Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives": Summer of Seasonal Eruption
ø News of Samantha's death continued to have an adverse affect on Samantha's loved ones as her husband became more and more withdrawn, pushing away anyone who attempted to help him.  Her brother, Royce, on the otherhand, tried to direct all his anger at Earl, who was alive thanks to Samantha's valiant efforts.  Earl advised Royce to get over his vendetta against Earl's family because they both had suffered enough loss.  (~)

ø Leigh had a difficult time remaining objective after hearing Seth Stapleton's reasons behind his attack on Queen Helen DaVille at the Hallandale Weston Hotel.  (~)

ø Brett convinced his cousin to run a test on the mysterious white powder that Danielle discovered in her dressing room. (~)

ø Shaquanna tried to convince her father she was saving a woman's life when she used her healing techniques.  Shaquil, however, could only see the potential danger she put their family in by behaving so recklessly, and insisted she leave Hallandale with him tonight.  Unable to leave Malina behind to deal with the fallout of her actions, Shaquanna declined.

***Kendall Reyes spent the last half hour tossing her head back and forth against Royce Keller's bedroom pillow, trying to block out the voice of her bereaved ex- lover, Pheonix Descartes.  But it was futile.  Like her guilt, the sounds of his weakened, dying voice plagued her.  Last night, she had broken one of the promises she made to him.


Kendall found herself staring back into her boss' mourning eyes as his hand pulled at hers, unyielding in its grasp.
Royce:  "Don't go.  Don't leave me here alone."
Kendall:  "I'm here.  (She rejoined him on his couch, putting the brakes on her callous descent)  You're not alone."  (she touched his hand with a comforting smile, willing him to believe her, and he did.  He saw a glimmer of light and hope in her eyes.  It was almost as if his sister was radiating behind her.  Her touch didn't leave him cold.  It was warm-- full of warmth)

Finally, she awoke from her dream, the whole night a surreal string of events until she looked over at a sleeping Royce beside her.  He looked so peaceful with his eyes shut out from the dark world of hurt that awaited.  A world that more people than just himself would have to wake up to.  Yet all she could think about as she sat half-dressed in his bed was that last night was a terrible mistake.  She cared for Royce a great deal, but this was the last thing either one of them needed.  "Oh, what have I done?"  She contemplated quietly to herself as questions of her and Royce's future muddled her mind.  But then, they didn't have a future.  They could never have one.  So what was she to do?  As she looked over at Royce again, she realized she needed to go.  She had to leave before he awoke.  She only hoped the moment he awoke would be hours from now as she picked up her belongings and bolted quietly for his bedroom door.

(<- Cypress Gardens Plaza ->)
Leigh could already hear the gossip mongrels chirping as she made her way toward the news stands.  She exchanged a few soft, warm greetings with patrons as they passed her by before noticing a full-length frontpage spread on the death of Samantha Keller Lombard staring back at her.  Meanwhile, her boyfriend caught sight of her wearing that sexy, silk blouse that he loved.  Placing his mug aside, he approached her just as she grabbed the latest edition of the Past Relations Chronicles.
Leigh:  Oh Alexander Pierre, you strike again.
Beau:  Interesting reading?
Leigh:  Hey.  I think that all depends on your choice of interesting.  (She presented him with a copy of PRC)
Beau:  A memoriam piece on Samantha Keller Lombard.  I'm surprised you'd care.  You and the Lombards aren't exactly close.
Leigh:  That's not entirely true.  Ralph and I are still fairly close, despite his family's objections.  Besides, I would be upset to see anyone's tragedy exploited by Alexander Pierre's rag, even Brock Lombard's.

