Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives": Summer of Seasonal Eruption
ø Danielle discovered amphetamine powder in a pill capsule that Vanessa claimed were vitamins.  Brett, after learning how Danielle discovered the pill capsule, suggested that Vanessa might be drugging her.  Despite her doubts, Danielle agreed to have a toxicology test done. (~)

ø Alexander shared a brief run-in with his son at the masquerade gala.  Later that evening, Kyle broke down in front of his fiancee over his conflicting regarding his father. (~)

ø After sharing a run-in with Akeira and Mitchell while shopping for the masquerade gala, Sandy was positive that the spark between her and Akeira's new husband was still very much alive.  The following day, she cornered Mitchell and he made it perfectly clear that his priorities lie with Akeira and their son, Roy.

***Today was an important day for models GarrettLyn Michaels and Danielle Marquez as guests, photographers and reporters gathered into the 200,000 square ft. Hallandale Heights Arena.  Garrett, who peered around the rightmost corner of the backstage, watched as seats to the left and right of the runway quickly filled up with more and more faces she didn't recognize.  When she realized these faces would only multiply by the time of the show, she drew a deep breath, hoping the twinge in her stomach would pass.  As she continued to scan the crowd, her ears were deaf to the sound of her agent, Malina Ramirez, approaching with fiance, Anton McCloud.
Malina:  Nervous?  (She whispered with a sneaking suspicion, placing a comforting hand on Garrett's shoulder)
Garrett:  No.  I was just looking for my friend, Brian.  He agreed to show up for moral support.
Malina:  Well, I don't believe I've seen him, but I'm sure he'll be here.  (Garrett felt a little weird getting words of reassurance about Brian's character from a woman who barely knew him.  She knew Brian would be here, and so she simply smiled at Anton and Malina before turning back toward her dressing room.  The couple followed shortly behind as she started to undo the robe covering her gown.  When Anton and Malina finally arrive at a la Michaels headquerters, they spotted the blondish-brown haired model admiring herself in the mirror)  Is that the gown you're wearing?
Garrett:  Yeah.  (She found herself glancing down at the green backless number she was wearing with pause.  Admittedly, the cut of the dress did far too much justice to her legs and cleavage area, but it was certainly not her usual taste)  Is it not a good choice because I can change it?
Malina:  No, it's great.  "Definitely liberating." 
Garrett:  It's my hair, isn't it?  I shouldn't have worn it down.
Anton:  I think what my fiancee is having trouble communicating is that you look fabulous all around.  So relax.
Garrett:  Oh.  (Garrett took a deep sigh, her reflection in the mirror now more at ease)  Thank you.
Anton:  No problem.  (Malina shared her gratitude with a casual wink in his direction.  Anton knew today would be challenging enough for her, carrying out the tasks that Shaquanna Nichols would have otherwised handled if she were here)
Malina:  Oh, where are my manners?  Garrett, this is my fiance, Anton McCloud.  Anton, GarrettLyn Michaels.
Garrett:  Everyone calls me Garrett.
Anton:  Well, it's lovely to meet you, Garrett.
Garrett:  Likewise.  (She shook his hand, all the while admiring his strong, sturdy grip)  "Damn, Malina has great taste...  Oh my god, what am I doing?  Let go of his hand!"  (Garrett pulled her hand back as casually as possible while Malina made a slight chuckle to herself)  So is there any chance Shaquanna will be showing up today?  (It had been a week since Shaquanna Nichols disappeared from that horrid chamber maze, and yet she had not made one feeble attempt to contact Malina, despite the numerous voice messages that must have collected on her cell by now)
Malina:  I think anything is possible, and if she can't be here physically, I'm sure she's here in spirit.

Vanessa and Lucien were only a few feet inside the arena when a swarm of adoring men and women mobilized at the door, clamoring Lucien's name while hailing signature press photos and magazine covers chronicling his extensive modeling career.  He flashed his pearly whites at a couple of school girls to his right as he tried making his way through the heap of fans that started to encircle him.  Vanessa was of no help to him after being tossed aside by a couple of fan girls looking to get closer to Lucien.  It was a slightly infuriating development watching them fawn all over him, but she knew in the end that the only thing these idiots would walk away with was an autograph that would ultimately wither away and die.  Lucien was hers, and for that brief moment when he looked in her direction, defeated by the overwhelming amount of fans tossing memorabilia in his face, she suspected he knew it too.

