Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives": Summer of Seasonal Eruption
ø After several repeated attempts from members of the Lombard family to contact Royce regarding his sister's death, Kendall Reyes was the second of those outside the immediate family to learn of Samantha Lombard's sudden death.  (~)

ø Billy Clyde took an immediate dislike to Luxury Industries new CEO, Morgan Hysterias, who made no efforts to cushion his decision to stop funding on Billy's company, Fantasy Inc.  Instead, Morgan attacked Billy's business sense and suggesed he come back to LI once he was able to get his business in proper order.  Naturdally, Billy told the CEO to shove it, and stormed out of the building, determined to get to the bottom of Morgan's appointment to CEO. (~)

ø Stuck between the option of waiting and trying an experimental antidote, Matthew Pryce consented for the Leysdale staff to inject his brother with the azalea extract that Samantha fought so hard to secure.  While Evelin and Jason (Matthew's newphew) supported his decision, Dalia expressed her worries that Matthew might very well be signing his brother's life away.  (~)

ø Mindy might have been moving on with her life by throwing herself into the production of the Masquerade Gala, and flirting with newly arrived resident, Morgan Hysterias, but she was finding it hard to forget the one person she had hoped to be here through all of this.  (~)

ø Danielle was not convinced that Vanessa's vial of vitamins were indeed vitamins.

***After six hours of flying commercial, Royce Keller was thrilled to be back home on solid ground.  As he opened the door to his apartment, he immediately dropped his luggage while taking in the sweet, fresh scent of raspberries.  He naturally thought of his sister, who had given him the coolant fresher that was emitting the fragrance through the room.  He wondered if she were back from her trip, but decided against the inclination to call since if she were home, she was probably still snuggled in bed next to her husband.  As he dropped his keys on the kitchen counter, the emptiness of his home suddenly hit him.  His sister managed to acquire what he never been able to find -- someone to have and to hold until death do you part.  An accessible distraction, he started to check his voicemail on his phone when a knock sounded at the door.
Royce:  Kendall.
Kendall:  Hi.  (she stood at a distance from his doorway, partially praying he would be too tired to see her)  I'm sorry, I know you must be jet lag from the flight--
Royce:  No, its alright.  Although I have to admit I'm surprised to see you.  (he paused, taking in her stale appearance.  Being a formal model, Kendall usually looked like she was on the runway, no matter the outfit.  But this morning, something was different -- offsetting, infact)  Is everything alright?  You look a little off.
Kendall:  (she let out a slight chuckle as wierd as it seemed given the circumstances)  I wish that it were.  Can I come in?
Royce:  (feeling like an idiot for not inviting her in earlier, he quickly stepped aside) Yeah, of course.  (Kendall helped herself inside, every slow, trepid step more painful than the next.  She didn't know how she was going to tell him the news about his sister.  Everything she rehearsed on the walk over to his apartment just seemed flat and monotonous.  After all, it was one thing exhanging those words to an aparition, it was another saying them to the real life thing)  What's going on?  (he'd never known Kendall to be this quiet, it was nerve-wrecking)  Okay.  You're starting to freak me.
Kendall:  (she took a deep breath from within) There is something I have to tell you.

(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)
Things were far from back to normal for Evelin Vasquez, but as she made her way down the buzzing hall of Leysdale Hospital toward Earl Pryce's room, she couldn't help but feel a restored sense of normalcy.  Or maybe it was the smell of the two large cups of cappuccino she was carrying as she entered her best friend's hospital room.  The moment was sweetened more by the sight of Matthew Pryce passed out at his brother's bedside.  Fortunately, she had one good hand free, which she used to give him a good old tap on the shoulder.
Matthew:  Hey.  (he opened his eyes to the sunlight cracking through the hospital room windows)
  Hi.  I brought you a present.  (she handed him one of the cups she had been carrying)
Matthew:  Thanks.  I may very well need this.  (he removed the lid from the cup, holding it under over his mouth as he gaged the temperature with his tongue.  He felt a moderate heat against his tongue, signaling that it was ripe for the tastebuds)
Evelin:  So, has there been any change?
Matthew:  No, not since last night.  Dr. Rusie believes it may be a while before he awakes due to how long the virus was in his system.  (He placed the lid on his cappuccino cup and took a few sips)
Evelin:  Well, I'm grateful that it's finally out.
Matthew:  Yeah.  We owe that to Samantha.  If she hadn't come through with that antidote...
Evelin: (she shuttered to think about about the grim possibility that Matt was alluding to.  But far worse than that was the realization that a woman, not that much older than her, life was taken in an instant.  No warning-- no chance for a redo -- just gone like that) I still can not believe she's gone.
Matthew:  It just doesn't seem fair.  Samantha is the reason my brother still has a fighting chance, and now she's dead.
Evelin:  You can't blame yourself, Matt.  There is nothing that you could have done.
Matthew:  You know, that's what I kept telling Dana.  That there is nothing we could have done, but what if I'm just telling myself what I want to hear?  (As Evelin looked into his conflicted eyes, she knew that part of him did blame himself for what happened to Samantha.  Sadly, she didn't know what she could possibly say to convince him otherwise.  Meanwhile, Earl's hospital monitor began to fluctuate)

