Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives": Summer of Seasonal Eruption
ø During the Masquerade Gala, Billy was not pleased to learn that Mindy's mystery date was none other than Morgan Hysterias, the man responsible for the dismantling of Fantasy Inc. (~)

ø Growing tired of his sister's constant hovering, Brock angrily lashed out at Dana and told her that she could not possibly help him through his grief.  Dana, hurt by her brother's words, denounced her faith in the tarot.

***On the edge of the Hallandale Pier, the morning had started two hours to soon as widower Brock Lombard downed a bottle of scotch, attempting to drown out the sound of his wife's final pleas before her untimely death.

Flashback, Episode 300

Samantha:  But I don't feel right, Brock.   My throat is coarse and I can barely move my arms now.
Brock: (picking up her left arm, it felt even less warm than before, but he wouldn't show her that) Can you feel this?  This is my hand touching yours and this is you touching my face.   (he pulled her palm up against his cheek, she could feel the slight tingle in her palm as her hand came into contact with the smooth stubble around his right cheek.   Tears came to her eyes as she thought of never being able to touch his face again)   Hey, why are you crying? (Brock wiped away some of the tears under her eyes)
Samantha:   Because I love you.
Brock:  I love you, too. (he kissed her hand) It's going to be okay. (he squeezed her hand tighter, but she couldn't feel it and she knew he sensed it) We're going to be okay.
Samantha:  Promise you'll never forget us.
Brock:  Sam, you're going to be here to help me keep that promise.   (He told himself, even as her skin got less warm under his, but she couldn't hold on to that false hope)
Samantha:  Just promise me.
Brock:  I promise.  (A tear slid down his cheeks)  I'll never forget us.  I promise.   (She smiled at his acknowledgment and as he dropped her hand, he leaned over to give her a kiss on the lips.   Her lips were cold to the touch, but his love for her warm them up.  He then went back down to his seat, looking in her eyes again as she smiled what would be one last time as he turned to see what was taking Dr. Delacroix and Delilah so long)   "I'm going to see what's keeping them."   (He got up and as he moved to the door, it seemed like the walkway got longer and longer with each step, but with his back turned, Samantha could close her eyes and within seconds, her monitor would go off, alerting the whole hospital as Brock swiftly turned back to see her flatlining)

Meanwhile, Brock's sister, Dana, awoke to the new day feeling like death warmed over.  Staring at her reflection in the mirror, she noticed her dishelved hair and crumpled clothes as the voices of those closest to her raged in her head:  her brother blaming her for Samantha's death; Matthew insisting that she was not responsible for what happened; followed by Brock reminding her that she wasn't his wife and that she could not help him.  As the words continued to play havoc over her mind, she screamed violently at the mirror.

Samantha Keller LombardBack at this apartment, Royce Keller graced the morning with a bit of optimism as he shut the door to his fridge, a cold glass of orange juice in his hands.  As he lift the glass to his lips, his eyes landed on a photo of his sister atop the kitchen mantle.  It had to be one of his favorites -- a clear testament to the beautifully alluring and confidant woman his sister was.  It certainly didn't measure up to the cold, slab of flesh he cried over in the hospital morgue.  "No!"  He thought to himself as he took a sip of his orange juice.  He would remember Sam the way she was, and make damn sure everyone else did too.

(<- Hallandale PD Headquarters :: Detective Ralph Lombard's Office ->)
Detective Ralph Lombard was finding it difficult to concentrate on much of anything since the death of his sister-in-law.  The act of filling out case reports just seemed so frivulous with his brother somewhere, sectioned off, from the rest of the world.
Another drunk and disorderly.
Ralph:  Just put 'em in a cell until they sober up.
Officer:  Actually, I think you'll want to see this one. 

Ralph looked up from the mound of pointless paper work on his desk with annoyance.  He was not interested in dealing with another one of their average drunken slobs.  However, when the officer dragged his brother inside in handcuffs, the sight of not so average drunk propelled Ralph from his desk chair.

Ralph:  What?  What's going on?
Officer:  Found him at the pier, drinking, and skating dangerously close to the edge.  He wouldn't come willingly, so I had to handcuff him.
Ralph:   Well, I hardly think he's in any danger of running now, right bro?