Meanwhile, Danielle Marquez moaned with annoyance as she re-entered her dressing room, only to find her sister standing in the doorway.  She quickly plastered a smile on her face, a trademark of her many sessions in front of the camera for Hunks & Beauty Fashions.  She wished she could be genuinely delighted to have made it this far, but all she could think about was her latest run-in with Vanessa Manthroll.  It didn't help matters that the pesky thorn was down in the arena, leeching onto Lucien while fans attack.
Danielle:  If I ever develop such a following, you have permission to shoot me.
Michelle:  Welcome to stardom.  (Michelle beamed, placing her hands around her sister's knotted shoulders and ironing out some of the kinks)  It only gets better from here.  Wow, someone's a little tense.
Danielle:  Don't worry.  I'll be fine in time for the show.  (Danielle lightened the blush on her face while her sister wondered what could possibly have her sister all in knots)  What do you think?
Michelle:  Sheer beauty.
Never mind.  You're sort of bias.  (She said, shrugging off the compliment as she returned her attention to the large scale mirror, only to be distracted by the arrival of Brett Delgado)
Brett:  Well, I happen to think she's right.  (Michelle watched as a natural fluorescent glow came over Danielle.  It complimented the ridiculously huge grin on Brett's face well.  It may have been almost two years since her husband's assassination, but Brett's involvement in his wrongful death was still a fleeting reminder)
Michelle:  Hi Brett.  (She broke the silence, curious to the reasons behind his sudden re-emergence into her sister's life.  First, it was the modeling studio, now he was making an appearance at the fashion show?  Brett must have sensed her trepidation because the tone in his voice was slightly off)
Brett:  Michelle... how are you?
Michelle:  I'm good.  You?
Brett:  I can't complain.  (Michelle smiled lightly before turning her attention toward her sister, who was now standing on her feet)
Michelle:  Well, I'll leave you two to some privacy.  (Brett watched Michelle extend a kiss to her sister's cheek before making her exit from the room.  The fact that she made as little eye contact with him on her way out only made her unresolved feelings toward him all the more glaring.  Nonetheless, he was here for Danielle, and so he tried to push the observation out of his mind as he handed Danielle the bouquet of flowers he was holding)
Brett:  These are for good luck.
Danielle:  Thank you.  That was very sweet of you.  (She ran her nose over the white and yellow chrysanthemums)  They smell wonderful.
Brett:  The white ones are said to represent truth-- honesty in some countries.  (He forked over a folder marked "confidential" that he had concealed in his back pocket.  Danielle took it from his hands with hesitation)  I wrestled with bringing these over today, but I figured you waited long enough for these results.

Brett was right.  Danielle's curiousity about the results grew with every passing day, especially considering she was working day in and day out at the studio.  She had to grab package water from the vending machines because she couldn't trust that Vanessa wasn't slipping something extra into her drinking water.  As she flipped through the 5-10 page report, she tried her best to decipher the medical jargon.  If it weren't for the technician's cliff notes, she might have had a more challenging time determining the results.
Brett:  What does it say?
Danielle:  Inconclusive on the sports bottle.  No evidence to support or dispute the presence of the substance in question.
Brett:  I figured as much.  What about the urinalysis?
Danielle:  It's --  It's positive. (She handed him the report and started to make a few steps forward when suddenly it felt like gravity left hold of her body.  Brett reached out as a safety net, but it appeared she was quick to stabilize her footing)
Brett:  Are you alright?
Danielle:  Yeah.  I'm just -- I knew this was a possibility and I knew Vanessa was extremely insecure about my relationship with Luicen, but this --  (She paused, unable to find the words to clearly convey her dismay)
Brett:  It's a clear case of a woman who is out of control. 
Danielle:  You're right.  (Danielle knew how deep Lucien's devotion to Vanessa was, and she knew Vanessa had been nothing short of loyal to her sister -- sacrificing her modeling career to jumpstart Michelle's agency, but that could no longer be an allowance for Danielle's silence)  It's one extreme after another, and Vanessa needs to realize that this time she's gone too far.  (Brett grabbed hold of her hand and offered a reassuring smile)
You're doing the right thing.  Just be careful.
Michelle:  You two look pretty serious.  (Danielle and Brett broke apart almost instantly as Brett hurried to keep the confidential report shield from Michelle's view.  The secret exchange was enough to raise Michelle's suspicions about the possibility that the two were hooking up again) 
Danielle:  Brett was just wishing me good luck.
Michelle:  Well, our audience is expecting us in another five minutes.
Danielle:  Ok.  I think I'm ready.
Lucien:  Wow, you an say that again.  You look amazing.  (Brett and Vanessa watched him practically salivating over the sight of Danielle in her eggplant colored, Calvin Klein twisted-pleat dress.  Danielle smiled shyly in his direction, knowing Vanessa was just a few feet away from him)  Doesn't she, 'Nessa?  (Lucien couldn't even be bothered to look away from Danielle after putting his friend on the spot.  Brett could see the smoke emitting from her head as Vanessa coughed up an answer) 
Vanessa:  Yes, she does. 
Michelle:  See, I told you I wasn't lying.
Danielle:  Alright, I believe you.  (She said, backing away in protest.  After all, it wasn't her sister's compliment that she found to be disingenious)
Brett:  Well, I'm going to take my place in the audience.
Danielle:  Thanks for being here, and for the flowers.  (she kissed him on the cheek while Vanessa scrunched her face.  She would never understand what the allure of Danielle Marquez was)
Brett:  Good luck.  (Brett quickly made his exit while Michelle brought the focus of the afternoon back to the modeling show)
Michelle:  All right people.  Let's get this show on the road.

