Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives": Summer of Seasonal Eruption
ø Danielle confronted Vanessa with lab results that proved that the envious model had been drugging her for months in an attempt to shatter Danielle's perfect image.  Lucien, who refused to believe Danielle's allegations, was floored when Vanessa later confessed.  (~)

ø In a special writer's challenge episode, Sandy had a run-in with Mitchell at the local gym.  The former lovers got into argument about his recent marriage to Akeira Smith Santana. (~)

ø After spying his wife and Andrew Stokes in a heated scuffle, Derek began to wonder if his late friend, Ben Hemmings, was right to be wary of his wife. (~)

ø While repairing her flat tire, Darron and Widlin reconnected.  Meanwhile, across town, Akeira warned Juliet not to underestimate the bond between her boyfriend and his ex.

***A delightful grin crinkled acrossed Vanessa Manthroll's face as she took a quick peak inside her CM-monogrammed shopping bag, anticipating the first day of her comeback into the modeling world.  After months of watching Danielle Marquez amateur it up in front of the camera, she was going to show that little twit how it was really done.  More importantly, she and Lucien would be working side by side again.  The day couldn't get any more perfect for Vanessa as she headed out of Hallandale's local super mall, making a quick right toward the parking garage.
Reporter:  Ms. Manthroll?
Vanessa:  Yes?

She tore her eyes away from her shopping bag, only to find more than one set of eyes on her as a slew of reporters and camera men clamored around her.  The reporter, who had commandeered her attention, was a caucasian gentleman in his late 40's, dark hair that was noticeably graying at the sides, and lightly shaven.
Reporter #1:  Miles Marx, Entertainment Weekly.  How about a few quotes on your return to the modeling circuit?  How does it feel to be back?
Vanessa:  Well, I'm excited, of course.  Modeling is in my blood.  I can't wait to get out there and show everyone what I can do.
Reporter #2:  Modeling is not the only thing you can do though, is it?

The words curled suggestively off the tongue of Tara Banks, Past Relations Chronicles' personal mudslinger these days.  She had already made headlines with her story on the death of Ben Hemmings, and was attempting to get a slam piece on Shaquanna Nichols.  Her presence in any impromptu press session with a reporter couldn't be good.
Vanessa:  Come again?
Tara:  There are rumors circulating that you're less than thrilled with H&B's new talent.
Reporter #3:  Actually, we have sources that say you and Danielle Marquez didn't get along.
Vanessa:  Well, that is a lie.  Danielle and I understood each other perfectly.
Tara:  And do you drug all the people you understand?

Tara could practically hear the crowd cheering as she delivered her knock out question and watched some of the color drain effortlessly from Vanessa's face.  "This interview is over," pronounced Vanessa as she attempted to push her way pass the second and third reporter, only to find the first reporter flashing a microphone and his camera crew in her face.
Vanessa:  Get out of my way.
Reporter #1:  I think our public deserves an answer, don't you?  Were you drugging Danielle Marquez?

The reporter returned the microphone to Vanessa's face, anxiously awaiting an answer from the woman who just five minutes ago had been anxiously awaiting her return into the limelight.

David Guetta's Sexy Bitch lyrics:  "...They say she low down; Its just a rumor and I don't believe 'em; They say she needs to slow down; The baddest thing around town..."

After a two week break from the studio, which followed the disappointing end of the summer fashion show, Danielle had no trouble re-capturing the camera's eye as she moved her body to Guetta's lyrics.  With her long, dark hair chopped and traded in for a blondish-brown dye job that fell slightly below the shoulders, there was a heighten maturity to her technique.  She wasn't just wearing that black halo cowl halter top and sliming skirt, it was her.  The halter top hugged nicely, yet conservatively, against her tight frame, leaving no doubt that she was the woman Guetta's lyrics drooled over.

(<- Garden Ridges Park ->)
Admittedly, Darron Wolek wasn't much of a jogger, but life was too good at the moment to pass up on a morning in the sun.  He wasn't alone either as random faces, and some familiar, like Leigh Gray and Beau Devereaux, passed him by in a steady rush.  If he was feeling at all competitive, he would have half the mind to outrace them. Instead, he was focused on planning out the rest of his day, which hopefully involved a certain curly haired woman he had been seeing.  With the moderature intensity of the sun, he thought the day would be perfect for a private picnic with him and Juliet; a basket of fruit, some cut cheese and the finest wine.  A devilish grin encroached his face as he envisioned the set up.  He never thought he would be this close to someone again, not after... his thoughts are blocked by the sight of his ex, Widlin Pierre, stretching one of her legs across the park' bench.

