Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives": Summer of Seasonal Eruption
ø In an effort to trump her competition, Garrett got in touch with her inner sex kitten.  Meanwhile, Danielle found herself the target of another one of Vanessa's jealous rantings.  When Vanessa refused to back down, Danielle revealed that she knew Vanessa had been drugging her.  (~)

ø After learning of Mrs. Delfina's cryptic warning to Juliet, Sandy advised her friend to forget the clairvoyant's reading, and trust in what she and Darron had.  Unfortunately for Juliet, Akeira Smith Desmores had different plans.  (~)

ø Derek remained unsettled by the closeness between Shanna and Andrew as they paid respects to her husband.  Following the memorial, Andrew continued to rattle Shalia's cage by reminding her that she's the reason for all the pain that her husband is in and that when Derek figures out who she really is, their perfect little marriage will be over.

***In the middle of the Hallandale Cemetery, Shanna Mallory Hemmings sat in a worn patch of dry grass, locked in by 4 or 5 rows of tombstones, each unique in their size, makeshift and color.  The only one of any particular interest to her was the one that stood no more than 3-feet before her.  As she moved her right hand across the smooth, grayish white surface of her husband's tomb, tracing her fingers around the engraving of his name - Benjamin Hemmings - she closed her eyes, wishing it's mere existence was a figment of her imagination.  Only she could still outline with her eyes closed the inscription below her husband's name; she could smell the aging of the grass that touched her jeans; and she could even hear the gentle whisper of the wind.

Opening her eyes to the sight of her husband's tomb once again, she turned away toward the angels in the sky.  Looking far beyond the clouds to the place where now two of her husbands lie.
Shanna:  Why?  Why you Ben?  It just doesn't feel real.  (Her voice cracked in between phrases while she looked on at the dark, unforgiving skies above, hoping for someone to validate her lingering hope that this all was some terrible mistake.  The only thing she gets is a reminder of the transport that failed her husband as the sound of plane passing overboard overtakes the sky.)
Derek:  Shanna?  (He called out once the plane passed, making his way around the last row of tombstone that separated him and her from one another)
Shanna:  Derek.  What are you doing here?  (Shanna inquired as she stood up to her feet.  Although the two had called a truce for the sake of Ben's memory, a part of her still held Derek responsible for her husband's plane crash.  After all, he and his wife were the reason Ben was flying halfway across the world.  But she couldn't deny that Derek was also hurting as he maneuvered his head apologetically in the direction of her husband's tombstone)  Yeah, stupid question.
Derek:  How are you holding up?
Shanna:  I'm okay.  I just thought coming here would make me feel closer to Ben.  (Her eyes rested on her husband's tombstone yet again, and naturally, so did Derek's) But a cold tombstone and a bunch of dirt is hardly a substitute.
Derek:  Yeah.  Ben was tough, but he was gentle and freeing with those he cared most about.  You, me, our clients at the shop, his friends...
Shanna:  Yeah, he was.  (The light, mellow tone of her voice masked the anger she felt at being reminded of what she lost, especially when it all could have been avoided if Derek never married the likes of Shalia Mendez.  Unable to withstand the confines of the cemetery any longer, she lightly tapped Derek on his shoulder before quietly passing him by.)

(<- Hallandale Heights Arena ->)
I think you should leave.  (Danielle declared as she rose to her feet, but Vanessa wasn't about to allow the likes of some amateur fashion model dictate her every move)
Vanessa:  Or what?  What are you going to do?
Danielle:  I don't know.  Perhaps I'll slip an illegal drug in your drink, but then that would make me just like you.  (Danielle realized Brett was right the moment she saw every sense of smugness and dominance in Vanessa's face stiffen to nothingness)  Yeah.  I know all about your vitamins. (She narrowed her eyes on Vanessa, looking introspectively at the woman that had been unraveling before her for months. Vanessa couldn't speak. Her eyes didn't even flicker, probably from the shock of being found out)  What was the plan?  Did you think you could get me so inebriated that I wouldn't be a threat to you?  Or was cardiac arrest your ultimate goal?  Off me and finally have Lucien all too yourself.
Vanessa:  That was never my --
Danielle:  What?  Go on Vanessa.  (She insisted, regarding Vanessa like some special needs child needing extra encouragement)  It was never your what -- your intention to get caught?!  Well, guess what, your dirty little secret's out.
Vanessa:  So what?  (Vanessa attempted to regain control of situation after spotting the beads of sweat rushing down her forehead from her reflection in the large scale mirror)  You run to Lucien and tell him I'm this evil person because I've been pumping you with drugs?  He will never believe a word you say.
Danielle:  Why would  --   (She shook her head in protest, realizing her question was pointless)  The truth is on my side.
Vanessa:  And years of history is on my side.  (Vanessa proudly announce as Danielle tried to escape the sight of her, but turning away only gave Danielle a fierceful dose of Vanessa's reflection)  Who is Lucien going to believe?  A woman he's spent most of his childhood protecting, or you, a servant-turned model?  (Danielle took a deep breath, but the fuse had already been lit.  Danielle gripped the reinforcing counter stand in front of the mirror, her hands falling loosely under the fabric which concealed the damaging lab results)
Danielle:  You know what, it doesn't matter if Lucien has a difficult time swallowing the truth because I'm sure the fine print will speak for itself(The syllables in her final words ranged through the air as the folder went flying across the room, leaving Vanessa staring down the red fury of Danielle's face) 
Michelle:  "Danielle, Vanessa.  What is going on?"  (Came the concern inquisition of Danielle's sister from the archway of the dressing room, grabbing both the ladies attention.  Danielle took a calming breath, but not for one second, did she shift her attention away from Vanessa)

