Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives": Summer of Seasonal Eruption
ø Billy was not happy to learn that Mindy's date was LI's new CEO, Morgan Hysterias. (~)

ø Although he was determined not to make the evening about his father, Kyle's confliction over Alexander's recent overtures were revealed. Meanwhile, Widlin questioned Alexander's real motives for trying to reconnect with Kyle. (~)

ø Brian was still very much in love with Jennifer, and had a hard time seeing her with Romeo. (~)

ø Shaquanna was instructed by a mysterious messenger to arrive at the Gala.

***As a soft classical verse played in the background of the establishment, Billy remained flabbergasted by the sight of Luxury Industries' new CEO.  Morgan tried to break his strong, silent stare, but Billy's eyes remained unyielding in its pursuit.  It's not like he hadn't expected to run into Billy, but so soon into the night?!  The very words and actions he executed could very well affect the rest of his evening with Mindy, who already appeared stranded in a road with no sense of direction.
Billy:  What are you doing here?
Mindy:  (hanging proudly by Morgan's side, she explained to her partner why Morgan was here in hopes of clearing up his misdirected frustration) Billy, he's my date.  This is Morgan.
Billy: Oh, I know who he is.  Clearly it is you that is uninformed.
Mindy:  Billy!  (She backed away from Morgan's side, taken aback by Billy's shortness with her.  Billy, however, was too charged up by the sight of Morgan to even hear her soft whisper)
Billy:  Come on Morgan, why don't you open that trap of yours?  Tell my business partner who you really are.  (Confusion mounting, Mindy looks from Billy to her date, who makes no feeble attempt to speak)

Meanwhile, near the back of the ballroom, Widlin and her father remained seated across their table while she tried to validate his motives for wanting to reconnect with Kyle again.  Considering it all came about in light of her trying to get him off her case, she hoped he was on the level.
If you're not serious about making amends with Kyle, I'm asking that you stop whatever game you're playing right now.
Alexander:  Sweetheart, I am serious.  I want this family to be whole again.  (Widlin couldn't help, but wonder when it was ever whole.)  Things are just proving a little difficult with your brother.
Widlin:  Are you really that surprise?  All these years, you've treated Kyle like something you've scraped off the bottom of your shoe.  It's going to take a lot more than words and expensive gifts to fix that.
Alexander:  You don't think I know that?  I know that I have a lot of making up to do with your brother.  (he glanced up toward Lacreasha and Kyle, who were in deep conversation)  Of course, it would be a lot easier if his fiancee wasn't around playing guard dog.  (he then whispered to himself in a creepy monotone, but clearly not quietly enough) Perhaps I should do something about that.  (Needless to say, Widlin didn't like the sound of it at all)
Widlin:  What is that suppose to mean?
Alexander:  It's nothing.
Widlin:  Really?  Like it was nothing when you decided to break up me and Darron?
Alexander:  You were too good for the likes of Darron Wolek.  That is why he ended things with you.
Widlin:  ("No Remorse, not one bit," she thought)  I do not want to hear your rationalization.  (The acceleration of her voice clearly indicated she was still sore about his involvement in her and Darron's break-up.  So much so, that it boiled over into her final remarks)  I will give you a word of advice.  Do not make the same mistake of coming between Kyle and the woman he loves because it is you who will wind out in the cold.  (She quickly stepped away from the table, not caring to indulge herself in his company any longer)

