Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives": Summer of Seasonal Eruption
ø Sandy tried unsuccessfully to get Mitchell to realize they belonged together. However, bound by his commitment Akeira and their son, Mitchell told Sandy in no uncertain terms that they were over. (~)

ø Malina promised Shaquanna that she wouldn't tell anyone how she used her healing powers to save Malina... problem was someone else already knew, placing Shaquanna in a state of panic. (~)

ø Alexander Pierre continued trying to fix the rift between him and his estranged son, Kyle, much to Kyle's fiancee's chagrin. (~)

ø After concealing his true feelings for weeks, Brian told his good friend Jennifer that he had fallen in love with her. Understandably shocked, as well as confused about her feelings for newly returned, womanizing charmer Romeo Sullivan, Jennifer told Brian a relationship between them was not in the cards. Displeased with her decision and seeing no way for them to continue having a semblance of a normal friendship, Brian informed Jennifer he would be moving out (albeit, temporarily) to sort out his feelings, leaving Jennifer guilt-ridden and upset.

***It was only a quarter after five in the evening, but the sun was already replaced with a dark undercurrent that threatened an eventual downpour.  Jennifer Everestt and Romeo Sullivan quickly made their way toward the entrance for fear of rain coming down on their heads.  However, arriving drenched to the gala was the least of their worries as they made their way toward the abandon entrance, a black carpet awaiting them.  If Jenni hadn't been with Romeo, she might have found it just a tad too creepy.  Instead, she bit the bullet as they went hand-in-hand down the black carpet, the green fluorescent lights above illuminating in different spectrums across the room, giving the place a dark, mysterious edge.  It was a welcome relief when signs of life became evident as a male server approached and offer to escort the couple to their table.

As they are seated, two new guests arrive at the door -- Brian Fieldings and Garrett Michaels.  It doesn't take Brian long to notice Jenni, who looked even more spectacular than he remembered.  Unfortunately, his brief blush is torn by the sight of the man on Jennifer's arm -- "Romeo Sullivan."  There was no vacation long enough to get him accustomed to seeing that.  Garrett followed her date's silent gaze to the new couple and told Brian there was still time to back out if he wanted.  He refused.  He couldn't run away from Jennifer and Romeo forever.   Well, he could stand not seeing Romeo ever again, but Jenni...  "They were still under the same roof for heaven sakes."  He needed to do this.  Plus, he was now cornered by Darron and Juliet's arrival, which drew his attention away from Jennifer just as the server made a turnaround toward the entrance. 

With Brian and Garrett's back turned, Jennifer and Romeo saw that more guests were slowly triculing in.  However, from the distance, Jennifer could only recognized Brian's former stepfather, Darron.  "Oh Brian..."  She missed seeing his face around the mansion.  She even missed the sound of his voice, her last memories riddled with the echoes of his pain over her rejection.  Like a wake up call, Romeo's hands reached over the table and delicately caressed her folded arms.  "Hey, you ok?" Romeo inquired as she turned her head in his direction, her sight coming back into focus.  She answered affirmatively, all the while hoping that wherever her friend was, he was content.  Meanwhile, a sense of heavy anticipation overwhelmed Brian as he took his seat next to Garrett.

On the other side of town, Lacreasha Dupree was giddy with excitement over attending the masquerade gala this year, especially since she had missed the last one, which was during a time she'd rather not think about.  She wanted to focus on happier thoughts, which these days meant her fiance, Kyle.  As she looked over herself in the mirror, adding the finishing touches to her presentation, she called out to Kyle to hurry from the bedroom.  She definitely didn't want to be late, and it seemed he had been lingering in the back for a while.  Truth was, Kyle doubts about attending the gala were starting to resurface.  In less than hour, he would be surround by nearly half the town.  Well, barring those paying their respects to Ben Hemmings as he sits in his room, anxious about running into one person, in particular, tonight -- his father.

