Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives": Summer of Seasonal Eruption
ø Worried his daughter's continued stay in Hallandale might put her secret at risk, Shaquil demanded she come home right away.  Little did he know that Shaquanna decided to take that liberty into her own hands when she healed a wounded Malina Ramirez following the Hallandale Weston shooting.  Unfortunately for Shaquanna, her father's fears were actualized when a secret messenger made it known that he/she knew Shaquanna's secret. (~)

ø After making amends with her mother and stepfather, Rochelle Desmores was rattled by recollections of the night of Leonard Stone's murder.  Although she tried to push them aside, the visions became even more intrusive over time.  Desperate for some answers, Rochelle scheduled an appointment with the one woman who could help her -- Kavina Shah.  (~)

ø GarrettLyn questioned whether or not Brian would be able to accept that Jennifer was with Romeo Sullivan now. (~)

ø Royce learned through the hospital rumor mill that Earl had been given an antidote that Samantha managed to secure shortly before her death.  Rattled by the news, Royce paid his old friend a visit.  Meanwhile, dreams of his wife being stranded at sea haunted Brock as he continued to work his way through his grief. (~)

ø Alexander advised his daugther to move on with her life now that it appeared that Darron had done the same with Juliet.

***Brian hated the feeling of indecisiveness and infamiliarity that swept over him as he made his way over to Jennifer's table, but it seemed to have become this norm response whenever he came into contact with the woman that he use to feel so free with.  Ever since the night he confessed he was in love with her, he had lost a sense of who he was.  More importantly, who he was with her.
Brian:  Hi Jennifer.  (His voice sung like a sweet melody that her ears had long missed.  It sounded like her old friend Brian, but it couldn't be.  "Could it?"  She turned swiftly in his direction, her hair tossing delicately across her shoulder and onto the strap of her dress, further accentuating the curve of her neck)
Jennifer:  Brian?!  (the titillation in her voice clearly indicating that she was surprise to see him)  I had no idea you were back.
Brian:  Yeah, I returned earlier this evening.  (he said, his heartrate still climbing)  Garrett insisted I escort her to this thing.
Jennifer:  Yeah, that's right.  (Her mind circling back to the run-in at the park that she and Garrett had the other day)  She mentioned she would be attending.  (There was a subtle pause as the elephant in the room suddenly crept in, but neither one of them had any intention of acknowledging it)  So, how was your trip?
Brian:  How's your job?  (They both let out a nervous chuckle at their simultaneous questioning, which alleviated Brian's nerves somewhat)  The trip was great.  You know, did a little mountain biking, kayaking across the river, saw a couple baseball games-- the usual stuff one does while in North Dakota.  (He would follow with what she's been up to, but he vaguely suspected that he already knew the answer to that.  Thankfully, she addressed his previous question)
Jennifer:  Well, my job isn't as interesting as kayaking across the river, but it's been exciting now that I'm finally getting a piece of the action.
Brian:  That's good.  I'm glad that's working out for you.
Jennifer:  Thanks.  (she smiled lightly as their eyes locked in place from sheer loss of conversation.  It felt like the invisible wave they had been riding had just dropped them ashore, leaving Jennifer feeling slightly uncomfortable to be looking quietly into the eyes of a man who was now in love with her.  It was then Brian realized he wasn't the only one who no longer felt secure in their interaction.  In fact, they were both undeniably grateful when a cocktail waitress passed by with a fresh tray of glasses)
Waiter:  Would either you care for a glass?
Jennifer and Brian:  Yes, please.  (Their hands reached in unison across the tray.  As Jennifer took hold of her drink, she hoped that her awkward situation wouldn't get any worse)

Alexander:  (shoving his way past a couple guests on the dance floor, he caught sight of his daughter just minutes from the exit)  Widlin.  (He called out in a rather authoritative manner, getting her attention, as well as everyone else in a 5-mile radius.  Noticing the room full of eyes, he quiet his voice when he approached his daughter, no telling who might be a undercover reporter)  Honey, I've been searching all over for you.
Widlin:  ("If only you could have searched elsewhere," she thought)  I'm fine, dad.  I'm just tired and would like to go home.
Alexander:  So you were going to leave without telling me?
Widlin:  ("Of course, it's all about you dad!"  She thought with annoyance)  Well, I think the days of me reporting my comings and goings to you have passed.
Alexander:  You're still upset with me for what I said about you and Darron?
Widlin:  As hard as this is for you to believe, all my actions don't revolve around you.  Good night.  (She swiftly turned from his sight as he called out after her once more.  His feet were about to do what his mouth had done when a familiar voice beckoned his attention)
Akeira:  The more things change, the more some people just stay the same.  (Alexander was floored to see her standing before him, cunning and radiant as ever.  The only woman he had been able to give his heart to after the death of his beloved Sasha, Widlin's mother.  The mother of the last offspring he would likely have)  Hello Alexander.  I here you've been looking for me.

(<- Springfield Lakes Resort :: Brock and Samantha's Place ->)
Ever since he verbally blamed her for Samantha's death, Dana felt increasingly uncomfortable around her brother.  It was one thing for her to blame herself, but it was another to hear those words come from her own brother's mouth.  Whether or not he was of sound mind was irrelevant.  The words were said.  Therefore, they had to mean something.  As she stood over her brother's kitchen counter pouring tea into a glass, she thought about how different her life was two days ago.  Sure, that feeling of dread still loomed in the air, but her family was safe-- happy.  A few short days ago, it was Matthew's family in a state of despair.  How quickly things changed.
Dana:  (squeezing a few drops of lemon juice into the drink, she took the glass and carried it over to her brother, who was staring inconsolably at the blank television screen)  I made you some tea.
Brock:  I don't want anything.  (he didn't even look at her -- "Was the sight of her too much for him to bear?"  she wondered)
Dana:  (extending the glass out toward him despite his refusal)  You really should keep your --
Brock:  (just like that, the sound of the glass hitting the carpet was heard as his hand swiftly knocked it from hers)  I said I don't want it.  (he bellowed as Dana knelt down in a state of shock, picking up the glass and fallen ice cubes.  She then rose to her feet and attempted to break through the wall that sat before her)
Dana:  If you change your mind, I placed a pitcher of tea in the fridge.  (There was no sound or movement from him, not even a nod or shaking of the head.  She was about to say something else when a knock sounded at the door.  She looked to see if he would make any movement to answer it, but he remained monolithic in front of the television.  When the knock echoed a second time, she made a loop around to the door)  Ralph.  I'm so glad you're here.  (she brought him off to the side as she closed the door, not that it made much of a difference.  Brock still seemed to be in his own little world)
Ralph:  (looking on at his brother as Dana pulled him into confidence) Is everything alright with Brock?
Dana:  I don't know.  He had this dream about Samantha still being alive, and ever since then, he's slowly being slipping in and out of himself.
Ralph:  I'm not surprise.  He's probably still in shock.
Dana:  Yeah.  Maybe it's just shock.  (Of course, in her mind, it was not only shock over the loss of his wife, but his sister's hand in that twist of fate as well)

But then, there were more hands than those of Dana Lombard's that contributed to the final nail in Samantha Keller Lombard's coffin.  As the dark, aimless figure roamed silently through the halls of Leysdale Hospital, slipping pass doctors and nurses to one fixed location, Samantha's death remained the fault of one man.  Gripping his strong, masculine hands over the door knob, he propped the door open before slowly creeping inside the warm room.  Yet the only thing he felt was a sense of coldness -- physically, mentally, and emotionally as he overlooked the machines that monitored the life forces moving through his former best friend's body.  It was a cruel testament to a life that saw no boundaries in his continued suffering.