Kyle:  (as he stood atop the second floor, his hands clutch the air above him, as if trying to grab on to whatever was sending him on this emotional rollercoaster)  I don't know what's come over me.  I don't know what's going on.  For years, I would feel content in hating that man because he was vile, irrehensible, disgusting person.  (The adjectives flew from his lips, starving for the conviction that comes in his utterance of them)
Lacreasha:  Then he throws words like "truce" and "son" around and you feel...
Kyle:  I feel... (he could feel the words, but he couldn't describe it.  Or maybe he didn't want to describe it)  I don't know damn it.  I don't know what I feel.  (He stared out a no fix point as he tried to break down the thoughts running through his head)  I see his face and I remember the coldness of his heart.  I remember the fatherless father's days.  (He looked to her for a moment before turning away)  I remember wishing I could be darker like him.  (he suddenly found himself laughing at himself as he took this unpleasant stroll down memory lane)  That's the father I remember.  (It sounded pretty accurate to Lacreasha, but she knew her confirmation would do little to ease her fiance's confusion, so she just continued to stand next to him while he attempted to sort out the scramble messages in his head)  I never felt loved once by that man.  So why does he get to drop into my life and remind me of all the reasons I should hate him?
Lacreasha:  "Should?"  (The simple little modifier resounded in her head.  How could one little word in the English language make so much difference?  She wouldn't have believed it if she hadn't heard it from his own lips, but it was clear.  Somewhere deep down, some part of her fiance cared for that monster, and that deeply concerned her.  The thought of Alexander Pierre being immersed in their lives for the next 20 years to life gave her rocky hands the chills)

As the chorus to Jordan Sparks "No Air" played throughout the ballroom, Sandy Reynolds watched Darron and Juliet glide across the dance floor.  From far away, one might assume it was the music accentuating their actions, but a closer look, and any fool could see the sparks that emitted between them.  Such raw intensity -- it was ashame she let her one chance slip right through the cracks.
Romain:  Teeth rottening, huh?
Sandy:  That's a nice way to put it.
Romain:  Why don't we show them how its done?
Sandy:  Well, I suppose it would be rude not to dance.  (Romain extended his hand out toward her while she briefly considered the pros and cons.  When she failed to see anything pass the sheer fun and freedom of it all, which was within the first minute, she placed her hand in Romain's care.  The two then made their way onto the dance floor, sliding in right next to Darron and Juliet.  As Chris Brown's "Take You Down" drawed in, other guests started to populate the floor)

Man:  So are you all here to take a gander into the magic chamber?
Malina:  Yeah.
Man:  (Finally, he would be able to show some guests to the magic chamber)  Right this way.  (Malina and the group proceeded to follow when the man turned back suddenly) Oh, one of you wouldn't happen to be Shaquanna Nichols, would you?
Shaquanna:  (her eyes blazed forward at the seemingly nice man as she made a quick mental sketch of his profile.  Was this the man who had been sending her the threats?)  I'm Shaquanna.
Man:  (he moved passed Malina and Anton without any word as he made his way over to Shaquanna, who's hands remained clutched to her purse while a fit of nerves rattled her inner core.  It felt like any minute now, her heart could just give.  That feeling accelerated as the man approached and went to draw something out of his rght vest pocket)  I have something for you.  (As his hands returned to her sight, she saw another note)  An older gentleman left this for you.  He said you would know what it means.  (Shaquanna was hesitant to take it, but with all eyes on her, she had to retain her composure)
Shaquanna:  Thank you.  (a slight tremble in her voice went unnoticed by all but her as she opened the note)
Malina:  Another "Get well soon" note?  (She inquired, although still skeptic that the first note her friend received had anything to do with best wishes)
Shaquanna:  (she smiled cordially as the letter suggested, although it became more difficult as she read on) No.
Leigh:  (moving toward Malina, Beau followed behind Leigh as she inspected the raw emotions coming over Shaquanna's face as she read the note)  I know that look.  I think it's a love note.

Note from Secret Messenger

"Smile.   You're being watched...  Good."

"Now listen carefully.  You are to enter the magic chamber with your friends as intended.   Once inside, you will continue along the maze until you reach a fork in the path.  Make sure that you are the last one in line so that you may turn in the opposite direction as your friends.  I'll be waiting for you at the end."

"Remember, keep smiling."

"Oh, and P.S.  I took the liberty of disposing of that gun in your purse.  I don't think we need any more violence, do you?"