Before Lacreasha could call out to Kyle again, she was distracted by a knock at the door.  It was Malina and Anton, in the company of Shaquanna Nichols.  She greeted Anton and Shaquanna before inviting Malina into a hug.  After their embrace, Lacreasha's eyes gravitated to Shaquanna, who looked rather green around the gills.  Almost as if she were dreading attending the gala.  Of course, Lacreasha remembered her days as a third wheel while Rochelle and Leonard basked in their couply glow.  So she smiled warmly and pretended not to notice, inviting the group in for a quick drink as the door came to a close.  Malina, Anton and Shaquanna are only in the apartment for about five minutes tops when the door re-opens and they exit, followed by Lacreasha and Kyle.  As they make their way down the hall, they nearly bump into Beau, Leigh, Kelley and Kelley's date, Diana.  Lacreasha feels a sense of fulfillment in having so many warm faces around her that are not actually ridiculed with scorn or hatred for what she had done to the saintly Rochelle Desmores.  Kyle and Lacreasha made their exchanges with Beau and Leigh, while Anton busied himself away from his cousin by introducing Malina and Shaquanna to Kelley, who then introduced the trio to his date, Diana.  Once Kelley and Diana moved toward Lacreasha and Kyle, Anton was left face to face with Beau since Leigh was already making small talk with Malina and Shaquanna.  Neither cousin said a word, clearly indicating their conflict yesterday had not been resolved.  Leigh, to their delight, stepped over and offered Anton an exit.  "We better get going."  He smiled cordially, bypassing Beau and Leigh over to Malina.  The group then marched down the corridor as Leigh made a side comment to Beau.  "That was tense."

With a new evening in her wake, Sandy Reynolds made her way down the hospital's main lobby in search of her date.  After Romain called, informing her he had been assigned a last minute consult, she agreed to meet him on the main floor to save him time having to drive out of the way to her place since the restaurant was nearest the hospital.  She only hoped he would be done by the time she got here.  The front desk, however, was unattended, so she looked around aimlessly, missing Romain as he came rounding one of the corners.  It was probably his luck as it gave him enough time to see her from head to toe.  It must have been something in the Reynolds gene pool because both Sherri and Sandy could turn any man's eye.  He finally whistled, letting her on to the fact that he had been checking her out.  She turned to see that Romain was also suited up.  "Very dapper, if not more so than usual," she noted.  It was shame that things went sour between him and her sister.  He looked to be quite the catch.  If it were another time, she might have took him for a ride.  But there was only one man she had eyes for, and he made it clear that he wanted nothing to do with her.

Mitchell Desmores straightened his tie as he glanced over himself in the mirror.  He would much rather stay indoors and watch after his son than smooze with the residents of Hallandale.  Although it was more about not wanting to see Sandy than anything else.  Akeira snuck up on him as his mind briefly went back to his encounter with Sandy yesterday.  Since Mitchell didn't mention it, she thought he might have been apprehensive about leaving the baby alone again.  Especially since they were trusting him with a new sitter this time around.  Akeira wasn't looking forward to the evening either as she was sure she would see Alexander Pierre, but it was time.  She didn't come back to town to hide out, she came to fight.  This time, Alexander would be the one brought to his knees.

Crystal and Billy watched from the second floor as guests started to clamor.  The Pierres arrived, flashing their wealth on full display for all to awe and admire.  Between Widlin Pierre's low-cut number and her father's expensive armani suit, the two had spent enough to make a sizable dent on an average person's credit card limit.  Lacreasha, Kyle, Malina, and Anton arrived just as the server was about to appoint Alex and Widlin to their table.  Lacreasha cursed the moment when Alexander saw them and decided to continue his ruse as a redeemed father.
Alexander:  Hey son, I was hoping I would see you tonight.
Kyle:  I'm here.  (he replied uncomfortably, thankful for the rescue by his half-sister)
Widlin:  Kyle. (She brought her brother into a hug.  They may not have had the traditional brother/sister upbringing, but the relationship was at least based on mutual respect.  Widlin never made him feel inadequate for not being "black" enough, unlike their father.  Their hug ceased) I heard about the engagement.  Congrats--  (she glanced toward Lacreasha)  to both of you.
Kyle and Lacreasha:  Thank you.  (Widlin wavered her attention away from them toward the other two people she spied)
Widlin:  Hi Malina, Anton.  (She couldn't believe that nearly two years ago, she and Malina were the best of friends, attending events like these together.  How things changed.  She couldn't feel anymore disconnected from Malina, who appeared to have found a friend in Shaquanna Nichols, who bounded the corner with Beau, Leigh, Kelley and Diana.  Malina and Anton exchanged pleasantries with Malina while Alexander took the opportunity to try to connect more with Kyle)
Alexander:  I hope you're still giving thought to my proposed olive branch.  I would really like for us to try-- you know, to be father and son.  (Lacreasha wondered if this man could possibly lay it on any thicker.  If only she could spit bullets...)
Kyle:  (Feeling rather uncomfortable and constrained discussing such a sensitive topic in front of a crowded restaurant entrance, which is duy noted by Crystal and Billy, who direct two other servers toward the line of waiting guests)  I really don't want to get into this night, Alexander.  (Kyle could feel himself almost call Alexander "dad," but the words just didn't mesh for him.  He wasn't sure they ever would)
Alexander:  No problem.  We have plenty of time.  Enjoy yourself tonight.  (Alexander turned back to face the line as two servers approached.  It was welcome relief for Lacreasha, who was sick of looking into Alexander's hideous mug.  Hopefully they were seated far, far from one another.  She was not going to stand for him hurting her fiance any further.  As server #2 escorted the first group to their respective places, server #3 took the second half)