"I mean, in what world does his sister die, and a Pryce live?"  How was Earl alive, and his sister dead?  "Earl was alive.  Samantha dead.  Earl was alive.  His mother dead.  Earl was alive.  His father dead.  Earl was alive.  His sister dead."  The reality of those words continued to cycle through Royce's head as his eyes turned icy blue.  If Earl could have picked a moment not to have awaken, now should have been it.

Staring into his nemesis brown, blinding eyes -- eyes that moved... eyes that shifted...eyes that actually opened when it closed -- it was like a dagger to his heart.  All he could see was his sister's lifeless corpse reflecting back at him through Earl's iris.  So Royce shifted his focus to Earl's heart monitor, only to have his ears permeated with the sounds of Earl's beating heart.  It was like nails to a chalkboard for Royce as he thought back to a few hours ago when he longed to hear the beat of his own sister's warm heart one more time.  Instead, he was graced with the maniacal churning of his enemy's heart, and it only grew louder.  Royce had to do something.  He had to shut it off.  He turned back toward Earl, who looked at him in surprise.  Royce could tell that he was the last person the murderous idiot expected to see, but he would be the last.

As quickly as he could, Royce lunged for Earl's throat, wrapping his strong hands tightly around the crevices of his enemy's neck, viciously squeezing the life from Earl as he gasped for his air.  Royced watched in joy as Earl's BP Level began to accelerate, knowing sudden death was right around the corner.  Earl searched Royce's eyes for mercy as he struggled to move his arms, but all he could see was a pit of darkness as Royce's grip grew tighter and tighter and Earl's will grew lighter.

(<- The Masquerade Gala :: Magic Chamber ->)
Mute.  Motionless.  Deafening silence.  It was all Malina Ramirez heard as she continued her descent through the maze in search of Shaquanna Nichols.  Of course, whether her friend was still in the maze was anyone's guess.  Couple that on with the fact that her jaunt through this sector of the maze had been so uneventful, she was starting to wonder what exactly she was heading to.  Maybe she shouldn't have left so soon before seeing if Anton and the others would discover the secret panel, but something inside her -- something instinctual told her she had to keep moving.

As Shaquanna started to turn back toward Malina and the others, a whirl of wind gusted through the area, curling up against her neck.  But it wasn't natural wind-- that had a distinct feel to it.  Yet this was familiar.  That's when she turned back, only to be jolted by the sight in front of her.  As he stood before her, strict and controlling as ever, their eyes were no strangers to one another.  It was him.  This onslaught of mystery and suspense had led her to him.  But then, was she really all that surprise?  He had never been too far behind.
Shaquanna:  You?  You!  (She bellowed with a mixture of amusement, disappointment and frustration)
Man:  Yes, my darling daughter.  I'm here to clean up the mess you made.  (Shaquanna sighed deeply as she was once again reminded that her father would always regard her  with nothing more than disappointment)

(<- Undisclosed Location ->)
Rochelle Desmores was relieved when she finally made it pass the security check.  There's nothing like being patted down and search to make one feel like a common criminal.  But if it meant getting some answers to her baffling recollections, then it was all worth it.
Receptionist:  Hi ma'am, may I see your ID?
Rochelle:  Yes.  (She grabbed it from her pocketbook and handed it to the receptionist)
Receptionist:  (scanning the patient visitation roster)  Rochelle Desmores.  You've scheduled a visit with Ms. Shah.
Rochelle:  Yes, Kavina Shah.  (Rochelle clarified unnecessarily as the receptionist made a phone call announcing to the individual on the other line that Kavina had a visitor.  The receptionist then entered some data into her computer before returning Rochelle's photo ID.  A moment later, a nurse came down the hall toward Rochelle)
Woman:  Hi, you must be Rochelle.  (she formulated as she extended her hand out)  I'm Dr. Flynn, Kavina's counselor.
Rochelle:  Oh--  (sealing the handshake) nice to meet you.
Woman:  I'll take you to Kavina.
Rochelle:  Thank you.  (She followed behind Dr. Flynn as the seemingly long stroll brought back visions of her being bound and gagged in Kavina's home; memories of her calling Dean Stone for help, only to discover that Kavina had severed the phone line; and visions of Royce and Kendall trying to stop Kavina from taking her own life once the truth hit the fan.  It all seemed like a lifetime ago.  A lifetime that she had long forgotten until now.  As she followed Dr. Flynn into the lightly painted green and blue quadrant, she saw one of the most tranquil scenes in a long time.  Kavina was sitting back along the couch, her long curly locks falling off to one side of her neck as she knitted some type of garment.  It looked like a t-shirt that you'd expect to find a young toddler.  It was moments like these that Dr. Flynn hated to interrupt, so she made sure too ease Kavina out of her zone gently, which usually involved lightly caressing Kavina's hands)
Dr. Flynn:  Kavina.  There is someone here to see you.  (It wasn't often Kavina received visitors.  After all, once you go on trial for murder, you sort of figure out who your real friends are.  However, the face staring back at her today was not one of the usuals, nor was it one she ever expected to see voluntarily ever again)  Would you like me to give you two some privacy?
Kavina:  Yes.
Dr. Flynn:  I'll be right outside the hall.  (As Dr. Flynn made her exit, Rochelle took a seat down next to Kavina)
Kavina:  (laying her garment and knitting material aside) This is certainly a surprise.
Rochelle:  This isn't a personal visit, Kavina.  At least not in the way that you might think.  (Truth be told, Kavina wasn't sure what to think.  She definitely felt a mix set of emotions seeing Rochelle in front of her today)  I need answers and you're the only one that can give them to me.

Mysteries of Our Lives Title Card

Royce's desire to end Earl's life grew with every muscle that contracted in his veins.  He could see that Earl was losing the will, he just had to keep at while his former childhood friend took every last starving breath for oxygen.   It was almost over.
Earl:  "What are you doing here?"  (he asked again, spooked by the sight of Royce hovering over his bed)
Royce:  I just had to see the injustice at work myself.  (Of course, true justice for Royce would have been renacting his dream, but he couldn't allow the one man he hated almost as much as he loathed Alexander Pierre to make him a murderer)
Earl:  Well, take a good look.  (he spitted) I'm alive.
Royce:  And what should I look for?  What remains of sad, miniscule existence?  A waste of space.
Earl:  Do you really have nothing better to do than stand here and rehash how much you hate me because God knows --
Royce:  You're damn right, I despise you.  (his tone was forceful and direct, compiled with a burning hatred that not even Earl realized the magnitude of.  Yet there was a freshness to the mixture that Earl couldn't placeYou and your family, a bunch of selfish bastards.  None of you give a damn about anyone else, but yourselves.  Well, let me tell you something.  You've taken the last thing from me.
Earl:  I have taken nothing from you.  (he raised his back up against his pillows, having heard enough from Royce)  News flash, you're not the only one who has lost parents.  As far as everyone in this town is concerned, including the authorities, your mother's death was a suicide.  So take your sob story or whatever this hell is and get out of my room.  (Both men's eyes locked with intensity as Royce made no effort to follow through with Earl's request)