Man:  One small strawberry smoothie, light cream.  That'll be $3.00.  (Danielle pulled three loose bills out of her purse and handed it to the clerk.  The clerk deposited the funds before handing over Danielle's smoothie)
Danielle:  Thank you.
Woman:  You're welcome.  Have a lovely day.
Danielle:  You too.  (She realized her incredibly good fortune when she turned around and found a long line of customers who had been waiting behind her.  It looked like a busy day for the plaza, one she didn't intend to get caught up in.  Unfortunately, as she was making her way toward the exit, she heard her name being called from a voice that she couldn't place)
Lucien:  Danielle.
Danielle:  (scanning the plaza, she saw Lucien waving from a table out of the corner of her guilt-apparent eye)  Lucien, hi.
Lucien:  Hey.  I guess like minds think alike.  (he held up his smoothie cup, invoking a smile from Danielle)  Care to join me?
Danielle:  Umm... sure, but I can't stay long.  ("I am supposed to be meeting Brett and his cousin later to find out whether or not your dear friend Vanessa is some powder-snorting druggie," she thought as a faux smiled wrinkled her face)
Lucien:  So are you nervous about the show being so close?
Danielle:  I think I'm finally at the point where I just want it to be over with.
Lucien:  What?  Are you no longer enjoying it?
Danielle:  No.  It's not that.  I love the job.
Lucien:  Good, because you're really good at it, and I've enjoyed working with you.
Danielle:  Thanks.  (Danielle couldn't have imagined in a million years that she would be modeling the latest fashions in front of millions)  I just feel as though we've expended enough energy into this.  I'm ready for something new.
Lucien:  Yeah, a new project would be refreshing, and with the no compete clause in Vanessa's contract coming up soon, it should be an even bigger affair.
Danielle:  "Maybe than the woman's insane jealousy of me would come to an end."  (she thought, taking a sip of her smoothie)

(<- Everglades Pines Resort :: Royce's Place ->)


When Royce moved in to kiss her, Kendall felt the sudden need to speak.
Kendall:  Royce?!
Royce:  I don't wanna talk.  I just want to be -- for us to be.  (he kissed her softly, a sensation that Kendall hadn't allowed herself to embrace or feel since the day her last lover was tragically killed.  If her head had any jurisdiction over this moment, she might have stopped it.  Instead, her body became Royce's vessel)

As Royce stretched his arms out over the side of the bed, expecting to find Kendall laying peacefully next to him, he realized there was nothing but the wrinkled ends of his comforter between his fingers.  Kendall was gone.  Was she ever there to begin with?  Had he dreamed the whole thing? 

Mysteries of Our Lives Title Card

There was nothing more ungodly than the sound of a cell phone ringing at nine o'clock in the morning, especially when you were sound asleep.  Dana didn't realize how tired she must have been until that call woke her from her sleep.  As she attempted to reset her eyes to the natural light of the apartment, she moved over to the coffee table and checked the call display on her cell phone.  She didn't recognize the number, and it didn't appear the caller left a message.

Moving pass the coffee table, a glass of tea seemed like a viable option with the kitchen in such close promiximity, but she thought she should check on her brother first.  As she made her way down the small hallway toward Samantha and Brock's bedroom, a foul smell tickled her nose.  It was a rather potent one, even harder to ignore once she reached the bedroom door.  Noticing it slightly ajar, she tapped lightly before pushing it open.  Her entrance was met with a double whammy of that same unsavory stench.  As she circled around the room, the source came into view -- an empty beer bottle, followed by her brother's body [feet first from her view] pressed against the floor.
Dana:  Oh my god.  Brock.

(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)
Brett:  (he just finished reading the Samantha Lombard' memorial piece when he noticed Danielle racing down the hall toward him)  Hey.  There you are.
Danielle:  Yes.  I'm so sorry.  I ran into a friend earlier.
Brett:  No problem.  I haven't been here that long.  They said Jess should be out in a few minutes.
Danielle:  Great.  I really appreciate you getting your cousin to do this.
Brett:  Hey, that's what friends are for.  "Mi familia es su familia."  I just hope you get the answers you're looking for.  (Danielle was about to say something more when their  heads were turned by the sound of Jessica's office door opening.  A second later, a teenage male exits followed by Jessica, who remains in the archway of her door)
Jessica:  So Mr. Havens, I will see you next week?
Teen:  Sure thang, Dr. Chappell.
Jessica:  Alright.  Enjoy the rest of your morning.  (She watched him make his way to the elevator before directing her attention to Brett and Danielle across the hall)  Brett,  Danielle.  Please come in and take a seat.  (Brett and Danielle did as instructed, claiming a seat at one of the chairs in front of Jessica's desk, which was loaded with paperwork.
Danielle:  I hope we haven't come at a terrible time.  (Her eyes unable to detract away from Jessica's desk. 
Jessica:  Not at all.  I'm actually more productive when I'm working over a heaping mess.  (She snickered as she pulled her chair in closer to the desk.  She then pulled a manila folder marked "TS Lab Results" from her desk stack)  These are the results of that powder you two gave me yesterday.  (She handed over the file to Brett and Danielle, who tried to decipher the foreign terminology written on the paper)
Brett:  So what is it?
Jessica:  It appears to be amphetamine powder.  Based on the chemical levels, our techs believed it was likely purchased off the streets.
Danielle:  Is it dangerous?
Jessica:  The effects of long-term use are serious, so yes.  If you know someone who is using this drug, I would advise you to get them to stop now, before it's too late.

