my son and I would appreciate if you treat my wife's name with respect.  She's done nothing to deserve those words from you.
Rochelle:  You're right.  I don't know Akeira, but I've heard enough to be concern.
Mitchell:  Since when do you take stock in idle gossip?  (Rochelle knew that sometimes people were inexplicably vile about other people, but knowing the type of man Alexander Pierre was would color her opinion of anyone associated with him.  Aside from the man's immense wealth, what sane woman would dare get involve that slime?)
Rochelle:  There is a difference between gossip and truth.
Mitchell:  It doesn't matter.  Akeira is my wife and the past is the past.  We all have done things we're not proud of, even you sis.  (The sound of a gun firing rattled her, followed by images of Leonard's bloody corpse.  The recall was powerful enough to suck up all her precious air)  Rochelle, are you alright?
Rochelle:  Yeah, just recalling some of my own bad choices.
Mitchell:  Leonard?
Rochelle:  (Her heart rate nearly skipped a few beats hearing his name evoked by Mitchell)  What?
Mitchell:  Sorry, I didn't mean to upset you by conjuring up memories of him.  But clearly you know about getting involved with the wrong man, so don't discredit Akeira for making the same mistake.  (Whether or not her brother was reading her mind was a moot point.  The more pressing matter at hand was the fact that he was lumping her together with a money-grubbing con-artist.  Leonard Stone's fault was he couldn't keep his zipper shut.  Alexander Pierre is just a jacass.  Rochelle failed to see the similiarities, but she must have been quiet way too long because Mitchell spoke up again)  I'm asking you to give her a chance, Rochelle.  In fact, how about we all get together for dinner one of these nights?
Rochelle:  I suppose there are worse fates.
Mitchell:  (stepping up from his seat, he imediately felt the pains of having his butt pressed against his sister's office chair for too long)  Good. I'll be in touch once I've had a chance to run by my wife.
Rochelle:  Leaving already?
Mitchell:  Yeah, I need to go meet my wife and son.  Besides, I wouldn't want the office mongers getting the wrong idea about your work ethic.
Rochelle:  (she snickered)  Not many of those around, anyhow.  (taking a reprieve from her desk)  I will walk you to the door.

***Darron:  (finishing up his phone call with Juliet as he approached the table he had been occupying with Sandy)  Alright, I will see you soon.  Bye.  (he placed his cell in his back pocket)  Sorry about that.
Sandy:  No need.  Far be it for me to interfere with the scheduling of your nightcap.
Darron:  (he chuckled) Well, if you're joking casually with me.  I guess that means I haven't completely tanked our friendship.
Sandy:  Not at all.  I understand where you're coming from with the Romain situation--  (of course, that didn't mean she wouldn't have preferred if he kept his opinion to himself)  but like I said, things between Romain and I are strictly platonic.
Romain:  (walking up toward them unheard)  Well, if it isn't my two favorite people in the world.  What's going on?
Sandy:  Hi Romain.  (moving from her seat)  I'll have Darron fill you in.  (she smiled lightly) I'm going to get a refill on my ice tea.
Romain:  (he watched as she made her way over to the food station, breaking his gaze once she settled in the line)  So, what were you and Sandy talking about?
Darron:  Just catching up.  Apparently, I've been rather inconspicuous lately.
Romain:  She's right.  What have you been up to?
Darron:  I've been dating again.
Romain:  I knew you couldn't stay down and out for long.  Anyone I know?
Darron:  Juliet Staggerfield. 
Romain:  (he vaguely remembered Sandy mentioning her name the night of their run-in at Monte Carlos, but he couldn't be 100% sure)  Was that the same woman I saw you with at Monte Carlos a couple nights back?
Darron:  The one and only.
Romain:  (he winked approvingly) She's hot.  How did you two end up crossing paths?
Darron:  The Moniasis Club.  She bought me a drink and it was an instant connection.  She's really great, man.  You'd like her.

Sandy: (handing her cup to the attendee on duty)  May I have a refill?  Ice Tea, please.  (the woman took Sandy's cup and quickly refilled it with a fresh brew before handing it back to her)  Thank you.  (Sandy made an about face, spying Romain and Darron in her blind spot.  However, it was the man in front of her -- the man whom she couldn't get out of her head today that left her stalled in the walkway)  Mitchell.
Mitchell:  Hi.  (he brushed his way past her as if she were any old stranger he was greeting on the street.  Sandy refused to see him reduce their relationship to that level)
Sandy:  Is that all you're going to say?

Romain:  I can't wait to formally meet her then.
Darron:  Well, are you coming to the Masquerade Gala tomorrow night?
Romain:  Yeah.  Sandy and I both are actually.
Darron:  Together?
Romain:  Is that a problem?
Darron:  No.  (he responded defensively)  Its just Sandy didn't mention it.
Romain:  It probably just slipped her mind.  (Romain turned back toward where he last saw Sandy, only to find her now talking with Mitchell) She has other things on her mind.  (Darron followed Romain's gaze to the scene playing between Sandy and Mitchell.  He could see Sandy practically falling on herself to get Mitchell's attention, and he doesn't like it)

Mitchell:  Do we really have to do this?
Sandy:  I will not stand for being treated like some stranger you're coming across on the streets.
Mitchell:  Funny.  Maybe you would finally understand how I felt just over year ago.  (Alluding to Sandy's memory loss following her shooting)
Sandy:  That's not fair.
Mitchell:  (he bowed his head down briefly, realizing that his statement was a pretty low jab.  He just wished Sandy would leave already, and stop making this situation more difficult than it needed to be)  I'm sorry.  I'm not trying to hurt you, I'm really not.  What we had together was great-- but all good things come to an end.  (his eyes caught sight of an african american couple with their infant daughter.  She couldn't have been no more than a year old.  It naturally made Mitchell think of Roy and where he should be, which was clearly not talking with his ex in the middle of a shopping plaza)  We're over.  There is nothing more to be said.  There is nothing more you can do.  (Sandy turned her head away, as if attempting to shield her face from Mitchell's scolding eyes, and his view of the tears threatening to overtake her face)

(<- HatcherKeller & Associates :: Rochelle's Office ->)
Rochelle took a deep collective breath, instantly dreading the phone call she was about to make, but at this point, it seemed like her only option.  These memories of hers were beginning to take on a life its own and for her own peace of mind, she needed to know what was real and what was just a trick of her overactive imagination.  A voice on the other end greeted her.

Rochelle:  Hi.  I would like to arrange a visit with a patient there.  Her name is Kavina Shah.

Matthew, Lacreasha, Sandy, and Romain

- Earl gets a clean bill of health;
- Royce returns from his trip and learns of the news about Samantha;
- Billy learns how Morgan acquired Luxury Industries.



Click here for Episode 306