Malina walked aimlessly around Hallandale Heights Arena as the sound of the automated voicemail message on Shaquanna Nichol's cell phone ranged in her ears.  She knew Shaquanna was carrying around this huge secret about her identity, but to skip town without any form of contact... it just didn't make any sense.
Anton:  Malina?
Malina:  Yes?  (Her mind was so clouded by thoughts of Shaquanna that she doesn't even make out her fiance's voice at first)  Oh Anton, I'm sorry.
Anton:  Are you okay?
Malina:  Yeah, I'm just a little distracted.  Have they announced the third round yet?
Anton:  No, but I overheard the judges saying it should start shortly.
Malina:  I should probably make sure Garrett is ready.  (She started to walk away from him, but Anton grabbed her gently by the arm, sensing that something was off)
Anton:  Are you sure everything's okay?
Malina:  As sure as I can be.  (She struggled to grimace a confident demeanor as she gave Anton an appreciative kiss on the lips.  She hated to be omissive, but she didn't want to burden him with her worries about Shaquanna again.  As she made her way behind stage, Anton was unable to shake the feeling that something was off with his fiancee)

(<- Cypress Gardens Plaza ->)
Juliet Staggerfield wasn't sure who this Akeira person thought she was sticking her nose in what Juliet thought was a private conversation between her and Sandy, but as she moved out of earshot of the remaining patrons in the plaza, she turned back to face Akeira.
Juliet:  I'm sorry, but don't you have an infant son you should be looking after?
Akeira:  His father is with him.  I thought you could use some friendly, unsolicited advice.
Juliet:  ("Unsolicited is right," she thought)  I'm not concerned about Widlin Pierre.  She and Darron are history, and he's with me now.
Akeira:  Yes.  Darron has certainly moved on, but don't fool yourself into thinking she has.  Widlin Pierre still has designs on your man, and if I were you, I would be very worried about that.

(<- Undisclosed Location ->)
Cruising down the deserted road of east Hallandale,  Darron Wolek was anxious to get home and change for his dinner date with Juliet when he noticed a black honda civic stalled up ahead.  He pretty much set his mind on passing the poor sucker by when he noticed the woman pacing on the side of the road while conversing on her cell phone.  Widlin Pierre was trying unsuccessfully to get ahold of Triple A, but all she got was a bad connection and an annoying bleeping noise every five seconds as if she hadn't realized by now the battery was close to dead.  Now on her fifth consult, Widlin relayed to the rep that she blew a tire and needed roadside assistance.  Problem was the incompetent hack couldn't verify her membership ID#.  The night clearly not getting any younger, she suggested as calmly as possible that she check under her father's name, Alexander Pierre.  The line was quiet for about 2 seconds before the rep asked Widlin to verify her location.  As she looked out to the road ahead, she spotted a gray toyota corolla slowing down as it reached her.  Widlin couldn't tell if it was male, female or a masked serial killer due to the dark-tinted windows.  The fact that there was little sunlight left didn't help matters.  As the driver rolled down his tinted windows, a look of embarrasment marred her face, invoking a smile on the driver's as the rep on the cell phone that Widlin had lowered called out to her for a response.
Darron:  Need a hand?

(<- Hallandale Heights Arena :: Danielle's Quarters ->)
Looks exchanged between Danielle and Vanessa as Michelle made her way into the dressing room, expecting to find her sister ready to showcase her talent for the final act.  Instead, she found her tossing a thick envelope at one of her dearest friends.  It was like stepping into the twilight zone.
Michelle:  Well, is someone going to tell me what is going on?
Vanessa:  We were just having a minor disagreement.
Michelle:  It looks a little more than minor from where I'm standing.  (Her eyes averted to the envelope that Danielle tossed acrossed the room, which Danielle moved to recover)  What's in the envelope?
Danielle:   Lab results.  (She looked to Vanessa without saying anything further)
Michelle:  What kind of lab results?  Is something wrong?
Danielle:  Yes, something is wrong, Michelle, and it has been for a while now.  (Danielle once again glared blankly at the quiet model)  Your friend here is a lying, paranoid, cunning little... (It took all the strength in her not to echo that one final paralyzing word as she repositioned her eyes on her sister)  I want her gone.