Shaquanna looked in her purse, hoping her secret messenger was bluffing.  He wasn't.  The gun was gone, but how?!
Malina:  Shaquanna?  You ready?
Shaquanna:  (she looked up to see that Beau, Leigh, Kelley and Diana had skipped ahead of her and made their way inside the chamber)  Yeah, I'll be there in a minute.  (Malina smiled before turning back to join Anton and the others while Shaquanna examined the surroundings around her with a heavy eye.  But all she could see was wall to wall concrete.  Wherever that bastard was, he wasn't about to make her quest any easier and she couldn't very well risk worrying the others, so she picked up her gear and followed her friends into the magic chamber...)



Robin:  (As she and Sherri make their way out of the ladies room, the blaring music that embraced their ears was a dead giveaway that the party had not ended.  In fact, things seemed to be picking up quite nicely)  Wow, it's starting to look like a party in here.
Sherri:  Yeah.  (She remarked sadly as she saw all the dancing couples)  We better take the side exit to avoid being malled.
Robin:  Good idea.
Romain:  (huddled closely to her) Don't look now, but your ex- and his wife are behind us.
Sandy:   What? (Her body stiffened at the thought of being so close to Mitchell and his new wife)  You've got to be kidding me.
Romain:   Not something I'd joke about.
Sandy:  Oh great.  Just what I need, a run-in with my ex- on the ballroom floor.
Romain: (a sly grin encroached his face) Just stick close to me, and you'll be fine.  (Sandy didn't question him, obliging his request as she moved in closer, their bodies now on top of one another as the music commenced)
Jay:  (leaning over both their seats)  How are the two prettiest woman in the room?
Sherri:  I think you mean one.  (She took a sip of her wine)  There is nothing special about me.
Jay:  That's not true.  (he turned his attention toward her while Robin looked on from her seat)  You continue to represent Mercy Hospital with class and professionalism, and you chose to come here tonight to support me and my wife.
Robin:  He's right.  From where we're standing, you'd be any man's prize.
Sherri:  Thank you both.

While most of the guests busied themselves on the dance floor, Garrett and Brian made their way over to the bar to see Ben Hemmings and Samantha Keller Lombard's memorial candles up close.  There was already an array of signatures and sweet sayings on both cards, although Samantha's appeared to be winning by a slight edge.  As Garrett glanced over them for some idea what to say, she came up empty.
I'm not even sure what to write.  (The fact that music was practically blaring in one of her ears didn't help matters)  I didn't even know them.
Brian:  You want to know a secret.  I don't think half the people here did either, not really.
Garrettlyn:  It makes you wonder if you really know anyone?
Brian:  I think so.  Sometimes it might take a little longer than you like, but I believe its possible.
Garrettlyn:  (his words inspired her to think of a time when she did feel whole, and that's when the message came flooding through her as she inscribed it onto the two cards that lay before her"Missed opportunities are the ones that we have yet to acquire.  I hope that you find solitude in knowing that the opportunity wasn't missed by you."
Brian:  Wow, that's deep. 
Garrettlyn:  Yeah, I thought so, too.  It was an old saying that I remembered from when I was at the orphanage.
Brian:  You were in an orphanage?
Garrettlyn:  (she smiled cordially) See?  You learn something new.

Mindy:  (growing tired of the subtle innuendos)  What is going on?
Morgan:  Billy and I have met, under rather unpleasant circumstances, which is why he does not want me here.  I'm Luxury Industries new CEO.
Mindy:  Oh.  (Sure, the news came as a slight shock, but she failed to see what the big deal was) Well, I knew you were some bigshot.  LI's pretty up there.  I don't see the issue.
Billy:  (quick to explain) Well, think about it Mindy.  You're dating the CEO of one of our major shareholders in Fantasy Inc., a company he has cut funding to.  This is a man that knows all about Crystal and I, and our history in Chicago.  (Billy could sense the wheels beginning to turn in Crystal's head as her eyes gravitated toward him)  So ask yourself how it is that he winds up next to one of our partners?  Coincidence?
Morgan:  (fortunately, he had prepared himself for this allegation.  He just had to remain reasonably upset, yet unrehearsed in his response)  I had no idea that Mindy was a partner in your company.  My research was solely based on Fantasy Inc., which is why I knew about the scandal in Chicago.  There is no mention of Mindy in relation to Fantasy.
Mindy:  That's right.  I wanted to get involve with Fantasy, but that sort fell to the wayside after the shooting.
Crystal:  (she was beginning to have some suspicions about the guy, but she had to admit)  She's right.  She and Alfonso had to focus their efforts on running the restaurant.
Billy:  It's an articulate explanation, I'll give you that.  But I don't believe it, and I don't believe in coincidences.  Mr. Hysterias knew exactly who you were.
Morgan:  You'd see horns on my head no matter what I said.  The truth is that you are still angry because I made a sound business decision that you didn't agree with.