(<- Cypress Gardens Plaza ->)
For you, beautiful.  (He placed a warm cup of coffee in front of her after making it through the crowded plaza.  She thanked him before quenching her morning craving)
Leigh:  What?!  This is decaf, isn't it?  (she placed the coffee cup aside)
Beau:  Of course not.
Leigh:  Then why do you have that ridiculous grin on your face?
Beau:  Because the whole plaza is talking about my girlfriend.  (He showed her his copy of Showtime Limits)  Congratulations.
Leigh:  (she grabbed the copy from his hand as soon as she saw her first official news article in print)  Wow, I forgot this was going to print today.
Beau:  Well, it's definitely all there in black and white.  No one knows what to believe.
Leigh:  I tried to remain as objective as possible.  I figured the public could draw their own conclusions.
Queen DaVille:  Is that right?  (Helen inquired as she slammed a copy of the newspaper onto Beau and Leigh's table, causing Leigh's drink to tumble over.  Leigh was able to quickly pull away from the table as the hot contents of her cup missed her lap daringly, spilling onto the ground.  By the time Beau fetched the cup, it was near empty)
Beau:  Are you alright?
Leigh:  Yeah, I'm fine.  (She made a silent prayer to God for a quick reflexes)
Queen DaVille:  What the hell is this?  (Helen was quick to remind them that she wanted answers.  Leigh, however, stared at the bitch blankly.  The woman could have scolded her to death and she didn't seem the least bit apologetic)  "Lies, Dominance and Royalty: the lowdown on the Hallandale Weston shooting."
Leigh:  It's a headline, Mrs. DaVille.  The article more than accounts for your side of things.
Queen DaVille:  My side of things?  (There was only her side)  I was the victim.
Leigh:  and Mr. Stapleton, the offender.  I think the public deserved to hear his side of things.
Queen DaVille:  That's bull.  This article makes Seth Stapleton look like some innocent when he could have killed me or any one of those other women.
Leigh:  This article does not glorify what Mr. Stapleton did nor does it make any endorsement to which side is true.
Queen DaVille:  With a headline like this, who needs truth?  You're not going to get away with this.
Beau:  That sounds like a threat.
Queen DaVille:  No, it's a promise.  Your girlfriend will be hearing from my lawyer.  (Queen DaVille darts off in a nasty haste, leaving Leigh and Beau not the least bit intimidated)

(<- Springfield Correctional Facility ->)
Kavina:  Kendall!  (Dr. Flynn exits the room quietly as the two embrace.  Kendall then takes a seat beside her)
Kendall:  What's going on, they almost wouldn't let me in.  (Kavina's face went dark just thinking about her visit with Rochelle last night.  She was surprise Rochelle had not come back for a repeat performance)
Kavina:  I had a visit from Rochelle last night. Things got intense.
Kendall:  Well, you're still alive.  So I'm assuming there was no blood shed.
Kavina:  Not in the literal sense, but I don't want to talk about that.  What's going on?  You usually don't drop by this early in the week.
Kendall:  I kinda needed someone to talk to.  (She would ordinarily turn to Jacquez for something like this, but he was miles away on a modeling shoot and there was no telling when or if he would return to Hallandale now that he wasn't under contract with H&B Fashions)
Kavina:  Well, I'm kinda stuck here for a while.  So you might as well talk to me.
Kendall:  Something happened between me and Royce last night.
Kavina:  Really? (Kavina swore up and down before her unfortunate incarceration that there was this spark between Royce and Kendall, so hearing that the two had finally done the deed naturally brought a blush to her face)
Kendall:  Stop blushing.  This is the worse thing that could have happened.