Mysteries of Our Lives Title Card

Michelle:  You want her gone?  (Michelle shook her head in a state of confusion)  Honey, I can't just get rid of Vanessa, and where is all this coming from?
Danielle:  Your friend has been out to get me since the day I started working with Lucien.  She's the one that went to the press with the news that I was joining H&B as the lead model, that's how they found out.
Michelle: The story in Past Relations Chronicles? That was month ago. (She reasoned, not understanding why Danielle wouldn't have said something earlier)
Vanessa:  This is unreal. 
Danielle:  No.  What is unreal is you drugging me without my knowledge, or thought to the possible risks.
Michelle:  What?  Drugs?
Danielle:  The lab results.  I tested positive for traces of amphetamines.  (Vanessa shook her head disapprovingly, appearing completely baffled by Danielle's startling admission)

(<- Hallandale Cemetery :: Ben Hemmings' tombstone ->)
With Shanna gone, Derek took her place in front of Ben's tombstone, his hands nervously wrapped into one another.
Derek:  Well, as you can see, things are still a little awkward between me and your wife.  But don't worry, I won't let that stop me from looking out for her like you would want.  (He pulled at the aging grass to the side of him)  She's still hanging around that Andrew character though.  (Derek gritted his teeth, recalling how close Andrew and Shanna were at Ben's memorial service)  I tell you, I don't trust him.  First, he builds her an art studio - no strings attached, all the while slowly worming his way into her life.  Now there like instant friends. 

Derek paused as he debated mentioning the second reason for his misgivings.  But he needed someone to confide in, and other than Shanna, who was an obvious no, Ben was the only one -- dead or alive.
Derek:  If you were still here, I'm sure that Andrew guy would be long gone.  Of course, what's troubling me more is his sudden connection to my wife -- (A light smile glistened across his face as he imagined Ben's celebrating the moment with bells and whistles)  and I know that must be raising all kinds of red flags for you, but Shalia explained that the two simply got into an argument over her being at your service.  That they had no prior contact before then, but I saw the hostility in her eyes that night, this wasn't a man she just met.  (He hated acknowledging that fact out loud because it only made him second guess everything he was defending all those months that Ben went on a rampage to prove that Shalia was a fraud)  I should know.  It wasn't the first time I saw the two together.  She knew him, and that's when I realized she was lying to me.  (He continued to look on at the cold, unmoving tombstone of his dead best friend, but an "I told you so" never came.  Ben was dead!)

(<- Shanna's Art Studio ->)
Shanna emitted a deep sigh as she unlocked the door to her dark art studio, which was looking more and more like a mortuary each and every day.  Spatters of black, brown and red paint were scattered across the bare beige walls, several dozen canvases of Ben were lined up near the entrance and against the back wall.  She could barely get around the place without running into a painted canvas.  It might seem crazy to the outside person looking in, but it was her only way of holding onto Ben's beautiful image.  She couldn't risk shutting her eyes and forgetting what he looked like, and the few photos she did have barely captured the livelihood that was him.  Maybe she could keep it alive through her art.  As she slipped into her artist coat, she grabbed an empty canvas from the three that remained in her arsenal, and sat down in front of her canvas.

She shut her eyes and allowed herself to remember his smile, the smell of his cologne, the black wife beater he always wore; every last detail, no matter how inconsequential, was significant to her artistic escape.  Like the 50 plus before, she started with a simple face composite, outlining the roundness of her husband's bald head and the arch of his ears.  It took her no more than two minutes before she moved to the thickness of his neckline and the broadness of his muscular shoulders. As she began drawing in the definition of his exposed chest, a knock sounded at her door, but her ears were deaf to it.  When the individual knocking failed to get an answer the second time around, he simply welcomed himself inside the unlocked studio door.  Upon entry, Andrew inspected the dark, depressing place, realizing it was even worse off than the last time he saw it.  At his immediate right, he saw the back of Shanna's messy pony tail, her face knee deep into painting.  The sight of her decrepit and void of the will to live excited him to no end, but it also made him wonder if she grieved half as much as when she lost her first husband.  As Shanna moved from her seat to grab a fresh coat of paint, she gasped when she noticed Andrew standing in the middle of her studio.

Andrew:  Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you.
Shanna:   How did you get in here?
Andrew:  I knocked, but there was no answer.  By chance, I tried to door handle and here we are.   (He explained as he took a peak at her almost finished painting) Another painting of Ben?
Shanna:  It helps me remember him.  Keep his spirit alive in a way.  (It was strange for her to admit that she felt closer to Ben here than at the cemetery, where the "real" life remains of him lied)
Andrew:  Why is he sad in this one?
Shanna:  Because he knows I just came from visiting his grave, and he can't comfort me.
Andrew:  and it doesn't make you sad thinking he's sad.
Shanna:  It's like I said. The feeling you get when you're painting a subject somehow cancels out the sadness.  (She took her brush for emphasis, and dabbed the fresh brown coating across the area that consisted of her husband's face)  It doesn't matter if he is sad, glad or angry.  It's all about creating life beyond the canvas.