(<- Springfield Lakes Resort :: Brock and Samantha's Place ->)
(walking over to his brother, Ralph knelt down beside Brock while Dana stood at a distance)  Brock.  Can you hear me?  (Brock doesn't answer, he doesn't even move)  Look, I'm not going to pretend to understand what you're going through.  It's unconscionable what happened.  But I'm here.  Dana's here.  (he nodded in her direction)  You still have people who care about you.
Brock:  (although he continued to look toward the blank television, his eyes now showed signs of life)  She's gone, Ralph.  My wife is gone.
Ralph:  I know.  (he placed his hand on his brother's shoulder.  Judging by the slight flinch of his eyes, Brock felt it)  But don't shut us out.  Let us help you.
Brock:  Why?  (For a month, Ralph thought Brock might be questioning why he should let them in, but it soon became apparant that was not the case)  Why is she gone?  Did I not show her enough how much I loved her?
Ralph:  We both know tragedies like these have no answers.  We just have to somehow find the strength, the will to go on.
Brock:  It's not we, Ralph.  It's not your wife laying in a morgue somewhere.  (he finally wavered his attention away from the television screen, looking straight into the eyes of his brother and sister)  It's mine. 

(<- Masquerade Gala ->)
Darron:   Whoa!
Widlin:  (her pumps came to a stop on the carpet as she nearly knocked into him again) Sorry, I didn't see you.
Darron:   Hey, no spills.  (he held up his hands in protest) No worries.
Widlin:  Well, it helps when you're not carrying any drinks.  (She laughed, finding him a little more at ease this time around)
Darron:  So are you hiding or making a run?
Widlin:  Well, you know me.  It's always a little of both.  (Her insides tickled knowing he was hanging on her every word)  I just think I've had enough of this shindig.  You?  (She knew it was a longshot that Darron had abandoned his date, but she had to ask or it would have nagged her all night)
Darron:  Just getting some fresh air.  We're probably going to stick it out til the end.
Widlin:  (We obviously meaning him and Juliet.  She had to face facts, Darron had moved on.  So perhaps her father was right.  Maybe it was time for her to the same)  Well, you enjoy.
Darron:  You, too.  Good night.  (Widlin gave him a smile before making her descent down the black carpet.  Darron watched with a bit of nostalgia, hoping she would find some peace tonight.  Meanwhile, Juliet tucked away her watchful eye and made her presence known to Darron)
Juliet:  There you are.
Darron:  (he turned, the feeling that he been caught with his trousers down lighting his face)  Hey.  I thought you were inside with Sandy and Romain.
Juliet:  What can I say?  I started to miss you.  (she gave him a peck on the cheek, trying hard to push the scene of Darron and Widlin out of her head.  After all, they were old friends and he was with her now)

Alexander:  Well, well, well.  Look what the street cat dragged in.
Akeira:  (she chuckled, taking note of his sarcasm) I've missed you, too.
Alexander:  Funny.  What are you really doing here?  (Akeira could tell by the way he tucked his nose at her that he still regarded her as dirt beneath his expensive shoes.  Her months in exile did little to erase the sins she committed.  Of course, it just made what she had to do all the more easier)
Akeira:  Well, I couldn't spend the rest of my life outsmarting your PI's.  I mean, it would be exciting, but that's no kind of life for Roy.
Alexander:  Roy?  Who is-- (he inquired before realizing that Akeira's girlish figure had return.  Had she given birth to their child?  He had another son.)
Akeira:  Roy is my son.
Alexander:  (too caught up in the news to notice her special emphasis on "my")  You had a boy?   We had a son?  (As Akeira watched him salivate over the news, she saw the man she had fell in love with long ago-- that was until he washed his hands of her)
Akeira:  (so she had no problem reminding him of the facts according to her)  No, I have a son.  Roy is no part of you.
Alexander:  It's my DNA running through his veins.  You can't deny that.
Akeira:  (if she were still eating, she might have had difficulty keeping her food down after that statement)  That's rich coming from you.
Alexander:  Where is he?  I want to see him.
Akeira:  Roy is a home with his sitter, and no, you may not see him.
Alexander:  Well, you surely don't think you can keep him away from me, do you?
Akeira:  Watch Me.

(<- Undisclosed Location ->)
  Answers?  I've been locked up in this prison for almost five months, so what answers would I have to give you?
Rochelle:  I'm remembering things about the night of Leonard's murder that I don't recall.
Kavina:  Again, I'm not sure what that has to do with me. (Kavina responded with little or no concern.  After all, she had been locked up at Springfield Correctional for five months and this was the first time Rochelle was coming to see her.  Of course, part of her really couldn't blame Rochelle after their last encounter, but the fact that she wanted Kavina to help her now after she tried to crucify her at the trial was like a double slap in the face)
Rochelle:  (a sting of annoyance rings in her voice)  Leonard's hotel room, the shooting, I was there and so were you.
Kavina:  That's impossible. (Kavina scoffed with bemusement, looking Rochelle dead in the eye as if cautioning her against boasting the lie any further, but Rochelle was not deterred)
Rochelle:  Then why am I'm getting these memory flashes, visions of that night.  Recollections of the gun going off.  I remember seeing Leonard's bloody corpse.  (Kavina cringes at Rochelle's mention of the word.  There was no way she would ever forget the sight of Leonard's bloody corpse.  She certainly did not need it thrown in her face)  I remember you trying to stop me from getting help.
Kavina:  (darting across the room, her voice became forceful as she iterated what she and Rochelle both "knew" to be true)  Rochelle, you're not making sense.  When I shot Leonard, I confronted him alone.  There was no one else in the room.
Rochelle:  But the memories, they seem so real.
Kavina:  (jumping in almost immediately, she trampled over any further doubts that might have solidified Rochelle's worries in that moment) Come on Rochelle, don't you think that if you were in Leonard's room that night you would have remembered something before now?  Clearly, this is brought on by some stress that you're dealing with.   (Kavina was certainly making her case considering Rochelle just recently learned that the man she loved for the greater part of her youth was her half-brother.  The stress of that reality surmounted every day, especially when she would see Dean)
Rochelle:  But why Leonard? Why his death and that night?  (Rochelle couldn't ignore the part of her brain that told her that something more was going on)  Something just does not feel right here.
Kavina:  Perhaps you should talk to a psychiatrist.   I'm not the one to interpret your dreams.
Rochelle:  I'm not crazy.  Something happened that night and you don't want me to remember.