***Kavina:  I don't think the world is going to end now that you and Royce have hit the sheets.
Kendall:  You don't understand.  It is now about what we did, it's about us as individuals.   He just found out his sister is dead.
Kavina:  What?  Samantha's dead?
Kendall:  I'm sorry.  Of course, you wouldn't know.  She passed away three nights ago, some kind of poison.  I really don't have all the details.  (The news alone was still enough to make Kavina pause and think.  If she were to die tomorrow, would anyone in her family show up for the funeral?  Her brother might considering he was the only one that even bothered to visit her, as infrequent as it might.  Her sister, on the other hand -- she hadn't heard from Nedira since the murder trial)  I've never seen him so broken.  Perhaps that's why things went as far as they did.  (Kavina was sure she missed some part of Kendall's confession, she only hoped her ears tuned back in on the right momentum)
Kavina:  Well, it's good that you're here for him.  He has a tendency to bottle things up inside.  Maybe with your help, he can get through this constructively.
Kendall:  I just don't want that support to be mistaken for something else.  What happened between me and Royce last night can only be a one-time thing.  I can't give him anything else.  (Kavina would have liked nothing more than to grill Kendall about why she was adamant her fling with Royce not happen again, but she could see that now wasn't the time)
Kavina:  I think you're overthinking what happened.  You two connected last night over his loss.  It was beautiful.  It doesn't have to mean more than that.  (Once Kendall allowed the words to sink in, she realized that Kavina was right.  Last night was nothing more than two people comforting each other in the wake of a huge loss.  She just had to keep reminding herself of that)

(<- Everglades Pines Resort :: Royce's Place ->)
Following a nice, warm shower, Royce made his way into the kitchen to pour a glass of orange juice.  As he was setting his glass on the counter, he saw a note standing up against the napkin holder with his name transcribed on it.  He didn't recall seeing it the night before.  Opening the folded sheet of paper, his eyes scrolled the contents.  It was from Kendall, apologizing for not being here when he woke up.  It went on to say that she needed some fresh air and was available by cell if he needed her.  The fact that he had Kendall in his corner was a real comfort to him.  Otherwise, he might have gone off the deep end by now.   He had to do something to show her his appreciation.

As he tapped the letter against his cheek, he contemplated what that might be.  He knew the simpler the overture, the better where she was concerned.  Opening his fridge, he grabbed the carton of orange juice as the icy temperature of the refrigerator brushed up against his arm.  The minute he shut that fridge door closed, the idea came to him like lightning.  If he didn't know any better, he might've thought there was someone there whispering it into his ear.

(<- Springfield Lakes Resort :: Brock and Samantha's Place ->)
Dana:  Brock.  (she shook him forcibly as her eyes spied the empty 6-pack on the bed.  After hearing him sobbing yet again last night from watching the video of his wedding to Samantha, she shuttered to think what his intent might have been when he downed those six bottles.  When her brother refused to awake from his drunken state, she ran into the kitchen and grabbed a glass of cold water.  She then ran back to the room and doused him with the contents, a portion of the water seeping into the rug.  Fortunately, it did the trick.  Brock gasped as his body jolted forward, thrilling Dana.)
Brock:  What the hell?  (his speech slightly slurred from his binge last night)
Dana:  I think that's my line.  (picking up the empty beer bottle beneath his feet)  This is not the answer, Brock.  Drinking yourself to a stupor is not going to bring Samantha back.
Brock:  Don't you think I know that?  But maybe what's in that bottle is the only thing that can make it right.
Dana:  I'm your sister and I'm worried about you.  I don't want to see you go down a dark place that you can't come back from.
Brock:  I know that you mean well, but you can't help me.  Your being here doesn't help.  (Her 24/7 guard watch didn't take away the void that he felt knowing his soulmate was gone from this world)
Dana:  Maybe it doesn't.  But you're stuck with me because that's what families do-- they stick by one another through good times and bad.
Brock:  (his voice readied with anger)  That's what my wife did.  Samantha was my family and you can't take her place.  (He forced himself to his feet and although his movement lacked some coordination, he managed to see himself out of the room.  Dana didn't bother to follow him.  She was too busy trying to suppress the urge to cry)

