Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives": Summer of Seasonal Eruption
ø Derek and Shanna agreed to put their differences aside for Ben's sake.  Derek later informed Shanna that he would bringing Shalia with him to the funeral.  Despite her concerns and the fact that Ben didn't trust Shalia, she told she wouldn't stand in his way.  Meanwhile, Derek remained bothered by Shanna sudden closeness with mysterious carpetner, Andrew Stones. (~)

ø Royce refused to believe that his sister was dead. (~)

ø Brock learned that Dana and Matthew had given up hope that Samantha would live after Dana's tarot cards fortold her death.  Disgusted with Dana, he blasted her for believing that everyone around her were just mindless puppets in a future that only she could see.  (~)

ø Family and friends gathered at Earl's side after learning he would make a full recovery.

***Shalia Mendez Guittierrez treaded lightly through her home as she made her way toward her husband, who was studying his stoneward image in the mirror.  In a few hours, he would be burying his best friend and then it would all truly cease.  No more jokes during break time at the shop.  No one to scrutinize his relationship with Shalia any longer.
Shalia:  You look great.
Derek: (spying her image from the mirror, he didn't even bother turning around)  Imagine that, considering we're about to bury my best friend.
Shalia:  (she bowed her head down slightly as if the simple act would absolve her of all her guilt)  Are you sure you want me to come along?  I mean, Shanna is not exactly fond of me, and well, there wasn't any love loss between me and Ben.  (Boy, was that an understatement)
Derek: (he turned away from the mirror, finally acknowledging her face to face) That may all be true, but you're my wife.  I need you there.  (Although it warmed her heart that Derek wanted her at his side, Shalia wasn't sure she wanted to attend to be there.  After all, she was the reason Ben was lying in that casket.  To see the results of her entanglements with Andrew Stokes up close -- she didn't know if she could handle it)

(<- St. Christhoper's Church ->)
As Shanna Hemmings walked up the circular path toward the entrance of St. Christopher's Church, she was immediately taken by the massive brown, wooden doors that stood between her and her husband.  As sad a fact as it was, this would be the last time she would see her husband again.  Of course, the only difference was he wouldn't be able to see or talk to her.  He wouldn't be able to hold, kiss or knock sense into her like he use to.  She could feel the onset of tears threatening to consume her, and as freeing as the delivery would be, she just couldn't anymore.  Instead, she looked up toward the sky-- toward her lord and savior for strength, for guidance.
Shanna:  God, how am I suppose to do this?  (she inquired of the dark undercurrent that had become the sky, but she felt no since of inner calm.  She could only smell rain and blind ignorance in the air)

<- Leysdale Hospital :: Earl Pryce's Room ->)
Earl Pryce was honored to have so many happy, loving faces around him.  After nearly escaping death, it was quite rewarding to know that there were people still fighting for him on the homefront.  He couldn't even remember the last time his son hugged him so tight, and despite the slight pain, it felt uplifting.  As he looked away to all the other faces around him, they all seem much clearer now.  There was Dalia Savoy, his first love and the mother of his only child.  It was her eyes, filled with the same warmth and compassion that had captured his heart so many years ago, he saw when he finally regained consciousness.  Sadly, he never predicted the toll his career ambitions would have on the marriage.
Well, its clear you've been missed. (She reflected as she looked down on their son, who finally broke away from his father and stood up to join his mother's side)  Welcome back stranger.
Evelin:  Yeah, we've all been rooting for this moment.  (Of course, Earl was not surprise to see Evelin in the room either.  She had become sort of his north star-- always there to guide him, even when he didn't want her too)
Matt:  Well, I didn't care much for you, but I'm glad you're back.  (Matt figured a little humor was needed in this mushy moment, and tried his best to keep a serious face while his brother let out a chuckle.  In that moment, Earl could see the independent man his brother was becoming.  He hadn't always given Matt the autonomy he needed, but it was more or less Earl's way of keeping him safe.  If one good thing came out of his illness, it seemed to put the troubling details of their father's death on the backburner and remind each what was truly important -- their brotherhood)