***Brian:  (placing his glass aside) Do you think he noticed?
Jennifer:  What?
Brian:  The king size elephant standing between us.  I mean, I suppose it's my fault, really.
Jennifer:  Maybe this isn't the time to be discussing this.  (she really doesn't want to get into his feelings for her right now and hopes that mentioning Romeo's name, as callous of move it is, will deter him)  You should know that I'm here with Romeo tonight.
Brian:  (Truth be told, he didn't need to be reminded)  I know.  I saw you both earlier, but it doesn't change the way I feel.  Believe me, I tried like hell while I was away to block these feelings.  But I realized tonight that I can't run from them and I shouldn't have to.  There not wrong.
Jennifer:  I never said they were.  I just don't feel the same way.  (Or maybe she couldn't open herself to the prospect of doing so.  His feelings had already placed this invisible wall between them.  What if they became lovers and things didn't work out?  The situation could be far worse.  She needed Brian the friend more than Brian, the potential lover) 
Brian:  and I understand that, but we're both fooling ourselves if we think we can go back to the way things were.  We can't and I respect you far too much to live in that sort of denial.
Jennifer:  So what are you saying?  That it is impossible for us to even be friends?
Brian:  I don't think anything is impossible.  I just think for right now it's best we go our separate ways.

Romeo:  (as he made his way to the bar, he spied GarrettLyn twirling the straw in her drink)  Ms. Michaels, you're looking lovely as usual.  (Shifting his focus to the bartender momentarily, Garrett was surprised to find him taking a seat next to her)  I'll have a beer.
Garrettlyn:  Thanks Romeo.  (her eyes settled on him as she reclined slightly against her stool, folding her arms across her lap)  I must say you clean up rather nicely yourself.  (It was a little unsettling that she and Romeo were actually communicating like semi-friends, but perhaps that happens when you're involved in a near-death situation with someone)  So how are you enjoying the party?
Romeo:  (his face wrinkled with indifference)  Hmm... not my usual scene, but it's okay.  You know, I gotta prove to Jennifer that I can do this straight and narrow thing.  (he remarked as a petite, statuesque blonde female brushed up against him, giving him a wink when she knew she had diverted his attention.  She then made an effort to extend her backside out as she leaned over the bar counter to commandeer the bartender's attention)
Blonde Girl:  Sex on the beach.  Extra ice, please.  (Romeo blushed while Garrett looked on in awe of the woman's slutty obviousness)
Garrett:  How is that working out for you?  (she tried hard not to giggle when she noticed Romeo's turned head)
Romeo:  Well, you know, opportunity is everywhere.  But Jennifer has changed me.  (Before Garrett could respond further, Mindy Clarke's amplified voice carried over the room, demanding everyone's attention)

Mindy:  Good evening, everyone.  For those of you who don't know, I'm Mindy Clarke.  I just want to take this opportunity to remind you that the voting booths will be closing soon.  So if you wish to take part in naming this fabulous place, don't forget to write in your suggestions.  Also, for those looking for a little psychic guidance, Clairvoyant Delfina is here and will be performing readings in the back.  (As some of the guests turn their heads to get a peak at Mrs. Delfina, Darron and Juliet find themselves in the middle of their focal point as they make their way toward their table.  Sandy and Romain fill them in on what's going on while Mindy wraps up her five minutes of fame.  As Billy watches Morgan rally around her like an old fan, he wonders if he shouldn't be at Mrs. Delfina's table himself)
Billy:  Perhaps I should get a reading.  Maybe Mrs. Delfina can tell me what the deal is with Morgan Hysterias.
Crystal:  Why settle for her when you have me?
Billy:  What?  Did you pick up a vibe from him?  (The thought that she might have something on Morgan erased all his misgivings about her psychic connection in that moment)
Crystal:  Nothing specific, which is why I didn't mention it earlier.  But I did get the feeling that he was holding something back.
Billy:  The million dollar question is what.  (He looked away from Crystal and onto the ballroom floor, where he spied Morgan and Mindy talking)

Brian:  Did you vote on a name yet?
Don't change the subject.  (she wasn't the least bit concerned about whatever Mindy Clarke got up on stage about, she was only hearing over and over again Brian's suggestion that they go their separate ways)  You're the last person I expected to turn their back on me.
Brian:  That's not what I'm doing.  I just think we both need time to adjust to what's going on between us.
Jennifer:  (her words blunt and forceful, she was no longer able to hold back her frustration that this was all happening because Brian woke up and decided he was in love with her) There is nothing going on between us and clearly that's the problem.
Brian:  You know me better than that.  (The mere suggestion that he was doing this out of spite was enough to color his whole disposition)  This is not some decision I'm making out of spite and you cannot expect me to sit by unaffected and watch you and Romeo continue to try to recapture your high school years.
Jennifer:  Romeo and I are not living in the past.  In fact, we are trying to move past our mistakes.
Brian:  Well, I hope that works out for you because you're going to need all the luck you can get.  Excuse me.  (Brian trailed off, his cold dismissal leaving a stale taste in Jennifer's mouth.  As she stood there trying to decipher what just occured, she was shaken by the unexpected hands of her date as he wrapped them around her tense shoulders)
Romeo:  Hey, you alright?  (She turned briefly to see Romeo, but she couldn't even answer or keep her focus as her attention wavered back to Brian, who raced back to his table, feeling a flood of emotions all at once.  Garrett could tell by the look on his face that things did not go well)
Garrett:  What happened?
Brian:  I told her we should keep some distance.  Considering the way we left things, maybe that was for the best.

It was times like these that Malina wish she had carried a portable flashlight.  The technicians who built this maze really got creative, luring unsuspecting participants with the gift of silence, only to have it desecrated by the sound of rattling chains.  After her little adventure on the right side of the maze, Malina paid special attention to the floors to ensure some horrible gruesome wasn't waiting to jump out of some hidden trap door, but that became more difficult as she went further into what seemed like a dark abyss.  When the rattling stopped, she knew things couldn't be good.
(If someone asked Shaquanna Nichols the one thing she wished for more than anything, she would told them not to have been raised a "Nichols")  I cannot believe that you are the one behind all of this.
Shaquil:  and I can't believe you could do something so reckless.
Shaquanna:  I was saving a woman's life, or does that only matter when your perfect nephew is doing it?!
Shaquil:  (Shaquanna was not wrong to believe that her father put Greg on a higher pedestal than his own daughter.  He never approved of her choice to become a self-made entrepreneur, but it was because like most of her decisions, it lacked consideration into the longterm obstacles)  The problem is that you jumped into the middle of that situation without thinking.  What if someone inside that hotel had saw what you did?  Security Cameras?  Did you even think about what they would capture?  And what's going to happen when this Malina woman decides you're no longer worth keeping this secret for?  (As Malina continued her stroll through the maze, she wondered how much more ground she had to cover.  She had to have been down on this side of the maze for at least half an hour.  So why hadn't she seen or heard -- Malina train of thought was interrupted by what appeared to be two voices clamoring.  It sounded like a man's voice, but there was no one in her clear vicinity ahead.  Yet the voices were somewhat audible)
Shaquanna:  Malina is a friend, perhaps the only one that I have left in this town.  She is grateful that I stepped in and saved her from bleeding to death.
Malina:  "Shaquanna?"  (She could hear her friend.  It sounded like she was talking to someone about the shooting, but who?  Why?  Maybe she was getting closer to finding Shaquanna)
Shaquil:  She is now, but will she be grateful once she realizes the extent of your decision?  (Shaquanna does not answer immediately) You have told her about the possible side effects, haven't you?
Shaquanna:  I know what I'm doing, Dad.
Malina:  (trying to decipher the communication channel she just became privy too)  "Side affects?  Her dad?  She's talking to her father?"  (It sounded like they were right around the corner, but signs of life were non-existent.  Malina was beginning to get a strange feeling, which worsened when she lost ear sight of Shaquanna and her father.  Did she pass them somehow?  Were they in the maze?)
Shaquanna:  I've been living in this town for years without your guidance.  I don't need to be rescued.
Shaquil:  Clearly... (for a few tiny seconds, it seemed like he was finally giving her some validation, but that's all it was, a few seconds of appeasement)  You have not thought about the repercussions of your actions for yourself, our family or your friend.