(<- Leysdale Hospital ->)
Danielle:  I can't believe that she would be using this stuff.  (She repeated to Brett in a deep whisper outside of Jessica's office)
Brett:  You did say she's been acting different around you lately.  Maybe its helping to ward off her bitchy tendencies.  (Danielle couldn't help but find humor in the remark) 
Danielle:  Yeah, she's definitely been less of a bitch-- well, up until the day I caught her in my dressing with her stash.
Brett:  She was in your dressing room?
Danielle:  Yeah, come to think of it, it wasn't the first time she was in there that day.
Brett:  What was she doing?  (Brett's curiosity growing thicker)
Danielle:  Ugh, she fed me some story about running out of water, and borrowing a bottle from my fridge.  Which was why I caught her in there a second time.  She wanted to replace the one she had borrowed, but somehow ended up spilling the contents of sports bottle.
Brett:  That sounds a little weird.
Danielle:  Yeah, with all the craziness going on that day, I sort of blocked it out of my mind.
Brett:  Where did you find that capsule again?
Danielle:  I found it on the top of the counter near my fridge.
Brett:  Why would a capsule laced with amp be floating around on your counter?
Danielle:  What?  You think Vanessa planted it there?
Brett:  Possibly.  Or maybe she decided it would be more effective if she planted it in your drink.

***Danielle:  No.  I mean, that's just going too far.  (The thought had crossed Danielle's mind, but hearing it from Brett's lips made her even more convinced that the idea was preposterous.  It was downright sickening to consider, especially given the risks involved)
Brett:  Well, if this Vanessa woman really wanted to get rid of you, it wouldn't be enough to just plant those drugs in your dressing room.  She would have to make it look like you were actually using them.
Danielle:  We don't know if that was what she was planning.  This is a woman that Lucien has known since childhood.
Brett:  and just because this Lucien is a seemingly upstanding guy doesn't mean his friends are paragons of virtue.  You said so yourself that you don't believe she was using them.  So what other explanation is there?
Danielle:  (she could think of no other plausible alternative as she shook her head, trying to believe the words that came out of her mouth)  It's a huge jump, Brett.
Brett:  Have you felt out of sorts lately?  (reading off the pamphlet Jessica gave to him)  Increased wakefulness?  Reduced appetite?  Enhanced mood and body movement?
Danielle:  Brett, I'm a model.  It's all about body movement.
Brett:  You're right.  (dropping the pamphlet on the table)  This is a waste of time.  There is only one way to get to the bottom of this.