Ralph voiced with a hint of annoyance as he made his way around the front of his desk, looking into the eyes of his inebriated brother, half-expecting him to answer the question.  Brock's response, however, was just a quick flare of his wrists.  Realizing his brother wasn't going anywhere in his state, Ralph instructs the officer to remove the handcuffs.  Once released, the widower happily takes the opportunity to wring his wrists.  Ralph, meanwhile, instructs his colleague that he can handle things from here, shutting the door close following the officer's departure.
Ralph:   Drinking this early in the morning?  What are you doing?
Brock:  It helps.
Ralph:  Really?  Do you think this is what Samantha would want?
Brock:  I know-- what wife -- my wa want...  I hear it every time I shut my eyes.  I can hear it now.
Ralph:  What do you hear?
Brock:  Not to forgot, not to forget her.
Ralph:  Maybe there is a reason you keep reliving that moment.  Samantha wanted you to remember her, not the way she was in the end, but her, the woman you fell in love with.

(<- Springfield Lakes Resort - Dana Lombard's Place ->)
With her hair pulled back in a quick ponytail, Dana walked into her box-size kitchen to pour herself a cup of coffee.  She didn't exactly get a good night sleep last night with worrying about her brother [Brock], and replaying in her head all the signs she missed that could have helped her stop Samantha from being poisoned.  After she took her first gulp of the drink, a knock sounded at her door.  When she made no effort to respond, the visitor proceeded to knock again, eliciting a response from her.
  Go away.
Matt:  It's Matthew.

Dana, however, was not moved by his presumption that he was a welcome guest.  When he doesn't hear a response or the sound of her feet approaching the door, he starts to wonder if she's avoiding him.  After all, there were times when she would call and he would swear she picked up, but there was never any response.  Before he can mull over the possibility any further, the door to Dana's apartment swings open and he sees the sad state of her.
Matt:  Well, hello stranger.
Dana:  I thought you'd be at the hospital with your brother.
Matt:  I'm headed over there later. I just haven't see you in a while.  I've tried calling a few times, but I usually get your voicemail.
Dana:  Yes, I've been sorting through some stuff.
Matt:  Anything I can help with? 
Dana:  Not unless you can turn back time. 

She moved away from the door, settling near the couch in the living room.  Matthew took what he presumed to be permission to enter as he closed the door gently behind him, stopping just a few inches passed the archway.
Matt:  Brock's still in bad shape?
Dana:  He was the last time I saw him.  I thought my being around him would help, but it seems to have made things worse.
Matt:  How so?
Dana:  He's just all over the place emotionally, and he's started drinking.  There are even times where he swears Samantha is still alive.  Being the one there to have to remind him that she isn't... it's like watching his heart shatter all over again.
Matt:  You can't blame yourself though.  Samantha's death is not your fault.
Dana:  Even if I could believe that Matthew, it doesn't change how my brother feels.  How does he go on living in this world knowing the one person who made it worth living is gone?

Mysteries of Our Lives Title Card

Matt:  Brock does not blame you for Samantha's death.
Dana:  You weren't there.  You didn't see the look in his eye.  You didn't hear the intonation in his voice.
Matt:  You said he's been all over the place.  Whatever he said, it was out of grief and hurt.  He doesn't blame you.
Dana:  It doesn't matter because I blame me.  If it weren't for those stupid cards, none of this would have happened.

"Stupid Cards? Was she referring to her tarot?"  Matthew wondered.
Matt:  Those cards are a part of you, Dana.  There not stupid.   How can it be?   It brought us together.
Dana:  Those cards taunted you and me for months with the prediction of Samantha's death.  We were so caught up in getting answers-- hope, that we allowed the cards foreshadowing of pain and turmoil to misdirect us.
Matt:  We're human.  We can't always decipher accurately what the universe is telling us.
Dana:  But what kind of universe takes as easily as it heals, Matthew?  Is this really a gift or were our brothers right all along?