Leigh:  Ugh, what's that smell?  (She covered her nose in effort to protect it from the unholy smell that surrounded the place)
Beau:  It smells like someone sprinkled sewage water over the place.
Malina:  According to the sign a few minutes back, we're in the nose dive.
Leigh:  Yeah, well, I wish we could take a nose dive into a different direction.  There's nothing magical about this smell.
Kelley:  How about that?  (he pointed ahead to the fork in the maze.  The group might have been surprise, but this had been the moment Shaquanna was dreading.  She was to somehow ditch Malina and the others without them noticing.  Then travel through a maze of God knows what to a man she didn't even know.  And how the hell did he get ahold of her gun?  She had her purse with her the whole time!)
Malina:  Shaquanna, do you agree?  (She shouted out to her from the front of the pack)
Shaquanna:  Huh?
Malina:  We go right.  Hopefully away from the smell of sewage.
Shaquanna:  Yeah, I'm right behind you guys.
Malina:  Okay.  (The gang all continued to their right while Shaquanna decided the time was now to shift gears as she went off to the left, accelerating her speed down a path of cobb webs and silly string.  Hopefully, by the time anyone noticed she was missing, this nightmare would finally be over)

***Jay:  So, any luck with trying to make amends with your sister?
Sherri:  None.  (She remarked disappointedly)  Not that I'm given much of a chance, she avoids all my phone calls.
Jay:  Well, she can't avoid you forever.   If push comes to shove, maybe you should just go to her.
Sherri:  I've thought about that, but I really think it would be better if the visit was welcomed.  If she's avoiding my phone calls, I think it says a lot about how she's feeling right now.
Robin:  (finding it difficult to understand how Sandy could be putting off settling the issue between her and Sherri.  Maybe it was because they just lost Samantha, but Robin really had no tolerance for people making such poor use of the time they had left with their loved ones)  I think it says a lot about her maturity level.  You've made a mistake, and you're going to extra mile to correct it.  The least she should do is give you the benefit -- Oh.  (She suddenly crunched down over her midsection, exciting Jay into a tear across the table.  However, by the time he fell to her side, she was already coming up for air)
Sherri:  You okay?  (She inquired, her chair pulled in closer)
Robin:  Yeah, I'm fine.  The baby just surprised me is all.
Jay: (realizing it was another round of his son's daily hi-jinks, he smiled in relief)  I guess he agrees with you.
Sherri:  Well, I'm not giving up just yet.  (She looked out toward the dance floor as the late 90's hit, "Don't Speak" by No Doubt, rallied up the dancers)  I'm hopeful that Sandy and I -- that bitch.

Juliet:  (as she wrapped both of her hands around his neck, she mimicked the lyrics to song)  I love this song.
Darron:  Yeah, it is beautiful.  Quite like you actually.  (he kissed her like no one else in the room matter while his ex stood frozen in the background.  Her father was quick to intrude on her moment of self-indulgence)
Alexander:  Honey, why are you torturing yourself like this?
Widlin:  (she remarked faintly and annoyed) Not now father.
Alexander:  (but as usual, he had to drive the stake in further)  Sweetheart, Darron Wolek has moved on.  Maybe it's time you do the same.
Widlin:  Like you have?  How's moving on working for you knowing that Akeira is in some far away continent with your son?
Alexander:  That's a low blow.
Widlin:  Well, maybe now you can understand that just because something is true doesn't make it any easier to accept.
Alexander:  But there's a difference.  My son didn't leave me willingly.  Darron did.  ("Were those words seriously coming out of his mouth?"  She could not believe his gall.  Was this the life she had such a difficult time throwing away?)
Widlin:  You're right dad.  Darron left me because I couldn't make a choice.  A choice that seems so insignificant right now.  (she paused while his demeanor remained unflinching, unaffected)  It's really my own fault.  I was the fool.
Alexander:  Honey?  (She pulled away from his touch)
Widlin:  Just leave me alone.  (And she was off into the distant, leaving Alexander to watch Darron and Juliet twirling around the dance floor)