(<- Showtime Limits :: Kyle Sharrington's Office ->)
Lacreasha was busy admiring the view of the city from her fiance's office window while he attended to his phone call.  This was the only place aside from when he was with her that she knew he felt sure of himself.  However, the fact that it put him in direct competition with his father everyday left her unsettled, especially with Alexander's continued attempts to rebuild his shattered dynasty.
Kyle:  "Mrs. Carlisle, we have already explained to your daughter that she will need to give our reporter an account of the alleged attack, otherwise we can't print the story.  (he paused as the caller on the other end jumped in)  I understand your concerns, but we can't--  (he took a heavy sigh as Lacreasha looked back on at him.  Judging by the expression on his face, he was receiving quite the verbal tongue lashing)  Yes, you may try your luck with another paper, but none of them will give you the justice-- (he cut his thought short when he heard the dissatisfied click of the receiver)
Lacreasha:  Happy customer?
Kyle:  The woman insists her daughter was sexually assaulted by her ex- boyfriend, but her daughter is not willing to come forth to validate the story.  Shame, the guy is supposed to be the son of some corporate big shot in town.
Lacreasha:  Perhaps it would help if she were to talk to someone a little more sympathetic and not looking to sell her story.
Kyle:  You want to be that person?  (He sounded more doubtful than questioning)
Lacreasha:  What?  You don't think I can be gentle?
Kyle:  On the contrary, you do gentle very well.  Then again, I'm always open for a reminder.
Lacreasha:  Really?  (He nodded his head before the two kiss, reclining against his office chair.  A minute later, Leigh lets herself into the office)
Leigh:  Anybody -- Whoa.  (Leigh turned her head away in embarrassment as Lacreasha and Kyle scrambled to their feet, his chair propping back up in an upright position behind his desk.  He pushed his chair back into his desk as Lacreasha brushed herself off, slightly thankful they hadn't ripped each other's clothes off yet)  Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt.
Kyle:  (choosing not to hone in on awkward moment number two.  Leigh was developing a tendency for interrupting their romantic office moments)  How can I help you, Leigh?
Leigh:  I thought I should forewarn you that I received a threat today.
Lacreasha:  What?  (Leigh's words coming across more serious than she had attended) Are you okay?
Leigh:  Yeah.  I'm fine.  It wasn't a serious threat.  More like a dissatisfied reader, if you may.
Kyle:  Would this reader be Queen Helen DaVille?
Leigh:  Yeah, how did you know?  (Kyle simply leaned across his desk, and hit the audix button on his office phone, scrolling pass his first voice message to number 2 of 6, which featured an enraged Helen demanding a retraction on Leigh's article)

Anton was putting the finishing touches on his article when he looked up from his computer to find Malina standing outside his door.  She had arrived about five to ten minutes ago, but didn't want to intrude on what might be a dose of creative genius.  However, he must not have been too worried about his creative muse as he immediately broke away from his computer to give her a pre-newlywed greeting.
Anton:  Hey, this is a nice surprise.  How did things go with Shaquanna?
Malina:  They didn't.  (She took a seat on Anton's couch)  When I arrived at the studio, the place was completely abandoned, and all her things were cleared out.
Anton:  (joining her on the couch)  That's sounds a little weird. 
Malina:  Tell me about it.  I know she was planning to leave town following the fashion show to devote her time to her family, but to just up and leave in the middle of the night without so much as a good-bye?
Anton:  Have you tried calling her again?
Malina:  Several times.  Always voicemail.
Anton:  (trying to piece together this little mystery that seemed to have landed in their laps)  And no one we know saw her leave the party.
Malina:  Which means the last time any of us saw her was in the maze, and I went up and down that stupid contraption.  There was no sign of her, except for this brief moment when I thought I heard her talking to her father.
Anton:  Maybe that's it.  Perhaps Shaquanna's father came to tell her things were much serious and she had to leave right away.  It would explain her abrupt disappearance and the fact that she hasn't been able to come to the phone.
Malina:  I hope you're right.  (Although somewhere deep inside, Malina couldn't shake this nagging feeling that there was nothing logical about Shaquanna's abrupt disappearance.  And if she did hear Shaquanna and her father in the maze, how come no one saw them come out?)