(<- Springfield Lakes Resort ->)
Even after nearly three weeks, there is still an eeriness to it for Malina and Anton as they enter the Springfield Lakes Resort complex to visit with Royce for the first time since the death of his sister.  The night of Samantha Keller Lombard's death wasn't just forever etched into their memory for that reason along.  It was also the same night that a disgruntled employee held Malina and several others hostage, ending in her being shot and nearly killed.  Thanks to the quick heroics of her friend Shaquanna Nichols, Malina's life was spared, yet hours away, Samantha would succumb to a toxic posion.  It was really hard not to stop and -- the sound of woman's violent screams pierced Malina's ears, leaving her visibly stirred.

  You okay?
Malina:   Yeah.  I could have sworn that I heard...
Royce:   Anton, Malina.  What are you two doing here?
Anton:   We thought we would stop in on an old friend.
Royce:   In other words, you're the calvary checking up on me.
Anton:   Something like that.  Can we come in?
Royce:   Sure...  Take a seat anywhere you like.  Can I get you both anything?
Malina:   No, I'm good.
Anton:   Same here.  So what is this you have your hands in?

Royce came around the other end of the couch, and scooped up the loose notebook paper that had caught his friend's attention.
Royce:   I've been researching funeral caskets all morning.
Malina:   I'm sorry.
Royce:   Hey, its not your fault.  Unfortunately, it's something that has to be done.  And my sister deserves the very best.
Malina:   Yes, she does.
Anton:  Have you decided on a date for the service?
Royce:  No, I've been waiting for the opportunity to get with my brother-in-law to discuss that.
Malina:   How is Brock?
Royce:  Well, in spite of himself, he loved my sister.  From what I hear, he's not handling it well.

(<- Hallandale PD Headquarters :: Detective Ralph Lombard's Office ->)
Ralph grabbed a chair for his brother, allowing Brock the opportunity to get off his feet and replenish himself with a large glass of water and a Vitamin B tablet.  Once his brother took the tablet, Ralph continued with their conversation.
  So, have you thought about having an official goodbye for Samantha?
Brock:  You mean, a funeral?  No, I can't get there.
Ralph:  Maybe it will help.  Give you some peace.
Brock:  How can I ever be at peace with my wife not being here?  She dedicated her profession to saving lives, yet she couldn't save her own.
Ralph:  I don't think you ever come to peace with the actual death.  I probably speak for you and me both when I say I will never forgive the monster that killed our sister.  But when I think about Ceanna, I remember the good times.
Brock:  Remembering only reminds me of what I lost.  Of what I can't get back.
Ralph:  You're right.  You and Samantha found something special together.  Something that doesn't come around too often, so it would be a detriment to her memory if you were to try to forget that.  Pain is a part of the grieving process, and it doesn't go away.
Brock:  I just want her back, Ralph.  I just want my wife.
Ralph:  I know. I know.   (Ralph took hold of his brother, allowing Brock to freely express his pain as the sobs outpoured from him like a solemn melody)

(<- Trio ->)
With the restaurant closed for the morning, Crystal and Mindy sat at the bar reviewing the menu for Trio, as well as taking in some of the documented complaints they received from customers within their first two weeks of service.
Well, most of the menu items seem to be a hit except for the baked fish trio.
Crystal:  The consensus on the potato wedges wasn't that great either.  Perhaps we should do tator tots instead?
Mindy:   I don't mind tators.  It's better than french fries.
Crystal:  What about the chicken, shrimp, side dish combo?
Mindy:   Five stars.  In fact, it seemed to be our most popular option after the 3-piece chicken combo.  I do think we should look at the drink options.  A few of the guests complained that they were all caffeinated or alcoholic.
Billy:  At your service.

Billy surprised the ladies as he popped up from behind the bar, setting a pink colored concoction on the flat surface.
Mindy:  What is it?
Billy:  Kiwi drink, with a twinge of freshly squeezed lime.  Or the Strawberry Explosion.
Mindy:  Fruity drinks?
Billy:  Don't knock it until you had a taste.

Mindy reluctantly picked up the kiwi glass and took a sip.  A look of total indulgence colored her face as she lowered the glass from her lips, taking in the fruity smell.
Mindy:  Um... This is really good.
Billy:  And 100% fruit, mixed with 4 ounces of purified water for those sugar conscious individuals.  We make a few pitchers of these things, promote 'em heavy over the next week and the lack of non-caffeinated drinks will be a thing of the past.