Brian knew the moment he took his seat that he wouldn't be able to concentrate knowing that while his back was turned, Jennifer was a mere distance away, making googly eyes with Romeo.  In fact, a crick was already forming in the back of his neck because he couldn't break his eyes away from them.  They just seem so natural together -- it was almost as if all the bad history that Jennifer said they shared never existed.  Brian just couldn't wrap his head around it, and the more he stood there, ridiculing their actions, the less attention he paid to his own date.

Garrett, fortunately, was too caught up in her conversation with Juliet and Darron about her instant modeling career and the upcoming fashion show next week to notice.  Of course, Darron found it hard to keep interest as the conversation flipped back and forth from wardrobe and make-up to the constant demands of the modeling world.  So his attention naturally drifted to Brian for a lifeline, except his former stepson seemed to have checked out a long time ago.  To no surprise, Brian's eyes were stalking Jennifer from across the room.  As much as Darron felt for Brian's situation, his callous disregard for Garrett wasn't right.  So he summoned Brian's attention, calling out his name several times, but it was like the kid was in a trance.  When the syllables of his name being echoed finally hit him, his eyes met those at his table with an awkward daze.  They all knew what, or rather who, had stole his attention.
Brian:  I'm sorry?!
Darron:  I was just telling your date how lovely she looks tonight.
Brian:  (receiving Darron's not so subtle hint loud and clear, he redirected his attention toward his date, which would be Garrett)  Definitely.  You look gorgeous.
Thank you.  (However, the fact that he's been preoccupied with another woman was too much for her to ignore)  But maybe this wasn't a good idea.  I think it's pretty clear that you're emotionally somewhere else. (she eyeballed Romeo and Jennifer out of the corner of her eye)
Brian:  I'm sorry.  (feeling like a class "A" jerk for his behavior thus far this evening)
GarrettLyn:  Don't apologize.  (It sounded like nothing more than polite words from her lips to his ears as he noted a wave disappointment in her tone, more than likely instilled by his actions tonight)  I'm your friend.  I understand more than anyone how hard it is for you to be here knowing that those two are together.
Darron:  (sounding more like a reprimanding father than a casual observer) But that's no reason for him to bring down your evening as well.
GarrettLyn:  I'm fine.
Brian:  No, Darron's right.  You came here to have fun and you deserve that.  I came back because I wanted to stop running and that means I have to accept that Jennifer has made her choice.
GarrettLyn:  Can you?

Dylan McCloud was one of a few residents who did not have a keen desire to attend this year's gala.  But thanks to his brother's guilt trip, he found himself in the center of it all as he made his way around the room toward Jennifer and Romeo's table.  Romeo was too busy distracting Jenni was his public seduction attempt that they didn't even notice him.  Dylan took a certain thrill to being the one to hose them down as he cleared his throat.
Jennifer:  (adjusting the strap of her dress, she and Romeo looked up to see Dylan's overly joyous face)  Dylan.  I thought you weren't coming.
Dylan:  Yeah, don't remind me.  (he silently cursed his brother before moving on to his surpise)  Anyhow, look who I found outside.  (He signaled for Nia to make her way around toward the table)
Jennifer:  Nia.  (She moved from the table to greet her friend up close)  Wow, you look beautiful.
Nia:  You say that like you're surprise.
Jennifer:  (she feels herself choking on the words as they struggled to come out)  No.  Of course not.  I'm --
Nia:  Relax.  I'm just kidding.  However, clearly, I have nothing on you.  I mean, your dress is absolutely stunning.
Jennifer:  Well, that would be Romeo's impeccable taste.
Nia:  Hmm... (she held her tongue while her conscious thoughts ran rampant)  "I suppose all those years seducing women out of their dresses paid off."  So you two are back together then?
Jennifer:  Yes.  Yes, we are.  (Romeo's eyes lit up as Jennifer reaffirmed their romantic status)