(<- Undisclosed Location ->)
Widlin: Thank you for coming to my rescue.
Darron: What can I say? Old habits die hard. (He answered with a grin before turning back to load the spare tire in place of the flat) So what are you doing on this side of town?
Widlin: I just came from visiting with my father at his office.
Darron: What did he do now?
Widlin: Actually, he was semi- tolerable. He really wants all of us - me, Kyle and the new baby - to be a family.
Darron: So naturally, you've decided to be the obedient daughter and help him toward his goal.
Widlin: In spite of the things he's done, my father has always been there for me. I don't doubt he loves me, and I think if given the chance, he could share that love with Kyle and Roy. (Darron shook his head disapprovingly) What?
Darron: Nothing. It's not my business. (Darron threw the rim onto the tire)
Widlin: You obviously have an opinion.
Darron: You really want to know what I think? (He moved from the tire as Widlin shook her head in favor) I think you're setting yourself up for more pain and misery. Your father destroys everything he touches.
Widlin: You're talking about us? (A look of remorseful acknowledgement hits Darron's face) As much as I want to blame my father for what went down, I played as much a part as anyone.
Darron: Because your father preyed on your insecurities. He was miserable, and you were happy, and he couldn't stand that. Kyle and Roy are better off without him.
Widlin: We all make mistakes Darron. I think it's big of my father to finally see the bigger picture and work toward fixing what's wrong. (He wondered if she really believed that)
Darron: Some mistakes can't be fixed. (The air went immediately still before Darron returned to finish up with Widlin's car. Widlin stood there quiet, naturally remembering the events that led up to their break up)

***Darron: Alright, you're all fixed. (Darron patted down his hands as he rose to his feet)
Widlin: Thank you. (Darron smiled lightly before turning to leave when Widlin pulled his arm, signaling for him not to walk off just yet. The two shared a brief moment before Widlin moved her hand)  Wait.  I want you to know that I appreciate your advice earlier, and believe me, my eyes are wide-open where my father is concerned. I do believe he's committed to changing.
Darron: Until you get involved with another man he doesn't like?
Widlin: Well, there's hardly a chance of that.
Darron:  In this town?  I would start hedging bets.

(<- Cypress Gardens Plaza ->)
Juliet: I'm not going to live in fear of what some stuck up ex- girlfriend of Darron's may or may not do.
Akeira:  That's admirable, putting your trust in a man that has made a career out of conning wealthy women.
Juliet:  Well, I'm not wealthy, and I'm not being conned, at least not by Darron.  The verdict's still out on you.
Akeira:  I assure you, this is no con.  The threat to your relationship with Darron is what bonds him to Widlin.
Juliet:  and what is it this bond?
Akeira:  A secret.  One so volatile that it nearly cost your friend Sandy her life. (Juliet recalled Sandy telling her about the events leading up to her being accosted and shot in her home.  Sandy also credited that moment as the turning point for her relationship with Mitchell Desmores, who was now married to Akeira)
Juliet:  Widlin Pierre was the woman she was investigating?
Akeira:  The one and only.
Juliet:  and how do you know all of this?
Akeira:  Oh, your boyfriend and I go way back.

(<- Hallandale Heights Arena ->)
It had been a good half hour since Danielle Marquez was to grace the stage.  Seeing no sign of the H&B reps along the catwalk, Malina headed back stage to locate the group.  She could hear several voices up ahead.  There was a woman and man, each talking about a woman named Vanessa, who didn't strike a familiar chord to Malina.  She was seconds from the door when a female reporter called out her surname, prompting Malina to turn back.  She, however, did not recognize the light skin, african american woman standing before her.
Female Reporter:
  Ms. Ramirez -- May I have a few minutes of your time?
Malina:  and you are?
Female Reporter:  Tara Banks, Past Relations Chronicles.  (She could tell by the grimace on Malina's face that she's familiar with the name of her associated newspaper)
Malina:  I wouldn't have considered the fashion show an item of interest for PRC.
Tara:  PRC is interested in all spectrums of news.  So you're representing the talent for Nichols tonight?
Malina:  Yes, that would be me.  (Tara grabbed a notepad from her purse, casually hitting the "record" button on her hidden tape recorder)
Tara:  What do you think tonight's competition - Danielle Marquez?
Malina:  I think she's a formidable match, but we're ready to outshine her.
Tara:  Well, Garrett Michaels definitely got the audience attention with her performance and round two.  What are Nichols' plans if she is indeed handpicked by the modeling scouts tonight?
Malina:  Nichols hasn't made any definite plans yet.  We're still bouncing around a couple of ideas.
Tara:  We?  Meaning you and Shaquanna Nichols?  Where is the proud founder?
Malina:  I'm sorry, I need to return behind stage.
Tara:  Well, you could at least take another minute to answer the question.  Why is the founder of Nichols not here supporting her talent?  Are the rumors true that she's flown the coup and left Nichols high and dry?  (If Malina had any doubts that this interview was just a ruse to get a reaction from her about Shaquanna Nichols' sudden disappearance, the way Tara's follow-up question rolled so smoothly off her tongue cleared them up fast)
Malina:  Shaquanna is the "Nichols" in Nichols Beauticon.  This agency is her life's work, and she would be here if she could.  I do believe that answers your question, so if you would excuse me.  (She quickly marched off, leaving Tara with an accomplished grin.  As Malina bounded the nearest corner, she took a brief rest and hoped that what she told the reporter was all there was too Shaquanna's disappearance)

Michelle:  Vanessa, is this true?
Lucien:  There is no way.  (He announced, immediately forgetting the reason he came looking for Danielle and company as he walked into the room)  Vanessa wouldn't do something like that.
Danielle:  The lab results are right here.  (She handed them to her sister, who examined the papers)  I even caught her holding the questionable vial of drugs in my dressing room at the studio a week ago.  No doubt drugging my drinking water again.
Lucien:  But you didn't see her drugging your drinking water.  Why are you making these allegations? 