Crystal was so moved by the new found sense of energy and passion that Billy derived from coming up with his new tropical drinks that she decided to give the Strawberry Explosion a try.
Crystal:  Wow, this has a nice kick-- raspberry?  No, mango?
Billy:  Close, grapefruit and a little twinge of pineapple.
Mindy: Passion fruit? I like.   (She winked at Billy as her cell phone ringed)   Excuse me.
Crystal:  You seem to be in a better place, all things considering.
Billy:  Well, I love Trio and our clientele.  Sure, I wish we could have rebuilt Fantasy as a part of it, but since we can't, I'll have to find another way to direct that creative energy.

***Billy was showing his girlfriend how to mix his special fruit drink while Mindy wrapped up her phone call.  When Mindy headed back to the bar, Crystal broached the topic of Morgan Hysterias carefully, knowing Billy was within earshot of the conversation and not a fan of the business mogul who saw it fit to cut the funding on Billy's company.
Mindy:  "Okay, I'll see you soon."
Crystal:  Morgan again?
Mindy:  Yeah, he wants to take me out for dinner and a movie tonight.

Crystal thought to herself that it had to be the 5th or 6th time that Morgan had taken Mindy out in two weeks.  She picked up an ambiguous vibe from him at the gala, leading her to believe he was hiding something.  Of course, after the showdown between him and Billy, he's managed to stay pretty aloof.
Crystal:   What movie are you seeing?
Mindy:  We decided to make that selection once we got to the theatre.
Crystal:  How much do you know about this Morgan Hysterias?
Mindy:  I know he's dedicated to his work, extremely good looking, and can turn an awkward moment into an uplifting one.
Crystal:  Family? Values? Previous Marriages?
Mindy:  He has a younger brother in Chicago.  He doesn't have a political affiliation, but he's anti-animal cruelty and pro-choice.  He believes in fair and equal compensation among men and women--  He's a decent man, Crystal.
Crystal:  You're right.  He sounds like quite the catch...
Mindy:  But?
Billy:  But the man swept into this town and snuffed our company right from under us, and despite his protests, he knows a whole lot more about us than we know about him.

(<- Springfield Lakes Resort :: Royce Keller's Place ->)
While Malina remained seated next to Royce, Anton had moved behind the couch, positioning himself behind his fiancee.
  You know, I heard about what happened at the Hallandale Weston.  I'm glad to see you're alright.
Malina:  Yeah, it was a very memorable situation.
Royce:  Did they at least lock up the creep who did it?
Malina:  He's awaiting trial for the charges.  It's up to his peers to decide what happens.
Royce:  I detect a pause.
Anton:  She's empathizing with her captor.  But the way I see it, unintentional or not, the man could have killed her, and that deserves a maximum sentence.
Royce:  Well, you know, Stockholm Syndrome isn't uncommon.  I mean, you hear horror stories everyday about woman who are violently rape by these men, and overtime, they grow to have these normal relationships.
Malina:  I don't have Stockholm Syndrome.  I just think Seth chose a less than rational method for handling his problem, and things got out of hand.  He's not a bad guy -- he has a wife and son.
Anton:  "Oh boy."
I'm not empathizing.

She was quick to recant once more, having picked up Anton's private thought and the look of skepticism on Royce's face.
Royce:  Why don't we just change the subject?  How was the gala?  I saw the memorial candle and cards that everyone signed for Samantha.
Malina:  Yeah, that was a really thoughtful gesture that Robin and Crystal came up with.  The gala, it was-- it was eventful.
Anton:  Yeah, there was the awkward run-in with the Pierre's.  Then a group of us decided to venture into the magic chamber maze.  Between the rotten stink bomb, nearly going deaf and trap doors galore, it was a surprise we all got out in one piece.  Although I must admit, it was sweet watching my cousin freak out after getting his leg pulled by one of those stupid skeletons in a trap door gags.
  But we did get the opportunity to dance toward the end of the ending.
Royce:  I'd say you had the complete gala experience then.
Malina:  Yeah, I suppose we did.  (She looked up at Anton and smiled, rolling her hand over the engagement ring that she had temporarily switched to her right ring index finger in order to avoid anyone catching onto the fact that she and Anton were now engaged to be married.)