Darron:  Another flat tire?
Widlin:  Actually, my tires are doing just fine. 

She enlightened him as she pulled her right leg down from the bench armrest.  With both feet planted on the ground, she couldn't believe she forgot how good he looked covered in sweat. 
Widlin:  How are you?
Darron:  I'm good.  (He said as he rested his hands on his waist) I was just thinking to myself what a beautiful day it is today. 
Widlin:  It definitely beats the stuffy old mansion.
Darron: (dropping his hands to the side)  So how are things with your father?  Is he behaving himself? 
Widlin: So far, he's been a model citizen. I think it helps that Akeira and Roy our back in town. His focus is completely--
Darron: Akeira's back in Hallandale?  She hasn't--
Widlin:  No.  Aside from a brief moment at the gala, our contact has been non-existent.
Darron:  Well, you let me know if she starts making trouble again.
Widlin: Thanks. I will.

Darron couldn't see it, but a faint smile brightened Widlin's face.  It warmed her heart to know after everything that happened when they were together, Darron was still willing to jump to her rescue.  Why couldn't she have realized then how much he cared for her?

(<- Trio ->)
As Crystal Perez made her way behind the bar of Trio, she was once again jolted by the sound of the car crashing in her nightmarish vision last night.  She had no idea who or what it could be about, but it worried her.  In less than a month, two good friends of hers were dead, and now there was this tension between Mindy and Billy because of this Morgan Hysterias' character.
Juliet: Crystal?

Juliet, having just arrived in the restaurant 2-3 minutes ago, called out to Crystal as she neared the bar.  It took a moment, but the fog lifted, and Crystal returned to Earth.
Crystal:  Juliet.
Juliet:  Hi.  Is everything alright?
Crystal:  Yeah, it's just been one of those months.  What can I get you?
Juliet:  Two chicken biscuits, a large side of hash browns, and 2 medium orange juice.
Crystal:  Hmmm... breakfast date with Darron?
Juliet:  Sort of.  He went jogging this morning, and I thought I would surprise him later.
Crystal:  Can't stay away, huh?  (She teased as Juliet leaned against the bar)
Juliet:  Is that bad?
Crystal:  No, not at all.
Juliet:  It's just, I haven't been with a whole lot of men.  But unlike my previous relationships, there is a comfort level with Darron.  Like it's where I'm suppposed to be.
Crystal:  Well, Darron has that way about him.  He's surely helped me through a lot.

She cringed inside as she remembered the days of Billy's former sister-in-law, Laura Sedwick.  The woman was beyond deranged; kidnapping Crystal from the hospital while she was recuperating from extensive facial scarring that she suffered at the hands of Laura, who wanted to see Crystal dead.  If Romain and Darron had not discovered her in those old, dusty mines; Laura might have gotten her wish. 
Crystal:  And I'm happy he's found someone who can appreciate that.  (She lightly tapped her hands against Juliet)  Alright, so two orange juice - medium; two chicken biscuits; and mound of hash browns.
Juliet: Correct.
Crystal:  Alright. Coming right up.

(<- Cypress Gardens Plaza ->)
Silence permeated the air as the reporter waited for a response from Vanessa, who reinforced her grip on her shopping bags.  She had enough of this 3-ring circus.
Vanessa:  I said get out of my way.
Tara:  So you're not going to deny the allegations that you've been drugging Danielle Marquez?  (She raced in the path of Vanessa's descent)  Come on, Ms. Manthroll.  This is your chance to tell your side of the story.
Vanessa:  I have no comment.  Now excuse me.

She shoved the teancious reporter aside with pleasure as the cameramen took several snapshots between the shoving, Tara landing on her behind, and Vanessa fleeing down the plaza.  While the other two proceeded to pack up their things and call it a day, Tara Banks was another story.  She quickly dusted herself off and screamed at her camera crew.
Tara:  Don't just stand there, you idiots.  There is a story, and I'm going to get it.