A slight smile formed on Vanessa's face as she listened to Lucien blindly defend her ethics.  She only wish that she were indeed the innocent he was making her out to be, but as she studied Michelle's reflection in the mirror, she knew the results of the lab tests made her protests to Danielle's lies almost impossible for Michelle to believe.  Michelle dropped the dossier and turned away - momentarily - from the disagreement between Danielle and Lucien.  Danielle, meanwhile, tried to suppress her hurt at being viewed as the hostile enemy by Lucien.
Danielle:   Because there true, Lucien.
Michelle:  My sister wouldn't lie about something like this.  (Michelle jumped to her sister's defense, knowing it meant criminalizing her friend)
Lucien:  You've worked with Vanessa for a number of years, Michelle, you can't believe she's capable of something like this.  It just doesn't make any sense.
Danielle:  It's because she's done such a good job of hiding her contempt for me, but I think you should take note of the fact that she's been practically mum this whole time.  (The astute observation by Danielle threw Lucien for a loop, causing him to immediately turn his attention to the woman who's been like a sister to him)
Lucien:  Vanessa.  Tell her that this is a mistake.  (Vanessa could barely look him in the eye as all she saw when she looked at him was an intense a plea for her to righteously deny Danielle's allegations, and she wanted to lie.  It would have been so easy for her to, but with the results of Danielle's lab tests floating around, Danielle and Michelle watching her inquisitively, and Lucien's pleading...) Tell them that there is no way you could have done this.
Vanessa:  Oh Lucien.  I wish I could, but everything Danielle has said is true.  I have been drugging her for weeks.  (Feeling vindicated, Danielle shook her head in disgust as Lucien stood in dead silence, unable to move and unsure what to feel at the echoing of Vanessa's admission.  Michelle looked regrettably to her sister as she extended a comforting hand over Danielle's shoulder.  Danielle welcomed the touch before shifting her eyes to Lucien, which were now fixed on Vanessa, who had lowered her head in shame)

***Lucien:  Why?  Why would you do something like this?
Vanessa:  Because I hate her.  (She stated a matter-of-factedly, looking Danielle dead in the eye) Because she just couldn't back off.

After overhearing a call that Vanessa thought she was having in private, Danielle angrily barged into the room.
Danielle:  It was you.  You're the one that leaked I was working here to the press.
Vanessa:  I have no idea what you are talking about.
Danielle:  I overheard you gloating on the phone and it's not like you don't have any motive.  You have wanted me gone ever since I started posing with Lucien, but guess what, I am going to be around, so you might as well get use to it.

After their successful interview with Illusion Magazine, Danielle invited Lucien out to dinner at Monte Carlos.  Before heading over to the restaurant though, they stopped by the studio, where they ran into Vanessa, who wanted to celebrate with Lucien after learning about his interview with Illusion.  Lucien, however, informed a dejected Vanessa that he had already made plans with Danielle, and that she was free to join them.  Not appreciating being an afterthought, Vanessa refused.  Feeling a twinge of pity for Vanessa, Danielle decided to extend an olive branch to her and brought her and Lucien's celebration back to the studio.  Little did she know the icy encounter she would receive as a show of thanks for her surprise...
Vanessa:  I wasn't aware anyone was here. I thought you and Lucien went off to Monte Carlos.
Danielle:  Actually, we decided it would be better for us to eat here.   Perhaps making it more impossible for you to refuse to join us.
Vanessa:  That's very nice of you considering.   I'm sure Lucien must have been impressed.
Danielle:   Well, he was upset about turning down your offer and leaving you here alone, so I suggested bringing Monte Carlos back to you.
Vanessa: (was this woman expecting a medal?) How noble of you!
Danielle:   Is there something wrong?
Vanessa:   What isn't wrong?   This purer than salt act, the fact that you got a job you weren't even qualified for or maybe the fact that you're using me to get your hands on Lucien.