(<- Springfield Lakes Resort :: Dana Lombard's Place ->)
Matthew:  No, our brothers were skeptics and my father believed in what the universe was trying to accomplish. He dedicated his life to protecting this world against evil, and I feel it is my duty to follow through in his footsteps.  Don't allow this loss to let you lose sight of that.
Dana:  Matthew, my brother is floating without a paddle these days, and its all because of me and those stupid tarot cards.  He was right.

Flashback, Episode 302

Dana: If I could change what the cards told us, what Crystal's premonition predicted, I would.
Brock: (completely blind sided by her remark) Cards? Premonition? What are you talking about?
Matthew: (drawing from Brock's confusion that he must have misinterpreted what he heard) Crystal's premontion and Dana's tarot reading were how we tied everything together.  Dana didn't choose to believe Samantha was going to die, her tarot readings led her to that conclusion.
Brock:  You expect me to believe a bunch of stupid cards told you my wife was going to be killed?
Dana:  There not stupid, and no, I don't expect you to believe, Brock.  Why should now be any different? (Brock has never been a believer in her connection with the universe via her tarot cards, and Dana didn't want her brother putting all the weight of his wife's death on her tarot cards)
Brock: So what? You want to say I told you so?
Dana:  Of course not. (appalled he would even say that) This is not something I'm thrilled about.  The love of your life is dead.  I would never take joy in that.
Brock:  But you're quick to say you saw it all coming, Dana. (he echoes her name forcibly as his voice breaks.  His proceeding statement only matches his note of frustration and anger that even with his wife's recent passing, he's being drawn into Dana's tarot reading drama) That we're all casual bystanders of a future that only you can see.

Dana:  I wanted to believe I was the chosen one, and that I had the power to change the future, and it's ridiculous. How many lives have we saved?
Matthew:  Four.  WE saved four.  Michelle and Danielle wouldn't be here today if it werent' for us.
Dana:  It was fluke that almost got you and me killed, but it didn't protect Sandy Reynolds from that hitman.  What made her life nearly expendable?  How come we couldn't shield her?
Matthew:  I don't have an answer for that.  (and she didn't expect him to)
Dana:  And I was so focused on easing your pain that I missed all the signs that pointed to my own brother's turmoil.
Matthew:  Are you saying this is my fault?
Dana:  No Matthew.  I wouldn't do that.  What I am saying is maybe this gift isn't as precious as we thought it was.

***Matthew:  When I came to Hallandale, everyone thought I was out of my mind for all my pretentions of evil and visions. You were the first person to make me feel like a normal person.  We bonded over that connection.
Dana:  If that was all there was to our connection, maybe there wasn't much to began with.
Matthew:  How can you say that?
Dana:  Because my family is in shreds, Matthew.  Your brother is alive, my brother doesn't want to be alive.  His wife is dead, and my tarot is reminder of what he's lost.  It sickens me to look at them.
Matthew:  You're not the Dana I know.  The one that had undying faith up until the bitter end.  The woman that I love.

Matthew can sense that the statement rattled her, but Dana refused to show it.  In fact, the more she went on about needing to protect her family, the quicker she seemed to trudge that stake through his heart.
Dana:   I have to be there for my brother, like I should have been.  He needs me now.
Matthew:  Well, I can't argue with what you feel you need to do.  But word of advice, making yourself a martyr is not going to bring Samantha back and it's not going to help your brother. 

If there were more words to exchange, Dana couldn't find them.  Matthew ultimately spoke for the both of them as he extended a kiss to her cheek and whispered that he would "See her around" before seeing himself out the door.