Mysteries of Our Lives Title Card

With her blood still pumping from the wrap of her morning shoot, Danielle grabbed the first bottle of water she could scrounge from the cooler as Lucien made his way over, having caught the tale end of her shoot.  The two had not spoken with one another since the night of the fashion show, when Danielle revealed that his dearest friend, Vanessa, had been drugging her in an attempt to win his love.  He still couldn't believe it now, two weeks after the fact.
Lucien:  Hey.
Danielle:  Hi.

She gulped down hard on another sip of water before nervously tightening the cap on her water bottle.  Lucien, meanwhile, tucked his sweaty palms in his pockets.
Lucien:  Look, I just want to say how sorry I am for what went down at the fashion show.
Danielle:  It's okay.
Lucien: No, no it's not.  I may have known Vanessa a lot longer, but I have also worked closely with you these past couple of months.  I should have known that you wouldn't lie about something that serious unless you really believed it to be true.
Danielle:  I didn't help matters by pretending everything was okay this whole time.  Plus, I know how hard it is to hear something so conflicting about someone you know and trust.

Her mind harkened back briefly to the day she learned that her ex, Brett Delgado, had been inadvertedly working for the people responsible for her brother-in-law's death.
Danielle:  I really don't hold it against you.
Lucien:  I'm glad.  I've really enjoyed working with you. I would hate for any of that unpleasantness to ruin things.
Danielle:  It hasn't, but I should warn you that I don't think Vanessa and I would be holding hands and singing Kumbaya any time soon.  (Danielle couldn't help but let out a light-hearted chuckle, which Lucien returned as he brought one of his free hands to his lips in order to stifle his amusement)

(<- Sky Lansing Condos :: Akeira and Mitchell's Place ->)
Akeira Smith Desmores had just finished setting aside the fresh pot of coffee when the front door to her condo slammed shut, blowing in her husband.  She picked up the nearby baby monitor, and was relieved to hear that the brief disturbance hadn't woke up her son.
Akeira:  Good morning?
Mitchell:  Sorry.
Akeira:  Rough morning at the gym?
Mitchell:  Yeah. You could say that.
Akeira:  Well, Roy is still sleeping soundly. Perhaps I can interest you in another type of workout.

She winked suggestively as she wrapped her arms around him.  With her body so close to his, Mitchell took in the fragrance she was wearing.  She always smelled ravishing to him, and she was.  Yet since he returned to Hallandale, he had not been intimate with his wife.  Part of it had to do with the full-time job of raising Roy, but in moments like this, he resisted.
Mitchell:  As tempting as that sounds, I have a client.  So I should probably just shower up before heading out again.
Akeira:   Well, who says you have to shower alone?  I'm sure I can help you reach some of those hard to reach places.

She whispered into his ear before kissing him with her sultry lips. Only problem was it was Sandy's face and Sandy's words - "we both know that Akeira Smith Santana is not the one.." - he saw and heard.  Akeira could see as she backed away that he was rattled by something.
Akeira:  What's wrong?
Mitchell:   Nothing.  I think I'm just-- nervous with this being my first case in like forever.
Akeira:  Are you sure that's all it is?
Mitchell:  Yeah, just my nerves.  I don't want to blow it with this client, and I think you and me in the shower together would be too much of a distraction. Plus, I don't want to risk Roy waking up and neither one of us being there.
Akeira:  I guess you have a point, especially with Alexander and his PIs lurking around. But I want a raincheck mister.
Mitchell:  Certainly.

He kissed her quickly on the lips before retreating to the back room.  Akeira, meanwhile, stood in the middle of her living room, trying to decipher what just happened between her and Mitchell, or rather, lack there of.  Maybe he was on edge because of his meeting with that new client, maybe that's all it was.  Or so she hoped as she heard the shower in the bathroom start to run.

(<- Garden Ridges Park ->)
Widlin and Darron had agreed to race one another around the park three times, the first to complete the task being named the successor.  Darron had managed to stay ahead for the first two laps, but by the third lap, Widlin found herself with a decent lead over her ex.  Both were physically tired as they tried to keep their nimble legs above ground, all the while, oozing in sweat from the hot blazing sun.  The moment of truth came narrowing quickly as Widlin neared the finish line, with Darron gaining speed close behind.  With defeat mixed in the sweat that had made its way into his mouth, Darron attempted to pull his ex- away from the finish line by grabbing hold of the back of her shirt.  His grip, however, wasn't strong enough as Widlin went springing into the bench, shouting "Three" triumphantly in between giggles.
Darron:  You cheated.
Widlin:  (slightly out of breath at first)  What?  How do you figure?
Darron:  That?   (He pointed to her Cheshire grin)  It would blind any man.
Widlin:  You always did know how to flatter a woman.
Darron:   Yeah.  I could just never keep one.
Widlin:  It's not all your fault, at least, speaking from our own experience.