(<- CF & A ->)
Mindy Clarke took a break near the bar, her feet sore from the last four hours of vigorous labor.  At least the bland presence once known as CF & A was beginning to disappear.  In its place was a more upscale and attractive venue with a huge ballroom floor.  The tables were already set up alongside the dance floor, each with a crystal ball tabletop alluding to mystery of the evening.  It really felt like the business was moving forward in a positive direction and that she was a part of it.  But alas, it was bittersweet since someone was missing in the actualization of this dream.  She thought about how close she came to calling him the other night and subsequently, her vow to never be driven to him again.  It was one she intended to keep.
Crystal:  Mindy?
Mindy:  (the voice cracked right through her inner core, her eyes darting in the direction of the sound) Crystal.
Crystal:  Sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you.
Mindy:  Nonsense.  I should be working anyhow.  (she started moving away from the bar, but to no fix point in particular)
Crystal:  You're entitled to a break.  (She met Mindy at the bar)  After all, this place is coming along nicely.
Mindy:  Yeah.  Still, there is so much to be done.  The equipment for the haunted rooms still hasn't been set up, and we still need to finalize seating arrangements for the guests.
Crystal:  Well, I just got off the phones with the contractors and their on their way with the equipment for the haunted rooms as we speak.  So I think we're on pretty solid ground.
Mindy:  Maybe so, but I don't think it hurts to be cautious.  What?  Why are you looking at me like that?  (Crystal remembered how she was after Javier Sanchez' death -- closed off and caught up in anything that absolved her from the guilt she felt when Javier took his own life.  Granted Mindy's situation wasn't as extreme as hers, but Crystal could tell when a woman was just going through the emotions)
Crystal:  I'm sorry!  I'm just a little worried about you.
Mindy:  Why is that?
Crystal:  Because-- its obvious that you're still very bothered by Alfonso's absence.  (Crystal knew she was right as she watched the color drain from Mindy's face, replaced by a slight degree of sadness masked by Mindy's complete sense of void)

(<- Undisclosed Location ->)
It is so good to see you, Billy.  (Billy and the man -- early 60's, graying hair and the back of hunchback -- embraced in a firm hug like that of a regular father and son duo.  But Ely Washington wasn't Billy's father, not in the biological sense.  He was, however, a great mentor to Billy in his young age, and a large part of Billy's success in the business world today)
Billy:  Likewise.  (Billy broke the embrace, allowing Ely to return to his soft cushioned armchair)
Ely:  But I know you--  (directing Billy to the adjacent couch) sit.  This visit isn't exactly personal, is it?
Billy:  (he eased onto the couch while answering his friend's question)  No.  I'm sure you're abreast on what's going on with Luxury Industries.
Ely:  Painfully so.  I did everything I could to prevent what's happening now between you and LI.
Billy:  Really?  Is that why you walked out on your own company, leaving me to the wolves?
Ely:  It wasn't like that, Billy.  (A bit disheartened to hear that Billy thought he would just as easily shove him into someone else's lap)  It wasn't my decision to leave.  I had no choice.

(<- Everglades Pines Resort :: Royce's home ->)
Kendall, what is it?
Kendall:  (there was no easy way to deliver the news, no matter how hard she tried.  No words could soften the dead reality of it all) Royce, last night-- I -- Royce, your sister -- (she took one deep breath before the words came pouring out)  She's dead.
Royce:  (It was two words that Royce thought he would never hear again in his lifetime and in less than a minute, he could swear the words parted from Kendall's lips like a simple hello)  What?!  No.  (He didn't wait for her to answer, his face stirred with confliction)  That's impossible.  This has to be one sick joke, Kendall.
Kendall:  I wish that it were, Royce.  I wish that it were.  Samantha is dead.  (Her words hit him like a cold reminder)  I'm so, so sorry.
Royce:  Shut up.  (he grabbed her forcibly, the look of pity in her eyes was enough to make him throw his fist into a window.  He remembered that look all too well-- it was the same look on his own father's face when he told Royce about his mother's sucide)  You shut up and tell me where my sister is.