(<- HatcherKeller & Associates ->)
The elevator buzzed as Kendall Reyes stepped off and proceeded toward her office.  It was the last place she really wanted to be today after what happened between her and her boss last night, but she couldn't afford to miss work.  Before she could make it to her office, however, she nearly knocked into Rochelle, who's greeting was quite flat.  Kendall had no problem reciprocating.
Rochelle:  Kendall.
Kendall:  Rochelle.  Well, if you'll excuse me.  (She was about to bypass her when Rochelle spoke out again)
Rochelle:  Wait?!   Have you seen or talked to Royce today?  (Kendall briefly recalled slipping out of her boss' bed, but that didn't merit repeating, especially around here) 
Kendall:  I don't imagine he'll be in today, considering.
Rochelle:  I know.  I saw the paper.  (her voice suddenly riddled with guilt for the way she's treated Royce since his involvement in the Leonard Stone' murder coverup came out)  I hope he's alright.  (Although Kendall didn't particular care for Rochelle, she could recognize her genuine remorse.  So perhaps she could reign in her claws)
Kendall:  He's doing as one would expect under these conditions.
Rochelle:  Well, if you see him before I do, send him my condolences.
Kendall:  "Okay, just because I'm being nice to you doesn't mean I'm going to start relaying your messages."  (She thought as Rochelle made her way down the hall, clearing Kendall's path to her office.  When she opened the door and hit the lights, she saw something that left her rather unsettled.  It was a bouquet of mayflowers of pink and white variety.  Other than the occasional rose she would receive from her brother around Valentines, she hadn't received an actual bouquet in years.  She had a sneaking suspicion it wasn't her brother who was behind this one though.  As she examined the bouquet for an enclosed card, a knock sounded at her door)
Royce:  Do you like them?
Kendall:  There lovely.  Thank you.  (She was surprised to see him all cleaned up and on his feet.  No one would have faulted him for not showing up at the office today)
Royce:  I'm the one who should be thanking you, especially for putting up with me last night.
Kendall:  ("God, was he thanking me for our evening romp")  It wasn't a bother.  (Royce simply lowered his eyebrow at her, and she knew he was onto her)  Okay, you were a bit of bastard--  (Royce laughed at her choice of words)  but you just found out about your sister.  (she was careful not to mention any derivative of the word "dead")  I think you deserve a reprieve.
Royce:  Well, I appreciate it.  (He moved in to kiss her on the cheek, causing Kendall to jump back as if repelled by the prospect of him even touching her.  Unfortunately for her, Royce noticed her reaction and pulled away)  What's wrong?
Kendall:  (she laughed forcibly)  Nothing.  (She decided to move her bouquet over to an empty vase on her shelf space)
Royce:  You sure?  (he watched her tapping her fingers against the vase once she settled the mayflowers inside)
Kendall:  Positive.

***Lacreasha:  Sounds like a woman with something to hide.
Leigh:  My sentiments exactly.  If she's selling her services to the Hallandale Weston, this article will make quite difficult for her to continue to shop there.  (Lacreasha and Kyle smirked at the idea of Helen shopping for men at the Hallandale Weston)
Lacreasha:  Don't be so sure.  Wealthy people like her usually find a way.
Kyle:  (deleting Helen DaVille's fifth and final rant)  Well, one thing is for sure.  She can huff and puff all she wants, we're not printing a damn retraction.
Leigh:  Good, but Lacreasha may be right.  She may not lay down so easily on this one.

Anton waited for the sound of the printer shooting out the final draft of his article before saving and closing his word processing application.  He then shot an e-mail to Kyle before grabbing the copy from the printer.
Anton:  Done.  Another stellar article for my portfolio.
Malina:  Stellar, huh?
Anton:  Well, as interesting as one can make last night's gala.  (He knew the minute he said gala that thoughts of the chamber maze and Shaquanna popped into Malina's head)
Malina:  Yeah, and which exciting part of the event did you choose to write about?
Anton:  Well, if you're asking if I slipped in a plug about our engagement-- no.  Besides, it would ruin the fun of telling everyone ourselves.
Malina:  Why I do like the way you think, Mr. McCloud?  (The two kissed)
Anton:  Because I'm just that good.