Darron couldn't deny that a huge part of him blamed, even resented, Widlin for their break-up.  If she had trusted that he was a changed man, and that her money was the least motivating thing about their relationship, her father may not have been as successful in tearing them apart.
Darron:  Sometimes I think it's karmic retribution-- you know?  For all the women I used?
Widiln:  I don't believe that.  You did your time.  If anyone is due for karmic retribution, that would be me.
Darron: You acted in self-defense.  (He scanned the area before continuing)  Ralph Lynchetterette was going to rape you.
Widlin: and in a state of panic, I helped bury his body, not allowing his family and loved ones the opportunity to grieve.  How do I justify that?
Darron:  You did what you did because you were scared out of your mind.  It wasn't a decision you made maliciously or without regret.  Unfortunately, you can't go back and change what's already happened.
Widlin:  Yeah, that's one lesson I've learned far many times than I care to count.
Darron:  I think we all have.
Widlin:  You know, it feels great being able to talk with you like this again.
Darron:  You too.   (He smiled as his girlfriend wandered up the path with her goodies from Trio, only to find her mood souring upon finding Darron and Widlin in yet another secret meeting)

***Watching Darron and Widlin enjoying one another's company played havoc with Juliet's mind as she tried to suppress Akeira's warnings.  "Darron and Widlin were simply having a conversation, nothing more, nothing less," she told herself.  She just needed to get over there and make sure Widlin knew that.
Widlin:  So, I do believe you owe me lunch.
Darron:  I think the term is actually rematch.
Widlin:  No.  I won fair and square.  A deal is a deal.
Darron:  Alright.  (he chuckled, finding a great deal of amusement in watching Widlin defend the legitimacy of her win)  When would you like to do lunch?
Widlin:  Well--
Juliet:  Darron!
Darron:  Juliet?! 

He consciously widened the space between him and Widlin just as Juliet alerted the two of them to her presence in the park.  When he saw her beautiful angelic face approaching him, Darron suddenly felt guilty that he was having such a good time with Widlin.
Darron:  You remember Widlin?
Juliet:  Yes.  Nice to see you again. 
Widlin:  Likewise.

Widlin answered with a hint of suspicion, taking note of how casually Juliet slipped to Darron's side.
Widlin:  Well, I should probably get myself cleaned up.  Darron, I'll call you later about lunch?!
Darron:  Yeah.  Sure.

Widlin picked up on the feigned disinterest in his voice, more than likely for Juliet's benefit.  A lunch date between him and her probably wouldn't come across as completely innocent to his current girlfriend.
Widlin:  Alright.  Enjoy the rest of your afternoon.
Darron:  Thanks.  You too.  (Widlin turned away from the couple and began jogging down the path.  Meanwhile, Juliet took a step back from Darron and attempted to break down the questions running through her head -- namely, why was he having lunch with his ex?)
Juliet:  Lunch?
Darron:  It was a silly proposition, one that I lost.  So what do you have?

He directed her to the bench, where the two sat down as he attempted to move the topic from Widlin.
Juliet:  Umm... two chicken biscuits from Trio. I thought I would surprise you.  I just didn't realize you would have company.
Darron:  Great, I'm starving.  (He digged into the bag and pulled out one of the wrapped biscuits)  Widlin and I just ran into one another.  It was no big deal.
Juliet:  I just didn't realize you two were talking again. 
Darron:  You're not jealous, are you?   (Juliet does not even justify the question with a response, her eyes pretty much urging him to assure her that she shouldn't be)  Widlin and I are friends.
Juliet:  Does she know that?
Darron:  Where is all this coming from?