Mindy:  Why on earth would you bring up that man's name in my presence?
Crystal:  Because that man was your best friend.  A man you also had a huge crush on.
Mindy:  I'm sorry Crystal, but I do not need to be reminded of what Alfonso Morgan was to me.  I've lived through it, remember?
Crystal:  I do, but please remember that I'm your friend and I'm trying to help you.
Mindy:  I'm sorry.  (She didn't mean to snap at Crystal, but with the masquerade gala just a couple of hours away, the last thing Mindy needed or wanted was Crystal's help, good intentions be damned.  Alfonso Morgan was a thing of the past)  I just don't want to think about Alfonso.
Crystal:  (She answered as if she was finishing a thought that Mindy neglected)  Because it makes you angry.  It make you angry knowing that you're here and he's somewhere else.
Mindy:  (She shook her head affirmatively in disappointment) Of course it makes me angry.  I moved to this town because of that son of a bitch.  (Mindy sat back along the bar counter, delving inside herself as the words started flowing out)  I watched as he chased and pinned after Widlin Pierre for months like she was some precious jewel.  My god, it was because of him that I even started this partnership with you and Billy.  (She looked over at Crystal as she finished the words, but Crystal didn't seem all that surprise by the announcement.  Instead, she was more interested in letting Mindy unburden herself)  Then suddenly, the business is not enough for him.  The promises he made to me aren't enough and he's off to Seattle, and not once did he ever consider taking me along with him.
Crystal:  How do you know that?  Maybe he didn't want to uproot the life that you had come to make for yourself here.
Mindy:  Oh, that is bull.  Alfonso Morgan thought of only one person in the end and that was himself.

(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)
Evelin:  Matthew, despite your special insight into the inner workings of the universe, you are still human.  You didn't know if your brother was going to live or die. Of course your focus would be there.  You have one of the biggest hearts I know.  That's how I know that you're not to blame for what happened to Samantha.
Matthew:  Thanks.  I really needed to hear that.
Evelin:  (She wasn't sure her speech would work, but was pleasantly relieve to see a glimmer of light shine through him)  Any time.  So how's Dana?
Matthew:  I'm not really sure.  I haven't talked to her in a few days.  I think with everything going on, she's trying to stick close to her family.
Evelin:  Not a surprise.  Family is where the heart is.  (Evelin looked on at Earl, who started to show movement in his right hand unbeknownst to her and Matthew)
Matthew:  Evelin, can I ask you something?
Evelin:  I suppose.
Matthew:  Why have you never told my broher how you felt?

(<- Cypress Gardens Plaza ->)
(she greeted him as he took the seat across from him)  Thanks for meeting me.
Brett:  I was half-suspecting this call after you pulled the silent act on me yesterday afternoon.  What's going on?
Danielle:  How much do you know about pills?
Brett:  Well, I have a B.A., not a B.S.  What's this all about?
Danielle:  (she leaned in closer to shield passing eyes from their table as she revealed the red capsule to Brett)  I found this in my dressing room.  It appears to be from a vial that Vanessa was carrying around.
Brett:  That woman seems to be at the root of all our conversations.
Danielle:  Yeah.  Well, had I not seen her vial of vitamins, I might not be so on edge about one capsule.  But I keep getting this wierd feeling.
Brett:  Can I see the capsule? (he asked as he extended his hand across the table)
Danielle:  Sure. (Brett began analyzing its outer surface as if hoping to find some written ingraving that identified what the capsule was) I mean, it doesn't look like a vitamin.
Brett:  Yeah, the outer shell is kinda hard.  Reminds me of -- oh.  (Brett managed to crack the shell casing, revealing a white powdery substance)  I think you were right.  This is definitely no vitamin, not by a long shot.