Brian:  How about we rewind and start over?  Ms. Michaels, thank you for allowing me the pleasure to escort you this evening.
GarrettLyn:  (It wasn't the response she was looking for, but it sounded like a positive step in the right direction)  Well, Nick Lachey was unavailable, so I figured you were the next best thing.  (Juliet and Darron laughed outright while Brian wore a deserving grin)
Brian:   His lost, my gain.  So what do you think the night has in store for us?
GarrettLyn:  I think it proves to be very promising, if not stormy.
Juliet:  (she smirked)  Stormy, possibly.   Promising remains to be seen.  (She noted as she glanced around at the vacant tables)
Darron:  Yeah, I still haven't seen any sign of our hosts.
Brian:  They could be bidding their time for a grand entrance.
GarrettLyn:  Or waiting for all the guests to get here. 
Juliet:  Well, with the way the weather is looking out there, hopefully they get here soon.
Darron:  Yeah, they sure picked the night to host this thing.  (A thundercloud roars from outside, drawing all their attention to the door)

***Sandy:  (as they arrived at the black carpet entrance, Sandy noticed the crystal ball table pieces on each of the tables)  Wow, your friends really went all out. 
Romain:  Yeah.  Although I don't see them anywhere.
Sandy:  (as she look around, she spied Darron and Juliet to her left)  Hey, there's Darron and Juliet.  (Romain confirmed as his eyes follow hers.  A moment later, Darron looked up in their direction)  Rats.  He's spotted us.  (Sandy waved in concession, Romain followed.  Darron obliged as Juliet leaned over and whispered something into his ear)
Juliet:  This isn't going to turn into another Monte Carlos incident.
Darron:  I hope not.  (He cringed thinking about the spectacle Sherri Reynolds made of herself, and the embarrassment she brought to both Romain and Sandy) Thankfully, I haven't seen Sandy's unstable and emotionally disturbed sister.
Juliet:  Wow, that's quite a description.
Darron:  She's quite a character.  Queen of eggshells.  (Darron shifted uncomfortably just thinking about the idea of being cornered in an altercation with the woman)  I'm just glad Romain is done with her.
GarrettLyn:  Don't hold back, Darron.
Darron:  (he scuffled his grin knowing they were all making an amusement of his rant)  Look, I have nothing against the woman, I just think he's better off without her.
Juliet:  and Sandy?
Darron:  Well, she says their friends, but we know how that it is.
Garrett:  Oh Darron, you're not one of those people who believes a woman and a man can't be friends.
Darron:  Well, if you have doubts...  why don't you ask your date?  (Sideswiped by the remark, Garrett had no counter argument to offer)
Romain:  You know, if we stand here waiting any longer, we're going to be too tired to sit.
Sandy:  Well, I hardly think we need an escort to a table.  There's a vacant one in the back.  I say we grab it.
Romain:  The one next to Alexander and Widlin Pierre? 
Sandy:  (although she saw his point, she didn't desire sitting so close to the entrance, especially if her ex did show up tonight)  There's no rule saying we have to talk to them.
Romain:  Alright then.  After you.  (Sandy proceeded to her left, allowing her to pass Darron's table on the way.  Romain followed immediately behind)