(<- Leysdale Hospital :: Earl's Room ->)
What?  Why are you still here?
Royce:  Because two nights ago, everything changed and you were given a second chance.  What does that mean to you?  (During the final months of her life, Samantha expended her time and energy trying to figure out what was causing the flood of illnesses that Earl himself had contracted.  She worked hard to find a solution to this problem, losing lives in this process.  In the end, she found a counteragent and was able to save several patients from impending death, including Earl.  Although he would never understand how his sister's life could be more valuable than a man he hadn't felt any deep connection with in years, perhaps knowing what this new lease on life meant for Earl would help him on some level -- perhaps!)
Earl:  Are you serious?
Royce:  Does it look like I'm joking?
Earl:  (he looked at the man before him and saw that he was indeed serious) It means I have a second chance, like you said.  And I want to try to make the most of that time with my family.  I don't want to live in the past.  (Although it seemed as though he was hinting at Royce's recent rant about their parent's affair, he was also thinking of the rift that occured between him and his brother over his secrecy about their father's psychic powers, and death)  Because if there is one thing I've learned, it's how quickly things can change when you lose sight of the big picture.
Royce:  Yeah.  Yeah, it does.  (Earl watched the color in Royce's face drain even more as this solemn disposition took over.  He started to inquire as to the reason when Matthew and Evelin came waltzing into his hospital room unnannounced) 
Earl:   Are you --
Matthew:  (his back still turned toward Evelin as he made his way inside the room)  He's probably still sleeping.
Evelin:  Well, I just want --  Royce.  (Matthew turned to see him at his brother's side just as Evelin acknowledged his presence)  What are you, I mean-- (She realized how stupid the question was as soon as the words left her lips that she quickly tried to retract the subject before he cut her off)
Royce:  I was just leaving.  (He made his way around the duo before they could say a word, slipping as quietly out of the room as he did in)
Evelin:  (seeing Royce so amiss quickly reminded her that Samantha's death was no dream.  She could not even began to imagine the amount of torture he must be going through)  What was that all about?
Matthew:  Yeah.  Last I checked, you and Royce were hardly drinking buddies.
Earl:  I couldn't begin to tell you.  I woke up and he was just standing here, hovering over my bed.  It was creepy.  (Matthew was equally unsettled just hearing Earl's recount.  He knew that Royce resented his brother)  Then, just before you two came in, he asked me what it meant to be given a second chance at life.  (Earl noticed that the same solemn look that was on Royce's face earlier had transferred to Evelin and Matthew)  What?  Do you guys know what's going on?  (Evelin looked at Matthew, her eyes urging him to tell his brother what was going on)
Matthew:  There's something you don't know about the antidote.  Samantha's the one that found it.
Earl:  Royce's sister save my life?  (He lightly smiled at the sheer irony of it all)  Wow.
Matthew:  There's more:  Shortly after she returned to town with the antidote, she became lethally ill.
Earl:  What do you mean lethally?
Matthew:  She passed away two nights ago.
Royce:  (Earl thought back to Royce's words from earlier as he tried to absorb the undigestable news)  "Because two nights ago, everything changed and you were given a second chance."
Earl:  That's what he meant.  (Evelin and Matthew looked at him blankly, not quiting rendering what Earl was getting at)  Two nights ago, everything changed!  (It was a far worse truth than Earl could have ever imagined as he towered his head down in disbelief, upset with himself for not knowing the truth earlier.  In spite of their differences, Earl still believed Royce was a decent man and would no way wish this kind of burden on him.  It all finally made sense.  Meanwhile, Royce was only able to make it a few steps from Earl's hospital room before a flood of tears engulfed him, sending him crashing to the floor

***As Evelin and Matt helped pushed Earl's wheelchair into the empty chapel, they hoped it would be a long while before they saw these hospital chapel' walls again.  After receiving the news of Samantha's death, Earl insisted that they take him here.  In a moment where things seem so new and hopeful for his family, he needed to pray for Samantha's.  Perhaps the words would mean something given his history with Samantha's brother.
Earl:  Dear lord, I come to you today for the power of healing and love to pass on to the Lombards and Royce Keller.  Please help Samantha's family and friends find the answers they need to move on, and shield them from any further harm.  Also, please help Royce overcome all the darkness in his heart.  And lastly, look after Samantha and let her know that she will be forever in our debt.  God Bless.  Amen.  (Mathew and Evelin followed in unison with their "Amen" before giving Earl a hug from opposite sides)

Meanwhile, Royce pushed his way through the hospital exit, the cool front left by the evening's shower gracing him with its tender touch.  As he made his way onto outside pavement, he wasn't sure he had enough energy in him to make it to the parking lot, but he knew he couldn't stay at the hospital.  It would drive him crazy.  He needed to get away from this place.  So the bereaved man took a few feeble steps away from the hospital doors, keeping his body upright by holding onto the outstide structure of the building.  He made only two or three more steps before someone's hand gripped all the way around his shoulder to give him a helping hand.  When Royce turned to see the warm hands around his shoulders, he was slightly surprised.  Kendall could see by the initial reaction in his eyes that he thought he chased her off after his outburst earlier, so she smiled lightly and helped him move along the pavement toward the parking lot.  Royce looked at her for a second before shifting his focus back to leaving the hospital.

(<- Masquerade Gala ->)
Juliet Staggerfield was next in line to experience the psychic prowess of Clairvoyant Delfina as guests and friends of hers gathered around the area.  It was almost like she was a part of some spectator sport.
Mrs. Delfina:  Whom am I may speaking with child?
Juliet:  Juliet.
Mrs. Delfina:  (Sandy and Romain tried to hold back their laughter at the sheer ridiculousness of watching the woman's hands as she moved them over the crystal ball, calling for some namless image to appear)  Juliet.  That's a pretty name, a significant half of one of history's greatest romantic tragedies, and there does appear to be a man in your life.
(glancing over at Darron) Yes, there is someone.
Mrs. Delfina:  Ah.  It seems you both came together following a rather painful breakup, but it's -- it's not a rebound for either of you.  There is clearly a deep, playful connection there that just grabs people, especially on a night like this.  (Juliet watched as a wave of unsettlement washed upon her psychic aid's face)  Oh, no.  (The woman backed away as Darron and Juliet looked on in curiosity)
Juliet:  What is it?
Mrs. Delfina:  The image is a little grainy, but I seemed to be getting an image of another woman.  Does the letter "W" mean anything to you?
Darron:  (he didn't need a minute to decipher what "W" could mean, but the same couldn't be said for whatever game Mrs. Delfina was playing)  What the hell are you talking about?
Mrs. Delfina:  (she deduced as her eyes looked him over, or perhaps more accurately -- looked through him)  The boyfriend, I presume.  "W" is significant for you, isn't it?
Darron:  I'm not interested in your psychoanalysis. 
Mrs. Delfina:  That's fine, but please don't be hostile.  I'm merely communicating what the spirits wish me to communicate.  (Darron is not appeased by the woman's statement.  Sandy, Romain and Juliet can see that it takes all his restraint to prevent him from boiling over to the point of no return.  Meanwhile, as Juliet reflects on how heated Darron becomes over the mention of "W," she remember his encounter with Widlin)