***Danielle:  (leaning in closer, she saw the same white powder that Brett had uncovered)  What the hell is that?
Brett:  It looks like some sort of powdered substance.  (He didn't dare hypothesize what the drug actually was for fear of alarming Danielle)  I think the more important question is why is your favorite rival carrying it around?
Danielle:  (She had a sickingly good suspicion as to why, but it was too premature to say it aloud.  First, she had to know what was inside that capsule)  Well, is there any way we can figure out what that stuff is?
Brett:  Short of running a lab test, which neither of us has the means nor the funds, I have no clue.
Danielle:  There's got to be some way...
Brett:  You know what.  I think I know someone who can help us.

(<- Undisclosed Location ->)
Morgan Hysterias bought you out, didn't he?  (Of course that was it.  Ely would never just hand his company over to an outsider)
Ely:  It sounds like you've been acquainted.
Billy:  Unfortunately so.  (Billy found it difficult to forget arrogant men like Morgan Hysterias, especially when they attacked his business sense.  Plus, there was something else about this Hysterias guy he couldn't shake)  I still don't understand how he could have maneuvered such a move.
Ely:  I made some stupid choices.  Consequent of my old age, they say.  (Billy had to admit that time was no treasure to his friend's aging appearance, but Ely's always had his wits about him when it came to business.  There had to be more to the story)  Everyone insisted I drop Fantasy after the stocks started to plummet following the grand opening.
Billy:  and my shooting. (his guilt ringing through with those words)
Ely:  Well, you know me, I'm nothing, if not optimistic.  ("and sentimental," Billy thought, knowing he was probably the reason Ely tried to hold on as long as he did)  I believed that the stock would rise once the intial uproar over the the shooting was over, but that didn't happen.  Then Fantasy was unable to meet its sales projections for the first quarter, needless to say, we took a substantial hit.
Billy:  and let me guess, in comes Hysterias to the rescue?
Ely:  He had the financial resources we didn't.
Billy:  Which he used to help LI out of its predicament.  But why head the company?
Ely:  It's not that unusual for proprietors like Hysterias to take over the company after investing a hefty sum of money into it.  It's usually to ensure that the investment is a worthy one.
Billy:  Yes, I get exactly what you're saying, but -- something does not add up with this guy.

(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)
(He and Evelin moved toward the back of the room as Earl started to wiggle the fingers in his left hand)  Sorry.  Sometimes I forget that we're right next to him at times.
Evelin:  It's okay.  I know what you mean.  (She smiled) Earl always had a way of making himself known.
Matthew:  He certainly does.  Is that what attracts you to my brother?
Evelin:  One of the reasons.  I think what attracts me -- aside from his rugged good looks -- is his love for you and his son.  He'd do anything to protect you both.
Matthew:  Well, I think you hold a very special place in his heart as well.  I mean, you're practically like family to both of us.
Evelin:  Yes, and the feelings I have for your brother, they threaten that.

(<- Undisclosed Location ->)
Royce, slow down.  (But Royce couldn't, all he could hear over the fledging roads was Kendall's pronouncement.  His sister -- dead.  The words were just too sick to follow any sort of punch line.  But how?  Why?  Why wasn't he there?  Why wasn't he there?!  That's all Royce could think of as his car continued to accelerate down the road, a weery Kendall watching in the distant.  Meanwhile, hoping -- praying -- the cops wouldn't flag him for speeding, or worse -- that they wouldn't join Royce's sister in the great beyond.


In a few hours, Dr. Jessica Chappell would be saying good-bye to an old friend.  So when she recieved a phone call from her cousin, Brett, she rushed right over.  Although she had not seen or talk to him in months, she could spot him over any crowd.
Well, if it isn't Brendan Delgado.
Danielle:  (turned briefly to find a stunning woman -- probably in her late 20's, early 30's -- eyeing her good friend Brett, who she jokingly repeated his apparant birth name to for clarification) Brendan?
Brett:  Don't even. (he stepped away from his table and gave his cousin a hug) Jess, it's been so long.
Jessica:  I know.  (she smiled, taking a good look at him once they parted their embrace, much to Danielle's green-eyed envy) But you're still as handsome as ever.  I didn't even realize you were still in town.
Brett:  I've been keeping a low profile.  How are things going with you?
Jessica:  (if there was ever a loaded question, that was the one today.  Fortunately, it appeared that he hadn't inferred from her outfit that she was in mourning) They could be better, but I think that's story for another time.  I have a feeling this wasn't exactly a social call.
Brett:  No, not exactly.  (he finally acknowledged Danielle's presence)  Jess, I would like you to meet a very good friend of mine, Danielle Marquez.  Danielle, my cousin Jess.
Danielle:  Cousin?!  I never realized you had family in town.  (Feeling a little silly)  Nice to meet you.
Jessica:  Likewise.  (Jess took a seat adjacent from Danielle as Brett returned to his previous spot)
Brett:  The reason I called you Jess is because we need your medical expertise.
Jessica:  In what way, may I ask?
Brett:  (he and Danielle shared a silent non-verbal exchange, in which she handed over the plastic bag containing the capsule and its powdery counterpart.  He, inturn, handed it over to Jessica)  We need to know what this is.  (As Jessica took a look at the plastic bag, and specifically, the powdered substance, she wondered what mystery she just walked into)