(<- Trio ->)
Mindy:  Morgan is a business man.  He make these type of decisions everyday.  You act like he's exacting some personal vendetta.
Billy:  You weren't there when I confronted him, Mindy.  This felt personal.
Mindy:  Of course it did.  Fantasy Inc. was close to your heart, but even you have to admit that the numbers wouldn't have encouraged any type of lucrative investment from outside backers.
Billy:  Yes, I admit that Fantasy has been in a rotten state, but your new boyfriend used that to his advantage.
Mindy:  Why?  Why would he do that Billy?  The two of you don't even know one another.
Billy:  I don't know what his personal beef is, but after you make an enemy or two, you can tell when someone is out to get you.
Mindy:  Morgan is not Javier Sanchez, and if you took the time to know him instead of trying to profile him, you would see that.
Billy:  Well, you can forget that.  There is no way I'm fraternizing with that egotistical SOB, and if you had any type of allegiance to us, you wouldn't be either.
Crystal:  Billy?!
Mindy:  It's alright, Crystal.  I'm going to forget that he said that because I know that the loss of Fantasy is still very raw.  But I will say who I choose to spend my time with off the clock is none of his damn business.
Crystal:  Maybe we should just go back to reviewing the menu.
Mindy:  I think I'm due for a lunch break.  Perhaps we can convene this later.
Crystal:  Sure.

Crystal answered just as Mindy made an about face for the exit.  With Mindy gone, a displeased Crystal tossed the menu aside and turned her focus to Billy.
Billy:  I know.  I shouldn't have said that, and I'll apologize the next time I see her.  It's just-- thinking about that man and the way he dismissed me still makes my blood boil.
Crystal:  Well honey, you need to get it under control because the last thing we want is for it to affect our business relationship with Mindy.
Billy:  You're right. (Billy gave her an appreciative hug and kiss) 

(<- Hallandale Pier ->)
After spending an hour and a half at the police station sobering up with his brother, Brock was released from his brother's custody on the promise that he wouldn't drink any more alcohol.  Instead, Brock restricted himself to the contents of the water bottle that his brother gave him.  It wasn't long before the widower found himself standing on the docks of the Hallandale Pier, the bright encompassing sun shining down on him as he leaned over the rail to gaze at the warm, inviting water below.  He could see a scatter of ducks near the surface, swimming freely without a care as the waves from the north swept in at every 30 to 60 second interval.  How he wished he could go back to blindly living each day as if another would come, only this time he would take that extra second to tell his wife how much he loved her.  He would indulge himself with one phone call in the middle of the day to his wife, knowing she would be knee deep in hospital rounds...  Brock reckoned he would have done a lot differently if he had known how short his and Samantha's time would be.

Bowing his head down, a tear trickled down his face as a hand touched his shoulder from behind.  When Brock looked up in the direction of the invasive hand, he was surprise to find it belonged to his brother-in-law, Royce.

***Discussing one's mortality really has a way of draining a person, or so that was how Malina Ramirez felt when she arrived home with her fiance about an hour ago.  Now snuggled comfortably in Anton's arms, it seemed wrong that she was enjoying this small comfort when people she knew were suffering.
Malina:  You think Royce is going to be okay?
Anton:  I'd liked to think so.  I mean, he's a tough guy, but the death of a relative can be a hard thing to reconcile with sometimes, and he and Samantha were really close.
Malina:  I just-- I really feel fortunate to still have you and my family.

Malina shared with him as she fiddled with her engagement ring, her mind drifting briefly to the moment she was shot.  Just imagining the bullet penetrating her flesh again was like a jolt to her body, knocking her back to present day and forcing her to wonder what might have happened had Shaquanna not intervened that night.
Anton:  and we're lucky to have you.  Come here.

He pulled her in closer, wrapping his hands in hers as he kissed her gently on the forehead and then on the lips before perking his ears to the sweet sound of the quiet around them.