Akeira:  "Just remember, no one is to be allowed inside our home until you have confirmed their identity and creditiionals with us.  Alright, we should be back in a few hours."  (Akeira sighed deeply as she ended her call, a clear sign of second thoughts regarding her decision to leave her son with a babysitter she hardly knew.  However, the references were remarkably glowing, not one single red flag.  So perhaps it was just her anxiety getting the best of her)
Mitchell:  How is he?
Akeira:  She said he's fine-- still sleeping peacefully.
Mitchell:  Hopefully, he will stay that way.  It looks like we're about to get quite a storm.  (Mitchell looked up at the darkening sky)
Akeira:  Yeah, if I wasn't freaked out enough.
Mitchell:  Well, I'm here.  I'm always here.  (The couple embrace for a few seconds.  Akeira didn't know what it was about Mitchell, but he just had a way of making her feel safe-- much like her first husband.  With him by her side, she felt stronger and infallible, and that's how she was going to stay)  You ready?
Akeira:  For anything.  (She and Mitchell walked hand in hand toward the black carpet at the entrance like many before them, the sound of an eerie piano melody capturing their attention.  It was clearly the perfect night to be still such a mood.  Unlike with Romain and Sandy, a server was ready at the door when Mitchell and Akeira arrived, greeting them accordingly and offering to show them to a table.  He didn't take them very far, seating them next to Darron and Juliet's table.  When Sandy looked up from them gossiping about the new "Strangers" movie, she saw Mitchell and Akeira being seated.  She knew it was possibility that she might see them here tonight, but she didn't think it would be so soon.  Fortunately, they hadn't noticed her and if she had it her way, she would see be able to avoid a run-in for the rest of the night.  She quickly turned her attention back to Romain)
Sandy:  Well, the couple was brutally stabbed to death -- (much like her relationship with Mitchell it seemed) so there is no way to say they finally got together.

Lacreasha:  (still clearly steamed from their brief run-in with Kyle's father)  I cannot believe that man.  Acting all cordial with us.
Anton:  (seated across from Lacreasha)  Actually, he only acknowledge Kyle.  He pretty much ignored the rest of us.
Lacreasha:  That's because he knows we can't stand his stinking guts.
Malina:  Well, if he had any doubts, I'm sure your spain ankle routine earlier to avoid being seated next to him cleared them up.
Lacreasha:  Come on Malina, you know how debilitating high heels can be?  Besides, Romain and Sandy seem perfectly content sitting there.
Malina:  I'm just making observations.
Lacreasha:  Well, I don't think any of you had any real desire to be seated next to him either.
Anton:  I really have no strong feelings about it one way or another.  I do think he's a lousy human being.
Malina:  You might want to see my drawn and quartered for saying this, but there is a caring side to Alexander.
Lacreasha:  Oh god.
Malina:  Look, I was friends with his daughter for years.  I saw a side to him that people who read his crappy, slanderous paper don't see.  I saw his paternal side.
Lacreasha:  Paternal?!  (It was clearly one of the last adjectives she would ever expect anyone to use to describe Alexander Pierre)  The man shipped off his only son to another state.
Malina:  No one's perfect, Lacreasha.  Perhaps at this new stage in Kyle's life, Alexander feels that things can change.
Lacreasha:  So Kyle's suppose to follow suit like some mindless puppeteer?!   No.  There is no way he's going to get sucked back into that devil's trap.  Right, honey?  (Realizing her fiance has been quiet the whole time, she turns to see him rubbing his temple)  Kyle?
Kyle:  I don't know.  (the answer was swift as he hands dropped from the side of his face)  I know how you all feel about the man, but he's my father.  (Lacreasha is taken aback by the pronouncement from her fiance)  As sorry an excuse as he is for one, he's my father.  (As Lacreasha, Anton and Malina watch the pain draw upon Kyle's face with that admission, neither of them bothers to add anything else.  Meanwhile, Shaquanna finds herself more focused on a letter that hangs outside her purse, a letter addressed for her eyes only:

Note from Secret Messenger

"Meet me at the Masquerade Gala, or your life is finished."

Crystal:  It looks like most of our confirmed guest list is here.  Maybe we should get this show on the road.
Billy:  Yeah.  Besides, we might be saving a few lives.
Crystal:  Let's go.  (They began to make their descent down the staircase when she stops halfway)  Wait, where's Mindy?
Billy:  I guess she's still meeting up with her date.  She should be here.
Crystal:  I feel kind of weird starting the show without her though.
Billy:  I don't think she's going to mind.  Plus, it's 6 O'clock.  If we don't get started soon, our guests are going to become antsy.
Crystal:  You're right.  Let's do this.  (Billy then cues a guy waiting in the corner as a set of green, red and blue lights lure eyes to Crystal and Billy's descent down the staircase, which is propelled by the accelerated version of the creepy soundtrack that has been playing for the last hour.  The guests watch as Billy and Crystal make their way to center stage of the ballroom, the music coming to a close as Crystal takes control of the microphone)  Hi everyone and good evening.  Welcome to the second annual masquerade gala.  (She smiles in delight as the guests let out their long awaited applause)