Kyle:  (he watched her caressing a strand of her hair while overlooking the bannister to the party commencing downstairs.  Judging by the look of things, no one seemed to care that they had flown the coup.  He moved toward his fiancee, taking a seat adjacent to her)  You've been quiet.
Lacreasha:  I've just been thinking of the right thing to say.
Kyle:  I settled for what's on your mind right now.  (That's why she had remained quiet.  She didn't want to risk her emotions about Alexander Pierre getting the best of her.  After all, she knew it was hard for Kyle to even open up about those feelings regarding his father)
Lacreasha:  (she takes a heavy sigh before speaking)  I understand how you feel about Alexander.  I can see that you're torn between the man you've come to know as Alexander -- (there is a subtle turn of her stomach as she remarks his name again) -- and the one you see as your father.  I think you need to remind yourself each and every day that Alexander has had over 20+ years to be a father, and remember how he's utilized them.  Being a father is not about genetics or biology.  It's about compassion-- human deceny and I'm sorry, I just feel that is something he lacks.
Kyle:  So you think I would be a fool to consider his truce?
Lacreasha:  I could never see you as a fool, but I don't trust Alexander's motives.  Why now?  Why is this happening now?
Kyle:  Isn't it possible that he's on the level?
Lacreasha:  (This is a man that slings mud for a living and calls it news...) Kyle, I--  (she shook her head no, choosing not to answer any further)
Kyle:  (but it was answer enough for Kyle, and it infuriated him to think that Alexander was simply toying with him for some unknown purpose) What could he want?  What on earth could I possibly give him?

Billy:  (choosing not to dignify Morgan's allegations that this was somehow personal)  You're on my turf now and I don't want you here.  (Billy forcibly pushed his hands against Morgan's chest, propelling his nemesis body toward the door)  So get the hell out.
Mindy:  Billy.  Morgan is my guest and I'm a partner in this restaurant, so I have as much say in who stays and who goes as you do.
Billy:  You're defending this man after learning that he's the reason Fantasy is non-existent.
Mindy:  It was a business decision.  It had nothing to do with any illwill toward any of us.  (Crystal glanced over at Morgan as Mindy's words resonated in her head.  She wasn't sure what it was about him, but something didn't feel right)
Billy:  You know what.  I'm not going to argue anymore.  We have an event to host.  When you're doing catering to your date, you can join us.  (Billy then marched of toward the bar area while Mindy looked on in awe.  He needed to down a shot like something major.)
Mindy:  Crystal?
Crystal:  (her eyes met Mindy's aimlessly.  She, herself, wasn't sure exactly what was going on, but it was a rare occurence for her to see Billy that angry)  I-- I'm going to go check on Billy.  You-- two enjoy your evening.  (Mindy could tell by the slight stutter in her words, not to mention how fast she retreated from their sight, that Crystal was simply being amiable)
Morgan:  That was swell.
Mindy:  It surely wasn't how I envisioned our evening getting started.
Morgan:  Well, the night isn't over yet.