Vanessa:  She kept trying to convince me it was all work, but I knew what she was after.  Then I saw her kissing you, and it felt like I had been stabbed in the heart.
Lucien:  Kissing -- 

Danielle turned back to respond to Lucien's generous compliments, only to be left speechless by the acknowledgment of how close the two were. Finding himself mesmerized by the innocent glow of her brown eyes, Lucien leaned forth swiftly and kissed her tenderly on the lips before she could process all that was happening. An envious Vanessa watched out on in stunned silence as the two embraced, Danielle giving in blindly to the warm touch of Lucien lips against hers. Vanessa's insides became twisted as the pain of the moment reflected upon her face and she can only motion her head up and down slightly in awe. Unable to take another second, Vanessa walked away from the two as Lucien wrapped his arms around Danielle, causing her to bring the kiss to a complete halt, as she pulled herself away from him.
Danielle: I'm sorry, this can't happen. (Danielle then turned away from Lucien, who found it difficult to speak, his head still wrapped on the kiss. When his clarity was finally restored, he shook off the kiss and found himself facing Danielle's back)
No, I'm the one who should be apologizing. I don't know what came over me...

He had successfully forgotten that misstep up until now.  He and Danielle agreed to block that moment from their minds minutes after it happened, and afterwards, he ran into Vanessa outside her dressing room.  He remembered her being so distant with him, but it never occurred to him that it was because she had witnessed that ill-fated kiss.
Lucien:  That was a one-time thing, Van.  Danielle and I both agreed it was a mistake.
Vanessa:  Oh, she took pure delight in giving me the 411.  Right Danielle?

Danielle's is amidst an argument with Vanessa while preparing for her next shoot at the studios.  Worn out by the numerous altercations over Lucien, she decides to deliver Mrs. Manthroll a harsh dose of reality.
Danielle:  ...
Let me tell you something.  Lucien may never see you as anything else, but a friend and that still shocks me to this day.  (She turned back to her reflection in the mirror, hoping that would be the end of their 2000th argument about her relationship with Lucien)
Vanessa:  You know nothing about me and Lucien.  (Danielle detects a hint of desperation in Vanessa's voice, as if she's trying to convince herself that what Danielle said just minutes prior wasn't true.  Suffice it to say, it prompts her to stare down her arch nemesis in the face once again)
Danielle:  I know that you’re not a couple.  I know that it takes more than you to make you and Lucien a couple.   (A look of fury encroaches Vanessa's face as the words settle in) So why don’t you get the hell out of my face and get a life because I’m not interested in your fantasies.
Vanessa:  You’re the one that’s dreaming if you think I’m going to let a little twit like you come between me and Lucien.
Danielle:  (her voice pained at having to repeat herself) My god, there is nothing to come between.  You and Lucien are not together and if there’s a God, you never will be. (Danielle raised from her chair and walked away, forgetting the rest of her makeup as she opened and closed her dressing room door)

Danielle:  I was angry.  I didn't mean those things.
Vanessa:  Oh god, stop pretending you're this perfect little angel.  (she screamed at Danielle, prompting her to back away in shock)  You meant every word, and that's why I had no choice but to stop you.  (she turned to Lucien, pleading as if holding on to a lifeline)  Before she erased me from your life, Lucien.  I couldn't let her take you from me.

(<- Hallandale Cemetery ->)
  What I can't get past is the fact that she did it so swiftly.  There was no hesitation, or a nervous twitch in her eye.  She looked me in the eye and she lied.  And it makes me wonder why.  (He smirked at the irony of his words)  You spent the last few months of your life warning me not to trust this woman.  Hell, you flew half way across the world.  (For the first time, it actually registered with him that Ben could have been on to something about Shalia)  So what did you find Ben?  What were you headed to in Coral Springs?

(<- Shanna's Art Studio ->)
Here.  I thought you could use a glass.  (She handed him a glass of lemonade, sitting down right next to him while he admired the portrait he finished painting)
Andrew:  Thanks.
Shanna:  How do you feel?
Andrew:  Okay.  I never really thought about my brother so introspectively before. (He didn't know how else to describe the process that Shanna walked him through as he basically stripped his brother layer by layer in order to reconstruct his image on canvas, ad libbing a couple features here and there to obscure the image from too much of a likeness to his late brother, Terrell)
Shanna:  That's the beauty of art.  Recognizing the subject from the inside out.  (She examined the final composite of Andrew's portrait.  It was clearly the work of a virgin artist, but there was a familiarity that struck her)  You said your brother was a cop, where was he stationed?
Andrew:  (he gulped down on the lemonade that made it into his throat)  Nevada.  (It was the first state that came to his head that wasn't Louisiana.  He thought he obscured the subject in the painting likeness to his brother well, but he couldn't risk her figuring out the truth until he was ready)  Why do you ask?
Shanna:  Just curious.  I think it's the effect of the art on me, I feel like I know him.
Andrew:  Yeah, I suppose that's what make it seems so palpable, so tangible to the human hand.
Shanna:  (she smiles)  Yeah, you will probably find this silly, but every now and then, when I'm alone at night and I'm missing Ben, I'll go and grab one of these paintings and snuggle up to sleep with it.
Andrew:  I don't think that's silly at all.  (Shanna looked into his eyes, but saw no sign of a man on the edge of bursting into a hysterical laughter, nor a man viewing her like some mental patient who needed her head shrink.  He seemed genuinely understanding of her revelation.  As a result, she felt comfortable going on)
Shanna:  I just think if I can feel him through those static painted canvases, somehow he's with me. You know? (Her eyes started to water and she moved to stand, not wanting to break down in front of Andrew.  Unfortunately for her, Andrew doesn't allow her the space, quickly moving to her aide)
Andrew:  I understand.  You love someone so much, and then the unthinkable happens.
Shanna:  I just miss him so much.  I want him here!  (She screamed, allowing Andrew to take her into his arms.)
Andrew:  I know.  (He wasn't Ben, but to feel another man's strong, comforting arms around her was a nice consolation.  Andrew, however, couldn't help but burn at the same time hearing her cry over the man that took his brother's place)