Mysteries of Our Lives Title Card

With the last two horrendous weeks behind her, Sandy Reynolds couldn't wait to sip into a fresh cup of her dailing morning brew.  As she made her way toward the checkout line to order, the sound of a baby's wail drew her attention squarely in the direction of her ex and his new wife, Akeira Desmores.  Sandy watched as the distressed mother handed over her child to Mitchell.  "Clearly her feminine touch wasn't calming enough for the boy, but her ex was a natural," she thought as she watched Mitchell rock young Roy ever so gently against his strong arms.  While she continued to observe the look of love and pride that exchanged between Mitchell and his son, Juliet Staggerfield headed out of the adjoining shopping mall carrying three or four CG-monogrammed bags when she spotted Sandy at her immediate right.
Juliet:  Sandy?  (She called out, peering around at her friend when she noticed that her attention was otherwise engaged)  Someone you know?
Sandy:  More like someone I use to know.  (It took a mental shrug for her to break her eyes from Mitchell and Roy)  What are you doing here?
Juliet:  Oh.  (Juliet waved her CG-monogrammed shopping bags in the air)  Doing a little shopping for my date with Darron tonight.
Sandy:  Really?  Before or after the main attractions?  (Juliet blushed, knowing exactly what her friend was alluding to)
Juliet:  Nothing that exciting, I'm afraid.  Just a dress, some pumps and a couple new fragrances the sales lady convinced me to try.  We're going to Monte Carlos.
Sandy:  Oh.  Nice to see you haven't blacklisted the place.
Juliet:  Are you kidding me?  Darron and I are secretly hoping you, Romain and your sister will show up for an encore.  (Sandy feigned a chuckle.  Even if Sandy wanted to darken the doors of that restaurant again, she doubted she would be welcomed after the public spectacle her sister made of herself)  How are things between you and Sherri?
Sandy:  Well, she hasn't tried to call me in the last 48 hours, so I suppose that's progress.
Juliet:  You're seriously not going to speak to her again.
Sandy:  I just can't deal with my sister's problems right now, especially when I'm forced to watch that day after day.  (She alluded to Mitchell, who was now playing with Roy's tiny fingers)
Juliet:  How do you know the happy family?
Sandy:  The doting father is my ex.

(<- Past Revelations Chronicles :: Alexander's Office ->)
Alexander Pierre reclined back in his lofty office chair, tapping his pencil against his cheek while thinking back on his brief encounter with his son at the gala.  Kyle might have consciously held back calling him dad when he dismissed his father in front of his fiancee and friends, but Alexander could tell that the thought had crossed his son's mind.  It was a small window, but it was enough to let him know that Kyle was considering his truce.  Of course, there was still one obstacle that threatened his operation-- Kyle's fiancee, Lacreasha.  He would have to woo her in as well.
Elianna:  Mr. Pierre, your 1 O'clock is here.  (The tall, gracious assistant announced as Alexander stood upright and dropped his pencil to the desk to diminish any reflection of inferior management.  In his next breath, he asked her to see the gentleman in.  Elianna turned out into the hall and informed the sharply dressed lawyer that Mr. Pierre would see him.  She could tell by the manner in which A. Ramsey-Lakhan rose from his seat that he wasn't appreciative of his 2-3 minute wait, yet he marched head strong into Mr. Pierre's office, propping his briefcase onto his lap as he claimed the middle seat across from Alexander's desk)
Alexander:  Mr. Lakhan.
A:  That's Ramsey-Lakhan.  I would think after three meetings, you could get it right.  (Ordinarily, Alexander would have anyone who dared talk down to him for lunch, but he had to admire this man's aggressive fire, especially since he would need all that and more to reach their ultimate goal.  Nonetheless, the arrogant lawyer was still out of his league)
Alexander:  So what do you have for me?
A:  (removing what appeared to be some sort of contract from his brief case, he handed it to Alexander)  The paper work you requested.
Alexander:  You work fast.
A:  That's what you pay me for.  Once you sign it, we can began initiating proceedings with family court.
Alexander:  and how long will that take?  (He flipped through the contract, gazing over the fine print)
A:  Roughly 7-10 business days.  In the meantime, how are you progressing with your character witness list?
Alexander:  My daughter's a given.  (he dropped the contract on his desk, folding his hands on top of them)  My son, however, I'm still working on.
A:  Well, keep in mind that your children's testimony will impact the weight of the judge's decision greatly, especially in light of your ex's recent marriage. 
Alexander:  Her husband is no saint.  I can assure you.
A:  (pulling out a huge manila folder, he flipped through the dosier, spreading doubt through Alexander's confident exterior)  Mitchell Desmores.  Private investigator for a couple years, a bulk of that time which he served acting as liason to the Coral Springs Police Department.  He's solved a number of cases, including, but not limited to, identity theft claims, embezzlement fraud, and a murder case in Toronto, CA.  (It was so upstanding on paper that if A had bothered to eat lunch earlier, he would be regurgitating it right now)  Except for his on-going affair with his wife's sister-- and who hasn't had one of those, there are not that many marks against him.  His sister, Rochelle, is also a respected member of this community.
Alexander:  She was also on trial for attempted murder a year ago.
A:  (reading his cliff notes on the Rochelle Desmores v. State of Massachusetts' case)  Yes, but the trial was declared a mistrial due to the negligence on the part of the Hallandale Police Department.  Not to mention, she was extremely instrumental in bringing the real killer to justice.  On paper, Mitchell and Akeira have a solid foundation for sole custody.
Alexander:  I don't pay you to say that.
A:  No.  (His eyes fixed on Alexander with a serious intensity)  You pay me for results, but I'm no miracle worker.  The only way that you stand even a fragment of a chance against Mitchell and Akeira is to get your family on a united front.  It's important that you smooth things with your son, or else, we don't have a case.