Sherri:  I don't believe it.  I see it, but I don't believe it.  (She watched as Sandy and Romain rested in each other arms, slow dancing to a song riddled with echoes of betrayal)
Robin:  Maybe we should leave.
Sherri:  No, I'm not going to give them the satisfaction.  (She continued to gawk at them as they waltzed across the ballroom floor like the new it couple)  It's no wonder she hasn't picked up her phone.  She doesn't give a damn.  She's too busy prancing around Romain.
Jay:  Sherri, it's possible that their here as friends.
Sherri:  The fact that she is here with him at all when she knows how I feel is what hurts.  But once again, I'm forced to face the sad fact that the only person she cares about is herself.  (Sherri looked back to see Sandy walking back with Darron and Juliet toward a table.  Romain was now no where in sight)

Juliet:  Uh, I'm wiped.  (She reclined back against her chair, taking a deep breath)
Sandy:  Tell me about.
Darron:  How about I get you ladies something to drink?
Juliet:  A water would be great, and maybe a slice of lime on the side.
Sandy:  Vodka Tonic.  Thanks Darron.
Darron:  No problem.  I'll be back.
Juliet:  So where did Romain rush off to?
Sandy:  He got a call.  I think it was the hospital.
Juliet:  Oh.  So are you two like-- you know, dating?
Sandy:  Oh no.  I mean, Romain's a great guy, but my life's complicated enough as it is.  Yours, however, looks pretty damn good.
Juliet:  Yeah, Darron is wonderful.
Sandy:  And?
Juliet:  And you know.  When things are going too well, your mind starts to work overtime.
Sandy:  Well, I think you snagged one of the few good ones left in this town, so you have nothing to worry about.
Widlin:  (taking her drink from the bartender, she made an abrupt turn and to her surprise, a strange, yet wonderful light shined upon her) Oh, sorry.
Darron:  (for a second, he had forgotten they weren't strangers) No worries, we stopped in time.  How are you?
Widlin:  I didn't think you still cared.  (After all, she hadn't heard from him since the breakup, and the only time they seem to see one another was by accident)
Darron:  We were friends before everything got so messed up.  Of course, I care.
Widlin:  I'm fine.  Just working through some family issues.
Darron:  (he knew exactly what that meant)  Old man still grating your nerves?
Widlin:  Of course.  (The both shared a lighthearted laugh)  So how have you been?
Darron:  Good.  (he shook his head, maybe a few more times than necessary.  He just felt a little weird talking to his ex- when his current girlfriend was only a couple feet away) Things are good with me.
Widlin:  Yeah, you look happy.
Darron:  Well, the two ladies I have waiting won't be if they don't get their drinks soon.
Widlin:  Oh, go.  (She shooed him way understandably, although part of her knew he was trying to get away from her.  She wasn't about to stick around for further humiliation)  It was nice talking with you.  (She then scampered away before Darron could say whatever it was on the tip of his tongue)
Darron:  Yeah.

Malina stayed clutched to Anton as they walked through the dimly-lited section of the maze.  She coudln't believe she allowed herself to be punked out by some flimsy little skeletons with mobile arms.  Although she had to admit that the shifting eyes in the painting was pretty neat.  It was like right out of one of those spy films.  At least she could take solace in knowing she wasn't the only one spooked thus far this evening.  I mean, the look on Beau's face when one of those skeletons tugged at his leg from a secret panel beneath the floor was priceless.  As Leigh bound the next corner with Kelley and Diana trekking behind, she saw what had Anton and Malina in a goofy stupor.  They had indeed reached the crazy mirrors section of the maze as they saw their reflections contorted in ways that would see the end to the world of cosmetology.  Malina glanced at everyone's reflection in the mirror and she noticed something, which prompted her to do an abrupt turn around.
Malina:  Where's Shaquanna?
Kelley:  (last he knew, she was right behind him and Diana, but when he looked back)  She was right behind us.
Diana:  Could she have fallen through a trap door?
Malina:  I think we would heard her scream.
Kelley:  But remember, those trap doors were in the maniacal section.  You couldn't hear anything over that annoying laughter.
Leigh:  Plus, we're wagering she even had enough time to scream.
Anton:  It's possible she's playing a trick.  Trying to punk us.
Malina:   I don't know.  I don't have a good feeling.  (she turned to Anton) We should go back.
Leigh:  and I was just getting back my sense of smell.