Alexander:  This does not have to turn into a battle.  Just let me see my son.
Akeira:  Why?  Why should I allow you to see him?
Alexander:  Because no matter what's happened between the two of us, he's what matters.  (He can see that Akeira is rather surprise to hear that come out of his mouth, and decides to milk the moment for all its worth.  Little does he know, her husband is also listening from a few feet away)  I've already allowed one son to grow up without a father.  I won't stand by and watch another.
Mitchell:  (he moved in swiftly next to his wife)  Well, you don't have to worry about that, Alexander.  Roy and I are bonding quite nicely.
Alexander:  What he's talking about?
Akeira:  Alexander, your remember my husband, Mitchell Desmores.  (Alex took note of the wedding band on her finger for the first time)  Naturally, he's become a big part of my son's life.
Alexander:  Roy Desmores.  Your father.  (He eyed Mitchell with a look of repugnance.  He then redirected his disgust to Akeira)  You named our son after your husband's father?
Akeira:  (responding to what she believed to be an accusation)  I didn't do it out of spite.  I did it as a way of honoring the grace that Mitchell has showed me throughout my pregnancy.
Alexander:  You did it as another tactic to erase me from my son's life.
Akeira:  I don't have to use tactics, Alexander.  You're no longer worth that kind of effort.  I'm doing what's right for my son.
Alexander:  He's my son too, damn it.  You might be able to keep him under lock and key for now, but don't think that will last forever.

Shaquanna:  Wow, you must really think I'm an idiot.  I have done nothing but listen to your threats and demands that I give up a job that I love, a life that I love because somehow you think that I'm going to out our whole family.
Shaquil:  You may not plan to, but this isn't the first time that your powers have been exposed to a civilian.
Shaquanna:  Well, why don't you outline the whole damn list, dad?  It's obvious you've been keeping track.
Shaquil:  This is not a personal attack.  (Shaquanna turned away, knowing nothing that came out of her father's mouth was true, no matter how much he tried to convince himself.  There was always a "but" with him)  I understand that your intentions were good when you saved your friend, but you have to see that there is a pattern here, one that cannot continue.  The others and I feel the time has come for you to leave Hallandale.
Shaquanna:  Well, I don't give a damn what it is you feel.  I'm not going anywhere.
Shaquil:  (he's quick to grab hold of her arm as she threatens to walk away)  This is not up for debate.  Too many people know your secret, and it won't be long before one of them slips to the wrong person.
Shaquanna:  Michelle Dientes hasn't spoken about that incident in over a year, and I trust Malina.
Shaquil:  Trust can be misplaced, and what do you think is going to happen when Malina realizes all the strange new sensations that are occuring inside of her are because of you?  Do you think she's going to thank you for changing the rest of her life?
Shaquanna:  (the dark reality of her father's analysis is one that she tried hard not to think about, but it was true.  Her actions in that hotel may have saved Malina, but it condemned Malina to a life that she had not asked for and may not have necessarily wanted)  So what?  I'm supposed to leave and leave her to deal with the aftermath?
Shaquil:  It's the only thing you can do.
Shaquanna:  No.  I owe it to Malina to stick by and help her through the changes.  I can't leave.
Shaquil:  No, you don't want to leave.  Your friend will be fine.  She has a support group.  It's we who need you more.  (A tear threatened to fall from Shaquanna's eyes as she's battled inside herself on the right move to make)

(<- Springfield Correctional Facility ->)
Kavina:  Have you taken a look at where I am, Rochelle?  (She scans the all too familiar surroundings for emphasis)  I'm in a correctional facility for killing your ex- boyfriend.  Why on earth would I be trying to keep you from remembering whatever it is you think happen that night?  (It was strange, to say the least, listening to Kavina fire out her inquiry with such aggressiveness.  It was certainly a far cry from the sweet, quiet Kavina that no one thought capable of murder)
Rochelle:  I don't know.  But I'm not imagining these memories, either.  They are real.
Kavina:  Perhaps they seem real, but I can tell you that there not.  You were not there that night.  Ok, you weren't there.  (Rochelle finds her eyes watching Kavina's lips as the words fall off her lips and into her ears.  It wasn't the first time she had heard Kavina say that)  "You were never here, Rochelle.  Repeat after me.  You were never here."
Rochelle:  (her surroundings were growing dark as Rochelle found herself slipping deeper and deeper into this fluid-like state)  "I was never here."  (Rochelle shook her head as if the brainwashing were happening right now)  You said those words to me that night.   I was never here.  I was never here! 

***Shaquil:  The time is now, darling.  We need to get going.
Shaquanna:  (the fact that her father seemed to be acknowledging in some small way that he needed her to come home not only for the sake of protecting their secret, but because he physically needed her to be with him and the family was too comforting for words.  However, they were words for Shaquanna of the past, not the present)  You're gonna have to go alone.
Shaquil:  What?
Shaquanna:  I need to be here.  Malina needs someone here to help her through the change.
Shaquil:  Honey, there is nothing you can do.  When she finds out what you've done, she will hate you.
Shaquanna:  It's a risk I'll have to take.
Shaquil:  You have risked enough where this woman is concerned.  Now you are coming home.
Shaquanna:  I'm not a child anymore, dad.  Your power over me is over.  (Shaquanna then hears her name being called and realizes that Malina is nearby)  Malina?  (Shaquil watched as his daughter began walking away from him and toward the sound of Malina's voice, which was being blocked by one other wall that kept the two from seeing each other face to face.  Shaquil, however, refused to stand by and watch his daughter turn her back on their family for an outsider.  He had to protect her from herself.  Using the energy of the night's moon, he called upon his inner being for power; the power of gravity.  Within seconds, an energy field surrounded Shaquil and emitted a gust of wind that Shaquanna could feel pulling her body backward.  As she turned, she was stunned to see her father engulfed by this energy field as its light blinded her and its terrential winds blew her closer)  No.  You can't do this.
Shaquil:  I'm sorry, honey.  You have left me no choice.  (Shaquanna tried to pull away from the magnetic force of the energy field, but it seemed that all her straining only gave the magnetic field more power, more energy.  As Malina rounded the corner toward the end of the maze, she could swear she heard the words "I'm sorry" echoing as a burst of light smacks her in the face.  When it settles, Malina finds herself alone at the end of the tunnel)

(<- Springfield Correctional Facility ->)
Kavina:  I think its time for you to leave. 
Rochelle:  I'm not going anywhere. not when I'm this close.
Kavina:  Well, you're free to entertain your little fantasies, but I don't have to stand here and listen.  (She moved passed the couch while Rochelle blocked her from leaving by coming at her from the other end)
Rochelle:   If this is all a figment of my imagination, why are you running away?  (In that moment, Rochelle spies the wave of guilt that sweeps across Kavina's face and decides it's time for a reenactment)  All I'm asking is that we get help.  That's what we do.  We get help.
Kavina:  What?  (It is clear to Rochelle that the delivery catches Kavina off guard.  So she notes with cruel certainty what's going on)
Rochelle:  No, you said, "Rochelle, we can't do that--"  and I asked what you were talking about.  Then I moved over to Leonard's bed, and that's when I saw his dead body covered in blood--
Kavina:  (she cried in between her former friend's rant)  Stop it.
Rochelle:  ...the same blood that was on my hands.  I can't remember how or when it got there, but I do remember there being lots of it.  In fact, I wasn't even sure Leonard was alive.  So that's when I moved to check his pulse and you called out for clarification on what I was doing, but we both knew.  I administered my hand on Leonard's --
Kavina:  Stop it!  (Her voice was crazed as her curly locks bounced around her face before concealing it at one side)  Stop it now.