Cameras fired up as Garrett made her way center stage on the catwalk, her presence lighting up the runway after an initial cold start.  Brian must have sensed her need for reinforcement because he started cheering on the crowd out of nowhere and they went along, giving her the opportunity to perform a graceful doubletake while he gaged the reactions from some of the fashion reps in attendance.  The recently arrived Jennifer Everestt and Romeo Sullivan scoured two empty seats to their far right as they squeezed their way through the second to last aisle, causing guests to pull their seats back as the couple came through.
Jennifer:  Damn, we just missed her.  (Jennifer bellowed as she watched Garrett quickly retreating from the runway)
Romeo:  She still has two more acts.  (He defended as Jennifer slid into a vacant seat right next to a familiar set of hands, whose face she met up with soon afterwards)  I'm sure she's saving the best for last.
Jennifer:  Brian.  I didn't realize you were sitting there.
Brian:  It's okay.  I don't bite.  (A smile cracked his face so easily that the last few months didn't even seem real until Romeo had to go whispering into her ear, as discretely as he tried to make it appear)
Romeo:  But I do!  (Jennifer drew a short breath, trying not to appear flustered, but she could see a sudden change in color wash over Brian's face.  Fortunately, it was momentary)
Jennifer:  How was Garrett's first round?
Brian:  She was a little nervous at first, but I think she redeemed herself in the end.  I just wished her opposition hadn't nailed it out of the park so perfectly.
Jennifer:  Well, the night's still young.  The tide could change.
Romeo:  Jenni's right.  I've seen Garrett in action.  The competition's far from over.

Garrett:  Oh gawd, that was a trainwreck.  (She flew through the room, Malina following swiftly behind)
Malina:  Don't be ridiculous.  You did a great job.
Garrett:  Were we watching the same show?  (She towered her head in embarassment, cringing just thinking about her dalliance on the runway)  "I can't believe I froze like that."
Malina:  It's natural.  Everyone gets stage fright.
Garrett:  Not everyone.  Danielle Marquez seemed to handle herself just fine.  Maybe I'm just not cut out for this.
Malina:  Shaquanna and I both picked you out of a city of infinite possibilities.  We didn't bet on a losing horse.
Garrett:  Maybe that's why she isn't here to see the show.
Malina:  I can assure you that the reason Shaquanna left was not because she lost faith in you.  On the contrary, she had every hope that your performance at this show would put Nichols Beauticon back on the map.  So why don't you work toward proving she was right?  (The question sounded more like a command with the intense fire behind Malina's eyes, but Garrett knew Malina was right.  Malina and Shaquanna invested a lot of time and effort in propping her as their next big talent, the least she could do was see this thing through the end)

***Brett watched Danielle as she returned to the catwalk for round two.  Her hair was now tied into a single ponytail, which fell right against the back of her burgundy v-neck, sleeveless blouse.  The grace, the care, and the subtle confidence she exuded with every step was awe-inspiring to him, but then, Danielle never ceased to amaze him.  It was still hard for him to believe at times that she was in an industry built around shallow and materialistic views.

Danielle did her best to remain composed in the camera's limelight knowing that Vanessa was watching her every move from behind stage.  She jerked her head to the left, and stood still center stage in front of the catwalk.  Even with the ugliness of the backstage antics in her head, her every movement was on-point, monotonous even.  The applause from the audience and the smiles on Brett and Michelle's face told her she was doing great.  After all this time, she didn't need to think about how to seduce the camera, she just moved and allowed her body to do the work for her.  If anything, her thoughts about Vanessa seemed to give her a bolder edge over the photographer's lens.  As Danielle lowered herself to the ground, her body propped upward by the firm stabling of her feet to the catwalk, she was joined on the runway by her tall, lean and dark-haired male counterpart, Lucien.