Brian:  I find it interesting that you never mentioned the orphange.
Garrett:  Well, it never really came up and it's not exactly something one brags about.  It was a difficult time.
Brian:  Yet you remember that saying.
Garrett:  Yes, the one bright spot-- Sister Marly Aggison.  She had this soft, lyrical voice.  She loved to read, especially fairytales.  On those hard days, and there were a lot, when I questioned why I was at the orphanage, she would say: "My Dear, missed opportunities are the ones that we have yet to acquire.  Find solitude in knowing that the opportunity wasn't missed by you."  (She could see that Brian was still confused to actual meaning of the saying, so she elaborated)  Quite simply, it was her way of saying that my parents didn't realize the opportunity they were giving away, and that I should find peace in knowing that the loss was their's, not mine.
Brian:  Wow.  Do you still keep in contact with her?
Garrett:  No, she passed away shortly before I left the orphanage.
Brian:  I'm sorry.
Garrett:  So am I, but if it wasn't for my parents giving me away, I wouldn't have even known her.
Brian:  Yeah, a lot of things might have been different had I not come to Hallandale.
Garrett:  (she could tell he was thinking about Jennifer again)  You should really go talk to her.
Brian:  and what would I say?
Garrett:  A simple greeting is usually a good start.  (she glanced over at the table where Jennifer and Romeo had previously been seated)  Looks like the people upstairs agree with me.  She's alone.  No Romeo in sight.  It doesn't get any better than that.  (Brian glanced over and saw that Jennifer was indeed seated alone.  Although there was no telling how long that might last.  Maybe Garrett was right.  Maybe now was the time for him to act...)

Leigh:  Oh God, my ears.  (The cackling echoed so loudly through the maze that one could feel the ground and walls trembling)
Beau:  (pulling Leigh back toward him, he directed her around the trap door in the ground)  Be careful, I think there was a trap door around here.
Anton:  (he mumbled to himself as he followed behind them)  He would remember.
Beau:  What was that?
Malina:  (stopping along the walls, she shouts over the cackles with annoyance)  Oh, would  you both not get into an argument right --
Anton:  (without warning, her voice was cut off)  Malina?  Where did she go?
Kelley:  She was just right by that wall.
Malina:  (as she flew onto the other side of the wall, she realized the maniacal laughter had stopped.  She must have hit a secret lever.  Could this have been where Shaquanna disappeared?)  Shaquanna?  Shaquanna!  (Nothing, but silence she heard)
Leigh:  Did you hear that?
Anton:  What?
Leigh:  (she tried listening for it again, but all she could hear now was the cackles of that ridiculous tape recorder.  How she would love to find it and introduce it to her friend the hammer)  It's gone.  I thought I heard someone.
Kelley:  From the walls?  (he inquired skeptically)
Anton:  It could be Malina.  (he started patting down the wall where Malina was last seen)  Start feeling around, there has to be a secret ejector somewhere.  (What a night this was turning out to be, Anton thought.  Would there even be time for a surprise proposal now that the magic chamber was a complete joke)

***Crystal:  (scanning her laptop manner while Billy continued to stare blankly at his empty vodka glass)  We're getting lots of interesting suggestions for names to call this place.
Billy:  That's great.  (his tone was very lack luster)
Crystal:  You're still bothered by that Morgan guy?
Billy:  I'm sorry.  There's just something about him that I can't put my finger on.  (Crystal wondered if she should share with him the vibe she got while they were talking, but with him all tensed up as is, she decided against it.  Hoping that drama would die down for the night)