(<- Masquerade Gala ->)
Is that a threat?
Mitchell:  I don't think he's that stupid honey.  Right Alexander?
Alexander:  (Although he wasn't one to be intimidated by macho bravado, he had to play this situation cool.  Unfortunately for him, Akeira knew all the right places to hit him)  Like I said, I'm not interested in a battle.
Akeira:  Of course not.  Because you know you don't have a legal leg to stand on.  I mean, your daughter is a murderer, and your eldest son hates your guts.
Alexander:  and let's not forget what you are.  (He tried to subdue the smirk that crossed his face as he watched the elation in Akeira's face slowly dwindle)  Don't be so quick to cast stones considering what's buried in your own backyard, not to mention your newly devoted husband's.

(<- Springfield Lakes Resort :: Brock and Samantha's Place ->)
Ralph found himself admiring his brother and sister-in-law's photo collection.  You could always tell just how truly warm a house was from the selection of photos that adorned the place, and there were plenty of family, friends and the lovely married couple to go around.  Of course, the one that commandeered all of Ralph's attention was Samantha and Brock's kingsize wedding portrait hanging in the center.
Dana:  It's gravitating, isn't it?  (she walked up behind her brother, feeling a sense of warmth as she watched her brother taken with the shrine of photos)  It's like we're all apart of this big love story.
Ralph:  Yeah. Except one half of it just died.  (he turned away from the photos)  I gotta tell you, sis.  I don't know how I would get over that.
Dana:  You would have us.  You'd have those who love you.  (Ralph and Dana embraced, uniting in their fears for their brother.  Meanwhile, a recently showered Brock watched briefly from the narrow hallway separating his living room and the bedroom before turning back quietly to his room)

(<- Everglades Pines Resort :: Royce's Place ->)
It seemed like days, as opposed to hours, since Royce was last at his place.  When the door opened, he once again took in the smell of raspberries from the archway.  He also saw that his bags from his trip were still parked at the door.  Funny thing was he couldn't remember why the trip was so important in the first place.
Royce:  Thank you for seeing me home.
Kendall:  Well, I couldn't leave you stranded at the hospital.
Royce:  Even after I pretty much told you to get lost.
Kendall:  Well, you should know by now there's not much you can do to get rid of me.  (Royce made a slight chuckle at her attempt at humor)  Seriously, I'm here for you.  You're not alone.
Royce:  You know, I actually believe that when you say it.
Kendall:  So what can I do for you?  Pour you glass of water, massage your feet, unpack your luggage--
Royce:  No, don't be silly.  (he moved toward the couch and took a seat)  I think I just need to lay down and try to shut my eyes--  (With his return to town and the news about Samantha and Earl, his energy level was plummeting)
Kendall:  Well, I'll leave you to your privacy then.
Royce:  No.  (He pulled her hand, causing her to shift back toward the couch)  Don't go.

***As the last hour before midnight fell, things seemed far from resolved in the dark of night.  Families continued to mourn, mysteries continued to grow and the days of eruption were slowly beginning to show.  From the dim hallway of Brock and Samantha's home, Dana Lombard fought the urge to check in on her brother.  Ralph had advised her before he left that their brother needed time and space to deal with his loss, and she knew that.  She knew her presence only caused more harm than good, but she felt that she should be there to catch him when he was ready to fall.  So she listened outside his bedroom door as laughter emitted from the television set.  It was the sound of friends and family of the bride and groom watching as Brock and Samantha performed their inaugural pieing of the wedding cake.  Brock watched the events from the hard carpet floor as if they were taking place for the very first time.  Just as he did that fateful day, he focused all his attention on Samantha.  Her carefree smile, her girlish chuckle, the way she wiped the cake icing from his cheek, and of course, the way she kissed him.  The video then shifted to his brother and sister, who were thankfully brief with their wishes for the newlyweds before turning the camera back to Samantha and yours truly.  Brock was then able to watch his wife's face light up as she told the room of guests how Brock won her over in the end.  As she told their story, it wasn't a silly grin that Brock couldn't wipe from his face.  It was the onset of tears.  Meanwhile, Dana's hands clinged to the doorknob, anxious to open that door and comfort her brother, but then she reminded herself of what Ralph said earlier.  Perhaps the best thing she could do was sit here from the outside and wait for him to come to her.  So that's what she did as Brock continued to cry out just as he did the night of Samantha's passing.

(<- Springfield Correctional Facility ->)
As Kavina Shah continued to shout rather frantically for Rochelle to get out, Dr. Flynn came rushing inside to counteract the problem.  The nurse's presence seemed to quiet Kavina's outburst, but the damage had been done.
Dr. Flynn:  What is going on in here?
Rochelle:  We were talking and she just became--
Dr. Flynn:  Erratic?  (she checked Kavina's pulse and realized it was racing.  So she made steady breaths and asked Kavina to follow along as she stroked her hand)  Kavina, everything is alright now.  I'm here now. (she turned back to Rochelle)  I think it's time for you to leave.
Rochelle:  We weren't done--
Dr. Fynn:  Oh, you're done.  (The nurse stated matter of factly)  Good night, Ms. Desmores. (Rochelle wanted to contest, but she had a feeling it would be no use.  So picked up her purse begrudgingly and walked toward the exit.  When she turned back from the door, she realized Kavina was looking dead at her)

(<- Masquerade Gala - >)
Beau, Leigh and Anton are conversing amongst one another about Shaquanna when Malina approaches.
Hey, any luck?
Malina:  I tried calling her cell.  It just goes straight to voicemail.  (She tossed her hair back, rather aggrieved by the whole situation)
Anton:  Well, I'm sure there is a reasonable explanation.
Leigh:  But why would she leave the party without telling anyone?  (She noticed that all eyes were now focused on her)  I'm sorry, it's the reporter in me.  Sometimes, she just doesn't know when to shut up.
  No, you're right.  It doesn't make any sense.
Leigh:  Well, Lacreasha did mention that Shaquanna seemed a little on edge tonight.  What if this vanishing act was a result of that?  (After her adventure in the maze, Malina was certain more was going on.  She knew she heard Shaquanna in that maze, yet when she got to the end of it, there was nothing but a burst of light followed by darkness.  Something weird was going on, and she would get to the bottom of it)