Lucien was undeniably strapping in his 2-piece Ralph Lauren navy stripe cashmere suit as he stole the spotlight from Danielle.  The expert model made his stride across the runway in counter clockwise fashion, stopping at the right end of the catwalk first, where a group of fans screamed in excitment as he propped himself down while undoing the two buttons on his suit jacket, and proceeded to pull a single rose from his side pocket.  In the next move guaranteed to bring upon a raging circus, he threw the rose into the audience with a coy smile before rising to his feet.

Jennifer:  Poor girl.  (She voiced to Romeo as she watched the fashionably-challenged teen girl try to fend off a group of angry chicks who were displeased not to have been the one to catch the rose)
Romeo:  Not to worry.  There's a security guard to the rescue.
Jennifer:  Good, the last thing we need is a riot breaking loose.  (She returned her eyes to the runway to see Lucien with his head facing the audience on the left as Danielle removed his suit jacket, revealing a perfectly fitted, dark purple dress shirt with a solid light purple tie.  As Danielle slid into his jacket, she turned his body 90 degrees clockwise and began to loosen his tie before the audience.  Once the tie was loose, she casually slid both ends of the tie up and down around his neck as she pulled him in closer to her, not a breath escaping either mouths)
Romeo:  Could this be any more boring?  (He repeated in a light whisper to Jennifer)
Jennifer:  I don't know.  The photographers sure are eating it up, and the rep over there hasn't turned his head away since Danielle graced the runway.  (She pointed Romeo's attention to caucasian male rep, who appeared to be in his mid-to-late 60s and bore a stark resemblance to former US president, George W. Bush)
Romeo:  Well, look at him.  He's either constipated or has a huge hard-on for her.  (Jennifer tried to stifle her laughter as she playfully tapped Romeo on the shoulder for his seemingly astute observation.  As Lucien and Danielle did their doubletakes off the runway, the audience erupted in applause.  Brian continued clapping until his caught the sight of Jennifer and Romeo in a liplock)

(<- Cypress Gardens Plaza ->)
It was just Sandy's rotten luck that the next available table would be the one directly behind Mitchell and Akeira's.  To avoid being spotted by him or his new bridezilla, she made a point to grab the seat with her back facing Mitchell.  Juliet, meanwhile, took the seat across from Sandy, observing the bald, african american man with his son.
Juliet:  So that's Mitchell?  (Sandy forced herself to gulp down a drop of her coffee in order to avoid the temptation to turn around and sneak a peak at Mitchell)
Sandy:  The one and only.
Juliet:  What's the story?  How did you two end up here?
Sandy:  You mean the gossip mongorers haven't filled you in?  (She set aside her coffen mug, and reclined slightly against her seat)  Well, let's just say I made the mistake of stepping on a few toes while I was investigating a certain socialite and found myself the target of a hired assassin.
Juliet:  Oh my god.
Sandy:  Yeah, it was pretty horrifying.  (She cringed, feeling the bullet pierce her chest as she recalled how hard she fought to get away from her assassin before he shot her)  Long story short, after months in a coma, I had no recollection of Mitchell or our relationship.  The doctors didn't even think I would ever recover my memory.  It was hard for Mitchell to accept, but the more I pulled back, the more disconnected we became.  I suppose after a while, he accepted that things wouldn't be the same.
Juliet:  Is that why he married her?
Sandy:  I'm not sure what his motives were, but what we shared was real, more real than anything he had with my sister or could ever hope to have with his new wife.
Juliet:  So how do you stop yourself from going crazy?  How do you stay away when he's this close?
Sandy:  I don't know.  I tell myself that he's made his choice.  That he's made it perfectly clear-- (her eyes started to tear up as she recounted her recent encounter with Mitchell)

Scene Spotlight

Mitchell:  Do we really have to do this?
Sandy:  I will not stand for being treated like some stranger you're coming across on the streets.
Mitchell:  Funny.  Maybe you would finally understand how I felt just over year ago.  (Alluding to the fact that she forgot all about him and their life together after she was shot by that hired assassin last year)
Sandy:  That's not fair.
Mitchell:  (he bowed his head down briefly, realizing that his statement was a pretty low jab.  He just wished Sandy would leave already, and stop making this situation more difficult than it needed to be)  I'm sorry.  I'm not trying to hurt you, I'm really not.  What we had together was great-- but all good things come to an end.  (his eyes caught sight of an african american couple with their infant daughter.  She couldn't have been no more than a year old.  It naturally made Mitchell think of Roy and where he should be, which was clearly not talking with his ex in the middle of a shopping plaza)  We're over.  There is nothing more to be said.  There is nothing more you can do.  (Sandy turned her head away, as if attempting to shield her face from Mitchell's scolding eyes, and his view of the tears threatening to overtake her face)