Crystal:  Thank you everyone.  Before we get started tonight, I would like to ask for a few minutes of your time.  As some of you may have heard, two nights ago, a friend of mine -- Samantha Keller Lombard -- passed away.  (People in the crowd began to echo in shock as Robin and Jay Elkasinogen along with Sherri Reynolds make their way into establishment.  A server is nearby who escorts them around Akeira and Mitchell's table toward the back, seating them ultimately across from Widlin and Alexander's table)
Anton:  (whispering to Malina) "Did you know about this?"
Malina:  (whisper) "No.  Poor Brock."
Anton:  (whisper) "and Royce.  He must be beside himself."
Crystal:  Yes, it is still very shocking now.  Especially for those of us who knew what a kind and dedicated nurse she was.  She took her oath to medicine and her patients very seriously.  Even in death, she was selfless.
Widlin:  (whispering to her father, her tone laced with disgust) Are you copying notes?
Alexander:  "I didn't bring my tape recorder."  (he replied at a lower, normal voice)
Widlin:  (whisper continues, but to a higher decibel)  "That is distasteful.  Put it away."
Alexander:  "Honey, this is news.  It's my job to report it."  (Widlin scoffed, turning away from her father's callous, yet not so surprising actions)
Crystal:  ...Today also marks a sad time for friends and family of Benjamin Hemmings.  For those of you who knew Ben, you knew he's the one you would want in your corner when the going got rough.  He was truly one of a kind...  (her voice went soft as head eyes shifted downward at the podium.  Billy inched closer to her side, thinking she might need rescuing, but it seemed she just need a moment to recollect)  Such greatness should not go unrecognized, which why I ask that you all take a moment of silence.  (her eyes began to scan the room from Lacreasha and Kyle's table on her front right to Akeira and Mitchell's table in the back, then around to her back left where Jennifer and Romeo were seated up to the front with Sandy and Romain)  Let's pass our strength and energy to the loved ones of Ben and Sam.  Let's bid them a proper good-bye.

Crystal gives Robin and Jay the go light as they make their way from their table, carrying two 3x6 memorial candles.  Nearly all eyes are on them as they make their way around the Pierre's, Romain and Sandy toward the podium.  Billy steps off to the side as Robin moves in closer to Crystal.  Crystal sashays a few more inches to the right to make enough accomodations for the expectant motner.  The future Mr. Elkasinogen Jr. probably didn't want to miss a minute of the action.  Robin handed the candle with Ben's honorary inscription on it to Crystal while keeping hold of the one for Samantha.  They placed both on the podium top, clear for the audience to see as Billy and Jay came from to their significant others' respective sides, lighting each of the candles with a torch.
Crystal:  Adieu, to Ben and Sam.
  Adieu, Ben and Sam.  (Billy and Jay follow Robin, who are then followed by the audience)
Thank you everyone.  Each of the candles will be on display at the bar for the duration of the night along with a memorial gram, which will be given to the family of the loved ones.  If you wish to pass any words to those of Ben and/or Samantha's family, feel free to do so.
Robin:  (she leans over the podium as far as her body would allow her)  In the meantime, we do have a gala to attend to.
Crystal:  Right we do.  If you will all look around, you will notice several laptops stationed throughout the room.  As you know, CF&A is undergoing a name change, and tonight is your opportunity to have a say in what it will be.  The winning name will be chosen and announced at the end of the night.  So don't wait too long.
Billy:  Just in case you're in need of brain fueling, the buffet table has been set up in the back.  (Several of the attendees turn back, now recognizing where that glorious aroma was coming from)
Crystal:  Also, do not forget to check out our magic chambers upstairs, guarantee to intrigue and perhaps even, frighten, you.  So go, have fun.  (Crystal didn't have to repeat it twice, Kyle and Lacreasha's table were one of the first tables to move, although Jennifer and Romeo's table was the first to make it to the buffet line since they were already seated in the back.  Romain and Sandy were followed by Darron's table, who were followed by Akeira and Mitchell.  Meanwhile, Jay and Robin carried the candles toward the bar while Billy and Crystal watch their guests circle the buffet table)
Billy:  What do you think?
Crystal:  I think--  let the fun begin.  (she sealed with a kiss)