Flashback, Episode 313

Akeira:  ...Darron has certainly moved on, but don't fool yourself into thinking she has. Widlin Pierre still has designs on your man, and if I were you, I would be very worried about that.
Juliet:  I'm not going to live in fear of what some stuck up ex- girlfriend of Darron's may or may not do.
Akeira:  That's admirable, putting your trust in a man that has made a career out of conning wealthy women.
Juliet:  Well, I'm not wealthy, and I'm not being conned, at least not by Darron. The verdict's still out on you.
Akeira: I assure you, this is no con...

Darron:  Is this about that psychic hack job that was at the gala?
Juliet:  I see the way she looks at you, Darron.  She's not over you.
Darron: Even if that's true, you're the one I'm with.  You have nothing to worry about. So forget about the psychic, and forget about Widlin.

He moved into kiss her, but she pulled away.
Juliet:  It's not just that.
Darron:  What else is there?
Juliet:  I had a run-in with Akeira Desmores a few days ago. She said some things about you and Widlin.

(<- Sky Lansing Condos :: Akeira and Mitchell's Place ->)
Like an unpredictable hurricane, Mitchell ran from his and Akeira's bedroom to the living room, his shirt and tie still undone, clearly on the prowl.
Mitchell:  Hey, have you seen my --   (Before he could even finish the statement, his wife waved a pair of dress socks midway through the air.  Mitchell let out an amused grin, thanking her before acquiring the socks)
Akeira: No problem.

Mitchell grabbed a seat on the couch to slip on his dress socks and shoes.  When he finally stood, Akeira moved over to help him with his tie after buttoning his shirt.
Akeira:  I packed you a light snack to eat on the way.
Mitchell:  You're too good to me.
Akeira: Consider it a show of my appreciation.

Her hand lingered on his chest after she finished with his tie, a suggestive silence passing between them. Before either could speak, the sound of Roy wailing disrupted them.
Akeira:  There he goes again.
Mitchell:  I would--
Akeira:  No, you go ahead and make your appointment.  I'll take care of our little disturbance.
Mitchell: Alright, I shouldn't be long.

He moved into kiss her on the lips, but the sight of Sandy's face caused him to vere for her cheek instead. He wore a nervous grin as he pulled back and scurried for the door. Once out the door, he advised himself rather exasperately to get a grip.

(<- H&B Fashions Studios ->)
Michelle, Danielle and Lucien were looking over some of Danielle's recent shots when their attention was diverted to the sound of the front door being forcefully shut by Vanessa Manthroll.  Michelle, who happened to be the closest to the entrance, took a few concerned steps toward Vanessa while Danielle and Lucien watched curiously from where they had been standing.
Michelle:  What is going on?
Vanessa:  Why don't you ask your sister?  I'm sure she's the one behind it.

Vanessa fixed her eyes on Danielle, convinced that this was an open and shut case.  Michelle, however, was curious to see if Danielle could shed light on what Vanessa was talking about.
Michelle:  Danielle?
Danielle:  I have no idea what she's talking about.
Vanessa:  Yeah right.  (She looked away from Danielle, shifting her focus back on Michelle.  She knew with the right amount of dejection, she would gain sympathy from Michelle and Lucien)  I was cornered outside Cypress Millennium Mall this morning by half a dozen reporters, who had plenty of questions about our working relationship. 
Danielle:  Well, you know how the press is once they get their hands on something.

Catching onto Danielle's not so subtle remark, Vanessa charged forward toward the novice model, who was still standing closely to Lucien.
Vanessa:  I will not stand by and allow you to drag my name through the mud.
Danielle:  I really don't think you need my help with that.  You really are unbelievable.  It is because of you that I lost out on an opportunity to model for a huge clientele base in Europe, and you have the nerve to come in here and whine about a situation that you created.
Lucien:  (fearing this verbal slam down would only get uglier if someone to intervene, he inserted himself in the middle of the two women, his back to Danielle)  Why don't we all just take our separate corners?  Van, let's talk.

Vanessa grunted in frustration before unlocking her eyes with Danielle and following Lucien down the hall.
Michelle: Well, that was entertaining.  Is this how things are going to be around here from now on?

Danielle barely hears the question as it passes her sister's lips, but once it resonates, she's sure that her sister doesn't want to hear the answer itching off the tip of her tongue.