Meanwhile, Kendall's heart ached while she watched Earl's former friend and nemesis, Royce Keller, try to process the fact that his sister was dead.  She wanted so badly to reach out and comfort him, but after the way he reacted earlier when she first told him the news, she was afraid it might set him off.  Thus, she watched as Royce lowered the side of his head over his sister's body, pressing his ear gently over her heart.  Royce knew it was foolish of him to expect to hear a heartbeat, but when the persistent silence passed through his ear, it was like a second stabbing to his own heart.  The flesh that he couldn't bear to part from was only a shell of his sister.  Her skin was rough and chilled, her body odor was masked with anesthetics and soap, and her heart -- well, it was painfully clear to Royce that it had ceased its duty.  So he lifted his head away from her body and looked into her face, the only thing that seem to mirror the women he knew.
Royce:  (he whispered to himself)  You shouldn't be here.  This wasn't how it was suppose to end.



Earl:  So enough focus on me, what's been going on around here?  (He noticed the room went abhorrently silent)  Well, don't all speak at once.
Dalia:  Earl, I think we've all been a little focused on your recovery to be concerned with town gossip.  (She wasn't lying.  After all, she barely knew anyone in Hallandale.  Names like Ben Hemmings and Samantha Lombard were just that)
Earl:  Doesn't mean you can avoid it.  Come on, I've been in and out of touch with the world for over a month.  I would like to be brought up to speed.
Jason:  Well, I know people around the hospital are uber excited about that gala that's happening tonight.
Evelin:  (She wasn't sure if Jason knew they were trying to avoid the topic of Samantha, but she was relieved when he brought up the masquerade)  Yes.  Crystal's throwing the second annual tonight.  Apparently, their renaming the joint as well.
Earl:  Sounds a little risky.  It took me forever to get use to it not being called TEC's anymore.
Matt:  It might be risky, but I think its a smart move.  CF&A just doesn't say restaurant to me and considering all that's happened since that incorporation, a name change might not be a bad thing.  (Lots of people would agree with Matthew.  After all, who wants to hang out at a place where one of the owners was nearly killed after being shot by his girlfriend's estranged former husband)
Earl:  You do have a point.  I just hope they find something their able to stick with this time around.  Brand consistency is very important in this market.
Evelin:  Well, apparently, their having a live vote for the name, which should no doubt establish consumer connectivity.
Earl:  Very true.  (The buzzing of Jason's cell phone drew him away from the conversation -- no big loss in his opinion.  Once he saw who was calling, he knew he had to make a beeline for the exit)
Jason:  I'm sorry, I have to take this.
Dalia:  (she stopped him before he could even make it to the door) Everything alright?
Jason:  Yeah.  (he gave his mother a reassuring smile)  It's just April.  See ya in a few.  (he quickly answered the phone as it was reaching its fourth rendition of his ringtone chorus)  Hi.  Yeah, I'm still at the hospital...  (Jason exited the room)
Matt:  Does--
Earl:  (finishing his brother's thought)  My son has himself a girlfriend.

(<- St. Christopher's Church ->)
As Jessica stepped out of her car, she was overcome with a sense of sadness.  It wasn't only because she would be watching Ben's burial later today.  She was thinking of her unborn son, who died after Ben pulled her from a car explosion two years ago.  If it weren't for the roads that night nor her ex- husband's delusions about the true parentage of their child, Will Jr. might still be alive.  But today wasn't about her loss.  She had to focus on Shanna and those who loved Ben.  They were the ones in need of guidance and strength today.  As she continued toward the church entrance, she found Shanna at the entrance.  Clearly, she hadn't muster up the courage to enter just yet.
Jessica:  Hey.  (She placed a comforting hand on her friend's shoulder)
Shanna:  Oh Jess...  (Of all the faces she would inevitably see today, she was relieved Jessica's was the first one.  As the two embraced in a hug, Shanna sought answers to her dilemma)  How am I suppose to do this?
Jessica:  One day at a time.  Let faith and friendship be your guide.
Shanna:  Faith?  (That such a word even existed seem unfathomable to Shanna)  How am I suppose to find faith?  My husband is dead.
Jessica:  I didn't say it would be easy, but you're strong and you have a lot of people backing you.
Andrew:  She's right.  (he couldn't have planned his entrance better if he had put the words in Jessica's mouth himself.  Too Shanna upclose -- torn, bereft, and inconsolable -- was satisfying)
Shanna:  Andrew.  I didn't realize you were coming.  (Jessica looked just as surprised to see the strange young man)
Andrew:  I'm sorry, I didn't mean to intrude.  I just didn't see how I could stay away.
Shanna:  No, you're not intruding.  I'm glad you came. 