(<- CF & A ->)
After divulging all her pent up frustrations over Alfonso's career move, the arrival of the technicians for the haunted rooms couldn't have come at a better time.  Overseeing the installation made it difficult, but not impossible for Crystal to psychoanalyze Mindy's recent revelations.  Although once they were inside the room, exploring its intricate mazes, everything prior to the technicians' arrival was old news.  Instead, their energy was focused on making sure the addition to tonight's sequence of events was a good one.  Minus a few kinks, everything looked as they envisioned.  Well, for the most part.
(she followed the technician out toward the entrance, Crystal a few steps behind)  Thank you for the demonstration.  It was excellent.
Crystal:  I agree.  The rooms will definitely be one of our most exciting lures of the evening.  Although the room with the magic dust was a bit much for my taste.  I don't know.  What did you think, Mindy?
Mindy:  Well, it was a bit challenging finding my way out of that maze, that's for sure.  But I don't think the props were too over the top.  I think most of our audience is mature enough to handle it.
Technician:  (attempting to alleviate Crystal's concern over the props she encountered in the magic chamber) These rooms have been set up at a variety of events, Ms. Perez.  The response rate from our clients has been nothing short of satisfactory.
Crystal:  I believe you, but I think I would like to air on the side of caution and not have as much gore present.   (Unable to shake the sight of the stage blood dripping from the walls in the panic chamber)
Technician:  Well, we can certainly tone it down a little.  I will gather my men.
Crystal:  Thank you.
Mindy:  Are you okay?  You seemed a bit flush.
Crystal:  I'm fine.  I'm just not too keen on the sight of blood.  (Who would be after seeing two people fall to their death?)

(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)
Why would you think your love for my brother would threaten what you already have?
Evelin:  Because friendship and love are two different things, Matt, and when you mix them together, you can't go back.  Once upon a time, you yourself, believed that a relationship between your brother and I would destroy him.
Matthew:  That was over a year ago, and I might have been a little strong in my approach.  Nonetheless, that was then and this is now, and I'm going to tell you what my brother told me -- life is too short.  Grab what you want while you still have the chance.
Dalia:  (the door made a slight screech as Dalia propped it open, her eyes immediately falling upon Matthew and Evelin, who exchanged a wayward glance at Earl's ex-wife)  Excuse me, I don't mean to interrupt.
Matthew:  Hi Dalia.  Did you want to sit with my brother?
Dalia:  If it's okay?
Matthew:  Sure.
Evelin:  Yeah.  We'll be outside.  (Dalia smiled and made her way over to Earl's bedside as Matthew and Evelin made their way out into the hall)
Dalia:  (Dalia glided up to her former husband's side)  Hey stranger.  I hear you're going to make a full recovery.  (She glanced up at his hospital monitor when Earl surprised her with a response)
Earl:  Yep.  No getting -- rid of me.  (He started to open his eyes, the first thing visible to him -- the eyes of the first woman he ever loved)

Royce:  (walked up to the nurse's desk in his usual authoritarian manner)  Could you page my sister?
Dr. Kerrigan:  Mr. Keller?!
Royce:  (noting that Erik had made no effort to move) Samantha -- Dr. Lombard -- could you page her?
Dr. Kerrigan:  Mr. Keller, Samantha is not on duty.  There was an incident.  She was in the hospital for a few days.  (he clarified for Royce, believing that the mysterious legal mogul already knew the truth)
Royce:  Then direct me to her hospital room?
Dr. Kerrigan:  I can't.  She's no longer there.  Mr. Keller, you sister passed a few nights ago.
Royce:  No, you choke on those words.  (Erik took a step back, realizing that Royce was not in the best of mind frames)
Kendall:  Royce.  Royce.  (she commanded his attention, and more than enough, got it) I know this all seems like a horrible nightmare, but you have to hear what I've been telling you.  (Her next words came slow, but swift in its delivery)  Samantha is not at home, she's not on duty and she can not answer her cell phone.
Royce:  Stop looking at me like that.  (he vehemently relayed to Kendall as he made his demands very clear)  I do not want your pity.  I want my sister. 