***Danielle:  I'm not going to cowtip around Vanessa Manthroll if that's what you're asking.
Michelle:  I just need to know if you two will be able to keep things professional.
Danielle:  I'm here, aren't I? Even though you refused to fire that woman?
Michelle:  What Vanessa did was wrong, but it is hardly grounds for dismissal.
Danielle:  Yeah, I get it. You feel as though you owe her because she was here to see H&B off the ground.  But, I for, one am tired of giving her a free pass.
Michelle:  I'm not use to seeing this side of you.
Danielle:  What side?
Michelle:  Hard. Unforgiving.
Danielle:  You expect me to forgive a woman who was pumping me with street drugs?
Michelle:  I suppose that does sound a little far-fetch.
Danielle:  Oh! Almost as far-fetch as the fact that my own sister would keep on that druggist and expect me to smile and pretend that it's okay.

Vanessa let out another frustrated groan once she entered the dressing room, free from the roaming eyes of Danielle Marquez.  Lucien followed right behind her, shutting the door as she continued her rant.
I can't believe that little twit.  I am sure she's the one that went to the press, probably her idea of exacting some type of revenge and she's not done yet. I mean, did you notice her conveniently cropped, blond hair? I wouldn't be surprise if she's trying to convince Michelle to toss me out this very minute.
Lucien:  Are you done?
Vanessa:  You sound-- annoyed?
Lucien:  I'm just having a hard time recognizing the woman standing in front of me.  You drugged a woman against her will.  Do you honestly think she doesn't have a right to be upset?
Vanessa:  Well, that didn't take long.
Lucien:  What?
Vanessa:  You rushing to Saint Danielle's defense.
Lucien:  Let's not make this about Danielle. This is about you, and if you cannot see the implications of what you've done, then we have a huge problem.

(<- Undisclosed Location ->)
Mitchell Desmores waited anxiously in the secluded booth at the seedy, low-rent dive bar for his client to arrive  After glancing at his watch for the third or fourth time since he arrived, he took a swig of his beer glass in an effort to distract his mind.  Once he sat his beer glass back down in front of him, he noticed a muscled-bound man in jeans and a t-shirt, presumably latino, early to mid-30s, nervously headed his way.
Derek:  Mitchell Desmores?
Mitchell:  Yes.  (He stood up to formally greet the 6' 2'' gentleman with a handshake)  You must be Derek?
Derek:  Am I that obvious?
Mitchell:  Let's just call it an observation.  Why don't we have a seat?
Derek: (he sat down clenching his fists down on the table in front of him)  This still feels a little weird.  I mean, I never imagined I would be using a PI to investigate someone --
Mitchell:  It's okay.  Believe me, you aren't the first one to my services for personal reasons.  But like I explained over the phone, whatever we discuss, you have my complete discretion.
Derek:  I appreciate that.
Mitchell:  So why don't you tell me a little about the situation and we can go from there.
Derek:  It all started the day I met and married my wife, Shalia Mendez.

(<- Garden Ridges Park ->)
Darron:  You talked to Akeira about us?
Juliet:  She approached me. Said she felt it was her duty to warn me about Widlin and this secret you two were harboring.
Darron:  Her duty?!

He let out a sour chuckle as he turned away from Juliet, allowing his venomous feelings for Akeira Smith Desmores to spill naturally from his lips.
Darron:  I can't believe the nerve of that lying, gold-digging-- Sorry!
Juliet: No, I'm sorry.  I take it you and Akeira aren't close.
Darron:  We were about as close as one would want to get to a scorpion's nest.  She's hurt a lot of people.  And believe me, this town rejoiced when she disappeared off the face of the earth-- (he paused, turning away from Juliet as his mind drifted to Wildin and the repercussions that Akeira could bring down)  And now she's back and clearly making up for loss time.
Juliet: (unable to ignore the growing reporter in her)  But why does she have it out for you?
Darron:  Because I wouldn't stand by and allow her to hurt the people I care about.

Juliet could see with the intensity in his eyes that this was certainly a woman that had rubbed Darron the wrong way in the past.  She only wondered if the fire in his eye was brought on by her, or by the person or persons he was protecting from Akeira.  And as much as she hated taking her mind there, could one of those persons have been Widlin Pierre?