(<- Springfield Lakes Resort :: Brock and Samantha's Place ->)
Brock Lombard had finally managed to close his eyes to the bleak world around him, instead, retreating to the beachy sands of Maui.  Off the coast, he and Samantha were celebrating their second year anniversary as the ocean's warm water brushed against their feet, the waves crashing in a distant.  The fiercely hot sun illuminated their bodies and heated the warm bowl of rich, hershey chocolate, which had been used to dip an array of cherries, which Brock had been feeding to himself and his wife.  It was a truly magical escape.  Brock dipped another handful of cherries into the bowl and began to teasing his wife's waiting lips.  When he showed no sign of bending to her will, she grabbed his hand and staked claim over the delectable treats, prying them with her teeth one at a time.  She then giggled in delight as she acquired the sweet, succulent taste of the cherries and her husband's chocolate infested hand.  Brock watched her, taking in her smile, the innate brightness of her eyes and the way her long blonde hair fell back against the sand.
Brock:  "I love you."
Samantha smiled, flinging a fistfull of sand at him before running into the ocean. A bit of it got into his eyes, so he was blinded for a couple of seconds.  When he finally retrieved his full 20/20 vision, he saw that Samantha had disappeared from his side.  He started to scan the beach in search of her walking near the restrooms or the food stands, but nothing.   He then looked toward the beach, and there she was floating to her hearts content.   He raced in after her, but it seemed the more distance he swam, the farther away Samantha got.  He could see her ushering for him to join her and moved his hands and feet as fast as they could take him.
Brock:  "I'm coming."
Just as he found himself nearing closer, a huge tidal wave came in and set him adrift.  The sun started to fade rather rapidly and he could see no sign of Samantha as a brisk chill swept through the crowdless beach, leaving an icy disposition over his body.  Even the spot where he and Samantha were eating cherries had disappeared as if no one was ever there.  It just made no sense.  Brock called out over the ocean for Sam, but all he could hear was the eery howl of the nightly chill.  However, Sam was out there and he had to find her.  Brock ran toward the ocean, swimming across the freezing range toward his wife-- he hoped.  In between gulps of salty, saliferous water, he called out her name, but he could only hear the sound of his own steady breaths.  He was nearly halfway across the ocean by now and the water was getting deeper and deeper.  He twist and turned in all three directions. He didn't remember her being this far. His left -- nothing. His right - bright light, perhaps emanting from lighthouse. Ahead -- more darkness. His legs were starting to feel numb, so he had to make a choice soon.  So he went right -- toward the light.  It took a few minutes, but he knew he was close once the light was practically on top of him.  Once he arrived, he stepped aboard the lighthouse from the icy waters.  He could barely feel his legs against the solid ground at first.  He just needed to rest for a while, then he could find his wife.  So he sat down, and looked out toward the dark before slowly begin to fade into the darkness himself.