Juliet:  Hey, you alright?
(wiping away the moist corner of her eye, she pulled herself closer into the table)  Yeah.  I just can't talk about this anymore... so let's talk about you.  What did you think of your pyschic reading last week by Mrs. Delfina?
Juliet:  Oh, you mean the one that got Darron all rowled up?  I don't know.  She didn't give a lot to go on.
Sandy:  Except the letter "W."  (she hinted lightly)  You can't tell me you're not curious if that is in reference to a certain ex- girl friend.
Juliet:  Even if it were, the reading could be alluding to an assortment of possibilities.  I'm not worried.
Sandy:  I'm not saying you should be.  It's just-- I have a history with these things.  I don't think you should completely ignore what Mrs. Delfina said, no matter how intangible...  (Juliet thought back to Mrs. Deflina's words before leaving the party as Sandy rambled on)  and I'm not saying that anything is going on between Darron and Widlin.  After all, it's clear to anyone with eyes that he's smitten with you.  It's just, these people have a way of knowing things.  Juliet?
Juliet:  She said "W' would bring danger, imminent danger.

***Wrapping up their business meeting, Alexander followed his lawyer to the archway of his office door.
For now, I think we should hold off on bringing our petition in front of the courts.  In the meantime, keep at with your son, as well as with Akeira.  We want to establish that you're making constant inroads to see Roy, especially now that your ex's back in town.
Alexander:  Right.  (He hated giving A the satisfaction of knowing he would have to follow his advice to the letter if he wanted to gain the upper hand over Akeira)
A:  I'll be in touch.  (A. excused himself from the office, only to find himself in a head-on collision with Lacreasha Dupree, who managed to slip pass the receptionist)
Lacreasha:  Oh god.  I'm so sorry.  (She felt like such an idiot for being caught up in her whole Nancy Drew moment that she couldn't tell that A was plesantly taken by the brief impact, and her choice in perfume.  In fact, it was making him weak in the arms.  He had to forcibly prop his briefcase up in order to prevent it from slipping)
A:  Running from something?
Lacreasha:  More like towards?  (Sounding like a woman headed toward damnation)
A:  Obviously a necessary evil.
Ms. Dupree?  (He inquired cordially, responding to the commotion she and A. had made earlier)
A:  Nice running into you.  (He added before making a swift exit toward the elevators.  Lacreasha was sure she recognized the lawyer's face from somewhere, but before she could give it any serious thought, Alexander spoke again)
Alexander:  You're becoming a regular around here.  Can I expect my son to come crashing through momentarily?
Lacreasha:  Kyle's busy running your rival paper.  It will be just me this time.
Alexander:  By all means then, please come in.  (Hmm... she knew not to invite the vampire into her home, but was it safe to enter his lair upon invitation?  Her feet trudged lightly against the carpeted floor as she walked into the office)  So what can I do for you?
Lacreasha:  You can tell me why you're acting so cordial with me.  Are we on hidden camera?  (She proceeded to canvas his office while he simply burst into laughter as if she told a ridiculous joke)
Alexander:  I'm trying to respect my son's fiance.  So why don't you say what it is you're here to say because I have a newspaper to run.
Lacreasha:  I'm here to find out exactly what it is that you're after.

(<- Hallandale Heights Arena ->)
Malina watched delightfully as Garrett commandeered the audience attention in her black and white knit Chiffon robe with satin collar, which left very little of her matching bra and thong to the imagination - frontal view, anyway.  She performed a series of gymnast moves on the catwalk, sliding up and down the runway for that natural sex kitten shot.  It was quite a follow-up to Danielle's performance with Lucien, but Garrett needed to do something that would stick in the reps mind.   She may have been the spokesmodel for liberated women everywhere, but she was no prude, and she was more than willing to exercise her womanly wiles on the catwalk.  With the show in Garrett's hand, Malina retreated behind stage to make a phone call.
Shaquanna, you should be here.  (She told herself as she punched the familiar digits into her cell)
Automated Voice:  "We're sorry, but the number you've reached has been disconnected.  If you feel you've reached this message in error, please hang up and try your call again."
Malina:  What?  Disconnected?