Juliet:  (taking note of her date's silence since the reading) You're still upset about Mrs. Delfina's reading?
Darron:  The woman's a quack.
Juliet:  "I guess that would be a yes."  (she murmured to herself)  Darron, it's just a reading.  No one is taking it seriously.
Darron:  So the reading didn't shake you in the least?
Juliet:  (she motioned her hand across the table onto his, not particularly answering his question)  I know the kind of man you are.  I don't need some woman and her crystal ball to tell me that.  (Darron nodded his head in agreement, even though apart of him was still skeptic if Juliet believed what she was saying)

Crystal and Billy watched as the life slowly drifted from the party.  Their psychic reading treat seemed to have scared away some of their guests, and those who were left didn't look particularly happy to still be here.  It was definitely time to announce the winning name for their new venture and put the rest of their guests out of their misery.  As the song playing came to an end, Crystal motioned Mindy over as she caught her looking in their direction.  Mindy excused herself from Morgan to join her business partners.  Morgan decided to take a seat at a nearby table, which wasn't too hard to spot seeing how many of the guests occupying the tables in the southeast corner had left.  Crystal, Billy, and Mindy each took center stage as Crystal commanded everyone's attention over the microphone.
Crystal:  Good evening, everyone.  (Garrett and Brian rejoined Juliet and Darron at their table as their eyes shifted toward the front of the stage.  Hopefully, it was a call for the closing of this event.  Darron couldn't believe that Sandy and Romain cow-tailed it out of here when they were so gunho about hearing the announcement of the name.  Meanwhile, Malina, Beau, Leigh and Anton also took their seats in order to give the hostess their undivided attention.  Anton wrestled with the ring case in his pocket, figuring it was way too late to pull his surprise proposal on Malina.  The night had been marred by disaster from the moment they arrived.  Poor Kyle and Lacreasha couldn't even stick around pass the first dance)
Crystal:  We hoped you all enjoyed yourselves this evening.
Billy:  and we hope this will be the first night of many that you will spend here at --  Well, I suppose that's what we're about to find out.
Mindy:  Yes.  We've received an overwhelming response in coming up with our new name and I have to say that we're happy with the result.
Crystal:  Drum roll, please...  (Some of the guests began thumping their hands on their table)
Dylan:  "This is it.  Cross your fingers."
Nia:  "I got'em cross."  (Jennifer and Romeo smirked at the two of them.  I mean, what were the odds out of thousands of names that they would choose the name they came up with.  It was impossible)
Crystal:  We bid you a grand welcome to Trio.
Jennifer:  (dropping her mouth open in shock)  "No way."
Nia:  "So we're not hearing things.  They said 'Trio'?"
Dylan:  "I knew it."
Jennifer:  "Alright, how much?"
Dylan:  "Huh?"
Beau:  "Trio?  That's catchy."
Leigh:  "I suppose.  I really liked B-Mac's."
Anton:  "It is what it is."
Leigh:  "Well, I'm sure you must be thrilled for it to be something other than B-Macs, Malina.  (She turned to find Malina on her cell phone once again)  Malina?"
Malina:   Still voicemail.
Leigh:  "You really shouldn't stress.  I'm sure Shaquanna is fine."
Malina:  "I would just feel a whole lot better if she picked up her phone."  (Malina proceeded to dial again while the others looked on)

Mindy:  Ladies and Gentleman, with the new name now revealed, we now invite you to the last dance of the evening.
Billy:  Enjoy, and thank you all for coming.
Darron:  Yeah, Yeah.  (Annoyance in his tone from the thought of that whack job psychic)  Shall we blow this place?  Not literally, but you catch my drift.
Juliet:  (she chuckles just as Tyrese' Lately begins)  We made it this far.  We might as well stay for the last dance.
Darron:  It's getting harder and harder to say no to you.  (Juliet smiled triumphantly as she dragged Darron onto the dance floor.  Brian and Garrett followed suit, as well as Romeo, Jennifer, Dylan and Nia.  A few seconds later, Beau and Leigh rose from their seats, feeling somewhat guilty since Malina was still distracted by whatever happened to Shaquanna.  Still, they were sure a reasonable explaination would be uncovered.  Besides, it was the last dance of the evening)
Anton:  How about a dance?  (Malina sighed hesitantly)  I'm sure we can get to the bottom of what's going on with Shaquanna tomorrow.  We only have one first dance in Trio.
Malina:  (her face contorted with mass confusion)  Trio?!
Anton:  That's the official new name.
Malina:  Oh no.  (The new name clearly had less flavor than Anton's suggestion, but that thought dissipated as soon as she heard the final music selection of the evening)  It's Tyrese.

Lately lyrics

Lately, Have I told you I love you?
Lately, Have I told you you still mean the world to me?  Have I told you I love you?
I'll be your wishing well, tell me what you want baby?

Billy and Crystal watched proudly as the guests begin breaking it out on the dance floor, even if one of them was Morgan Hysterias.  Juliet was feeling the rhythm of the beat as Clairvoyant Delfina snuck up behind her and Darron.  Darron sneered when he saw her.  As the clairvoyant continued making her way past them, Juliet looked in Mrs. Delfina's direction just as she turned back to see that her message was delivered successfully.  Juliet looked at her cryptically, but the woman revealed no emotion, swiftly moving forward toward the exit.  When Darron noticed her attention was divereted from the music, he asked her what was up.  She shook it off with a smile, leaning in closer to him as the music continue to play.  Meanwhile, Leigh and Beau continued to look back on at Malina and Anton as they danced, wondering if there was a chance he might still pop the question.

Anton:  You know, as much as I enjoyed hanging out with our friends tonight, I'm glad we finally got this moment to ourselves.
Malina:  Yeah.  Sort of feels like a proper send off for the evening.
Anton:  (he smirked)  In lue of all the craziness.
Malina:  I still can't wrap my head around the fact that one of our friends is dead, and we didn't even know until tonight.  (Anton found it equally surreal, especially given that he almost lost Malina that same night)
Anton:  Yeah.  We should send a care package to Royce and Brock.  Let them know their in our thoughts.
Malina:  I agree.  They should know that they are loved.  At the end of the day, that is what's important.
Anton:  Right you are.  (he paused, bringing their slow dance to a stop)  I love you, Malina.
Malina:  (she chuckled)  Of course you do silly.  (she then smiled warmly as she reciprocated the words)
Anton:  (he realized in that moment that there was no need to wait.  So he took the ringbox out of his hands and backed away from Malina, slowly getting down on one knee.  Leigh was the first to spy the scene, to which she immediately signaled Beau's attention.  Beau scanned the room for their cousin, running across the ballroom floor to point him in the direction of Malina and Anton.  It took Dylan a second to gather what was going on until he saw Anton opening the ring box) 
Malina:  Anton, what are you--  (she knew, but then she didn't know)
Anton:  (opening the ring box, the intricate sparkle of the diamond ring reflected just as he imagined)  Marry me.

GarrettLyn, Romeo, Dana and Anton

- Kendall fears she made a mistake sleeping with Royce;
- Danielle realizes the extent of Vanessa's jealousy.



Click here for Episode 311