***Royce:  (sitting next to his deceased sister, he remembered the raspberries he had smelled when he was home earlier) You know, I still have that silly air freshner you gave me for Christmas.  Raspberries.  Such a sweet smell.  I can still taste it from earlier this morning.  Back when I thought we had all the time in the world.  We're not going to have that lunch, are we?  (He looked at her pale, sheepish face, but no sounds emitted.  Kendall continued to watch from afar, catching bits and pieces of his one-sided conversation)  Oh God.  (Royce's face reached the ceiling as the tears out of the corner of his eyes begin to come into focus)  What was the last thing we talked about?  (When it didn't come to him instantly, he wondered if it had been that long since he talked to her, but it finally hit him)  I remember.  I bored you with the details of my squabbles with Rochelle.  (he mentally crucified himself for being so focused on how Rochelle was shutting him out and not more on his sister that day.  Did he once offer his ear for her bending?!)  What a stupid waste of time.  (Royce turned his head away and saw the technician and Kendall watching him, intruding on what should be a private moment between him and his sister.  If he had the energy, he would probably blast them, but he didn't.  Besides, a small part of him still recognized that Kendall was there to help him.  Still, the quiet room was deafening.  He longed to hear his sister laugh again.  He longed for the days when he would come home and she would interrogate him about the new woman in his life.  He longed to take in the fragrance of that silly air freshner his sister gave him.  To escape the stale beckoning call of death enclosing him in this room.  Most of all, he wanted for this - his sister's naked corpse on a morgue slab - not to be the last moment he would share with her.
Technician:  Excuse me, ma'am.  (Kendall turned her head to the eager lab tech)  I know this is a difficult time for your friend, but we really need to return that body to its bey.  (If she were in clearer frame of mind, she might remind him that his Jane Doe has a name - Samantha Keller Lombard.  She also had a brother, husband and family that loved her very much.  Instead, she immediately focused on Royce and saw him sprawled out over his sister.  While she understood why the lab tech was hesitant to approach Royce himself, there was no way she could either.  Royce needed this time.  He was owed this time)  Please, not now.  He needs more time, just a little more time.

Dalia:  Yes, Jason is seeing someone.  (she paused briefly as if attempting to channel what to say next)  Nice girl.  He wanted to tell you-- actually, he did while you were unconscious.
Earl:  Yeah, I think remember bits and pieces.  I guess he's no longer our little boy.
Dalia:  No, he will always be our little boy.  (Evelin could swear that Dalia briefly looked in her direction, and knew that dig about Jason always being Dalia and Earl's child was more for her benefit than Earl's)  He's just growing into a smart and capable young man.
Delilah:  (lightly tapped on the door before entering)  Whoa, I see we still have a full house.
Matt:  Don't worry, once his personality returns, you won't be able to get us out of here fast enough.
Delilah:  (she smirked)  I just wanted to make sure the patient's is feeling okay.
Earl:  I couldn't be better.  I don't know what you guys had to do to get me here, but I'm extremely grateful.
Delilah:  Well, your brother had as much a hand in that as we did.  I'm just glad it worked out.  Anyhow, I really think you should get some rest.  So I'm going to have be the bad guy and ask that each of you wait outside.  (Delilah glanced at Dalia, Evelin and Matthew, respectively)  I'll leave you to say your good-byes.  (Several groans inititated across the room before Delilah made her way out into the hall.  Since Dalia was closest to Earl, she took the lead and gave her former beau a kiss Earl on the cheek)
Dalia:  See you soon.  (She turned back and eyed Evelin as if she just reclaimed her territory.  Meanwhile, Matthew approached next, opting for a brotherly hug.  As he wrapped his arms around his brother, he whispered something into his ear)
Matthew:  Once you're out of here, we will have a talk about a certain locked hospital door.  (he then pulled away and gave his brother a cordial smile as he followed behind Dalia toward the door.  Knowing Evelin was next to do her spiel, Dalia watched in disgust.  Any woman who would hover around a sick's man hospital bed, hoping he will finally notice her, is clearly desperate.  As Evelin looked into the eyes of this man she longed for something deeper with, she couldn't resist the urge, especially since she could practically feel Dalia's eyes burning a whole into the back of her head.  His cheek might have been warmed up for battle, but his lips were her undertaking as she planted him a nice one.  It wasn't anything sensuous or passionate, just a tender, delicate kiss between friends.  Hopefully a taste of more to come and if not, the look on Dalia's face as Evelin made her way toward the door was satisfactory enough.  Matthew winked in approval at Evelin as Earl tried to understand what just happened.  It had been a while since a woman kiss him, and not that it was bad one, but it left him off guard.  Of course, if it wasn't bad, did that mean he enjoyed it?  If he enjoyed it, did that mean he wanted to do it again?  His thoughts were cut short when Evelin turned back to relay a message)
Evelin:  Welcome back, by the way.  (She smiled, then proceeded behind Matthew and Dalia as they made their way out of the room, leaving Earl to his thoughts)