***Paused at a red light in his gray toyota corolla, Darron made a call to Juliet on what must have been expensive in-car telephone system.  He's thrilled that he still has enough time to get changed for his date and head Juliet off at the club.  Juliet was loading the last of her shopping bags into the back of her car when she felt the sudden vibration of her cell against her waist.  She quickly press the talk button when she spied Darron's name on the display screen.
Juliet:  Hi.
Darron:  Hey, just confirming we're still on for tonight.
Juliet:  Most definitely.  I'm about to leave the shopping center now.
Darron:  (biting his lip, he returned his car to drive mode and continued down the far right lane, keeping a look out on the traffic behind him)  Sounds intriguing.
Juliet:  Sandy had a similar reaction.
Darron:  Heh.  Does she know we're checking out one of her fave hangouts?
Juliet:  It was one of many unsettling things she had to deal with.
Darron:  Sounds like you had an interesting afternoon.
Juliet:  Yeah, I even ran --  (Her train of thought is disrupted by the sound of a loud, obnoxious horn as Darron slams on his brakes in an effort to avoid hitting the back end of an SUV after it switches into his lane)  Darron?  (There was no answer from Juliet's end.  As the road ahead concaves to the right, the driver switches over to that lane allowing Darron to pass him by.  As he does, he finds the driver looking apprehensively at him and sneers at him before proceeding ahead)
Darron:  Jackass!
Juliet:  Darron?  Are you there?
Darron:  Yeah, yeah.  I'm here.  (Her voice lightens the mood for him as he readjusts himself in his seat, keeping his eyes on the road as he speaks clearly in the adjacent speaker)  Everything's okay.  Just your run of the mill non-driver.
Juliet:  Thank god.  I was worried there for a minute.
Darron:  Everything's fine, but I probably should talk to you when I'm more stable footing.
Juliet:  Ok.  I'll see you later then.  Bye.
Darron:  Bye.  (He hung up the phone and then sped down the road.  He needed to get home)

(<- Sky Lansing Condos :: Akeira and Mitchell's Place ->)
  Mitchell, I'm home.  (She announced as she slipped into the condo, hoping her voice didn't disturb baby, who she suspected would be sleep by now.  As she unloaded her purse and keys on the counter, Mitchell's sister, Rochelle, came out from the back room, surprising Akeira)
Rochelle:  Hi.  (She could see the look of surprise on Akeira's face)   Mitchell had to run out for a while, so I agreed to watch Roy until you got back.  I just finished putting him down in his crib.
Akeira:  Oh.  Well, thank you.
Rochelle:  No problem.  He's a part of the Desmores family now...  (There was a slight pause before she added)  so are you for that matter.
Akeira:  Thanks.  I appreciate you saying that, especially given the rumors I'm sure you've heard about me.  (Rochelle tried to dispel the thoughts of a woman she heard passed off another woman's cancer-ridden child as her own, blackmailed Widlin Pierre, and romanced Alexander Pierre for the sake of his securing his bank account, but then why else would anyone subject themselves to the likes of mud slinger...)
Rochelle:  Well, my brother seems very grounded by this relationship, and I don't want to be the one to add any friction to it.  (Her voice suggested more than her actual words conveyed, which Akeira picked up on)
Akeira:  Well, you have nothing to worry about.  I'm 100% committed to your brother.
Rochelle:  I hope you are because my brother has been hurt enough by women that say they love him.
Akeira:  Your brother has been real good to me.  I have no intention on hurting him.
Rochelle:  Then we will get along just fine.  (Rochelle concluded, even though she wasn't sure herself given what had already been established about Akeira's character or lack thereof) I'll see myself out.  Enjoy the rest of your evening.
Akeira:  You too.