(<- HatcherKeller & Associates :: Kendall's Office ->)
Are you sure everything is alright?
Kendall:  How many times are you going to ask me that Royce?  (Royce watched as she continued to tap her fingers against the vase)
Royce:  Perhaps when the answer sounds less like something you've rehearsed.  You're moody, you've barely been able to look me in the eye since I arrived, and you're tapping that vase like there is no tomorrow.  (Kendall pulled her hand away from the vase when she realized she was indeed tapping her fingers repeatedly against the vase)  Is this about last night?  (Kendall's thoughts immediately went back to the moment she hadn't been able to get out of her head since it happened.  God, she could still taste his mouth in hers)
Kendall:  Royce, there is something -- (Kendall was interrupted by the sound of a knock at her door, which was followed by Rochelle's abrupt entry into her office)
Rochelle:  Kendall, did you-- (Visibly surprised to find Royce in Kendall's office)  Oh, I didn't realize you had company.  (She looked to Kendall before resetting her eyes back on Royce with a light smile)  Royce, its good to see you up and about.  I'm so sorry to hear about Samantha.
Royce:  Thank you.  (Rochelle lightly cleared her throat, feeling somewhat uncomfortable.  Unfortunately, that feeling would not soon dissipate)
Rochelle:  Well, if I'm interrupting something important, I can come back later.
Royce:  Actually, we were in the middle--
Kendall:  It can wait.  (The words screamed in Royce's direction, making it visibly clear to Rochelle that Royce was not in agreement)  Rochelle, what did you need?
Rochelle:  The files on the Morley investigation.  I'm hoping there is something we overlooked that will help us figure out where he is.  (Kendall walked over to her desk and started tossing several files aside while Royce scrutinized her every movement, realizing this search was a stalling tactic.  Fortunately, it didn't take her long to locate the file and Rochelle was quick to make her exit)
Kendall:  Here it is.
Rochelle:   Thank you.  (Once Rochelle made her exit, Royce followed behind and turned the lock over)
Royce:  That should put an end to the interruptions.  So we were talking about last night?
Kendall:  You were right.  Last night-- what we did--  (Realizing she was having a difficult time getting the words out, Royce jumped in)
Royce:  We had sex, at a time when we were both not ourselves.  I'm not expecting a fulltime commitment from you, if that's where this is leading.
Kendall:  Yeah... well, no.  (feeling a bit silly when she hears the words coming from his mouth)  I just don't want us to lose sight of who we are as business partners and friends because of this.
Royce:  Ms. Reyes, I do believe there is work to be done.  (Now he knew why simple was always best with Kendall.  Thank god he didn't give her a box of chocolates as well)  So why don't I give you a few minutes to gather your thoughts?  Then we can discuss my business meeting.
Kendall:  Sounds like a plan.
Royce:  Alright.  See you in a few.  (Royce unlocked her door and proceeded to close it behind him.  His hand, however, remained firmly on the doorknob due to a feeling he couldn't quite explained.  The feeling, however, only lingered for a few seconds and when it passed, he walked away)

(<- H&B Fashions :: Danielle's Dressing Room ->)
(she hit the light to the dressing room, bringing light to their dark surroundings)  I cannot believe that I'm even entertaining this possibility.
Brett:  Well, the sooner we get your sports bottle down to the lab, the better we'll both sleep tonight.  I mean, let's not forget that your friend is still walking around with her special vitamins.  (Danielle hated agreeing with him, but he was right)  However, I do believe our best bet is a urinalysis.
Danielle:  and how are we supposed to explain that to your cousin?  She was half-curious about the drugs to begin with.  Now we show up with my sports bottle and a urine sample?
Brett:  I could tell her a slightly abridge version of the truth.  But if we do find out she's has been drugging you, don't expect me to keep quiet.
Danielle:  Oh believe me, if Vanessa has really taken things this far, the gloves are off.

(<- Springfield Lakes Resort :: Samantha and Brock's home ->)
Brock:  "I know you mean well, but you can't help me..."
Dana:  "Whatever you were dreaming, it was not real.  Samantha is gone."
Brock:  "Because of you... Samantha was my family and you can't take her place."  (Dana shut off the vacuum cleaner as the devil's evil thoughts fought to gain control of her mind.  She longed for the day when this would all end.  The day she would be able to smile again, and it wouldn't hurt so much.  The day her brother would find hope in life again, and the moment she wouldn't be riddled with so much guilt for having taken it away.  As she took a load off on her brother's living room couch, she tossed her head back attempting to dump the thoughts running through her head.  Brock was right.  She couldn't help him, not in the state she was in.  She was no help to anyone.  As she lifted her head up from her lap, she saw it staring back at her tauntingly out of the corner of her eye.  It was one of her tarot cards - "The Tower" - the epitome of change, downfall and revelation.  Just the sight of it angered her and as she picked up, she was sure she never wanted to see it again as she ripped the sucker to shreds)

GarrettLyn, Romeo, Dana and Anton

- The Spring/Summer fashion show begins;
- Alexander discusses his parental rights as a father;
- Danielle informs Vanessa that she is done covering for her!



Click here for Episode 312