After her successful shoot with Lucien, Danielle had no desire to return to her dressing room, and risk a possible run-in with Vanessa.  Instead, she slipped discretely into the audience next to Brett.
Danielle:  (she slipped casually into the empty seat next to him)  Hey.
Hey.  Hiding out from the papparazzi already?
Danielle:  More like avoiding another run-in with my stalker in the shadows.
Brett:  You shouldn't have to.  (He pulled out the confidential envelope, reminding her of the facts)  This gives you all the ammunition you need.
Danielle:  The last thing I want is to throw that in her face out of spite.
Brett:  You could always slap her across the face with it.
Danielle:  Brett!
Brett:  Don't let her make you the victim, or worse, the bad guy.  She brought this on herself.  Let the evidence speak for itself.
Danielle:  (she grunted aloud as she reclined back in her seat)  Ugh.  I know you're right.  To think my life was much simpler working for the Pierre's.
Brett:  That is a scary thought.  (Danielle chuckled along wtih him as his cell phone started to vibrate.  Digging the phone out of his side pocket, he glanced at the display and felt a fleeting urge not to answer the phone)  Hey.  (He answered as the woman on the other line began to speak)  I'm just out with a friend...  An hour or so, why.  (Danielle observed Garrett while trying to catch every syllable of Brett's conversation)  I didn't realize that was today...  No, no worries.  I will be there.  Bye.  (He packed his cell back in his pocket and shifted back uncomfortably in Danielle's direction)  Sorry about that.  (Of course, with one gentle wave of her head, Brett knew he was in the all clear)
Danielle:    Is everything alright?
Brett:  Yeah, that was my --  a friend of mines, Julia.  She sings for a local venue in town, and has her first performance in an hour.
Danielle:  A singer?   Step up from a door maiden?
Brett:  Don't even, besides, I would say she was a door maiden / model.
Danielle:  Well, I'm glad that you found someone.    Sad that you're going to miss my final act.
Brett:  With the advents of youtube, I'm sure I'll catch it sooner or later.  Since I'll have to leave in the next half hour, I suppose you should hang on to this.  (He handed her the confidential envelope)
Danielle:  Thanks.  (Danielle gave him a smooch on the cheek before rising from the audience)  I should probably get this tucked away somewhere safely until after the show.
Brett:  Good luck.

(<- Cypress Gardens Plaza ->)
Sandy:  You can't put too much stock in what this madame says.
Juliet:  Be careful, you're contradicting yourself.  We both know that "W" is the reason Darron got so riled up at the gala.
Sandy:  He and Widlin have been over for ages.  Anyone who looks at him when the two of you are together can see that you're all he's thinking about.
Juliet:   I know you're right, but what does everything Mrs. Delfina said mean?
Sandy:  In the grand scheme of things, it means nothing.  (Sandy knew the minute those words came out of her mouth, all her credibility was shot to hell.  After all, wasn't she just saying mere minutes ago that Juliet shouldn't ignore Mrs. Delfina's reading)  And I know I'm contradicting myself, but what matters above all else is what you feel and what you think.
Juliet:  I trust Darron.  He wouldn't hurt me.
Sandy:  Then forget what I said because clearly I don't know what I'm talking about.  This Delfina person is just blowing smoke.  (It was a simple notion, but Juliet wasn't sure it would be as easy as Sandy made it sound)

(<- Past Revelations Chronicles :: Alexander's Office ->)
Alexander attempted to negate Lacreasha's suspicions as he headed toward his desk, inviting her to take a seat in one of the three chairs available in front of his massive office desk.  Lacreasha walked over to the one at the far left end, but only so she was in closer proximity of him.  She had no intention of making herself comfortable on one of his chairs.
I'm not after anything, Lacreasha.  I'm trying to reconnect with my son.  I wish you both could see that.
Lacreasha:  All I see is how much seeing you upsets my fiance.
Alexander:  Is it really him I'm upsetting or are you upset that I might actually be getting through to him?
Lacreasha:  You were at the gala.  You saw what your presence is doing to him.
Alexander:  What I saw is my son caught between a rock and hard place because of your unfounded animosity towards me.  He knows that you don't approve, and he feels like he is betraying you by considering a relationship with his father.
Lacreasha:  I'm not the reason your son is cautious of you, Alexander.
Alexander:  You're right, my actions over the years haven't helped matters concerning my son, but your lack of objectivity about me is hindering his ability to work through those feelings.  If you really want to do what's best for my son, you'll step aside and let us work through this ourselves.