***After about an hour of focusing on everything and everyone else except for themselves, Darron and Juliet explored some delight at the bottom of their bag of hash brown, feeding one another a few strings at a time.  Darron smirked when remnants from his next cycle ended up falling down Juliet's blouse.  Juliet could see the wheels turning in his head, and told him not to even think about it.  Darron turned away disappointed, only to see Sandy Reynolds blindely headed their way.
Darron:  Sandy.
Sandy:  (looking up from the dull ground) Oh, hi guys.
Juliet:  Hi. You Okay?
Sandy:  Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?  Life is grand.

Juliet and Darron knew just by looking at her that life was far from grand.  In fact, Darron wondered how anyone could be okay knowing they were traded in for Akeira Smith Santana.
Darron:  Why don't I let you two talk?
Sandy:  No, don't interrupt your day on the account of me.
Darron:  Actually, I have something I need to take care of.  Meet you at your place, later?
Juliet: Sounds like a plan.

Juliet leaned into kiss her boyfriend, being sure to leave him with a good preview of tonight's attractions.  Sandy shifted uncomfortably, trying to give the couple a little privacy.  Thankfully, their lips were only engaged for about a minute or two before Darron rose from the parked bench.  As he walked pass Sandy, he advised her to hang in there.  She simply smiled, and moved awkwardly to sit down next to Juliet.
Sandy: You two really didn't need to cut your date short for me.
Juliet: We didn't. We're simply going to meet up later. Now stop avoiding the subject, and tell me what's wrong.  (She said, patting her friend's leg)
Sandy:  What isn't?  I had a run-in with Mitchell earlier.
Juliet:  And let me guess?  He's still committed to Akeira.
Sandy:  Yeah, that's what he wants me to believe.  That Akeira and their son are his life now.
Juliet:  But you don't?
Sandy:  How can I, Juliet?  I know what's in my heart.  What I don't know is how many more times I can set myself up for the same rejection over and over and over again.

(<- Undisclosed Location ->)
Mitchell:  So your friend Ben was actually investigating your wife prior to his death?
Derek:  Yes, he and Shalia didn't get along.  He's always been very suspicious of her.  At one point, we did have a thorough investigation done, but the dossier disappeared shortly following a blackout.
Mitchell:  And you didn't suspect that Shalia was involved?
Derek: I don't know what I thought at the time. Shalia and I were getting to know one another. So I chose to give her the benefit of the doubt, I suppose.
Mitchell:  Clearly the honeymoon's over.  What do you know about your wife?
Derek: Well, she was born and raised in New Orleans.  She has one sister. She works for an import/export business here in town, Colbert Industries.  She doesn't say a whole lot about her parents, but I presume their still in the picture -- at least her father.  From what she told me, he seems like the strict overprotective type. She hasn't been married before to my knowledge. I suspect she has a connection to this drifter in town -- Andrew Stokes, who has been incidentally hanging around my best friend's wife.
Mitchell:  So are you looking to find out more about this Andrew Stokes fellow as well?
Derek: Yes.  I just get the feeling there is more than meets the eye with this guy, which I suppose is why it's a bit daunting for me to think he has some sort of connection to my wife.
Mitchell:  I understand.  Where was your friend headed to prior to his plane crash?
Derek:  Coral Springs.
Mitchell:  Interesting?  I used to live there.

Even though he recently came back from a long extended vacation in Coral Springs, the feelings that place conjured up felt like a completely different lifetime.  When he realized Shalia may have lived there at one point, he also realized how truly out of his element he was for not asking for a picture earlier.
Mitchell:  Do you have a photo of your wife?   (He studied it brieftly)  No, I don't we've crossed paths, but she is beautiful.  I can see why you're hesitant to believe the worst about her.  Any idea what significance Coral Springs could have for her?
Derek:  No.  She's never mentioned it.
Mitchell:  Well, I do have a few connections in Nevada, so if there is a significance, it won't take long to find out.

(<- H&B Fashions Studios ->)
Vanessa: I realize what I did was wrong. I just didn't feel like I had any other choice at the time. And I know you don't want to see it, but Danielle Marquez is not the saint you think she is.

Meanwhile, Danielle found it harder and harder to look at her sister, and even when Michelle attempted to explain that she did not expect her sister to forgive and forget, her words combined with Michelle lightly touching her back just made Danielle recoil all the more.
I don't expect you to be okay with what Vanessa's done. I do expect you and Vanessa to remain professional and leave your animosity for one another at the door.