***Half an hour has passed, some guests have ventured out toward the voting stations while others remain seated, enjoying their delicious meal.
I want to thank you and Jay for coming tonight, especially given everyhing you have on your plate.  (Crystal hinted as her eyes fell on Robin's plump belly.  Robin let out a slight chuckle as she massaged her belly)
Robin:  Well, it was a nice way to honor Samantha and Ben, so we were happy to be apart of it.  (She shfited her eyes to her stomach, continuing to rub it sporadically)  Plus, I think our little tiger was getting restless being cooped in the house with mom all day.  (It was weird.  Ever since Samantha's passing, Robin felt more attached to her unborn son each passing day.  Granted, the thought of giving birth still freaked her out, but it wasn't a driving force behind the pregnancy anymore.  She could now feel that glow that other expectant mothers around her had)
Crystal:  Have you started picking baby names?
Robin:  We've been bouncing back and forth between a few solid contenders.
Crystal:  Well, I think your final choice will be great.
Robin:  Is that you the business woman talking or you the psychic?
Crystal:  Let's just say it's my third eye.   (Robin smiled warmly, taking Crystal's re-wording for a yes)

Dylan and Nia are hovering over the laptop, reviewing some of the top contenders for CF & A name change while Jennifer and Romeo stand behind them, wishing they would get on with the selection process already.
Dylan:  Wow, look at some these: "The Lounge," "Hallandale Peaks," "Burger Palace," "Crystals," "FantasyLand..."
Jennifer:  Dylan, you're supposed to be voting for a name, not nitpicking the choices.
Romeo:  Oh, let him have his fun, Jenni.  This could be the highlight of his evening.  (Dylan sees his conscious self giving Romeo the evil eye, but chooses to ignore the lame-brained idiot.  As it turns out, Nia is happy to jump to his defense)
Nia:  Dylan is right to laugh at some of these choices.  There outrageous.  I mean... (she turns back to the screen, calling out the first one she sees at random) "Burger Hut?"  I know the burgers here at the best in town, but something a little more--
Dylan:  New Age.
Nia:  (she smiled approvingly in his direction) Exactly.
Romeo:  So what has your new age brilliance come up with?  (Jennifer moves forward toward the screen, reviewing the massive list)
Jennifer:  I don't know.  I kind of like "Crystals."  It has a nice ring to it.
Nia:  True, but does it really spell local hangout?  Night club, at best.
Jennifer:  Good point.  (She takes a step back from the screen as Nia makes her way back over)
Dylan:  Plus, it doesn't incorporate the partners - Mindy and Billy.  It's got to be all inclusive to make sense.
Nia:  Yet say what it is at the same time.  (The both turn toward the laptop screen and scribble their consensus on a sheet of paper.  It only takes them both a minute and they show each other their choice.  Both smile agreeably)
Dylan:  Ingenious.
Nia:  I mean, it makes perfect sense.  (Romeo and Jennifer stare at them blankly, hoping for a hint into this ingenious insight.  When neither Dylan or Nia makes an immediate effort to reveal their great idea, Jennifer leaps in)
Jennifer:  Well, what is it?