***Jessica:  (tearing her eyes from the plastic bag her cousin just gave her) Should I have the authorities placed on speed dial?
Brett:  It's a complicated situation.
Jessica:  That doesn't exactly restore my confidence, but I won't press.  I will see if I can get a lab tech to analyze the substance and get back to you with the findings.
Brett:  Thanks Jess.
Danielle:  Yes, thank you very much.
Jessica:  You're both welcome -- (she kissed Brett on the cheek) and you, keep in touch.  Even if its just a phone call a week.  Life's short, you know?
Brett:  I will, but I think you should do the same.
Jessica:  Touché.  I'll be in touch.
Brett:  I'm going to hold you to that.  (Jessica shared a light laugh with him before bidding both of them farewell)
Danielle:  Your cousin's very nice.
Brett:  Yeah, she is.  Let's just hope she can help you figure out what's in that capsule.  (Danielle was certainly with him on that note)

(<- Undisclosed Location ->)
Billy:  Thank you for your time.
Ely:  (he saw his young friend to the door) No need, it was my pleasure, but do me favor.
Billy:  Yeah?
Ely:  Do not get wrapped up in trying to find conspiracies where this Hysterias guy is concerned.  You may not agree with his decision regarding Fantasy, but I think you might find it for the best in the longrun
Billy:  I have a hard time swallowing that, but I will try.  Besides, tonight is all about new beginnings.  So I think I will focus all my efforts there.

(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)
His vital signs are good.  How do you feel Earl?
Earl:  (his head still felt like it was on cloud nine)  A little woozy.
Delilah:  Well, that's to be expected from all the medication.
Evelin:  Does that mean he's going to be alright?
Delilah:  Yeah.  I think its safe to say that Earl is on his way to a full recovery.  (Evelin hugged Matthew joyously as Dalia looked on.  She still couldn't get pass how Evelin had wormed herself into such a private matter.  Jason, on the other hand, looked up at the ceiling and mouthed the words "Thank You" as he moved closer toward his father)  I'll leave you all to celebrate.  But don't stay long.  The patient still needs his rest.
Jason:  Hey Dad.  (he dropped down into his father's arms, not really taking into consideration whether he was hurting him or not)
Earl:  It's good to see you too, son.  (He ran his hand over the back of his son's head.  Jason showed no sign of moving soon, leaving his mother, Evelin and Matthew to watch the moment.  Matthew couldn't help, but think of the woman that made it all possible.  He would be forever grateful to her for allowing his brother a second chance at life.  Of course, not all would appreciate Samantha's sacrifice)

As Royce Keller made slow, tranquil steps into the morgue, he was immediately chilled by the freezing room.  It was like being trapped in a frozing tundra.  The smell was like a mix of cleaning solution and dirty laundry -- clean in appearance, but abhorrent to the nose.  Of course, the room's temperature and smell pale to capture the thoughts and feelings roaming through Royce's head at this very moment.  Certaintly, he wasn't foolish enough to believe his sister would live forever, but he thought it would more or so be Samantha saying good-bye to him in the next 30-50 years -- not this. 
Forensic Tech:  Are you ready, Mr. Keller?
Royce:  (he started to back trace his way from the room) No, no.
Kendall:  Royce, you don't have to do this.  I can take you home.
Royce:  (As much as he wanted to run away, he couldn't.  He needed to see his sister-- to be sure this wasn't some cruel lie or vicious dream)  I do that, and I'm walking away from my sister.  I have to see this through.  (he turned back toward the tech) Please -- please proceed.  (It was painstakingly slow moment as the technician removed the sheet from the corpse, but it only took a second for Royce to place those green eyes and that beautiful blond hair.  Kendall placed her hand over her mouth to prevent even the slightest of whispers from escaping.  She had to remain strong for Royce)  Oh God, no.  (Royce looked into Samantha's beautiful face, her eyes shut closed from the outside world -- her body now the property of science)  It's her.  It's really her..

Malina, Crystal, Billy, and Danielle

- Ben's funeral commences;
- Derek finds Shalia and Andrew together;
- Brock is haunted by visions of his wife;
- Royce can't let go of his sister.



Click here for Episode 307