Danielle simply shook her head, realizing that her sister was obviously to wrapped up in whatever debt she felt she owed Vanessa Manthroll to really understand the personal violation Danielle suffered.
Michelle:  What?
Danielle: I'm not the one with the problem. Were you not just watching when she attacked me over something that is her own fault?  I have tried the cordial game with her, and it doesn't work.  Frankly, I don't feel comfortable working in the same building with her after everything that has happened.
Michelle:  Look, I'll talk to Vanessa and I'll make sure that she keeps her distance.
Danielle:  It's not enough.  As much as I would like to believe that one stern warning from you is going to get that woman to back off, I know better.  There is only one thing I can do now.  (With her voice so final, Michelle feared that Danielle was contemplating walking from H&S altogether)

Lucien wasn't sure what he was doing, but he knew he had to diffuse the situation between Vanessa and Danielle before it got any worse.  If only he were able to get Vanessa to see that Danielle was not the enemy, then perhaps things wouldn't be so tense around the studio.  But even sitting down with Vanessa, who's arms were folded across her chest, Lucien felt like he was making things worse.
When I look at Danielle, I see a woman who is passionate and committed to what she is doing.
Vanessa:  Oh, so that what it is.  (She averted eye contact with him)
Lucien:  I'm not sure I understand.
Vanessa:  The attraction between you two. The sparks that the cameras can't hide.  Clearly, I'm no substitute for that kind of natural chemistry.  (She moved from her seat, suddenly feeling confined.  Lucien followed, to ensure she wouldn't leave)
Lucien:  That's not true.  You are my best friend.  The one person that I trust in this world.

He couldn't understand why she didn't see that.  After all, she was the only person he had been completely opened with about everything.  They knew one another, faults and all.
Vanessa:  I love you, Lucien. I always have. But in all the years that we have known each other, you have never looked at me the way you look at Danielle Marquez.  You have never seen the "woman" in me.
Lucien:  Of course, I have.  You are seeing something between me and Danielle that isn't there.
Vanessa:  Then why did you kiss her of all people Lucien?  Why her(Her demanding eyes pierced through his corneas, waiting for a resonable explanation that Lucien wasn't sure he had)

(<- Sky Lansing Condos :: Akeira and Mitchell's Place ->)
Akeira Smith Desmores was making goo-goo eyes at young Roy Desmores, Jr. when the sound of the doorbell broke her concentration.
Akeira: Your silly daddy must have forgot his key again.

The door bell ranged again, this time more obnoxiously, causing Akeira to rethink her first assumption as she looked through the peephole.  The sight that graced her was one that she feared would find it's way around her parts.  She took a deep calming breath, channeling her inner strength before opening the door.
Akeira:  Darron Wolek.
Darron:  You bitch!
Akeira:  Watch your mouth.  My son is in the next room.
Darron: I don't give a damn.  I don't know what rock you crawled from under or what exactly it is that you're up to, but you'll leave Juliet out of it.  Understood?

He finished his demand all in one breath, but Akeira refused to be easily threatened this time around.  He and Widlin were the one with something to lose if that secret came out, not her.
Is this the part where I'm suppose to cower to your whim?  You have nothing on me Darron.  In fact, I'm the one that's in the power seat because I can blow your precious Widlin out of the water.  And what do you think your new girlfriend is going to say when she finds out you were willing to cover up a murder?
Darron:  (scoffed) Once a blackmailer, always a blackmailer. Only your threats aren't going to work on me. You also conveniently forget the role you played in Ralph Lynchetterette's death.  I'm sure child services would be very interested in that.

Akeira's face turned an impossible shade of blue, signaling for Darron that he had indeed found her weakness.
Darron:  You see, you've underestimated me because I've been in this game long before you have.  So you keep lording that secret and you see where your child ends up.
Akeira:  Don't you dare threaten my son!!
Darron:  Whoa.  For a second there, you almost sounded like a loving mother... Stay away from Juliet!  In fact, stay away from anyone I care about or you'll see you're not the only one that can play games.

Darron backtracked from her door, confident he wouldn't be hearing from Akeira Smith Desmores again.  Meanwhile, Akeira tried to relax her racing heart as she watched Darron vanished down the sidewalk.  She needed to see her son.  After locking the front door, she went into the backroom and there he was, sound asleep in his crib.  She continued to watch his chest rise and fall with each breath until her own heartrate normalized again.

Click here for Episode 316