(<- Hallandale Pier ->)
Sometimes, life had a way of laughing out loud at you.  Royce Keller spent the last two and half years quietly tolerating his sister's husband, and now for the first time, he felt like the two had found some common ground.  Royce knew the tears that cracked through his brother-in-law's eyes were for Samantha, and he knew exactly how Brock was feeling.  Pleasantries were pointless, a viewpoint that Brock himself shared.  Instead, Royce directed his eyes to the scene that had affected Brock.
  Samantha would love this.
Brock:  I thought so too.  There's just something about being here that makes me feel closer to her, you know?
Royce:  Yeah, I remember when we were kids and our parents would take us down near the shore.  As long as we stayed away from the water, we could sit and watch the ducks.  If we were lucky, they would come ashore and we got to feed them.  "Wow, so long ago."  (his voice cracked slightly)
Brock:  Yeah, it's funny how the memories keep flooding back.  But that's all they are, images in my head that I can't touch, that I can't see-- do you know what I ask myself each and every day that I wake up and realize she's not here with me?

Royce shook his head no as his eyes remained fixed on his brother-in-law.  The non-verbal communication came as no surprise to Brock, who continued looking outward at the raging water below as the sun started to go down.  Brock could never share this with his sister or brother, but Royce, he knew would be the only one who could possibly relate to the feeilng.
Brock:  "Why am I still here?"  My wife is dead, by all intensive purposes, I should be too.
Royce:  And I was her big brother.  I should have been able to save her.  Or at the very least, by her side when she died.
Brock:  You didn't know.
Royce:  No, no I didn't.  I didn't choose for my sister to die.  Someone else made that decision for us, and now we have to decide how to go from here.
Brock:  How?
Royce:  I don't know.  (He answered pointedly as he and Brock watched the little bit of sunlight they had left quickly fade behind the dark clouds)

(<- Springfield Lakes Resort :: Dana Lombard's Place ->)
Matthew's Voice:
 "Those cards are a part of you, Dana.  There not stupid."

As much as Dana Lombard tried not to hark on what her friend had said, she found her eyes drawn to the "unsightly" stack of tarot cards she had neatly tucked away in her underwear drawer.  For as long as she could remember, the tarot had been a source of hope and guidance for her, and through the tarot, she had been able to pass on that hope to her friends and family.  Yet ever since she arrived in Hallandale, Massachusetts, her tarot has been linked to one disaster after another.

Male Voice #2: "You expect me to believe a bunch of stupid cards told you my wife was going to be killed?"
Male Voice #1: "This is no dysfunction, that's what critics wants us to believe.  This is the power of something special given to us.  It's our purpose on earth and you might be able to ignore it..., but you cannot bury it."
Dana: "This power we have is not a bad thing, we can help people in a way that no one else can."
Male Voice #1:  "It brought us together...  I know we're friends, but there's this connection between us and not just universally, but mentally, physically, emotionally--
Dana:  "I feel it too." 
Male Voice #3: "That is enough!  I have had it with you and those cards.  They cannot predict the future."
Male Voice #1:  "Those cards are a part of you, Dana."
Male Voice #2: "[No], you're quick to say you saw it all coming, Dana. That we're all casual bystanders of a future that only you can see."

Dana realized if she was going to help her brother, it would have to be without the aid of her tarot.  She had to close herself off from that world for good, and she intended to do that as she shut the drawer to her preciously guarded possession... forever?

(<- Unknown Location :: Hallandale, Massachusetts ->)
As darkness fell upon the tensive night sky, a faceless woman ran like wind toward her car.  Betrayal and anger filled her heart as she sped off into the open night with no intention of looking back.  In fact, there was only one destination in mind as she locked her hands on the steering wheel, keeping her eyes dead set on the road ahead.  Passing stop light after stop light, she surveyed her rear and side view mirrors for signs of a tail.  The sense of dire duress could be felt in her finger tips.  Something was terribly wrong.  The decision she was about to make would change lives, possibly even her own.  But there was no other option, she had to right this wrong and seize what was hers.  As she veered right along the street corner, her bright headlights revealed a man crossing absently across the street as his face glared into her iris before the unsteady impact.  The sound of the car screeching to avoid the target could be heard as a scream ringed through the air, jolting Crystal Perez from her nightmare and stirring Matthew Pryce as his eyes opened.  His throat dry, a bead of sweat pouring down his face - he didn't know what to make of this dream.  Crystal, however, knew as she glanced over at Billy sound asleep in their air conditioned home that the chill temperature was a forecast of something to come.  The tragedy was far from over and she feared this one, too, would hit close to home.

Click here for Episode 315