(<- Hallandale Heights Arena ->)
Could we have some time alone?  (Danielle mimicked "Of Course" as she bowed her head down light the righteous little twit that Vanessa Manthroll had grown to resent.  Michelle followed quietly behind her sister as she exited the room.  Danielle swore she saw a flicker of something cross the corner, but her mind was too distracted to think anything of it)
Michelle:  I can't believe you didn't tell me this was going on.
Danielle:  I tried when the first assault came, and you accused me of being dense for not seeing that Vanessa had a crush on Lucien.
Michelle:  I think what's going on in Vanessa's head far exceeds crush.  I just hope Lucien is able to get through to her.  (Michelle looked back in on Lucien and Vanessa, the concern on her face throwing Danielle for a loop)
Danielle:  What?  This wasn't some psychotic break.  She sounded completely rational back there tearing me to shreds when she's been attacking me for months.  The woman could have killed me, for heavens sake.
Michelle:  I realize that.
Danielle:  Then you wouldn't be sitting here, feeling sorry for her.
Michelle:  Danielle --  (Her outcry was intersected by a loud display of congratulatory applause and clamoring, reminding Danielle that this was supposed to be her night, and it was all tainted now)
Danielle: You hear that.  (She grimaced with a disgusted grin)  I guess the show's officially over now.  You can thank your good friend Vanessa for that.  (She marched off, not wanting to be in the arena with Vanessa, nor her sister, a second longer.  Michelle tried unsuccessfully to stop her, sighing deeply and clenching her fists in the air as she watched her sister disappear down the hall, solidifying the fact that she had royally blew it)

Vanessa:  Are you mad at me?  (He grabbed her hand and motioned for her to sit down in the nearby chair, which happened to be the one that Danielle was previously occupying) 
Lucien:  Sit down.  (As she sat down, he binded her hands together while keeping his body leveled in a stance that would suggest he was about to propose marriage, but judging by the look on his face, that wasn't it)  I need you to hear me out.  I'm not mad at you, but I don't like what you did.  (She lowered her head in shame as if she was child being ridiculed by her parents for misstepping.  Lucien gently leveled her head by pushing up her chin, convincing her to look him in the eye)  Look at me.  You have to know that what you did to Danielle wasn't right.
Vanessa:  I just wanted her to back off.  I wanted her to stumble, to stop looking so perfect.
Lucien:  Danielle's not perfect.  She has flaws like everyone else.
Vanessa:  But it's her you're sharing the spotlight with, and I couldn't take it.  Knowing that she was right, that you would never love me the way I want you to.
Lucien:  We can't change how we feel.  You'll always be one of my most cherished friends.
Vanessa:  Damn it, Lucien.  That doesn't help me.  (She snatched her hands from his, moving from the chair.  She was sicking of him coddling her like a child)  It doesn't comfort me.  It doesn't make me feel better.
Lucien:  I thought you accepted that I don't feel that way about you.
Vanessa:  Yeah, but your lips sure were available for Danielle.  (He had just about forgotten his one off with Danielle, but he could see by the telling look on Vanessa's face that she hadn't)
Lucien:  That was a mistake.
Vanessa:  Too bad it was one you never shared with me.  Maybe both our lives would be different.  (There is a quiet calm cemented with a subtle eerieness that passes between both parties as their words cease to exist)

(<- Shanna's Art Studio ->)
  I'm sorry, I shouldn't be leaning on you like this.  (Shanna pulled away from their hug, but the space between her and Andrew remained tight)
Andrew:  It's alright.  I don't mind.
Shanna:  I do.  It feels wrong and I think you should leave.  (She started to turn away from him, but he pulled her arm with a subtle force)
Andrew:  Shanna?  (He looked quietly into her eyes and could tell she was not appreciative of him grabbing her arm in such a manner, yet it took another second for him to actually let go)  Alright, I'll go.  But I want you to know that I'm here for you, day or night.
Shanna:  That's a lovely sentiment, but you have your own life.  You shouldn't waste it worry about me.
Andrew:  But it's not a waste.  I care about you, Shanna... a lot.  (There was a long pause that went unanswered before Shanna turned away, walking toward her studio door)
Shanna:  I'll see you out.  (Andrew followed reluctantly behind Shanna as she opened the door to her studio.  He moved swiftly toward the darkness that awaited him outside, but turned back in the archway, preventing any possibility of Shanna being able to swiftly shut the door)
Andrew:  Are you going to be all right?
Shanna:  I'll be fine.  I have Ben here to protect me.  (She said jokingly, referring to the 10 dozens of canvases lying around)
Andrew:  You have a good night, then.
Shanna:  You too.  (Andrew moved in to give her good-bye kiss on the cheek.  When he pulled away, their eyes lock and Andrew mistook the look in her eye for something more and swiftly moved in for her lips.  Catching the widow off guard, Shanna allowed herself one gasp before she pulled herself away from his warm mouth, trying to reclaim the breath she lost in that moment)  What are you doing?
Andrew:  I'm sorry. I -- I don't know what came over me.
Shanna:  You need to go.
Andrew:  Shanna, I'm so sorry.  (Shanna quickly push the door, yelling at him to just go she knocked his foot out of the archway, securing the lock on the door once it was shut.  She rested her back against the door, and waited to hear the sound of his footsteps retreating a way, but it didn't come soon enough.  She could feel him breathing.  "What was he doing?"  She thought to herself.  "Did I?"  She inquired, wondering if she somehow encouraged him to move in for the real deal.  She just buried her husband a mere week ago, she told herself as the tears that she spent much of the day trying to suppress finally unloaded from her eyes as thoughts of Ben, and what it would do to him to see her kissing another man overloaded her subconscious.  As her shameful cries thickened and the widow began sobbing into her own hands, Andrew finally up and left)


Click here for Episode 314