Sandy:  Hello stranger, glad you decided to rejoin us.
Romain:  Sorry, you know hospitals.
Sandy:  Of course, I'm just teasing.
Romain:  So did I miss anything?
Sandy:  Not much, we were just debating on whether or not we should check out the infamous magic chambers.
Juliet:  Yeah, my feet are still tired.  I'm not sure I'm really up for walking around a maze.
Darron:  Neither am I.  I would settle for another drink and then calling it a night.  (he winked at Juliet)
Juliet:  Sounds good to me.  (Sandy smiled at their attempt to remain cordial.  She knew the night would be far from over for those two once they left this place)
Sandy:  Uh huh.  (She then turned to Romain) So what about you, doctor?
Romain:  I'm up for whatever you want.
Sandy:  Well, I could do without seeing the magic chamber, but I did to stick around for the new name unveiling.  Of course, God knows how long that will take.  Plus, I hear their might be fortunes told later.
Juliet:  Fortunes?  As in this is what the future holds for you?
Sandy:  Yeah.  Not a fan?
Juliet:  I never really had one.  Might be an interesting experience.
Darron:  I think that depends on the fortune.
Sandy:  Worried what the spirits might convey, Darron?
Darron:  No.  I'm just saying its not all fun and games.  You should know.
Juliet:  I sense a story.
Sandy:  (she couldn't believe she forgot about her previous encounter with a fortuneteller)  I received a rather discerning fortune about a year or so ago.  Needless to say, a lot of things changed after it.

Sherri:  (the rain was easing up as Sherri, Robin and Jay made their way down the black carpet toward the parking lot)  Thank you both for dragging me out of there.
Robin:  No problem.
Jay:  Yeah, what are friends for?  Plus, it wouldn't look good for our PR Director to be caught in another tongue lashing with her sister and ex- boyfriend.
Sherri:  Yeah, and I would just come off more desperate than I already am.
Robin:  Don't let your sister or your ex deteriorate who you are.  It is there lost, not yours.
Sherri:  Can we just get out of here?
Jay:  Yeah, let's go.

It was like taking baby steps again.  He put one foot continuously in front of the other and miracle of miracles, he made it over to Jennifer's table.  Now he would just have to find the words to speak.  Of course, there was no manual for that, at least not one he could grab in the next second.
Brian:  Hi Jennifer.  (His voiced sanged like a sweet melody that her ears had long missed.  It sounded like him, but it couldn't be.  Could it?  She turned swiftly in his direction, her hair tossing delicately across her shoulder and onto the strap of her dress, further accentuating the curve of her neck.)
Jennifer:  Brian?!  (she rejoiced, surprised to see him standing before her)  You're back.

Anton:  Any luck?
Leigh:  No, I can't see anything.
Kelley:  Me neither.
Anton:  Ugh.  This is ridiculous.  (He banged his fist against the wall in frustration.  As he began to turn away, the wall started to shift)
Leigh:  Anton, look.  (Leigh pointed to the revolving wall in amazement)
Kelley:  Now that's magic.
Anton:  It's gotta be where Malina and Shaquanna got trapped.  Let's go.  (He moved in behind the wall without giving it a second thought.  Leigh and the others follow behind before the wall shifted, sealing them on the other side.  Beau and Leigh look back, hoping that it wasn't there only way out of the chamber)

Shaquanna never felt so tired in her entire life, but she had finally made it to the end of the tunnel.  How fitting that it should be shrouded in near darkness, like her whole sprint down there.  Why did her mysterious messenger insist on meeting inside the maze?  What did he want?  Clearly, it couldn't have been money or he would have made the demands already.  Or perhaps he wanted to meet her face to face before laying out all the terms.  Either way, it still didn't answer the million dollar question of why he wasn't there right now.  What if this was some kind of trap?  It probably wasn't too late for her to turn back.  As she started to turn back, a whirl of wind gusted through the area, curling up against her neck.  But it wasn't natural wind, that had a distinct feel to it.  Yet this also felt familiar.  That's when she turned back.  As she did, her body jolted.

Fear?  No.  Surprise?  Maybe.  Happiness?  No.  Anger?  Yes.  He stood before her strict and controlling as ever, their eyes no strangers to one another.  It all made sense now.

Matthew, Lacreasha, Sandy, and Romain

- Brock does not want his sister's help;
- Alexander demands Akeira takes him to his son;
- Malina gets to Shaquanna too late.



Click here for Episode 310