***Lacreasha:  I'm in love with your son, Alexander, so no, I will not step aside and I'm sorry if that ruins your grand plan, but someone has to look out for Kyle's interests.
Alexander:  I have no grand plan.  (Lacreasha hangs onto his on his every syllable, hoping he would eventually bury himself as he continued to perform his snow job)  I simply want to restore my family.  I should think the recent losses to this community would have you see that.
Lacreasha:  You made sure Kyle never felt like apart of your family for nearly three decades.  Why the desire to include him now?
Alexander:  Because he's my son.  Because I owe it to him to try, in spite of all the time that has passed.
Lacreasha:  You know what's sad?  You seem so sincere, and I know how much it would mean to Kyle to have your love after all these years.
Alexander:  So why not allow us to bridge this gap?
Lacreasha:  Because I don't trust you, Alexander.  I don't trust you.  (She stated matter-of-factly before a knock on Alexander's office door interceded the declaration, ruining any chance for Alexander to break through his future daughter-in-law's defenses.  A moment later, his daughter, Widlin, popped her head in)
Widlin:  Sorry to intrude--
Lacreasha:  No, that's alright.  I'm finished here.  (She turned to leave after one last stern look at Alexander)
Widlin:  I hope you're not running off on my account.
Lacreasha:  No.  (She smiled cordially at Widlin before finding her sights back on Alexander)  I think Alexander and I have said all there is to say.
Alexander:  I hope you will give some thought to what I said.  (Lacreasha remained stoic in her appearance, sure she would more than likely spend the rest of the afternoon analyzing everything he said to her.  Unfortunately, she doubt anything he said would get her any closer to figuring out what his agenda was where Kyle was concerned)
Lacreasha:  Have a pleasant afternoon.  (She skated over his question as made her way pass Widlin to the exit)
Widlin:  What was that all about?
Alexander:  Lacreasha playing guard dog where my son is concerned.
Widlin:  Yet no verbal explicatives.
Alexander:  I'm doing as you advised.  My son is obviously infatuated with that woman.  It would behoove me to ease my way into her good graces.  If I'm able to do that, the rest should simply fall into place.  (He said with a finality that left Widlin with nothing, but questions.  What would fall into place?  What was her father really up to where Kyle was concerned?  Did she even want to know?)

(<- Cypress Gardens Plaza ->)
Sandy:  (glancing at her watch)  Wow, look at the time.  I need to get going.  (She stepped away from the table, grabbing her empty coffee mug.  Juliet remained seated) 
Juliet:  Where are you headed?
Sandy:  Job Prospect.  It's about time I got back in on the action.
Juliet:  A bullet is a pretty big deterrent.
Sandy:  Yeah, and I don't intend to make myself the target of another.  But I need the work.  Plus, it always brings a smile to my face knowing someone else is far worse off than me.  (Akeira Smith Desmores wandered back into the plaza, racing over to where she and Mitchell had been seated earlier.  Looking around the table, Akeira spotted her son's toy rattle that she and Mitchell must have dropped on their way out.  Picking up the rattle, she sighed with relief while catching the tail end of Sandy's conversation with Juliet)
Juliet:  Well, good luck to you then.
Sandy:  Thank, but I won't need it.  Say hi to Darron for me.   (Juliet moved from her seat as the two embraced in a hug.  It lasted less than minute before Sandy pulled away)  And forget about W.  She's no threat.  (Juliet wondered if Sandy was right, was Mrs. Delfina and her warnings just a hoax?  Did she really have no reason to be worried?)
Akeira:  You should be worried.   (For a second, Juliet almost thought she was talking to herself, but as she turned around, she saw that the voice was clearly Akeira's)
Juliet:  Excuse me?
Akeira:  I couldn't help, but overhear the tail end of your conversation.  You're Darron Wolek''s new girlfriend.
Juliet:  and you're Mitchell's new wife.
Akeira:  (smirk)  Yes, and I can only imagine what your friend has been saying about me, but before you declare me public enemy number one, perhaps I can clear up your questions on Widlin Pierre.

(<- Hallandale Heights Arena ->)
Danielle peered quickly in her dressing room for signs of Vanessa before entering.  She had to unload the confidential envelope before the final act started.  As she approached her make-up counter, she noticed Vanessa's reflection creep into the mirror behind her.  She turned swiftly as she tucked the envelope under some fabric laying in a heap on the counter.
Danielle:  Vanessa.  I didn't know you were in here.  (She flatly relayed, thankful there weren't any water bottles around for the crazed woman to spike)
Vanessa:  Your sister was looking for you.  We were worried something might have happened.  (The way Vanessa's eyes glazed over as she said that sent a chill down Danielle's spine)  I agreed to stay behind in case you showed up.
Danielle:  Well, as you can see, I'm fine.  So you can go now.
Vanessa:  That's not very hospitable of you, Danielle.  (She remarked darkly, wringing her fingers as she moved a few steps closer to Danielle)  Certainly not the endearing, little twit that Lucien keeps yammoring on about.
Danielle:  Oh my god.  This isn't the time or place.  (She grabbed hold of the counter top, turning toward the mirror in hopes of getting Vanessa to back off)
Vanessa:  Well, time or place certainly has no value to you, Danielle.  The little show you did on the runway.
Danielle:  It's a fashion show, Vanessa.  It is our job as models to perform, and excite the audience.
Vanessa:  Looks like you were trying to excite more than the audience.
Danielle:  I think you should leave.
Vanessa:  Or what?  What are you going to do?  (She inquired in a condescending manner)
Danielle:  I don't know.  What would you do, Vanessa?  Perhaps I'll slip an illegal drug in your drink, but wait, you already beat me to it.  (Danielle watched the color drain from Vanessa's face drop by drop, and part of her felt a sense of empowerment.  She could see the wheels practically turning in the deluded model's head, and she wasn't about to give her a way out)  Yeah.  I know all about your vitamins.  And let me tell you something, I've had more than enough of you.


Click here for Episode 313