Meanwhile, across from Dylan and Nia's station is Dylan's brother, Anton with Malina, Leigh and Beau.
B-MACs?  (she repeats, more so for confirmation that she heard him right)
Anton:  Billy, Mindy and Crystal.
Leigh:  and "B" for burger.  I like it.
Malina:  (her tone is flat and unimpressed, much to Anton's hopes)  It sounds like I'm ordering at McDonalds.
Beau:  Plus, didn't they try the whole partner naming acronym before?  Look how that turned out.
Anton:  So you don't like it either or are you just knocking down the idea because its mine?
Beau:  (sighing heavily) This ain't elementary school, cuz.  I'm just thinking longterm.  We all know it is a rule of law that things change, people change, careers change.  (hinting at the fact that Anton is no longer Rochelle's personal errand boy at HatcherKeller & Associates Investigations)  None of us are working where we were five years ago.
Anton:  That's why B-MACs is good.  There is a sublety to the name homage.
Leigh:  Plus, it's simple and people know what their getting.
Beau:  What?  Their choice of a burger, bacon, or bologna with mac and cheese.
Malina:  (covering her slight smirk at Beau's remark)  Sorry honey.  I'm just not that into it.  (She gives him a smooch on his cheek, which hides his rejected expression)  Excuse me.  I'm going to check on Shaquanna.
Leigh:  Well, we still have time.  Surely, there is something we can all agree upon.  (Anton and Beau shift glances at one another, highly doubting the statement that comes from Leigh's mouth)
Malina:  (Shaquanna's gaze was affixed on the note in her purse once again as Malina approached) Hey, you alright?
Shaquanna:  (visibly startled, she does her best to quickly cover)  Malina.  Geez, I thought you were over there voting with the others.
Malina:  Not quite.  (she looked in Anton and Leigh's direction briefly)  Anyhow, I didn't think you should be over here all by your lonesome.
Shaquanna:  The room's full of guests.  I'm fine.
Malina:  You know what I mean?
Shaquanna:  Yes, I do.  But this is also your night with Anton.  Given everything that's happen this week, I think you should be savoring this time and worrying less about me.
Malina:  It's not a worry.  You're my friend, and if it weren't for you.  I might not be here.
Shaquanna:  Well, it's nice to know I still have one good one in this town.
Malina:  Always.  So come join us.  Maybe you can help us decide on one good group vote.
Shaquanna:  Sure.  Just give me a sec.  I need to powder my nose.
Malina:  (smiled back at her) Alright, I'll see you in a few.  Don't try to disappear.  I will come searching for you.
Shaquanna:  I won't.  (Malina then rejoins Anton and company at the laptop station as Shaquanna continued in the saftey of her own privacy)  Besides, I have an important date.  (She shifted the letter in her purse aside to see that it was still there, neatly packed.... a .36 caliber revolver)

Widlin:  (taking another bite of her pasta before sitting her fork down, she glanced up at her father, who was now preoccupied watching Lacreasha and Kyle, who gravitated upstairs since a rain shower was commencing outside)  I held back on bringing this up earlier, but I feel it needs to be said.
Alexander:  What's on your mind, sweetheart?
Widlin:  Your attempts to mend fences with Kyle.  Are they sincere?
Alexander:  What?
Widlin:  (she adds before he has enough time to formulate a response) Because if they are not, I think you should stop while you're ahead.
Alexander:  Sweetheart, you know how serious I am about repairing this family.  My attempts with Kyle have been very sincere, just not successful.
Widlin:  Well, there's a lot of bad blood, dad.  It's going to take more than words and expensive gifts to fix the damage you have done.
Alexander:  (he glanced up toward Lacreasha and Kyle, seeing them deep in conversation)  Yeah, especially with his fiancee around playing guard dog.  I may just have to do something about that.  (Widlin was not sure why, but her father's statement does little to put her mind at ease)

Billy:  Looks like the voting stations are quite a hit.
Crystal:  Yeah.  I was worried that people might get caught up in everything else that they might neglect to do so.
Billy:  Well, now you can put those fears aside.  The night is shaping up nicely.
Crystal:  Yeah, except we're still minus one partner.  I hope she didn't get caught up in that storm out there.  (The door to the restaurant opens and lo and behold, it's Mindy, being escorted to safety by her date)
Billy:  I think your answer has arrived along with her date.  (He followed Crystal toward the entrance as Mindy and Morgan dried their feet on the carpet.  Fortunately, Morgan had that umbrella in the car.  Otherwise, their outfits might be drenched)  Hey, you made it in one piece.
Mindy:  Yep, thanks to Morgan's keen eyesight.  (Morgan comes forth with a smile as he lowers his mask)  Guys-- Morgan.  Morgan -- Crystal and Billy.  (Before Crystal has much of an opportunity to look him over, Billy quickly recognizes the eyes staring back at him)
Billy:  You can't be serious.  (Mindy doesn't comprehend his remark, passing her look of confusion from him and Crystal to Morgan)

Garrettlyn, Romeo, Dana and Anton

- Mindy receives an eye opener about Morgan;
- Brian and Jennifer come face to face;
- Widlin warns Alexander not to alienate his son's fiancee any further!



Click here for Episode 309