(<- St. Christopher's Church ->)
Shanna:   (With Andrew and Jessica by her side, the sturdy brown doors that seem so daunting before swung open like heaven's gate as Shanna, Jessica and Andrew made their way inside the church)  I'm going to see if I can find the reverend.
Okay.  We'll be here.  (she turned toward Andrew as Shanna made her way down the long aisle.  Meanwhile, Jessica wasn't sure what to make of the strange new man standing in front of her)  So you're the Andrew that Shanna's been telling me so much about.  (She feigned, extending her hand out toward his) Jessica Chappell.
Andrew:  (he shaked it lightly, his eye contact minimal at best, she documented)  Hi Jessica.  How do you do?
Jessica:  I'm as well as can be expected. (Quickly moving the topic of the conversation back on him)  It's nice of you to show up here on behalf of my friend, especially considering you barely knew Ben.
Andrew:  Well, Shanna's been very good to me.  I wanted her to know she has my support.  (before Jessica can press any further, the sound of footsteps approaching took their attention from one another as Derek and Shalia made their entrance into the church.  Both are visibly surprise to see Andrew)
Derek:  Mr. Stokes, we meet again.  (Andrew clearly detected an agitation in the musclebound latino's voice, but makes no effort to correct it, not that he was given much of a chance as Derek quickly sidestepped pass him)  Hi Jessica.
Jessica:  (she remarked vibrantly, but it faded just as her eyes settle upon the short, yet beautiful petite woman next to Derek.  She presumed it to be none other than the infamous Shalia she's heard so much about, but considering the make up of the package, she could understand why Derek was leery to believe this woman was nothing short of loving) Hi Derek... and you must be the wife.
Shalia:  (sealing the handshake) Shalia.  Nice to meet you.  (Shalia noted that Jessica's focus fleeted almost instaneously.  Obviously, Shanna had given Ms. Chappell an earful, but as long as Derek supported her, she didn't care what the rest of these idiots thought of her)
Derek:  Where's Shanna?  (With Jessica's eye now on Derek, Shalia glanced at Andrew disapprovingly.  She could see he was practically salivating at the prospect of watching Shanna mourn over her husband.  The man clearly had no scruples, but then, was she really that surprised?  Knowing that she was still tied to the this man made her sick.  Now that Ben Hemmings was out of the way, she prayed she could finally make a clean break from Andrew and his psychosis)
Jessica:  She went to try and locate the reverened.  (Derek looked around the large church room and was sad to note how few people would be here to share in their goodbyes to his friend)
Derek:  So do you know if Ben's family is coming?
Jessica:  Actually I don't.  That's something you're going to have to ask Shanna.
Shanna:  What's something he's going to have to ask me?  (Shalia could sware that Shanna glanced in her direction for a minute, causing the conflicted soul to briefly rethink her decision to come)
Derek:  Is Ben's family coming?
Shanna:  No.  His mother is still distraught over the news.
Derek:  Understandable, but it's a shame they won't be here to say good-bye.
Man:  Good afternoon folks.  (Came the voice of the good reverend, which comandeered everyone into their respective places)
Shanna:  (stepped ahead of Shalia and Derek to greet the reverened)  Reverend Charles.  How nice to see you again.
Reverend Charles:  (he held her hand tightly, the warmth penetrating underneath bestilling her with strength)  A pity it is under these circumstances dear.  (He then looked up to see the rest of his audience)  Ah friends and family of the Hemmings, I presume.  (Shanna turned toward the reverend's focus and she could only see one person in the midst of all this -- Shalia Guittierrez.  Looking so innocent and dolled up to say goodbye to "her" husband.  Her husband's death may not have been orchestrated by Shalia, but as far as she knew, Shalia was responsible for husband being on that plane.  Shalia tried to break Shanna's gaze to no avail, but the more she flinched, the deeper the hole she felt herself sinking into)


Reverend Charles:  (As he stood before the podium, he looked on at each of the solemn faces around him.  From Andrew to Shanna to Jessica on the left to Shalia and Derek on the right.  After 35+ year of servitude to the church, the words coming out of his mouth flowed as normally as the change in weather)  Afternoon friends, family and loved ones.  We are gathered here today to bid farewell to Benjamin Hemmings, devoted husband, respected colleague and loyal friend.  (Shanna, Derek and Jessica each looked at the photo of Ben that stood alongside the Reverend's podium)  He was a good man who was clearly taken before his time.  (Shalia was glad she and Derek sat on the opposite end of the church, so at least she could avoid looking into Shanna's crucifying eyes)  It is times like these that we must remember that it is not the physical contact that counts, but the emotional connection you each shared with Ben.  I ask that you each take a moment of silence while we join in prayer for Ben.  (Reverend Charles lowered his head as well as he read from the scripture) 

Religious Scripture

"Lord Jesus, our Redeemer, you willingly gave yourself up to death so that all people might be saved and pass from death into a new life.  Listen to our prayers; look with love on your people who mourn and pray for the dearly departed.  Lord Jesus, you alone are holy and compassionate; forgive the departed his/her sins.  By dying, you opened the gates of life for those who believe in you; do not let your brother/sister be parted from you, but by your glorious power, give him/her light, joy, and peace in heaven where you live for ever and ever."

Reverend Charles:  Amen.
(in unison) Amen.  (The group opened their eyes and a tear began to trickle down Shanna's face as the words made its mark.  Andrew noticed and extended his hand over hers.  The gesture was welcomed by Shanna.  Jessica was still not sure what to make of this carpentry guy, while Derek became ill at the thought of this man making a move on his friends' wife at Ben's memorial no less.  He was not thrilled in the least at the sight before him)

(<- Leysdale Hospital :: Main Lobby ->)
It seemed the lab technician and Kendall didn't have to do much probing as Royce finally couldn't take another minute of looking into his sister's blank eyes and stormed out of the morgue.  As he lingered around the hospital lobby, he was conflicted with the urge to leave and the desire to be near his sister.  As Kendall approached, he made his internal conflictions known as she spiraled around with no clear concept of direction.
  I don't know if I can do this.  I mean, how can I do it?  How can I walk out of this hospital knowing my sister is laying dead in a morgue?
Kendall:  Royce, I understand what you're feeling.
Royce:  Do you Kendall?  (His eyes stared at her with vicious intensity, daring her to answer)  Have you lost a sister?  A mother?  A father?  Does your world feel like it's been turned upside down(Kendall doesn't know how to respond, she just looked sad, remorseful, her eyes matching his internal struggle, but to Royce, it was a stabbing reminder of darker times.  A time when he was too young to throw his fist, a time that had passed as he balled his itching fists, dying to sink its clutches into something.  For fear of harming Kendall, he quickly marched off in the opposite direction)  I gotta get out of here.  I need to be alone.  (He added, for fear that Kendall might follow him.  Instead, she stood in the middle of the lobby, dejected, wondering if there was something she could have said or done.  She hated this sense of helplessness that had overpowered her and sadly, she feared it would not dissipate any time soon)

Meanwhile, Matthew figured since it would be a while before he saw his brother that he would give Dana a call.  He hadn't seen or talk to her since the aftermath of her blowup with Brock regarding her special gifts.  As he listened to the continuous ringing of her phone, he hoped she wasn't somewhere blaming herself for what happened to Samantha.  It was no one's fault, really.  Just a sad twist of faith that was out of their control.  As her cell reached its fifth rendition of Lucero's "Mi Destino Eres Tu," he knew her voicemail was soon to follow.  "Hi, you've reached Dana..."  He pressed the star button, and then waited for the beep that would follow.
Matt:  Hey Dana, it's Matt.  I'm just calling to see how you are.  Please call me back. (He hung up his phone, a sense of worry overcoming him)

(<- Springfield Lakes Resort :: Brock and Samantha's Place ->)
(she had arrived at her brother's apartment just mintues earlier and found the door unlock.  Many thoughts were running through her head as she tried to revive her brother from whatever influence he was under.  Little did she know, Brock was still in a world where his beautiful wife still existed.  Where the last two these days were nothing but a horrible twist of a past that never occured.  When Brock's eyes opened, he expected to find himself back at the lighthouse, awaiting Samantha's return.  But he wasn't at the lighthouse, nor in Maui, for that matter.  He was back home with his sister half-hovered over him)  Good God, you're alive.
Brock:  (he may see his sister, but her ramblings were the last thing of importance)  Where is she?
Dana:  Who?
Brock:  Sam.  Where is she?
Dana:  Brock, Samantha isn't here.  She passed away two days ago.  (It pained her having to repeat those words)
Brock:  No.  You're wrong.  We were just there.  (Dana inquired "Just Where?" as he continued to ramble)  Sam can't be dead.  She can't be.  (Brock rose from the couch and ran to the door)
Dana:  Brock, no.  (She followed behind)  Whatever you were dreaming, it was not real.  Samantha is gone.
Brock:  Because of you.  (The words tumbled out like bricks, rendering her speechless)

***Shalia made her way down the church aisle toward the exit as Derek and Jessica ban around Shanna, who was speaking with the reverend.  Andrew, who had remained seated, slipped out after Shalia as Shanna wrapped up her conversation with the reverend.
Shanna:  Thank you for residing over the memorial, Reverend Charles.
Reverend Charles:  It was my pleasure, Shanna.  (he briefly touched her on the shoulder)  You take care, okay?
Jessica:  Not to worry.  She has plenty of people looking after her.  (Funny, it didn't ease Derek's mind one bit, especially considering one of those individuals was Andrew Stokes.  Coincidentally, as he looked over to where he swore the googly carpenter was, there was no sign of him)
Andrew:  (he smiled so broadly, one would forget he was attending a memorial)  Nice memorial, don't you think?
Shalia:  (the fact that he could say those words with a smile just proved to her more that this man she gotten herself entangled with was unconscionable)  Don't you think you're risking it?  Talking to me in public?
Andrew:  We're both friends of deceased, so to speak.  It wouldn't be unexpected if we came into acquaintance.
Shalia:  Well, in case you have forgotten, Shanna hates my guts.  So it probably won't be in your best interest if you're seen with me.
Andrew:  I can worry about my interest, thank you.  Besides, we both know its really your interests you're worried about.
Shalia:  I have made no secret of how I feel about Derek.  I am just trying to maintain a semblance of normal relationship here.
Andrew:  Wake up, your relationship with Derek Guittierrez is based on manipulation and deceit.  Once he finds out what you're about, you're done.
Shalia:  (It was almost laughable for Andrew to be lecturing her on manipulation and deceit)  You're one to talk, but the difference between me and you is that I have a heart.  I want to be a better person.
Andrew:  (finding humor in the hypcrocy of her statement) So you organize his friend's death?  And then you sit next to him, grieve with him knowing that you are responsible.  What a way to say I love you.  (Before either of them saw it coming, Shalia's right palm connected passionately with his face.  Then a moment of silence incurred before Shalia opened the doors to the church, only to find a rain shower commencing)

(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)
Hey Delilah.  (he greeted his colleague as she made her way behind the nurse's quarters)
Hi Erick.  I didn't realize you were on shift.
Erick:  Yeah.  Chief Delacroix insisted I come in since Romain's going to be at the gala thing tonight.  Did you just come from Earl Pryce's room?
Delilah:  Yes.  I cannot tell you how great it is to see him and know that this blackadder36 nightmare is finally over.
Erick:  Believe me, it shows.  (There is an awkward moment of silence before Erick continues.  Unbeknownst to him, Royce Keller rounds the corner and overhears the remaining portion of their conversation)  Earl, and those patients are really fortunate.  If Samantha hadn't found that antidote...
Delilah:  We might be mourning a lot more people than just her today.

(<- St. Christopher's Church ->)
While Shanna stepped aside in private with the reverend, Derek decided to get a read on Andrew from Jessica.  After all, Jessica was a licensed psychiatrist, so if anyone would have some insight, it would be her.
Derek:  So, what do you think of this Andrew character?
Jessica:  You don't like him?
Derek:  I don't trust him and I don't like the way he's been hanging around Shanna.
Jessica:  Well, I agree that their closeness is a little unsettling, but I haven't known the guy that long.
Derek:  Still, you must have some initial read on the guy.
Jessica:  I --
Shanna:  What are you two huddled up about?
Derek:  (realizing he was in a church, he opted not to lie)  I have to find Shalia.  I'll meet you all at the cottage.
Shanna:  Ok.  (She watched Derek's pace accelerate down the aisle, intensifying her suspicions that something was up)  What was that all about?
Jessica:  Derek's just concerned about you, that's all.  (Shanna wasn't sure whether Jessica was being honest with her, but she decided not to press)  I think with Ben gone, he feels obligated to look out for you.  To protect you.
Shanna:  Protect me from what?

Shalia watched as the rain crashed against the sidewalk and didn't forsee herself stepping out into that natural disaster any time soon.  Unfortunately, the outside of those doors were the only thing that separated her from Andrew, who was clearly making headway in her direction.
Andrew:  I'm sorry.  I forget the truth hurts sometimes.
Shalia:  Funny, I feel fine.  Liberated, in fact.
Andrew:  Would you feel liberated if Derek found out all about your past , including the real reason you came to Hallandale?
Shalia:  Get out of my life.
Andrew:  Shalia, I didn't put me here.  You put me here and odds are when things are set to blow up in your face again, it is I you will turn to, not your husband.
Shalia:  No, I'm through with you.  From this point on, you're on your own.  (She started to walk off into the rain, but Andrew pulled her back as Derek stumbled onto the scene)
Andrew:  Just you remember.  Once you cross this road, there is no going back.
Shalia:  Good riddance.  (She spat in his face, leaving the church through the crashing rain.  As Andrew turned back toward the direction of Shanna and the others, Derek quickly ducked behind the nearest statue.  Once Andrew made his way toward Jessica and Shanna, Derek peered out of his hiding spot and watched as Andrew slithered his way up next to Shanna.  There was something off about this guy... and what the hell was he and Shalia doing together?  But then, this had not been the first time he seen them together.  There was clearly a history between these two, one that made Shalia run out into the pouring rain to get away from the guy.  He needed to find out what was going on for everyone's sake)

(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)
Royce Keller roamed the third floor of the hospital in an obvious hunt for someone.  After hearing Delilah and Erick talking about Samantha and how her selfless act led to Earl's recovery, his anger and sadness was suddenly boiling rage.  In what world does his sister die, and a Pryce live?   That family had already taken away so much from him, and now one of them lived as his sister lay cold in a morgue.  He was not about to roll over again and watch history repeat itself.  He would confront his demons.  As he landed at Earl's door, he saw Evelin and Matthew off to his left, basking in their joy while his family was torn apart.  It was not fair, he thought as his hands turned the knob of Earl's hospital room door and he slinked quietly into the room.  Earl's eyes were close, but Royce could quickly tell by his heart monitor that life was still running through his veins.  "Earl was alive.  His sister was dead.  Earl was alive.  Samantha was dead.   Earl was alive.  His mother was dead.  Earl was alive.  His father was dead.   Earl was alive.  Samantha was dead."   The reality of those words continued to cycle through his head as his eyes turned deathly cold.  If Earl could have picked a moment not to open his eyes, now should have been it.

Garrettlyn, Romeo, Dana and Anton

- The Masquerade Gala begins!



Click here for Episode 308